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Heavy metal ions removal from wastewater using electrocoagulation

processes: A comprehensive review

Article in Separation Science and Technology · September 2017

DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2017.1373677


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2 authors:

Zakaria Al-Qodah Mohammad Al-Shannag

Al-Balqa' Applied University University of Jordan


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Separation Science and Technology

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Heavy metal ions removal from wastewater using

electrocoagulation processes: A comprehensive

Zakaria Al-Qodah & Mohammad Al-Shannag

To cite this article: Zakaria Al-Qodah & Mohammad Al-Shannag (2017) Heavy metal ions removal
from wastewater using electrocoagulation processes: A comprehensive review, Separation Science
and Technology, 52:17, 2649-2676, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2017.1373677

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2017, VOL. 52, NO. 17, 2649–2676

Heavy metal ions removal from wastewater using electrocoagulation processes:

A comprehensive review
Zakaria Al-Qodaha and Mohammad Al-Shannag b

Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Technology Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan; bChemical Engineering
Department, School of Engineering, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan


A vast number of publications have investigated the application of electrocoagulation (EC) Received 27 January 2017
process in heavy metal ions removal from wastewaters. Most of these studies were simple lab- Accepted 28 August 2017
scale using synthetic wastewater with the absence of holistic and systematic approach to consider KEYWORDS
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

the process complexity. This comprehensive review considers the fundamental aspects of EC Electrocoagulation;
processes such as mechanisms, kinetic models, and isotherm models used by different research- electrochemical reduction;
ers. Furthermore, the impact of the main design and process operational parameters on the heavy metal ions removal;
removal efficiency is discussed and analyzed. Many concluding remarks and perspectives are industrial wastewater
stated to give insights for possible future investigations. treatment

Introduction or compounds in terrestrial and aquatic systems.[14,15]

Most heavy metal ions are toxic by nature and have the
Nowadays, the freshwater available for human beings is
ability to diffuse into different water recourses.[14] In
only less than 1%, whereas the salty water of oceans and
addition, these substances can be bio-accumulated and
seas accounts for more than 97% of the total water on
bio-augmented.[16,17] Their toxic effects could range
Earth.[1,2] Even worse, this small 1% part is now decreas-
from physical discomfort to life-threatening illness
ing due to the continuous pollution resulting from the
including irreversible damage to vital body system.
industrial technologies, urban, agricultural, and human
Table 1 shows the major sources of heavy metal ions
activities, particularly in the third world countries.[3–5]
and their toxic effects in addition to the maximum con-
Moreover, the considerable industrialization has led to
tamination limits standards (MCLS) of some heavy
the continuous disposal of huge quantities of wastewater
metal. It is clear from Table 1 that the heavy metals like
to the environment. This wastewater contains a remark-
lead, mercury, chromium (IV), and cadmium have high-
able concentration of heavy metal ions which has led to
est toxicity compared with other metals.[12,24]
the accumulation of these toxic species in the ecosystem
Moreover, it should be noted that most of heavy
especially in living tissues.[6–9] The concept of heavy metal
metal ions salts are very soluble in aqueous solu-
ions refers to the elements with specific gravity more than
tions. Accordingly, it is not easy to separate these
5.0 such as transition elements.[4,10] These heavy metal
ions from aqueous solutions or wastewater using
ions cause deterioration of many ecosystems and social
simple separation processes such as precipitation.[25]
health since most of them are toxic and not biodegradable
Moreover, as these ions are persistent in the envir-
leading to a considerable concern for environmental
onment and are not being degradable to form harm-
safety and human health.[11]
less products, it is of primary safety concerns to
In this regard, the main resources of heavy metal ions
treat and remove these toxic ions from all waste-
accumulated in our environment include energy conver-
water effluents before their disposal to the
sion and production, agricultural activities, textile,
paints, tanning, metal finishing, microelectronics,
So far, several effective removal processes have been
mining and metallurgy, electroplating, solid and liquid
investigated and several processes are being tested to
waste disposal.[12,13] On the other hand, both soils and
accomplish an efficient removal of heavy metal ions
sediment have been found to be main sink for metal ions
from all types of industrial wastewater.[13,31,32] These

CONTACT Zakaria Al-Qodah; Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering
Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, P. O. Box 340558, Amman, Jordan.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2017 Taylor & Francis

Table 1. Sources of some heavy metals, their toxic effects, and the maximum contamination limits standards (MCLS).
MCLS (µg/L)
Heavy metal Main sources Major toxic effects WHO USEPA References
Arsenic Combustion of fossil fuel, Bronchitis, bone marrow, skin cancer, depression, pigmentation changes, 10 50 [18]
mining, pesticides neurological disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, hepatomegaly
Cadmium Mining, smelting, and plastic Kidney damage, emphysema, weight loss, gastrointestinal disorder, Itai– 3 5 [19]
welding, refining pesticide, Itai disease, bronchitis, hypertension,
Chromium Steel, electroplating, dyes, and Carcinogenic, severe diarrhea, skin rashes, respiratory problems,, kidney 50 100 [20]
textile industry and liver damage, vomiting, weakened immune systems and genetic
Copper Electroplating, mining, Neurotoxicity, anemia, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, postpartum 250 1300 [14]
pesticides, batteries, copper psychosis, insomnia, cystic fibrosis. Autism, stuttering, inflammation, and
cooking pots dizziness
Lead Batteries, mining, paint, Anemia, malaise, brain damage, anorexia, liver dysfunction, kidney 10 5 [21]
pigments, explosives, dysfunction, gastrointestinal damage, mental retardation
Mercury Mining, paper and paint Damage to kidney and nervous system, protoplasm poisoning, 1 2 [22]
industries, batteries dermatitis, corrosive to skin, eyes, muscles
Nickel Electroplating, porcelain Dermatitis, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, rapid 200 134 [23]
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

enameling, storage batteries, respiration, headache, dizziness

Zinc Mining, refineries, brass Gastrointestinal distress, metal-fume fever 5000 5000 [24]
manufacturing, plumping
WHO, World Health Organization; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

processes include bioadsorption,[13,14] biological Table 2. Common methods to remove heavy metals from
treatment,[26] chemical precipitation,[27–29] coagulation, wastewater.
membrane filtration, activated carbon,[33] solvent Process Advantages Disadvantages
extraction,[34] ion exchange,[35] reverse osmosis,[36,37] Adsorption using High efficiency (99%) Costly, no regeneration,
activated carbon performance depends
sedimentation, flotation,[11] electro-dialysis,[38] resin che- on adsorbent
lation, solid–liquid extraction,[29] electrocoagulation Adsorption using Low cost, high efficiency Production, reservation,
industrial by- and regeneration of the
(EC), flocculation, or coagulation, and neutralization.[7] products or adsorbent still cause
Unfortunately, many of these treatment processes are mineral much attention
considered as inefficient and costly, particularly, if the substances
Bioadsorption using Good adsorption Challenges concerning
ion concentrations in wastewater are lower than the modified capacity, selectivity the proper synthetic
range 1–100 mg/L.[17,27,39] Moreover, the complete biopolymers methods and
optimizing the
removal of the metal ions by some processes requires operating conditions
large amounts of reagents and consumes energy[15,29] Chemical Ease sludge settling, Costly, high
coagulation dewatering consumption of
which could lead to new waste disposal problems.[40] chemicals
Moreover, the selection of a sustainable treatment pro- Chemical Ease of operation, cheap Large quantity of
precipitation sludge, sludge disposal
cesses is influenced by several factors including low cost, problems
ease of operation, high efficiency, and low sludge Electrochemical Selectivity for metal ions, High capital and
methods no chemical operational cost,
production.[41,42] Table 2 depicts a summary of the most consumption, most of current density
mentioned treatment processes used for the removal of the metals can be
heavy metal ions in addition to their advantages and Electro-dialysis High selectivity High operation cost
disadvantages.[32,43,44] It is evident from Table 2 that due to membrane
most of the processes suffer from serious technical and fouling and energy
economical disadvantages. Unlike other processes, EC Ion-exchange Selective for metal ions, Costly, available for less
treatment process seems to offer potential advantages of regeneration of materials number of metal ions
Membrane filtration Low space requirement, High operation cost
the efficient application, ease of operation, reduction of low pressure, high
sludge production, and a cost-effective treatment process separation selectivity
Nano filtration Easy operation, Low anti-compacting
for heavy metal ions.[2,45,46] Accordingly, there have been reliability, high efficiency ability compared with
a numerous number of publications during the last two ultra-filtration
Photo-catalysis Removal of metals and Long time duration,
decades using EC as a promising treatment method.[47] organic pollutant limited applications
For this reason, the main objective of this paper is devoted simultaneously, less
harmful by-products
to review and analyze researches concerning the

