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Vol. I August 15, 1920 No. 99


Compiled by the Medical Division of the Air Service

Ralph Brown Draughon


MAR 27 2013
Auburn University


Page. Page.
By Edward C. Schneider, major, Sanitary
ARMISTICE. By Col. Albert E. Truby, Med- Corps; Brenton R. Lutz, first lieutenant,
ical Corps, Chief Surgeon, Air Service, and Sanitary Corps; and Harold W. Gregg, second
Maj. John Dibble, Medical Corps .. ... ......• 3 lieutenant, Sanitary Corps .....•............ 62
sen, formerly first lieutenant, Medical -Corps .. 8 TENSION. By Edward C. Schneider, major,
3. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT OF OXYGEN DE- Sanitary Corps, a.nd Brenton R. Lutz, first
PRIVATION. By English Bagby, formerly lieutenant, Sanitary Corps ..........•....... 73
first lieutenant, Sanitary Corps ............. . 16 12. THE RELATION OF THE SIGHTING EYE TO THE
OF PHYSICAL FATIGUE AND EFFICIENCY. By Dolman, formerly captain, Medical Corps . .• .80
Edward C. Schneider, formerly major, "Sani- 13. A CONSIDERATION OF SOME TESTS FOR DETER-
tary Corps ....• . ..........•.... . ........... 22 MINING THE SIGHTING EYE. By Pero. Dol-
5. DARK ADAPTATION, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE man, formerly captain, Medical Corps. -- .. .. 83
Capt. P. W. Cobb, Medical Corps ... . . ...... . 27 TION OF !Ts OPTICAL DEFECTS. By Pere
6. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF DARK Dolman, formerly captain, Medical Corps . ... 84
Corps .. ... .................. ..... ....•.•. . .. 39 TION. By Harvey J. Howard, formerly cap-
7. THE MADDOX RoD AND SCREEN TEST COM· tain, Medical Corps ..•... . . .... . ..... . . . .....
BINED. By Pere Dolman, formerly captain, 16. A STEREOMICROMETER. By Harvey J. How-
Medical Corps • ....................••......•• 42 ard, formerly captain, Medical Corps ....... . 90
TENSIONS ATTAINED BY REBREATHING. By Harvey J. Howard, formerly captain,
l3y Max M. Ellis, formerly first lieutenant, Medical Corps . .. .......•.... . . ... ........... 94
Sanitary Corps .•. . ........ . ......... .. ...•.. 45 18. A NOTE ON THE Low-PRESSURE CHAMBERS
der, major, Sanitary Corps, and Brenton R. G. B. Obear, Sanitary Corps ......... ...•. ... . 100
Lutz, first lieutenant, Sanitary Corps ....... . 51
~l ·v.


By ALBERT E . TRUBY, colonel , Medical Corps, United States Army, Chief Surgeon,_Air Service, and JOHN DIBBLE,
major, Medical Corps, United States Army .

When the distinguished president of this association I service. When practicable "such immediate discharge
asked us to present a paper at this meeting it was decided was granted those who applied for it. Others of the per-
that the subject which would probably be of most interest sonnel expressed a willingness to remain in the service as
to former Air Service Medical officers would be a brief Ilong as they were needed, antl these, with a few Regulars
review of the work which has been accomplished by the and those of the temporary personp.el who desired perma-
Medical .Division since they left the service. We ·recall nent commissiGns in the Army, continued the work of the
the great interest and enthusiasm shown at the flight sm- Medical Division. As stations were closed the available
geons' meeting at Dallas, Tex. , 13 months ago. At that medical personnel was transferred to active stations, and
tinie most of the flight surgeons were about ready to return .by this arrangement all who desired prompt discharge
to civil life, and it is believed that all of you still maintain were gradually separated from the service. This applied
great interest in the service. Since that meeting 'war especially to officers and nurses. Enlisted men in all
activities have been closed. The Great War army bas been instances were not so fortunate , but all applications for
demobilized, and the forma,tion of a new peace-time discharge were given due- consideration and men were
army, with its more deliberate and systematic procedures, released as rapidly as their services could be spared.
has begun . In all this the Medical Division -of the Air Urgent requests for discharge were always given prompt
Service has played an active part. consideration. As Air Service stations continued to be
Shortly after the armistice was signed the Air Se-nice closed, or became inactive, Medical personnel was redis-
was reorganized and a new Director was appointed . One tributed, some of it being released to the Office of the
of his first steps was to request the Surgeon General to Surgeon General when it was not req_uired. by the- Air
transfer the Air Service Division of the Surgeon General's Service."
Office to the Air Service. This request was .approved, As reorganization of the · Regular Army progressed it
and tlre Medical Division of the Air Service was organized. soon became apparent that the Air Service would particu- -
A Chief Surgeon was appointed by Air Service orders, and larly appeal to applicants for enlistment, and it has,
-he was placed in ch a:rge of the Medical Division. The therefore, been possible to maintain the Air Service at its
necessity for this separate Medical Division for the Air full authorized strength ofapproximately 10,000 officers and
Service was therefore recognized, and its usefulness has men. These are now scattered among the 33 active and
since that time been thoroughly demonstrated. We still 11 inactive stations of the Air Senice . Medical care is
receive inquiries as to why the Air Service should have a furnished to aU of these stations by 98 officers, 38 nurses,
special Medical Division any more than other branches, and 422 enlisted men of the Medical Department. A
such as the Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery. We have recent order has placed the active flying fields under the
been able to satisfy those concerned, however, by calling control of the department commanders. While this has
attention to the splendid work which has made the flight taken the Medical personnel at these stations from our
surgeon indispensable at flying fields, by the special work control to a certain extent,-it has in no way interfered with
done at t he Medical Research Laboratory at Mineola. and the special work which this office is carrying on. Depart--
by the requirements of the highly technical physical ment commanders and department surgeons have been
examination for flying. informed of the special functions of the flight surgeon, and
Personnel naturally demanded a great deal of attention it has been ;i,rranged that they shall not be diverted from
in the process of demobilization and reorganiZll,tion. At their special dutles with Air Service troops. The flight
the time of maximum activity there were 70 active Air surgeon is recognized as a highly specialized Medical
Servi ce.stations in the United States, all under the control officer and a very necessary adjunct to every military
of the Director of Air Service, which required for their flying field. It has been one of the big problems of this
medical care 971 m!)dical officers, 453 female n urses, and office to sup ply Medical officers with proper qualifications
3,752 enlisted men. This personnel was practically all for this work. There were very few permanent officers of
serving for the emergency only, and the reports of the the Medical Corps attached to the Air Service prior to the
signing of the armistice were scarcely dry fl'Om the presses signing of the armistice, and of the emergency men who
before the Chief Surgeon's Office was bombarded with \ served as flight surgeons during this time practically all
requests and demands for immediate release from the I desired to return to their civilian work. This made it
1 Read at the annual meeting of the Air Service Medical Association of the United States at New Orleans, La., Apr. 26, 1920• .-
necessary to obtain permanent officers for this duty , and b eing simply to give the future flight surgeons a firm prac-
for this reason, the following circular letter from the tical foundation for their future work in selecting, classify~
Surgeon General's Office was published : ing, and caring for the fliers. Rigid examinations were
WAR DEPARTMENT, given in each subiect at the end of the course and those
OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GE NERAL, who passed t hem satisfactorily were given a certificate
Washington , A.pril25 , 1919. and ordered to the various flying fields. for duty. The
Circular letter No. 189. , scope of the flight surgeon's work has greatly increased.
. . , . ; clue to the conditions imposed by a peace status. There
Subject: . F Itght surgeons
. for the An Service. i are no 1onger any A v1ation· · p l1ysica
· 1 examimng
· · b oar d s,
1. 0 wma- to the discharO'c of a large numb er of t ern- ,1 . . . . .
porary Medical officers, th; Air Service n eeds a numb er physical cluectors , o_r speciall y orgamzed rnbreather um~s,
of Medical officers of the permanent establishment for the and all th e work formerly performed by t h ese special
position of flight surgeon. groups is now thrown on the should ers of the flight surgeon .
2. _This position i s one of r ecent d_eveiopm ent. The The importance of the flight surgeon's work and the recog-
Meclical officers who have served as fllD'ht sura-eons h ave ·t· hi h th fl' ht h · d b t b
been particularly active and efficient,"' so mu~h so that Ill 1011 w c . e ig s~rgeon a.s _recetv e . ca.n es e
the importance of t h eir work has been recoo-nized by the shown by the tollowmg cncular, which was issued by the
Air Service authorities, including the comm~nding officers Director of Air Service:
of the jlying fields. The Air Serv ice now requires that a WAR DEPARTMENT,
flight surgeon be detailed for duty at all of i ts active fields. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF Arn SERVICE ,
3. The duties of a flight surgeon are essentially as follows: Washingtmi, October 15, 1919.
He has full ch arge of everything connected with the CIRCULAR}
physical condition and of t h e flier . The fli ght sur- No . 123.
geon lives with and associates with the aviators constantly . 1. Commanding officers of Air Service stations where
In this way h e i s able to d etermine when any individual is flying is being carried on will consult with t he flight sur-
not in proper condition to fly. In order to do this h e must. geon in all matters pertaining to th e m ental and physical
be able , through tact and general efficien cy, to gain the fitness of the flying personnel of his command. The term
confidence of the fliers. F or ·the same reason .it has been "flying personnel " will include all who make aerial flights,
demonstrated that the flight surgeon ~hould take flying such as instructors, flying officers, and individuals und er-
training and actually become a licensed pilot. Authority going instruction.
has been granted Medical officers to take su ch t raining , an d 2. Commanding officers will take full advantage of the
when t hey qualify they are en titled to all th e rights an d assistance t hat can be rend ered by the flight surgeon and
privileges of aviators , including the " wings." and t h e 25 the physical director of his field . Such matters as the
per cent increase in pay from the time t raining is star ted. amount and kind of physical exercise required by indi-
J\~ed~cal officers who have been flight surgeons are enthu- viduals engaged in flying ; the state of fatigue of the indi-
~1astic over .t lus work. They have undoubtedlv saved vidual flyer ; the amount of sleep necessary; food prob-
many lives and much property . • lems ; reexaminations ; and a ll field conditions 'affecting
4. Medi cal officers below the gra.d e of lieutenant colonel the welfare of the flying p ersonnel will b e made the sub-
who d esire duty as outlined above should communicate ject of conferences between the commandin~ officer and
with t h e Chief Smgeon, Air Service, Washington, D. C. the flight surgeon or physical director. Commanding
Vacan ci es will be fi lled from among thmie who voiunteer officers should obtain the recommendation of the flight
in this way. surgeon on application for leaves or furloush from anyone
By direction of the Surgeon General: engaged in flying when physical incapacity is made t he
C. R. DARNALL, basis of t he application.
Co lonel, Medical Corps, U. S . A. , E xecutive Officer. 3. The flight surgeon will be listed on any form for
clearance in vogue at an Air Service station, and no flying
As a r esult of this letter approximately 30 m en applied officer or anyone undergoing flying instruction will be
transferred from a station without first obtaining a clear-
for detail as flight surgeon, 10 of whom were reject ed ance from that officer. Upon n otification of transfer, the
physically b ecause of the high standard required for flying flight surgeon will forward to the flight surgeon of t he
(609 examination) . In addition 20 t emporary officers who new station the reexamination report and laboratory
desired p ermanent commissions made similar applications, rating chart of the individual being transferred. This
This assured a sufficient supply of flight surgeons for p res- will be in addition to Form f\09, Record of examination
required to be forwarded to the flight surgeon of the new
ent n eeds. In order to standardize the work in this special station, by paragraph 4, Orders No. 31, 0. D. A. S., 1919.
field the accepted applicants were ordered to the Medical 4. F light surgeons will be encouraged in every way to
Research Laboratory, Hazelhmst Field, in groups of 5 i,o take flying instruction. Upon completion of the pre-
15 for a special course of instruction. scribed test, flight surgeons will b e rated in the same man-
ner as other flying officers. Application for flying train-
This course of instructiou required a period of two ing should be ma~e through the s~rgeon to the station
months for its completion and was t h oroughly systemati zed commander and will be accompamed · by the necessary
so that the time could b e put to the greatest advantage to report of physical examination.
fit the students for their n ew work. Classes were held 5. Upon recommendation of the surgeon, station com-
m anders will authorize m edical officers of the command ,
daily from 9 a . m . to 5 p . m., except Sundays. Systematic who are physically qualified and make applic.:ation, to
lectures were given by representatives of all department13 take flying instruction. This will ena.ble one of these
of the laboratory staff and their lectures were supplem ented officers to take the place of the flight surgeon when the
by practical work whenever possible. Abundant clinical latter for any reason is n ot available for that duty.
6. Unless a.n absolute necessity exists therefor, flight
material was available among the fliers returning from surgeons and physical directors will not be diverted from
overseas and who were b eing discharged at Mitch el Field theu regular duty to perform routine :post administrative
in large numbers; in the wards of the Camp Mills Hospital; duties when this service can be performed by another
and at the various h ospitals for the insane about New Y ork . medical officer. Flight surgeons and physical directors
should devote all the time possible to the close and con-
No attempt was made to give a compl ete course in all of stant supervision over flying personnel, as indicated in
the specialties represented at the laboratory, the object p aragraph 2.
7. The flight ,surgeon and the physical director of an normal action of the extrinsic muscles of the eyes is abso-
Air Service station will not be demiled as a member of a lutely essential to safe flying. As a result, the tests of these
board of officers convened to examine into the efficiency muscles have been greatly amplified by the addition of
of a flying officer when it can be avoided. Their services
will be of more value when called before a board as an tests for muscle balance at 33 centimeters, power of prism
expert witness, to give t-estimony relative to physical divergence, and tangent curtain diagnosis. Other impor-
fitness, etc., of the officer under investigation. tant modifications of the eye tests have been made in the
By direction of the Director of Air Service: testing of each eye separately for color vision, perimetry
for both form and color a.nd a complete refraction. The
Colanel, A. S. A., Administrative Executive.
last is most important for the detection of latent hyperopia,
As stated above, the Air Service particularly appealed which condition, by reason of its tendency to become mani-
to applicants for enlistment in the Army, one reason fo1 fest under the fatigue and stress of flying, ·has proved dis-
this being the policy adopted by the Air Service of select- astrous in many instances.
ing cadets for training as pilots from among these enlisted The numerous cases of "staleness," neurasthenia,
men. All enlisted men are elig1ble for this training, neurn-circulatory asthenia, and psychoses generally, as
provided they can pass the preliminary examinations well as simple loss of confidence among fliers, has indicated
which df::oi!sist of a mental examination and a physical tlie necessity for a more careful selection of these men as
examination on Form 609, given by a board of officers, one regards their nervous stability. In -0rder that the inferior
of whom is the flight surgeon, who makes the physical along these lines might be eliminated the examination of
examination. He thus assumes the function of the avia- the nervous system was made to include a detailed per-
tion physical examination board. sonality study in addition to the usual tests for organic
The men who successfully pa<!s these examinations are nervous disorders.
assigned to either Carlstrom or March fields, which are The instructions for making this examination, as pub-
designated as Air Service pilot schools, and which are now lished in Special Regulations 65-c, are 1ninutely detailed so
the only stations at which pilot instruction is given. It that the examination can be standardiz2d wherever given.
thushappensthatatthesefieldsonly does the flight surgeon In addition a provision has been placed in these instruc-
have cadets to care for. If the cadet completes his course I tions that only medical officers designated in writing by

at these schools satisfactorily he is commissioned as a second I the Surgeon General are authorized to make this examina-
lieutenant, Air Service, Officers Reserve Corps, inactive, tion. Such authority has only been given to gmduates of
and is.then discharged o~ allow~d to continue on ~uty as the ~Iedical Research Laboratory who ~ave had inst:uc-
an e1:l~ ted_man of the A1r SerVIce, as_ he may desu_e. \ t~on rn the ~tan~ard methods of performmg the exa~na-
It 1s behev,ed that the system outlined above will not t10n. The mev1table personal element which enters rnto
yield a sufficient number of men suitable for cadet instruc- all examinations has by this means been still further di-
tion and to make up thisdeficiency,arrangementsare being minished. There are at present 40 officers on active duty
made to select a proportion of cadets direct from civil life. who have been so designated, 21 being permanent officers
The preliminary examinations for these men will be the of the Anny. Of these, 29 are now on flying status, 7 being
same as that of the enlisted men outlined above and will rated as pilots, 3 are receiving pilot instruction officially,
require a flight surgeon to make the physical examination. while 2 more are awaiting assignment to a pilot school for
As a result of the experience gained in examining ap- training.
proximately 25,000 men for flying training during the war And thus the flight surgeon plays his part in selecting
a careful analysis of the causes of disqualifications, the ex- the flier, which naturally leads us to his main function,
perience gained by observing fliers at the fields, and the that of caring for the flier.
researches :tnade at the Medical Research Laboratory at There is littie new to be said on this subject. His du-
Mineola, N . Y., it became evident that some changes in ties here remain practically the same as during the war.
the physical requirements for flying were necessary. Naturally they have been somewhat enlarged, as without
These changes, principally in the examination of the eyes au athletic director or nutrition officer the flight surgeon
and nervous system, were incorporated in the new edition is expected to see that their functions are still carried on.
of Form 609, A. G. 0. , Physical examination for fliers, One important detail in the care of the flier consists of
which is now in use. Special instructions for making this a careful checking up of ~he physical condition of every
exami!lation were also issued as Special regulations 65-c, pilot. Early in 1919 the Chief Surgeon's office discovered
W. D. the fact that a few officers had received and
The development of satisfactory apparatus for testing become pilots who had never taken the prescribed physical
depth perception at 6 meters has led to the adoption of this examination on Form 609 for fl.ying. This led to an in-
in pla.ce of the old hand stereoscope, which was quite arti- vestigation, which showed that there was no record of
ficial arid very generally a puzzle to the candidates. This physical examination for flying-for a great number of the
test was developed at the Medical Research Laboratory at officers who had received ratings as pilot<!. It was also
Mineola. The machine is very simple in construction and discovered that a few officers who had been physically
operation, and bas proved quite satisfactory in practical disqualified for flying by the War Department continued
use. Sufficient work has now been done with it to establish .flying training and were acting as pilot<!, in spite of tho
reliable standards for interpreting the results of the tests. fact that they were physically disqualified. The discovery
Practical work with aviators on the flying fields and at of these conditions led this office to the recommendat.ion
the front has led to 1manimity of opinion among all workers of orders which would place the subject of physical exami-
in aviation medicine, both in this country and abroad, that nations foi· flying on a systematic basis. Orders Nos. 4G
and 52 were, therefore, issued by the Director of Air schools, Carlstrom and March fields . This work at Kelly
Service. From theee orders, supplemented by Special field has made fair progress but at the other stations has
Regulations 65-c, prepared in the Chief Surgeon's office been delayed due to lack of personnel. Enlisted men are
and issued by the War Department, it will be seen that being trained at the laboratory at Mitchel field to operate
every flier must be physically reexamined in January and the machines, and personnel will shortly be available for
July of each year. This is a full physical examination. this work. The great difficulty encountered so far has
reported on Form 609, the use of the shorter Form 694 been that with the one year enlistment period the men
having been discontinued. have been nearly ready for discharge by the time thay have
By these reexaminations, disqualifying conditions are shown their fitness for such special training and too late to
detected in their incipiency and proper corrective meas- receive the necessary instruction. So far very few of them
ures inetituted, thus conserving the flying personnel. have shown any inclination to reenlist.
Whenever disqualifying defects are. found on these reex- It is planned to classify every cadet passing through the
aminations the case is referred to a board of officers com- pilot schools according to his rebreather run. The classes
posed of the Chief Surgeon and chiefs of Air Service attheseschoolswillaverageabout l 50men,anditisplann¢
groups in the office of the Direct,r oi· Air Service. If the to complete the training of each class in about four months,
pilot's record is such as to indicate that he has attained a so that to make the ''runs" as planned it will be necessary
degree of skill in flying which is apt to compensate for his to take two men every day for five days a week throughout
defects, and the latter are slight, a waiver is recommended the courses. With the limited personnel available for the
and usually granted. No waivers are granted for defects work it will be seen that such a plan is quite ambitious.
found at original examinations of candidates for flying Ip addition to classifying the cadets it is hoped that in
training. Flight surgeons are not authorized to waive time every officer already in the service will be similarly
any defects; and this office refers all requests for waiver, tested . The records made during the war have all been
with proper recommendations, to the Surgeon General ot reviewed, andithasbeenfound thatonlyabout20p'ercent
the Army. of the present officer personnel has had the rebreather test.
With the present strength of the Air Service it is possible The remainder will be tested as opportunity presents it-
to ·check both original examinations and reexaminations of self. For this purpose a unit will b€ established at the
all fliers in the office of the Chief Surgeon. It is therefore Army Medical School at Washington and this, together
provided tliat Form 609 in every case be made in triplicate, with the other four units at Mitchel, Kelly, Carlstrom, and
one copy to remain permanently at the station where the March fields, should in a reasonable time catch all men
examination is made, one to accompany the flier whereve1 not already tested. l J,
he goes for duty, and one copy for file in the central fileE This covers the work of selecting, classifying, and caring
of the office of the Director of Air Service. Two copieE for the fliers as individuals. But the function of the Medi-
are sent in to the Chief Surgeon as soon as made and these cal Division of the Air Service does not stop here. There
are reviewed and the flier certified as qualified for flying. are many problems affecting fliers in general to be solved,
One of these is the Director's file copy and the other is re- and these can only be solved by statistical of the
turned to the flier's station as the copy for the flight sur- fliers en masse. For such study it is necessary that certain
geon 's file. facts regarding all fliers be collected in one place, the Office
In the case ofan original examination the candidate is not of the Chief Surgeon, and there consolidated and analyzed .
authorized to proceed with flying training until this certified The basis of these studies is found in the weekly "Oare of
report of examination has been received at this station, the flier" report, the "Crash report" and the "Statistical
and in the case of disqualification on reexamination. an report of fliers." The first two of these are old reports
order is issued by the Director of Air Service which re- which haive been greatly revised and enlarged. The last
lieves the flier from further duty as a pilot until his defect is a new report and will bring together data relating to the
has been remedied. fliers which is at present unobtainable at any central point,
A card index file has been prepared in the office of the but which will be of inestimable value in solving problems
Chief Surgeon with a card for every flier, and on this card which are now subject merely to speculation. Thus we
is noted the result of every physical examination with its must ascertain the age limits which shall be fixed for cadets;
date, the date of all crashes, the classification of the flier J we must determine the average period of usefulness as a
on the rebreather, and other important data. By these pilot; whether intensity of flying training shortens such
cards it is possible to make a quick check and see that all usefulness and why the pilot wears out when he does.
required examinations have been made and also to de- What types of planes are most dangerous, and what par-
termine exactly the physical fitness for flying of each flier ticular type of injury, if any, is more common with any
up to the time of his examination. particular type of plane? These and many other problems
Classification of the flier by rebreather examination was of a similar nature have been presented for solution, not
discontinued, except at the Medical Research Laboratory by theory but by demonstrable facts.
at Mitchel field, for a considerable period while demobili- This statistical work is as yet in an embryonic stage.
zation was going on. This was necessary because of the The work has been fairly well outlined, but not enough
discharge of personnel and the uncertainty as to the future material is as yet available to furnish much basis for re-
status of the various Air Service stations. liable conclusions: The data obtained as a result of the
With the adoption of a permanent training policy, how- transcontinental race has been carefully reviewed and
ever, it was possible to take this work up again, and branch made the basis of a full report to the Director of Air
laboratories have been set up at Kelly field and at the pilot Service. This report has led to comments which make it
seem probable that such undertakings will not be made folded up out of the way when not in use, should be avail-
in future without consultation with the Office of the Chief able for the Medical officer. Construction should be- so
Surgeon, ·and subject to some medical supervision. In arranged that it is possible for two men to load and unload
addition to this a complete statistical analysis of 1,250 the litters. It is immaterial, from the medical po'int of
crashes reported between May 1, 1918, and December 31, view, whether the patients are in front or behind the
1919, is about completed. pilot. Utters should be installed so that the patient's
Research work in aviation medicine has been pushed head be slightly elevated. In the ordinary type of
with undiminished vigor by those officers still on duty at plane it is believed this would be more readily obtained
the Medical Research Laboratroy. Numerous original if the patient rides feet first if he is located in front of the
articles have been contributed to the medical literature of pilot, and head first if he is located in the rear of the pilot.
this country, and in addition there will be ready for issue If such a plane is not considered practical, then similar
shortly an "Air Service Medical Bulletin," containing arrangements should be made making provision for but
14 original articles contributed by the laboratory staff. A one patient. Provision should be ma'de so that the
delay of almost a year in the publishing of these articles Medical officer can ride out to the scene of the accident
has resulted because of the fact that the Senate Committee with the pilot and attend to the patient. The Medical
on Printing failed to authorize funds for this work. Other officer, after loading the patient, can remain at the field
issues. will probably follow as the progress of the work war- until another plane picks him up."
rants. -Satisfactory progress is being made in this work and a
The great general interest taken in aviation medicint- number of these ships should shortly be in commission
is indicated by the frequent editorials on the- subject for work on the Mexican border.
appearing in the various medical journals, together with The Ruggles orientator is likewise receiving its full
nmnerous abstracts of articles published in this country share of attention with a view to determining its actual
and abroad. A library of all this work is being collected value in training aviators to overcome the effects of vertigo.
in the office of the Chie.f Surgeon and additions to it will Machines have been installed at the pilot training schools
be welcomely received. As articles appear in domestic and a certain number of cadets designated to receive in-
and foreign journals requests are made direct to the authors struction and practice with them. The work is regularly
to furnish copies of their reprints to this library and as a planned, beginning with a short seance using only one
return courtesy it is planned to give the new "Bulletin" control and gradually increasing as experience is gained .
rather wide distribution. It¥! hoped that this manifesta- So far this work has been very promising, the majority
tion of interest in their work on our part will lead many of the men being able to compensate for any vertigo they
authors to voluntarily forward such contributions as they may have after about six lessons, totaling 25 minutes of
may have. actual work in the orientator.
The work required of the Air Service in patrolling the In carrying out the work outlined above jt is most
Mexican border and the general realization of the value of gratifying to be able to state that the Medical Division
commercial aviation has resulted in a great increase in the has had the active support and cooperation of all de-
amount of cross-country flying. work is especially partments of the Air Service, as well as that of the Surgeon
hazardous and has resulted in many crashes at remote General's Office. We are doing our very best under the
points which has served to c~eate new interest in the limitations of peacetime conditions to carry on the great
possibilities of the aeroplane ambulance. None of the work that was so well started by the members of this
types developed during the war were quite satisfactory association and other medical officers connected with the
and the Engineering Division has undertaken to design Air Service. You will, I am sure, be pleased to know
a fuselage especially suited to this work. Plans oi all that we have prepared a list of all Medical officers who
the ambulance planes already in use were-submitted to served with the Air Service during the war, and that the
the Engineering Division with the following remarks: . Surgeon General has authorized the reservation of this
" There should be room for .two passengers besides the officer personnel for duty with the Air Service in case· of
pilot. The ideal arrangement, from the medical stand- future emergencies requiring their service, provided that
point, would be a place for two Stokes Navy litters. Ar- they belong to the Reserve Corps or volunteer for service.
rangements should be made for a Medical officer to ride It is our sincere hope that you will continue to keep up
out to the scene of accident in the plane with the pilot, an active interest in the medical aspects of aviation, and
occupying the space for one of the patients. If there ate that you will lend us your invaluable advice and support.
two patients, both patients can be placed in the litters (Read before the Air Service Medical Association of the
and brought back. If one patient, he can be placed in United States at annual meeting in New Orleans, April
one litter and the Medical officer can accompany him 26, 1920.)
back. If practicable, a detachable seat, which can be -By courtesy of the " Military Surgeon."


By CARL N. LARSEN, formerly first lieutenant, Medical Corps, Medical Research Laboratory, :Air Service.

The present article is particularly concerned with a n ew another flow meter, which has been calibrated in terms of
t.ype of closed rebraather and cei·tain accessory pieces of oxygen percentage after the two gases have been mixed.
apparatus which have been developed in connection with in the emergency mixing bag, and whose flow is controlled
the use of this rebreather in routine examination of men by a special valve. Since the flow through the bag must
in the Air Service. As ·a result, the experimental and I remain constant, ,30 liters per minute regardless of the
practical application of all these pieces of apparatus have 1 percentage of gas mixture, it will 1:}e necessary, if a loweref!i•
been to the aviation problem, although they preBent oxygen percentage is desired, to close the air-control valv.e
various possibiiities for other physiological researches. to the same extent as the nitrogen-control valve is opened.
Since the work of Paul Bert, 1878, the decrease in oxygen 1 F'rom the bag the gas nms through a rubber tube to a
or more correctly the decrease in partial pressure of tight-fitting face mask applied to the subject. The over-
oxygen has been considered the principal factor involved fiow gas escapes through a one-way rubber valve at the
in the mountain sickness and balloon problem, and base of the mask.
naturally with the advent of the airplane, in the aviation The accuracy of this apparatus depends upon the accu- -
problem. racy of the aneroid flow meter. Although the results
The reduction in partial pressure may be accomplished obtained by the use of this apparatus at the Medical
in several ways and for convenience the types of apparatus Research Laboratory of the Air Service, Mineola, N. Y.,
de-1,i sed for this purpose may be divided into three groups. have not been dependable, no doubt by the use of more
I. The method by which the barometric pressure is re- efficient flow meters some very valuable results may be
duced- low pressure chamber. obtained. While this apparatus has the advantage of
II . The method by which a current oi normal atmos-1 holding the subject at a given oxygen percentage indefi-
p.heric air is reduced to the desired oxygen percentage by \ nitely and of registering the 0 2 per cent directly, it does
a current of nitrogen-Dreyer apparatus. not furnish ariy other data regarding the gas exchange.
III. The method by which the oxygen _is gradually This, however, has been overcome by the Larsen respi-
reduced by the subject from an air-tight ch.amber and rometer and recorder, which records the rate and volume
the carbon dioxide removed by an absorbent-closed-cir- of respiration and makes it possible to take a sample of the
cuit pulmonary apparatus . expired air for gas analysis. The initial cost of the appa-
l. The low-pressure chamber in the Medical Research ratus and the cost of operation are considerably more for
Laboratory at Mineola; N. Y., consists essentially of a this machine than for any of the closed-circuit types of
cylindrical steel tank, 10 feet in diameter and 10 feet rebreathers.
high, standing on end. The barometric pressure is re- III . The closed-circuit pulmonary rebreather consists,
,·I uced by means of a motor-driven vacuum pump, placed in its simplest form, of an eleastic bag filled with air,
some distance away and on a separate base to minimize connected by a tube to one side of an absorbing can con-
the noise within the tank. In addition to the electric, taining caustic soda. A tube leads from the other side of
telephone, and oxygen connections it is also equipped the can to the mouthpiece. A clip having been placed on
with a carbon dioxide refrigeration apparatus by which the subject's nose and the mouthpiece in his mouth, he
the temperature can be lowered to -32° F. Ventilation breathes into and out of the bag, all of the carbon dioxide
and reduction of pressure is controlled by a valve on a being.removed while the air is passing through the caustic
3-inch pipe leading into the bottom of the tank . The soda. Inasmuch as part of the oxygen is removed by
entrance is through a door in the side, which is fitted with caustic soda, the volume of air in the bag gradualiy de-
a plate of aluminum for X-ray purposes. creases and the per cent of oxygen in the mixture grows
·while the above apparatus is the most complete of its progressively less.
kind and simulates very accurately pressure and thermal Apparatus of thi5 type constructed by Ludwig, Sanders-
Ezn, 1867 ; Zuntz and Rohrig, 1871; Regnard , 1879, and
condition of various altitudes, it dces not lend itself to ·
. . others are now more or less obsolete. The more recent
general use
• •

the cost. of • constn!ctlon

and marn-
• 1-orms are th ose b y H ald ane an d D oug,as,
, 19 32
: , K rogb ,
t~nance rn the pract.1ca. apphcat1on of routme examma- , l913; Hough, 191Q; and Henderson and its modification
t1on._ · . by Pierce. 1918.
II. The Pierce-Hanson modification of the Dreyer i ·The H;nderson-Pierce rebreather which is a ruodifica-
apparatus is supplied with an electric pump by means of tion of Haldane and Dono-las, has be~n in use in the Medical
which a uniform presm_e is.maintained in an air chamber. ; Resea.rch Laboratories a~d its bra~ch laboratories for the
Air pc!.ssing through the outlet pipe f-:rom the air chamber : purpose of testing and rating aviators and candidates for
is so controlled by a speciai valve that tlie flow meter . 1he Air ·service. A short. description and a, sketch of thi,,
registers 30 liters of flov,- per minute. In the pipe i.s ; apparatus follows:

LA Q,5E. H --
R~ t:'1/l Di:. q

IJt .)£~TIO/I

Tlfl l.AllSlN - /)Av1.s REBIU.ATHe!Z

f"/G. L
l'w. 1.-A new type of rebreather. It is light, portable, iree o[ water supply and plumbing
systems, and permits direct re.acting of the oxygen level at any moment during the e.xperi- procedure.

