IDB PYQ QuestionPaper

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Introductlon to Datubasos (CSE 3151)

PrograMmer Tech Bemester: 6th
nlMarke: 30 Time:2 Hours

Subject/Courso Learnlng Outcome TaRonomy Ques. Marks

Level Nos.
To idenuty and explain the dillerent L2
Componenta and unctionalities of DBMS 1a, b,
and their interdependence through the C,
database architecture 2 b

To analyze an enterprise schema for given

user requirements and apply the 2 4, c, 10
conceptual databuse design principles 3 a, b,
through ER modeling to construct the ER
To analyze and design relational database
schema 4 a,b,c 12
using decompasition and
normalization techniques 5 a,b,c

Bloom's taxonorny levels: Knowledge (L1), Conprehension (L2), Application

(L3), Analysis (LA), Evaluation (L5), Creation (L6)

Answer all questions. Each question carries equal mark.

1. (a) List four significant differences between file 2

processing system and a DBMS.

(b) What is data model? Differentiate

and hierarchical model. between relational 2

(c Explain the role of different database

users. 2

2. (a
Distinguish between primary key and partial key with 2

page 1
(b utline the roie of different storage manager 2

(c) Explain the concept of specialization? Compare the 2

different completeness constraints inposed Gn
specialization with proper example.

3. (a) Consider a database maintaining the details of the 2

loans and the corresponding installments of a bank.
Each loan is represented by a unique loan _no, amount.
Each installment is represented by a ino, iamount,
idate. The association of loan and installment is
represented by the relationship named as loan_inst.
One loan may have multiple install1ments. For each loan
the installments are distinguished through ino. The
existence of installment is dependent on the loan.
Construct the ER diagram for the above database
representing entity set, relationship set, mapping
cardinality and participation constraints.

(b) Develop the appropriate relational schemas for the 2

database illustrated in the ER diagram related to que.

(c) Analyze the referential integrity for the relational 2

schema resulted in que 3(b) and draw its corresponding
schema diagram.
Consider the following set F of functional dependencies
4. (a) on the relation schema R(A,B,C,D,E, F,G,H): 2

(CH-G, A-BC, B--CFH, E-A, F-EG}

List out the all possible candidate keys of R.
(GATE 2013)

(b) Consider a relational schema X(P.Q,R,S) with the 2

functional dependencies on the relation schema: P l
QR->S, R->P,S-.Q).
Check the properties of decomposition if R is
Page 2 of 4
decomposed into Ri(Q.R,S) and R2(P,R).
(GATE 2019)
Consider the following table T and the set of functional
dependencies F:(A->B, C->B, D->ABC, AC->D)

al bl cl dl
al bl c2 d2
a2 bl cl d3
a2 bi c3 d4
indicate which
Given the following records or rows, violating any
record can be added in to table T without record or row
F. If a
of the functional dependencies in it indicating which
cannot be legally added, justify
functional dependency is violated.
Records: (a2, bl, c4, d8), (a2, b2, cl, d8),
(al, bl, c2, d5)
(a3, bl, c4, d3),

partial dependency? ldentify the number of 2

(a) What is in a relation R{A,B,C,D,E) with FD
partial dependencies
set F={A->BE, E->C, C->AB}.
(b) Explain 1NF with proper

schema Book (ISBN, Title, 2

Consider a relational with
the Publisher
" (c) Publisher, Address) Publisher,
(1SBN - Title, ISBN ’ normal form that the
F= weakest
Address). Which is Comment whether it satisfies the
schema satisfies? not with reason. If no, redesign
property of 2NF orthe properties of 2NF.
schema satisfying

End of Questions*

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