Characterizing The Thermal Quantum Correlations in

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Characterizing the thermal quantum correlations in

a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ spin-1/2 chain under

Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and Kaplan-Shekhtman-Entin-
Wohlman-Aharony interactions
Abelkebir El aroui (  )
Ibn Zohr University: Universite Ibn Zohr
Youssef Khedif
Hassan II University: Universite Hassan II Casablanca
Nabil Habiballah
Ibn Zohr University: Universite Ibn Zohr
Mostafa Nassik
Ibn Zohr University: Universite Ibn Zohr

Research Article

Keywords: Thermal quantum correlations, Local quantum uncertainty, Trace distance discord, XXZ
Heisenberg spin chain

Posted Date: June 15th, 2022


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Characterizing the thermal quantum correlations in a two-qubit Heisenberg
XXZ spin- 21 chain under Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya and
Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin–Wohlman–Aharony interactions

Abdelkebir El Arouia1 ,Youssef Khedifb2 , Nabil Habiballaha,c,d 3 and Mostafa Nassika4

a EPTHE, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
Laboratory of High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences Aı̈n Chock, University Hassan II,
P.O. Box 5366 Maarif Casablanca 20100, Morocco
c Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Ait-Melloul, Morocco
d Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Strada Costiera 11, I - 34151 Trieste, Italy


We considered the two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ spin chain in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya
(DM) and Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin–Wohlman–Aharony (KSEA) interactions in thermal equilibrium. As
discord-type quantifiers of thermal non-classical correlations, we used trace distance discord and local quan-
tum uncertainty. Depending on the thermal state of the system considered, the explicit analytical expressions
of the suggested quantifiers are derived and their behaviors with respect to the various parameters of the sys-
tem are examined. The results obtained showed that the DM and KSEA interactions considerably improve
the quantum correlations contained in the bipartite system while the temperature tends to decrease their

Keywords: Thermal quantum correlations; Local quantum uncertainty; Trace distance discord; XXZ Heisen-
berg spin chain.

1 email:
2 email:
3 email:
4 email:
1 Introduction

Quantum entanglement, a significant property of quantum mechanics, is regarded as a basic resource for quan-
tum information and quantum computation [1, 2]. It plays an important role in many fundamental aspects of
quantum information processing tasks such as superdense coding [3], quantum teleportation [4] and quantum
states merging [5, 6]. One of the main problems heavily investigated in quantum information science is the
characterization and quantification of correlations in quantum states. At first, it was believed that quantum cor-
relation was synonymous with quantum entanglement and that quantum information protocols could only be
implemented through entangled states [1]. Nonetheless, non-trivial quantum correlations have been discovered
in mixed separable states [7] which were later used in some useful quantum information protocols which cannot
be achieved by classical means [8, 9]. It has been shown that this type of correlations can only be quantified by
what is called quantum discord [10, 11]. In this context, quantum discord goes beyond entanglement; because
it does not only measure the quantum correlations in the entangled states but also in the separable states. But
the analytical computation of quantum discord in its entropy form is usually not an easy task. To facilitate
the computation of quantum discord, two different approaches have been adopted as an alternative way : the
first approach is based on metric criteria in the state space [12, 13] while the second is based on the concept
of uncertainty [14, 15]. One of the most important geometrical versions of discord is trace distance discord
(TDD) [16] which quantifies the amount of non-classical correlations through the measure of the distance be-
tween the probing state and its closest genuinely zero-discord states [17–19]. Concerning the second approach,
the discord-like correlations between different parts of a composite system can also be quantified through what
is called local quantum uncertainty (LQU) [15]. This reliable measure of quantum discord was inspired by the
notion of skew information introduced by Wigner and Yanase [14,20] mainly to measure the uncertainty result-
ing from a single local observable action on a given state of the bipartite system. As with TDD, LQU can also
be calculated simply and a closed formula for qubit-qudit system states is given in Ref. [21]. More precisely, a
flexible formalism for the computation of LQU in a two-qubit X state has been established in Refs. [22–26].
Recently, intensive interest has been devoted to the characterization and quantification of quantum corre-
lations in condensed matter physics systems [22–24, 27–31]. From a practical standpoint, the Heisenberg spin
chain has been considered the most widely used quantum system for this purpose. In this context, several
studies of thermal pairwise entanglement within different Heisenberg spin chain models have been investi-
gated [28, 32–35]. In addition, thermal quantum correlation in such systems under the interplay of magnetic
field have also been quantified particularly by quantum discord [36, 37]. It is worth mentioning that the spin-
spin coupling was the most common interaction in the Heisenberg model spin chain. But in fact, the genuine
interaction between two neighboring spins is the one that includes also the spin-orbit coupling. To characterise
the symmetric contribution arising from this coupling, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) [38, 39] terms are in-
corporated in the Heisenberg model. This new model has been employed in several works to investigate the
pairwise thermal quantum correlations via various quantifiers [23, 24, 29]. Furthermore, the quantum phase
transition of a two-spin XYZ Heisenberg model with homogeneous external transverse magnetic field and DM
interaction was variously discussed in Refs. [29, 40]. Meanwhile, the Heisenberg spin models, without [41, 42]

