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Learning Task 2.

Everyday Emotions and

Learning Task 2. Everyday Emotions and Decisions

Hecho por: Lucas Rodriguez Nuñez

Fecha: 15/11/2023



Carrera: Tecnología en desarrollo de software

Table and video
Daily routine situation Emotion Complete sentence
get out of bed Lazy I feel lazy when i wake up to the bed,

take the breakfast happiness i really feel happy when i take my favorite breakfast

Take a shower Happiness I feel happy when I am taking a shower

wait the bus boredom I feel boredom when i wait a long time the bus

study in the university anxiety i feel anxiety to go at the university because i have
the final exam today

receive the exam surprise i feel surprised when i received the calcification of
the exam

Moment of my daily routine Unexpected event emotion

get out of bed it's late for the work anxiety

sentence 1 I feel anxiety when i wake up to the bed and i

see that it's late for arrive to my work

reaction sentence So, i decide to take a taxi

Moment of my daily routine Unexpected event emotion

wait the bus the bus don't stop angry

sentence 1 I feel angry when I wait for

the bus and it doesn't stop

reaction sentence So, i go to walk to my

Moment of my daily routine Unexpected event emotion
Take a shower the water is cold sadness

sentence 1 i feel sadness when i take

a shower and the water
outs cold

reaction sentence So, i wait until the water its


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