The ba,;e of the machine is a steel tank ~ 'l' or 60 litt;rs pipe and absorbing cartridge A at the right. The ,;alves
capacity. Air is inspired f,rom the tank through the pipe VV are one-way mica flutter valves, keeping the air
at the left, and is expired back into the tank through the stream flowing always in the same direction. In order to
maintain the contained air at approximately atmospheric
2 For illustration seep. 344, Ah" Service Medical, 1919. pressure and to allow for changes in v olume. a water
.. ,
UJ.1.E. y



ll, 1
Fr;; ON T

FIG. 2.-Automatic recorder and counter, front and profile views. 'l'he dial must be coI)lputed for the volume of the individual spirometer to which it is attaclrncl.
sprrometer S, carefully counterbalanced, is mounted on factory experiment. Owing to the lack of better apparatus
the tank and communicates foeely with its interior through the earlier wbrkers of this laboratory confined themselves
a vertical pipe P. A stylus attached to the counterweight to such experiments as were possible on the Henderson-
records the move.ments of the spirometer upon the smoked Pierce rebreather, thereby practically disregarding the
drum of the kymograph K. Water is admitted to the tank time factor, which is of more importance than the final
through the valve E to replace the volume of the used oxygen determination. With this in mind a new form of
oxygen and also to flush out the tank after an experiment. this type of apparatus was designed by the present writer
and N. S. Davis III.
The Larsen-Davis rebreather is now in operation as a
standard research apparatus in the Medical Research
Laboratory, Mineola, N. Y. It has the following advan-
tages over other forms of this type:
I. It is light and portable.
II. It does not require water and sewer connections
for operating.
III. It does not require gas analysis for the determina-
tion o_f the oxygen per cent.
IV. It does not depend upon the termination of the
experiment for a gaa analysis, which can be had during
the progress of the experiment.
V. The rate and volume of respiration can, by means of
the Larsen recorder and counter, be had directly, without
the necessary use of a smoked drum and kymograph,
though as a matter of fact the recorder is always a desir-
able check.
VI. The subject, by means of thti oxygen supply
apparatus, can be held for an indefinite length of time at
the desired oxygen per cent and at the same time his

l oxyisen consumption determined.


t The frame oi the machine is made of 1-inch No. 10

angle iron, 5 feet 6 inches high and 18 inches square. The

! air tank consists of an upper immovable and a lower

movable portion, constructed of No. 16 galvanized iron.
The lower portion is a double cylinder with a common
base and open at the top, each 15 inches high and 14 inches
in diameter, respectively. Between the two cylinders is
a 1-inch space filled with water, acting as a seal for the
JvrtJMAT/(' upper and .lower portions. A water gauge i.s attached at
the outer cylinder. The upper portion is a single cylinder
with a top and open at the bottom, 15 inches high and 15
FIG. 3.-Automatic respirometer adapted to measurement of tidal air
during variations in pressure of the air respired. inches in diameter. When the lower portion is raised,
the upper portion fits into the water seal of the lower one,
The water is drained away to the sewer by means oi the making an air-tight chamber, which can be varied in size
valve F. Valve C affords a free opening to the atmosphere from 40 to 80 liters capacity. In the center of the top of
for flushing the tank of the rebreathed air. The absorbing the tank is countersunk a well-balanced water spirom-
cartridge is a cylindrical paper tube filled with solid eter of 6 liters capacity opening into the air chamber.
caustic soda, cast in thin shells, so as to expose a large To the right and left of the spirometer are openings into
surface to the action of the gas. This cartridge is placed the top of the tank for the inspiration and expiration
in a metal tube of equal size, which is made air-tight by pipes. Each pipe contains a one-way mica flutter valve
a rubber ring and fastened with clamps. Samples of air by means of which the air stream is always kept flowing
are taken from the tank at the termination of the experi- · in the proper direction, also a three-way valve for the
ment and anal yzed by the Henderson-Orsat gas analysis purpose of starting the experiment without the subject
for carbon dioxide and oxygen content. The chief advan- being aware of it. · On the exhalent tube just before it
tages claimed by Henderson for this apparatus are sim- enters the air chamber is a container for a paper cartridge
plicity, ruggedness, ease of operation, and low operating of many compartments of solid sodium hydroxide, the
cost. For experiments which require only the final absorbent for the exhaled carbon dioxide. Two !-inch
determination of oxygen, the above apparatus is in the valves for the introduction of oxygeIJ. are inserted into
majority of cases sufficient, but in the opinion of the the top of the chamber. A fish line passes from the
author only one of the many factors necessary for a satis- spirometer to ita poise weight over the pulley wheel of

FIG. 0:
- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -
FIG. •!.-Oxygen supply apparatus as assembled for holding the oxygen per cent constant in an inolose<l air chamb~r.
the automatic recorder and counter that gives the rate · Since the absorbent cartridge contains only sufficient
and total volume of respiration per unit of time. The sodium h ydroxide to remove the exhaled carbon dioxide
lower or movable portid;n of the air chamber is raised or of man for a period of three hours, a record of previous
lowered by means of two steel cables and ratchet pulleys. experiments during which a given cartridge has -been nsed
A scale indicating the capacity of the tank as well as the should be kept. When a n ew cartridge is introduced it
displacement of oxygen· is attached to the side of the should be tested by the operator for its resistance by blow-
upper portion of the c;hamber and a pointer on the lower ing through the expiration pipe. Should the resistance
one. All pipes of th~ machine leading to and from the be too great the cartridge is removed and pressed between
subject are from t to 1 inch in diameter. Where the the palms of the hands for the purpose of breaking up -any
corrugated rubber hose connects with pipes of the machine, solid layers of sodium h ydroxid e which may have formed.
a small container, lightly packed with absorbent cotton, If there is still too much resistance a new cartridge must
is placed to insure sanitary conditions. (Torrel. ) The be used, which is prepared by punching the paper in the
direction of the flow of air is from the air chamber to the bottom full of holes the size of a pencil ; the paper in the·
subject through the inspiration pipe on the left, and from top is removed entirely. Before inserting the cartridge a
the subject to the air chamber by the expiration pipe half-inch brass ring is fitted into its lo'wer end to keep it
and sodium hydroxide cartridge on the right. By the from collapsing and thereby partially closing the opening
up and- down movement of the spirometer the partially of the pipe. A round rubb er ring slips over the outside at
deoxygenated air from the subject is so well mixed with the same place to insure an air-tight connection when
the air in the chamber that a correction of 0.2 p er cent lastened to its base.
will cover all errors, including that due to improper mixing The determination of the oxygen percentage is simple.
within the pipes. At the beginning of an experiment the champer contains
a known quantity of air of a known oxygen percentage,
PREPARATION AND OPERATION OF THE and since the displacement of the oxygen consumed is
MACHINE. recorded by the upward movement of the lower portion
The machine must be properly calibrated and a con- of the chamber; the percentage of the remaining gases can
venient scale attached. From a small valve in the top of be calculately directly. It is not, however, always prac-
the air chamber a rubber hose is connected to one end of ti cable to compute the various percentages during the
a gas meter, while the other end is attached to a water- progress of the experiment, so a curve is plotted by which
suction pump. With the machine closed and the spirom- the percentages of the gases can be had immediately.
eter down, the position of the lower portion of the chamber Given the oxygen percentage, oxygen can be introduced
is noted and marked upon the upper portion. The lower at any time during the experiment by means of the auto -
portion is now raised until the spirometer is about three- matic oxygen supply apparatus and the subject kept at
quarters of its length above its water seal. The position this oxygen percentage for an indefinite period.
of the lower portion of the chamber is again marked on the The rate and volume of the respirations are recorded by
upper portion. With the gas meter at zero the valve to means of an automatic recorder and counter.
the machine is opened and the suction pump started . To begin an experiment the machine is prepared as
When the spirometer descends to its former position again heretofore descri bed and the air chamber set at a definite
the suction pump is detached immediately. The reading capacity, depending upon the desired length of the ex-
of the gas meter is the capacity of the portion of the tank periment. While the spirometer is down all valves are
represented between the two marks on its upper portion. closed and then the chamber is raised equivalent to a
The chamber being of uniform size throughout, the total ~pirometer capacity of 2 or 2.5 .liters- about 10 notches.
capacity is easily determined and scaled accordingly. Then the subject is seated in front of the machine facing
The wateT seal of the air chamber and the spirometer in the opposite direction and equipped with a universal
should always be kept at the same level as when the mouthpiece and nose clip. For experiments of long dura-
machine was calibrated . For this purpose a water gauge tion a nose plug of inflated rubber has been found more
is attached to the outer cylinder of the lower portion of convenient and comfortable than either a nose clip or
the tank. Best results were obtained with the water Benedict 's nose piece. After the subject has b een allowed
spirometer about one-half inch from the top. to breathe atmospheri c air for two or three minutes the
Proper flushing or' the machine before each experiment experiment is started at the end of inspiration by quickly
can be done in several ways, but the following method is turning the three~way valves so that the subject is shut off
simple and efficient. The entire machine is closed except from the room air,- but has free access to the air in the
the three-way valve in the inspiration and expiration chamber; lower portion of the chamber is immediately
pipes. The air chamber is reduced to its minimum capac- raised to allow more air in the spirometer from which to
ity, thereby forcing as much air out directly as possible. breathe. Since the subj ect started the experiment at the
Since the flow of the air stream is always in the same end of inspiration it is only necessary, in order to deter-
direction, the upward movements of the spirometer will mine the oxygen percentage during the experiment, to
cause atmospheric air to be drawi1 through tht> inspiration lower the lower portion of the air chamber carefully until
pipe·, while the downward movement will force air out of the spirometer touches the bottom at the end of inspiration
th e chamber through the expiration pipe. A repetition and read the amount of displaced gas on the scale attached
of this procedure for 10 or 15 times will entirely change the to the air chamber which corresponds on the curve to the
air in the chamber and pipes. oxygen percentages of the remaining gases in the chamber.
Two per cent is added to allow for the capacity of pipes
and tubing. Although oxygen percentage can be deter-
l the smoked drum and kymograph without endless labor
in measuring the individual respirations.
mined in this way it is rarely done, except for the final
determination. Experiments are usually planned and the LARSEN AUTOMATIC RESPIROMETER.
desired oxygen percentage for the particular experiment
agreed upon beforehand. When this is done it .is only The purpose of the apparatus is twofold: First, to record
necessary to raise the lower portion of the chamber from automatically the rate and volume of respiration at con-
time to time as the spirometer will permit until the corre_ stant or varying barometric pressures; second, to record
sponding oxygen percentage is reached. the rate and volume of respiration in connection with the
This machine in conjunction with the necessary appa- Dreyer ;i,pparatus.
ratus has been developed for the solution of the air prob.
Description and Operation.
lems peculiar to aviation. It is believed to be also readily
adapted to the study <if numerous clinical problems, espe. It ·consists essentially of an inspiration and expiration
cially the clinical question of metabolism. pipe with one-way valve, water spirometer, electric con-
tact valve, spring magnetir. valve, and automatic recorder.
At the distal end of the expiration pipe is a hinged valve
Of the various methods employed for obtaining the rate A, so placed that it,closes the opening of the pipe by fore!)
and volume of respirations ;from the movem,:mts of a water of gravity. From this valve is a wire leading to the dry
spirometer, the smoked drum and kymograph is the most cell B, while just above it is suspended a wire leading to
common, but of recent years attempts have been made to the magnetic valve C. This latter valve, consisting of
construct a device which will give accurately the rate and double magnet separated by a steel shaft upon which a
summation of the excursions directly. (Benedict, 1909- coil spring and circular iron disk is moveable, is so placed
1912; Gibbs, 1918.) that it controls the opening of the inspiration pipe. The
other pole of the magnetic valve is connected to the dry
Detailed Description. cell. About 3 inches from the distal end of the inspira-
This apparatus consists of three 7-inch aluminium wheels tion pipe is a T connection, the vertical portion of which
mounted on a common steel shaft 6 inches long. This leads to the water spirometer D. The counterweight E,
shaft is supported at its ends by two angle irons. A line suspended by a fishline over the pulley wheel of the
to which a spirometer is attached at one end and a counter- recorder F to the spirometer, is sufficiently heavy to
weight at the other takes up the movements of each cause the spirometer to be drawn upward when the valve
respiration. On both sides of the second wheel B and of the inspiration pipe is open. Since the direction of the
close to its outer edge are 1-inch concentric strips of felt, air stream is changed during expiration and inspiration
while a quarter-inch strip of felt covers its circumference. they will be given separate consideration. The principle
The third wheel, qr dial C, whose bearing is on the hub of the mechanism is to measme the inspiration and utilize
of the second wheel, is held firmly against the felt of the the expiration only as a timer for the opening and closing
second wheel by means of a spring D, causing it to take of the valve to the inspiration pipe. During expiration
up the same movement as D. A sharp steel hinged lever the hinged valve at the distal end of the expiration pipe
2 inches long with a spring for the pmpose of keeping it is slightly raised to allow the air to escape, thereby making
extended j.s fastened to the pulley wheel on its inner side contact with the suspended wire above and closing the
one-half inch from the edge with the direction of the circuit to the magnetic valve. When no current passes
pointer in the direction of the downward movement of through the magnet the circular.disk is held by means of
the spirometer. The distance between the first and second the sprihg tightly against the opening of the inspiration
wheels is a little less than 2 inches, allowing the pointer pipe, and when the contact is made the magnetic force
to engage the felt of the second wheel when tW'Iling in overcomes the force of the spring, pulling the disk away
the direction of the downward movement. But when from the opening of the inspiration pipe. Since the spi-
turning in the opposite direction it merely slides over the rometer is overbalanced by its counterweight, air is then·
felt without imparting any motion to it. To prevent any drawn into it from the outside. Very little additional
backward motion of the second wheel a one-way catch is weight is necessary to raise the spirometer if the inner
attached to the base of the apparatus below the rim of the chamber is well polished and sufficient room is allowed
second wheel engaging the felt on its circumference. between the two chambers. The diameter of the inner
A paper dial calibrated in accordance with the spirometer and outer chambers should be 6 and 8 inches respectively.
is atf.a:ched to the third wheel. For the purpose of read- At the end of expiration the hinged valve by force of
ing the results for definite periods of time the dial can be gravity falls, breaking the circuit to the magnetic valve
stopped by releasing the spring. A pointer E attached whose force kept the inspiration pipe open to the outside
to the base indicates the total volume. To the hub of the for the purpose of filling the spirometer with air at that
pulley wheel is attached an electric clutch making and barometric pressure. By the force of the spring against
breaking a circuit to an electric counter at each inspiration. the circular disk the opening is closed and the direction
The apparatus is applicable to any spirometer or other of fl.ow during the inspiration is now from the spirometer
apparatus where a summation of movements is desired. to the subject. The rate and volume of respiration may
When properly constructed it will give accurate results be obtained by the use of the automatic recorder and
which are practically impossible to obtain by the use of counter.
When to be used in conjunction with the Dreyer appa- the water while the other opens below the surface. From
ratus it is necessary to construct an air-tight chamber- the shorter of the glass tubes is a connection to the c"hamber
tight-fitting wooden box-with an inlet and outlet over of the rebreather. Oxygen from the tank forces the spi-
the magnetic valve and opening of the inspiration pipe. rometer upward, partly filling it with oxygen, when the
This chamber serves the same purpose as the mask of the tank is shut off. The connection at the chamber pf the
subject, since the flow of air from the apparatus passes rebreather is removed and the oxygen spirometer forced
into it through the inlet pipe and the excess air escapes down, thereby filling the. tubes and water valves with
through the one-way valve attached to the outlet pipe. oxygen. The connection is then made at the chamber of
During expiration such mixture of air as is passing through the rebreather and all valves closed. The oxygen pipe
the chamber is taken into the spirometer and breathed by leading into the air chamber is supplied with a valve
the subject at the next inspiration. By means of a small preventing any oxygen from entering· until the desired
valve in ·the expiration pipe samples of expired air can be time. This pipe is placed close to the of the ex-
had for analysis. piration plpe for the purpose of replenishing the returning
air with oxygen.
OXYGEN SUPPLY APPARATUS. To conduct experiments the subject is seated before the
The purpose of this apparatus is to supply oxygen to the Tebreatber equipped with a mouthpiece and nose clip, and
·s ubject in proportion to his oxygen consumption regard- the experiment commenced as previously described for
less of the percentage of the mixture of gases breathed. conducting experilllents on the rebreather. When the
desired oxygen percentage of air in the chamber has been
Description and Method of Operating. reached, oxygen from the supply apparatus is admitted.
The apparatus consists in part of" a spirometer, water This is done by lowering the lower portion oftthe air
valve, recorder and oxygen tank with a reducing valve. chamber until the spirometer of the rebreather just touches
A water spiro)Ileter of 8 liters capllcity with two one-half the bottom at the end of inspiration and the valve to the
inch pipes leading into it and extending to the top of the oxygen apparatus is then opened . The following expira-
water line is carefully balanced by a ·weight and fish line tion forces the spirometer of the rebreather upward, but
over the pulley wheel of the recorder. From one pipe is since some of the oxygen was removed, less air is expelled
attached, by means of a rubber hose, a small oxygen tank than is requir.ed for tj:ie following inspiration. The differ-
equipped with a pressure-reducing valve. The other pipe ence between the volume of expiration and the necessary
is attached to the long tube of the water valve. This volume for inspiration is made up by oxygen drawn over
valve is an ordinary water valve or Turkish water pipe. from the oxygen supply and the amount is measured by
It consists pf a wide-necked glass bottle of 500 cubic an automatic recorder.
centimeter capacity one-third filled with water; if the Although the rebreather"J:,as been referred to in t he
gas used contains carbon dioxide a .weak solution of sodium above description, it is not at all necessary to use so elab-
hydroxide is substituted for water. Through two holes in orate a device, except where varying gas percentages are
a tight-fitting rubber cork are inserted two one-half inch required, to determine th e oxygen consumption of an
glass tubes, one of which extends just above the leYel of individual.


By E N GLISH BAGBY, Ph. :p. , First Lieutenant, Sanitary Corps, Medical Research Laboratory

On October 18, 1917, the War Department authorized the I subject was required to grip the mouthpiece of the ·re-
appointment of a Medical Research 'Board "to investigate 1 breathing machine with bis lips and teeth precluded the
all phases of flying which bear direct relation to the mental use of an y psychological test involving a verbal response.
and physical equipment of the-flier ." Almost the first From this it will be seen that the subject's responses were
problem which came to the attention of the board was the limited to one hand and his two feet.
classification of all Army aviators according· to their fit- In view of the absence of pioneer work on the problem
ness for altitude work. From considerations of con- it was necessary'to face the possibility of deterioration, or
venience and simplicity, it was immediately decided to change, in any of the psychological functions. Conse-
use a form of the Henderson rebreathing apparatus,' quently, the tests· which were first tried involved practi-
wh.ich supplies the most deleterious feature of increasing cally all varieties of mental activity: Sensitivity, mus-
altitude, namely, decreasing oxygen tension. cular control, emotions, memory , attention, and the more
The preliminary investigation of the psychological I complex processes.
effects of low oxygen tension in rebreathed air, an d the It was the custom in the early work to vary the quantity
development of a standard test for resistance, was entrusted of a ir to be rebreathed in such a way as to provide suffi-
to Maj. Knight Dunlap and two assistants, Lieut. Schachne cient for any desired length of ''run" from 15 to 40 minutes.
Isaacs and Lieut. English Bagby. I When required for special purposes, oxygen was intro-
! duced into the reservoir and the run prolonged indefinitely.
1. · The method of introducing oxygen was also used in con-
PRELIMINARY STAGE OF THE INVESTIGATION. trols. When a given test performance was found to
deteriorate in successive trials, oxygen was supplied with-
The standard psychological test had to be adapted to out the subject's knowledge and observations were made
certain limitations imposed by the military emergency on the performance as it returned to normal.
and by the conditions of rebreathing. In the earliest stage of the investigation, almost every
1. Since it was considered imperative that all aviators subject was permitted to faint before being removed from
be very promptly classified it was necessary to limit the the machine. Later, as the symptoms of impending
time of each complete psychological examination to collapse became more fam iliar, the subject was released
approximately 30 minutes. This precluded a lengthy while sti.11 conscious.
period of practice in the test performance previous to the It did not seem practical to make a systematic study of
rebreathing examination. On the other hand an exami- each mental function . Instead , it was determined to
nation procedure involving significant effects of practice selected tests to discover which functions were most
was regarded as impractical , sin ce the improvement inci- imp3.ired by oxygen deprivation. With this information,
dental to p ractice might be expected to obscur.e any an intensive study of these specific functions was to be
possible deterioration due to oxygen depletion. undertaken.
2. It was thought inadvisable to use graphic registra-
Description of the Preliminary Tests.
tions of performance. In the first place, considerable
time is required for record reading and statistical t reat- The psychological tests listed below were given at three-
ment. There is a second and more serio us objection. minute intervals throughout a number of 1'runs" and the
While errors may be readily registered , compensatory pc:rformance was studied for evidence of deterioration or
reactions by which errors avoided can not be con- change . No effort was made toward absolutely accurate
veniently recorded . determinations since the early tests were used simply
3. It was necessary that the test performance be non- with the purpose of obtaining indications for further work.
fatiguing, as low oxygen effects and fatigue effects are The quantitative results of the tests do not constitute
liable to confusion. the sole source of information. Much data was also
4. In order to haV'e some constant check on the physical secured through incidental observations and the subj ect's
condition of the subject, pulse and blood-pressure read- description of his experience.
ings must be made at two-minute intervals throughout the
examination. This eiiminates the use of the left hand in 1. SENSORY TESTS.
the psychological work. In addition , the fact that the (a) Vision (lower threshold of visual acuity).- The
, A description of t h e Henderson rebreathing apparatus is to be found apparatus consisted of the I ves visual acuity test object,
on p . 169, " Air Service Medical. " as made by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. It was found
that the commercial form of the Ives instrument is not Ithe core from its resting position in the magnet. A cer-
well adapted to rese~rch_, the scale of adjus~ment being too tain amount of upward pressure was thus exerted against
coarse. Another ob1ect10n to the test as given was found the surface of the leg, and this pressure could be increased
in the fact that acceptable settings for all subjects, even or decreased by changing the intensity of the current
under normal air conditions, varied between very wide flowing through the c.oil.
lim~ts. The use of special statistical methods is of little The apparatus control was not sufficiently good to per-
avaiJ because of the small number of readings which can mit of the establishment of adequate thresholds.
be gotten during a stand~,rd "run." ·
With this test, as with all others that were used , there
was found to be a short period, just previous to the final The tests selected involved a minimum of discrimina-
collapse, during which the performance was unmistakably tory attention. Deterioration, due to low oxygen tension,
less efficient than under normal air. This period involves, affects the speed of movements and causes tremor, inco-
not simple deterioration in a sensory function, but a ordination, and overdischarge.
partial failure of "yoluntary attention ," with inability to (a) Aiming (steadiness). --Dunlap's modification of the
cooperate fully . Effort is more or less spasmodic, and a Whipple arrangement was used. This consists of graded
dazed attitude follows any unexpected stimulus. This openings in a metal plate and a stylus. An attempt was
period, technically known as stage of asphyxiation, made to find the smallest opening in which the stylus
persists for an interval of from 15 to 90 seconds; occa· could be held for 20 seconds without contact. Trials were
sionall y longer. made at intervals during the process of asphyxiation.
Coincident with or immediately following the beginning It was found that there is a constant but irregular de-
of the profound psychological disturbalfCe, a failure of crease in steadiness during the preliminary stage of as-
physiological compensation occurs. It is marked by a phyxiation. This stage extends from the time of the
failing vascular tone. In the close association of the appear:l.nce of the first effects to the beginning of the final
psychological "break" and the failure of physiological stage of asphyxiation. In 272 standard examinations, with
compensation, there is some support for the conception of the most favorabie conditions of observation, the earliest
the psychological processes as integrative, i. e. , as de- appearance of psychological deterioration was in the sev-
pendent on the integration of the centr&l nervous system, enth minute, or at an oxygen tension of approximately
rather than on the action of specific parts of the system. 2 17.3 per cent (0.73 per cent of the 272 cases).
(b) Audition (lower threshdld of auditory acuity, and The aiming test was·not available for use in the standard
threshold of pitch discrimination).-To determine the lower examination, because breathing is seriously interfered
threshold of sound intensity, Dunlap's acoumeter was with by the tendency of the reactor to hold his breath
used. This instrument consists of a vertical metal reed during the trial. This tends to aggravate the effects of
(256 d. v.), the upper end of which may be drawn from the low oxygen tension.
vertical position to any desired position by an electro- (b) Tapping (rapidity of motor discharge) .- A specia'.l
magnet. When the current through the magnet is broken form of the tapping test was used. The apparatus con-
the reed is released and vibrates. Since the position of sisted of the usual form of stylus and two mounted brass
the core of the magnet may be varied, any desired ampli- plates (2 by 2~ inches) separated by a narrow piece of
tude of vibration can be secured by adjustment of a milli- hard rubber. The plates are touched alternately. The
meter scale attached to the magnet core. :i.dvantage of this arrangement over the usual form rests
No deterioration in the performance on this test was in the fact that greater motor control is required and
observed before the final stage of asphyxiation, the stage tremors are less likely to be registered as taps. Each trial
of failure of voluntary attention described above. Also it lasted 15 seconds, and the number of taps electrically
was found that slight sounds arising from the necessary recorded was taken as the record of the performance.
manipulation of the rebreathing machine, and other The number of taps made during each 15-second inter-
incidental noises, were sources of distraction tending to val remained fairly constant until:- the final stage of as-
invalidate the results. phyxiation, at which time marked muscular incoordina-
An effort waa made to use the difference threshold of tion appears. During the preliminary stage of asphyxia-
pitch as an index of deterioration, but the results were tion there is a significant increase in the energy of the taps.
negative. It has been suggested that the rate of tapping is maintained
(c) Pressure (reaction time to change of pressu.r e).-All by this increase of energy. However, the energy increase
fli.ers testify to the importance of sensations of pressure appears to be .a true low oxygen effect rather than a com-
arising from the buttocks and the posterior surfaces of the pensation phenomenon.
thighs. These sensations, together with visual cues and (c) Knee-jerk (irritability ).- A rubber hammer hanging
afferent processes from the inner ear, are involved in freely on a pivot was permitted to fall against the sensitive
leveling and properly banking a plane. point of the subject's knee from various heights. In this
For testing purposes, a special apparatus was devised way the threshold of irritability was established. The
by Maj . Dunlap. It consisted of a large solenoid magnet, results were extremely variable, but showed ·no indication
to the core of which was attached an upright brass rod of decreased irritability during asphyxiation.
surmounted by a horizontal plate. The subject's left 3. MEMORY TESTS.
thigh was placed upon this plate and the weight forced
Three forms of memory tests .were used with immediate
'See Dunlap: An Outline of Psychobiology, 2 ed., p. 122. or delayed recall.
1454-30- -2 0
(a) Series of from fi_ve to nine consonants were orall) Low-oxygen tension does not seem to affect the speed
presented and the subject was required to,reprodu~e them of the performance until the final stage of asphyxiation is
in writing. The material used is shown below: reached. However, a§ rioted in the, tapping test, the reac-
RKZWT tion movements become progressively more energetic dur-
ing the preliminary stage of asphyxiation.
(b) Addition (Dunlap's material) .-This test involves
JLXBRVN the use of sheets containing 16 !,;nee of digit.'3, each line
NHBDZVCR containing 45 digits. A single line was presented to the
VJSRBLTMW subject with instructions to add the digits f;om left to
HRKGWMDPTL right until the sum equaled or exceeded some designated
ZXWDKTNVSHQ number (12, 13, 14, or 15). After the last number of a
group a line is dra.wn by the subject, and the difference
between the total and the designated number is inserted.
(b) Combinations of color :i;iames and numbers were No low-oxygen effect was observed before the final'stage
orally presented for reproduction,. Selections were made of asphyxiation.
from the following list: (c) Tactile di~crimination.-The subject was required tu

White ................ . 63 Ecru .................. . 81 sort cards containing diamond-shaped openings. Time
Russet ... ....•. ..... , . 84 Black .. . . ............ . 52 wa.s faken for a series of 50 cards .
Gray ..,. .. . ............ . 47 Green . . ........ ....... : 24 The results were entirely negative.
, ,Amber . . .. ... ......... . 28
Lilac ................ . 73 Summary.
Violet ................ . 96 Orange . .. . ...... .. .... . 35
Red . ..... ............ . 58Blue ...... . .. .. ...... . 74 This completes a review of the tests which were used to
,T an ................ .. . 14Buff .................. . 29 determine the general cha1·acter of the psychological
Rose .. ...... ..... .... . 95 effects of oxygen deprivation. '.rhe results of this pre•
Gold .... . . , ........... . 85
Drab ................. . 62 liminary work may be briefly summarized. The summary
Azure . .... ...... .. ... . . 46
Purple ................ . 79 includes not only the observations made on test perform-
Yellow . .. ........ .... . . 69
Crimson ............... . 13 ances but such additional data as was secured through
Scarlet ...... .... .. ... . 57
Straw ................. . 25 Slate ................. . 68 self-observations and incidental observations ·made by
Brown ................ . 18 Pink,. . ... ............. . 37 the experimenters.
Lavender ..... _. ...... . 36Indigo . . .. ............ . 92 1. Motor performance.-The most obvious effect of sub-
jection to a gradually depleted oxygen supply is the pro-
The performance was rated on the number of combina- duction of tremor, muscular incoordinati.on, and ,over-
tions which could be correctly reproduced. discharge. These effects become progressively more pro-
(c) Memory of position.-The apparatus consisted of nounced as rebreathing proceeds and are presumably re-
49 miniature lamps arr~nged in rows of 7, and mounted lated to a less and less complete integration of the central
on a vertical blackboard. A scattered group of from nervous processes.
three to seven lamps were lighted for three seconds and, 2. Attention phenomena.-Lovr-oxygen tension tends to
the subject was instructed to desiguate on a chart the, bring about a reduction in the abil:ity to carry on a number
position of the lamps which had been lighted. of discrete tasks simultaneously through rapid shifting of
The phenomena 0£ immediate and delayed recall were attention . This restriction of the general field of atten-
investigated with these three tests. No deterioration was tion operates in such a way as to lower the subject's dis-
found under low-oxygen tension during the preliminary tractibility. Hence, the attention directed to a simple,
stage of asphyxiation . However, it was noted that mate- relatively mechankal feature of a complex task ,is supe-
rial presented during the final stage of asphyxiation was rior tb the attention given to that feature under normal
not properly impressed (perceived). Nothing specific can air conditions. It is probable that the absence of low-
be said about retention during this stage. oxygen effects in the simple sensory and motor tests used
in the preliminary investigation is largely accounted for
by the progressive decrease of distra<:>tibility.
Deterioration in attention may take the form ,of con- I In the final stage of asphyxiation the subject is unable
fusion between stimuli, failure to react, diminution of to concentrate on any task in the normal way, and instruc-
attention-range, or distractibilit) . The following test, tions have to be given insistently and in a loud voice.
were used: 3. The condition of resting muscles.-Some data was se-
(a) Serial reaction.-The apparatus was a serial reaction cured thrpugh observation of the coDdition of the muscula-
boa.rd consisting of 24 miniature lamps, with correspond- ture of the left hand during various stages of the run. The
ing switches, in a semicircular arrangement. The series muscular condition, normally firm, was found to become
is started when the operator lights a lamp. The subject first relaxed, then tense, and finally twitchy.
reverses the corresponding switch, extinguishing the first 4. Removal of inhibitions.-In the final stage ofasphyxia-
lamp and lightiug a second, nnd so on to the end of the tion some subjects give expression to uncontrolled anger.
series. The wiring is so arranged that the lamps are Occasionally an attempt is made to break various parts of
lighted in irregular order, and the sequence is changed the apparatus or the mouthpiece is vigorously expelled.
afu,1 each trial. The time of the series of reactions is In milder forms of·the condition an attitude of resentment
taken with !l, stop watch. is taken toward all stimuli which are presented.
On the other hand, some subjects become silly, winking ciently rigid mounting and at the same time giving greater
and smiling at the apparatus and,at the experimenter. convenience than could be afforded by a table with legs.
Sometimes this is followed· by uncontrollable laughter, The apparatus mounted on this table forms three separate
which necessitates removal from the machine. units:
Such conduct represents a primitive, or emotional, form (1) There are 14 stimulus lamps (2 candlepower) ar-
of behavior, with a removal of inhibitions. The phenome- ranged in two rows of seven each, with two similarly
non is perhaps related to the factors involved in decreased arranged rows of contact buttons, each surrounded by a
distractibility, as previously described. The experimental washer. The contact buttons are rounded screw heads of
conditions lose their restraining value. one-fourth inch diameter. In addition, there is a check
5. Self-observation.-Many : ubjects report that they are lamp and a red error lamp and a stylus with a hard-rubber
able to "pull themseves together" for any brief task but, handle and metal tip. These parts of tlie unit are so
upon its Completion, "want to rest." wired electrically that when· a stimulus lamp lights, the
This fact was substantiated by direct observations made cprresponding contact button is "alive" and if touched
by the experimenters. In the latter part of the preliminary with the metal tip of the stylus, the check lamp is lighted.
stage·of .asphyxiation, after a very normal performance on If the washer surrounding any of the buttons is touched
a short test, the subject may sink back into his chair with with the metal tip of the stylus at any time, the error
eyes closed and quite inert. He is with difficulty aroused lamp is lighted.
for the next task but, when aroused, makes as good a per- (2) Two ammeters mounted on a metal arm above the
formance as before. This is called the "spurt phenome- table top are connected in series with two rheostats, one
non." on the upper side of the table top at the edge near the
Self-observations during the final -stage of asphyx- reactor, the other underneath, at the edge near the psy-
iation are almost uniformly unreliable. When a subject is chologist. One ammeter faces the reactor, the other the
removed from the machine after repeated efforts to arouse psychologist. A change in the resistance made by the
him have failed, he may maintain that his work was effi- psychologist at his rheostat, causing a in the amme-
cient to the end. This occurs even when complete uncon . ter reading, may be compensated for by a change in the
sciousness has not intervened. reactor's rheostat, by which the original ammeter reading
The standard classification test, as adopted by the may be restored.
Medical Research Board, is bas1ld on the consideration just (3) A small electric motor mounted on the upper side
listed. It involves a continuous performance to avoid the of the table top is connected in series with a third rheostat
"spurt phenomenon," mentioned in 3. The inotor per- underneath the table. A. two-way lever switch mounted
formance is of such a sort that decrea.~ed mus_cular control is underneath the table at the edge next to the psychologist.
at once detected. It includes three discrete tasks so as to and a rocking pedal two-way switch on the floor under the
demonstrate increasing restriction of attention. The per- table, are connected with the rheostat ·by a three-wire
formance is clinically observed rather than graphically system, so that a part of the resistance of the rheostat can
registered for the reasons mentioned in the discussion of be cut out (thus increasing the speed of the motor) by
the limitations imposed by the. military emergency. either switch and again cut in (thus restoring the lower
It is especially important to note that no claim is made motor speed) by either switch.
that the standard test determines the constitutional resist- B. The second group of apparatus, on a small table in
ance to low-oxygen tension. The physiological condition any convenient part of the room, consists of an automatic
of the subject at the time of the test may operate in such a distributor which lights the stimulus lamps in selective
way as to affect the performance profoundly. Loss of order and for a constant interval. During the -examina-
sleep, dissipation, and indigestion are believed to modify tion a stimulus light appears every fifth second and re-
constitutional resistance. mains for l! seconds.
Method of Conducting the Test.
The rebreathing machine-is adjusted by the physiologist
THE STANDARD PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST FOR to give a "standard run, '' which will vary in time accord-
RESISTANCE TO OXYGEN DEPLETION. ing to the individual and his method of work, but which
will bring a reactor of the highest type to 7 per cent oxygen
In order to complete this account of the work on low- in 25 minutes on the average. For this standard run the
oxygen tension, the following description of the apparatus, quantity of air in the reservoir at the start is 53 liters.
technique, arid prncedure of the standard test is appended. The reactor, being seated in proper position before the
The description, with minor textual corrections, is taken apparatus, is given the following instructions to read:
from the Manual of the Medical Research Laboratory, first
edition, pages 170-177, as written by Maj. Knight Dunlap. Read carefully.
Apparatus for .the Standard Test. You have three things to do:
1. 'Lights.
The apparatus used for the psychological tests consists
of two groups, A ari.d B . When a light flashes, touch with the stylus the top of
A. This group includes a number of pieces assembled the corresponding screw heaq. Do not touch the washer.
on a specially designed table, adjustable in height and 2. Ammeter.
slope, and swinging on a sh:gle heavy post mounted on a Watch the ammeter and by adjusting the rheostat (using
cast-iron base. This table is designed to furnish a suffi- the right hand) keep the ammeter at the designated marl:.
3. Motor. psychologist sharply notifies the responsible medical at-
Keep the motor at low speed by maintaining the proper tendant in order that the reactor may at once be given
positions of the pedal. When the motor speeds up reverse air and so prevented from undergoing-complete collapse.
the pedal and hold it in its new position until the speed The recognition of "complete inefficiency" is a matter
again increases. on which the psychologist must carefully train himself .
NOTES: In general it shows itself in a definite way, as described
(a) The lights are Qf first importance, i. e., if a lamp below, but may show in forms which are readily recognizad
lights when you are reading (or are about to react) to the by the trained observer but which are described with
ammeter band , react to the. light first and then go back to difficulty.
the rheostat. In many cases the medical attendant will find it neces-
(b) When you touch with the stylus the contact button cary to inter,rupt the test, because of cardiovascular
corresponding to a light, the movement of the hand and symptons, before psychological inefficiency is reached.
arm should be ' 'free' ' (neither hand nor arm should touch At the start of the rebreathing examination it is advisable
table , rheostat, or board). The hand may at other times to allow the reactor to react to the lights alone during the
rest on the slide of the rheostat. first minute and add successively the changes in the speed
(c) Do your work with accuracy, neatness, and promptness. of the motor and in the ammeter readings. He should be
Do riot bang, slam, or jab. busy with all three tasks by the middle of the third
While the reactor is reading the instructions, the psy- minute.
chologist is ready to explain any detail of the apparatus In observing, the psychologist needs to attend as con-
or method in which the reactor may show special interest; stantly as possible to the behavior of the reactor. The
and, after the re,i,ctor has finished reading, the psychologist labor, of recording must therefore be reduced to a mini-
further explains the procedure and verbally emphasizes mum. For this purpose and for the purpose of standardiz-
the important points in the instruction&. ing the method of observation the following symbols
'When the rebreathing machine is ready and the blood- have been adopted.
pressure recorder has secured the requisite preliminary SYMBOLS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE.
readings, the mouthpiece and nose clip being in place,
the external opening of the mouthpiece is closed by the First significll,nt effects on "voluntary muscular coor-
responsible clinician and the test CL1mmences. The psy- dination."
chologist and all others concerned in making the test start "Fumbling"; clumsiness; inaccuracy in touching the
their stop watches at this moment. contact b11ttons.
During the first three minutes of the test the psycholo- ? "Groping," approaching contact buttons with cor-
gist coaches the reactor if necessary and estimates his com- rective movements.
prehension oi the task and instructions, his power of atten- E "Effort," increase in the force of applying the stylus
tion , and his composure (freedom of excitement or nervous- to contact buttons.
ness), entering the words good, fair, or poor on his record 3 Decreased "effort."
sheet. He also notes the motor tendencies .of the reactor I Impulsive or uncontrolled movements.
as they fall into one or more of the following categories: a. On the movement to the buttons.
b. On the movement from the buttons.
Motor Tendencies. S Slowing of reactive movements.
Tremor. Slow . F Speeding of reactive movements.
Tense. Hesitant. ~ First significant effects on "attention."
Impulsive. Accurate. d I "Distraction" from lights, neglects lights.
Steady. Inaccurate . dl-v Neglects lights for ammeter.
Rapid. Restless. / Reactor delays initiating stylus movement so long that
In addition to these general tendencies, it is important he fails to light check lamp .
that the psychologi8 t take notice of other specific tend - // Reactor delays so long that he touches the button after
encies shown by the reactor, and if definite types of error the stimulus lamp has gone out.
are shown he must watch during the succeeding five or / / / Reactor starts movement after the light has gone out.
six minutes for improvements. In this way the "M', and dv "Distraction" from the ammeter dial, fails to note and
" A" determinations (described below) may be accurately adjust the position of the pointer.
noted as deterioration from the normal performance of the d n "Distraction" from the motor, neglects to control the
reactor, and not as failures with regard to an absolute speed of the motor.
standard of proficiency. This is important since the rating /cl I Confusion between rows of lamps. but finally touches
on these tests is valid only as an index of the effects of the right button
abphyxiation on a particular individual and not as an cl Confusion between columns of lamps, but finally
index of efficiency or inefficiency in any other respect. touches the right button.
The comprehension, attention, and composure, and the lwl [ Selects button in wrong row.
motor entries are, however, worth recording for purposes wi Selects button in wrong column.
other than oxygen rating. Wv Moves ammeter pointer in wrong direction.
Normally the test continues until the point of complete Wn Shift of pedal without change i11 motor speed.
psychological inefficiency is reached, at which point the <%> Two of the symptoIDB', 9, ?, I, and E repeatedly.
<f) Two of the symptoms, di, dv, dn, ///, cl, wl, and wv. 5. Add the debits and credits and assign to classes, as
© "Inefficiency." Inability to control any of the three follows :
tasks. The reactor sometimes stares at the lights + n....... . ..................... ... .. . 0 Class A
without making an attempt to touch a button, or 0 .. . ... . ... .. .... .. . . ..... . ... . . . . .. - 12 Class A
makes a number of irrelevant touches. Completely - 12 .. . ........... . ... . ... ..... ..... .. . -30 Class B
disregards the motor and the ammeter. Sometimes -30 ................................... - n Class C
severe tremors appear and jerkiness sets in finally.
* Breakdown. The reactor ·ceases to work and com- In case the run is interrupted before © is reached, a
mences to collapse ; qualitatively & more serious con- computation, based on the above rating sch eme, can be
dition than- made assuming the missing symbols to have occurred
X Reactor released from the apparatus. at the time of ().
There are the following additional symbols for special At first glance the method of classification just described
diagnostic purposes: seems to be based on time rather than on oxygen per-
~ Tremor of the hand. centage. but this is only apparent. If every reactor were
,vwJerkiness of the hand. run at the same rate (a rate of oxygen depletion at which
Swaying or drooping of the head. 7 per cent oxygen would be reached in 25 minutes), it
~ r
Tapping buttons more than once. would be immaterial whether -the oxygen percentages of
R Rests hand or fingers in touching button. the times at which the s, <ff>, and © were reached should
K Keeps stylus on button after making touch. be used in the rating, since there would be a fixed corre-
spondence between these. Since the rates of oxygen de-
THE BAGBY-ROSS RATING SCHEME. pletion vary in accordance ·with the individual rates of
'The aviator is rated, or classified, according to the oxygen consumption, and since a faster rate enables the
following scheme. reactor to reach a lower percentage, it is necessary to make
1. Take 25 minutes as the standard duration of a run. allowance for the variations in the rate of oxygen con-
If © or * appears before the end of 25 minutes, debit sumption.