and with DM interactions [43, 44], have been used to characterise the thermal features of the bipartite entropy-
based uncertainty. Further to DM interaction, it is shown that the spin-orbit coupling provides also a symmetric
contribution termed Kaplan-Shekhtman-Entin-Wohlman-Aharony interaction (KSEA) [30, 31, 45–47]. Within
the intrinsic decoherence framework, the temporal evolution of quantum correlations in a two-qubit Heisenberg
spin chain models with DM [48–51] as well as the KSEA [52] interactions has been also recently studied.
The main goal of this paper is the study of the effects of both contributions, antisymmetric (DM) and sym-
metric (KSEA), of spin-orbit coupling on the thermal non-classical correlations quantified by discord-like
quantifiers. More specifically, we are interested in the characterization of non-classical thermal correlations
in a two-dimensional XXZ Heisenberg spin chain in the presence of DM and KSEA interactions along the z
direction using TDD and LQU. After the evaluation of the thermal state of the considered system, the relevant
expressions of the quantum correlations are derived. For the sake of comparison, we study the effects of dif-
ferent system parameters on non-classical correlations in the spin chain and discuss the remarkable differences
between them.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we present the Hamiltonian which describes the XXZ
Heisenberg two-qubit model and the density matrix of the system. In Sec. 3, we review some preliminaries
about the quantifiers that we use to quantify the quantum correlations in our system, namely TDD and LQU.
The TDD and LQU analytical expressions corresponding to the investigated model are derived in Sec. 4. The
effects of different parameters on the amounts of non-classical correlations are exploited and examined in detail
in Sec. 5. To close this paper, concluding remarks are given in Sec. 6.

2 Two-qubit XXZ Heisenberg model with DM and KSEA coupling

In this section, we consider the XXZ Heisenberg two-qubit model under the effect of DM and KSEA interac-
tions directed along the z-axis which we will now denote by z-DM and z-KSEA for simplicity. The Hamiltonian
model is given by [22, 30]

H = J σ1x σ2x + σ1y σ2y + γσ1z σ2z + D σ1x σ2y − σ1y σ2x + Γ σ1x σ2y + σ1y σ2x c

α ∈{x,y,z}
where the σi denote the standard Pauli operators acting on the site i = 1, 2, the dimensionless factor
γ ∈ [0, 1] is the anisotropy parameter in the z direction, J denotes the exchange coupling constant between the
spins, D and Γ stand for the z–DM and z–KSEA components. J > 0 corresponds to the antiferromagnetic chain
while J < 0 refers to the ferromagnetic chain case. We notice that we are working in units so that D, Γ and J
are dimensionless.
The Hamiltonian (1) can be rewritten, in the two-qubit standard computational basis is B = {|00i, |01i, |10i, |11i}
in the following matrix form
 
γJ 0 0 −2iΓ
 
 0 −γ J 2 (J + iD) 0 
H = . (2)

 0 2 (J − iD) −γ J 0  
2iΓ 0 0 γJ

In the basis B, the eigenvalues En and the corresponding eigenvectors |ϕn i of the Hamiltonian (2) can be easily
obtained in the following forms
E1,2 = γ J ± 2Γ, |ϕ1,2 i = √ (|00i ± |11i), (3a)
E3,4 = −γ J ± 2ξ , |ϕ3,4 i = √ (|01i ± eiθ |10i), (3b)
√ J
where ξ := J 2 + D2 and cos θ = . The kets |0i and |1i denote spin-up and spin-down states, respectively.
We propose to study the non-classical correlations, in the considered system, captured by LQU and TDD by
taking into account the thermal fluctuations. To this end, we first evaluate the Gibbs density matrix describing
the two-spin system at thermal equilibrium defined by
ρ (T ) = , (4)
Tr(e−H/T )
where T is the temperature in energy units. From the spectrum (3) of the Hamiltonian H, we can analytically
derive the two-qubit thermal density matrix ρ (T ). After simple algebraic operations, the density matrix (4) is
rewritten, in the basis B as  
r 0 0 u
 
1  0 s v 0 
ρ (T ) =  . (5)
2 (r + s) 
 0 v∗ s 0 

u∗ 0 0 r
We find that ρ (T ) has an X form where its elements are expressed as following
− γTJ 2Γ
r = e cosh ,
γJ 2Γ
u = ie− T sinh , (6)
γJ 2ξ
s = e cosh
T ,
γJ 2ξ
v = −e T sinh .

