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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Environmental Science and Disaster Management /AECACEVS001T

Group B - I Sem. / Group A- II Sem.

(Group B will have Architecture, Arts, JMC, Mgmt. and Commerce)
(Group A will have SIRT, AC, CA, Design, Sciences and Life Sc.)

Unit 1: Introduction to Energy Science:

Introduction to energy systems and resources, sustainability & the environment, Fossil fuels,
Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels - biomass, wind, solar, nuclear, tidal.

Energy is essential for life. It is the ability to do work, and allows us to live. Energy can not be
created nor destroyed. It can be converted to one form to other. Energy can be move from one
object to another

Forms of Energy
Energy exists in many forms. Each day we experience multiple forms of energy. For example,
In the morning you eat breakfast (chemical energy),
Walk/ bike/ drive to school (mechanical energy),
Come into a classroom full of light (light energy) and sound (sound energy).
Falling to the ground is a pencil (gravitational energy)

Types of Energy
Energy can be categorized into two broad categories –
1. kinetic energy (the energy of moving objects)
2. Potential energy (energy that is stored).

The different types of energy include

thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion
energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational energy.

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Where does the energy we use come from?

Energy comes from an energy source

Energy Source : Something which provide energy.
A source from which useful energy can be extracted or recovered either directly or by means of a
conversion or transformation process

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Energy Sources and Conversion Worksheet

Fill in blanks as discussed in class

The energy forms and conversion block diagram for a light bulb.

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Can we use this energy in its form?

For example, can sunlight be directly used to power a radio? No, a solar photovoltaic panel must
be used for energy conversion. An energy system is a set of conversion technologies that convert
energy resources, such as energy from the sun, into forms that we can utilize for human needs.
Energy system means a set of production, transformation, transportation and distribution
processes of energy sources.
Energy system can be define as “all components related to the production, conversion, delivery,
and use of energy”
Energy systems are generally very complex and involve scientific knowledge from various
For example using energy available energy at our home is easy (we push a button and light is
switched on) but producing that energy and conveying it into our homes is very difficult and
complex process.
Energy "systems" developed by engineers are comprised of numerous components that work
together to get the energy content of the energy resource converted into a form that is useful to
the user and delivered to the customer. All of the components in the system must be carefully
designed to work together effectively.

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The components of an energy system must work together to transform energy into a form that
can be used in our society.

Classification of Energy Source

Different types of energy source are classification as fallows

Energy Sources

According to According to Based on Based on long Term

Occurrence Traditional Use Commercial Utility Availability

Non Non Non

Primary Secondary Conventional Commercial Renewable
Conventional Commercial Renewable

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1. Based on usability of energy

• Primary energy sources: Source of energy which are directly obtained from the nature
and used as such are called primary energy sources for example coal, oil, natural gas,
biomass etc.
• Secondary energy sources: Secondary Source of energy which are produced by
conversion of primary resources.
Petrol refined from crude oil
Chemical energy store in battery are obtain from other source
Biogas from biomass

2. Based on traditional use of Classification of energy sources

• Conventional energy sources: The forms of energy, which have been traditionally used
by many countries and commonly used, are called conventional energy sources.
Conventional sources of energy are the sources that are commonly in use since long time.
E.g. fossil fuels, nuclear and hydro resources have been in use since a long time. Also
known as traditional sources of energy
• Non –conventional energy source (Alternative sources of energy): An alternative to
conventional sources of energy is the non-conventional sources of energy Non-
conventional sources of energy refers to the sources that are identified few decades ago
and are yet in development phase These resources which are considered for large scale
after the oil crisis of 1973 is called non-conventional energy sources e.g. Solar, wind,
biomass etc.
3. Based on long-term availability of Classification of energy sources
• Non- renewable energy source: Those natural energy sources which are exhaustible and
can’t be reused e.g. fossil fuels, uranium etc.
• Renewable energy sources : Those energy sources which are inexhaustible and can be
reused again e.g. solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, water energy.
4. Based on commercial application of Classification of energy sources

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• Commercial energy source: Sources of energy which can be sold and purchased.
Those energy sources which are available in the market for a certain price are known as
commercial energy are electricity, coal and refined petroleum products.
• Non-commercial energy source: Sources of energy which annot be sold and purchased
The energy sources which are not available in the market for certain prices are known as
non-commercial energy sources. E.g. firewood, cattle, dung etc. these are main
classification of energy sources.