application of EC process for the removal of heavy metal stringent environmental regulations regarding the was-
ions from wastewater. The mechanism of EC, the kinetic tewater discharge have led EC technologies to regain
and isotherm models used in the adsorption step, the their importance worldwide.[42,54]
effect of the main design, and operational parameters As mentioned above, electrochemical processes can be
affecting the EC process are analyzed and compared used to remove many different pollutants in wastewaters
between different investigations. expressed as: suspended solids (SS) and total dissolved
solids (TDS),[55] chemical oxygen demand (COD),[41,56]
and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),[57] lignin and
Background on EC processes
phenol,[57] dyes,[58] phenols from olive mills wastewater,[59]
EC is an electrochemical process that involves the and anionic contaminants.[60] In addition, heavy metals
usage of an in situ direct current to promote oxidation have gained considerable focus to be treated by EC pro-
of a metallic sacrificial anode made of iron (Fe) alu- cesses. Actually, EC is used to treat wastewater containing
minum (Al), or other metals to generate positively organic pollutants or heavy metal ions. However, there are
charged ions.[48] These positively charge ions act as many differences between the constituents of the organics
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

destabilizing agents for the emulsion by neutralizing or metal ions containing wastewater. This suggests some
the repulsive forces that keep the particles suspended differences in the process mechanism and performance in
in the aqueous medium. Then, these ions will act as the two applications. For this reason, this review will focus
magnets that attract the oppositely charged particles on the application of EC process for the removal of heavy
to form relatively big masses or agglomerates.[42,49] metal ions from wastewater.
These neutrally charged agglomerates will float or
precipitate depending on its apparent density. For
example, if an aluminum-scarified anode is used, alu-
Electrocoagulation of heavy metal ions from
minum cations (Al+3) will be produced and act as a
coagulant like aluminum compound coagulants used
in traditional wastewater treatment systems. The EC In the last two decades, EC process has been applied to
process is usually carried out in an electrochemical remove many heavy metal ions from industrial wastewater.
reactor consisting of an electrolytic cell containing These heavy metals include arsenic,[61] copper,[62,63]
one anode and one cathode. The anode or the sacri- nickel,[62,63] zinc,[62] manganese,[62] chromium,[63–65]
ficial electrode is formed from conductive metallic mercury,[66] cadmium,[19] lead,[67] silver,[68] iron,[69]
plates. The cathode could be made of the same boron,[70] and many others. Table 3 shows part of the
anode material or of different materials.[50] During published results of EC treatment processes for some
the last two decades, the EC has proven as a very toxic heavy metal ions.
effective treatment process for the removal of different It is clear from Table 3 that EC process has been
contaminants from wastewater. This process has many successfully tested to remove the most abundant and
advantages over other treatment processes including toxic heavy metals found in wastewater. Actually, if
the reduced sludge production, ease of operation, and mercury is excluded, the literature has much published
the no need for the addition of chemicals.[46] results about these elements. The removal efficiency in
Electrochemical process had been used for the first these studies is relatively high and above 97% in 70%
time in England in 1889 to treat wastewater.[51] of the mentioned studies. In these results, the waste-
Elmore[52] registered a patent for the use of electrolysis water is completely cleaned and the residual traces of
in mineral beneficiation, whereas a large-scale EC pro- heavy metals in the treated water are within the inter-
cess was performed in the USA in 1946[53] to treat water national standard limits. This indicates that EC is a
for drinking purposes. It seems that the relatively large powerful treatment process for heavy metal ions,
capital and energy cost prevented the commercial appli- which are difficult to be effectively removed by
cation of the EC processes worldwide. In contrast, exten- known other traditional methods. Moreover, Table 3
sive research studies have been conducted in the last 20 shows that Fe–Fe, Al–Al, or Al–Fe are the most used
years in the application of EC processes to treat different pairs of electrodes in the previous investigations. This
effluents of wastewater. These studies have presented could be attributed to the fact that both Fe and Al are
more information about the suitable conditions and cheap, nontoxic, and excellent electricity conducting
enabled a better understanding of the process.[54] Two materials. In addition, it is obvious from Table 3 that
important factors encourage again the use of EC tech- acidic media were used in most EC processes in the
nology for wastewater treatment. First, the ever increas- previous studies, whereas basic EC media were rarely
ing standard of drinking water supply. Second, the used.[47,109]

Table 3. Electrocoagulation treatment processes for the removal of some heavy metal ions.
Ion Concentration (mg/L) Electrodes Current density (A/m2) pH Removal efficiency % References
As (III) 2 Fe–Fe, Al–Al 6.5 to 15.3 6–8 99, 37 [71]
50–500 Fe–Fe 45 7 98 [72]
50 Al–Al 60 7.5 92.2 [73]
1–30 CS–CS 136–208 2.8–4.1 99 [74]
50 Fe–Fe 5.4 4 98.42 [75]
50 Al–Al 5.4 4 85 [76]
Cd (II) 5–500 Al–Al 40 V 10 99.9 [77]
50 Fe–Fe 6.5–35.7 7.2–8.2 80 [78]
1.5 Al–SS 66 [79]
20 Al–Al 97.5 [80]
20 Zn–Zn 97.8 [81]
10–50 Fe–Al 30 7 99.9 [82]
Cu (II) 3 Fe–Fe 31–54 7 91 [83]
50 Al–Al 30–50 5.1 99.8 [84]
50–200 Al–Al 150 7 99.5 [85]
10–50 Fe–Al 30 7 98.9 [82]
75–300 Al–Al 100–400 4–8 97 [86]
250 Fe–Fe 2–25 8.95 96 [87]
Cr (III) 1711, 2235 MS–MS 90.6, 7.4 [88]
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

1000 Al–Al 99.8 [89]

335 Fe–Al 100 [90]
44.5 Al–Fe 100 [91]
887 Fe–Fe 100 [92]
106 Fe–Fe 60 [93]
Cr (VI) 1000 Carbon steel 7.94 1.2 100 [94]
10 Fe–Fe 16–96 5–6 100 [95]
100 Fe–Cu 12.2 2 100 [96]
1495.27 Fe–Fe 100 [88]
50 Al–Al 80 [97]
50 Al–Al 42 [98]
200–800 Fe–Fe 100 [99]
1000 Fe–Al 67–267 8 97 [100]
500 Fe–Fe 100 4.5 100 [101]
10–50 MS–ST 37 100 [102]
1000 Fe–Fe 10 4.5 100 [103]
50 Al-Al 83 [104]
100 Fe–Al 100 [105]
500 Fe–Fe 190 1.5 100 [106]
5 Al alloy–Fe 200 7 98.2 [107]
Pb 3200 Al–SS 60–1280 7.52 95 [79]
30–120 Al–SS 4–12 6–10 100 [108]
250 Al–SS 54 9 99 [109]
9 SS–SS 80 2.8 96.7 [110]
2 Fe–Fe 80 7 99.3 [111]
500 Al–Al 26.7 5 99 [112]
Hg 41 Al–Fe 40 3–7 99.95 [113]
0.10–0.50 Al–Fe 15 7 98 [114]
20 Al–SS 30 3–7 99 [115]
50 Fe–Fe 9V 4.5 98.5 [116]
Ni 300 Al–Al 400 4–8 100 [86]
0.10–0.50 Al–Fe 15 7 97 [114]
300 MS–ST 37 400 7 97 [102]
5.25 Fe–Fe 0.01–0.04 8 99.5 [117]
57.6 Fe–Fe 40 9.56 97 [116]
Zn 1100 Al–SS 60–1280 7.52 68 [79]
75 Al–Al 400 4–8 100 [86]
3.2 SS–SS 80 2.8 95.2 [112]
300 MS–ST 37 400 7 97 [102]
20.4 Fe–Fe 40 9.56 97 [47,118]

Electrocoagulation mechanism (i) Oxidation of the “sacrificial electrode” to form

the positive ionic coagulants.
As mentioned above, EC is a complex process in which
(ii) Reduction of water molecules on the negative
ionic coagulants species are in situ generated by the oxida-
electrode to form hydroxyl (OH–) ions and
tion of consumable metallic electrodes.[47] These ionic
some oxygen and hydrogen gas bubbles.
coagulants diffuse in the solution, destabilize the emulsion,
(iii) Migration of the formed ions to the oppo-
and then enhance the formation agglomerates from the
sitely charged electrodes. This movement
suspended, emulsified, or dissolved contaminants.[119]
causes destabilization of the pollutants and
These complex chemical and physical changes that usually
the particulate suspension and then break
take place in any EC process can be simplified to involve
down the emulsion.
the following seven successive stages:[32,47,120]