3 Non-classical correlations quantifiers

3.1 Local quantum uncertainty

Local quantum uncertainty is a discord-like measure of non-classical correlations in multipartite systems. More
precisely, it has been proposed to quantify the minimum quantum uncertainty produced in a quantum state due
to a measurement of a single local observable [15]. Considering the density matrix ρAB describing a bipartite
quantum state shared between A and B parts, and let KAΛ ⊗ 1B be a local observable, where KAΛ is a Hermitian
operator on A of spectrum Λ and 1B is the identity operator acting on the subsystem B. The LQU, with respect
to subsystem A, is defined as [15]
U (ρAB ) := min I ρAB , KAΛ ⊗ 1B , (7)

where the minimum is optimized over all local observables on subsystem A with a non-degenerate spectrum Λ
and the quantity hp
1 i2 
I (ζ , KAΛ ⊗ 1B ) := − Tr Λ
ζ , KA ⊗ 1B (8)
refers to the Wigner–Yanase skew information [14, 20]. It is used to measure the uncertainty produced in a
given state ζ due to the observable K measurement. In particular, we can show that, for pure states(ζ 2 = ζ ),
the skew information reduces to the conventional variance formula
Var (ζ , K) = Tr ζ K 2 − Tr ζ K (9)

The analytical evaluation of LQU is performed by a minimization procedure over all observable acting on part
A of the considered bipartite system. Accordingly, a closed formula for qubit-qudit systems is available [21].
In particular, the LQU for qubits with respect to subsystem A reads as [15]

U (ρAB ) = 1 − ωmax , (10)

where ωmax denotes the maximal eigenvalue of the 3 × 3 symmetric matrix WAB with the elements
  n√  √  o
WAB ≡ Tr ρAB σAu ⊗ 1B ρAB σAv ⊗ 1B (11)

and σAu,v (u, v = x, y, z) are the three Pauli operators of the subsystem A. The LQU has been shown to meet all
the physical requirements of a measure of quantum correlations [15]. Indeed, it is invariant under any local
unitary operations. Moreover, LQU provides a reliable discord-like measure (i.e. LQU vanishes for all states
which have zero discord) and it has a geometrical significance in terms of Hellinger distance [14, 15].

3.2 Trace distance discord

The trace distance discord (TDD) is a reliable geometric quantifier of discord-type correlations. It quantifies
the quantum correlations by means of the Schatten 1-norm distance. More precisely, it measures the distance
between a given state and its closest zero discord one. For a bipartite state ρAB of the Hilbert space HA ⊗ HB ,
the TDD is defined as [12]
DT (ρAB ) = min kρAB − ρcq k1 . (12)
ρcq ∈Ω0

Here, ρcq denotes a classical-quantum state with zero quantum discord, Ω0 is the set of states with vanishing
quantum discord and kOk1 = Tr O † O defines the trace norm of a generic operator O. Note that, the set of
classical-quantum states ρcq , with respect to local measurements on subsystem A, can be expressed as [53]
ρcq = ∑ pk |kihk|A ⊗ ρkB , (13)

where {|kiA } is an orthonormal basis of A subsystem’s Hilbert space HA , ρkB a general reduced density operator
of the subsystem B on its Hilbert space HB and {pk } is a set of statistical probability distribution with a convex
combination (pk ≥ 0 and ∑k=1 pk = 1).

4 Thermal non-classical correlations

In this section, we study LQU and TDD to quantify the non-classical correlations contained in the bipartite
quantum state ρ (T ) (5). To compute LQU (10) with respect to the subsystem A, the elements of the matrix
WAB corresponding to the thermal state ρ (T ) should be identified. By inserting (5) into (11), we can straight-
forwardly check that the matrix elements of WAB are given by (see Ref. [22] for more details)
1 p p p p 
ω11 = r − |u| s − |v| + r + |u| s + |v| ,
1 p p p p 
ω22 = r + |u| s − |v| + r − |u| s + |v| ,
q q
2 2 2 2
ω33 = r − |u| + s − |v| . (14)
So, the LQU is computed as
U (ρ (T )) = 1 − max (ω11 , ω22 , ω22 ) . (15)

On the other hand, the explicit and compact expression of TDD for a generic two-qubit X state was derived and
presented in Ref. [16]. Following this, the TDD corresponding to the thermal state ρ (T ) is expressed as
ε+2 max ε−2 , ε 2 − ε−2 min ε+2 , ε 2
D (ρ (T )) =   (16)
max ε−2 , ε 2 − min ε+2 , ε 2 + ε+2 − ε−2
|u|±|v| r−s
where ε± = r+s and ε = r+s are the non vanished components of the correlation matrix appearing in the
Fano-Bloch decomposition of the density matrix ρ (T ) [22, 54].