Difference between renewable and non renewable energy resources.

Renewable Resources Non-renewable Resources

The energy sources which cannot be used
The energy sources which can be used
again and again are known as non-
again and again are known as renewable
renewable resources

These are infinite source of energy These are finite source of energy
Inexhaustible sources of energy Exhaustible sources of energy
Low green house gases emission High green house gases emission
Green and clean sources of energy hence
Not eco-friendly
Available in unlimited amount Available in limited amount
High Initial investment but low Low initial investment but high
maintenance cost maintenance cost
Large installation land area is needed Small installation land area is needed
Exam. Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydro
Fossil fuels e.g. coal, petrol etc,

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Sustainable development
The first comprehensive definition of sustainable development was given by the Brundtland
Commission in 1987:
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Any development activity can be sustainable, if it is a dynamic process which enables all people
to realize their potential, and to improve their quality of life, in ways which simultaneously
protect and enhance the Earth’s life support systems.
if we care for the comfort of the present generation only and do not think of the needs of the
future generations, and we damage the environment by various development activities, these
activities will be termed as unsustainable. In taking every action, small or big, the possible
damages to the environment must be given full consideration and the action must not leave
behind a degraded environment. Technically, sustainable development is defined as a path of
development in which no permanent and irreparable damage is done to the environment and the
resources are kept intact for the future generations. The earth has everything for each generation,
but it depends on the proper use. The present generation can survive very well on the resources
available, but they must also leave behind enough resources for the future generations.

These are the key aspects for sustainable development.

(a) Inter-generational equity: - This emphasized that we should minimize adverse impacts on
resources and environment for future generation i.e., we should hand over a safe, healthy &
resourceful environment to our future generation. This can be possible only if we stop over
exploitation of resources, reduce waste discharge and emission & maintain ecological balance.
(b) Intra-generational equity: -
This emphasized that the development process should seek to minimize the wealth gaps within
and between nation. The technology should address to the problems of the developing countries,
producing drought tolerant varieties for uncertain climates, vaccines for infectious diseases,
clean fuels domestic and industrial use. The technological development of rich countries should
support economic growth of poor countries and lead to sustainability

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The sustainable development can be broadly classified into three different kinds
1. Environmental sustainability: no permanent damage to the environment
2. Economic sustainability: economy remains stable with equitable sharing of resources
3. Sociopolitical sustainability: maintaining social harmony and political stability
Measures for Sustainable development
1. Using appropriate technology: concept of “Design with nature”
2. 3-R approach: Minimization of resource use, use again and process to get new
product from same material.
3. Promoting environmental awareness and education
4. Carrying capacity: Supporting and Assimilative

Environmental sustainability is concerned with whether environmental resources will be

protected and maintained for future generations.

Issues of environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability is concerned with issues such as:

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• Long-term health of ecosystems. Protecting the long-term productivity and health of