point for each minute in case © or

or credit 1. point for each minute. Similarly, credit 1
appears after 25
This can be done by computing in oxygen percentages,
and then making a correction for time; or, more simply,
as in the scheme actually employed, by ·computing in
2. Assume,- as a standard altitude, 7 per cent of oxygen times as if the oxygen change followed· a line of the same
for ©- Debit or credit 1 point for each one-tenth of 1 slope in each case, and then correcting for deviation from
per cent. this slope in terms of the final p ercentages of oxygen
3. As in the case of 1 above, take 25 minutes as the I reached.
standard time for the appearance of both of the diamondR. At the present time the standard rebreathing test .has
Debit or credit 1 point for each minute. , been administered to over 7,000 aviators. Almost a score
4. Assume 15 minutes for the standard time· for the I of psychological observers have had opportunity to verify
appearance of the two arrowheads. Debit or credit one- the effect of oxygen depletion as revealed by the pre-
half point for each minute. liminary investigation reported in part 1 of this report.


By EDWARD C. SCHNEIDER, Ph.D., Physiologist, Medical Research·Laboratory .

The need of a measure for physical efficiency whereby an athlete and a sedentary worker, and there is reason to
degrees of fatigue, physical fitness, and health may be believe these functional differences vary to some extent
determined has been felt alike by the med~al profession as the health and fitness of the individual vary.
and educators in physical education and school·hygiene. The cardio-vascular changes during altered physical
Of late the newly awakened inter.e st in industrial efficiency fitness have been most studied, and it is these that are
has shown that we lack satisfactory and reliable tests of considered in tliis paper. The tests here discussed should
fatigue. Experience with the aviator during the war also not be confused with functional heart tests. We are con-
emphasized the need of some reliable physical efficiency cerned with the cardio-vascular changes only in so far as
test easy of application. Often the .aviator gradually they give evidence of fatigue and health changes in the
underwent physical and nervous deterioration, the result body.
of the wear and tear of his air work, or sometimes of dissi-
pation, which made him less reliable in handli~g the THE PULSE RATE AS A CRITERION OF HEALTH.
airplane and frequently ultimately led to a crash. These (a) The Postural Rates.
aviators at times developed a disinclination to fly but
Cook and Pembrey(2) while finding considerable varia-
• would not confess it because of the fear .of being considerer!.
tion in the pulse of different healthy individuals showed;
"yellow." To single out such men the flight surgeon
however, more frequently a slow rate in men trainea. for
needed the aid of a dependable test .
muscular work. Meylan(3) from his e·xtensive experience
Unquestionably the most satisfactory test for fatigue
concluded that a horizontal posture pulse rate between 40
and loss in physical fitness would be one that eliminated
and 80 beats and a vertical posture rate betwe.e n 50 and
the "personal equation" of the examiner and the anxietv
90 were favorable health signs. McCurdy(4) from a study
and dishonesty of the patient: Replies to questions co~-
of boy's passing through the adolescent changes decided
cerning symptoms and habits are often misleading because
that the heart rate serves as a fair indication of condition;
of a performed opinion by the examiner or because the
a high heart rate indicates poor condition, and a heart
patient i~ incapable of self-analysis and accurate descrip-
rate with wide variations between the horizontal and stand-
tion of his experiences. Furthermore, because some men
ing positions suggests a poor vascular adjustment. ·
for personal reasons would prefer to mislead the examiner
'!Jawson(5) during repeated periods of training of a
the test should not demand much in cooperation and
single subject found that training slowed the resting pulse
attention from the patient.
rate as much as nine beats per. minute and that this espe-
The functional changes of the body brought about by
cially influenced the noon and afternoop _pulse. Thus the
regular physical training give the basis for a number of
form of the diurnal curve was slightly altered. He also
physical ,efficiency tests. The attention of trainers and
found that while acute infection caused an increase in
athletes, as well as physiologists, has naturally been
the pulse rate, it was much less pronounced in the trained
directed to these. A brief review of .the conclusions-
than in the untrained.. man.
regarding these physiological changes which occur as r,,
In young men the normal average pulse rate has been
result of improved physical condition will suggest possible
reported ·to be 78.9 standing, 70.1 sitting, and 66.6 iying.
tests for degrees of health and fitness .
The continued practi:e of some form of exercise, such as
There exist differences between· active and iriactive
rowing, extending over a period of years, may progressively
animals which throw light on these functional variations.
lower the rate of heart beat. Thus Michell(2) found Hie
In England the 'w ild hare, which lives an active life in
average rate of the athlete's pulse was d-ruing the first
the open, and the wild rabbit, which lives an inactive
year, 69 ; second year, 64.5 ; and third year, 56.8. Accord-
life in seclusion and does not venture far from its burrow,
ing to .Lindhard(7) not only is the pulse less frequent,
have been ·compared by Dreyer of Oxford University(l).1
but the output of the heart per minute is slightly larger
The wild hare contains double the blood volume, 30 per
in the trained than in the untrained man.
cent more hemoglobin, and three times more heart muscle
All available evidence indicates that with improvement
than a wild rabbit of the same weight. The rate of heart
in physical fitness the heart beats less frequently and more
beat is for the wild hare about 68 and tlie wild rabbit
efficiently . It follows, ~herefore, that the pulse rates in
about 200 per minute. The rate of breathing for the hare
the reclining and · standing postures may at times give
is between 18 and 20 and the rabbit about 50 per minute.
useful hints as to the degree oCfitness and health. That
Furthermore, the meat of the hare io dark and of the rabbit
the altered physical condition may not be evidenced by
light in color. No doubt similar differences exist between
pulse rate changes in both postural positions was demon-
1 Number-in parentheses refers to the bibliograph at the end of the strated by Boney(8) who found in some tired, listless,
ar c;cle. depressed, and fatigued patients that the pulse rate was

normal while lying down but was abnormally rapid during I It should be emphasized that while the several puls~
standing; in several the standing rate was as high as 130 rate criteria of fitness may all be found to occur in a single
and 140 beats per minute. individual not one or even any two of them is found to. be
an absolute test. In forming a judgment as to the physical
(b) Pulse Rate Increase on Standing. condition of a man it is best to consider the postural rates,
the increase on standing and after exercise, and the time
The difference between the standing and reclining pos-
required for the rate to return to normal after exercise.
ture pulse rates has been found to be a useful index of
physical fitness. According to Vierodt(9), the average THE ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE AS A CRITERION
postural increase was from 12 to 14 beats. Crampton(lO) OF CONDITION.
reported that in vigorous subjects the heart rate may not
(a) The Normal Arterial Pressures.
increaae on standing while in wearied subjects it may
increase as much as 44 beats per minute. Meylan(3) Although the arterial pressures have re·ceived much
believes a -standing increase of not more than 16 beats is attention, the determination of the pressures for the indi-
. one of the favorable signs of physical efficiency. Par- vidual at rest offers little of value in estimating the phys-
kinson (ll) recently reported that 20 healthy soldiers gave ical condition of the young man. Meylan(3) considers
an average increase of 10 beats when the recumbent and systolic pressures for the horizontal posture between 110
-standing rates were compared. Geigel(l2) considers that and 140 millimeters and for the vertical position between
a_ variation of pulse rates above 30 between lying and 110 and 150 millimeters Hg. as favorable signs. Dear-
standing indicates weakened heart function. It is now born(l9) believes that adequate physical training raises
recognized that in states of debility the postural difference the blood pressure. He obtained an average of 114 milli-
may be as much as 30 to 50 per minute. meters in trained and 108 millimeters in untrained women.
·A slow horizontal and a slow vertical postural pulse rate Dawson(5) recently has shown that the effect of training
with a small difference between the two are usually signs on the resting blood pr.essure is neither striking nor con-
of excellent health. st:mt. Bainbridge(20) has written "The systolic arterial
pressure, according to most observers, is not higher during
(c) Exercise Pulse Rate. rest in trained than in untrained men."
According to Bowen(l3), the rapidity of the pulse during Opinion as to the value of the. diastolic and pulse pres-
sures is not as clearly crystallized as it is regarding the
exercise is chiefly determined by the (1) speed of move-
ment, (2) resistance encountered, (3) condition of the systolic pressure.
individual, and (4) age. He(l4) also pointed out that Hypotension in systolic or diastolic pressures occur in
pulse rate counts made after exercise are worthless for weak patients.
comparison unless the count is made at exactly the same (b) The Postural Changes in Arterial Pressures.
period in each case and the subject is placed in exactly the
same position and assumes the same degree of relaxation The hydrostatic effects of posture and the manner in
which the splanchnic vasomotor mechanism compensates
and repose.
for these is well known. _ Normally, when man changes
The pulse rate as a result of a certain amount of work
from the reclining to the standing position the splanchnic
increases more in an untrained than in a trained indi-
vasomotor tone overcompensates the hydrostatic effects
vidual. Hartwell and Tweedy(l5), comparing athletic
of gravity. In normal subjects the systolic blood pressure
and nonathletic women, found that running up and down
is about 10 millimeters higher in the standing than in the
stairs accelerated the heart rate an average of 10 beats
recumbent posture. Erlanger and Hooker(21) found that
more in the nonathletic women. Lewis, Cotton, and
on standing thera might be either a slight rise or fall in
Rapport(l6) believe that the average height to which the
the bracµial systolic pressure. According to Hill(22), any
pulse rate is raised at the cessation of effort may be taken
influence which weakens the splanchnic vasomotor mech-
as a gauge of the degree of distress produced and that the
anism interferes with the compensation. Sewall(23) has
amount of distress is determined by the degree of health .
shown that individuals in whom there is excessive gravita-
Similar conclusions have been reached by many students
tion of the blood in the limb sand splanchnic area on stand-
of the exercise acceleration of the pulse rate.
ing are victims of physical weakness and nervous insta-
(d) The Decline in Pulse Rate After Exertion. bility and often suffer from headache, dizziness, or tin-
nitus in the erect posture. That the systolic pressure falls
A widely recognized sign of conditio11 is the time re- in individuals weakened by dissipation; overwork, lack of
quired by the pulse rate to return to normal after effort. sleep, or disease was recognized by Crampton in his "blood
Flack and Bowdler(l7), from a study of the problems fol- ptosis test" for physical fitness. Crampton(lO) demon-
lowing stepping upon a chair five times in 15 seconds, strated that a subj_e ct might when standing show weakness
conclude that the rate of heart in the healthy subject by a decrease in the systolic pressure or by a large increase
should not increase more than 25 beats and should return in the heart rate.
to normal within 30 seconds. Meakins and Gunson(lS) Recently Sewall(23) has pointed out that a weakened
report that following a climb of 27 steps at·a brisk walk in patient on standing may fail to show the systolic drop, but
healthy subjects the pulse rate returned to normal within instead may have an inordinate rise in diastolic pressure.
one minute, while patients required as much as five He employs this rise in diastolic pressure and low levels of
minutes. pulse pressure as measures of fitness.
The above observations on tlie cardiovascular changes blood pressure between 100 and 140 millimeters, a vertical
that occur with training and with weakness suggest means pressure between llO and 150 millimeters, with a difference
of measuring fatigue, staleness, and weakness. A pulse of 10 millimeters or more. An exercise increase. in pulse
rate m-0re rapid than the average in the reclining and rate of less than 100 per cent and a recovery of more than
standing postures, a large acceleration on ·standing and 80 per cent in a minute.
after exertion, a slow return to normal after exercise, and a Foster's(24) efficiency test made use of the standing
systolic pressure that fails to rise but falls when the subject pulse rate, the rate. immediately after running in plate
3tands indicates fatigue or weakness. for exactly 15 seconds at the rate of 180 steps per minute,
In 1913 and 19'14 three physical efficiency tests were and the rate 45 seconds after the work.ceased.
reported that used some or all of these changes. Cramp· Crampton's test was employed with the aviators at
ton's(lO ) " blood ptosis test" is a vasomotor efficiency Hazelhurst field, but was found to be unsatisfactory
test, that is intended to show the beneficial or depressive because of the fact that physical deteriorations may be
.effect of various conditions supposed to affect the health. manifest in various ways in the cardio-vascular mechanism .
It takes account of the differences between the pulse rates The test neglects fo ur of the available factors . A similar
and the syst9lic pressures of the horizontal a~d vertical criticism may be made of Foster's method. A statistical
postures. The usual raRge of systolic pressure variation study of several hundred cases led to the abandonment
is from +10 to -10 and the heart rate increase from Oto 44. of both these methods.
It was determined that a decrease of 1 millimeter in sys- A Point System for Grading the Cardio-Vascular
tolic pressure was equivalent to an increase in heart rate Reactions.
of approximately two beats. By statistically balancing
the ranges of systolic pressure and pulse rate and assigning It is difficult, when it becomes necessary to weigh data
equal percentages to equal ranges a percentage scale of from six sets of observations, properly to evaluate them
fitness was established. and to avoid giving undue weight to a single factor. If
Meylan (3), although not attempting to evaluate, finds it is true, as it seems to be, that weakness may show itself
that efficiency may be judged by (1) general condition differently in individual cases, then to center attention
as shown in weight, color of skin, and general appearances, only on the postural systolic blood pressure changes or
such as firm, vigorous muscles ; (2) pulse rate in the hori- the amount of acceleration of the pulse rate in exercise
zontal and vertical positions ;· (3 ) systolic blood pressure would result in the overlooking of some cases of weakness.
in the horizontal and vertical positions; and (4) heart In order to avoid the disposition to stress one o:r two of the
reaction to the exercise of hopping 100 feet. Favorable factors that give evidence of physical deterioration and
signs were considered to be a horizonal pulse rate between to recognize equally the six factors we have used a system
40 and 80 beats, a vertical rate between 50 and 90, and a of scoring the tests wherein each of the cardio-vascular
standing increase of not more than 16 beats. A horizontal changes is rated according to a scale that evaluates the

TABLE 1.- Tabies of points for grading cardio-vascular changes .

(A) Reclining
pulse rate. (B) Pulse rate increase on standing.

50- 60= 3 pts. 0-10 beats= 3 pts. 11-18= 3 pts. 19-26= 2 pts . 27-34= i pts . 3H2= Opts.
61- 70= 3 pts. 0-10 b\)ats= 3 pts. 11-18= 2 pts. 19-26= 1 pts. 27-3i= opts . 35-42= - 1 pts.
71- 80= 2 pts. 0-10 beats= 3 pts. 11-18= 2 pts. 19-26= 0 pts . 27-34=-1 pts. 35--42= -2 pts.
81- 90= 1 pts. 0- 10 beats= 2 pts. 11-18= 1 pts. 19-26= -1 pts . 27-34= - 2 pts . 35-42= -3 pts.
91- 100;= 0 pts. 0-10 beats= 1 pts. 11-18= Opts. 19-26=-2,pts. 27-,34= - 3 pts. 3H2=-3 pts.
101-110=-l pts. 0-10 beats= 0 pts. 11-18= -1 pts. 19-26= - 3 pts. 27-34= -3 pts . 35--42= -3 pts .

(C) Standing
pulse rate. (D) Heart rate acceleration after a standard exercise.

60-- 70= 3 pts. 0-lObeats= 3 pts. 11- 20= 3 pts. 21-30= 2 pts. 3(-40= 0 pts. 41 -50= Opts.
71- 80= . 3 pts. 0-10 beats= 3 pts. 11- 20= 2 pts. 21-30= 1 pts. 31--40= opts. 41- 50- opts.
81- 90= 2 pts. 0-lObeats= 3 pts . 11- 20= 2 pts. 21-30= 1 pts . 31-40= opts. 41- 50= -1 pts.
91-100= 1 pts. 0-10 beats= 2 pts. 11- 20= 1 pts. 21-30= opts . 31-40= -1 pts . 41-50= - 2 pts .
101-110= 1 pts. 0-10 beats= 1 pts. 11-20= Opts. 21-30=-1 pts . 31-40= - 2 pts. 41-50= - 3 pts.
111- 120= 0 pts. 0-)0 beats= 1 pts. 11- 20=-l pts. 21- 30= -2 pts. 31--40= - 3 pts. 41-50= · - 3 pts.
121-130= 0 pts. 0-10 beats= Opts. 11- 20= - 2 pts. 21-30= -3 pts . 31--40= -3 pts. 41-50= -3 pts .
131-140= -1 pts. 0-!0beats= opts . 11- 20= -3 pts. 21-30= -3 pts . 31-40= - 3 pts. 41-50= - 3 pts.

(E) Return of pulse rate to s tanding no,mal after exercise. (F) Systolic pressure, standing compared with reclining.

~tirn~~~!t: ::::::: : : :::::: ::: ::: : ::::: ~ ~H:

Rise of8mm.ormore .... . .. . .... . ......... = 3pts.
Rise of 2-7 mm ........ ..... ..... . . . .... ... . = 2 pts.
No rise ......................... . ....... ... . = 1 pts .
2- 10 beats above, at 120 seconds . . , .. . ...... = Opts . Fall of 2-5 mm ..................... ...... .. = 0 pts.
11- 30 b eats abm·e, at 120 seconds .. .... ...... = ....: l pts . Fall of.6 mm. or more . : .......• . ........... = - ! pts.
condition or change. 'l'he grading of performance must ing rate. The data in (b) are scored according to part E
of necessity be arbitrary and therefore is held by some of the table.
to be objectionable. Nevertheless, as was stated earlier, This system of scoring men as to physical fi tness is now.
the " personal equation ,;· of the observer often weighs. too being used by flight surgeons in their work among aviators
heavily where comparisons are made. A mathematical and is applied at the Medical Research Laboratory at
system of grading can in large measure eliminate the Mitchel aviation field on Long Island .
personal factor. · That there may be value in assembling the circulatory
The scoring scheme we have used recognizes that fatigue data under such a point system is indicated from an analy-
or derangement may be evidenced in the high heart rate sis of 54 cases of aviators who, when examined by the
during reclining; during standing; in the number of beats medical officers of the departments of the Laboratory ,
the heart rate increases when the standing and reclining were found to be ailing and physically below standard .
postures are compared ; in the acceleratio:, in the pulse The medical examinations included an overhaul by the
.rate after exercise ; in the time taken by the pulse to internist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, and ear, nose, and
return to normal ; and, lastly, in the rise or fall in the throat expert. The medical findings include a large
systolic blood pressure on standing. This scheme uses . variety of conditions, the majority being common to any
in part a plan proposed by Dr. J . H. McCurdy for rating 1 group of men and in no way characteristic of aviators.
infantry men in cardio-vascular and neuro-muscular · That which was of greatest interest in this analysis was
efficiency. The scores for each of the six items range from the final efficiency score of each patient. The cases were
+3 to -3. A perfect score, the sum of the value given distributed as follows:
to each of the six items, is 18. The values as assigned,
appear in Table 1, parts A, B, C, D, E, and F. In using Number Percent-
the table for scoring, parts A and B , ·also C and D, must Fitness score. of cases. age.
always be used together. Thus, if an individual has a
pulse rate increase of 15 beats (see part B) on standing, O or Jess ...... .. .. . ......... . ..... . .... . 2 3. 7
1 to 3 . ........ . ........................... . ... . 9 16 . 6
and his reclining rate was 60 (see part A), he is graded 3 4 to 6....•.•. • ... ••• •• • • • • . .• , .••..• • •.•• •. . . -- 15 27. 8
om his· standing increase. However, if his reclining rate 10 7 to 9 • .•....... • • •• •.•••. • . . • .. • . . ••••• . ••.. .• . 22 40. 7
to 12 ......... . ............... . ............. . 3 5. 6
had been 100, then a standing increase of 15 would have 13tol5 . . .. . ....... . ... . .. . ....... , ........... . 3 5.6
16 to 18....... . .. . .- . •• .. •• . . . .. • . . ... . . .•. . .... 0 0.0
been scored 0.
Total. .... . ...... .. . . .. . ... . . . . . ......... . . 100.0
1. The patient reclines for five minutes : Only six of the 54 cases had a score of 10 or bett'er, while
(a) The heart rate is then counted for 20 seconds. When 88.8 per cent had scores ranging betwe_e n nine and minus
two consecutive 20-second counts are the same this is mul- one. These figures seem to indicate that" a score of nine
tiplied by 3 and recorded . Score by part A of the table. or less is characteristic of physically unfit men .
(b ) The systolic blood pressure is next taken by auscul- On the assumption that a score of nine or less gives indi-
tation. Two or three readings being taken as a check. cation that the clinician may find something wrong with
2. (a) The patient stands at ease for one or two minutes the patient, we have listed all men among a group of 150
to allow the pulse to assume a uniform rate. When two men who had a low score. In this group there were 46
consecutive 20-second counts are the same multiply by who scored nine or less.
3 and record . Score by use of part C of the table. The The medical examiners working independently, and
difference between the standing and reclining pulse rates without the cardio-vascular data available to them, re-
is scored then by use of part B. corded abnormal conditions in 30 of the 46 men . Thus,
(b ) The standing systolic pressure is next taken. The wheii working independently, 65.2 per cent of the group
difference between this and th'e reclining systolic pressure of 46 with low scores by the cardio-vascular efficiency
is then scored by part F of our table. test were found by others to be below standard. Two of
3. The patient next, timed by a watch, steps upon a the men were unfit because of excessive smoking and one
chair, about 18 inches high, five times in 15 seconds. To had recently been on a drunk. The neurologist reported
make this uniform he stands with one foot on the chair five as stale and nervously unbalanced , the internist
at the count 1. This foot remains on the chair and is alone found five unfit, six were tonsil or local infection
not brought to the floor again until after the-count 5. At cases, and the remainder were found wrong by at least
each count -h e brings the other foot on the chair and at the two of the medical departments.
count " down " replaces it on the floor. This should be This point system of scoring men as to health and phy-
timed accurately so that at the 15-second mark both feet sical fitness by the cardio-vascular react~ons is easily
are on the floor . applied. It has the advantage of stimulating men to
(a) Immediately, while he stands at ease, the pulse attempt to improve the score by exercise and proper liv-
rate is counted for 15 seconds, multiplied by 4 and re- ing. It i~ suggested that a score of nine or l ess gives reason
corded. for an overhaul of the patient by a clinician. Aviators
(b) Count ing is continued in 15-second intervals for with a low score might well be called back for further
two minutes ; record being made of the counts at 60, 90 examination and observation. A poor score suggests a
and 120 seconds . 3earch for a cause. The cause may be disease or unhy-
The data from (a) will be scored by part D, taking the gienic living.
difference between this exercise pulse rate and the stand- -By courtesy of the Journal of American Medical Association.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15. HARTWELL and TWEEDY: Journ. Physiol., 1913,
1. FLACK and Hµ,L: Text-Book of Physiology, 1919, 79.
2. CooK and PEMBREY: Journal of Physiology, 1913, 16. COTTON, RAPPORT, and LEWIS: Heart, 1917, VI, 269.
XLV, 438 .. 17. FLACK and BowDLER: Repts. Air, Medical Invest1ga-
3. MEYLAN:. Amer. Phys. Edu. Rev., 1913, XVIII, 441. tions Committee, London, No. 2, 1918, 12.
4. McCuRDY: Amer. Phys. Edu. Rev., 1910, XV, 421. 18. MEAKIN and GuNSON: Special Rept. Medical ·Re-
5. DAWSON: Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1919, L, 443. search Committee, London, No. 8, 1918, p. 27.,
6. FLACK and HILL: Text-Book of Physiology, 1919, 216. also Heart, 1917, VI, 284.
7. LINDHARil: Pfliiger's Archv. f. Physiol., 1915, CLXI, 19. DEARBORN: Amer. Phys. Edu. Rev., 1915, XX, 337,
233. 414.
8. BONEY: Brit. Med. Journ ., 1916, II, 645. 20. BAINBRIDGE: Physiol. of Muscular Exercise; 1919,
9. VIERODT: Daten u . Tabellen f. Med ., 1906, 235. 142.
10. CRAMPTON: Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol.. and Med., 1915, 21. ERLANGER and HooKER : Johns Hopkins·Hosp. Rept.,
XII, 119. 1904, XII; 145.
11. PARKINSON: Heart, 1917, VI, 317. 22. HILL: Journ. Physiol., 1895, XVIII, 15.
12. GEIGEL: Deutsch Archv. f . klin. Med. , 1906, XCIX, 23. SEWALL: Amer. Jour. Med. Sciences, 1919, CLVIII,
1028. 786.
13. BOWEN: Amer. Phys. Edu. Rev. , 1903, VIII, 8. 24. FOSTER: Amer. Phys. Edu . Rev., 1914, XIX, 632.
14. BowEN: Amer. Phys. Edu. Rev. , 1903, VIII, 232.




By PERCY W . Conn, captain , Medical Corps.