(iv) Interaction between the positive ion and the and zinc.[127]Accordingly, the following oxidation
hydroxyl ion to form metallic hydroxides of reactions could take place:
good adsorption properties. The metallic
hydroxide molecules lumped up to form larger
structures that sweep in solution. Fe or SS anode system
(v) Pollutants are adsorbed into the hydroxide For iron, Fe or stainless steel, SS electrodes, the fol-
structures to form larger aggregates. lowing cell reactions are involved in basic
(vi) Pollutants could be converted to less toxic conditions:[47,60,128]
forms by possible redox reactions. Anode:
(vii) The aggregates are then removed by flotation by
hydrogen and oxygen bubbles which move FeðsÞ ! Feþ2 ðaqÞ þ 2e (1)
upward in the liquid phase or get precipitated if Cathode:
they have relatively high density compared with
the medium. 2H2 OðlÞ þ 2e ! H2 ðgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ (2)
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

These successive steps could be explained by Fig. 1 which Feþ2 ðaqÞ þ 2HO ðaqÞ ! FeðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # (3)
highlights the complex nature and the interplay between
the steps of the EC process. Figure 1 indicates the complex Overall:
nature of the EC process with a multitude of mechanisms FeðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ! FeðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # þH2 ðgÞ (4)
operating synergistically to remove contaminants from
In acidic conditions, the following reactions take place
wastewater.[122] It should be noted that there exist a
wide variety of perspective views in the literature about
the exact mechanism of the EC processes. For this reason, 4FeðsÞ ! 4Feþ2 ðaqÞ þ 8e (5)
a systematic holistic approach is needed to fully under-
stand EC mechanism and its controlling parameters. This
will enable the design of an optimum process and a prior 4Feþ2 ðsÞ þ 10H2 OðlÞ þ 10O2 ðgÞ ! 4FeðOHÞ3 ðsÞ
prediction of the treatment of any pollutant.[121] # þ8Hþ ðaqÞ (6)
The oxidation reactions that take place on the
sacrificial electrode depend on the anode material. As Cathode:
shown in Table 3, the majority of researches utilize 8Hþ ðaqÞ þ 8e ðaqÞ ! 4H2 ðgÞ (7)
anodes made of Al or Al alloy,[123] Fe, and stainless
steel (SS). Some researches utilize magnesium[124] or Overall:
magnesium-based alloy anode,[81,125] copper,[126,127] 4FeðsÞ þ 10H2 OðlÞ þ 10O2 ðgÞ ! 4FeðOHÞ3 ðsÞ
# þ4H2 ðgÞ (8)
where (aq) is aqueous, (l) is liquid, and (s) is solid.

Al anode system
The redox reactions in case of aluminum electrode systems
in basic conditions can be summarized as follows:[60]
AlðsÞ ! Alþ3 ðaqÞ þ 3e (9)
3H2 OðlÞ þ 3e ! 1:5H2 ðgÞ þ 3OH ðaqÞ (10)
Alþ3 ðaqÞ þ 3HO ðaqÞ ! AlðOHÞ3 ðsÞ # (11)
Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of an EC cell showing the main Overall:
reactions involved in the EC process, possessing a carbonaceous
material cathode.[121] AlðsÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ ! AlðOHÞ3 ðsÞ # þ1:5H2 ðgÞ (12)

Polymerization: neutralization, complexation, and precipitation.

Accordingly, the pollutant removal in the adsorption and
nAlðOHÞ3 ðsÞ #! Aln ðOHÞ3n ðsÞ # (13)
complexation step can be modeled using the adsorption
In acidic conditions, the following reactions take place kinetic models.[3,14,129–131] There are several kinetic models
Anode: used to describe the kinetics of the adsorption step in the
EC process for the removal of heavy metals. These models
AlðsÞ ! Alþ3 ðaqÞ þ 3e (14)
include first order, second order, pseudo-first order,
Precipitation: pseudo-second order, and Elovich models.[47,132,133]
For an EC batch process, the mass conservation of
Alþ3 ðaqÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ ! AlðOHÞ3 ðsÞ
heavy metal ion is
# þ3Hþ ðaqÞ (15)
Cathode:  ¼ ðrD Þ (18)
3H ðaqÞ þ 3e ! 1:5H2 ðgÞ (16)
where (–rD) is the rate of metal ion adsorption (mg/L/
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

Overall: min), and t is the EC time (min). For first-order model:

AlðsÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ ! AlðOHÞ3 ðsÞ # þ1:5H2 ðgÞ (17)  rD ¼ k1 C (19)
As shown in the above equations, as Al is produced it By integration of Eq. (19) with initial conditions of C(0)
reacts with OH– to form Al(OH)2+ at low pH, then as = C0, at t = 0, gives
pH increases, Al(OH)3 is polymerized to form Aln(OH)
3n. The reactions of other types of anodes are summar- CðtÞ ¼ C0 ek1 t (20)
ized in Table 4.
where k1 is the first-order rate constant (min−1).
In the case of copper anode, the Cu+2 and sometimes
On the other hand, the following equation describes
Cu+3 ions are formed. These ions are hydrated and hydro-
the second-order model:
lyzed to form different monomeric and polymeric species
such as Cu(OH)2+, CuOH+2, Cu2(OH)2+4, Cu(OH)4–, Cu  rD ¼ k1 C2 (21)
(H2O)2+3, Cu(H2O)5OH+2, Cu(H2O)5(OH)2+1.[54,127,129]
These complex positive ions of copper are able to attract Accordingly, upon integration with the same initial
anions. For this reason, copper anode is suitable to be used conditions as before, the time-dependent concentration
to treat pollutants having negative charge rather than posi- is obtained as:
tive metal ions. 1 1
¼ þ k2 t (22)
CðtÞ C0
Electrocoagulation modeling where k2 is the second-order rate constant (mg/L/min).
One other common model is the pseudo-first-order
Kinetic models
model which has been developed by Lagergent.[134] The
The metal hydroxide complexes produced from anode pseudo-first-order model has been used in adsorption
oxidation during the EC process remain in the aqueous processes to describe the uptake of an adsorbate such as
medium and become an adsorbent for pollutants existing metal ions from aqueous solutions by an adsorbent and
in the solution.[81] The electrostatic attraction enhances the it based on the solid adsorption capacity.[135] It can be
adsorption process which is followed by charge described by:

Table 4. Redox reactions using magnesium, copper, and zinc as anodes.

Material Reactions References
Magnesium Anode: MgðsÞ ! Mgþ2 ðaqÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ [115]
Cathode: 2H2 OðlÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ ! H2 ðgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ
In solution: MgðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ! MgðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # þ2Hþ ðaqÞ
Overall: MgðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ! MgðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # þH2 ðgÞ
Copper Anode: CuðsÞ ! Cuþ2 ðaqÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ [126,127]
Cathode: 2H2 OðlÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ ! H2 ðgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ
In solution: 2Hþ ðaqÞ ! H2 ðgÞ
Overall: CuðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ! CuðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # þ2H2 ðgÞ
Zinc Anode: ZnðsÞ ! Znþ2 ðaqÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ [127]
Cathode: 2H2 OðlÞ þ 2e ðaqÞ ! H2 ðgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ
In solution: 2Hþ ðaqÞ ! H2 ðgÞ
Overall: ZnðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ! ZnðOHÞ2 ðsÞ # þH2 ðgÞ

dqt where a is the desorption constant, and α is the initial

 ¼ ks1 ðqe  qt Þ (23)
dt adsorption rate. Integration of Eq. (29) will give
where qe and qt are the equilibrium adsorption capacities 1 1 1 1
q ¼ lnðt þ Þ  ln (30)
of an adsorbent and that capacity at any time t, respec- α αa α αa
tively, ks1, 1/min is the pseudo-first-order rate constant.[13]
Eq. (30) was simplified by Chien and Clayton[140] who
The integration of Eq. (23) with the boundary conditions
assumed that aαt >> 1, and applied the boundary con-
qt = 0 at t = 0 and qt = qt at t = t, gives
ditions of q = 0 at t = 0 and q = q at t = t to give
log ¼ ks1 t (24) q ¼ α lnðaαÞ þ α ln t (31)
qe  qt
The linear form of Eq. (24) can be expressed as: Therefore, a and α can be calculated from the intercept
and the slope of the linear plots of q against ln(t).
lnðqe  qt Þ ¼ ln qe  ks1 t (25) Many researchers have tried to model the kinetics of
If a plot of lnðqe  qt Þversus t gives a straight line, this the adsorption step in the EC process of metal ions.
Yilmaz et al.[141] used an empirical model for kinetics
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

will confirm the applicability of this empirical model.