resources to meet future economic and social needs, e.g. protecting food supplies,
farmland and fishing stocks.
• Intergenerational decision making. When making economic decisions, we should focus
on implications for future generations, and not just the present moment. For example,
burning coal gives a short-term benefit of cheaper energy, but the extra pollution imposes
costs on future generations.
• Renewable resources: Diversifying into energy sources that do not rely on non-
renewable resources. For example, solar and wind power.
• Prevent the consequences of man-made global warming. Policies to ensure the
environment of the planet does not deteriorate to a point where future generations face
water shortages, extreme weather events, excess temperature. – All factors that could
make living in parts of the world very difficult if not possible.
• Protection of species diversity and ecological structure. Sometimes medicines require
elements within specific plant species. If some species go extinct, it limits future
technological innovation.
• Treating environmental resources as if they have intrinsic rights and value. In other
words, we shouldn’t just rely on a monetary value, i.e. we should protect rainforests
because they deserve to be protected rather than using a cost-benefit analysis of whether
we gain financially from protecting rainforests.
• Targetting social welfare/happiness and environmental sustainability above crude
measures of progress such as GDP. Measures of economic welfare
Policies to promote environmental sustainability
• Carbon tax – a tax placed on production/consumption of carbon – e.g. burning fossil
fuels. The aim is to make users face the full social cost as opposed to just the private cost.
• Government regulation to limit harmful emissions. For example, some cities have
promised to ban diesel cars by a certain date.
• Subsidising/encouraging more sustainable environmental practices. For example, moving
toward renewable energy, like solar and wind power rather than relying on non-
renewable energy sources which create pollution.

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• Including all environmental consequences in the cost-benefit analysis of decision making.

• Shifting consumer/firm behaviour through persuasion and use of behavioural economics
– for example discouraging the use of plastic tax.

Fossil Fuel
Fossil fuels are the fuels formed by natural processes such as decomposition of dead and
buried organisms.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable and finite resources of energy. Energy resources formed over
millions of years from remains of dead plants and animals buried underneath sediment and rock.
Subsequent decomposition without the presence of oxygen, coupled with naturally occurring
heat beneath the earth and pressure from rock and dirt converted these dead plants and animal
matter into fossil fuels.

• Coal was formed from dead trees and other plant material
• Crude oil and gas were formed from dead marine organisms
Main conditions for formation of fossil fuels
• Absence of oxygen
• Presence of anaerobic micro-organism
• High temperature
• High pressure
Fossil fuels are of the following types:
1. Coal 2. Petroleum 3. Natural gas

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• It is a hard, black coloured substance made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and
• The major types of coal are- anthracite, bituminous and lignite.
• Anthracite has a higher carbon concentration and is the hardest type of coal.
• Lignite has a high concentration of oxygen and hydrogen but a low concentration of
• Bituminous is a moderate form of coal.
• Coal is processed industrially to obtain derivatives like coke, coal tar and coal gas.

Formation of Coal
• The process of formation of coal is known as coalification.
• The dense forest present in the low-lying wetland got buried in the earth, millions of
years ago.
• Soil kept depositing over them and they got compressed.
• As they went deeper and deeper, they faced high temperature and pressure.
• As a result, the substances slowly got converted into coal.

Uses of Coal
• Coal was used to produce steam in the railway engines initially.
• It is used to cook food.

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• It is used to generate electricity in thermal plants.

• It is used in industries as fuel.

• It is a clear, oily liquid, usually green or black in colour.
• It has a very strange smell and is a mixture of petroleum gas, diesel, paraffin wax, petrol,
lubricating oil, etc.
• It is also termed as “Black Gold” because of its wide range of uses in many industries.
Formation of Petroleum
• The sea animals and plants died and their bodies settled at the bottom of the sea.
• They got compressed by the layers of sand and clay.
• Their encounter with high temperature and pressure converts them into petroleum.
• The petroleum is separated from the crude oil by a series of processes in a refinery. This
is known as petroleum refining.

Uses of Petroleum
• It is used to power internal combustion engines in the form of petrol.
• It is used in roofing, road pavements and as a water repellent.
• It is used in manufacturing detergents, plastics, fibres, polyethene, etc.