INTRODUCTORY. Nage!, 3 . with certain technical modifications. It consists

of a box, made of one-half inch white pine, 29 inches
This work was urnlertaken with a view to designing a (73.6 cubic centimeters) long, 8· inches (20.3 cubic centi-
method whereby the visual fitness of the aviator for night _meters) wide, and 7t inches (18.4 cubic centimeters) high,
flying might be tested. His absolute sensitiveness. for inside m easurements. A one-half inch cross-partition
light is one datum sought. Another is his rate of recovery divides its length into two compartments 11 inches and
after the relative blinding following exposure to ligl:J.t for 17i inches (27.9 and 44.4 cubic centimeters) long. (Fig.
short periods. IA.) At the outer end of the longer one of these compart-
Researches heretofore made on dark adaptation have ments a milk glass MG 5 inches (12.7 cubic centimeters)
shown that in the course of an hour spent in the dark the square is attached to. cover a somewhat smaller opening.
sensitiveness of vision for light increases gradually, and The test pattern is projected upon the inside_ of this glass
may. in the course of the· hour increase several thousand- by an optical arrangement which is in effect a miniature
fold over its initial value; 1 or less according to the dura- stereopticon, consisting of a projecting lens P supported
tion and the intensity of the light to which eyes have in an opening i~ the cross-partition; and within the
been previously exp.osed; 2 until a point is reached beyond smaller compartment a condensing lens C and an electric
which no further change is to be found. lamp L, together with a "slide" .S 1 • This last is a thin
The present work contemplated ex.posing the eyes of slip of brass in which openings are cut (Fig. 1, B), the
the observer to light of a standard intensity for certain image of the openings projected on the translucent screen
measured periods of time, and subsequentry investigating MG, being the test pattern viewed by the subject.
the course of his light sensitivity. Since from what has The lamp is a 12 candlepower tungsten-filament auto
just been said it appears that exposures of the eyes to headlight lamp, rated at 6 to 8 volts, 2 amperes, with a
light prior to the time the observer comes under investiga- 1~ inch spherical bulb. It was actually operated at 1.75
tion may produce effects which do not completely wear awperes to avoid too rapid . deterioration. The current
off in less than an hour, it was necessary, before beginning was supplied by a small storage battery and controlled by
the experiment proper, to make sure that the observer had rheostat and ammeter. The lenses are 11 inch ophthal-
reached a standard and 'reproducible condition. The mologists' trial lenses removed from their rims. 0 is of
obvious way to accomplish this was to measure his light 18 diopters and P of 13 diopters power. The first focusses
sensitivity from time to time, as he remained in the dark, the image of the lamp filament upon a slit, S 2 (Fig. IA),
until a stage was reached beyond which no further increase the distances being such that a reduction in size as 5 :.3
was noted . It was then assumed that his vision had takes place. That is, LC is 14.8 cubic centimeters and
become completely dark-adapted, and was in a state CS 2 8.9 cubic centimeters approximately. The slit is
whfoh could, for the individual and for experimental one-half millimeter wide by 10 millimeters high. The
purposes, be taken ae a standard. The actual experim.e nt amount of light entering the slit is reduced by a ground ·
began after this point had been reached . glass GG and, by way of adjustment, may be further
decreased by mo,ing the glass farther from the lamp .
APPARATUS AND METHODS. The last adjustme:µts as to the relative positions of these
parts were made without the ground glass in place, so that
The test of light-sensitiveness is, in the first instance, t he image of the slide, Si, was accurately focussed upon
the photometric brightness of a surface which is just the milk glass, MG. 4 It was then determined just where
visible with certainty. The instrument by which such a the image of the lamp filament fell, and the slit, was per-
dimly bright surface- is maintained and its brightness manently placed at just the same distance from the cross-
known is the adaptometer. The particular one used here partition. This was accomplished by mounting the lamp,
was design~d .on the fundamental principle proposed by condensing lens, and slider (L, C, S1 ) in their proper
relative positions permanently on a small table which
1 Piper, Ueber Dunkeladaptation, Zeitscb. f. Psychologic u. Physiol- could be shifted about slightly and then clamped.
ogie d . Sinnesorgane, XXXI. See also Lohmann, Disturbances of the
Visual Functions, Blakistons, .Philadelphia, 1914, Chapte1 V. .' Zeitsch. f. Augenbk., XVII, 3.
2 Nicolai, Zentralblatt f. Physiologie, XXI, vide Lohniann, Disturb- • The distances determining the size of the test pattern are 81-P
ances of the Visual Functions, 1914, p. 71; and Rabinowitsch,"Zeitsch.°f. 9.2 cm. and P-MG 46.2 cm. approximately. The L _gnification is here
Augenbk., XIX. . as 1: 5. ·
- - - -- MG
p ___---- ---- --- - ----
~-:.:...-:. _
- -- - - - - - - - - - ---


... -- -- ... .....
', '

' \

~ DD !
', ,'
' ' , . . .... ___- "

F I G- . I
FIG. 1.- T he adaptometer. A, plan of the instrument in section . See text for explanation . B, the slide, showing the test-pattern in the two positions.
The lace of the projection lens is indicated, for one i:iosition of the slide, by the dotted circle.
The finer changes in the brightness of the test pattern, Possible stray light from this and other sources was kept
necessary during the experimental procedure, were from the observer by a black felt curtain.
brought about by an absorbing wedge, of which the .light
transmission varies by indefinite gradations in the ratio PROCEDURE.
of 29,100 : 1 between its extreme positions 100 millimeters The subject was seated in darkness before the adapto-
apart. This is mounted immediately behind the slit, be- meter with his forehead just touching a fixed support,
tween it and the projecting lens, and is provided with a and fixated the red fixation point. (Fig. 2.) The shutter
millimeter scale and a mechanism by which it may be was opened for approximately one second and he was
shifted from t he outside of the box. It was found by asked to state whether he saw the test pattern, and if so,
photometric measurement that the brightness of the test in what position . By repeated t rials the point on the scale
pattern was 0.0272 candles per square meter when the was found at which he was just able to report the position
wedge was set at zero of the scale. In such a wedge the of the test pattern correctly. The time was immediately
change in the amount of light transmitted is in a certain taken and entered in the record along with the scale
constant ratio fm; each equal linear shift of the wedge. reading. This was repeated at intervals of about five
In the wedge used each shift of 10 millimeters from 0 minutes, the subject resting in the mean time. Usualfy
toward 100 millimeters was found to change the amount the subjects had been spending the last hour or two,
of light transmitted by the factor dirr or 0.358 . The re- before the room was darkened, in some part of the labora-
lation between scale reading and brightness is best worked tory, and as a consequence the time required to ·r each a
out by logarithms and is as indicated in Table I. At 0 constant threshold was less than an hour. In general, at
millimeter the brightness is 0.0272 candle. per square the end of 20 or 30 minutes it was found that two or three
meter, logarithm -1.5656. The logarithm diminishes by readings had been taken which were in agreement to
0.44638 for each centimeter, or by 4.4638 for 10 centi- within the limits of precision of the method .
meters. In the table the negative signs are dropped, When this point was reach ed a white screen was placed
hence the figures are cologarithms from which brightness before th~ eyes of the subject, leaning against the front of
may be directly found . As they stand in the table the ·the adaptometer at a definite inclination; and the center
logarithms may be taken as expressing the grade of sensi- light of the room was turned on. The subj ect was in-
tivity corresponding to the i:espective scale readings. 5 structed to maintain hi~ position and direct his eyes
The test pattern it.self is in form a pair of bars of such toward the center of the screen. In preparation for what
dimensions that they represent the remainder of a square was tcr follow, the test stimulus, set at a certain point, was
after its min.die third is removed. Two such patterns exposed by drawing the shutter. Five minutes from the
were cut in the slide (fig. 1, B) 'in such a way that the time the light was turned on the screen was quickly
image might be shown in the horizontal or in the vertical removed and the light turned off after an interval of per--
position . Each opening in the slide is 15 by 5 millimeters, haps one or two seconds, in which the observer could locate
and the strip left between the two, in each pair, is 5 the fixation point. He remained at this fixation until
millimeters wide . the test stimulus, at first invisible owing to the five min-
Directly above the test pattern and on a level with the utes blinding, became visible to him. The time required
eyes of the observer is a fixation point (fig. 2) consisting for this to take place was noted. Suasequently readings
of a 4 to 6 volt, tungsten filament tail-light lamp operated were taken as before, but somewhat more frequently,
on one dry cell. The light from the lamp, operated so until th e former absolute threshold was again reached.
much· below its rated voltage, was dim and reddish and Finally, the white screen was replaced and th e procedure
it was further dimmed by coloring the lamp with red dip of the last paragraph repeated with 15 seconds exposure
and by interposing layers of paper between it and a dia- to the white screen in an exactly similar way. From th e
phragm (with an opening of about 6 millimeters diameter) time the subject entered the room until the end of this
which is directly in front of it. The fixation point was third portion of the experiment the whole procedure
kept just bright enough to be located in the dark. Its occupied from an hour to an hour and a quarter, according
distance from the eyes of the observer was 52 centimeters. to the speed of the subject in recovering his absolute
The center of the test pattern is 12 centimeters below the threshold.
fixation point, and therefore 13 degrees below the center The screen used for " blinding " the subject was a
of the visual field. The test pattern subtended about 8 sheet of white blotting paper·24 by 19 inches, mounted on
degrees both horizontally and vertically in the visual a light frame. Its angle of inclination and distance from
field. A sliding shutter (Sh., fig. 1, A) was arranged to the eyes were such that it subtended, at the eyes, an angle
darken the test pattern completely except when actual of 67° vertically and 70° horizontally in respective planes
observations were being made. through its center: It~ lower half was nearer the observer,
D~ing the progress of the experiments in the dark all consequently including a larger angle, easily including
light, except that from the adaptometer, that from the that part of the visual field occupied by the test-stimulus
fixation point, and that from a small reading lamp, was and much more in every direction. The photometric
excluded from the room. This last is a 4 to 6 volt tail- brightness of ·this screen averaged 13 candles pet square
light lamp , operated on a single dry cell. It was used in meter by actual measurement.
recording the results and was always kept well shaded.
, This mode of expressing the grade of dark-adaptation is quantita-
tively different from that proposed by Best (Arch. f. Ophthal., LXXVI, The various values for sensitiveness were plotted, each
pp. 146-58) but t he same in mathematical principle. against the time at which it was obtained. Thus each

Flo. 2.-Genernl \'iew of t he ,1claptometer, the obsen·er (to the left) and the experimenter. 'l'he test-pattern appears on the square wh ite surface on the end of the instrument and is not visible except in the dark.
~bo\'e this is thl' fi xation point with t he 1.l ry l'ell attached. 'l'he white screen used for the purpose of "blindin g" the subject is below in the foreground . 'l'he experimenter holds the read ing light in his left hand.
experiment yielded three ,curves as i n Figure 3. The point, taken with the stimulus set and exposed on increas-
first of the three began -with the state of adaptation in which ing dark adaptation immediately after darkening the room,
the subject happened to be and was carried on until his is not strictly comparable with the ,late~ observations,
absolute threshold had been reached. This was taken as taken by a trial and error (perhaps better called a " bracket-
one datum in his case . ing") method, with the stimulus darkened in the intervals .
The second curve represents his recovery after five In general a rapid method had to be used, since the quan-
minutes blinding 6 by a surface of standard extent and tity measured was, for the most part, continuously chang-
brightness. .Here the question was rather his rate of ing; and a different and more rapid method had to be
return to dark adaptation than the ultimate point. The used to get an index of the initial rapid rise within the
first datum here, in the cbronological course of the experi- first minute or ·so.
ment, was the time required to see an initial stimulus, A study of all the plotted curves led to the selection,
already exposed when the room was darkened, as his dark for the purpose of discussion, of a comparatively few data.
adaptation progressed and the sensitivity of his vision Some of these rest upon an arbitrary basis, but all the
grew sufficient to take account of it. At this stage the possibilities are involved .
increase in sensitivity is rapid, for which reason the technic Those so selected are:
just described"' was made use of. The method was not (1) The absolute threshold.
satisfactory in that the whole result depended upon a (2) (a) The time required to reach an arbitrary, rather
single judgment of the observer . If for any reason he low degree of sensitiveness, obtained by noting the instant
failed in this, as happened on certain occaaions, there was that the test stimulus appears to emerge from the .darkness.
ho way of repeating without undue expenditure· of time. (b) The time required to reach an arbitrary level (70
The results so obtained are nevertheless given and are not. millimeters on the scale) obtained by linear interpolation
on the whole, without significance. from th.e curves of rise.
(c) The time required for the individual to reach a
point on the scale 15 millimeters short of his own absolute
A I threshold.
y 7 -1


V Th e data indicated under (2) comprise two parallel
I I sets, the one following 5 minutes blinding, the other
following 15 seconds . It will be noted that while (a)

6() I

o"v and (b) under (2) are data relative to fixed stimuli those
under (c) are relative to the subject's own standard and
will indicate his individual capacity, rather his individual

I rate of recovery than his competitive performance under

given external conditions. The data just described are
given in Table II. The arrangement of the observers

/5 .nt *)
I here in the upper block of the table is approximately in
the order of magnitude of the.absolute threshold , the third
JO.DO /I.fl/. ID m<n. 20 ao 40 /I.OD 10
column giving the same in terms of the adaptometer scale,
the fourth giving the corresponding logarithmic sensi-
fiG.J. tivity (the cologarithm of the brightness in candles per
FIG. 3.-Specimen plot of one experiment. The first curve was taken
square meter). The fifth gives the brightness itself in
without preparation-. In- this case the mean of the last three points hundred-millionths. The first valve in this column is
(79.5_mm.) was taken as the absolute threshold, and its location on the thus 0.00000134 candle per square meter.
plot is indicated by the horizontal interrupted line. The two blinding It will be seen that the variations here are quite large,
periods are indicated by the vertical interrupted lines. The return of
both .curves to the exact ,v alue of the mean absolute threshold is simply
134 and 995 hundred 0 millionths being the extremes, which
coincidence; usually there is some discrepancy. are as 1 to 7.4. On this account it seems more rational to
average these log~rithmically·, thus arriving at the geo-
It could not, of course, be predicted when the subject metric mean as has been done in columns three and four,
would reach a given degree of sensitiveness. Every than to average the numerical values - of column five.
exposure to the test stimulus seemed to blind the subject The following figures show the results of the two methods
slightly, especially in the later and more complete stages comparatively:
of dark adaptation where the disturbance might amount to
a number of millimeters on the scale. When, after a Geometric mean.
waiting interval, the right point was hit upon, rather· by metic
accident, the stimulus might· be seen at a very low value; Cologa- Numerics mean.
rithms. X 10'.
whereas after severai. tr.ials by the t rial and error method
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -- - - - - - - - - - -
a new and larger value (lower on the scale) would be found ; -5.364 433 497
the subj~ct in the meantime being unable to repeat the it~:::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
±0. 201 ±218
initial. observation. It would seem then that the first Mean+m.v ...... . ....... .. . . .... . . . ... -5.163 687 715
Mean-m. v............................ -5. 565 272 7
, The word "blinding" is used here for want of a better and equally
short expression, meaning only that effect, due to which the subject is
relatively and temporarily blind to stimuli of the very low intensities The arithmetic method gives a larger result with a rangp
considered. of variation only slightly broader.
0.00000/-100 I

I ~- __ ..., -----· '. - ..L

1--w I I I. /(: ""c! 1'I IN






0.0() I - ~ - - - - - . . J . - - ~ - - - , . . - - - - l 1 . . - . . - - - - - : " = - - - - - - - ; : '

0 5 minutes /0 15 zo 0 5
FIG. 4. -Four cases s)lowing typical courses of adaptation as to extent and rate: R, high sensitivity, slow recovery, Si, same, rapid recovery; Cr, low sensitivity, slow recovery, W, same, rapid recovery. On the
left, after 5 minutes blinding, on the right after 15 seconds blinding. The absolute thresholds, previously taken ,are indicated near the upper left angle of the figure.
The remainder of the table consists of .the various data - - - --~ -- -~ ----- - - -- - - - -- -- -
just enumerated. Absolute sens:tivity.

0.00000/ r-- -- - , - -- -- - - r - - -- - - , - - - - - , H :gh . Low .

S i 2, (1, 1) Cr 5, (1, 2)
R 1, (5, 5) W 4, (4, 5)

The plotted curves for these are reproduced in figure 4.

The curves for the other observers, drawn from the observa-
tions following the five minutes blinding, fall within the
•limits of these, except for one or two which intertwine with
om, of the extremes appearing in the figure, and except for
two special cases (which will be discussed later) in .which
the curve distinctly drops below the lowest one of the four.
It will be noted by comparison of the curves of R and Cr
showing, respectively, high absolute sensitivity with slow
recovery and the reverse, that Cr is somewhat more quick
than R in-reaching a given stimulus, up to the neighbor-
,~-,- - ,~o,--- ----:,'=s- --'-- -;;':w hood of 70 millimeters. The case is somewhat different if
we compare the curves of R and Cr , resulting after 15
F,<;.5. seconds' blinding, as they appear in the right-hand portion
FIG. ,i .-Two types of adaptation curYe. R, "normal " or regulat of the plot. Here Cr appears to be the slower, and this
form. D, irregular fon_n showing a halt withir. the first five minutes would, in all probability, be shown more definitely if the
and subsequently a more rapid rise.
curves could have .been dr~wn from more abundant data
The meaning of the resuits will perhaps be more readily and more in conformity with the course of the absolute
apprehended from Table III. ·Here the results in each threshold instead of being, as they are, simply broken lines
column in the first section of Table II have been " rated " joining rather widely -separated points.
in five classes, according to the theory of probability, in Examination of all the curves points to a possibility of
such a way that out of an indefinitely large number of dividing the course of adaptation, for the technical purpose
cases, of which these 15 may b e considered a sample, of studying and testing individuais, into two portions-the
one-fifth showing the most favorable values would rate 1, early abrupt rise out of the relatively blinded state and the
the next fifth 2, and so on, the lowest fifth rating 5. Thus late, slow approach to the absolute threshold . The tenta-
3 would be the rating of the-intermediate fifth of the whole tive limits of these are indicated in the plots (fig. 4) by tl}e
number, the group of one fifth .falling nearest the average. dotted lines- in the case of five minutes blinding all obser-
vations after five minutes and aboye 70 millimeters on th~
DISCUSSION. scale (within_the dotted right angle) being classed in the
. This was done indepelildently for each column of results latter portion of the curve, the corresponding limits being
(excepting the actual brightness, .column 5 Table II) 21 minutes and 76 millimeters in the case of 15 seconds'
and the ratings are given in Table III. It was found that blinding. All this, of course, is tentative and is to be taken
those rating higher as to absolute threshold were, on the in connection with what is subsequently to be said in regard
whole, slower to return to within 15 mm. of that point to the practical phase of the subject and the photometric
(" AT-15 mm."). Accordingly, the arrangement of the conditions which the vision of the aviator has to meet in
observers in the table was based in these two consider- actual flying.
ations and the same arrangement followed in constructing Examination Qf Table III , column headed 70, shows that
Table II. the first seven observer~ having the.lowest absolute thresh-
This fact, upon a few moments reflection, is not sur- old return to the point 70 on the scale in better time, on the
prising. The observer who has a very low absolute whole, than the average-, and the last seven observers ii1
threshold is taken farther from it, so to speak, in adapting slower time. The point 70 millimeters therefore reflects
to the standard blinding brightness and might be expected on the whole rathe~ the absolute threshold than the indi-
other considerations equalized , to be longer returning to it, vidual's speed of recovery . Under the head 50 ± the dis-
or to a point remote from it by an equal interval , and is tribution of ratings is seen to be more even, regardless of
not necessarily slower in get6ng back to a given threshold . the two individual factors. These latter results (time to
For example L, rating 4 as to absolute threshold, rates reach 50 ±) are, however, less complete and less trust-
on the -whole almost, if not quite, as well as lt or Do in worthy than the former. It can only be said that a
point of his return to 70 or to 50 mm. selected point on the scale, taken as the sole basis of rating
It is fortunate that this table exhibits in four individual ;i,nd reflecting on the a.verage neither the absolute thresJ-i-
cases four types of adaptation. These are high and low old nor the individual rate of recovery (that is, giving
grade adaptation, each with rapid and slow recovery as equal weight to both), would have to be chosen somewhat
indicated: below. 70 millimeters on the present scale .
1454- 30--3 0

Si:x. minute. interya/s.

FiG. 6.
FIG. 6.-The course of adaptation after 5 minutes blinding in 15 different subjects . The vertical line in each case is the zero ordinate for the
corresponding curve, indicating the instant the blinding period came to an end and the dark-adaptation began, These ordinates are
arbitrarily plotted 6 minutes apart.

The degree of uniformity with which results may be in the bulk of the cases is influenced in a similar way, and
reproduced in successive experiments is indicated by the the general rate of recovery after the short blinding period
figures in the lower blocks of Tables II and III. In the is delayed, owing to a residual effect of the prior blinding.
cases of !Io and R the ratings are either identical or, in If this be true, the rise after 15 seconds' blinding should,
some cases, one stage apart. The wide d_ifference inthe·case under equal preceding conditions, ensue with greater
of W is accounted for. In the experiment upon him of relative speed than the average results would indicate.
November 9. the usual order of experimentation was It is possible that the sudden onset of the rather bright
reversed, in that 15 seconds' blinding was carried out first, light, after complete dark adaptation, may, so to speak,
then 5 minutes. The outstanding feature of the result is surprise the visual apparatus into more profound changes
that in the case of November 9 the subject rates high after than would ·b e induced by the same exposure to light
15 seconds' period and low after the 5 mi_n utes, whereas on applied with gradual onset under similar conditions.
January 18 with the usual order of experimentation his Aside ·from the changes in the size of the pupil there are
ratings for the two cases are more consonavt. The like is two anatomic factors undoubtedly concerned in dark
true, less markedly, in the case of M (upper portion of and bright adaptation: The exhaustion and regeneration
tables) upon whom also the experimental order was of the visual purple (or possibly other unknown photo-
reversed . !le shows especially under the head 70 milli- chemical substance); and the m,igrati•n of the pigment of
meters a disparity of rating for the two different periods of the hexag,mal choroidal cells. This latter may be a pro-
blinding which is unusual, and in every case he rates higher tective device that acts fairly 'promptly, and has the
after the 15 seconds' blinding than after 5 minutes. It is effect -of inclosing the retinal rods and by its own light-
also true that these two (Wand M) show in the same experi- absorbing qualities reducing the amount of light absorbed
ments (after 5 minutes' blinding where this was preceded by the individual rods. It is conc\livable that a sudden
by the 15 seconds' period) curves which drop below and flash of light might anticipate this action and produce a
somewhat outside of. the limits indicated by the four types strong destruction of the photochemical material in a
of figure 4. This would indicate that in these two cases, at short time; before the pigment cells have had time to
least, the return after the shorter blinding period is more react, while with gradual onset of light the time is ade-
rapid, owing to its not having been more or less immedi- quate for the pigment cells effectively to assume this
ately preceded by an experimental blinding period, while, protective function.
per contra, the rise after a longer blinding period is delayed Some of the curves strongly suggest two factors playing
by reason of a foregoing blinding. This with reference to a part in dark adaptation. In figure 5 one of these is
the general results of the usual order of experimentation as shown together with a typical smooth curve. Any
a standard. A further conclusion is that the general result attempt to smooth .out D's curve here would have to

10 0
/0 0 0
10 /I)
0 00 0 0 © @

c 0 0 0

~ 0 0 0

tr .s
cti._10 10

BO mm. 90
I s ..3 ;, I 5 1 '3 fl. I
11/Jsolule Threshold. ll<icyitd.tzon 3/'eed, Class

FIG. /.
7.-Relation between dark-adaptstion and shade-perception, the latter taken with the DeWecker and Masselon " light sense" chart. In the
figure on the left the abscissae are absolute threshold, iii millimeters of the scale aborn the line and in millionths of one candle per square
meter below. This unit i_s equal to 100 of those used in colunm 5, Table II.

proceed on the assumption of large experimental errors visual objects. The former might afford a basis for the
at the second and third stations ; or else the results would rational selection of a test-stimulus, the latter a basis for
have to be interpreted as arising from t"o more or less standardizing· the duration and intensity of the exP,eri-
independent mechanisms one of ,,..-hich overtakes the mental blinding.
other, in effect, at the end of about four minutes. Such As far as is known to the ,•niter, photometric meastire-
terrace-like .irregularities, which may be interpreted as ments of the brightness of the sky and the earth's surface
a halt in the progress of dark-adaptation, are present in and the objects upon it have never been made under
14 out of s, total of 52 adaptation curves taken, and are natural illumination at night. Such measmements would
suggested in four others. The results obtained after five ~how whether the requirements of vision at night are
minutes blinding irre plotted for all 15 observers in figure mor~ lenient than those demanded at the absolute thresh-
6 to show the great variety of forms the curves may take. old in the experimental dark room, or equally exacting:
It will be evident from the foregoing. discussion of the and whether the rate of recovery is more important, for
experimental results that tha time required for adapta- practical purposes, than the. value oi the absolute thresh-
tion to progress to the point of visibility of any test- old. In short, 1iuch data, taken in connection with data
stimulUB is a function of the individual's optimum and such as those of the present work, would show which
also of his rate of recovery from the effect of disturbing portion of the adaptation curve is the more worthy of
light; with one or the other of these of predominant effect intensive study from the present viewpoint- the early,
according to the magnitud e of the test-stimulus selected. abrupt rise, out of the relatively blinded state, or the
No single rating derived from time and stimulus magni- slow approach to the absolute threshold.
tude would necessarily be valid as an index of the In connection with the foregoing some experiments
efficiency of th~ same indi".idual with _respect to sti~u'.i I were undert~ken i:n_ shade perception to dete min~ what,.
of other magmtudes. Agarn, the ratmgs of two md1- if any, relat10n ex1:sts b etween the percept10n of small
viduals, taken in this way, might, by the arbitrary brightness-differences at fairly high levels of illumination
selection of the test-stimulus, be so made as to place on the one hand and the facts of dark-adaptation on the
either one of the indi viduals above the other. Ob- other.
viously such a me thod of estimating the efficiency of The test object used for testing shade perception is a
night vision can not be considered valid. chart composed of 10 rows cf eight white letters each, on
By way of outlining a method for testing night vision gray backgrounds ranging from very dark to .very light.7
there is little to be stated in detail until definite data are The various gray b·ackgrounds, each bearing a. row of
at hand (1) as to exactly what, photometrically consid- letters, are 4 by 18.3 centimeters, with a white interval
ered, the aviator must necessarily be able to see in night 1.8 centimeters between. The row on the darkest gray
flying, and (2) what transient light conditions he may , Plate v of De wec:,er et Masselon, Echelle Metrique pour lfcsurcr
meet which tend to make him blind relatively to such L'acuite Visuellc. o. Doin et fils, Paris.1914.
is marked L 1/10, the n ext 2/10, and so on, the lightest In Figure 7 the shade-perception readings are plotted (a)
being L 1. The letters are of the gothic style and approxi- against the absolute threshold and against the speed-rating
mately 7.6 millimeters high, designed to subtend five (AT-15, Table II!). The numerical designation of the
minutes angle at 5 meters, and would thus represent 20/20 last line that the subject attempted to read was plotted,
vision if printed in black and white. The chart was disrBgarding the few letters missed, since there was no
illuminated by a 40-watt vacuum tungsten filament lamp, way of appraising the significance of the latter. In so f3:r
with reflector, from approximately 80 centimeters dis- as any correlation is shown, the sensitiveness to shade
tance, the room otherwise being in darkness. difference relates itself in an inverse sense with the abso-
The results are given in Table IV, where following the lute threshold (a, Fig. 7), and in a direct' sense with the
observers' designations are given (1) visual acuity with- I speed of recovery (b, Fig. 7) . These results are unsatis-
out correction, when glasses are worn. (2) Vision as ap- factory. A more appropriate and less ambiguous form of
plying to the experiment, corrected in case glasses were test chart (or other apparatus) for measuring the sensitive-
worn at the time. (3) The absolute (dark-adapted) n ess to small brightness-differences, and further investi-
threshold (millimeter scale). (4) The rating with respect gation, are necessary for definite conclusions.
to speed of recovery of the sa·me (AT-15, Table III). Plotting the shade-difference results against visual
(5) The performance with the De Wecker et :M:asselon acuity, measured by means of the Snellen chart, either
chart, light-adapted . (6) The same, dark-adapted. with or without the usual correction, showed even less
Investigations with this chart are unsatisfactory, prob- correlation than when the former were plotted against the
ably arising from the fact that the letters upon it are, dark-adaptation results, as in Figure 7.
with respect to size, too near the visual acwty threshold.
It would have been desirable to have a chart in which the SUMMARY.
former was put out of consideration by having the letters
so large that visual acuity, in the usual ophthalmologic (1) Upon investigation of 15 subjects it appear&that the
sense, could be ruled out. limit of vision in dark-adaptation (absolute threshold);
The chart was actually used at 5.1 meters distance. In measured by the least brightness at which gross form may
the case of observer L, the distance was slightly less, 4.8 be recognized, is variable within extreme limits expressed
meters, due to a purely fortuitous circumstance. In the by the ratio of 7.4 to 1. These limits lie between 1 and 10
case of Hn it was 3.4 meters, owing to the fact that this millionths of one candle per sqµare meter.
observer could not read even the first line at a greater (2) The rate of recovery, after dark-adaptation is dis-
distance. No relationship is known by which these read- turbed by a standard exposure to light, is also variable as
ings could be corrected so as to be strictly comparable between individuals and by no means always in a sense
with the others. corresponding with the value of the absolute threshold.
Another difficulty with this chart is the fact that the The extremes of variation between individuals as to time
observer is frequently able to read several lines, except- of recovery are as 4.5 to 1 and as 2.5 to 1 for a longer and
ing, in each line, an approximately equal number of let- shorter period of blinding, i::espectively. Recovery, as here
ters. That is to say, there is more divergence in visi- used, means the individual's return to a definite multiple
bility between letters of the same line than between one (by the factor 4. 7) of his own absolute threshold.
line and the next. (See observers G, 90, W, Tabltl JV.) (3) The time of recovery to the point of distingwshing a
The shade-perception readings under the head " l:ight- test object of standard brightness is to be looked upon as
adapted" were taken either just before the dark-adaptation a function of both. of these, the one or the other preponder-
experiment, or in some cases at another time. Those in ating in effect according to the test stimulus chosen. For
the next column, headed "dark-adapted," were taken at a test stimulus 4. 7 t'mes the (geometric) mean absolute
the close of the dark-adaptation run, immediately upon threshold of all observers, the extreme variations in time
the turning on of the light. The latter gives in most are expressed as 8. 7 to 1 and 2. 75 to 1 for a ionger and a
cases a somewhat poorer indication, usually by a few let- shorter period of blinding, respectively.
ters only, occasionally by as much as a line . In one- or (4) The times of recovery are less diverse after a short
two cases the reverse is noticed (0, G), i:,ometimes plainly blinding (15 seconds, 13 candles per square meter) than
the result of memory of the chart and of practice. (Com- after a longer one (5 minutes, same), and in the former
pare Co, W, under " light-adapted," with G.) The chart case recovery takes place, on the average, in about one-
was difficult and uncertain to -work with, and the effect third the time, or probably less when all antecedent con-
of dark-adaptation, to which a slight falling off might in ditions are equalized.
some cases be attributed, was very transient aud soon (5) The occurrence, in the course of dark-adaptation, of
wore off or became masked as the observer studied the more or less definite arrests in the decrease of the threshold
chart and became familiar with it. In what follows the suggests the independent working of two physiologic
effect of the state of adaptation upon shade-perception mechanisms. 'rhese halts occur, more or less definitely,
will be ignored, and for each observer his best reading will in 18 out of 52 courses of dark-adaptation investigated,
be used, for comparison with the extent and speed of his and appear as more or less definite "terraces" on the
darksadaptation. rising slope of the curve.
(6) A definite photometric knowledge of the minimum TABLE I.
light conditions under which the flier may be called upon The ph otometric brightness of the test pattern, in candles per square
to use his vision is ne cessary before a test method can be meter, for each centimeter of the adaptometer scale. The cologarithm of
the same wi th the difference fo~ each millimeter division, from O to 10 ..
intelligently proposed or further investigation advan-
tageously carried on. Candles per square meter. I Scale. Colog.
(c. p.
sq. m.).
P roportion a l parts .
Mm. Dill
(7) The relation- between the limit and speed of dark-
adaptation on the one hand and sensitivity to shade- 272X10- 4 •• -· ·--- --- -· -- _____ •
973X10 - ' _. ___ . --- -- __ ______ _
0 1. 566 0 0. 000
1 2.012 I 0.045
difference under relatively high illummation on the other 348 ___ - - ----- - - -- - - -- -- - - -- -- _ 2 2.458 2 0.089
is not clear. It would appear that sh ade-difference 102 ___ -- -- _- - -- ----- - ... . . . . . . 3 2. 905 3 0.134
446 X l0-• _.. _. --· . . ... ·-· . _.. 4 3.351 4 0.179
sensitivity is related to absolute (dark-adapted) sensitivity 159 __ . _. __ . _. _. _____ . __ . _. _. _. 5 3. 798 5 0.223
57GX 10 - ; -----·-···-- ----- --- 6 4.244 6 0.268
in an inverse sense and to the speed of recovery of dark- 204 __ ·_·- ... -· .. · - ...... ·--- -- _ 7 4.690 7 0. 312
730X 10- ' .. _. _. . ____ . · -· .. _. . 8 5.137 8 0.357
adaptation in a doubtful , possibly direct sense; but the 261 ......... ... · -· -·- . ... -· - - _ 9 5. 583 9 0.402
results are such af! to leave these conclusions in doubt. 935X l0- 9 - • • • · - . -- •••• -· - · - - - 10 6.029 10 0.446

TABLE TI. The :results of the dark adaptation experiments.

The absolute threshold is s tated (1) in t erms of the scale reading, (2) as the cologarithm of the brightness of the test-pattern, and (3) as that bright-
ness itself in hundred millionths of one candle per square meter . -
•- · under "A T - 15" i s given t h e t ime of r eturn of the individual to a threshold 15 mm . below his own absolute threshold on t)le scale (wbitb
is p)lotometrically 4.7 times as brigbt).
Similarly, under "70 mm." and "50 mm.", tbe times of return to these respective points on t)le scale, a s described in t)le t ext. T)lese two
pJintsare, respectively, of 0.0000204 and 0.000159 candles per square m eter brightness.
The lower b lock of t)le table gives the comparative results of repetition of the same experiment upon each of three observ er s, except in the
case of W, in wh ose case the order was reversed and 15 second s blinding given first.
The sam e was the fact in th e case of observer M, in the upper block of the table.
In the last column the asterisk (*) indicates that the course of adaptation was too rapid to permit of taking the time as the first point (50
mm. ±) was reached .

AT- 15 mm. 70mm. 50mm.±

Absolute thresh old.
Date. Obs. 1- -- ~ ~- - - ~ - - - -1 Sec. after blinding. Sec. aft er blinding. Sec. after blinding.
Scale, c p. sq. m
e. p ~qo.·,
m m. m . colog. X _ 5 min. 15 sec. 5min. 15 sec. 5min. 15 sec.

Nov. 7, 1918 ...... . - ·-- -· ··· ·· -··-- -· -- · · R .. ·-·-· 96.5 5.873 134 300 106 151 76 30 12
Dec. 20, 1918. _. ___ •. . _...... _. _.. _. _..... Do . . ... . 91. 5 5 ..650 224 :J85 84 79 66 37 10
Jan. 6, 1919 .. .. .. .. _.. . - - - .. . • .. . .. . . .. - . 0 _. - . . . . 88. 5 5. 516 305 15 82 213 72 48 15
Jan. 7, 1919 ..... ·-···------- · ---·-·-·-· · · Sh . . .... 88.0 5.494 321 , 91 236 48
Jan.17, 1919.·-· ·- ··-·--- --- · -·- ··· -· · ··· G.·-··-· SRO 5.494 321 160 76 142 66 30 5
Oct. 31,.1918 ._ . _.. . . .. . - ·- · -·---·-·-····· Ho_· ·· - · 87.0 5. 449 356 140 127 10
Nov.4, 1918 .... - .• ·· · · - · - · - · - ··-· · -··--· SL._ ____ 89.0 5.539 2S9 86 43 .52 36 20 10
Jan. 17, 1919 .... · -···- · -· · ··· · · · · ···· ····
Jan. 18, 19Hl . ... . _... _. _. ....... . . . ......
Co ... ·-·1
W ..... _.
83 ..'i
.5. 293
Jan. 8, 1919 . . .. _. .. _. _. _. _............ ... B ....... 81. 5 5. 204 625 300 63 405 75 62 5
Jan. 3, 1919 . . ...... . . . .. . . . ..............
Jan. 17, 1919 . . . ... ... . ......•• . . . . . . · -- ··
L .. . . .
Du .. . -..
··1 82 5
5 248
5 182
Nov. 13, 1918 ....... . - · -··--·---·-·-· ···· Hn .. . ·- 79 5 5 114 769 192 70 542 87 30 25
Nov. 26,1918 .... - .. - -·-·-·-·· · ·········· M . .. _._. 77.0 5. 002 995 212 44 390 60 20 *
Jan. 14, 1919 .. ... _. _. _. _. _. _. _..... _.... . C' r. ...... 77. O 5. 002 , 995 86 56 230 82 25 20
Mean . . .. .. _._._ .. . .. . . . .• •... . ........... . . . .. . . . ·
M . V . ...... ... . .. . .... _. . . .. ___ . _..... _. . . . . . . . . . .
I 8.5. 1
4. 5
5. 364 1
. 201 1
497 1·
71 j
I 12. 6
4. 4
Nov. 7, 1918 ..... .. . ... . . ... . ... .. · · · - · · · · }R { 96. 5 5_ 373 134 300 106 151 76 30 I 12
Jan. 15, 1919 .... .... . . _.. .. . . . .. . .. ... .. . ······· 92.0 5.672 21 3 265 98 148 74 20 10
Oct. 31, 1918 ... -........ . ... .. . · · · · · ···· ·}Ho ..... . { 87. 0 5.449 356 140 127 10

raFJ. mt.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: }w....._. {

87. 5 5.471 338 177 117 15
80.5 5.159 693 259 44 662 52 55 *
83.J 5. 293 509 281 95 307 99 .50 13

Similar to Table II (q. v.), giving ratings instead of .e,q,erimental values. T.h e ratings are 1 to 5 in order of super:orit y, 3 indicating the
average cl~ss.