5 Results and discussions

In what follows, we analyze TDD and LQU as functions of the temperature, spin-spin as well as spin-orbit
exchanges couplings and the anisotropy parameters.

1.0 1.0
G=0.1 G=0.1
0.8 G=0.5 0.8 G=0.5
G=1 G=1
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

(a) (b)

Figure 1: 1(a) TDD and 1(b) LQU vs temperature T for various values of z–KSEA component in a two ferro-
magnetic isotropic XXX Heisenberg spin-1/2 system by taking D = 0.5 and J = −2.

The changes in quantum correlations in terms of the temperature T in the ferromagnetic XXX Heisenberg
spin–1/2 chain under the effect of z–DM and z–KSEA interactions are shown in Fig. 1. We observe that TDD

(Fig. 1(a)) and LQU (Fig. 1(b)) exhibit an almost similar behaviour with respect to the temperature T . They
have a maximum value (close to unity) when T → 0. This happens because at very low temperatures, the
bipartite system exists in the maximally entangled pure ground state |ϕ2 i = √1 (|00i − |11i) (3). Then, due to
thermal fluctuations, we observe that both quantifiers undergo asymptotic decay with increasing temperature.
Remarkably, the thermal feature of TDD (Fig. 1(a)) manifests a local minimum when the value of the z–KSEA
component is relatively small (Γ = 0.1). Correspondingly, such an aspect disappears completely as the values
of Γ sufficiently increase. Hence, the increasing values of Γ tend to suppress the local minimum for TDD
quantifier [30]. It should be mentioned that LQU disappears faster than TDD at higher temperatures. We also
note that the larger Γ, the longer the system will survive in the ground state. Indeed, this behaviour is due to the
dependence of the ground state relevant minimum energy (Emin = J − 2Γ) by Γ (see left side of (3a)). It follows
that increasing the latter implies weakening the effect of temperature fluctuations on quantum correlations. It
should be noted that in low temperature regime and for the ferromagnetic two-spin XXX isotropic system, the
elements of the density matrix (6) can be simplified to r = |u| ≃ e T , s = |v| = 0 and therefore D(ρ (T → 0)) =
U (ρ (T → 0)) = 1.
In Fig. 2, we analyze the effect of the DM interaction on the quantum correlations for various values of
temperature T , in the ferromagnetic two-qubit XXZ Heisenberg spin chain system in the absence of the z–
KSEA interaction (Γ = 0). As shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), respectively, the TDD and LQU behave in the same
way with respect to the parameter D. They first increase from T -dependent initial values with D increasing to
asymptotically reach the value 1 for a very sufficient value of D. Furthermore, it is observed that the temperature
effect disappears completely for high values of D. This highlights that the antisymmetric contribution of spin-
orbit coupling in the z–direction serves to improve and maintain the value of quantum correlations in two-
spin XXZ ferromagnetic system. In addition, this makes the considered system more resistant against to the
decoherence phenomenon produced by the fluctuations temperatures effects.

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

T=0.3 T=0.3
T=1 0.2
T=2 T=2
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

(a) (b)

Figure 2: The variations of 2(a) TDD and 2(b) LQU in terms of D for various temperatures in a two neighboring
XXZ ferromagnetic spin–1/2 system by considering γ = 0.8, J = −1 and Γ = 0.

