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America changed in many ways after World War 1.

The ending of this war led to changes in the

economy, society, and politics. The war boosted industrial production, as the US supplied goods
to the Allies. Women played a bigger role in the workforce, which eventually contributed to the
women's suffrage movement. The war also sparked a wave of patriotism and nationalism.

The war created a surge in industrial production in the United states. Industrial production
increased by 32% during the war. Ths growth was driven by the demand for goods and supplies
for the allies. Factories were bustling with activity producing everything from weapons and
ammunition to uniforms and equipment. This growth established the US as a major global
economic power.

The war sparked a wave of patriotism and nationalism in America. The war created a sense of
unity and pride among the American people as they rallied behind the war effort. Citizens
participated in various war related activities such as buying war bonds, supporting troops, and
conserving resources. This heightened sense of national identity influenced American society
and politic shaping the country's trajectory in the years to come.

World war 1 brought about significant changes in the role of women in American society. With
many men serving in the military women stepped up to fill the gaps in the workforce. This shift
challenged traditional gender roles and paved the way for greater gender equality. Additionally,
the suffrage movement gained momentum, resulting in the passage of the 19th Amendment in
1920, granting women the right to vote.

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