D ate. AT- 15, AT- 15, 70 mm., 70 mm., 50 1nm.± 50 mm . ±

Obs. A.T. 5 min. 15 sec. 5 min. 15 sec. 5 min. 15 ser.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -1- - - - - -- -- -- - --- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -
Nov. 7, 1918 ..... . -·-· '· ························ ·· ···· ·· · ····· R.- .... . 1 5 5 z 3 2 3
D ec. 20, 1918· -··- · · ·· ·· ··· · ····· · · · ·· ·· · ··· · ·· · · - · · · ·· · ·· · ·· - · ·Do---·· · 1 5 4 1 2 3 2

fFn: r~.~mi: : : : ::: : : ::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::::::: :: : i~:::: :

Oct. 31, 1918 ... . ... . ... . _. _...... . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ho._ .. . .
4 3



~~\t mt::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~.· ::::: 3

2 1

5 4 3

!?nitNm;;; 1/ i i;~;;;;;;\(\(\ t\1;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;~ ;~ tt;; it\(;; t /111 /

4 4 5 5
4 5 2 5 3 5 I
4 2 1 2 1 3 4
4 l 3 4 5 2 2
5 3 3 5 5 2 5
fs'ri\~·111f.·.: :'.: :: '.: ;_:::::::::: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::: :: i·.:::::: 5
2 5

,f~~.1~, mt·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: }R ·-·-· ··1 5
1 ··-·· -· ·· ·
Oct. 31, 1918 ........ . .... . .......... - · · · · - · · · · · · - · · · · · · - · - · · - · }Ho}w.~:: :~
2 1 1
The res ults of the sh,dc·pcrco ption experiments, compared with the dark.adaptation res ults : (1) absolute threshold and (2) individual speed
of recovery. In the · latter the ch ss-nuinbers a re plotted, cf. Table Ill. The shade-perception chart was u sed at 5.1 meters except as specified.

Vision. Dark a daptation . Shade perception .

Obs. 1-----,-- ---+----.......,-----+----,-----, Remarks.
Uncor. AT cxpt. AT= · Speed class. Lt. adpt. Dark adpt.

R . . .. . . ... ... . ....... . 20/15- 94. 2 5/5 1/10- 4 ·-·-·· ·· ·- · -

20/15- 92.0 1/10- 3
0 .... . .... . . . 20/15 88. 5 5/4 9/ 10- 1 9/10+2
Sh ..... .. . 20/ 15 88.0 4/ - 7/10-2 6/10-2
0 ......... . ........ . 20/20- 20/15+ 88.0 2/3 5/10- 2 6/10-1
20/20- 20/15+ ······ · -- --- 7/10-4
Ho ............. . . . . . 20/30 20/10- 87. 2 2/ - 9/10+ 4 --------- -- -
20/20- 20/10- -- - -· -·· ··· ·
Co ... . .. • ..• • . • . • . .• ••• • • . . ••... • 20/200- 20/15 - 4 86.0 3/4 5/10-1 6/10+4
20/200- 20/15- 4 --·-········ - ·········· ti/10-2 ············
L ........ . . . ............ . ..... . ... ·................... . 20/30 20/ 10- 82. 5 2/1 ... . ........ 9/ 10- 1+3 At4.8rp
20/20 20/10- ·-·········· .
W .. . ... . . •..... • .•. • . • . . . .. • . . . • .•... . ... •• •..... • •. . 20/200 20/15- 83. 5 4/5 7/10- 1 ........... .
20/200 20/15 ------·----- 8/10- 1 ........... .
9/10 - 3 ........... .
\v ......... . ... ...... .. ..... .. .. . ............ . .. .. .. . . 82.0 9/10 + 0 ············
Du ..... . . .... . ..•.... . ...... . . .•.. : . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . 20/70 20/15 81. 0 1/3 10/10-3 10/10- 7
20/70 20/15 -·-··· · ·· · · ·········· --······--··
Hn . ................. . ................... .. ........... . 20/30 - 2 79. 5 3/3 9/10-1 ........ . ... At 3.4 ID.
Cr .. .. . . 20/ 15

(The observers : age, vision , and refraction.]

Re(rnction. During exp't;

Obs. Age.
Vision w1 correcte.d. - -Vision Glasses Vis.ion.
Correction or remarks. corrected. worn .

R ....... . ...... . 46 0. D. 20/ 15- ..... . + 0.75 sph .............. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . ... . . . ... . ...... . ..... . . No . . .. . 20/15-
0. S. 20/15- ..... . + LOO sph ........ , ...................... ... .. . .. . ............... . ............. . . . 20/15-
Do . . .... . .. .... . 37 0 . D. 20/30- .. . .. . + LOO sph+ l.00 cyl. .... . ............... . .............. .. , 20/15 Yes ........ 20/15
_ax. 95°.
0. S. 20/30- ...... + LOO s ph + l.00 cy} 20/15 20/15
ax. 85.
0 . ...... . . .. . ... . 24 0. D. 20/15 ... . .... Slight marginal blepharitis . . ... .. ............... . . ....... . ........... No ....... . 20/15
Sh .. ......... .
G .......... . . . : lli~~:\:::: :~)~j~~~~~_:~~~)/)::\::\~:\ \:\::\::\ (: :\\ ::::\:::( :::i~'.i) :~!)(::((
- 0.75sph+~.'&J /;L..................... ... ... ......... ..
s. 20/20- ..... , . 20/15+ . .. ... . ... . .
20/15 +,
· · ax. 95°.
Ho .............. . 39 0. D. 20/30 ........ + 1.37 s ph+~!: fo':,L. .... .. ..... ... .. .......... .... 20/10- Yes ...... . 20/10-
0. S. 20/20- ....... + I.17 sph+0.62 cvl. . . .... ... . ~- .................. . . 20/10- ........... . 20/10-
1 ax. 110°
Si . .. . . ......... . 27 0. D . 20/20 ........ + 0.62 s ph + 0.!2cyJ- ......... . ... .. . . . . .. . . ..... . . . . . ................. No ....... : 20/20
ax. 90.
0. S. 20/20 ... . . . .. . +0.75 cyl.. . . . ..... . ..... . ........................ . 20/20
ax. 90°.
Co ....... . .....• . 47 0. D. 20/200- .... . - 2.75 sph - 0.62 cvl.. ........ . . .... . ... .. . . .. . . . .. .. . ..... . 20/ 15- 4 Yes ... . .·.. 20/15-'1
ax. 5°.
0 . s. 20/200- . . ... . - 1.75 sph - 0.62 cvl.. . . .. • .. .. . .. .. ............. . ....... . . 20/15- 4 20/15-4
ax . 175 °.
W .. . . . . .. . .. • .. . 39 0. D . 201200 ..• •• - 2.50 s ph-0.50 cy l.. ...... . ........ . ... . .. .. .... . .. . .. . .. . 20/ 15 Yes .... . . . 20/ 15
ax. 100°.
s. 1
o. 201200 • ••• : •• - 2.75 sph-0.75 cyl.. ... . .. . . ... . . . . . ..·. . ... ..... ..... . , . . . .
ax. 100°.
20/15 .20/15
ll .. .. .. . . . ... ... . 41 0. D. 20/20 - 1.. .. . + 1.00 sph-0.37 cyl.. ..................................... . 20/15 1 Yes ...... . 20/15 1
ax. 100°
O. s. 20/20-3.. .. . + 1.00 s ph- ~1_7 8c1 f . ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20/ 151 20/15 1
L . ... . ... . .. . . .. . 55 0. D. 20/33 . . - 0. 75 sph+l.50 cyl.. .... . . . . ..... . ........ ..... -, ....... _.. 20/10- Yes ...... . 20/10-
ax. 48°.
0 . s. 20/25 ... - 0.75 sph+l.62 cyl.. ... 20/10- 20/10-
- ax. 92°.
Du ..... . 25 0. D. 20/7Q ....•.. - 2.00 s ph- 0.25 cyl.. . ........................ . . . ........ . 20/15 Yes ...... ., 20/15

Hn . . .. . .. . .... . . 49 .
21 ax. 120°
~-.s:. ~:?:::: ::::: =i:~ ~~fax: isii•::::: ~:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~;~t2 ·y;;::: ::::
20/ 15
20/30- 2
M .... . 36 0 . D. 20/20-1.. .... :-: ·.
50 ~:.1: .~x: ~~~~:::::::: :: :::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::: ::: ...~'.~? ..... No::::::::
0. S. 20/20 + 4. .. ........................................ . .... .. ...................... ·. ·. · · . · · · · · · · · · · ·
20/20- 1
20/20 -f4
Cr •......... 23 0. D . 20/15 .... , ... {Possible s ligh t snow.tJindness from flying over rnow fields }· .......... No ... ... . . 20/15
0. S. 20/15 . ....... , some months previously .. . ................... :.......... . ... .... ... . .......... . 20/15

1 Glasses worn by B conta ined correction for slight presbyopia. Vision was thereby scmewhat fogged at 20 feet, but presumably equivalent to
20/ 15 a.t the distance used, 52 rm.
- By courteS'!f of PS'!fchological Review.



By PERCY W. COBB. captain , Medical Corps.

Vision under ordinary conditions and v1s10n under try to see in the dark. The way of warfare is diffei:ent,
extremely low intensity of light present quite different and to choose for the enemy unfavorable natural conditions
sets of phenomena. The latter phase of vision has hereto- which one himself has learned to meet is a part of good
fore been of interest from the diagnostic standpoint, and strategy. To orient himself with reference to terrestrial
has been investigated and discussed as a problem in visual objects the aviator can not depend upon hearing. The
physiology. · roar of his engine would make this impossible, even though
This problem has related itself mainly to the demon- otherwise· he is not .too far away. The experiment of
strable anatomic changes corresponding with exposur-e of foeling his way is unintentional because it is usually
the eyes to light or darkness, notably the presence or fatal. Both with respect to objects on the earth and to
absence in the rods of the light-fugitive visual purple, other airplanes the aviator must rely upon his vision
the variations in the shape of the pigme'ii.t cells and in the alone. When night flying became a part of military
distribution of their pigment, and the possible shift in strategy the classification of aviators on the basis of night
the position of the cones. Of these, the phenomena con- vision became a problem worthy of study .
nected with the visual purple have been correlated w:ith In attempting to find the lowest limit of light sensitive-
certain experimental changes in the vision of light arid ness we at once encounter the fact that the light threshold
color chatacteristically related to the change between is, apart from irregular variations, a variable quantity.
high -and low light levels, and have given rise to the The subject, taken into a dark room, at first requires an
theory of dual function. Stated briefly, this theory amount of light which is many times that necessary a few
assumes that sensations of color are due entirely to changes minutes later. Exact researches have shown that the fac-
resulting from the incidence of light on the visual cones. tor may easily be several thousand. In coming from bright
Colorless light sensation mediated by the cones is also daylight into the dark room the threshold has been Shown
admitted; but sensitiveness to color is denied the rods in normal individuals to be 1,500 to 8,000 times that ob-
which are held to give only light impressions undiffeten- tained an hour later, the subjects in the meantime remain-
t:ated in color, and to be capable of extreme enhance- ing in the dark.
ment in sensitiveness after a period of removal from strong It has also been shown that the rate at which the thresh-
light. The changes in function that take place in normal old amount of light decreases is not always the same for the.
vision in transition from high (daylight) to low (twilight same individual, but depends upon the duration and in-
or night) intensities of light can be enumerated briefly: tensity of the light to which the subj ect's eyes have been
l. Color as a visual quality disappears. Objects are exposed during a (perhaps indefinite) period just prior to
seen as lighter or darker, but not as of different colors. the experiment. The present work proposed investigating
2. Concomitantly a shift of sensitiveness, relation the quantitative relations regarding this last point, as well
to the position in the spectrum, takes place. The bright as determining the ultimate light-sensitivity of individuals
spectrum presents all the rainbow colors, and has its and their characteristic mode and rate of recovery from
brightest part in the yellow. The dim spectrum is devoid the partial and temporary blinding due to light. The
of color. At its red end it has ceased even to be luminous, aim was to arrive at some idea ef individual variations in
and its brightest point is found to be of shorter wave length these respects as preliminary to the devising of a practical
(i.e., farther toward what was the green) than the brightest ·and valid method of .testing.
part of the daylight spectrum. The detailed procedure used in conducting the experi-
3. An enormous enhancement of the absolute sensitive- mental work at present under consideration will appear
ness to light takes place. This is progressive and when in another place. An outline of the essential facts will
measured is found to be rapid at first, then slower, and is be given here.
found to become stationary in an hour's time or less. The subject coming into the experimental room is
It is the increasing sensitiveness of the darkened eyes, seated facing the adaptometer. (Fig. 2.') On a.J.evel with
or dark adaptation, which concerns us here. This phenom- his eyes, and 52 centimeters away, is a small red light,
enon has long interested the student of visual physiology dimmed as far as is consistent with certain fixation upon it
and has been investigated as a possible aid in the diagnosis in the dark . The test pattern is in the same vertical plane
of certain conditions involving the retina. Further than as the fixation point, its center 12 centimeters directly
this it has not had technical importance. In times of
peace it is a simpler expedient to provide light than to \ 1 Figure numbers refer to illustrations in Part 5.
below the latter. The test pattern is best described as a subject had, in the meantime, come back to his first ulti-
square, 7.5 centimeters on each side, from which the mid- mate threshold. This was evidenced by a somewhat
die third is removed , leaving two parallel rectangles·, 7.5 more rapid recovery in these two cases than was to be
by 2.5 centimerers, with a dark space 2.5 centimeters wide expected in part (3) when this took second place in
separating them. The center of the pattern is 13° below order, and by a slower recovery in part (2) when this
the point of fixation, and its extreme limits subtend took third place .
about 8° horizontally and vertically in the visual field A study of the results yielded a set of numerical values
This pattern is projected upon a sheet of milk glass, from which are summarized in Table I . From this it will be
the side away from the observer,. by a device which is seen that the individual variations are quite large on
essentially a small stereopticon. The latter is inclosed every point. For example, · in different individuals the
in a ligh t-tight box, the milk glass being a window set in absolute threshold was found as high as 9.95 and as low as
one end. The amount 6f light projected, and hence the 1.34 millionths of one candle per square meter. The
brightness of t.h e test pattern, was controlled and m.eas- mean value for all subjects was 4.97 with a mean devia-
ured by means of a gelatin smoke wedge, , The form of tion of 2.18 millionths, or 44 per cent of the
the pattern is determined by openings in a thin slip of A specimen of the course of adaptation is shown graphi-
brass, which represents the "slide" in the stereopticon. cally in Figure 3, the three curves being the graphs of
Two pairs of openings were used, one with the two rectan- parts 1, 2, a,nd 3 of the experiment, as described, and the
gles in the vertical position, the other in the horizontal, intervals of measured blinding being indicated by the
and the change was made by a horozontal shift of the vertical dotted lines. The ordinates of the plot indicate
slide. the position of the wedge, by which the intensity. of the
(1) As soon as possible after the subject entered the light was cut down. The relation between the shift of
room the latter was darkened and his threshold was taken. the wedge and the brightness of the test pattern is a
This was repeated with approximately 5-minute intervals l logarit.hmic one, such that the brightness is reduced by a
of rp,at. In 20 or 30 minutes it was found that his threshold constant fraction for equal linll3,f ahifts of the wedge.
had reached a limit, and had become constant to within With the wedge at 0.0 millimeter the brightness is 0.0272
what could be called the margin of experimental error. candle per square meter, which is in effect divided by
(2) When this WM assured by the re.suits, the first part 2.79 for each 10 millimeters shift of the wedge. The rela-
of the experiment proper began, involving a meMured tion between these readings in millimeters and the
amount of " blinding." A white screen was set up ob- actual brightness of the test pattern, in decimals ,of one
liquely before the subject, and the center light of the room candle per square meter, is shown b y the comparative
was turned on. The screen subtended 67° vertically and scale of ordinates in Figure 4. The decimal scale alone
70° horizontally in his visual field, and its brightness av- appears in Figure 5, ~nd in these two figures the hori-
eraged 13 candles per square meter. The subject wM zontal lines indicate the intervals of a tenfold change in
instructed to look at the central part of the screen, with- brightness.
out especial effort to fixate. At the end of 5 minutes the Returning to Ji'igure 3, the absolute threshold is indi-
light was turned off and the screen removed. In the cated at the height of the first curve by a horizontal
meantime the test pattern had been set at a certain rather dotted line. It is placed at the mean of the three pointf
high level of brightness, and the time elapsing betwe·en indicated. The relation between amount of blinding and
the darkening of the room and the first visibility of the the rate and mode of recovery app,ear from consideration
pattern WM taken. After that the threshold WM taken of the next two curves. For a blinding period of five
as before, but with. somewhat shorter intervals, until it minutes the curves show characteristic differences, as
had reached its former final value. exhibited in Figure 6, where the results for all 15 subjects
(3) When this had taken place the white screen was re- are plotted for comparison. These show the various
placed and the procedure repeated M under (2), with 15 heights of sensitiveness which different individuals ulti-
seconds' exposure to the screen instead of 5 minutes. mately reach, and also show in certain cases quite definite
This procedure wa,s planned with the idea that the first temporary · arrests in the progress of adaptation (Do . B,
portion would serve two purposes, to give a value for the Du, Hn Fig. 6). Out of a total of 52 adaptation curves
abs'.llute threshold of the subject and at the same time to plotted, 14 showed this halt in the rise of sensitiveness
bring him to a standard and reproducible state (that of very definitely, while in four others it is suggested. To
complete dark adaptation) :pefore subjecting him to :i emphasize this the first two curves shown in Figure 6
standard amount of blinding. Obviously this latter would are plotted toget.her in Figure 5, with their common
mean nothing unless the effects of previous light exposures origin at the point where adaptation b egin s and with the
had come to an end, and there seemed no way of making time scale enlarged fourfold.
certain o.f this but to follow the subject's threshold to a In considering the rate of adaptation, that is, the indi-
constan t value. ·There seems to be some evidence that vidual rate of recovery of the sensitiveness temporarily
even this, as done here, is not adequate. In two cases, lost in the process of blinding, it is to be said that great
th~ experimental order was varied, parts (2) and (3) of the variation was found, but the most interesting fact is that
experiment being transposed in order. Comparison of the time of return to a fixed point in the scale of sensi-
these results with the bulk of the results seemed to indi- tivity (estimated from the plotted curve) bears no very
cate that whichever stage (2 or 3) of the experiment was definite relation to ultimate degree of sensitiveness which
conducted last was subject to ·a residual effect from the the individual may show .• There is perhaps a general
blinding of the foregoing part, in spite of the fact that the trend, as might be expected, in the sense that a subject
with a low absolute threshold reaches a given level of threshold an d his rate of recovery as indicated under (3).
sensitivity more quickly and vice versa, but the excep- For a constant test stimulus 4.7 times the (geometric}. mean
tions to this are more noteworthy than the rul e. In Figure absolute threshold of all subjects, the extreme variations
5 are plotted the results from four types illustrating this. in time are expressed as 8.7 to 1, and 2.75 to 1 for the
Subj ects R and Si have low absolute threshold"s (high longer and shorter blinding periods, respectively.
sensitivity), but R is slow and Si rapid in recovery. Simi- (5) The times of recovery are less diverse after a short
larly in .the case of W and Cr, wh ose absolute threshold blinding (15 seconds at 13 candles per square meter) than
is, however,, high. By examining the steep parts of the after a longer one (5 minutes, same), and in the former c-ase
curve it will be noted that Cr at first recovers·more rapidly recovery takes piace on the average in about one-third the
than R, who is by far the more sensitive later on in the time, or probably less when all antecedent conditions are
course of adaptation. equalized.
As to the general difference in the rate of recovery, as (6) The occurrence, in the course of dark-adaptation , of
dependent upon the duration of the previous blinding, more or less definite arrests in the increase of sensitivity
it is to. be said that recovery is about three times as fast suggests the independent working of two physiologic mech-
following the 15 seconds blinding as it is following the 5 anisms. These halts occur more or less definitely in 18
minutes blinding. The course is shown graphically in out of 52 curves studied, and appear, when distinct, as
the right hand plot, Figure 4,. for the same four subjects. "terraces" on the rising slope of the curve.
Owing to the rapid.i ty of recovery the data are not as (7) The practical usefulness of data, such as the present,
explicit as in the case of slower recovery. will depend upon a definite photometric knowledge of the
The s tudy of dark-adaptation with reference to the minimum light conditions under which the subject may
practical use of the eyes at night involves a point of view be called upon to use his vision.
different from that involved in the study of dark-adapta-
tion for the purpose of solving physiologic or diagnostic TABLE I.
problems, and a question arises here, with especial refer-
ence to the aviator. In rating h im, shall we consider his A'l'- 15mm. I 70mm.
I 50mm.±
ultimate sensitivity, or shall· we rate him in the basis of
his speed of recovery after blinding? In other words, lute Recovery time, seconds, after
thresh- blinding for-
from this standpoint , which portion of the curve deserves old.
the more exhaustive investigation? It would seem an
5min. 15sec. 5min. 15sec. 5m in. 15sec.
obvious answer to this to say that the part of the curve to
investigate is that which , 'in general, best represents the
Largest value ... . ... . .. 9. 95 385 106 542 99 62 25
illumination conditions existing under nat ural ligh t at SmaUe, t value .·- . ..... 1. 34 86 43 62 36 10 5
night. The photometric study of such conditions will be 214 11 233 34 126
Mean· ··· :··:· · · ··- ~
a relevant and interesting topic. Mean dev1at10n. . .. , .... 2. 18 78 16 103 73
12 1 11
(1) Upon investigation of 15 subjects it appears that EXPERIMENTS.
tlw limit of vision in dark-adaptation (the absolute thresh-
old), measured by the least brightness at which gross The absolute threshold is stated in millionths of 1 can-
form may be recognized, is variable within extreme dle per square meter.
limits expressed by the ratio of 7.4 to 1. These limits lie The next two columns give times of recovery, in seconds,
between 1 and 10 millionths of one candle per square of sensitivity corresponding to 4.67 times the subject's
meter. absolute threshold ("AT- 15 mm. "), for the 5 minutes and
(2) The rate of recovery, after dark-adaptation is dis- for the 15 seconds periods of blinding, respectively.
turbed by a standard exposure to light, is also variable as Similarly, the next two columns ("70 mm." ) give the
between individuals, and by no means always in a sense times of recovery to the point of visibility of a stimulus
corresponding with the value of the absolute threshold. 4.67 times the (geometric) mean absolute threshold. This
(3) Recovery to the point of visibility of a test stimulus is 4.33)(4.67=20.4 millionths, represented by 70 millime-
4 .7 times the indi vidual's absolute threshold is in general ters in scale .
slower the lower the absolute thresh old . This seems to Under " 50 mm.±," correspondingly, the times of recov-
be the consequence of the simple fact that the test stimu- 1 ery to it threshold of about 159 miilionths the initial r~ult
!us, so chosen , is necessarily the farther below the level of parts (2) and (3) of the experiment as described in the
of brightness of the blinding surface the lower the abso- text.
lute threshold. The extreme individual variat ions in time The times given under "AT-15 mm." and under "70
for this relative degree of recovery are as 4.5 to 1, and as m'm." were estimated from, the plotted curves, such as
2.5 to 1 for 5 minutes and 15 seconds, resl?ectively . figures 4 and 5.
(4) The time of recovery to the point of di~tin guishing - By courtesy of the Transaction of the American Ophthal-
a test object of standard brightness is to be looked upon mological Society, 1919, and the Archives of Ophthalmology,
as a function of two variabl%; the individual's absolute XL VIII, 1919.



By PERC DOLMAN , ·B . S. , M. D .. captain, Medical Corps.

INTRODUCTION. ~y even slight departures from a correct position led to

the idea of a double prism * * * like two thin prisms
The Maddox rod in some form is given a place in almost joine<t at their bases but made of one piece of glass.
every modem trial case. It is also a part of the equipment · * * * Owing to the imperfect manufacture of the
of most of the new combined phorometers. When testing double prism * '° * the ridge had a rounded instead
the. eyes for muscular i.'Ilbalance in the primary position, of a sharp edge and this caused the appearance of a faint
it is reasonably safe to say that the Maddox rod is em- band of light joining the two false images. It was this
ployed by the great majority of American ophthalmolo- band of light which led to the thought of a glass rod to
gists. This wide distribution of the Maddox rod and its produce a more pronounced streak of light."
very·general use is explained by Stevens(l) who says: Maddox continued his experiments and determined that
"The rod test of Mr. Maddox, of Edinborough, is a beau- the "reatest amount of li"ht was admitted through the
tifill device, having the virtue of ~xtreme ~implicity, pupil by a piano-convex c;lindrical lens with a radius of
being perfectly portable and, what 1s not urumportant, J curvature of 10 millimeters. With lens he claimed
it is very cheap." 1
that the light of a star could be used to test the equilibrium
Jackson(2) years ago wrote of the Maddox r?d test-. of the eyes.
"For the recognition of heterophoria at .a d1st:i,nce. ~Is The single Maddox rod requires very accurate placing
proved with me the most satisfactory test. Its ~=pl:c1ty before the eye to enable the patient to see the line of light.
makes the application easy even with the least mtelhgent It was soon found that several rods fixed close y side by
patient. While it does depend on the patients' observa- side give more latitude in the choice of position before
tion, the simplicity of the observation required and the the eye. This type of multiple rod, however, exhibits
low grade of intelligence necessary to make it render the breaks in the line of light caused by the minute spaces
result uniform and satisfactory for all sorts ?f P.atients." separating the rods. Jackson(4) and others made sug-
One looks in vain for similar peans of praise 1~ th~ later gestions for eliminating the break in the line but the final
literature. On the contrary, much condemnation l~ ?e- solution of the problem arrived only with the manu-
ing heaped upon the Maddox rod, and a settled op1mon facture of a multiple rod out of a single piece of glass, with
prevails among a number of writers that the test should be the red formation on one side and a plano surface on the
greatly restricted in use if not entirely eliminated. In other.
the measuremlmt of esophoria and exophoria particularly THE TEST CRITICIZED.
the test is condemned as unreliable and inaccurate.
These are the most serious objections that can be. raised Keeping pace through the years with this evolution in
against any scientific test, and, if they are true, the the form of the Maddox rod is the growing mass of criticism
Maddox rod should be cast into the office junk pile. directed against its use . These objections should be con-
The experimental study, detailed in this paper, was sidered for a. moment in detail.
begun at the Medical Research Laboratory, Mineola, Steven's(!) tribute, already quoted, is modified some-
N. Y. , because of this growing condemnation and the fact what by a statement in the same article that the tendency
that the majority of ophthalmologists still have faith in of the line to fuse with the light is so great that ortho-
the beautiful device of Mr. Maddox and continue to phoria is shown often where heterophoria ex.i~ts. Duane(,5)
report the results of examinations made with it. savs that test is not as reliable nor as accurate in his hands
as· the screen and parallax tests. He finds it is apt to
DEVELOPMENT OF THE MADDOX ROD. indicate an excess of esophoria and. a tendency in som,
patients to [use the light with th( line. In a later paper(6)
The discovery which led to the use of the glass rod as he repeats this criticism and estimates the excessive
an ophthalmological test is so unique that it deserv~s a esophoria shown at about one degree . Howe(7) , in his
secure place among. the classics of our ophtbalmological elaborate study of the eye muscles, places the Maddox
literature. It is best told in the words of Maddox(3). rod thi.r<l in the list of tests arranged according to their
Speaking first of the Graefe test he says: clinical value . Savage(8 and .9) objects to the use of th.e
" The difficulty ofensuring that a prism is strictly base Maddox rod in all tests of the recti muscies and declares
up or down and the considerable inaccuracies introduced it has i ts legitimate use . only in the measurement of
1 Number in parentheses refers to t he bibliograph y at the end of the
cyclophoria. Weymouth(JO ), on the basis of some com-
article. parative tests, thought the rod showed an excessive
amount of esophoria. In routine tests of the eyes of In seeking a means to comhat this fusion tendency,
aviators at the Medical Research Laboratory the Maddox a method suggested by Duane(5) years ago was tried.
rod was· discarded ·because of a growing belief that the He found that the test gave him a more accurate result
measurements made with it wei:.e unreliable. if, with the rod in place, he covered one eye f~r a few
In. addition to these epecific .criticisms, attention .has moments, then withdrew the cover and made the test
been called tq the fact_that some patientR can not be made before the patient had a chance to fuse or separate the
_ to see the line of light projected by the rod. Other double images. This method was used in the present
patients observe that the vertical line of light "wavers." experiments and found to possess many advantages in
They see it in a constantly varying relation with the addition to the obvious one of doing away with the fusion
light. tendency. A more detailed account of the use of the
AH these criticisms. are based on the use of the Maddox cover or screen in combination with the Maddox rod is
rod in the determination of heterophoria in the primary given in the succeeding paragraphs.
position at 20 feet. They can be grouped readily under A study of the tendency to instahility of the relation
four heads. between the line and the light during the test proved
1. The inability of some patients to see the line pro- most interesting. This wavering of the line is observed
jected by the Maddox rod . by the patient chiefly during test<' for esophoria and
2..The tendency to fusion of the line and light. exophoria, although some patients observe it'in the hyper-
3. The instability of the relation between the li,nt and phoria tests. It exists independently of the tendency to
the light. fusion. The covering of one eye after the manner just
4. The tendency of the test to show too much esophoria. described naturally does away with this objectionable
wavering of the line in relation to the light by p~rmitting
APPARATUS AND CONTROL TESTS. the patient to see the two together only for an instant on
In the analysis of these several objections the Maddox uncoverir.g.
rod test and several variations of it were made on a group The experiments made with the screen and Maddox roct
of 50 men at the Research Labotatorv. They were combined give some unexpectP.d results, and the technique
chiefly flyers ·with normal visual acuity and good ocular used in obtaining them is detailed rather _fully for thi~
muscle balance. The apparatus used was a De Zeng reason. The patient is seated behind the phorometer and
phorometer fitted with both a .Maddox multiple rod and. the Maddox rod swung into place before the left eye so as
a rotary prism before each eye cell. '..Che prism correc- to give a vertical line of light. The rod and left eye are
tion was invariably placed before the eye -:overed by the then covered with a card. The patient is cautioned to
Maddox rod_. fix intently the light 20 feet away. After a moment of
The necessity for control tests was met by obtaining such fixation, the card or screen is quickly removed and
accurate screen and parallax findings in ~ach case. the patient asked to indicate the position of the vertical
line with respect to the light' at the instant of first seeing
CRITICISMS ANALYZED. it. A typicalreply is that the line is to the right of the
The first of these objections 1s of minor importance. light or perhaps to the left, but that it jumps qu1ckly
Inabiiity·to see the line of light may be due to malposition toward the light. This quick jump is a manifestation of
of the rod before the patient's eye. If the vision is the fusion tendency. After covering and uncovering the
greatly reduced in one eye, the Maddox rod should be Maddox rod with the screen two or three times, the patient
placed before the eye with the better vision . The room is able to tell definitely on which side of the light the line
in which the test is made should be darkened and the is first seen and about how far away it is each time. The
spot light at which the patient looks should be small and rotary prism of the phorometer is now swung into position
bright. When these precautions are obssrved, few pa- before the Maddox rod and rotated to correct the devia-
tients will have any difficulty in seeing th,e line of light. tion, the screen being applied over both rod and prism
The tendency -of the line and light to ' fuse lias been and withdrawn for an instant. Guided by the patient's
noted by a majority of observers but usually in relation directions, the prism is rotated until the line is seen to
to the measurement of esophoria and exophoria. 'l'his fall directly through the light whenever the eye is uncov-
fusion tendency must be admitted. It exists in spite of ered. 'I'he amount of correcting prism is read off thel'lcale
the dissimilarity in form of the line and light and prob- and entered on the patient's record as esophoria or exo-
ably because of the fact that, under the conditions of phoria and a note made of the eye before which the Mad-
the test, a spot of light and a line of light are the only two dox rod and the screen were placed during the test.
outstanding sources of visual stimulation observed by the Then, with t.he Maddox rod still in place before the left
patient. As the line is observed solely by one eye and eye, the screen is held beJore the right eye and the patient
the light solely by the other, it is not unreasonable to told to fix the line intently. Allowing a moment for this
admit the tendency to fusion when one considers that fixation, the screen is removed as before and a correcting
fusion is the lifelong habit of the eyes. It has been ob- prism determined which causes the line and light to fuse.
served by Jackson(2) and Stevens(ll) that tests of this This test usually takes more time than the one where light
character should be carried on in a darkened room with fixation is employed. Some patients seem unable to keep
no figures on the wall nor lines in the vertical and hori- the line and light fused for more than one uncovering, no
zontal directions. If lines running in these directions matter what correcting prism change is made.
are seen by the patient near the light, the tendency to The results of these two tests, one made with light fixa-
fusion is greatly increased. tion and the other with line fixation, the Maddox rod being
before the left eye, do not a,,<>Tee in the majority of cases .. rods. It is frequently of irregular width, wavy in appear-
Checking•thein Qoth against screen and parallax findings, ance, without sharp edges, and marred- by an excess of
diffused light through the glass. Breaks in the line may
made at the same time, the.light-fixation measurements sometimes be noticed. .
are found to approximate closely those of the two control Many of these rods also contain a prismatic element
tests. The results of the line-fixation tests show an .aver- which acts at a right angle to the direction of the line of
age of from one to four prism diopters more esophoria or light. Such a prism causes the rod .to give a false reading,
just as a prism from the trial case would if it wen! held in
less exophoria than the other tests. Three of these tests, front of the Maddox rod so as to displace the liiie in the
scree!)., parallax, and light fixation, can be considered as. same way. A simple way to detect such a pris~ is to 1?,old
giving correct measurements in this·series of cases oecause the Maddox rod before the eye so as to see the hne of hght
of their general agreement. The. line fixation measure- ·extending horizontally. Note the_positiqn of the line in
relation to the light. Then rotate the rod through 180
ments then must be false in those cases showing less exo- degrees, just as a cylinder is rotated in a trial frame. The
phoria and more esophoria than given oy the other tests. line is ·again horizontal and should extend exactly where
This type of error indicates the influence of some factor it did before, on the same side of the light and at the same
favoring convergence . There is a good deal of evidence distance from it. If the line passes dire<;:tly through the
light in the first position, it should do so in the second.
to prove that the factor is a stimulation of accommodation The . multiple rod should be made from optical glass
during the act .of line fixation. The full investigation of with the corrugated side ground and finished by accurate
this phase of the problem will be .made the subject of a tools. The plano side should be carefully ground and
later report, but experiments to date indicate that the finished without a prismatic element. Such rods are-now
manufactured for use in the best grade of phorometers.
patient usually sees the line made by the Maddox rod at They project a line of light that is of uniform width, with
some indefinite and ·v arying place between the eye and sharp e~ges, a minimum of diffused light, and no breaks in
the source of light 20 feet away.. The line of light is a contmmty.
false image made by the rod, out of focus with.the retina, CONCLUSIONS.
and capable of being projected anywhere at the fancy of 1. The Mad do~ rod test, because of its easy application
the patient. The limiting sense suggested by the :walls and the simple nature of the observation required of the
of the room confine the location of the projected line to a patient. bas a popularity and widespread use among
range extending from the eye to the light. · Patient.'l fre- 2. Studies of heterophoria based wholly or in part on
quently make the statement that they see the line "in Maddox rod findings are constantly being reported in our
front" of the light. On questioning, they are apt to say ophthalmic literature in ·spite of the serious criticisms
that the line appears to be several inches from the eye or directed against the test.
3. The test is <;ondemned chiefly because it has been
perhaps a few feet away. Not many patients can be made found to give variable and inaccurate results.
to see the line as far away as the source of light. 4. The chief causes of inaccuracy are the tendency to
The tendency of the Maddox rod test to show more eso- fusion and the phenomerut based on the false projection
phoria than actually exists at 20 feet has its explanation of the light seen as a line through the rod.
5. A screen placed over the Maddox rod during the test and
doubtl ess in the facts just consid·e red. When the test is withdrawn for an instant enables a measurement of lateral
made in the usual way without a screen before either eye imbalance to be made that is accurate and free from any of the
the amount of lateral deviati.on will vary as the patient several objections made against the t,est.
concentrates his attention firet upon the light and then 6. Every Maddox multigle rod in use should· be. tested
to determine the character of the line of light projected
upon the line, the element of esophoria entering into the by it and to guard against the presence of any prismatic
findings through the more or less constant line fixation. element which modifies the result of the test.
The~ several objections to ·the use of the Maddox rod
as a test for muscular imbalance in the primary positions
no longer are valid when a screen over one eye is used as 1. STEVENS: An Examination of Some of the Means for
the Determination of. Heterophoria. Ophthalmic
suggested by Duane. It is necessary, however, to go a Record, 1892, p. 125.
step further and stipulate that the screen,be placed always 2. JACKSO N: Tests for Heterophoria and their Compara-
over the eye that is covered by the .Madd-0x rod. There tive Value. Medical News XIII, 1893,,p, 454.
are exceilent reasons for ad vising that the correcting prism, 3. MADDOX : Tests and Studies of the Ocular Muscles.
1898, p. 353.
used in connection with the test, be placed always before 4. JACKSON: Note on the Rod Test. Ophthalmic Review.
the ~addox rod and never, before the light-fixing eye. 1894, p. 21.
This phase of the problem and one other concerning the 5. DUANE : What Routine Shall we Adopt in the Exami-
choice of right or left eye for light fixation during the test nation of Eye Muscles. Ne.w York Medical Journal,
will be made the subject of later reports. May 25, 1901, p. 890. _
6. DuANE: The Practical Application and the Relative
IMPERFECT MADDOX RODS. Value of the Tests Used in Examining the Eye
Muscles. Annals of Ophthalmology, April, 1905,
One other source of error is.found not infrequently in the p. 308.
construction of the Maddox multiple rod. Most •of the 7. HowE: The Muscles of the Eye. Vol. 1, p. 238.
rods of this type are made from glass supplied in the form 8. SAVAGE: Ophthalmic Myology. 1911, p. 147.
of ruby "cane.". This "cane' ' is a drawn or molded glass 9. SAVAGE: Heterophorias .and their Treatment. Oph-
tube, smooth inside, and, having the well-known corruga- thalmic Record, November, 1914.
tions on the outside. It is cut down the side and, under 10. WEYMOU1:H: An Experimental Comparison of Three
the influence of heat, spread out into a flat sheet from which Common Methods of Measuring Heterophoria.
pieces of suitable size are cut and made up into commercial Ophthalmic Record, June, 1916, p . 271.
.m ultiple red rods. Some manufactur.ers finish the smooth 11. STEVENS: The Motor Apparatus of the Eye. 1906,
side to an optical piano, but the corrugations are not p . 275.
reshaped . Much criticism can be directed against the - By court,esy of Transaction of the American Ophthalmo-
character of the line formed by these molded· multiple logfcal Soriety , 1919, and Archives of Ophthalmology.
PilRT 8.