The values of qe and ks1 can be obtained from the of boron removal from boron-containing wastewaters by
values of the intercept and that of the slope of the EC using aluminum anode. They performed statistical
straight line, respectively.[13,136] analyses and determined that the best equation repre-
The pseudo-second-order kinetic model assumes the senting the reaction rate was a pseudo-second-order
presence of chemisorption that involves electrons homogeneous reaction model. Vasudevan et al.[124] per-
exchange between the –OH or the ligand groups and formed an EC study for the simultaneous removal of
the metal ions.[137] The differential form of this model mercury, lead, nickel. Xi et al.[142] performed an EC
can be described as:[138] study to remove cadmium from contaminated water
using magnesium anode. In both studies, they fitted
dqt their results to the first-order and second-order models.
 ¼ k2 ðqe  qt Þ2 (26)
dt They reported that the data for all ions were found to be
where k2 (g/mg/s) is the model rate constant. linear with good correlation coefficients in the case of
Integrating Eq. (26) after separating the variables the second-order model plot. The theoretical adsorption
with the boundary conditions of qt = 0 at t = 0 and qt capacity and the calculated qe values were in good agree-
= qt at t = t, gives ment with the corresponding experimental values for
applied current density values considered. They con-
1 1 cluded that the second-order model is a suitable model
¼ þ k2 t (27)
ðqe  qt Þ qe to describe the mercury, lead, and nickel adsorption on
or Mg(OH)2.
On the other hand, Kamaraj et al.[111,133] reported that
1 1 1
¼ 2
þ t (28) the processes of removal of lead from aqueous solutions
qt k2 qe qe by EC and the removal of copper from water by EC using
magnesium anode were best fitted by the second-order
For Eq. (27), a plot of 1=ðqe  qt Þversus t could give a kinetic model for all current densities. In contrast, Al-
straight line of a slope of 1=qe and intercept of k2. On Shannag et al.[47] reported that the pseudo-first-order
the other hand, for Eq. (28), a plot of 1=qt against t will model was found to strongly fit the experimental data
give a straight line with 1=k2 q2e as an intercept and a for the removal of Cu2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, and Zn2+, from
slope of1=qe . In both cases, qe can be estimated and metal plating wastewater using iron anodes. They con-
compared with the experiment data. cluded that the pseudo-first-order model is adequate to
Elovich’s model was formulated based on the analyze the removal rates of these heavy metal ions. In
adsorption capacity in a chemisorption process. addition, Chou and Huang[143] found that the kinetics of
Zeldowitsch[139] reported that the adsorption rate the removal of indium ions from aqueous solution using
decreased exponentially as the amount of adsorbed iron electrodes was best described by the second-order
gas increased, q. This model known as the Elovich’s model rather than the first-order model regardless of the
model can be expressed as: current density.
The above results and others are summarized in
dq Table 5. It is clear from the above results that several
¼ aeαq (29)
dt models were used to describe the adsorption step of the

Table 5. Kinetic models used to describe metal ion removal by to a monolayer formation of the adsorbate ions on the
electrocoagulation. adsorbent surface. The general Langmuir model can be
Anode Pollutant Kinetic model References defined as:[152]
Fe Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ Pseudo-first-order [47]
Mg Pb+2 Second-order [111]
Hg=2, Ni+2, and Pb+2
q m Ka C e
Mg Second-order [81] qe ¼ (34)
Mg Cu+2 Second-order [133] ð1 þ Ka Ce Þ
Mg Cd+2 Second-order [124]
Fe In+ Second-order [143]
Al, Fe As First-order [144] where qm is the maximum adsorption capacity at cer-
SS Ni+2, Zn+2 Pseudo-first-order [145] tain conditions (mg/g), Ka is the Langmuir model con-
Al Mn+2, Co+2 First-order [146]
Al, Fe Pb+2, Ni+2, and Cu+2 Pseudo-first-order [147] stant (L/mg).[82] In addition, Ka is also equal to the
Fe As Pseudo-second-order [148] ratio of adsorption/desorption rates. Linearization of
Eq. (34) gives
EC process. This is attributed to the different properties Ce 1 Ce
of the coagulant ion and the nature of the pollutants in ¼ þ (35)
qe Ka qm qm
addition to the operating parameter. It should be noted
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

that the model constants usually vary with the current A plot of Ce/qe against Ce gives a straight line, with 1/qm
density. For this reason, it is difficult to compare the and 1/Kaqm values being the slope and an intercept, respec-
model constants without referring to the current den- tively. If qm values increase as the temperature increases,
sity applied. this indicates that the adsorption process is favorable and
endothermic in nature. An opposite behavior indicates that
the adsorption process is exothermic.[153]
Isotherm models Among the previous studies, several authors
reported that Freundlich isotherm model fits satisfacto-
Adsorption isotherm models are being applied to pre- rily their results.[47,111] On the other hand, other studies
dict the capacity of adsorbents and to further explore reported that Langmuir isotherm model better fits their
the adsorption mechanism.[14,149] Among the various results.[124,144] Actually, some studies found that both
isotherm models, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms models were able to fit their results.[83,114,133] It should
are the most popular models used to describe the be noted that the isotherm models constant like qm
adsorption step in the EC process.[81,111] usually vary with the current density. For this reason,
Freundlich model is usually used to describe the it is difficult to compare these constants without refer-
bioadsorption of adsorbate ions onto solid bioadsor- ring to the current density applied.
bent. In this model, it is assumed that the solid surface
is heterogeneous and has non-equivalent binding sites.
The general Freundlich model can be defined as:[150]
Thermodynamic models
qe ¼ KF Ce n (32) Temperature variation plays an important role in the
where Ce is the metal ion concentration at equilibrium bioadsorption process of metal ions.[13] Consequently,
(mg/L), KF is the Freundlich constant relating to the any change in the solution temperature will influence a
bioadsorption capacity, and n is a constant that mea- change in the adsorbed quantity of the ions by the
sures the bioadsorption intensity and how favorable is adsorbent.[14] Accordingly, the effect of temperature on
the adsorption process. In addition, n varies with the the thermodynamic parameters such as Gibbs free energy
heterogeneity of the adsorbent.[151] The linear form of of activation, ΔG°, enthalpy of activation, ΔH°, and entropy
Freundlich model is of activation, ΔS°, should be determined.[137,154] If Gibbs
free energy, ΔG°, has a negative value, the process will be
1 spontaneous and feasible. In addition, if ΔG° decreases as
log qe ¼ log KF þ log Ce (33)
n the temperature increases, this indicates that the adsorp-
If the data fit this model, then a plot of lnqe versus lnCe tion capacity will increase.[130] On the other hand, if ΔH°
will give a straight line with 1/n as the slope and lnKF as has positive or negative values, the process is endothermic
the intercept. If the values of n > 1, this indicates or exothermic, respectively. Finally, negative ΔS° means
favorable adsorption conditions. that the adsorbed metal ions are stable on the active sites.
On the other hand, Langmuir model assumes that The energy of activation, E (J/mol), of metal ion by
the adsorption active sites are evenly distributed on the an electro-coagulant can be expressed using the second-
adsorbent surface. This finite distribution usually leads order kinetic constant using Arrhenius equation:[114]

E spacing, and power supply. On the other hand, the

ln k2 ¼ ln k0  (36)
RT operational parameters include current density or vol-
where T is the temperature (K), R is the gas constant (J/ tage, temperature, operation time, wastewater pH, alka-
mol/K), and k0 and k2 (g/mg/min) are the Arrhenius linity and electrical conductivity, and concentration of
constant and second-order kinetic constant, respec- the pollutants.[47,157] These parameters will be discussed
tively. On the other hand, the thermodynamic para- below.
meters for the bioadsorption process can be expressed
by the following equations:[155] Design parameters
ΔH o
Electrode material
ln Kd ¼  (37)
R RT Several metallic materials have been used to fabricate
where Kd is the distribution coefficient given by: the scarified electrode or the anode in EC. These mate-
CAe rials include Al, Ag, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cs, Fe, Mg, Na,
Kd ¼ (38) Si, Sr, and Zn.[54] In addition, graphite and lead oxide,
PbO2, are insoluble anodes and used in EC process.[158]
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