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Natural gas
• It is a clean and non-toxic fossil fuel.
• It is colourless and odourless and can be easily transferred through pipelines.
• It is stored as compressed natural gas (CNG) under high pressure.
• It is a less polluting and less expensive fossil fuel.
• Methane is the most important natural gas.
Formation of Natural Gas
• The phytoplankton and zooplankton sink to the bottom of the ocean and mix with organic
materials to form an organic-rich mud.
• The mud buried under more sediments and lithifies to form an organic shale. This
prevents its exposure to oxygen. This is done to protect the organic materials from being
decomposed by bacteria.
• The increasing pressure and temperature transform the shale into a waxy material known
as the kerogen.
• At temperatures between 90-160°C kerogen is transformed into natural gas.
Uses of Natural gas
• Compressed Natural Gas is used for generating power.
• It is used as fuels in automobiles.
• It can be used at homes for cooking.
• It is used as a starting material in chemicals and fertilizers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels

• Fossil fuels are extremely efficient i.e.Fossil fuels can generate a large amount of
electricity at a single location.
• A fossil fuel plant can be set up anywhere
• They can be found very easily.
• They are cost-effective.
• Easy to store and transport.

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• Fossil fuel usage is completely under our control. Its usage is not dependent on
environmental factors
• Well developed infrastructure for fossil fuel i.e., we can use them very effectively.
• Fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide when burnt which is a major greenhouse gas and the
primary source of pollution. This has contributed to global warming.
• They are a non-renewable resource, i.e., once used they cannot be replaced.
• Combustion of fossil fuels makes the environment more acidic. This has led to
unpredictable and negative changes in the environment.
• Harvesting of fossil fuels also causes fatal diseases among the people. For eg., the coal
miners often suffer from Black Lung Disease. The natural gas drillers are constantly
exposed to chemicals and silica which is dangerous for their health.
• Oil spillage effects aquatic life

These are the natural sources of energy and have extensive applications in industrial as well as
domestic purposes.

Why to move from conventional sources to alternative sources of energy

Fossil fuels are
• Nonrenewable Energy resources
• Unsustainable Energy resources
• Treats of tragic disasters during mining viz. Miners being buried in mine collapses or
worse in mine fires
• Danger of water pollution and oil spills
• Contribute in air pollution and smog formation : Nitrogen oxide is a key emission from
vehicles, factories, and coal power plants responsible for photochemical smog
• Contribute in Acid rain, Mercury emissions and Global Warming
➢ Fossil fuels are a finite resource and need to be replaced as soon as possible to prevent
further harm to the environment. Clean energy is the only way forward. Coal, oil, and gas
pollute and disfigure the planet. If we want our children and their children to have a

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healthy world to live in, we have to invest in the new technologies that are clean,
renewable and safe. In other words there is need of alternative sources of energy like
solar, wind geothermal sources of energy.

➢ Low-maintenance energy sources

➢ Improved public health
➢ Less Global warming
➢ Inexhaustible energy
➢ Jobs and other economic benefits : Labour intensive projects
➢ Stable energy prices
➢ Infinite source of Energy
➢ Sustainable Sources of Energy

Renewable energy resources

The energy resources that can be use again and again are known as renewable resources of
energy. These resources are often also referred to as alternative or renewable energy. These
resources are often also referred to as alternative or renewable energy, mainly because they are a
fuel option that can replace conventional non-renewable fossil fuels.

• These are inexhaustible sources of energy
• Infinite source of Energy
• Sustainable Sources of Energy
• Low-maintenance energy sources
• Improved public health
• Less Global warming
• These resources constantly replenished through natural processes.
• Generally pollution free sources of energy/Green and clean sources
• Jobs and other economic benefits : Labour intensive projects

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Solar energy
One of the most popular types of renewable energy is solar power. Solar energy comes from the
sun, which supplies our entire planet with the energy we need to survive. Solar is a safe
alternative which can replace current fossil fuels like coal and gas for generation of electricity
that produce air, water, and land pollution.
Solar energy can be converted into electricity through
1. Solar thermal electric power
2. Solar cell/Solar panels
Using solar panels, we can harvest energy directly from sunlight and convert it to electricity that
powers our homes and businesses. Solar energy can also be used to produce hot water or charge
battery systems.
India's largest solar power plant is located in the Kamuthi in Tamil Nadu spread over
2,500 acres (10 sq km) and consisting of 2.5 million solar panels.
1. Solar power is pollution free and causes no greenhouse gases to be emitted after
2. Reduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels.
3. Renewable clean power that is available every day of the year, even cloudy days produce
some power.
4. Return on investment unlike paying for utility bills
5. Low maintenance Costs.
6. More Sustainable and Resilient
1. Location & Sunlight Availability. Your latitude is one of the main factors in determining
the efficacy of solar power.
2. Need of installation Area.
3. Expensive Energy Storage.
4. High initial cost: Silicon chip used in solar cell are very costly.