By ?YIAx M. ELLIS, formerly first lieutenant, Sanitary Corps.

Various writers have shown in experiments on men, servations were made as parf of the general study of avi-
both with rebreathers and in pneumatic chambers, that ation physiology at the Medical Research Laboratory of
an increase in the per minute respiratory volume accom- the Air Service, during the fall and winter of 1918- 19.
panies rather rapid reduction of the oxygen tension in the The writer is indebted to Lieuts. H:. Fried, C, N. Larsen,
air breathed by the subject. Hough(l910, 19U-)2 found and B. R. Lutz for assistance during the experimentation.
that the continued rebreathing of a small quantity of air The rebreather desigiied by Larsen and Davis(Larsen,
(20 to 30 liters) without the removal of the carbon dioxide 1919). was used in these tests. This machine is a portable
produced by the subject, caused a marked increase in the modification of a dosed rebreather in which the carbon
depth of respiration and in the resp1iratory volume: dioxide pn;is:Iuced by the subject whil~ rebreathing a
Twenty-three of his twenty-five cases showed an increase given volume of air, _is removed by a scdium hydroxide
of r1Jspiratory depth from the start of the rebreathing test, cartridge. The rebreather tank contained 54 liters of
and the increase in the depth of respiration was most sea-level air at the beginning of each experiment, a volume
marked iu those cases in which there was some decrease which the average subject could reduce from 21 per cent
in the rate of respiration. Haldane and Poult~(l908), oxygen to 9.8 per cent oxygen (equivalent to 20,000 feet
using a rebreather which removed the carbon dioxide altitude) in 20 to 25 minutes. While holding the subject
produced by the subject, observed great hyperpnoea when at sea level or at a given oxygen ttneion, oxygen was
the oxygen in the air breathed was reduced from 10 to 5 supplied automatic3lly to the subject by his own respira-
per cent in a few minutes. Schneider(l918), reporting tory movements from a balanced oxygen spirometer.
on rebreather tests of 25 to 30 minutes duration, states The general plan of each experiment may be summarized
that more than 50 per cent of the men examined gave an as follows: The subject, either sitting or reclining, was
increase in respiratory volume when the reduction of connected with the rebreather through a rubber mouth-
oxygen had proceeded to 16 to 14 per cent. Lutz(l919) piece and standard rubber gas-mask tubes. The re-
noted an increase in the respiratory volume of men in breather spirometer was set at zero and the valves to the
the low pressure chamber :rt a pressure equivalent to subject .opened at the end of an inspiration. In this way
4,000 feet altitude; when the pressure was reduced at a the spirometer was raised by the volume of one expiration
rate equivalent to a rise of 1,000 feet per minute. Lutz minus the carbon dioxide which was removed as the air
and Schneider(l919), in a series of expetiments both in passed in through the sodium hydroxide cartridge. One
the low pressure chamber" and with the Dreyer nitrogen or two inspirations sufficed to lower the re breather spirom-
apparatus, found that the onset of increased breathing eter to zero again, and as the water seal on the oxygen
occurred at about 656 millimeters mercury pressure spirometer was brokeri each time the rebreather spirom-
(about 4,000 feet altitude ) when the reduction in oxygen eter reached the zero level, a volume of oxygen equal to
tension had been made at a rate equivalent to a rise of that used by the subject during the last inspiration, entered
1,000 feet per minute. They also state that 9 out of 14 the rebreather tank, before the water seal of the oxygen
subjects gave a maximum ventilation during the first 10 spirometer again closed. (See Larsen, 1919.) The sub-
minutes at 20,000 feet, and that following this period ject continued this phase of the experiment, using air of
there was a distinct falling off in the per minute volume. sea level oxygen tension until 10 to 15 minutes of normal
The data which follow afford comparisons of the per breathing had been recorded. The oxygen valve was
minute respiratory volume of 29 men during exposures then quietly closed, and without any change in the re-
of ·10 to 30 minutes to various constant oxygen tensions sistance of the apparatus the subject began the rebreathing
lower than the tension of sea level air, with the volumes of the 54 liters of air in the rebreather tank. The loss of
breathed at sea level and during the reduction of the air volume due to the absorption of oxygen by the subject
oxygen tension by rebreathing. Additional data are of- and the correlated absorption of carbon dioxide by the
ered on the increase in respiratory volume during the re- sodium hydroxide cartridge was offset by raising the
duction of oxygen tension by rebreathing. Th!)se ob- movable bottom of the rebreather. By means of a scale
on the rebreather the per cent of oxygen to which the air
1 Abstract, in part, ii1 Proc. American Soc. Physiologists, Amer. Jour- · in the rebreather had been reduced could be read at any
nal Physiology, p. 119, for April, 1919, by authority from S. G. 0., dated
April 23, 1919. time and- thC;) equivalent altitude determined. The-
• References refer to bibliography at the end of the article. composition of the gas in the rebreather was also checked
by analyses with a Henderson-Orsat apparatus. When I RESPIRATORY VOLUME DURING SHORT EXPO-
the subject had reached the desired oxygen tension the I SURES TO CONSTANT LOW OXYGEN TENSION.
oxygen_ valve was again opened and the oxygen tension Table 5 summarizes the comparisons of the respiratory
maintamed 3:8 at sea level. The respir~tor? vo_lume was volumes of the subjects while breathing air of a constant
read each mmute from the Larsen respiratwn mtegrator oxygen tension lower than the tension of sea-level air,
(La:sen, 1919). The blood press~res and pulse of the after reaching these oxygen tensions by rebreathing, with
subject were taken every other mmute as checks on the the volumes moved at sea level and during the reduction
subject's c~ndition. . by rebreathing.
The subjects for these exp~runen:s, drawn from the Thirty-two of the 36 subjects breathed a greater volume
~abooodratorhy sltahff and fro3m the Service, were young men per minute during the first 10 minutes at a constant lo. w
m g ea t , 20 to O years O age. oxygen level than at sea level. These various oxygen
RESPIRATORY VOLUME DURING THE REDUC- tensions were equivalent to altitudes of 5,000 to 21,000
TION OF OXYGEN TENSION. feet. The four men who were held at a constant low
oxygen level for 20 minutes and the one man who was
Because of the minute to minute variation in the respira- held for 30 mir.. utes in low oxygen, each continued to
tory volume readings they have been averaged for the breathe more air per minute throughout their sojoW"ns in
first 5 minutes of oxygen redu ction, for the first 10 minutes, low oxygfm than at sea level.
and for the remainder of the reduction period. The grouping of the cases if the respiratory volume at
From Tables 1 and 2 it may be seen that 23 of 29 subjects the reduced oxygen level is compared with the respiratory
who began the reduction of oxygen tension at sea level volume during the reduction of oxygen by rebreathing, is
showed an increase in the respiratory volume during the not so uniform. Seventeen of the thirty-six subj ects had a
first 5 minutes of rebreathing, and that 25 of the 29 gave an lower per-minute respiratory volume during the firnt 10
increase dufing the first 10 minutes. Of the four remain- minutes in low oxygen of a constant tension than during
ing cases three increased the respiratory volume during the period of rebreathing which preceeded this exposure.
the second IO-minute period. Of the five men who were held in low oxygen for more than
By plotting the oxygen reduction as .a straight line (the 10 minutes four gave a lower respiratory volume for the
current usage of the laboratory, verified by analyses made second 10 minutes of the exposure than for the first 10
at different stages of rebreather tests-see Air Service minutes.
Medical, 1919) the approximate per cents of oxygen reached The average depth of respiration of the subjects during
by each of the 29 men during the fust 5 and 10 minutes of these exposures to constant low oxygen was greater than at
re breathing were obtained. (Table 3.) These figmes sea level in 15 of 20 cases. The respiratory rate was th e
show that the increase in respiratory volume appeared same as or lower than the sea-level rate in il of 20 cases.
very soon after the red·uction of oxygen began, as 22 of the
29 subjects had not reduced the oxygen in the rebreather DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY.
tank air below 18.1 per cent, at the end of the fifth minute. The increase in respiratory volume during the reduction
The lowest per cent reached by any individual at the end of the oxygen tension found in these experiments agrees
of the fifth minute was 15.6, and the average of all cases with previous work of other writers who reduced the
was 18.1, equivalent to an altitude of about 4,000 feet. oxygen tension of the air breathed by their subjects at a
The average per cent reached at the end of the tenth fairly rapid rate. The increase here discussed can not he
minute was 15.2. ascribed to the resistance of the apparatus (which was
A comparison of the seven cases which began the reduc- practically negligible) as the subject respired through th e
tion of oxygen in the air breathed ;:t second time, after apparatus during all phases of the experiment, i.e ., during
remaining at a level of reduced oxygen tension for some the sea-level normals as well as during the reduction by
minutes, gives an increase in the respiratory volume rebreathing and during the exposure at low-oxygen levels;
during the transition period from one level of reduced nor is it the result of an accumulation of carbon dioxide in
oxygen tension to a still lower level. Considering all cases, the rebreather as check analyses of the gas in the re breather
the reduction of oxygen tension was accompanied by .an were made by the Henderson-Orsat gas· apparatus. This
increase in respiratory volume in 32 of 36 cases, regardless increase in respiration does, however, accompaRy the
of the initial oxygen tension, and this increase in the reduction of oxygen tension and begins very early in the
respiratory volume was initiated in less than 10 minutes of reduction phase of the ex:pitri'ment. Haldane, Meakins,
re breathing. and Priestley (1919) offer an explanation of his response
A correlation.of the rate of respiration with the respira- by stating that the first result of tbe diminution of the
tory volume in 20 cases indicates that there was little percentage of oxygen is an increase in the depth of respira-
change in the rate of respiration during the first 10 minutes tion owing to a lowering of the threshold of exciting value
of rebreathing. (Table 4.) Only 3 of these 20 cases, of carbon dioxide. This explanation if applied to the
however, failed to show an increase in the average depth present experiments would call for a change in the carbon
of respiration during the first 10 minutes. From this it is dioxide threshold very early in the rebreathing reduction
evident that the increase in respiratory volume was the of oxygen, as the tables show tliat most of the subjects had
result of an increase in the depth of the individual respira- responded with an increase in respiration by the end of the
tions. fifth minute- and to an average oxygen per cent of 18.1.
Although the individual minute-to-minute data for respira- oxygen, to volumes lower than those breathed during the
tory volume can not be given here, they showed when reduction of oxygen. These cases held at comparative
plotted as eurves, a distinct upward trend in every case low altitudes, or comparatively high oxygen per cent.a, con-
after the first or second minute of rebreathing, suggesting stitute half the cases in group 1 of Table V. If the per
that the actual increase in respiratory volume began earlier cent of oxygen in the air breathed during these exposures
than the fifth minute and at an oxygen per cent higher than to low oxygen may be taken _as a gross index of the severity
18.1. If the response to reduction of oxygen tension by
of the conditions to which the subjects were attempting
increase in respiratory volume began above 18.1 oxygen,
compensations, the lower the oxygen per cent and the
it might have been so small as to be easily masked by other
higher the equivalent altitude, the greater the task of
factors and escape notice on the rebreather. That there is
adjustment. That the subjects exposed to the less severe
a progressive increase in the magnitude of this increase in
conditions did show this fall in respiratory volume during
volume response as the reduction of the oxygen progresses
is suggested by a comparison of the per-minute volume the first 10 minutes in constant low oxygen, does therefore
during the first 10 minutes of the rebreathingreduction with favor the view that the fall in respiratory volume (pulse
the per-minute t'llspiratory volume during the second 10 and blood pressw-e remaining good) is associated with
minntes of rebreathing, the volume in the second pe6od compensations to reduced oxygen tension, which enable
being higher in the majority of cases. the body to maintain itself without so great a per minute ·
Considering the average of 18.1 per cent oxygen as the respiratory volume.
point at which a definite .increase in respiratory volume was As shown by the blood pressure and pulse records,
found , the responses of 29 subjects examined came earlier subject " K" was approaching a collapse during his sojourn
in the rebreathing reduction, i. e ., at higher oxygen per at 21,000 feet, i.e ., he was not maintaining nor improving
cent, than in the cases given by Schneider (1. c. ), but at his condition at that level of low oxygen. His per minute
almost exactly the same level as that given by Lutz and respiratory volume did not fall during the 10 minutes he
Schneider (1. c.) for the onset of increased respir(1,tory was held at 21,000 feet, but on the contrary continued to
volume in theiilow-pressure chamber and Dreyer nitrogen increase above the volume breathed during the first,
apparatmi experiments. It is· interesting to note that they second, and third 10-minute periods of rebreathing. This
found the alveolar carbon dioxide tension definitely low- case gives the respdnse in respiratory volume of a subject
ered at 656 millimeters of mercury pressure, which is ap- exposed to conditions of low oxygen obviously too severe
proximately equivalent to 18.1 per cent oxygen. for his compensatory complex at the time of this particular
The larger respiratory volume moved per minute by sub- experiment. The response of subject "K" also indicates
jects during short exposures to low oxygen after a rather that the fall in respiratory volume of suhjectR under less
rapid reduction in oxygen tension by rebreathing, as com- severe conditions was correlated with advantageous com-
pared with their sea.-level per-minute respiratory volvmes pensations.
might be expected in the light of the increase in respiratory Although the respiratory volume during exposures to
volume at 18.1 per cent oxygen. The fall in per-minute constant low oxygen tension was greater than the respira-
respiratory volume during the first 10 minutes of these tory volume at sea level, the return to sea-le'vel air was
exposures to constani..low oxygen, to a volume lower than accompanied by a very prompt return to the sea-level
that moved during the reduction of oxygen by re breathing, respiratory volume . To check by quantitative methods
in 17 of 36 cases, presents an interesting example of rapid the general observation made on all subjects, subjects
compensation to low oxygen. Lutz and Schneider (1. c.) "AA," ":\.C, " and " AD" were carried through a fourth
found a similar fall in the per-minute respiratory voume phase of experimentation. After completing the exposure
in 9 of 14 cases held at 20,000 feet in the low-pressure to low oxygen the valves were opened and the subject
chamber, and state that they believe this fall in respiratory allowed to breathe pure, unmixed , sea-level air through
volume to represent a temporary improvement in the sub- the rebreather tubes fqr two minutes. This change to sea
ject 's condition. That this fall in respiratory volume does level was instantaneous, and it was presumed that the
indicate more or less compensation to the new conditions lungs of the subject were fairly well ventilated by breath-
of low oxygen and an improvement in general condition of ing outside air tor- two minutes. At the end of two min-
the_ subject is suggested in the present experiments by two utes the rebreather valves were again closed and the sub-
comparisons. . "· ject's per minute respiratory volume while breathing pur(l
If the 36 subjects are divided with regard to the per sea-level air was obtained as at the beginning of the exper-
cent of oxygen in the air in which they were held during iment fodm additional 10 minutes.
the exposures to constant low oxygen, i. e ., the line of The average per minute respiratory volume of "AA"
equivalent altitude·, 10 of the 36 cases were held at. ten- returned to within 250 cubic centimeters of his original
sions equivalent to altitudes varying from 5,000 to 10,000 sea-level respi.ratoryvolume, during this 10-minute after-
feet, inclusive. Of these 10 cases S had lower respiratory period at se7t level, although his increase in respiratory
volumes during the first 10 minutes at constant low volume at the low oxygen level was 4 .520 cubic centi-
oxygen levels than'dnring the reduction of oxygen; and meters. The respiratory volume of " AC" fell during the
the other two cases, although maintaining a higher per 10-minute afterperiod at sea level 120 cubic centimeters
minute volume during 1,the first 10 minutes at the new and that of " AD" 500 cubic centimeters below .the sea-
oxygen level , decreased.<their per .minute volumes during level respiratory volume taken at the beginning of the
the second 10 minutes of the exposure to constant low experiments. The increases in respiratory volumes at the