where CAe (mg/L) is the amount of adsorbed heavy Despite that, these insoluble electrodes are easily avail-
metal ions at equilibrium, and Ce (mg/L) is the ions able, they are cost-effective and show high oxygen
equilibrium concentration. evolution over-potential and low durability. Actually,
Using Eq. (37), a plot of lnKd versus 1/T will give a the most common used metallic electrode materials are
straight line of a slope equals –ΔH°/R, and an intercept iron in form of mild steel (MS) or stainless steel (SS),
of ΔS°/R. Note that ΔG° can be estimated using:[155] aluminum (Al), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and magne-
ΔGo ¼ RT ln Kd (39) sium (Mg). These elements are different in many che-
mical and physical properties such as oxidation
Actually, the researches that have considered the ther- potential, ion size and charge, migration speed in the
modynamic parameters during EC processes are lim- solution, the polarity of the ion–OH bond, and the
ited. Vasudevan et al.[124] found that there was a hydroxide compound structure and size. Since the
temperature enhancement for the adsorption capacity metal hydroxide will play the role of an adsorbent
of the electro-coagulant, Mg(OH)2, toward mercury, coagulant in the EC process, these differences lead to
lead, and nickel during the EC process. They referred differences in the adsorption capabilities of each
this result to the possible enlargement of the pore size hydroxide.[47] In addition, these metals are also differ-
and or the possible thermal activation of the adsorbent ent in their cost, regeneration, and toxicity or impact
surface.[156] Kamaraj et al.[111] calculated the thermo- on the environment. For this reason, it is of primary
dynamic parameters for the adsorption of copper by importance to consider these differences in choice of an
the electro-coagulant, Mg(OH)2, ΔG°, ΔH°, and ΔS° at electrode material to reach an efficient design of the
different temperatures. They reported that ΔG° was electrochemical unit for wastewater treatment by EC.
negative and decreases from −726 to −2903 as the
temperature increases from 313 to 343 K, indicating Electrode spacing
an increase in the adsorption capacity with tempera- Electrode spacing is an important parameter affecting
ture. Subsequently, Kamaraj et al.[133] calculated the the performance of an EC process. It affects the elec-
thermodynamic parameters for the same adsorbent trostatic attraction, the residence time between the
for lead and reported similar results. electrodes, and consequently, the turbulence, mass
transfer, and removal efficiency in the cell.
Accordingly, there is an optimum electrode spacing
Parameters affecting the performance of
at which a maximum pollutant removal efficiency is
electrocoagulation processes
obtained.[159] At very small electrode spacing, the elec-
There are several key parameters that influence the trostatic attraction between the metal hydroxide flocks
performance of any EC process efficiency in removing will be high. This leads to degradation of the flocks
metal ions or other pollutants from wastewater.[138] due to the intensive collision and attrition between
These parameters can be classified into two categories them.[160] Asselin et al.[161] reported that an electrode
including design parameters and operational para- spacing less than 10 mm will reduce the swirling
meters. The most important design parameters are velocity of the solution between the electrodes, and
related to the electrochemical cell material and geome- this will affect the pollutant removal efficiency. As the
try such as electrode material, electrode surface and electrode spacing increases, the electrostatic attraction

decreases, leading to a slower movement of the gen- mercury, lead, and nickel. It is clear that as the distance
erated ions and flocks. This behavior provides more increases, the removal efficiency decreases.
time for the agglomeration of produced metal hydro-
xide to form stable flocks with less degradation, result- Electrode arrangement
ing in an increase in the pollutant removal efficiency A simple electrochemical cell is usually composed of an
from the solution. This increase in the removal effi- anode and a cathode. However, in practical wastewater
ciency continues until reaching the optimum electrode treatment processes, where a huge electrode surface area
spacing. Beyond this value and as the electrode spa- is required, the EC cells contain many anodes and cathodes
cing increases, the electrostatic attraction decreases arranged in different ways as shown in Fig. 3. As shown in
and the travel time of the ions increases leading to Fig. 3, there are three different electrode arrangements in a
less flocks formation and the removal efficiency complex EC cell system. These arrangements are:
The Ohmic potential drop or IR drop is the (a) Monopolar-parallel electrodes (MP-P, Fig. 3a). In
difference in potential required to transfer the ions this arrangement, the EC cell consists of cathodes
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

through the solution. This drop which resulted from and anodes connected to each other and to the
the solution resistance usually influences the elec- external DC supply. This configuration results in a
trochemical performance. It can be expressed as:[80] relatively low potential difference since the current
is divided between the electrodes.[138] In this
ηIR ¼ (40) arrangement, each pair of cathode/anode repre-
Ak sents a small electrolytic of the same voltage and
where I is the electrical current (A), D is the distance an additive current.
between electrodes (m); A the active anode surface area (b) Monopolar-series electrodes (MP-S, Fig. 3b). In
(m2); k is the specific conductivity (mS/m). From Eq. this arrangement, each pair of internal sacrificial
(40), it is clear that IR drop increases, as the distance electrodes is just connected to each other resulting
between the electrodes increases. For this reason, the in equal electric current and an additive voltage.
applied voltage should be increased to keep a constant (c) Bipolar-series electrode (BP-S, Fig. 3c). This
current input to the system. Therefore, an optimum arrangement comprises two outer monopolar
distance between the electrodes is recommended to electrodes connected to electric power supply
prevent the increase of IR drop.[162] Figure 2 shows and internal bipolar sacrificial electrode. Each
the effect of inter-electrode distance on the removal of bipolar sacrificial electrode has opposite charges

Figure 2. Effect of inter-electrode distance on the removal of mercury, lead, and nickel. Conditions: solution pH = 7.0; solution
temperature = 305 K; anode, magnesium alloy; cathode, galvanized iron; current density = 0.15 Å/dm2; EC duration = 30 min.[114]

Figure 3. Different electrodes’ arrangement within the electrochemical cell: (a) monopolar electrodes in parallel connections; (b)
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

monopolar electrodes in series connections; and (c) dipolar electrodes in series connections.[163]

on its two sides where metal oxidation takes electrostatic precipitator. They found that punched-
place on the positive side, whereas the negative holes electrodes have discharge current and conse-
side is the place for cathodic reactions.[164] quently higher collection efficiency than the plane
electrode. This behavior can be attributed to the fact
It is clear that the performance of each electrode that the electric field intensity at the edge of
arrangement is different. For example, contrary to punched-holes electrodes is 1.2 times higher than
monopolar electrodes, bipolar electrodes require a that of the plane electrode.
high voltage and a lower current. For this reason, the
choice of the best electrode arrangement is determined
Type of power supply
by the yield, efficiency, and the cost of a particular EC
It has been noticed that most of the published
process. BP-S electrode arrangement is more efficient if
research in the literature dealing with EC cells used
the yield of the process is important rather than the
direct current (DC). It is familiar, however, that DC
cost and efficiency.[165] On the other hand, if the ratio
current causes cathode passivation which means anode
of effectiveness–cost is the important parameter, mono-
oxidation and the formation of an oxide layer on the
polar electrodes are more suitable since it consumes
cathode itself. This phenomenon leads to an increase
relatively low energy and enables a high pollutant
in passive over potential and consequently higher
removal.[166] However, bipolar arrangement needs less
power consumption. For this reason, cathode passiva-
cost for operational maintenance cost forcing a new
tion decreases the current flow in the cell and
cost parameter that should be considered in addition
decreases the EC cell efficiency. Mollah et al.[48,170]
to energy consumption in the selection of the most
reported that AC current increases the electrode life
suitable arrangement.[167]
because cyclic energization decreases the electrode
consumption rate, whereas Eyvaz et al.[171] showed
Electrode shape that the alternating pulsed current (APC) provides
Very limited studies have been performed to test the shorter operation, constant removal efficiency with
effect of electrode shape or orientation on the per- time, and lower cost compared to DC. Vasudevan
formance of the electrochemical cell. In addition, et al.[80] investigated the effect of AC and DC currents
the most common rectangular shape of the electro- on the removal of cadmium from wastewater by EC
des, circular, and cylindrical geometries, punched using Al–Al alloy electrodes. They reported that AC
holes type electrodes are sometimes used. In addi- current reduced the power consumption from 1.002 to
tion, electrodes in few cases are horizontally settled 0.454 kWh/kL, and removal efficiency slightly
in EC cell. It was reported that horizontal electrodes increased from 96.2% to 97.5% for DC and AC cur-
could produce in higher mixing efficiency in batch rent, respectively. Yang et al.[172] reported that the
cells.[168] Kuroda et al.[169] used electrodes with and passivation problem could be reduced in the case of
without punched holes to study the effect of elec- Al or Fe electrodes by the addition of chloride ions to
trode shape on the collector efficiency in an breakdown the oxide layer or by using APC.