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Solar cell, or photovoltaic cell: A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is a device that converts
the energy of light directly into electricity It works on the principle of photovoltaic effect. The
name Photovoltaic is because of their voltage producing capability.

The semiconductor materials like silicon and selenium are used for making the cell. The upper
surface of the cell is made of the thin layer of the p-type material so that the light can easily enter

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into the material. The metal rings are placed around p-type and n-type material which acts as
their positive and negative output terminals respectively.
When light reaches the p-n junction, the light photons can easily enter in the junction, through
very thin p-type layer. The light energy, in the form of photons, supplies sufficient energy to the
junction to create a number of electron-hole pairs. The incident light breaks the thermal
equilibrium condition of the junction. The free electrons in the depletion region can quickly
come to the n-type side of the junction.
Similarly, the holes in the depletion can quickly come to the p-type side of the junction. Once,
the newly created free electrons come to the n-type side, cannot further cross the junction
because of barrier potential of the junction.

Similarly, the newly created holes once come to the p-type side cannot further cross the junction
became of same barrier potential of the junction. As the concentration of electrons becomes
higher in one side, i.e. n-type side of the junction and concentration of holes becomes more in
another side, i.e. the p-type side of the junction, the p-n junction will behave like a small battery
cell. A voltage is set up which is known as photo voltage. If we connect a small load across the
junction, there will be a tiny current flowing through it.
Traditional solar cells are made from silicon;
second-generation solar cells/ thin-film solar cells) are made from amorphous silicon or
nonsilicon materials such as cadmium telluride.
Third-generation solar cells are made from variety of new materials, including solar inks, solar
dyes, and conductive plastics.

Solar thermal electricity is generated in two stages.

In the first stage, solar energy is captured in the collectors and is used to heat a working fluid
which may be water or molten salt.
The second stage deals with the energy transformation in which electricity is generated by
allowing steam to run a turbine or an engine.

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A heat transfer fluid is heated as it circulates through the receiver in the collectors. The heated
fluid runs through a heat exchanger to generate high-pressure steam which is fed to a separate
circle to drive a conventional steam turbine.
The consumed steam from the turbine is condensed into liquid ready to be heated again in the
steam generator to complete the circle.
Solar thermal power plants are electricity generation plants that utilize energy from the Sun to
heat a fluid to a high temperature. This fluid then transfers its heat to water, which then becomes
superheated steam. This steam is then used to turn turbines in a power plant, and this mechanical
energy is converted into electricity by a generator. This type of generation is essentially the same
as electricity generation that uses fossil fuels, but instead heats steam using sunlight instead
of combustion of fossil fuels.[2] These systems use solar collectors to concentrate the Sun's rays
on one point to achieve appropriately high temperatures.

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Solar Cooker

Wind energy:
Moving air is called wind and possesses kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of wind is used to
create mechanical power. A generator can convert mechanical power into electricity. Humans
have been using wind energy for thousands of years. Historically, we have used it mainly for
grinding grain and pumping water.

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Tamil Nadu tops the list of states with the largest installed wind power generation capacity
in India.

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Wind Farm: A wind farm or wind park, also called a wind power station or wind power plant, is
a group of wind turbines in the same location used to produce electricity.

