September2023 103038

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135 Rivonia Road, Sandown, 2196
P O Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa
Bank VAT Reg No 4320116074
Lost cards 0800 110 929
Client services 0860 555 111
Tax invoice

Please examine this statement soonest. If no error is reported within 30 days after receipt, the statement will be considered as being correct.

Account summary
Account type Account number
Current account 1093131527
Statement date: 04/09/2023 Envelope: 1 of 1

Statement period: 04/08/2023 – 04/09/2023 Total pages: 3
Statement frequency: Monthly Client VAT number:

Bank charges summary Cashflow

Other charges R26.60 Opening balance R189.12
Bank charge(s) (total) R26.60 Funds received/Credits R1,301.15
*VAT inclusive @ 15.000% Funds used/Debits R1,432.98
VAT calculated monthly Closing balance R57.29
Annual credit interest rate 4.750%

Total funds received/credits R1,301.15 Total funds used/debits R1,432.98

Account payments R212.00

Interest earned R1.15
Cash withdrawals R150.00

Transfers in R1,300.00
Debit card purchase R1,044.38

Total charges and fees R26.60

Other credits R0.00

Other debits R0.00

Total R1,301.15
Total R1,432.98

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% of funds received % of utilisation

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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Bank charges for the period 4 August 2023 to 4 September 2023

Narrative Description Item cost (R) VAT (R) Total (R)
Other charges 23.13 3.47 26.60
Total Charges 26.60
Tran list no Date Description Fees (R) Debits (R) Credits (R) Balance (R)
05/08/2023 Opening balance 189.12
000114 05/08/2023 mpho 10.00 179.12
05/08/2023 NETBANK PAYMENT FEE 2.20 * 176.92
07/08/2023 Bash 522902XXXXXX3928 179.00 -2.08
08/08/2023 Irene 250.00 247.92
10/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 235.92
10/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 223.92
11/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 211.92
12/08/2023 PNPASAP 522902XXXXXX3928 103.40 108.52
14/08/2023 Irene 200.00 308.52
15/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 296.52
15/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 284.52
16/08/2023 mpho Mulaudzi 150.00 434.52
16/08/2023 Irene 100.00 534.52
16/08/2023 ATM CASH 522902XXXXXX3928 100.00 434.52
16/08/2023 ATM/SSD WITHDRAWAL FEE 10.00 * 424.52
17/08/2023 ATM CASH 522902XXXXXX3928 50.00 374.52
17/08/2023 ATM/SSD WITHDRAWAL FEE 10.00 * 364.52
17/08/2023 CCN*Florida Su522902XXXXXX3928 55.00 309.52
17/08/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 36.00 273.52
18/08/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 58.00 215.52
000115 18/08/2023 UBER SA help.u522902XXXXXX3928 57.00 158.52
18/08/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 50.00 108.52
18/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 96.52
19/08/2023 Irene 100.00 196.52
22/08/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 51.00 145.52
22/08/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 36.00 109.52
22/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 97.52
23/08/2023 Irene 200.00 297.52
23/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 285.52
25/08/2023 Irene 200.00 85.52
25/08/2023 NETBANK PAYMENT FEE 2.20 * 83.32
26/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 12.00 71.32
26/08/2023 PAYGATE*Redhou522902XXXXXX3928 7.00 64.32
28/08/2023 INTEREST 27/07 - 27/08 1.15 65.47
28/08/2023 VAT 27/07-27/08 = R7.28 0.00 65.47
28/08/2023 mpho 2.00 63.47
28/08/2023 NETBANK PAYMENT FEE 2.20 * 61.27
29/08/2023 Irene 200.00 261.27
30/08/2023 SIMPLY ASIA MA522902XXXXXX3928 94.00 167.27
30/08/2023 Checkers Mall 522902XXXXXX3928 44.98 122.29
000116 30/08/2023 PEP HOME 5882 522902XXXXXX3928 25.00 97.29
31/08/2023 Irene 100.00 197.29
31/08/2023 https://www.ub522902XXXXXX3928 37.00 160.29
04/09/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 53.00 107.29
Balance carried forward

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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Tran list no Date Description Fees (R) Debits (R) Credits (R) Balance (R)
Balance brought forward
04/09/2023 Uber Rides 522902XXXXXX3928 50.00 57.29

Closing balance 57.29

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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