EC reactor mode of operation where the EC process is carried out by controlled and/
The modes of operation of an EC reactor can be classi- or varied applied cell voltage. It could vary as a function
fied based on three major distinctions:[173] of amount of coagulant desired to be released in EC
Whether the EC reactor operates in a batch-wise or a reactor. The second mode is often used in electro-
continuous mode. In a batch system, there is a constant oxidation and electro-reduction processes, where there
reactor working volume of wastewater per treatment are no sacrificial electrodes.[176] It should be noted that
cycle with no feed or product stream, as shown in very high current values could enhance secondary reac-
Fig. 4a. On the other hand, in a continuous process tions and consequently negatively affect the EC effi-
there is a continuous stream wastewater feeding to the ciency. In addition, these secondary reactions could
EC cell and continuous output stream of the treated out reverse the colloids charge leading to re-disperse
of the reactor as shown in Fig. 4a.[174] The second them. This process could decrease the coagulant effi-
distinction is whether the feed flow is horizontal or ciency and reduce the electrode lifetime. Harif and
upward.[175] Adin[177] suggested the model shown in Fig. 5, which
The third distinction is whether the aggregated pol- describes how applied electrical current influences the
lutants is separated in situ using flotation or sedimenta-
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

rate, the structure, and the features of flocks formed,

tion processes or using a suitable downstream process their collision efficiency α and frequency β in the EC
such as centrifugation or flotation. process.
The range of applied current density values widely
varies depending on several factors including the type
Operational parameters
and the amount of the pollutants to be removed from
Current density water/wastewater. As shown in Table 3, the current
Current density is an important operational parameter density values are widely different between the different
that strongly affects the performance of EC process.[157] studies. Figure 6 shows the effect of operational time at
Current density is defined as the ratio of the electrical different values of current density on the removal effi-
current (I) over the surface area of the electrode (A). ciency of arsenic by EC process using iron electrode.
This operational parameter, which can be directly con-
trolled, determines both coagulant dosage and the gen- Electrocoagulation time
eration rates of gas bubbles.[54] Hence, it strongly In the EC process, the concentration of the produced
influences both solution mixing and mass transfer at coagulant from the anode increases with time.[54] In
the electrodes. The electrical energy consumption is addition, the quantity of the removed pollutant
expressed as a function of operation time (t), potential increases also with electrolysis time. The pollutant
(U), and electrical current (I):[157] removal efficiency increases with an increase in the
t electrolysis time until it reaches a maximum at an
P ¼ ò U:I:dt (41) optimum time as shown in Fig. 6.[75] Beyond this
optimum time, which depends on many parameters
Accordingly, the EC process can be driven either under such as current density, the pollutant removal efficiency
two modes: the galvanostatic where the EC process is stays constant because the medium contains sufficient
carried out by controlling and/or varying the current quantity of coagulants flocks available for pollutant
applied through electrodes or the potentiostatic mode, removal.

Figure 4. Experimental setup for batch (a), and continuous experiments (b) EC. 1, Power supply; 2, anode; 3, cathode; 4, reactor; 5,
pump; 6, valve; 7, inlet stream; 8, outlet stream; 9, wastewater reservoir tank; 10, filtration tank.[174]
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

Figure 5. Conceptual model predicting flock evolution rate and structure with α as collision efficiency and β as collision

Figure 6. Effect of current density on the arsenic removal efficiency (initial arsenic concentration: 50 mg/L, initial pH: 4, and stirring
speed: 150 rpm.[75]

Aqueous solution pH occur in EC process.[48,170,182] Figure 7 shows the effect

Several studies have investigated the effect of the med- of pH of the medium on the removal efficiency of
ium pH on the performance of EC process and various heavy metal ions obtained from different
reported strong influence of pH.[68,94,178–181] However, studies.[78,92,114] It is evident from Fig. 7 that there is
the effect of pH on heavy metal ions removal usually an optimum pH value of 7 for the removal of Hg, Ni,
differs according to the particular application. This Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, and Co. However, it is clear in
effect could depend on the anode used, type of pollu- Fig. 7a that after the optimum pH value, the removal
tant, and the reaction mechanism between them. For efficiency sharply drops for Hg, Ni, and Pb removal as
this reason, it is necessary to understand the different the pH of the medium increases, whereas it keeps
reaction mechanisms that may occur in the EC cell.[47] nearly constant in Fig. 7b for Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, and
Many researchers studied the reaction mechanisms that Co. Moreover, Verma et al.[92] studied the removal of
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

Figure 7. Effect of pH of the solution on the removal of (a) Hg, Ni, and Pb, initial concentration 0.1 mg/L; solution temperature, 305
K; anode, magnesium alloy; cathode, galvanized iron; current density, 0.15 mA/cm2; duration, 30 min.[78] (b) Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, and
Co, initial concentration 50 mg/L each; current density, 1.35 mA/cm2; duration, 22.2 min.[114]

Cr(VI) from synthetic solution by EC and conducted process. The used a range of temperature was from
several experiments at different pH values. They 293 to 333 K. They reported that as the temperature
reported that the optimum pH value was 4 (see increased from 293 to 333 K, the boron removal effi-
Fig. 7c). In addition, they noticed that the pH value of ciency increased from 84% to 96%. In addition, Chou
the medium increased with time as a result of hydroxyl and Huang[143] studied the effect of temperature on the
ion (OH–) generation in the medium. removal efficiency indium ion different temperatures of
288, 298, 308, and 318 K (see Fig. 8).
Temperature It is clear in Fig. 8 that the removal efficiency of
In spite the importance of temperature on the perfor- indium ion increases as the time of electrolysis
mance of physiochemical processes such as EC, the increases. Moreover, the removal efficiency after 50
effect of this operational parameter on the removal of min of electrolysis, reached 80.9%, 90.4%, 92.7%, and
metal ions pollutants by EC process has rarely been 94.1% at temperatures of 288, 298, 308, and 318 K,
studied.[143,183] Yilmaz et al.[184] investigated the effect respectively. Chou and Huang[143] analyzed the pro-
of medium temperature on boron removal by EC cess by considering both the indium removal

mass transfer and the particle collision kinetics.

Moreover, the higher the temperature, the larger the
hydrogen gas bubbles that formed on the cathode, the
more flotation speed of the coagulant with the
adsorbed pollutants. Khaled et al.[185] reported that
the maximum removal efficiency obtained was 98% at
a temperature of 50°C and a 30 min electrolysis time.
Accordingly, a temperature of 50°C is considered as
the optimum temperature, since it leads to maximum
removal efficiency in a short treatment time without a
change in the cost.

Medium agitation is usually applied in order to
Figure 8. Effect of temperature on the removal efficiency of
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

maintain uniform conditions inside the electroche-

indium ions (C0 = 20 mg/L, current density = 6.4 mA/cm2, NaCl mical cell including the absence of concentration
= 0.003 N, EC time = 120 min, electrode spacing = 2 cm, and gradient of the electrolytes.[183] Obviously, agitation
agitation speed = 300 rpm).[143]
increases the velocity of the generated ions from
anode oxidation. Several authors investigated the
efficiency and the energy consumption. They con- effect of agitation on the removal efficiency of
cluded that a temperature of 298 K seems to offer many metal ions by EC processes.[185,188,189] These
the more efficient overall performance, comprising a studies confirmed that there is an optimum agita-
relatively low specific energy consumption and rea- tion speed, at which the pollutant removal efficiency
sonable indium ion removal efficiency. Similar results achieved its maximum value. Below or beyond this
were obtained by Khaled et al.[185] who studied the optimum agitation speed, the pollutant removal effi-
cadmium removal from industrial wastewater using ciency at a particular electrolysis time will decrease.
EC process at different initial temperatures of 291, This is due to low ion mobility at low agitation
303, 323, and 343 K, using two aluminum electrodes. speed, whereas it is due to flocks degradation by
They reported that as the temperature increases and intensive collisions at high agitation speed.
the electrolysis time decreases, the removal efficiency Shavandi et al.[190] studied the removal efficiency of
was significantly improved while the cost and energy several metal ions under the effect of agitation speeds
consumption were constant. ranging from 90 to 200 rpm. Their results are depicted
Furthermore, Katal and Pahlavanzadeh[186] used the in Fig. 9. As can be seen in Fig. 9, as the agitation speed
same range of temperature as in Reference [184] but increases from 90 to 200 rpm, the removal efficiency
they noticed a reverse effect of temperature on the increases from 43% to 73% for Fe heavy metal ions and
removal of COD from paper mill wastewater. They from 38% to 74% for Zn heavy metal ions. They attrib-
reported that the COD and phenol removal efficiency uted this enhancement of the removal efficiency to the
decreased by 10–20%, as the temperature increased decrease in the liquid boundary layer thickness sur-
from 293 to 333 K. They attributed this negative effect rounding the zeolite particles. This leads to an increase
of temperature to the pores shrinkage of Al(OH)3 coa- in the film mass transfer coefficient and consequently
gulant in the case of high temperature and aluminum enhances the heavy metal ions transfer rates.[67]
electrode. This shrinkage leads to the formation of Since large-scale agitation is usually expensive, and
dense flocks that deposited on the electrode surface based on economic aspects, Shavandi et al.[190] chose
rather than being floated.[187] the agitation speed of 120 rpm as an optimal for
The above contradicted results indicate that the removal of metal ions from palm oil mill effluent
impact of increasing the temperature on the efficiency (POME).
of an EC process could have an enhancing or inhibit- Chaturvedi[116] conducted batch EC experiments to
ing effect depending on the nature of the particular optimize the mercury removal efficiency using rela-
process. In addition, these variations necessitate the tively higher agitation speeds of 200, 400, and 600
full understanding of the removal mechanism of each rpm compared with Shavandi et al.[190] Their results
pollutant depending on the EC cell parameters are shown in Fig. 10. It is evident from Fig. 10 that the
including the electrode material and current density. removal efficiency increases as the agitation speed
It is familiar that increasing the temperature enhances increases from 200 to 400 rpm because the collision

flocks which intimately associated with each other at

higher agitation speed.