low oxygen levels were 870 cubi_¢ centimeters and 920 still greater than the sea-level respiratory volume. These
.cubic centimeters, respectively, for these two men. 17 cases include all but one of the cases held at .oxygen
One correlation of tne pos\tion ol the subject during the levels equivalent to 10,000 feet or'less.
te.s t with the increase in respiratory volume during the 6. This fall in respiratory volume during 1:he first 10
reducti9n of oxygen by rebrea.thing seems worthy of note. minuMs of exposure to constant low-oxygen tension was
The per cent of increase in the.respiratory volume at the correlated apparently with compensations to low oxygen
end of the tenth minute of rebreatliing was higher for the advantageous to the subject.
·. . . . . . . 7. The return to sea-level o~ygen tension was followed
sitting subJects than for the rechmng subJects. As thlB \ by a prompt return to the sea-level respiratory v-0lume.
may be a function of the relative metabolic rate in the · ·
two positions, it may be added that Emmes and· Riche 1?rnLIOGRAPHY.
(1911) found the rate of metabolism in sitting subjects to Arn SERVICE MEDICAL, 1919, War Dept., Div. Military'
be 7\ 6 per cent higher than in reclining subjects, as shown Aeronautics, Gov. Printing Office, pp.1-446.
EMMES and RICHE, 1911, The Respiratory Exchange as
by th~ir oxygen consumption. affected by body position, Amer; Journal Physiol.,
1. The respiratory volumes of 29 men. during the reduc- Vol. XXVII, pp. 406-413.
tion of oxygen tension by rebreathing and during short HALDANE, MEAKINs, and PREISTLEY, 1919, Journal
exposures to constant low oxygen tension following the Physiol., Vol. LII, PP· 420. ·
HALDANE and PoYLTON, 1908, Effects of want of oxygen
period of re breathing were studied in copnection -with the on respiration, Journal Physiol., Vol. XXXVII, pp.
sea-level respiratory v-0lumes. 390-407.
2. An increase in the respiratory volume was noted at HouGH, 1910, The Influence of increase of alveolar ten-
sim;i of oxygen on the respiratory rate and volume of
tlie end of the fifth minuJe of rebreathing, at an average air respired while breathing a confined volume of
of 18.1 per· cent oxygen (approximately equivalent to air, Amer. Journal Physiol., Vol. XXVI, pp. 156---168.
4,000 'feet altitud~) in 23 of the 29 subjects. HouGH, 1911, Variations in the response of healthy men
3. The minute-to-minute respiratory · volumes sugge~t. to the dyspnek conditions produced by breathing
that this increase
. may occur even earlier in the rebreathii.l,.,"' · confined volumes of air, Amer .. Journal Physiol.,
Vol. XXVIII, pp. 369-390.
period. · LARSEN, 1919 (Descriptions of new apparatus perfected
4. The respiratory volume during the first 10 minutes at · the Medical Research Laboratory), Air Service
of the exposure to constant low-oxygen tension, varying Medical, in press.
LuTz, 1919', Abstract, Proc. Amer. Physiol. Soc., in Amer.
from 5,000 to 21,000 feet equivalent altitude, was,.greater Journal Physiol. for April, p. 119. ·
than the sea-level volume. in 32 of the 36 cases. LUTZ and SCHNEIDER, 1919, .Alveolar Air and Respiratory
5. The respiratory ·volume of 17 of the 36 cases fell Volume at Low Oxygen Tensions, Amer. Journal
during the first 10 minutes of the exposure to constant Physiol., in,press.
SCHNEIDER, 1918, Medical Studies in Aviation (in part),
-low-oxygen tension to a volume lower than that moved Journal American Medical Assoc., Vol. LXXI, pp,
during the reduction of oxygen by rebreathing, althoug,b 1382-1400.
TABLE !.-Average per mi:nute respiratory volume in cubic centimeters--Subject sitting.
Initial IO-minute \ Rebreathmg
period. . penod
. volumes. I ,
At rednced 0 2 level.
Subject. o - Tenth Equiva- of reduc-
1 1 10
per cint. Volume.\ m~tes. mi~tes I O
minute Volume. per c~nt lent alti- tmn.
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · l- - - - - - -- i- -- - - - · toend. - -- - - - ~
AX................. . ... . ................ .. ....... 21 6,IDQ 5,840 5,720 5 600 J.7 4 1'/xio .Mmutes9

~~~::: :::: :: ::.:::::: :,:: :.:::: :: :::.:::::: :::: :: :.

D ................. .. . ....... .. ............... . ...
~fo 1
~: 9,500
~: 1: :f i f ~
1'100 15· 4 3'000
AF,........ . .... . .... ............. . . .......... .. .. 21 7,830 7,800 9,530 10,900
11:100 15.4 R'ooo
10, 350 ······ ..... • •• • •
4, 400 . "i,;i,:io· ··:·1;880·. ··1;850··.
•• - · · · · · · · - · - · - · ••• • •• • ••••••••••
B.. . ....... . . . . . ................ . ..... ... ... .. .... 21 7, 010 14.8 9,000 14
AB ................ . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. ... ........... . . . 21 9,070 10,750 12,590 12,913 12,540 14. 3 10,000 17

~ ~: ~: ~:

AG ......... .. .................. -· ........ - . - ... . .. : : : : : ::.: : : : :~: : : : :~,:~~~: : : :: ~'. : : : : ~; ;1:6::,:r990~ ; : ; /l:,44;·.~3;; : : :11;oO;,,·ooo0;00:;: 1; ; ;: ;;;-;i1;2:

AA ..... . ......... _. . . ..... . . ... ... . . . . _. _........ - .. · ·2i · .. · .. i2; :i10· ·· -.ifi)oo· · .. iii;-i-io · · .. ii;i;oo·
• 12, 720
17. 4 13, 690 ... i6;54o· ::: :::::: :::::::::: - -i-i;soo· · ····i:i::i····10;000· ·········5
!t:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :: :::::::: 21 6,380 6,300 6,950 6, 957 7,250 13 ..7 11,000 17
AD ....... _. . - ........ _. . _. _, . _. : ... ___ .. .. . . .. _.. . 21
• 6,260
s.390 ·· ··r,;:ioo· -· .. 1:coo· · ..
i;i-io· .. . :6;:iio· .... . ia:1· ···ii,ooo· ··· ··· ii,
• 4;890
AH, . ....... . ..... _._ ........... - ... - ... .... ..... - .. 21 5,250 .. . s;i110· ... 6:960· .... (i20· .... s;s20· ... ·i:i:1 · ... ii;ooo · ··· ··· · is
AQ ...... ....... : ... ............. . ................ . 21 6,600 6,700 6,690 7,070 7;760 12.7 13,000 20
R ... ........ ..... . .......... .. .. .. .... .... ....... · · ... :ii" . . .. s;ii:io· .... ii,ooo· ... i2;oro· ... iz;il-io·
1:i,210 .. ... 1·2·.: s· ·· ·.i_i,:00· o· ··· - ··· 2· 0
AJ. .. ..·................................. .......... 21 7,750 8,900 9_,.030 9,633 8,340 11 3 1" 000 13
AAIE.. . . . ....... _.. .. .... . .. ... . __ . ... . .. . ... •. ..... , .....
, ......................... ·. ... .. .................
zi' ..... ooo· ....
14. 3
14, 800
iJ;i;oo· - ... ii; 230 .... io; 833.
5 17,600 17,500
i:m ....·1·.11·.':~l· .. "1·o~',·',ooo'fXl·o-o··1·.. ... -.i8i.

AF;,.•................................. ·. .. . .........
AH, ....... : . ........ .. .......... ·. . ..... .. .... . ....
5, 820
',.12v',,666S66 13,600
1 1
18,300 6
AK ...... .. ........ .. . , . .. . . .. . ..... _.... - _. . . . .. . 21 6, 100 1, 460 8,~o_so _ __s~,_53_5_ _~ _ _ _~rn
8,'-4_20_ _ _9_._4 _.:__2_1'-,o_oo
L Average eleventh to fourteenth minutes. inclusive.
'Average eleventh to twentieth minutes , inclusive.
, A".erage twenty-~rst to thirtieth minutes, inclusive.
•. Average for 10 .=1:1utes at .sea lev_el oxygen tensio':' at th~ end of the experiment; 2 minutes elapsed between the last reading at low oxygen
tension and the begillJ?lng of ~his 10.mmut~ penod. durmg which 2 mmutes the subject was breathing sea-level air outside of the rebreather.
• Average first to s1xtb mrnutes,mclus1ve.
Su bnumerals in this table and in Tables 2 and 4 refer to successive sections of one experiment.
TABLE 2.-Average per minute respiratory volume in cubic centimeters-Subject reclining.

Initial 10-minute Rebreatbing period volumes. At reduced 0 2 level.

Subject. of r ed uc-
~flt ~
per cent.
Volume. 1· 5 l-10
minutes. minutes. minute Volume. O,
to end. per cent. tude.

Feet. Minutes.
1. ...... •....... .. .-.. ................... ........ .. . 21 6,590 7,980 8,330 10,190 12,770 13. 7 11,000 18
J..... .. .. .. ... . .............. . .... ... ............ .. 21 14,050 15,000 15,180 16,100 16,100 13.7 11,000 17
G,...... .. ....... .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. . ... ..... .... ...... 21 13,480 12,200 13,560 13,550 14, 390 12. 6 13,000 12
N,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 11 , 040 12, 000 12, 200 12, 215 10,960 13. 3 12,000 19
~;.-:::::::: :::::: ::::: ·:::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::
L....... . . .. . .. ....... . .... . . . . ... ..... .. ... .. ... . .
tgti;; ... ~
·.~:~ ....... . . . .
11, 525 11, 492
12, 600
13. 3
12. 3
12. 3
F... ... . . . ..................... ... . . . . . ...... .. .. . . 21 11,320 12,650 13,015 13,030 12, 880 12. 3 14,000 18
°'· ············ ·· ····· · ··· · ········ ······· · ······ ·· 21 11,950 12,320 13,860 14,210 12,520 11. 8 15,000 20
P...... ...... ...... ... . ..... . .... ..... .. . ..... . .... 21 11,980 11, 900 11,820 14,700 12,300 11. l 16,700 15
o, .... ...... .. ·· ·· ·· ·-· ··· ···· ··· ····· ····· ··· ... .
G,........ .. ......... ....... ....... . ............. . ..
11. 8
14, 390
. . .. .. ... . • · ·· ······
......... . . .... .... .
13, 305 JO. 4 18, 300 3
18,300 10. 1 19,000 3
M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13, 010 14, 560 18, 840 . . . ...... . 17, 370 10.1 19,000 10
H...... . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 21 11 ,360 12, 000 12,400 13,155 16,540 10.1 19,000 21
K...... . .... . .. . . .. .. . . . ... ... .. .. .... .. . . ...... ... . 21 8,550 9,200 9,980 10,870
•• • • • . • . • . • • •••••. • • • ,a .• . ••.. •••• . • • .•• 110,400 -· ·i2;1:ior-- ··gx ···2i;i100" ........ :ii

1 Average twenty-first t o t hirty-first m i nutes,inclusive.

TABLE 3.-Approximate oxygen levels of subjects at the end of the fifth and tenth minutes of rebreathing.

0 2 per cent O,percent change in
Subject. at end of at end of r espiratory W ei1;htof
filth t enth volumedur- subject.
min ute. min u te. ing first 10

AX . ........ . . ...... .... .. ........ . . . ... . . . . . .... . . .. .. . . . .. . ..................... . ..... .... . . 19.0 17. 4 5- 140
AE ............... .... . .... .. . ... . ..... .. .... . ... . . . ... .. .. .. ..... .. .... . . . . .. . . . .. .. .... ... . . 19.2 17.4 61+ 175
c .... ...... .. .. ............................................. , .... ... . ... ... ......... .. ....... . 18. 2 15. 4 74+ 168
D . •. .... . ... . .............. . ...... .......... . . . ...•... ................. . .................. .... 19. 1 17. 3 43+ 140
AF .. ... .............. .... .... .... . . .................... ...... .. . .. .. . ....... ........ ..... ... . 19.1 )7.3 21+ 133.
B ........... ... . . .. ...... .. .. ....... .. .. .. . . . . .... .. • . . ........ .. ....... . . ..... ... . . ... ... .... . 18.8 16:5 75+ 110
AB .. . ...........•. . .. . ... .. . . ... ........ .. . . .. . . .. . . ...... . . . .. . ... . .. ... . . ..... ...• . . .. .... . 19. 0 17. 4 39+ 140
AG .......•...• . ••••• •.. . . ... .....•....................... .... .•. .......... • .. : ...•..... ...... 18.8 16.5 36+ 150
AA ..... . .................. . .... . ... ....... . . .......... . .......... .. .. .. . ... .. ... .. . ......... . 18.1 15. 3 32+ 160
AC .. .. . .. .. . .............. ......... . ............................. . ................. .... ...... . 19.2 17.4 9+ 140
AD ..... . . . ... .. . .. .. ...... .......... . .. .. . ...... , . . .............. .... .............. . ...... .. . 18.6 16.2 31+ 140
.AH ..... ... .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. • . . ....... ....... . .. . • . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . .. • . .......•...... . . ... 18. 6 16. 2 33+ 160
AQ ... ... . • •. . • .• • . .. ..... . ........•............. , . .....•..... . .. . .....•. . . . . . ...... .... . ....• 18.8 16.6 l+ 150
R . . . ... .... ................. .. ... ... . . ........... .. .... .. . ..... • .... ... ... .. ....... ..... ...... 18.9 16. 7 35+ 165
AJ .. .................. . ..... . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . ............... . ... • ............................·.. 17. 5 13. 9 17+ 165
AI.. ............... . ...................... . .................... .. ... ... . ... .. . . . . . . ....... . .. . 18.4 15. 9 8- 224
AK .. ... .. .. .. ..... . . . . .. ... .. ................... .. ... ....... ..... .. . .. . ...... . . .. .. ... . ..... . 17. 8 14. 6 21+ 163

t):\( ; ~;:; ~ ~ )\\~) ~; \) ;;;:::::;::: ~~:: : ~ ~ ~:);:):::: :(::::: : ~: :\ :~) ~:: : J

19.0 17. 1 26+ 144
18. 9 16. 7 8-+: 110
17. 5 13.9 7- 170
18. 7 16.8 11+ 160
P......................... . ..... . .......... . ..................... . ..... .......... ... . 17.6 14.3 1- 190
K ..... ..... .... , ................. . ....... ... ................... . ......... ... . 19.1 i'7.3 16+ 160
N ................ .. ... ... .... ...•.•. • ... ... •.... . . . .• •. . . . . .. •. .... . . •..•.... .. . • . ..• . ....... . 19.0 17. 1 11+ 160
Q . .. ...... ..•. .. . . . .. .....• . . ... .. . •• • . . • . , . . • .. . . ..•.. . ... . •........... . .... • • . .... . . . . .. 16.1 13. 2 R+ 130
L . ..... . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. , ... . .. . . •. .. ....... .......... .. . .. .. . ........ 18. 4 15. 9 27+ 160
F ..... . ..... ...... ......... .. ··· · ·· ········· · ··············· · ·· 18. 5. 16.1 15+ 12ii
M.... ·············· ········ ·· ········ 15. 6 10. 3 43+ 123
H..... .... . . . ..... ··· ··· ······ .. ... . . .. . . . .. ... . ... . ... . ...... .. ... . ...... . .. . 18.4 15.9 9+ 144

1454-30--4 0
TABLE 4.-Average per minute rate of respiratory and average depth of respiration in cubic centimeters.

Sea level. During reduction of 0 2• At reduced 0, level.

Subject. First 10 minutes. Second 10 minutes. First 10 minutes. lent.
alt itude.
Depth. R ate.
Depth : / Rate. Depth. Rate. Depth . Rate.

Feet .
AX ..... • ..•. • . ... . .. .. . .. . . . • • .. .. . • • . . . . . . , .. .... 381 16 396 14.4 ... .. i2··· 1 350 16 5, 000
AF,..... ...... .... .. .. ..... . ....................... 524 13 .768 12. 4 · · ··· ·ilos· 925 12 8,000
AQ . . .... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 16 446 15 471 15 485 16 ·13,000
R . .... . .. .... . . . . . . . .. . . .... .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... 539 16.6 726 16.6 779 16.6 799 16 14, 000
AF, ... . .. .. .. . . .... .. . ..... . .. . . .. . .. • . . ..... ... .. ....... ... .... ...... 1, 005 12. 6 ···--·· · · · ·· · · ··· ·-- 1, 152 11. 8 16,"700
AK, . . ..... . .. ......•..... . .... . .... . .. . ... . . ... 698 9.6 824 9.8 888 9.6 1,005 8 21,000
L ...... ......... .. ... . .. . .... .. . .... . . .. . . .. .. .
J ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ... • .. . ... . . .... . . . . •. . . . ....
I 438
·l, 182
11. 000
11; 000
g:::::::::::::: ............ .. .... .. .':::::::::::
P ....... . . ........ .... . . .. . .......... . . , . .. . .. .
1, 013
12. 4
14. 2
1,1 27
1, 000
14. 2
17. 4
6, 700
0, . . ..... . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . ... ....... ···· ······ . .... . .. . . 989 13 · ·- · ·· ··· - 924 14.4 18, 300
G, ...... ....... . . . ... . . .. .. ·· ·· · · ···· · ·· ··- · - 1,182 13 ...... 724 . .. . 1, 800 10.3 19,000
K....... .... ......... .... . .. . . ...... . 655 15 15 909 14 21,000
743 I 14 ....... . ... . ....... . - ·-··· · · · ·
N,...... .......... . ....... . . . . . .. . ..... . . .. . . ······gj;i" . .. .. ii:ii° .... i;ioiJ ...... ii .. . 1,018 12 13. 7 12,000
r~.·.·.: ·.·.::·.·_
······:::::::::::::::::::: ········-······· tm rn
1· ,:005i·
~·~· · · · · · · • 9~· · · . ...·i; i49. ···-- io··· 1, 075
1, 296
14, 0()()
F......... .... ...... ..... ... 1 1,627 8 1,150 8.5 1,842 7 14, 000
M......... .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1 1, 00-~ 17 ..... ·092· 1,022 17 19,000
B;...... .. .. . ......... . . .... .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ...... .. 728 1,5. 6 689 18 19 863 18 19,000
1 1

' Twenty-first to thirty-first m inute.• inclnsive.

TABLE 5.- Comparison of the per minute respiratory volumes dµ.ring the three phases of the experiment.

Subject Subj ect

sitting. reclining. Total.
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Respiratory volume during first 10 minutes at low oxygen level less than r espiratory Yolume during reduction of
oxygen but gr eater than sea level respiratory volume. Group 1. ... ..... , ...... ... . _. __ ......... . ........ . ..... . 13 4 17
Respiratory volume during first 10 minutes a ~low oxygen level gr eater than respiratory volume during reduction
of oxygen and at sea level. Group 2 .... ... ............ ..... ...... .. ..... _. . _...... _... ... ......... .. . ... .. ..... . l 5 2 10 15
Respiratory vohune during first 10 minutes at low oxygen level less than the respiratory volume dilling r eduction
of oxygen and at sea level; r espiratory volum e during reduction of oxygen greater than that at sea level. Group 3 2 3
Respiratory volume decreased throughout the experiment .. . ... .... . ... . ... _... _ _.... ..... . ............. . ...... . 1 . . ... ........ ...... .
Cases . . ... ... ........... . • .. ... -. ... -. -..... . ...... -·· ·· ·· · · ·· · · ·· ·· · ·· · · · · · · - ··· ··· ······· · ·· · ···· ······ 1 21 15 36

1 Two of these 5 cases gave a respiratory volume less than the respiratory volume during the reduction of oxygen during the second 10 minutes
at low oxygen level.
'One of these 10 cases had exactly the same r espiratory volume during the first 10 minutes at th e low oxyg@ level and the last 10 minutes
during the oxygen reduction.
-By courtesy of American.Journal of Physiology.



By EDWARD C. ScHNECDER, formel"ly major, s ·a nitary Corps; BRENTON R. LuTZ, formerly first lieutenant, Sanitary

'.\fodern warfare has not only created a need for quick Al veolar air tensions found by observers on mountains
ascents to high altit ud e for brief periods, but has mad e it of moderate h eigh t show cha nges similar to those found in
necessary fre1uently for pilots and observers in recon- low-pressure chamber work. Haldane and Priestley(8)
naissance to remain one or two hours at 15,000 feet or report their alveolar carbon dioxid e tensio_ns taken at
higher. In the ligh t of data recently published(l ) 1 from Oxford and on Ba11 Nevis (4,406 feet) . That of J. S. H .
this laboratory it seems clear that during expos ures of a n fell from 39.6 millimetern to 37 millimeters, while that of
hour or more relatively permanent factors may relieve the J . G. P . dropped from 44.5 millimeters to 42 .4 millimeters .
more temporary means of compensation which come into This change of a little more than 2 millimeters was not
play when the ascent is made at the rate of 1,000 feet per ascribed to low p ressu re bl!t to the effects of fatigue,
minute. In connection with experimental work along since ~he subj ects walked up the mountain. \Vard(9 )
these lines there was an opportunity to determine the compared his alveolar air values at London, Zermatt
alveolar air and respiratory volume under c~nditions which (5,315 .feet) , and Monte Rosa (14,965 feet). The entire
simulated , so far as time and pressure were concerned , an ascent was mad e during a period of days, during which his
ascent in an airplane to 18,000 or 20,000 feet . Many of alveolar carbon dioxide tension fell from 37 .7 millimeters
the subj ects were maintained at these levels for periods at London, to 34.2 millimeters at Zermatt, and then to
varying between 20 and 127 minutes, during which the 28.5 mi)li.meters at the summit of Monte Rosa. Such a
alveolar air or the respiratory volt1me was fo llowed . fall means a marked i_ncrease in ventilation. Douglas,
Few observations have been made under th e conditions Haldane, Henderson , a nd Schn eider(lO) found a fall of
mentioned above. Haldane and Poulton(2) report great alveolar carbon dioxide from abo ut 40 millimeters to 27
hyperpnoea when the oxygen in the inspired air is red need millimeters. The ascent from Manitou (7 ,485 feet) to the
from 10 per cent to about 5 per cent in a few minutes. summit of Pikes Peak (14,110 feet) was-made on the rail-
When the reduction was made more slowly from about road in about an hour and a half. One subj ect, E. C. S.,
12 per cent to 9 per cent in 30 minutes, there was no showed a fall to 33.5 millimeters just after arriving; an-
noticeable hyperpnoea . The alveolar air fell to values other, Y. H. , gave 33.4 millimeters. Determinations were'
between 3.9 and 4.3 per cent. Schneider(3) reported an not made on C. G. D. and J. S. H. u ntil nearly an hour
increase in lung ventilation, beginning as soon as the after their arrival. The former gave 32.2 millimeters , the
oxygen per cent had been reduced by the rebreathing latter 31.6 millimeters. FitzGerald(ll) d etermined 1he
miithod to 16 or 14 per cent, when the rate of reduction alveolar air on persons living permanently at various alti-
was about eqnivalent to an ascent of 1,000 feet per minute. tudes up to 14,000 feet and fo und the carbon dioxide ten-
Lutz( 4) has reported that at this rate of ascent the onset sion already lowered at 700 millimeters (2,200 feet) . Has-
of increased breathing may come as early as 656 millimeters selbalch and Lindhard(l2), however, report that in steel-
(4,000 feet) in the low-pressure chamb er. chamber experiments in wh ich the barometer was lowered
Many investigators have shown that the lung ve ntilation from 756 millimeters to 541 millimeters (10,000 feet) in
is increased at low oxygen levels when the low level is three or four days, little change in rate or volume of breath-
reached after some delay . Loewy(5} reported that the ing occurred. Mosso(l3) did not find a ny clear cut in-
volume of air breathed began to increase at a reduction of crease in ventilation at high altit ud es .
pressure to 580 millimeters (7,000 feet). Loewy and It can not be doubted that there is a lowering of the
Zuntz(6) found a 4 per cent increase in ventilation when alveolar oxygen and c_arhon dioxide tensions at reduced
the pressure was reduced to 448 millimeters (13,800 feet) . atmospheric pressures. A lowering of the carbon dioxide
Boycott and H aldane(7) found that when the atmospheric tension, other things being equal , signifies increased ven-
pressure was diminished, the alveolar carbon dioxid e re- tilation. However, the changes in the alveolar air and
mained constant until the air pressure fell to 550 milli- ventilation wh"ich QC<::ur when the individual is subjected
meters (14 per cent oxygen at 760 millimeters), or until to conditions comparable, so far as pressure is concerned ,
the alveolar oxygen tension was lowered to about 62 to rapid airplane ascents and reconnaissance have not
millimeters. At lower air pressures the carbon dioxide been clearly described.
tension fell with increasing rapidity. In th ese exposures METHOD.
the reduction of the barometric pressure to 350 millimeters
Low oxygen tension was produced by t'wo methods:
covered a period of two hours or longer.
First by reducing the barometric press ure i n a low-
' Number in parenthesis refers to the bibliography a t t he end or the pressure chamb er, and second by the rebreathing method
article. in which the subject gradually reduces the oxygen in a
grven volume of air, the carbon dioxide being removed by millimeters, 6/i(i millimeters, 560 millimeters, 480 milli- hydroxide. The majority of the experiments re- meters, 410 millimeters, and 352 millimeters, or sea level,
ported in this paper were conducted "in the low-pressure 4,000 feet, 8,000 feet, 12,000 feet, 16,000 feet, and 20,000
chamber. A number were made with the rebreather for feet, respectively. The alveolar air tensions are given in
comparison. Table L The average figures shown at the bottm,n of the
The construction of the chamber is described else- rable are shown graphically in Figure 1. The average
where(l4). While reduction was going on or while a re-
duced pressure was being held, sufficient ventilation could
be maintained to prevent an · accumulation of carbon di-
oxide or oxygen in the respired air. The rate of reduction
was uniform and equivalent to an ascent of 1,000 feet per
Alveolar air samples were taken in the following manner:
After a period of normal breathing ending with an expira- f'
tion, a quick forced expiration was made into a Henderson g
alveolar air sampling tube(l5). This is esBentially a modi-
fication of the Haldane-Priestley method of taking an
expiratory sample, since the last 75 cubic centimete:r:a of fl.

the forced expiration remain in the tubes. Samples for

analysis were drawn directly into a Henderson-Orsat
analyzer(l6), in which a 1 per cent solution of sulphuric
acid in 56 per cent ethyl alcohol was substituted for the
1 per cent acidified water ordinarily used. It was found
that such a solution hastened drainage and prevented '" /
~% ('Pz
droplets from standing on the inside of the gas burette, /
thereby increasing the accuracy as well as the rapidity /
with which an analysis could be roade. Although the /
method used-for taking air samples probably gives slightly
higher oxygen and carbon dioxide than more elaborate
indirect methods (17), it is pointed out by Pearce (18, 19)
41 7
that the Haldane-Priestley method is less likely to give
high results for the carbon dioxide than for tlie oxygen.
Certain practical considerations influenced the choice of
alveolar air sampling. First, the samples had to be taken
quickly while· the pressure was being reduced; second, a
technique requiring. the measurement of air volumes by
5 15 zo
ordinary spirometers is subject to error in low-pressure
chamber work when the pressure is being changed. The 71,4
~o '18D '"
:ZD'-----,.-L----.,___, _ __ . _ - . . - - - ~
, ~ ·-110 ssz
volume of breathing was determined by two methods. Fro. 1.-Average alveolar air changes in 24 men taken to 352 mm.
(~,000 feet) in a low pressure chamber at a ratil equivalent to 1,000. feet
UsUll.lly a record of the volume breathed per
a minute.
minute was obtained. In the first method the subject
wore a part ot'an American Tissot gas mask and inspire·d alveolar oxygen tension. at sea level was 103 millimeters,
through an American light meter No. 5. This meter had and for 352 millimetei;s it was 34,8 millimeters, thus
a resi.s tance of 3 inches of water to a 20 meter per minute showing a· fall of about 68 millimeters, or 66 per cent.
flow. Coi;,.trols, made at sea level for periods up to 111 The maximum fall wall from 107 millimeters to 27 .8
minutes, showed no effects either on the volume per millimeters, or 79.2 millimeters (74 per cent). The
minute or the rate. In the second method a spirometer minimum change was from 87.8 millimeters to 32.9 milli-
devised by Larsen(20) was used_. In this apparatus the meters, or 54.9 millimeters (63 per cent). The average
resistance is negiigible. I_t consists of a- calibrated I' alveolar carbon dioxide tension for 760 millimeters was
spirometer from which the subject inspires through a 39.6 millimeters, and for 352 millimeters it was 30 milli-
mouthpiece, a clip being placed on the nose. Each meters, thus showing a fall of 9.6 millimeters, or 24 per
expiration operates an electric valve which opens the cent. The maximum fall was from 44.8 millimeters to
spirometer to the low-pressure chambj'lr during the ex- 26 millimeters, or 18.8 millimeters (42 per cent). The
.piration and thus prevents a difference in air pressure minimum change was from 39.5 millimeters to 35.6 _milli-
inside and outside of the spirometer, which would make meters, or 3.9 millimeters (10 per cent).
the readings valueless. These dat.a. show a fall in both oxygen and carb.o n dioxide
tensions present at 656 millimeters (4,000 feet). The fall
in carbon dioxide tension was a little more than 2 milli-
meters at thie pressure, which corresponds to the drop of
In 24 cases in which the subjects were taken to 352 a little more tha,n 2 millimeters in the alveolar carbon
millimeters (20,000 feet) at a rate equival~nt to 1,000 feet dioxide determinations of Haldane and Priestley(8) taken
per minute the alveolar tensions were determined for 760 at Oxford and on Ben Nevis (4,406 feet), and which
they did not to low oxygen. The lowered carbon Igraphically in Figu~e _3. In these cases ~be barometer
dioxide indicates that an increase in lung ventilation had was lowered to 428 millimeters (15,000 feet) m 15 minutes,
already begun at this low altitude, although it is difficult held at that level for 5 minutes, then increased to 700
to determine this slight in.crease b y measuring the volume millimeters (2,200 feet) at the same rate and h eld at this
of air breathed per minute, as will be seen from data pre- new level for 5 minutes, when the ascent was resumed.
sented later in this paper. This early response to low The reduction of pressure was repeated three times in
oxygen, which has been quickly produced , is interestino- succession. The fact that the carbon dioxide tension
when it is compared with FitzGerald 's work(ll), which changed so readily with the pressure ind icates that there
shows a fall in alveolar carbon dioxide present in men was little permanent disturbance in the carbon dioxide
living permanently at 700 millimeters (2 ,200 feet). level, although it should be noted that the carbon dioxide
Individual curves show the early fall in alveolar carbon tension did not entirely return to the starting level each
dioxide tension just as strikingly as the average curves. time that 700 millimeters was reached.
J. B. D. (Fig. 2) was taken to 352 millimeters on two
"'" N9,
100 In six ;men the alveolar air t ensions in the low-pressure
chamber and in the rebreathing m ethod were compared.
The subjects were first taken on the rebreath er. Alveola1
fP air samples were taken by means of a special three-way
mouthpiece, about every four minutes during the run ,
with a final sample just as the experiment was stopped.
,, From the percentage of oxygen reached the corresponding
barometer was computed and later the subjects were taken
in the low-pressure chamber to th e calculated barometric
pressure at a rate corresponding exactly to the reduction
of oxygen t ension b y the rebreathing m ethod. Alveolar

air samples were again taken at corresponding times.
The data presented in Table III and the case of R. M. B .
in Figure 4 show that the two methods of producing low
'\ oxygen partial pressure are essentially th e same so far as
the effects on alveolar tension are concerned. In one case
the alveolar air tensions were d etermined in a man taken
to 10 p er cent oxygen in 20 minutes b y th P, Dreyer nitrogen
,. ::., dilution method(21). In this case the oxygen tension
fell from 102.5 millimeters to 32.8 millimeters, and the
carbon dioxide pressure from 38.7 millimeters to 33.3
millimeters. Both of these methods emphasize that baro-
('4~ 11/21/111 metric pressure in itself is not a causative factor in the
'('o_.. 8/1'4/III
responses to low oxygen t ension except as a means of
producing low oxygen t ension.
Fm. 2.-Alveolar air tensions of J .B. D. taken to 352 =· (20,000 feet)
in a Jow pressure chamber. Dotted lines on 8/14/18 at a rate of 1,000 feet
a minute. Solid lines on 8/21/18 at a rate of 500 feet a minute. The carbon OXYGEN PRESSURE.
dioxide tension of 8/14/18 is plotted l= · lower than the actual value.
The alveolar air t ensions immediately on ascending to
different days a week apart. On the first day the pres- 428 or 380 millimeters (15,000 or 18,000 feet) indicate that
sure was reduced at a rate equivalent to 1,000 feet p er an increasi) in ventilation has occurred. There is no doubt
n:.inute, and the reduction was made in 20 minutes. that if men stayed long enough at these altitudes they
Alveolar air samples were taken every fo ur minutes. On I would become mountain sick. But they may tolerate
the second day the pressure was reduced half as fast and these altitude for one or two hours and feel lit tle or no
samples were taken every five minutes. On the ·first day ill effect after the flight. The course of th e alveolar
the oxygen fell from 105.5 millime_ters to 37 millimeters, tensions during p eriods of low oxygen level of from 30 to
68.5 millimeters, or 65 per cent. The carbon dioxide fell 120 minutes was followed in the low-pressure chamber in
from 42 millimeters to 28.2 millimeters, 13.8 millimeters, 14 cases, by taking alveolar samples every 5 or 10 minutes .
or 32.9 per cent. On the second day the fall i:::J. oxygen In five subjects taken to 428 millimeters (15,000 fee t) in
was 67 .5 per cent, and in carbon dioxide it was 32.7 per 15 minutes and maintained at that pressure for periods
,cent. On both days a definite fall in carbon dioxide varying from 30 to 90 'minutes, four showed a fall in carbon
tension (2 to 2.5 millimeters) was present at 656 milli- dioxid e t ension during the ascent present at 560 milli-
meters (4,000 feet). That both th e alveolar oxygen and m~ters (8,000feet ). This fall varied from 1.6 millimeters
carbon dioxide tensions are quickly lowered and quickly to 4.3 millimeters and averaged 3.1 millimeters. All
returned with rapid reduction, brief exposure, and rapid showed a drop in carb on dioxide tension which averaged
increase of barometric pressure is shown in four experi- 6.7 millimeters (7.3 per cent) after having been at 428
ments ill Table II, the first of which, E . L. B. , is seen mi1lin,eters for five minutes. The average alveolar oxygen




<14-6 ,- - \
,- -~
49 I
I \

Sto I \
I \

Jo I
t.1 I
I \
1.,1,, ~ 1
{,j I

701> I I i
.._ - _J .J

30 I l,.. -
ALY[OLA~ co._ Tf:I\SlbK
1-10 ,,

,,o 10 l'o .t.o 'f~ 40 g11> liio 70 o 10 111>0 11

• ,c
Fm. 3.- Alveolar air tensions of E. L. B., 5/14/18, taken three times to 428 mm. (15,000 feet) at a rate of 1,000 feet a minute.
tension had fallen from 100.4 millimeters to 41.5 milli- the subjects had b een at :~80 millimeters for lO minutes.
meters at this time, an average drop of 58. 9 millimeterE, The average figure had fallen to 34.9 millimeters 20 to 30
or 58.6 per cent. In four cases the oxygen tension main- minutes later. The average carbo n dioxid e tensio n at
tained its low level as the experiment proceeded. In 760 millimeters was 38.7 millimeters. It fell to 30.4
these cases the carbon dioxide tension maintained its . millimeters. 8.3 millimeters or 21.4 per cent, shortl y after
new level with little variation. In one case, vV. 0. K ., ' the subjects had reached 380. millimeters. but before 10
which lasted 90 minutes, there was a d efinite rise in oxygen mi.mites at that altitude. Twenty to th irty minutes later
tension during the last 40 minutes, and the carbon dioxide the average figure had risen to 31. The more profound
tension fell to 24..4 millimeters toward the encl . It was the effects of 380 millimeters over 428 millimeters are shown
evident from these experimen ts that these men tolerated in the percentage of d ecrease in the alveolar ai r pressures.
428 millimet3rs with little discomfort , since the respira- For the ox ygen it was- 58.6 per cent and 65 per cent for
tion increas ed moderately and maintained its new level. 428 millimeters and 380 millimeters, respectively. As
That the men at 428 millimeters were not under stress might be expected the ~ore striking effect is shown in
is shown also by the normal alveolar a ir taken within 20 the carbon dioxide. The percentage d ecrease was 17 .3 and
minutes after 760 millimeters had been reached. The 21.4 for 428 millimeters and 380 mi.llimetei:s, respectively.
carbon dioxide tension of w. o. K. returned only to 34.6 The alveolar carbon dioxide pressures showed tliree
millimeters while the others showed a complete recovery general t ypes of curves during these experiments. In
to the former t ension. one case it fe ll and continued to fall- B. M. L. In two
Nine men were taken to 380 millimet ers (18,000 feet) cases it fell and maintained. its low level- R. S. S., and
and maintained at that level for from 50 to 120 minutes. A. W. L. In six cases i"t fell markedly, then rose for a
At this altitude m ore profound changes than those shown time and ei ther maintained this later level or fell toward
at 15,000 feet were expec ted. The c~ta obtained from the end-N . E . F .. Figure 5. The majority of cases there-
this series are presented in Table I V. Since alveolar ai r fore showed a period of low carbon dioxid e tension just
samples were usually taken every fiv e minutes at the afte1, the altitude was reached , followed b y a more or less
desired level , the figures present ed represent, for the permanent rise. In two of the six cases the low point
was coincident with the arrival at 380 millimeters. This is
inte,preted to mean that the ventilation increases with the
ascen t and shows i.ts maximum value shortly after the
ascen t is reached. Follo,ving this period there is a ten-
d ency toward more quiet breathing. This point will be
discussed later in this paper when the data on the volume
of breathing are presented .
The after effects of exposures to a constant low oxygen
level are shown in the sea-level alveolar airs which were
taken just after the subject reached 760 millimeters again;
8 that is. about 20 minutee after his exposure to 380 milli-
met ers. In only four cases did it return to i ts previous
average normal of 38.7 millimeters, the average normal
after th e experiment being 34.5 millimeters. This is
shown particularly well in H . M.. T. a nd B. R. L. in Table
V. Both of these men respond ed by deep breathing and
maintained an alveolar oxygen tension from 7 to 15 milli-
meters higher than the average. The slow return of the
carbon dioxide tension was pointed out by Boycott and
Haldane(7), by Schneider(22), and by Douglas, Haldane ,
H enderson , and Schne.ider(lO). Sclmeicler followed the
carbon dioxid e t ension of H. H. R . who had lived on.Pike's
P eak for about six ~onths. The level did not return to
,. normal for nearly one month and a half and was accom-
panied by a change in the composition of the ·blood.
Alveolar air d eterminations during th e reduction of
/7!E.~._'.:O.- -Z
~ -.,~ -".__/l.__,.._"_ _./z_- -/.L+- -,."".- -/.L/J--Z.L0 - - pressure at a rate equivalent to 1,000 feet per minute
4U_. 7UC Mf"f t,(. Z f ufl- <' 6 t.
indicate that an increase in ventilation takes place early
Fw. 4.-Alveolar air tensions of R. M. B. , 4/18/18, taken on the re- and becomes most marked just after the sub jects reach
breather to 10.3 per cent oxygen ( dotted line). 4/19/18, taken to 365 mm.
in the low pressure chamber at the same rate.
428 or 380 millimeters. The volume per minu te of breath-
ing was therefore investigated. The per-tninu te volume o[
most part, the average of two samples taken during the breathing was measured with a Larsen spirometer in men
period indicated in the table. The average oxygen ten- reduced to pressures of 395 millimeters, 380 millimeters, 365
sion at 760 ,millimeters was 104 milli meters. It fell t0 millimeters (17,000 , 18,000, and 19,000 feet, respecti vely).