Now we study how the exchange coupling constant J affects the non-classical correlations measured by TDD
(Fig. 3(a)) and LQU (Fig. 3(b)) for various temperature values T . The graphs in Fig. 3 show that the non-
classical correlations captured by the considered quantifiers evolve in terms of J according to a similar behavior

as that observed when the D effects were considered (Fig. 2). As a result, increasing J improves quantum
correlations between antiferromagnetic spins and prevents the destructive effect of thermal fluctuations.
Next, we examine the effect of the KSEA interaction, as a symmetric contribution of spin-orbit coupling, along
the z-axis (Γ) on quantum correlations for fixed values of temperature. The main results are illustrated in Fig.
4 for two ferromagnetic XXZ Heisenberg spin systems. As shown in this figure, the two quantifiers behave

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

T=0.3 T=0.3
0.2 0.2
T=1 T=1
T=2 T=2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(a) (b)

Figure 3: 3(a) TDD and 3(b) LQU as a function of the exchange coupling constant J for various temperatures in
a two-spin XXZ Heisenberg system under the effect of z–DM and z–KSEA interactions by considering D = 0.6,
Γ = 0.3 and γ = 0.8.

differently with respect to the parameter Γ. On the one hand, the variations of TDD (Fig. 4(a)) show two
stages. It first decreases from a T -dependent maximum value when Γ = 0 to reach a peaked minimum value
corresponding to a critical value Γc = ε − γ J ≃ 1.97 which is also T -dependent (see inset of fig. 4(a)). It
is interesting to notice that the value of Γc can be obtained analytically when the condition ε+2 = ε−2 = ε 2 is
fulfilled. After that, the quantum correlations quantified by the trace norm increase to asymptotically reach a
maximal amount of correlations equal to unity. On the other hand, LQU (Fig. 4(b)) increases monotonically
from a T -dependent value for Γ = 0 to tend asymptotically towards unity. It is concluded that, like to z–DM
interaction effects, the z–KSEA interaction clearly improves the thermal quantum correlations between the two
neighboring XXZ ferromagnetic spins, and also limits the effect of thermal fluctuations on them.
Finally, we study the influence of the anisotropy parameter γ on the thermal quantum correlations quantified
by TDD and LQU in a two ferromagnetic XXZ Heisenberg spins under the effect of z–DM and z–KSEA
interactions for different temperature values. In Fig. 5, it is observed that the considered quantifiers also
provide different aspects in terms of γ . An almost linear decrease in TDD (Fig. 5(a)) with γ increasing to
−ε +Γ
reach a peaked minimum for γ ∗ = J ≃ 0.77 wherein a sudden change in behavior occurs. The non-classical
correlations captured by LQU (Fig. 5(b)) in the system also show a linear decrease with respect to γ . The
sudden change in behavior observed in the case of TDD (Fig. 5(a)) at γ ∗ ≃ 0.77, which takes place only for
ε+2 = ε−2 = ε 2 , does not reverse the changes in LQU as a function of γ . Interestingly, the two quantifiers reveal
more quantum correlations in the bipartite isotropic XX Heisenberg system in comparing with the isotropic
XXX system. That is to say, the presence of the DM and KSEA interactions along the z–axis make the two
isotropic XX ferromagnetic spins system more correlated than that of the isotropic XXX Heisenberg bipartite

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.06 0.6

0.4 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 0.4

T=1 T=1
0.2 0.2
T=2.5 T=2.5
T=4 T=4
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

(a) (b)

Figure 4: 4(a) TDD and 4(b) LQU vs Γ for various temperatures in a two neighboring ferromagnetic spin–1/2
XXZ system under the effect of z–DM interaction by taking J = −1.2, D = 2.5 and γ = 2/3.


T=1.5 1.0 T=1.5
0.8 T=2.5 T=2.5
T=4 0.8 T=4




0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(a) (b)

Figure 5: 5(a) TDD and 5(b) LQU vs anisotropy parameter γ for various temperatures in a two neighboring
ferromagnetic spin–1/2 system under the effect of z–DM and z–KSEA interactions by considering J = −2,
D = 1.2, and Γ = 0.8.

6 Concluding remarks

In this study, thermal non-classical correlations quantified by TDD and LQU in a two-spin- 21 XXZ Heisenberg
model under the effect of DM and KSEA interactions both directed along the z-axis were investigated. The
analytic expressions of the two quantifiers are derived from the Hamiltonian model. TDD and LQU dependen-
cies according to model parameters are exploited and highlighted. It is observed that the thermal fluctuations
act to dampen the quantum correlations, while the z components of the two interactions DM and KSEA serve
maintain and improve these bipartite correlations, especially in the ferromagnetic system. For the influences
of the anisotropy parameter γ , it is shown that the amounts of quantum correlations are more important in the
isotropic XX Heisenberg model than in the isotropic XXX one. Given the observations and facts described
above, an appropriate control parameter to decrease thermal fluctuations on the quantum correlations by vary-
ing the model parameters can be obtained. In general, except for the influences of the Γ and γ parameters,

similar behavior of TDD and LQU with respect to other parameters of the model was confirmed.

Funding Not applicable.

Data availability Not applicable.
Code availability Not applicable.


Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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