Initial concentration
Several studies were performed to investigate the effect
of initial ions concentration on the efficiency of the EC
processes.[143,191–193] Thella et al.[191] studied the effect
of arsenic initial concentration on its ion removal effi-
ciency. The results are shown in Fig. 11.
It is evident from Fig. 11 that the removal effi-
ciency is higher at lower initial concentration values.
For example, the removal efficiency of As(III)
decreased from 100% to 43.12% as C0 increases
from 10 to 100 mg/L in a time of 30 min. In addition,
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

the removal rate is sharp in the first 10 min of the EC

process, then the rate decreases with time until it
reaches a plateau. In addition, Thella et al.[191]
reported that the quantity of coagulant produced
was nearly the same and not affected by C0 values.
For this reason, this amount of sludge was not able to
remove all the metal ions at high C0 values leading to
a decrease in the metal ion removal efficiency.
Moreover, as the ions concentration increases, the
resistance in the solution also increases leading to
an increase in power consumption. These results are
Figure 9. Effect of agitation speed on the removal of various in agreement with those of Cenkin et al.[192] who
concentrations of (a) Fe, (b) Zn, and on zeolite.[190] reported that the treatment of Cr(VI) wastewater of
C0 > 100 mg/L was accompanied by rapid passivation
of the steel anode and increased power consumption
as well. This raises a question about the efficient
process design if the wastewater is highly concen-
trated. It seems that recycling of a part of the treated

Figure 10. Effect of agitation on the removal efficiency of

mercury with time. Initial concentration = 50 ppm, electrolyte
concentration 1.333 g/L, voltage = 9 V, pH = 4.5.[116]

between the coagulant and the pollutant ions and their

mobility increase slowly with agitation. However, as the
agitation speed increased from 400 to 600 rpm, the
removal efficiency drops from 93% to 78% after 40 Figure 11. Effect of initial concentration on the removal effi-
min and from 60% to 23% after 50 min. They attributed ciency of arsenic. pH = 4.0; current density = 75 A/m2; electrodes
this behavior to the precipitation of relatively large spacing = 1.4 cm; agitation speed = 100 rpm.[191]

its cost-effectiveness prior any practical application.

However, despite the tremendous number of publications
on EC processes, systematic studies dealing with process
optimization are very limited.
Lin et al.[196] reported that they established a compact
and inexpensive EC process for on-site domestic grey
water reuse. They achieved the lowest unit cost and
required area compared to the values reported in litera-
ture. Rodriguez et al.[197] performed a techno-economic
study for the treatment of wastewater from copper pro-
duction, using EC and chemical coagulation. Based on
their analysis and comparison, they concluded that EC
process is a cost feasible, environmentally friendly pro-
Figure 12. Effect of initial concentration on the removal effi-
cess. In addition, it is technically and economically super-
ciency of indium (III) ion. Initial pH = 2.5, EC time = 90 min,
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

voltage = 20 V, temperature = 25°C, electrodes spacing = 2 cm, ior to conventional technologies such as chemical
dosage of NaCl = 100 mg/L, agitation speed = 300 rpm.[143] precipitation. Espinoza-Quiñones et al.[198] applied EC
process to treat tannery effluents and they concluded
that EC is more cost-effective than conventional methods
effluent to dilute the raw wastewater can solve the with relatively high removal efficiencies. Subsequently,
problem and enhances the removal efficiency. Kobya et al.[199] employed a response surface methodol-
Chou and Huang[143] obtained similar results when ogy (RSM) to optimize and evaluate interactions of
they treated a synthetic wastewater containing indium important operational parameters on the treatment effi-
(III) of C0 in the range of 20–100 mg/L. Their results ciency of metal cutting wastewater (MCW). They
shown in Fig. 12 confirm those of Thella et al.[191] and reported that RSM was suitable approach to optimize
they indicate that when indium (III) ion concentration the operating conditions and maximize the removal effi-
increases from 20 to 100 mg/L, the removal efficiency ciencies while keeping minimum operating costs. Similar
after 90 min of electrolysis decreases from 78.3% results were obtained by Bayramoglu et al.[165] who per-
to 49.8%. formed a comparative study between EC and traditional
Dermentzis et al.[193] conducted similar experiments chemical coagulation (CC) processes to determine the
to demonstrate the effect of metal ions concentration rate of electrode consumption and the rate of sludge
using initial concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 mg/L production. They reported that the rate of EC process
of nickel ions and a constant current density of 3 A/m2. was faster and more cost-effective than CC process. In
Contrary to Thella et al.,[191] they concluded that there addition, they found that the EC and CC costs at the
is no direct correlation between metal ion concentra- optimum operating conditions were 0.25 and 0.80 $/m3,
tion and the removal efficiency. This contradiction may respectively. This means that the operating cost for EC
be is referred to the large difference of the concentra- was only around 30% of that CC process.
tion range between the two studies. In addition, they In two successive studies, Kobya et al.[200,201]
reported that the EC process of high ions concentration assessed the efficiency of EC process in the removal of
is more efficient at the beginning than at the end. arsenic from groundwater using Fe ball and plate
anodes and a real dye house wastewater effluent using
Al and Fe, respectively. Kobya et al.[200] reported that
Cost analysis
the removal efficiency and operating cost at the opti-
The operating cost is a fundamental parameter that mum conditions for Fe ball and plate anodes were of
should be considered in any treatment process as it deci- 99.3% and 1.55 $/m3 and 96.9% and 0.10 $/m3, respec-
des the large-scale applicability of that process.[12,47,194] tively. Accordingly, Fe plate anodes in EC process was
Having many alternative treatment processes for the able to provide the WHO limit value. Indeed, it was
removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater, EC is over three times more economical than Fe ball anodes.
necessary to be a cost-effective process to be applied.[195] In another study, Kobya et al.[201] reported that the
Actually, the worldwide unstable energy prices and the operating costs for both Fe and Al electrodes at the
use of electric current as an operating parameter could optimum operating conditions were calculated as 1.562
represent a serious drawback that could discourage the $/m3 for Fe electrode and 1.851 $/m3 for Al electrode.
large-scale application of EC processes.[138] For this rea- Zeboudji et al.[202] reported that they achieved a
son, optimization of the EC process is a vital step to prove removal efficiency of 96% of boron concentration of