The main advantages include an unlimited, free, renewable resource, economic value,
maintenance cost, and placement of wind harvesting facilities.
Wind turbines may be dangerous to flying animals. Many birds and bats have been killed by
flying into the rotors. Wind velocity is not constant. ...
Wind Turbines are Expensive, Noisy, Create Visual Pollution.
We can produce renewable energy from moving water just like we can from moving air. Energy
is generated when moving water runs through a turbine, spinning it to produce electricity. This
often happens at large dams or waterfalls, where water drops significantly in elevation.
Hydropower projects are multipurpose, labour intensive and job orientated projects.
Tehri Dam on Bhagirathi river is the biggest, highest and tallest dam in India and also the
eighth highest dam in the world, located at Uttarakhand.

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1. Renewable. Hydroelectric energy is renewable.
2. Green. Generating electricity with hydro energy is not polluting itself.
3. Reliable. Hydroelectricity is very reliable energy.
4. Flexible. As previously mentioned, adjusting water flow and output of electricity is
1. Causes environmental damage. Due to the interruptions in the natural flow of water,
there are many identified results that can affect the environment. ...
2. Cost of building is expensive.
3. Floods in Lower Areas.
Biomass as source of Energy
Biomass—renewable energy from plants and animals
Biomass is renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals. Biomass continues to
be an important fuel in many countries, especially for cooking and heating in developing
countries. The use of biomass fuels for transportation and for electricity generation is increasing
in many developed countries as a means of avoiding carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel
Biomass contains stored chemical energy from the sun. Plants produce biomass through
photosynthesis. Biomass can be burned directly for heat or converted to renewable liquid and
gaseous fuels through various processes.
Biomass sources for energy include

Wood and wood processing wastes—firewood, wood pellets, and wood chips, lumber and
furniture mill sawdust and waste, and black liquor from pulp and paper mills
Agricultural crops and waste materials—corn, soybeans, sugar cane, switchgrass, woody
plants, and algae, and crop and food processing residues
Biogenic materials in municipal solid waste—paper, cotton, and wool products, and food,
yard, and wood wastes
Animal manure and human sewage

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Converting biomass to energy

Biomass is converted to energy through various processes, including

➢ Direct combustion (burning) to produce heat

➢ Thermochemical conversion to produce solid, gaseous, and liquid fuels
➢ Chemical conversion to produce liquid fuels
➢ Biological conversion to produce liquid and gaseous fuels
Direct combustion is the most common method for converting biomass to useful energy. All
biomass can be burned directly for heating buildings and water, for industrial process heat, and
for generating electricity in steam turbines.

Thermochemical conversion of biomass includes pyrolysis and gasification. Both are thermal
decomposition processes in which biomass feedstock materials are heated in closed, pressurized
vessels called gassifiers at high temperatures. They mainly differ in the process temperatures and
amount of oxygen present during the conversion process.

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Pyrolysis entails heating organic materials to 800–900oF (400–500 oC) in the near complete
absence of free oxygen. Biomass pyrolysis produces fuels such as charcoal, bio-oil, renewable
diesel, methane, and hydrogen.
Hydrotreating is used to process bio-oil (produced by fast pyrolysis) with hydrogen under
elevated temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst to produce renewable diesel,
renewable gasoline, and renewable jet fuel.
Gasification entails heating organic materials to 1,400–1700oF (800–900oC) with injections of
controlled amounts of free oxygen and/or steam into the vessel to produce a carbon monoxide
and hydrogen rich gas called synthesis gas or syngas. Syngas can be used as a fuel for diesel
engines, for heating, and for generating electricity in gas turbines. It can also be treated to
separate the hydrogen from the gas, and the hydrogen can be burned or used in fuel cells. The
syngas can be further processed to produce liquid fuels using the Fischer–Tropsch process.
A chemical conversion process known as transesterification is used for converting vegetable
oils, animal fats, and greases into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), which are used to produce

Biological conversion includes fermentation to convert biomass into ethanol and anaerobic
digestion to produce renewable natural gas. Ethanol is used as a vehicle fuel. Renewable natural
gas—also called biogas or biomethane—is produced in anaerobic digesters at sewage treatment
plants and at dairy and livestock operations. It also forms in and may be captured from solid
waste landfills. Properly treated renewable natural gas has the same uses as fossil fuel natural

Researchers are working on ways to improve these methods and to develop other ways to
convert and use more biomass for energy.

