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IUCN COT Msn a ‘A Special Message from CAPCOM ‘Thank you for selecting X-MEN: MUTANT APOCALYPSE for your Super Nintendo Entertainment System. CAPCOM is very proud to bring you the heroic adventures of Marvel Comics legendary X-MEN team, X-MEN: MUTANT APOCALYPSE offers 16 Megs of high resolution graphics and quality stereo sound. We hope you enjoy this addition to your Super Nintendo library. eg Maia “oe Moret Bonior Vie President WARNING: PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER INFORMATION & PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO® HAROWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. CAPCOM USA. REEEEEEES peor en prammance Feeley reds eee meee eee aera cai occ ee a ere ree wens Sea ‘A Special Message from Capcom 2 Safety Precautions. | Getting started X-MEN Notes Worranty .. 19 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Follow these suggestions to keep your X-MEN: Mutant Apocalypse Game Pak in perfect ‘operating condition. 1. DO NOT subject'Vour Game Pak to ext#éine temperatures, either hot@r cold. Always store itat room temperature. 9. DO.NOT touch the terminal connectors on your Game Pak: Keep it clean and dust free by always storing It in its protective plastic sleeve 3./DO NOT try to disassemble your Game Pok. DO NOT let your Game Pak come in contact with thinners, solvents, benzene, aleohol, or any other strong cleaning) ‘agents that can damage it. GETTING STARTED 1. Check the power switch on your Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Make sure itis OFF before inserting or removing the Game Pak. 2. Insert your X-MEN Mutant Apocalypse Game Pak into your Super Nintendo System and tum the power ON. 3. Whenlthe XoMEN title screen appears, press the START ‘button and the following options will appear MISSION MODE This option allows you to start the adventure. TRAINING MODE This option allows you te practice your skills On level one. PASSWORD ——_—This option allows youlto enter @ password, if you have already received one. (For more information on using passwords, please reac the section entited, “Using Your Password" SOUND) ‘This option allows you to select either STEREO or MONAURAL:sounds 4. Highlight the GAME START option and press the START button to begin Professor Xaviors mission briefing. After itis complete and the Blackbird has arived in Genosha, select yur X-Man and prepere to begin your individual misions. 5. To.end the game at any time, simply turn the power OFF on your Super Nintendo Entertainment System and eject your me z =ERISIS-ON-GENOSHAt Foralve me for bringing you here on such short notice X-Men, ‘but the situation in Genosha ls far worse than I once feared. ‘As you know, | have been troubled by the recent rise in anti- mutant activity on that tiny island ation. Today, | believe | have found the root of the problem. While using Cerebro to scan the island for the source of the anti-mutant upris- ing, came upon the presence of one of ‘our oldest and most deadly enemies. It ‘appears that Apocalypse has founds ‘home in Genosha. Itisnow clear that the Genoshan ‘govenment 's using Apocalypse to bring their mutent population under tighter control. But, Apocalypse must have his ‘own plans for the mutants of Genosha. ‘whatever they may be, they will only serve to accelerate the srowing conflict between mutant and humankind. Itis Lp to you my X-MEN)ito,put 2 stop to, this madness. ‘Our invasion of Genosha begins tonight. oe CONTROLLING THE -X-MEN- Using the controller, you will have access to all ofthe fighting ski and mutant ablities of each of the X-Men. But remember, control of mutant powers does not come easily and practice may mean the difference betweemiife and death. ControtPad | Start Pressing the control pad let, right or down will cause the X-Man to move lef, right or crouch, but to unleash a mutant ower youneed to repicly enter a series of movements on the control pad followediby the attack button ING THE X-MEN Descriptions of how to do these attacks can be hard to do at first, so you may want to practice in the training Mode until ‘you have them mastered. Please refer to the arrows below If you have any questions aboutitheinmeanins ‘nee you have mastered all of the skils necessary to stay alive inbbattle, you will be ready to head to.Genosha. But remember, this is nota Danger Room simulation. Every hit you take lowers your health and once your health meter is rained, not even @ mutant healing factor will save you. HEAUTH METER X-MEN PROFILES NAME: CYCLOPS REAL NAME: SCOTT SUMMERS HEIGHT: 6! 