Soal Pas GENAP Kelas 6

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i. Pilihan Ganda
1. Fruits are . . . for our body.
a. Cheap
b. Healthy
c. Beatiful
d. Expensive
2. Mama buy three fruits, they are . . . .
a. Apple, melon, pear
b. Pear, strawberry, snaps
c. Banana, spinach, eggplant
d. Brocoli, pineapple, cucumber
3. Avocado’s color is . . . .
a. Blue
b. Green
c. Purple
d. Orange
4. . . . . taste spicy.
a. Corn
b. Apple
c. Chilli
d. Cabbage
5. How many “a” in the cabbage word . . . .
a. One
b. Two
c. Four
d. Three
6. It’s vehicle use on land. It has three wheels. We don’t need fuel to use it. It is a . . . .
a. Bus
b. Boat
c. Train
d. Pedicab
7. The plane stop in the . . . .
a. Hanger
b. Airport
c. Station
d. Harbour
8. A bus is . . . .
a. Can fly in the sky
b. An air transportation
c. Can be used under water
d. Has more than two wheels
9. Sinta’s bike is broken. The word broken in Bahasa Indonesia is . . . .
a. Jelek
b. Rusak
c. Bagus
d. Hadiah
10. What transportation is also known as a two wheeler . . .
a. Car
b. Bus
c. Helicopter
d. Motorcycle
11. He felt . . . because he has won the swimming competition.
a. Happy
b. Worried
c. Anxious
d. Hopeless
12. Sinta feels . . . . when her grandmother passed away
a. Shy
b. Sad
c. Happy
d. Loving
13. Thank you for helping me. I am so . . . . that you are here.
a. Glad
b. Tired
c. Angry
d. Dissapointed
14. He is so . . . after cleaning the house. He is sleeping right now.
a. Shy
b. Sad
c. Tired
d. Jealous
15. Lucas feels . . . after wathing horror movie.
a. Sad
b. Happy
c. Scared
d. Jealous
16. Roni is a student. He . . . at her school.
a. Study
b. Studies
c. Studied
d. Studying
17. Do you like chocolate? Yes, . . . .
a. I do
b. I did
c. I does
d. I done
18. Mr. Maman is explaining the lesson in classroom. He is a . . . .
a. Typist
b. Doctor
c. Farmer
d. Teacher
19. Where can you get any food if you hungry ? I can get some food in . . . .
a. School
b. Hospital
c. Restaurant
d. Post Office
20. Eating – like – some – I – cake in good sentence is . . . .
a. I like some eating cake
b. I like some cake eating
c. I eating like some cake
d. I like eating some cake

ii. Essay
1. Arrange the letter into a correct words!
a. M - a – g – n – o – g
b. N – r – o – c
c. T – m – o – a – t - o
2. . . . . is famous for giving Popeye his strength.
3. Mention 3 Air transportation that you know !
Make the correct expression if . . . .
4. Your family gives surprise in your birthday.
5. Your Grandmother passed away.

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