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Biomass Advantages
Some of the advantages of biomass energy are:

1. Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy.

2. It is carbon neutral.
As a natural part of photosynthesis, biomass fuels only release the same amount of
carbon into the atmosphere as was absorbed by plants in the course of their life cycle.
3. It reduces the overreliance of fossil fuels.
4. Is less expensive than fossil fuels.
5. Biomass production adds a revenue source for manufacturers.
Producers of waste can add value by channeling their garbage to create a more
profitable use in the form biomass energy.
6. Less garbage in landfills.
By burning solid waste, the amount of garbage dumped in landfills is reduced by 60 to
90 percent, and reduces the cost of landfill disposal and amount of land required for


1. Biomass energy is not as efficient as fossil fuels

2. Some biofuels, like Ethanol, is relatively inefficient as compared to gasoline. In fact, it
has to be fortified with fossil fuels to increase its efficiency.
3. It is not entirely clean
While biomass is carbon neutral, the use of animal and human waste escalates the
amount of methane gases, which are also damaging to the environment. Additionally,
the pollution created from burning wood and other natural materials can be considered
just as bad as that resulting from burning coal and other types of energy resources.
4. Can lead to deforestation.
5. Since wood is one of the most used source of biomass energy, vast amounts of wood
and other waste products have to be burned to produce the desired amount of power.
While currently there is enough wood waste already, there is a risk of deforestation in
the future.
6. Biomass plants require a lot of space.
While it’s difficult to find a plant that is in a convenient place in an urban area,

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While there are some downsides to biomass energy, more research and innovation is
continuing to be devoted to the field as a more widely available, cheaper alternate and
valuable substitute for traditional electricity and other energy sources.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy, generated during a nuclear reaction, by change
in the nucleus of an atom. The source of nuclear energy is the mass of the nucleus and energy
generated during a nuclear reaction is due to conversion of mass into energy (Einstein's

Two Ways to obtain nuclear energy are :

1. Nuclear fission 2. Nuclear fusion (Thermonuclear Reaction)

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion

A heavy nucleus breaks up to form two or Two or more lighter nuclei combine to
more lighter nuclei. form a heavy nucleus
It occurs only at extremely high temp of
It may occurs at room temperature
millions degree centigrade
Heavy nucleus is bombarded with neutron No need of neutron bombardment
Fully developed mechanism to control Proper mechanisms to control fusion
fission reaction for power generation reaction are yet to developed
No commercial Nuclear fusion reactor,
Nuclear fission reactor are generating
only Tokamak experimental fusion
electricity on commercial scale
reactor are available
Disposal of nuclear waste is a biggest
Nuclear waste is not generated
Emission of harmful nuclear
Not emitted
Fuel for fission reactor: U235, U233, Pu 239 Fuel for Fusion reactor : Deuterium and
etc. Tritium

Nuclear reactor (Based on Fission reaction)

Nuclear reactor helps to carry out controlled chain reaction and also produce energy in
sustained manner. Produced energy can be used to produce electric energy.

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Main Components

➢ Nuclear Fuel

Nuclear fuel is the fissionable material used in nuclear reactor. Generally, U-233, U-
235 and Pu- 239 is taken as nuclear fuel in form of cylindrical rods arranged in regular
pattern in the active reactor core.

➢ Moderator

Slow moving neutron have more tendency to facilitate fission reaction rather than the
fast moving neutrons. In order to facilitate fission reaction there is need to slow down
the neutrons. The job is done by moderator In nuclear reactors water, solid graphite or
heavy water are used as moderators.