3 WEIGHT: 195 Ibs. MUTANT POWERS! Possesses the ‘mutant abilfyto discharge optic: blasts offeoncussive force from his eves. ATTACKS: PUNCH Press the Y button CRESCENT KICK Press. and the ¥ button simultaneously SUIDEKICK Press m® and quickly press the Y button STANDING OPTIC BLAST Press 14> and quickly press the Y button. JUMPING OPTIC BLAST Wile in mic-sir, press Y4™ end! quickly press the ¥ Button, ‘CROUCHING OPTIC BLAST Press™ <1 and quickly press the Y button eo ‘X=MEN-PROFILES. | NAME: WOLVERINE, REAL NAME: LOGAN HEIGHT: 53° WEIGHT: 195 Ibs. MUTANT POWERS Possesses the ‘mutant powers of superhuman senses, ality and adamantium claws: ATTACKS: SLASH Press the Y button UUPPERCUT Press 4 and the Y button simultaneously RUNNING CLAW Press =» anc! quickly press the Y utton, JUMPING SLASH While in mica, press the Y button. BERSERKER Press ¥4™ and quickly press the ¥ button. FLYING BERSERKER Wile n midair, press ¥ and quickly press | the Y button simultaneously. WALL CLIMB Jump towards the wal. Press Y to slash wile hanging. © X-MEN PROFILES NAME: PSYLOCKE REAL NAME: ELIZABETH "BETSY" BRADDOCK HEIGHT. 5111" WEIGHT: 155 Ios MUTANT POWERS! Possesses the mutant ower of telepathy, which she Uses to senerate a ‘psychic blade.” ATTACKS: ELBOW JAB Press the ¥ button. FUP KICK Press 4 and the ¥ button simultaneously. SPIN KICK Press 1 and the ¥ button simultaneously PSYCHIC KNIFE Press 14> andi quickly press the ¥ button. FLYING KNEE Press » ¥ < anc! quickly press the ¥ button. QUICK SLIDE Press *~ and quickly press the ¥ button. [NECK CRACKER As YOU land on an enemyshhead, hold ¥ and the ¥ button simultaneously, @ X-MEN PROFILES NAME: BEAST REAL NAME: HENRY "HANK" P. McCOY HEIGHT: 5111" WEIGHT 355 Ibs. (MUTANT POWERS! Possesses the mutant powers of enhanced strength, speed, agility, dexterity and acrobatic prowess. ATTACKS: PUNCH Press the Yibutton. BEAST CHARGE Press =» anc quickly press the Y button. SOMERSAULT KICK Press 4 and the Y button simultaneously ‘CROUCHING PUNCH Press ¥ and the Y button simultaneousty CEILING WALK Jump up to ceiling and press & BEAST BOUNCE As you land ofan enemy's head, hold ¥ and the Y button simultaneously e X-MEN PROFILES NAME: GAMBIT - REAL NAME: REMY LeBEAU HEIGHT: 61 WEIGHT: 195 Ios. [MUTANT POWERS! Possesses the abil ty to convert any objects stored potential energy into explosive kinetic energy ATTACKS: STAFF ATTACK Press the ¥ button LOW STAFF ATTACK Press "and the ¥ Button simultaneously, JUMPING STAFF ATTACK While n mid-air, press the ¥ button DOUBLE KICK Press 4 and the Y button simultaneously SINGLE CARD ATTACK Press» = and quickly press the Y button ‘TRIPLE CARD ATTACK Press 74* and quickly press the Y button. HIGH CARD ATTACK Press 4. and quickly press the ¥ button. USING-YOUR-PASSWORD- As the X-Men complete some oftheir missions, Professor Xavior will use Cerebro to send them passwords that will allow them to-continue their current mission. When this happens, quickly write down these password and savé them for later use. It you have'geined a password, you can retum to the mission where you gained it by selecting the PASSWORD option on the tite screen. When the Password Screen appears, press the Control pad UP or DOWN to change the picture inthe first box. (Once itis correct, RIGHT on the control pad to move to the next box Afterall the pictureslare correct, press the START ‘button and you will return to action! eT 7a ee he X-MEN SURVIVAL GUIDE * Pick up large and small X-canisters to help increase your health meter, * Search for and coleet X plates. COlléetal 3 in each stage and you will gain an extra if. ‘Learn fo use your mutant ablities wisely. Over reliance on Your mutant powers can leave you open to attack. X-MEN_NOTES. X-MEN NOTES CAPCOM USA. ne. capcom waar on cell enema hat Capon ‘Sine Pas PA] Sat recta enc tt ar warren ‘eo aya rom ate schon a tac cove ye marry ooire nd ‘is yay pti Cpa lear ores hs PAK, 8 Op, ovat aa Toren ware se 100 NOT rum you: ele Game ako etal 2 Naty no Cocco Consumes Seve Depanent te pte Sac 932 “cute ening aopre de. ur Conse” Soe Onparemeris oo" ing Scm823 AAG EOO PM Pye Tre Wonan rns 2 Capeamaanie tecnico am by phen eves yom ara Amores nee Sia eater | nSaghigefyur ace PAR arr so ogi pep ay tae) ‘Teg ogee myrtle aiplert prnane tine ay ‘sora poate “ry tt 5 eo Be gS oy ekg, ae eee tape eer = regan EAIRS ATER <1" ME WARRANTS I PAK eae: aha 90-year oy fae he {Cea Goa Se Depart eng be ee! ye ‘rupaos PAR Rrepiemen 3% msn ace PAR APS 23 Seat 5 obpament hes WARRANTY UNIONS Ay APPLICABLE PUD WABRABTIES INCLUDING WARRANTS OF INEACHANTAGLITY AND RONESSEOR APABTIGUAA PURPOSE. Ae HER DY thutred Yo nner Oays FABWIME DATEGEPUROH Se ano AE SuBECT TalTHe Conoitions Ser FORTH HEREN. WENO EVENT SHAL CAPCOM Be LTRSLE Fon CONSEQUENTIAL OM NIDENTAL DANAGES RESLATIG FROM THE BREACH OF ANY ExPACSS OF MPLED WARRANTIES. The pros otis waa ae valine Une Sates cr. Sara ster ort refine oho ogni cae rary ge ou suc ghey Pave a ge ae ay 2

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