0.4 mg/L at a current density of 6 mA/cm2 and pH = 8 Table 6. Removal efficiencies, amounts of electrodes dissolved,
using aluminum electrodes. They carried out a compar- and electrical energy consumptions at different current densi-
ison between monopolar electrocoagulation (MEC) and ties and EC time with solution volume = 600 mL, pH = 9.6, and
electrical conductivity = 8.9 mS/cm.[47]
bipolar electrocoagulation (BEC) using both aluminum
ηexp (%)
and iron electrodes. They found that the BEC process
CD (mA/m2) t (min) E (kWh/m3) mFe (kg/m3) Cr3+ Cu2+ Ni2+ Zn2+
was able to reduce the applied current density com- 2 45 1.57 0.653 52 49 60 55
pared with MEC process. In addition, MEC achieved a 2 60 2.08 0.870 54 52 61 56
3 45 3.52 0.979 75 74 82 80
high level of boron removal to acceptable levels at low 3 60 4.68 1.306 77 75 83 79
cost in a short reaction time. The results presented in 4 45 6.25 1.306 100 96 97 96
4 60 8.33 1.741 100 99 98 99
this study and that of Cheballah et al.[203] revealed that
the EC process can be effectively used for the removal
of color, COD, TOC, and turbidity from textile
wastewater. Finally, the cost of treatment processes is dependent
Al-Shannag et al.[47] reported that at optimum operating on the energy or electricity prices. The use of a sustain-
conditions the energy consumption and amount of dis-
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

able renewable energy resource could sharply reduce

solved electrodes were around 6.25 kWh/m3 and 1.31 kg/ the treatment cost. This could be a theme for further
m3, respectively. They concluded that metal ion removal research studied to combine renewable energy produc-
using EC process consumes relatively low amount of tion with energy consumption in an eco-friendly treat-
energy. This fact makes the EC process economically fea- ment process.
sible and possible to scale up. Al-Shannag et al.[47] used the
following equation to calculate the power consumption per
unit volume of treated wastewater:
Scale-up of electrocoagulation processes
ðPÞðIÞðtÞ There are several essential, systematic, and successive
E¼ (42)
V steps required to transfer the initial lab-scale processes
where E is the specific energy consumption (kWh/m3), to final production plant. These include the lab- or
I is the DC current (A), P is the voltage (V), t is EC bench-scale production of a commercial product, opti-
time (h), and V is the volume of the treated wastewater mization of the production process, scale-up the pro-
(L). In addition, they used Faraday’s law to calculate cess from the lab to a pilot plant, and finally from the
portion of electrodes mass oxidized per unit volume of pilot to the full industrial-scale process.[204] However, a
treated wastewater as: systematic approach for the scale up of an EC process
from the lab to the ultimate goal or the pilot plant has
ðIÞðtÞ  MwtFe not emerged so far.[173] Instead, there are some
mFe ¼ 1000 (43) attempts to scale up the bench scale to a pilot plant
scale as an important step.[204–207] According to Den
where mFe is the specific mass of electrode dissolved and Huang,[204] a pilot plant scale can permit very
(kg/m3); I is the current (A); t is the EC time (s); MwtFe important information for a better understanding of
is the molecular mass of Fe (56 g/gmol); ZFe is the the whole process. They proposed a design approach
chemical equivalence of Fe (2); F is the Faraday con- consisting of experimental evaluation and model simu-
stant (F = 96,500 C/mol); and V is the treated volume lation (see Fig. 13).
of wastewater (m3). In addition, Den and Huang[204] scaled up the
Table 6 summarizes part of Al-Shannag et al.[47] dimensions of the reactor interior and some compo-
results. It shows the mass of electrodes dissolved and nents such the electrodes using geometrically similar
power consumption per cubic meter of treated waste- design to eliminate the hydrodynamic possible varia-
water and the corresponding removal efficiencies at tion. Table 7 shows some pilot-scale design and oper-
different current densities and EC treatment times. ating parameters.
According to Al-Shannag et al.[47] results, as current The experimental data and the model profiles for
density increases and/or EC time increases, both the three pilot-scale runs with different operating condi-
specific power consumption and the specific dissolu- tions, including the number of flow channels with
tion of electrodes increases. However, they concluded identical reactor working volume and wastewater flow
that detailed cost analysis is necessary to achieve a real rates are presented in Fig. 14.
conclusion about the feasibility EC process to be com- It can be readily observed in Fig. 14 that the experi-
pared with other treatment method. mental results generally match with the model
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

Figure 13. Design and scale-up procedure for electrocoagulation process.[204]

simulation, although there are some local discrepancies with those obtained from the lab scale with a maximum
between them near the entrance portion of the EC cell. removal efficiency of 98.4% indicating that the large
These discrepancies could be explained by the fact that scale of EC process is technologically feasible.[124]
the inlet at each turn of cell does not form a complete Finally, Lin et al.[196] designed a pilot-scale process to
flow channel and the EC process is active only in the reclaim domestic grey water, at 28 m3/day, to meet the
region between the electrodes. In addition, the discre- human noncontact usage general guidelines. They
pancies decrease toward the latter parts of the cell.[204] reported that the cost was US $ 0.27/m3 when the treat-
Zolotukhin[207] scaled up an electrocoagulation–flota- ment unit had 8 m2 electrode surface area.
tion system from lab scale to industrial size. They chose
some dimensionless quantities as a scale-up parameters
to ensure correct sizing and proportioning of the indus- Concluding remarks and perspectives
trial reactors. These dimensionless quantities are
Reynolds number (Re), the Froude number (Fr), and In this review, EC process has been demonstrated as a
Weber criteria (We), while the reactor geometry and practical cost-effective technology for heavy metal ions
gas saturation were kept similar. removal from wastewater. The following are the main
Vasudevan et al.[124] designed, fabricated, and oper- concluding remarks and perspectives that could benefit
ated a pilot-plant-scale EC based on lab-scale results researchers in their future work:
previously obtained for the removal of cadmium ions
from wastewater. A solution of 9 L was used for each (1) Advantages of EC processes include the ease of
experiment as the electrolyte. The results were consistent operation, no addition of chemicals, easy

Table 7. Reactor dimensions and operating parameters for management is considered. Therefore, a sustain-
laboratory- and pilot-scale electrocoagulation studies.[204] able end-use of sludge management is essential
Parameter Laboratory scale Pilot scale especially if toxic ions are produced from the
Reactor interior dimension 320 × 180 × 200 100 × 500 × 600 anode such as Cu+2 and Zn+2 to eliminate any
(L × W × H) (mm)
Working electrode dimension 180 × 140 450 × 400 negative impact of this sludge on the environ-
(W × H) (mm) ment. In addition, the sludge management and
Working volume (m3) 8.0 × 10 0.18
Applied current (A) 0.5–2.5 15–25 reuse have become an attractive research area in
Volumetric flow rate (m3/day) 0.12–0.37 1.0–4.0 the last few years, since sludge sometimes con-
Hydraulic retention time (min) 30–100 65–260
Number of channels, min/max 6/14 10/20 tains economically valuable compounds such as
metallic hydroxides.[47]
(4) Most of the performed studies used synthetic
rather than real wastewater. For this reason,
most of the results are ideal since the interfer-
ence of real mater matrix in the results is
excluded. For this reason, research extension
Downloaded by [Professor Mohammad Al-Shannag] at 10:40 08 November 2017

to use real wastewater is essential in order to

investigate the actual process performance.[60]
(5) Very limited studies have been conducted to scale
up the EC processes, since most of the published
work deals with single pollutant batch lab-scale
level. Despite that, these studies might provide
important guidelines for larger-scale processes.
Additional systematic studies to scale up EC pro-
cesses using continuous operation and real was-
tewater must be performed in order to introduce
Figure 14. Experimental data (symbols) and model profiles this process as an efficient and reliable technol-
(lines) of normalized concentrations as function of normalized
distance for various pilot-scale conditions: (♦, –) CF = 8.3 F/m3;
ogy for wastewater treatment.[196]
ν = 1.7 × 10–2 m/s, 20 channels; (■, –) CF = 6.3 F/m3; ν = 2.3 × (6) The EC process depends solely on the electrical
10–2 m/s, 20 channels; (Δ, . . .) CF = 8.3 F/m3; ν = 8.7 × 10–3 m/s, energy produced from non-renewable
12 channels; initial turbidity between 420 and 500 NTU.[204] resources. This could lead to two major draw-
backs, the high operating cost and the indirect
pollution caused by the combustion of fossil
collection of the produced sludge, high removal fuel to produce electricity. This necessitates
efficiency, rapid and well-controlled process. In the use of sustainable renewable energy
contrast, disadvantages of EC process include resources such as wind or tidal energy or
the regular need to replace the consumed sacri- photovoltaic modules.[208] Another energy
ficial electrode, cathode passivation, high option is the use of biogas produced from
operational cost of electric energy, increased anaerobic fermentation of waste materials.[119]
conductivity of the treated water. (7) The anode and cathode are the most important
(2) Most of the basic phenomena in the EC lab-scale parts in the EC cell system. However, in most
process such as mechanism, kinetics, effect of cases the anode suffers from fast consumption
operational parameters are well studied and iden- and the electrode suffers from passivation.
tified. However, the EC process is still not fully Accordingly, this suggests another major
tuned and optimized.[138] More extensive research area to improve the performance and
researches are required in the fields of process stability of both electrodes and to use new
optimization, modeling, scale up, and process electrode materials that comprise high perfor-
integration in order to prove the reliability of this mance and more cost-effective electrodes.[119]
technology for efficient large-scale wastewater (8) The use of EC process in combination with other
treatment. pre-treatment or polishing process might enhance
(3) The generated sludge from the EC reactor might its performance and efficiency. Several studies
contain a wide range of materials some of which have considered such combinations and reported
are harmful to the environment if no suitable a higher performance and cost-efficient treatment

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