➢ Control Rods

Nuclear reaction if not controlled can cause massive explosion. control rods made of
boron or cadmium are inserted in the reactor core The materials like Beryllium and
Cadmium rods are used as control rods which controls the chain reaction by absorbing
the neutron emitted in the nuclear reaction.

➢ Safety Rod

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In addition to control rods, the reactors are provided with safety rods. These rods can
be inserted into reactor in order to keep power generation safe.

➢ Coolant

Heat produced in the core is absorbed by coolant. Later this energy is passed to water
in heat exchanger. Thus, it produces steam. The steam is used to drive turbine coupled
with electric generator and thus, electric energy is produced. In general water or heavy
water is used as coolant. In case of high temperature, liquid sodium is used as coolant.

➢ Shielding

Nuclear fission produces hazardous radiations, therefore, nuclear reactor is kept in

concrete walls of 2 m to 2.5 m thick. This prevents radiations from reaching outside

Nuclear Fusion Reactor: Tokomak

The tokamak is an experimental machine designed to harness the energy of fusion.

Inside a tokamak, the energy produced through the fusion of atoms is absorbed as heat
in the walls of the vessel. Just like a conventional power plant, a fusion power plant
will use this heat to produce steam and then electricity by way of turbines and

Tokamak reactor is a donut-shaped magnetic containment device that is designed to

harness fusion power. First developed by Soviet research in the late 1960s. The
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Tokamak in France will be
the largest and most powerful fusion device in the world. tokamak, expected to begin
in 2025.

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Main challenges in nuclear reactor development

➢ Main problems comprise attainment of high temperature for fusion to take place.
➢ Containment : Another problem is that matter this hot exists only in the plasma state.
There are no known materials that can contain plasma. Although a magnet might be able
to do it. That’s because plasma consists of ions and responds to magnetism.
➢ plasma heating, confinement and exhaust of energy and particles, plasma stability, fusion
reactor materials, reactor safety and environmental compatibility are main challenges.
Advantages of nuclear energy
➢ No Greenhouse Gases
➢ Powerful and Efficient
➢ Reliable
➢ Cheap Electricity
➢ Low Fuel Cost
➢ Easy Transportation
Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
➢ Radioactive Waste disposal
➢ Nuclear Accidents
➢ Major Impact on Human Life
➢ Water Pollutant
➢ Aquatic Life Dangers and Threats

Tidal Energy
Tides are the alternative rise and fall of sea water levels usually twice a day due to the combined
effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, and the rotation of the Earth.
Types of Tides According to the height of the tide
High tide: when the sea water reaches its greatest height within the tide cycle.
Low tide: when the sea water reaches its lowest height within the tide cycle.
Tidal power or tidal energy is harnessed by converting energy from tides into useful forms of
power, mainly electricity using various methods.

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Department of Applied Science (SIRT)

Works by building Barrage to contain water after high tide, then water has to pass through a
turbine to return to low tide
Parts of Tidal Power station
➢ Barrage
➢ Turbines
➢ Hydro Generator

Tidal barrages or dams are constructed across a narrow opening to the sea. During high tide,
water rushes into the dam when the sea level rises. This moves the blades of the turbines which
are attached at the opening of the dam. This results in the generation of electricity.
During low tide, water moves from reservoir to the sea. This moves the blades of the turbines
which are attached at the opening of the dam. This results in the generation of electricity.
Tidal Barrage
Tidal barrages are typically dams built across an estuary and consist of turbines, sluice gates,
embankments, and ship locks.
Two types:
1. Single basin system
2. Double Basin System
➢ Renewable and inexhaustible energy sources

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➢ tidal power is free.

➢ Tidal energy produces no greenhouse gases or any other kind of pollution. —

➢ It requires no fuel.
➢ Electricity is produced reliably.

➢ Not expensive to maintain.

➢ Tides are totally predictable, enabling us to calculate when we can generate more, and

at times when the generation is low.

Some of the disadvantages of tidal energy are:
➢ High tidal power plant construction costs
➢ Negative influence on marine life forms
➢ Location limits
➢ The variable intensity of sea waves

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