36.4 millimeters, 67 .6 millimeters or 65 per cent, b efore The data are shown in Table V. The su bjects all showed

8A40/IIJ!.TE~ ~811 /If.It .

,,,, 1 I
~" II
Z# ' I
T//,/1!! " N 2JJ ~q
.,." 511 e" 7'
FIG. 5.-Alveolar tensions of N. E. F., 6/7/18, taken to 380 mm. (18,000 feet ) in 18 minutes and maintained at that level. Note the
low carbon dioxide tension just after the low harometr.ic pressure was attained.

a considerable increase in breathing, varying · between to begin in some cases as early as 16 per cent oxygen, cor-
1.8 and 9.3 liters, or 34 and H>3 per cent. The average responding to about 7,000 feet or 580 mill!meters and by
amount breathed per minute at 760 millimeters was 7.49 Ellis/23) before 17.5 per cent oxygen was reached .
liters. Just as soon as the reduction started the average Schneider(3) found in the rebreathing test that the rate
figure went to 7.94 liters, due nq doubt to anxiety of some remained unchanged for many men, but the majority
of the subjects. By the third minute it had fallen to increased the rate by two to four breaths per minute.
7.61 liters. The readings thereafter showed a progressive The depth of breathing he found increased from 20 to 128
increase ,until at the nineteenth minute the average per cent when at 8.5 to 6 per cent oxygen.
figure was 11.59 liters, an increase of 54. 7 per cent. It will
be seen both from the average figures and from the individual THE RESPIRATORY VOLUME DURING MAIN-
cases that the onset of increased breathing started usually TAINED LOW BAROMETRIC PRESSURE.
between the fourth and sixth minutes, or between. 656 In the majority of alveolar air determinations the lowest
and 605 millimeters; that is, 4,000 and 6,000 feet. This carbon dioxide figure was found shortly after the reduced
confirms the alveolar air findings reported above. The barometric pressure was attained. Thereafter, the carbon
onset of increased breathing due to low oxygen produced dioxide level either rose slowly or was maintained. Exper-
by the rebreathing meth-0d was reported by Schneider(3) iments in which the volume per minute of breathing was

~ -:,,
,!180 ,_._,.._ :8J#ROMl!TE1<

f' ·"I ',.. ..>P.J'.8. V~LVM!!.

8- ~
1 ,, (8

W. #. G. WI. VM£.
/.5 ~/, ; '• I. M. Yl)tVM£
6 1.,1
,~ <
.....1,/,.' .
4 4&/
3 'io

z 8

,: t / .\I.. "''
- - -........P...r.
B ~17.e
'. . .... JZAre

's •·, .....

J ,.- II

Fm. 6.-The respiratory_per-minute volume of four cases in liters, taken to 380 mm. (18,000 feet) in 18 µtinutes and maintained at that level.
Note the decrease in ventilation after the maximum is reached. This corresponds to the alveolar CO 2 tensions under similar conditions shown
in Fig. 5.

measured during a reduction of pressure to 380 millimeters by a Fitz pneumograph and the average amplitude times
at the usual rate and during the following 48 to 84 minutes the rate per minute was taken as a figure to indicate the
of the maintained low barometric pressure are tabulated in per-minute ventilation. I. M. increased from 90 to .252
Table VI. Control experiments at 760 millimeters, using at the seventeenth minute and then fell to 154 at the
the mask and meter, are also shown. The figures given are ninetieth minute. This is a picture similar to that of
the three-minute averages in liters. All of the 11 subjects I. M. in Table VI and Figure 6. C. L. S. in a similar
showed an increase in lung ventilation, usually most experiment went from 192 to 360 at the seventeenth
marked within 10 minutes after 380 millimeters was minute and then fell to 128 at the. ninety-fifth minute.
reached. Seven showed a reduction of ventilation there- The rate of breathing was reported in seven cases during
after, continuing until the end of the experiment. Two the reduction of pressure and the holding period in the
showed a reduction followed by a terminal rise, which in low-pressure chamber. In four cases it fell from two to
the case of A. F. H. 2 was very marked. Two cases showed five breaths per minute as the experiment proceeded.
a very slow rise, which tended to be maintained until the The rates of W. H . G. and P . S. B. are plotted in Figure 6.
end . The usual type of response is shown in Figure 6, One showed no change in rate . Two showed an increase,
in which the cases of I. M., W. H. G., P . S. B., and E . A. R. one, N. E. B., from 13 per minute to 15 at 380 millimeters
are plotted. In three subjects taken to 380 millimeters at and then to 19 at the eighty-second minute, when the low
the same rate and held from 59 to 81 minutes the Larsen _pressure was maintained . The other, A. F. H., showed
spirometer was used. Two showed this type of response no increase until the fifty-eighth minute, when the rate
and in one the increase in respiration continued until the per minute .started to rise from 17 to 38 at the seventy-
end. seventh minute. The per-minute volume of breathing
The typical response seen in 9 cases out of 14 in which increased markedly, as will be seen in Table VI.
the volume of breathing was measured corresponds to The tidal air has never been observed to decrease in
that observed in 6 of the 9 cases in which the alveolar air the low-pressure _chamber. The majority of subjects
te)lSions were followed under similar conditions . In one responded to .the low oxygen exposures by deep, slow
case the subject was taken to 12.5 per cent oxygen in 17 breathing, although frequently Cheyne-Stokes breathing
minutes by the rebreatbing method and held at that has been observed.
level for 68 minut~s. The response was similar to the DISCUSSION.
typical low-pressure chamber experiment. His per- The relation of respiration to low oxygen tension pre-
-minute ventilation increased from 8.3 liters to 10.4 liters sented in this paper is, in a general way, in acc_ord with
at the fourteenth minute. It held a level at about 9.2 most of the literature. The early response to decreased
liters· from that time until the fortieth minute, when it oxygen tension and the tendency of the breathing to
gradually fell to 8.4 liters at the eighty-fourth-minute. return toward the normal during maintained low oxygen,
Several subjects taken to 10 per cent oxygen in from 17 which we find under the conditions of our experiments,
to 20 minutes by the Dreyer method showed similar may appear at first sight to be contrary to the views
responses. In these cases the ventilation was indicated which have been presented by Haldane and othera
Haldane and Smith(24) in 1903 found ·marked hyper- the preliminary increase with the reduction of pressure,
pnoea when the oxygen was reduced to 12-per cent, the takes place during exposures of from 30 to 120 minutes.
carbon dioxide being removed. They write "the fact rather than during expos\ll"es of from 6 to 10 minutes.
that any hyperpnoea sbould have been caused by a reduc- We do not believe it to be a sign of failing respiratory
tion of oxygen to 12 per cent may seem at first sight to be center, but an indication of improvrm\mt in conditions as
hardly consistent with our former conclusions that hyper- will be pointed out in another paper.
pnoea caused by vitiated air is entirely due to carbon
dioxid e.1' They explain that in the former carbon
dioxide and low oxygen experiments the increased supply 1. Twenty-four men were- taken to 352 mi-llimeter
of oxygen brought about by the crabon dioXlide h yper- pressure in a low-pres3ure chamber at a rate equivalent to
pnoea prevented an extra hyperpnoea due to want of an ascent of J,000 feet per minute. In these cases the
oxygen from developing. Haldane and Poulton(2) in average alveolar oxygen tension fell 66 per cent, and the
1908 report experiments in which the subjects reduced alveolar carbon dioxide fell 24 per cent.
25 liters of air from 9 or 10 per cent oxygen to 4 or 5 per 2. The average carbon dioxide tension was definitely
cent in less than 10 minutes. They found marked hyper~ lowered at 656 millimeters (4,000 feet) which indicates
pnoea which they believed was not due to the direct that the onset of increased breathing had occurred.
effect of oxygen want but to lowering of the threshold of 3. Alveolar ten~ions taken during a reduction of pres-
the respiratory center to carbon dioxide which has not sure to 380 millimeters (18,000 feet) at the usual rate, and
had time to escape. In their experiments, how13ver, the during the subseq uent 30 to 120 minutes while the low
alveolar carbon dioxide fell to between 3.2 and 4 per pressure level was maintained, showed that after the
cent. In another group of experiments the oxygen per preliminary fall in carbon dioxide tension there was a
cent in the inspired air was reduced to about 9 per cent tendency for this tension to rise for a time although it
in from 15 to 23 minutes. In these " no noticeable hyper- remained low during the holding period. After 760
pnoeal' is reported, although the alveolar carbon dioxide millimeters had been reached again, within 20 minutes,
fell to between 3.9 and 4.3 per cent, which indicates that the carbon dioxide had not recovered its former level in
a considerable increase in ventilation must have occurred. the majority of cases.
Haldane, Meakins, and Priestley(25) in 1919 conclude 4. The lowest carbon dioxide tensions occurred about
from exposure to low oxygen of about 10 per cent, lasting five minures after 380 millimeters was reached, when the
about six minutes, that the first result of diminution in reduction was equivalent to an ascent of 1,000 feet per
the percentage of oxygen is an increase in the depth of minute. In some cases this latent period did not occur
respiration owing to a lowering of the threshold exciting and the maximum breathi:ug was coincident with the
value of carbon dioxide . This is followed by a period arrival at 380 millimeters.
of periodic breathing due to the much quicker action of 5. Tensions taken while the pressure was maintained at
want of oxygen as compared with that of increase of 428 millimeters (15,000 feet) did not show the same pro-
carbon dioxide. Further reduction of the oxygen per- found effects. The carbon dioxide tension did not fall so
centage showed the periodicity replaced by very rapid far and maintained a level.
shallow breathing . They write "Want of oxygen in the 6. Both oxygen and carbon dioxide alveolar tensions
inspired air causes shallow breathing which in turn in- responded quickly to rapid successive reductions of baro-
tensifies the anoxhemia. -!' The point of view taken by metric to 428 millimeters.
these authors 'is that after the first period during which 7. The per-minute volume of breathing was determined
the threshold is lowered to carbon dioxid e, oxygen want for each minute during a reduction of pressure at the usual
acts as a paralyzing agent on the respiratory center: rate to 395, 380, and 365 millimeters. The ma,jority of
We believe that one is not justified in drawing too gen- cases showed a definite increase in ventilation taking place
eral conclusions regarding the effects of oxygen want betweeii. 656 and 605 millimeters(4,000 and 6,000 feet).
from experiments of extreme degree and short duration . This final iJicrease amounted to an average of 54.7 per cent.
We shall show in a later paper the quick respiratory and Individual cases varied from 43 to 103 per cent increase.
circ ulatory responses to the breathing of pure nitrogen. 8. The per-minute volunie of breathing was determined
At the other extreme in the well-known ascent of the during a reduction of pressure to 380 millimeters at the
Duke of the Abruzzi in_the· Himalayas to 24,580 feet. In usual rate, and during a period of fro!h 48 to 84 minutes
quick extreme anoxhemia respiratory and circulatory while the low level was maintained. In 9 out of 14 cases
factors respond quickly and to their greatest capacity. the maximum ventilation occurred within 10 minutes after
If the exposure to low oxygen is slow and long continued 380 millimeters was reached. Following this period there
was a distinct falling off in the per-minute volume. These
other factors have time to..assist in the compensation. We
cases correspond to the 6 cases out of 9 in which the alveolar
feel, therefore, that the rate of exposure as well as the
carbon dioxide showed a rise after the preliminary fall .
degree is an important condition when considering the 9. The decrease in the per-minute volume of breathing
effects of oxygen want. The lack of recognition of this after the first maximum value, as 380 millimeters was
fact brings about confusion. We have never seen a case reached, was also found in cases in which the low oxygen
of shallow breathing and only two cases of increased rate tension was produced by the rebreathing method and by
under the conditions of our experiments. They are, the Dreyer nitrogen dilution method.
however, quite different from those of Haldane, Meakins 10. The partial return of the respiration toward the nor-
and Priestley. The decrease in the respiratory per mal is believed to indicate a temporary improvement in
minute volume which occurs in our experiments after condition.
11. Alveolar air tensions taken during a reduction of the 11 . FITZGERALD: Philosophical Trans ., Royal Society of
oxygen partial pressure by the rebl'eathing method or the London, 1913, B, CCIII, p. 319. •
nitrogen dilution method corresponded to those taken 12. HASSELBALCH and LINDHARD : Biochemisch e Zeit-
schrift, 1915, LXVIII, p. 265.
under reduced barometric pressure. 13. Mosso: Life of Man on the High Alps, London, 1898, l.
War Department, Air Service, 1918, l?· 212 .
15. HENDERSON and MORRISS: Journal of Biological Chem-
1. GREGG, LuTz, and SCHNEIDER: American Journal of istry, 1917, XXXI, p. 217.
Physiology. 16. HENDERSON: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1918,
2. HALDANE and POULTON: Journal of Physiology, 1908, XXXIII, p . 31.
XXXVII, p . 390 . 17 . PEARCE: American Journal of Physiology, 1917,
3. SCHNEIDER: Journal of the American Medical Associa- XLIII, p. 73.
t ion, 1918, LXXI, pp. 1382-1400. 18. PEARCE: American Journal of Physiology, 1917,
4. LuTZ: Proceedings of the American Physiological XLIV, p. 369 .
Society, April, 1919, p. 119. 19. PEARCE: American Journal of Physiology, 1917,
5. LoEwY : Untersuchungen uber die R espiration u . s. w., XLIV, p . 391.
1-915, Berlin . 20. LARSEN: American Journal of Physiology.
6. LoEwY, LoEWY and ZuNTS: Pfluger's Archives, 1897, 21. DREYER: R eports of the Air Medical Investigation
vol. 66. Committee, England, .1918, No. 2, p. 8.
7: BOYCOTT and HALDANE : Journal of Physiology : 1908, 22. SOHN.EIDER: American Journal of Physiology, 1913 ,
XXXVII, p. 355. XXXII, p. 295 .
8. HALDANE and°PRIESTLEY: Journal of Physiology, 1905, 23. ELLIS: Proceedings of the American Physiological
XXXII, p . 225 . Society, April, 1919, p. 119.
9. WARD: Journal of Physiology, 1908, .XXXVII, p. 378 . 24. HALDANE and SMITH: Journal of Pathology and Bac-
10. DOUGLAS, HALDANE, HENDERSON, and SCHNEIDER: teriology, 1893, I, p . 168.
Philosophical Trans., Royal Society of London, 25. HALDANE, M"EAKINS, and PRIESTLEY : Journal of
1913, B, CCIII, p . 271 . Physi-0logy, 1919, LII , p. 420.
TABLE I.~ Alveolar air tensions in men during reduction of pressure to 352 mm. (20,000 feet) at a rate equivalent to 1,000 jut
per minute.

760 mm. 6.56mm. 560 mm. 430 mm. 410 mm. 352 mm.

o, co, O, I CO, o, CO, o, co, O, co, o, co,

1..... . . .. . . . . . . . . . 109.1 40. 3 87.1 i 37. 7 68. 2 36. 4 60. 2 31. 7 43. 6 34 . •5 39. 9 28. 0

!~J ~j :::)t \:::··;:_.:. :··:if :::::iii ~j HJ ···::::~: : : <It ~u \ ~t

l)\\\\\))) :~:i ~J · ··1r · · ·1r1·- ··~1 ·····1rr :.::·iii : : ·:~ii~ ~n f&J ··-··in · ··--~J
6...... . .. . . ..... .. 99.1 36.2 ····· · ···· . . .. . ..... 64: 6 32.3 49. 3 31.3 40.7 27.9 .... . ~ :·~· · ·- - --~~:.;
7 . ... . ....... ... ... 97.0 1 41.6 81.6 I 37. 7 69.3 36.2 ........ .. ..... . . ... 43. 6 27.7 35.l ! 24.7

1 1 I 1

12............. . . . . .
13. __ . ..... ..... • ...
14 ...... . . . . . •. • ....
103. 4
98. 5
109. 9
39. 5
38. 4
92 5
86. 4
32 5 .. ...... .. \..... . . . .
45. l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
37 • l
62 . 6
72 9
41. 2
35 8
I 56 8
48 9
54. l
38. o
35. l
50. l
43. 2
42. s
28. 6
33~· 66 j
36. 3
33~. ·. 26
29. 3
3393 . 84
15 ....... .. . .. . ..... 104.1 41.3 83 4 38.9 70. 3 35.6 1 57. 6 359 45.0 34. l 34. 8 32.2
16.. . . ........ . .. ... 94. 2 40. 5 71 8 37. 9 58 5 35 l .. ...... .......... 36. 6 32: 2 ................... .

lL:::::::::::::::: m:~ iH :::::

20.. . ...... . ....... . 104.9
~:~: :::::~~: ~:
37. 4 .. ..... .. . . . .. . . . ..
··~rr ·····~nl ···gg:~ ·tr .....:i:~- .....~:
71.4 32.9 57.l
29.0 48.6 1 28.l
. .:::.;.......:;:.:
36.6 28. 0
21..... .. . . .. . . ... . . 93. 5 44. 0 79. 7 42. 2 66. 7 36. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. 3 32. 3
22 ...... . .. .. .. . .. .. 107. 0 39.6 91.4 33.4 71. 8 33.f 52.4 33.2 43.9 27.9 33. 9 28.~
24.. ...... . . .... .... 107.-8
104.9 _ 38.7
39. 5 · ·· · ······
80. 4 ·· · ···35.
· · 8·· ··········1··········
62.l 52.4 .......
37. 6 .......... 33.2
... 41. 84 I
41. 32. 4 ,_
29.2 38. l
33.2 30.4

Average . ..... . . 103.2 1 39.7 1 83.71 37. 0 66.0 36. 2 1 53.3 1 33.6 1 42.6 1 31.3 1 34.8 30.0

TABLE !!.-Alveolar air tensions- Repeated rapid reductions in pressure in the low-pressure chamber.

Time , minute s.

I 8
I 20
35 40 48
88 95 100 108 115

Barometer, mm. H_g.

I 428
"" I ~•m -'"
- - - - - --- --
I '"' -,oo-
556 428
~ 1 572
700 700 556
- - - - - - -------
42s ' 585 , 760

E . L . B. 5/14/18: I
02 tension ... _._. ----- 102. 0 ~7 U6 UI B6 ~O B5 61. 0 44.8 43.8 61.9 81. l 88.5 62.0 41. 7 39. ~ 6~.5 1 100.0
CO, tension ... ....... .. 40.3 ~ 4 ~6 ~9 ~2 •5 •B 35. 2 31. 0 32. 0 35.6 36. 1 37. l 34. 7 33 . 8 32. o 3o. 4 37. 4
C,N. 5/14/18:
O, tension . . ...... 104.4 60. 7 39. 7 41. 0 52. 0 90.5 87 . 0 62 ..0 42. 5 36-. 8 70. 0 84. 5 -·-· ·· 73.0 41.3 35.3 65. 2 98. 4
CO,. tension ....... ::: : 41. 7 39. 7 40. 3 37.4 44. 2 43 . 5 43. 5 42.3 38.2 39.4 39. 8 43.5 ---· ·· 39.9 37. 0 40. 5 42.0 41. 2
I. M. 5/13/18:
0, tension .. . ... .... . . . 106. 0 1 69. 5 . 49. 2 52.5 75. 5 93.0 99.0 ·- -·-- 44.4 48. 3 70. 7 99.·5 91. 7 70.G 46. 9 48. 0 65. 5 95.0
CO, tension. : . ..... _... 41.0 34.8 31.1 27. 3 32.1 I 34. 8 33.2 ...... 33. 8 29.6 32. 2 35. 2 37.3 35. 3 32.2 28. 7 33. 5 40. 5
TABLE IL-Alveolar air tensions-Repeated rapid reductions in pressure in the low-pressure chamber-Continued.
Time , minutes.
0 10 15 21 28 35 40 48 55 65 85 93 I 102

Barometer mm. Hg.

760 510 425 430 595 700 I 700 540 425

425 425 570 760

A.F. H. 5/21,18:
O, tension .. .. . . .. . .. .... .... .. . )06. 4 59.3 47.0 43.1 65.2 86.4 91. 0 58.5 41. 2 38.6 37. 5 58. 2 93.5
CO 2 tension ... . ... . . . . .. ... . . . . 38.9 31. 2 30.6 31. 7 35.2 35.2 34. 8 33.8 31. 6 30.1 27. 9 34.3 36. 7

· Rebreath~r. Low-pressure chamber.

Name. I Alveolar air. Per Finai Alveolar air. Per Final Ot

Date. cent per Date. cent ba.- partial
1· de- cent de- rome,. pres-
760 j Final. crease. 02. 760 Final. crease. ter. sure.

I. M ............... . .. . ............. 4/10/18 o, .... 100.2 41.8 58. 1 9. 7 4/17/18 02 .... 103.2 37.1 64.0 350 73.5
co, ... 38.8 32.6 16.0 CO, ... 40.0 30.4 24.0 ....... . ........
W.O.K'. ..... . . ... . .... . .......... 4/22/18 o, .... 97.5 36. 1 63.0 9. 0 4/27/18 o, ... . 104.5 32.4 69.0 325 68.0
co,. ,. 43.1 34. 5 19.9 co, ... 39.5 30.3 29.0 ---- --------
···- 368
H.F.P . ..•.... . .......... . ...... . . 4/20/18 0, .... l.02. 3 38. 6 62.1 9. 8 4/30/18 0, .... 107.5 37.9 64.8 74.~
co, ... . 40.4 32.3 20.1 co, ... 38.8 30.2 22.2 ------- - --------
S. M. J. . • . ..... .. . ....•. ... . ... . ... 4/30/18 j)7.5 0, ....
o, . ....
24. 8
9.0 5/ 1/18
CO, ...
26. 7
325 68.0
........ --------
R.M.B ............................ 4/18/18
CO, ...
0, . . ..
39.4 8.4
10.3 4/19/18
o, ....
39. 7
····a65· ·· ··1i;:5
E.L.B . . . ......................... 5/14/18 105.0 34.3 67.4 10.3 5/15/18 102.0 34.6 66.0
co, ... [ 38.3 3!;.2 8.1 co, ... 40.3 32.6 19.1 ······· · ······· -

TABLE IV.-Alveolar air tensions in the low-pressure chamber.-Subjects taken to 18,000jeet (380 mm.) in 181r1-inutes and
held at that level.
I 540
I 380
I 380
I 380
I 380
I 380'
I 380
I 380
I 380
I 380
I 540
I 760

0 8-10 18 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 I
N. E.F. 6/7/18. 0, ............... 106.6 65. 2 41.5. 39.4 37.0 35.2 33.6 34.1 32. 3 38.1 50.1 ... . ... .
co, .... ... ... ..
... .. ... ····w:o
9 39. 1 35.8 30.0 28. 7 32.0 33.3 34.4 33.2 33.8 33 . 7 39.0
R. s. s. 0, .. ... ..... ... ..
6/10/18. 97.8 .--- ----- ------ -- 32. 7 33.2 30.5 32.1 32.2 -------- --------
CO, . ..... .. ..... 38.8 32. 7 33 .5 33.9 32.4 34.2 ... ..... ---··--- --- ----- 39.0
M.G.B. 6/11/18. 0, . ...... . . .. . .. 101.6 1···55:1· ···as:!i· 35.3 29.8 29.7 30.2 28.8 29.0 34.1 30.3 ------ -- 82.6
co, ... ......... 39.'5 39. 2 30.4 28.6 32.5 31.5 32.4 31. 2 31.3 31. 5 32.5 35.8
H.M.T. 6/14/18. 0, ...... . . ... .. 109.0 75.5 1 38.4 47.3 47. 7 43.6 43.0 38.2 44. 3 -------- -------· 60.8 113.0
CO, .. , .. . ...... 38.2 29.1 28.6 21. 9 27.8 23.8 26.0 24.2 -------- ··------ 58.1 27. 4 27.6
B.M.L. 6/17/18. o, .... .... ..... : 25.68 1
CO, ............
A.W.L. 6/18/18. 0, .. ... .. .... . .
109.0 1········
37.0 ········
101. 3 54.5
31. 9
32. 4
--· -·-·· ........
··-···· · ··· ·--- -
·--soj· 34 . 3 ... ... . . 66.8 108. 2
··-- --- - 31.8
co, ........... . 42. 7 I 40.5 34.8 34.5 33. 7 34.4 33.4 34. 3 33.5 30. 7 ........ 30.4 35.0
G.C.W. 6/25/18. 0, ...... . . . .... 98.5 .... . ... 36.2 29. 7 30.4 29.0 31. 8 31.6 27. 3 . ..... .. ·-·--··· 47.6 97.0
co, ..... .....·..
W. B.M. 6/28/19. 0, .. . .. . .......
CO, ............
B. R .L. 8/5/18. 0, ...............
co, ... .......... .
75. 0
29 . 6
32. 7
31. 2
36. 5
31. 9
26.4 ·· ······ ·· ······
----- --- ········ ........
-- ----·-
--··· ···
40. 8
113. 0
37. 3 30.9 27.4 29.6 25.0 21.0 22.9 19.8 23. 4 21. 6 22.3 23 . 8

TABLE V.-Experiments in the low-pressure chamber with the Larsen respirometer. Subjects taken to 18,000 feet (380 mm.)
in 18 minutes arid held. Respiratory volume in liters.
760 656 560

0 1 2 3 4 _ j_ _ 5 _
__ 6 7 8 9 10
---- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -
E.C. S. 4/29/19 ....... . ....... 5.82 5.82 8.3 6.66 7.'78 9.57 6.27 8.50 8.06 7.17
K . O.N. 4/30/19 ........ .. .... 5.27 4.59 5. 04 4.26 5.60 i 5.49 4. 71 5. 71 5. 71 5. 15 6. 27
N . E:B . 5/6/19 ......... . .... . 4.98 5.60 5.26 5.04 5.49 I 4.93 4. 71 5.37 5.49 5.15 5.37
B. R. L.1 5/29/19 ............. 7. 06 7. 39 6.16 : 6.04 7.39 I 8.28 8.96 7.95 I 8.96 10.93 9.07
K.O.N.l 5/29/19 ............. 7.06 8.95 9.96 ' 8.74 8.95 i 8.95 9. 75 11.0 10.3 10. 7 11.5
E. C. S. 6/29/19 ............... 8.40 10. 1 10.1 10.3 8.62 7. 95 8.40 8.51 7.84 8.28 8.28
G.M.l 5/29/19 .......... . ..... 9. 07 9.07 10.4 8.17 7. 50. 9. 74 8. 51 6.84 8. 74 8.85 8. 74
B. B. J.2 5/31/19 ... . . . . . . . .... 11.0 10.2 9.86 11.4 11. 2 11.3 9.52 10.4 12.0 10.4 9. 86
B. R. L.2 6/2/19 .... . ...... . .. 8. 74 7. 61 7.17 6.27 7. 72 5. 71 7. 72 7.95 9. 85 9.07 10.3
Average . . .... .. ....... ........ 7.49 7. 94 7. 75 7. 61 7.68 7. 79 7.98 7. 78 8. 60 8.44 8. 51
1 'raken to 19,000 feet in 19 minutes and h eld. 2Taken to 17, 000 feet in 17 minutes and held.
TABLE V.-Experiments in the low-presS'J,tre chamber with the Larsen respirometer. Subjects taken to 18,000 feet
(380 mm.) in 18 minutes and held. Respiratory volume in liters-Continued.


480 410 395 380 365


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _1_1 u \ _ _ 1_3_ ___1_4____1_5 ____1_6_ _ _1_1_ _ _1_8_ _ _1_9_ ~

_ __ _ _ _2_1_

E. C. S. 4/29/19 . •.........•... 7.95 7.39 6. 27 7.61 8.17 77. 50 7.05 7.17 8.28 7.50
K. 0. N. 4/30/19 •••..•........ 5.83 5.94 5.38 5.60 6.16 6. 94 4.82 6.05 6.05 7.06
N. E. B. 5/6/19 . . . . . . •.. .... .. 5.49 6.05 6.05 5.60 5.94 5.82 5.37 6. 72 6.27 5. 71 5.82
B. R. L.l 5/29/19 . • ........•.. 9.40 9.85 9.63 11.2 10.6 12.3 11.9 13.0 13.3 12. 7 13. 9
K. 0. N.1 5/29/19 .....•..... . • 11. 6 11.2 11. 5 11. 6 11. 1 12.2 11.8 11. 9 14.6
E. C. S. 5/29/19 . ..........• . •. 8.85 ~.51 9.96 10.3 9.07 11.4 11.6 11. 6 12. 8 11.0 11. 9
G. M.l 5/29/19 .. . •.• .•. ....... 8.96 8.51 10. 5 11. 9 9.52 10.1 9. 74 12. 2 18.4
B. B. J.• 5/31/19 .... . .• . •.. ... 10. 7 11.5 11.8 12.5 13.2 12. 7
B. R. L.• 6/2/19 •••.•• . . .. . . .. 8.51 9. 74 10.6 11.0 11. 9 14.0 13. 1 15.1 .... i4T :::::::::: ::::::::::
Average .• .................... . 8.59 8.85 9.07 9. 70 9.18 10.5 9.84 10.5 11. 6 . . . . .. ............. .

1 Taken to 19,000 feet in 19 minutes and held. • Taken to 17,000 feet in 17 minutes and held.

. AT 760 MM.


_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 0 _ __
3 ___
6 ___9_ 12 \ 15 ~
C.R. S. 6/18/18... . ...................... •.•... 5. 8 5.2 4. 6 5. 0 1 5.0 4, 2 5.3 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.3 4.9 4.1 4.8 4. 7
W.H. G. 7/10/18.......... . . ....... ............ 6.3 7. 6 8.2
J. J. G. 7/11/18 . .•. . ... .... _•.• .........•.. . ..•.. 9.2 9.9 9.2
6. 4
9. 0
9.0 I 8.4
7.5 6.4 6.9
9.71 8.4



48 51 54 57 60 63 ! 66 69 72 75 78 81
7 1
I 90

4.4 4. 4
C. R . S. 6/18/18.. .. ......................... . . . .
W. H .. G. 7/10/18.. . ...................... . .....
J. J. G. 7/11/18 . • . .. . •••••....... • ...••.......• .
4. 2
9. 1
8. 7
6. 9
.~::'.. :::::: ::::::,::::::
8. 1 I 8. 3 s.5 8.4
8. 5
:::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
8.5 \ 9.8 10. 0 8.6
:::::: ::::::
8.9 I 8. 1


I 9.2
I. M. 7/1/1&. ....... ......... . .. . ....... . ........
E.W. B . 6/30/18 .. . . .. ........................ .
B. F. 7/2/18 ... .. .. ........ ....... . ,. ............
D .. T. R. 7/3/18. ... .... . . .... . ....... . ....... - ..
7. 7
9 ..4
5. 7
7. 4
7. 3
7. 6 7.3

8. 0
.. i:i.
9.6 .. 9:4· .. gj· ...ii
7.0 ··.,:s· ··1:2·
. ..,j
H.J.M. 7/5/18 .. . ... ........ . ·· ········ · ··· . . ...
A. F.H. (1) 7/8/18 ... . ..... . .... .. ...... . .... . .
5. 0
6. 6
8.8 7. 8 .. .,:a: .·., :i. ......
. ... . . -·-·· · ·····- ......
5.8 4.9 6.0 ......
P. S. B. 7/9/18........... .. .................... . 8 . .3 8.6 8.6 8.5 7.8 8.3 7.3 8.4 8.2 9.5 8.6 8. 7
W.H.G. 7/10/18 .. .............................
A. F.H. (2) 7/15/18 ..... . ..... ........ . . . . .....
E.A.R. 7/13/18.............. . . . ...... . ... . . . ..
6. 8
7. 6
i:: I..u
u ~:'..
6. 5
6. 8
16. 5
5.9 6. 4
.. .,T --····
6.0 6.7
...... ..... .

w.c.w. 7/16/18 ........•..... . .. . . . . . ... . .. . ..

8. 7 7.7 8.2 8.0 9.2 ----- - ----·· ·-----
6. 7 6.5 7.4 6.1 6.4 6. 7 6.4 6.8 6.2 6.5 6. 7 7.1 -- ---- ...... ......

I. M. 7/1/18 ..... . ....... ... ..... ..... . . . .
E.W.B . 6/30/18 . .... . . .. ..........•.. .•.
8. 1
9. 5
8. 3
7. 4
fi.9 1 7.3
8.0 9.3
I 6. 7
B.F. 7/2/18 .. , ... . . ······ · ········•··· · · ·
D.T. R. 7/3/18 .. ··········••·•· •····· ···
H.J.M. 7/5/18 . . .. ...••. .... .... -.. .... ...
5. 7
7. 9
4. 6
I 8.1
9. 8
6. 7
7. 6
7. 7
8. 4
8. 7
8. 1
A. F.H. (1) 7/8/18.... . . . .. .... . ... •... .. 6. 7 6.8 5.4 4.9 6.2 8.4 9. 1 9. 4 9.0 9.1 10.2 9.2 8. 9 9.4 8.3
P . S. B. 7/9/18 .......................... . 6. 7 6.8 7.1 6.9 7.2 7.5 8. 1 9. 0 8.3 8. 1 8. 1 8.4 8.6 8.0 8.0 8.9
W .H.G. 7/10/18..................•...... 5. 7 6.6 6.3 7. 1 6.6 6.9 7, 0 8.1 6.5 7. 8 7.2 7.6 7.0 7. 6 6.6 6.8
A. F. H. (2) 7/15/18 . . .. ........ . . ..... .. . 7. 8 7.6 7.9 7.8 7.4 7. 7 8.2 9. 7 9.3 8.7 9. 2 8.9 9. 5 9.0 1 10. 2 7. 8
E. A. R. 7/13/18 ......................... 7.8 7.6 7.5 8. 8 8.3 9.8 8.8 10. 1 8.2 9.6 8.8 9.9 8.8 10. 0 9. 1 8. 7
w.c.w. 7/16/18 ............. . .... .. . .. . 6.6 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.9 5.9
I 6.0 7.0 6.5 6.6 6. 9 6. -9 7. 6 7. 6 7.0 6. 7

-By courtesy of American Journal of Physiology.

PART 10.



13y EDWARD C. SCHNEIDER, formerly major, Sanitary Corps-; BRENTON R. LUTZ, formerly first lieutenant, Sanitary
Corps; and HAROLD W . GREGG,_forrp.erly second lieutenant, Sanitary Corps.
In earlier papers we have dealt separately with the s10ns. Men differ in sensitivenes9 to lowered ox:ygen and
blood, circulatory, and respiratory changes induced by in the power to make physiological adaptations which
short periods of exposure to lowered oxygen tensions. It will, from a decr(jased supply, provide sufficient oxygen-
was shown that men responded with definite adaptive to maintain tissue and body efficiency. In some there
physiological changes when subjected to gradually decreas- immediate or at least an early response to a decreas~
ing oxygen partial pressures which reached values be- in oxygen, in others the response occurs much later and
tween 76 and 51 millimeters Hg, corresponding to baro- may be less adequate. Some men make excellent com-
metric pressures of from 360 to 240 millimeters (19,200 to pensations to low-oxygen tensions, while others show in-
29,000 fe~t), and also· when kept for from 30 to 130 minutes sufficient compens:itions at only moderately low oxygen.
at oxygen partial pressures of .from 88 to 80 millimeters, Individuals differ also in the use of the several ways of re-
corresponding to barometric pressures of from 425 to 380 sponding to the decrease in oxygen. The majority of men
millimeters (15,000 to 18,000 feet). In approximately 78 appear to make a well-balanced use of the three mechanisms
per cent of all men examined the erythrocytes and h::emo- for supplying oxygen . The ventilation of the lungs, the
globin increased in a unit volume of blood. This increase rate of blood flow, and the percentage of red corpuscles and
did not occu·r immediately, but usually required between haemoglobin are definitely increased. Some meet the new
40 and 60 minutes to become d efinite. About 13 per cent conditions largely by increased respiration and others de-
of all cases showed a well-defined increase in h::emoglobin pend almost entirely upon an increased blood flow. In
within 26 minutes (1 ). 1 many individuals, during the early period of exposure to a
The heart responded to slight changes in oxygen tension decreasing oxygen, the burden of compensation is borne
by an acceleration in the rate of beat. Some men gave the wholly by the circulatory and respiratory mechanisms,
first response at an oxygen partial pressure of 137 milli- but later the blood changes relieve one or both of these
meters, barometric pressure 656 millimeters (4,000 feet) ; mechanisms from a part of the burden. Our data show
but in the majority the acceleration began between an interdependence and an interplay of the adaptive
oxygen partial pressures of from 113 to 128 millimeters, mechanisms when a subject is held under a constant low-
barometric pressures of from 610 to 542 millimeters (6,000 oxygen tension. Schneidet (4) has reported briefly several
to 8,800 feet ). Evidence of an increased rate of blood cases in which the interplay was present.
flow was found in the acceleration of the heart rate, and The majority of the experiments which have been pre-
in a fall in the diastolic blood pressure, which resulted in sented in part in our earlier papers were conducted in the
an augmented pulse pressure. When a constant level of low-pressure chamber. The barometric pressure was low-
oxygen was maintained, the heart reached the maximum ered to 425, 395, or 380 millimeters (15,000, 17,000, or
rate after a lapse of a period of variable length. It 18,000 feet ) 11t the rate of 1,000 feet per minute and held at
continued at the maximum rate for some time, after that pressure for periods varying from 30 to 130 minutes.
which the rate retarded somewhat. The evidence indi- In a smaller number of e..xperiments the subject breathed
cated that a marked and progressive increase in the atmospheric 11ir d1luted with nitrogen by the Dreyer
rate of blood flow occurred during the reduction and method. Starting with undiluted air, 20.96 per cent
early holding period, after which there followed a period of oxygen, the nitrogen was a_d ded gradually in greater and
more or less constant rate of flow. Later, in many sub-1 greater proportion, so that at the end of 20 minutes the
jects, as shown by the heart rl)tardation and the rise in mixture contained only 10 per cent oxygen., This percent-
the diastolic pressure, the flow of blood in some degree age of oxygen was then maintained for from 30 to 90 min-
approached the normal rate (2 ). utes. Thus the subject was kept under low oxygen for a
The per-minute volume of breathing showed a definite ,period of from 50 to 112 minutes.
increase between 656 and 605 millimeters (4,000 and 6,000 In the low-pressure experiments the observers were given
feet). In the majority of cases the maximum ventilation oxygen by means of a tube held in the mouth. It was
occurred .w ithin 10 minutes after 380 millimeters was therefore necessary to determine whether oxygen accumu-
reached . · Following this period there was a distinct falling lated within the chamber during the period of experimen-
off in the per-minute volume (3 ). tation. In the majo~ity of ex:peri~ents sa~ples of air were
In the present paper we propose to consider the re,l ative taken three to five times durmg t?e _e xperrment and la_ter
values of the compensatory reactions to low-oxygen ten- analyzed for oxygen a~d cargo~ d10x:1de. The exhaustion
pump was kept working contn,uously throughout an ex-
, Number in parentheses refers to bibliography at end of the art;P.Je. periment, so that sufficient ventilation was maintained to
prevent an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Often there barometric pressure of 380 millimeters was attained.
was.come accumulation of oxygen, but it was fo und to reach About this time, the twenty-fifth minute, th e blood flow,
quickly a constant level. With such data a corresponding as judged from the pulse rate and p ulse pressure, reached
correction for altitude was so metimes made. We have, its maximum. Coincident with this the pre-minute ven-
however, many experiments in which no accumulation tilation of the lungs was greatest as indicated by the
occurred, arid we l;lave ·u sually omitted the correction carbon dioxide, which at this time was onl y 28 .7 milli-
when the accumulation was slight and the oxygen percent- meters. The circulatory conditions remai ned abo ut the
age remained constant during the holding period. We are same during the next 10 minutes but the breathing, as
satisfied that the interpretation of our data is not vitiated judged from the carbon dioxide, was lessened. Both the
by this accumulation. As shown in our earlier papers, the. circulation and th e ventil~tion of the lungs fell off from
effects upon the blood, circulation, and respiration were _this time up to about th e sixtieth minute, after which they
the same under the three methods used for providing low- remained constant to the end of th e experiment . It should
oxygen tensions . Since this was fo und to be the case, we be noted that· the haemoglobin had begun to increase at
have deman<j.ed only a constant oxygen tension during the twenty-fifth minute and continued until the close of
the holding pe..i-iod. the exp_e riment. Coincident with this increase in hae-
moglobin there was a retardation in th e ·pulse rate and a
THE LOW-PRESSURE CHAMBER EXPERIMENTS. decrease in th e breathing. The inter play of compensatory
The interplay of the three adaptive responses has been factors .for this case is shown graphically in figure l.
studied in 47 experiments. For convenience of discussion R. S.S. , June 6, 1918.- Barometric pressure 380 millimeters.
we have divided the reactions observed during th e periorl
at which the barometric pressure remained constant into Minute.
four groups : (a) Cases in which the pulse retarded after
maintaining a high rate for a period of variable length , and 0 5 10 35 45 75
the haemoglobin percentage of the blood increas~d ; (b)
cases in which the-pulse maintained th e new level after an P ulse .............. 70 74 76 80 94 90 95 88
increase in rate, and the percentage of haemoglobin in- Syst olic ... . ...... . 118
Diastolic . .......... ZO
.... ....
. .... . . . . .
114 11.4
64 54
creased·; (c) cases in which the pulse rate remained con- !?J~~fu~e6s, '.::: : i~.
. .. . . . . . . 50 60 62 62
8 .. . ... ...... . .. . 32. 7 33. 2 32. 1
stant and the haemoglobin did not increase; (d) a few Alveolar CO,.. .... 38. 8 .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 32. 7 33.5 32. 4 34. 2
32. 2

cases in which the pulse rate retarded and th e haemoglobin Haemoglobin . . .. .. . 102 .... . .... l ..... 104 104 106 106

did not increase. The variations in respiration have been

determined for each of the groups. In this subject th ere was a progressive increase in the
rate of blood flow, as shown by the pulse rate and pulse
(a) Retardation of the Pulse Rate During the Holding pressure, which reach ed the maximum at the forty-fifth
Period with an Increase in Haemoglobin. minute. The pulse rate reach ed its maximum 10 minutes
There were 26 cases in which an increase of haemoglobin earlier. We believe that this illustrates that the pulse
seemed to favor the h eart and sometimes the respiration. rate alone did not determine the maximum compensation
The beneficial cardiac effect, as we interpret th e dat&, was in circul ation . The fall in diastolic pressure with the n,-
sulting increase in pulse pressure is considered evidence
manifested by a slowing of the pulse rate and frequently
of vaso dilatation in the systemic circ ulation. Judging
by a decrease in the blood flow by a rise in the diastolic
by the increase in pulse rate and in pulse pressure, th e rate
pressure and a correspondin~ d ecrease in the pulse pres- of blood flow began to slow at about th e fifty-eigh th minute .
sure . No two cases ·were exactly the same. The inter- The respiration attained i ts maximum soon after a pressure
dependence of the three comp ensatory responses can best of 380 millimeters was reach ed, and then maintained a
be shown b y a detailed study of a few individ ual cases. fairl y 'constant p er-minu te volume of ventilation until the
N . E. F ., June 7, 1918.- B arometr·ic _pressure 380 millimeters end of the experiment. The haemoglobin showed a slight
increase at the twenty-fifth minute and reach ed i ts maxi-

Minute. mum concentration at about th e fiftieth minute. In this
experiment the circu1ation seems to have been favored by
the concentration in haemoglobin while the increase in
0 5 10 15 125 35 55 75 83
respiration was.maintained throughout.
Pulse ....... ... . .... .. 73 I
Systolic.. . ..... . . . ... : 114
75 75 79 79 82
102 104 100
112 ...... . . . . 100
72 B . M. L., June 1"7 , 1918.- Barometric pressiire 380 rnill-i
Diastolic. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 72 . . . .. .. . . . 56 meters.
Y~;!~f;;~~~:::::::: ;~ 40
·65::i ·,iij
37.0 33. 6 32.3 ·-··
Alveolar CO,.. ..... .. 39. 1. . ... 35. 8 30. O 28. 7 32.0 34.4 33.8 .... Minute.
Haemoglobin .... .. .. . 94 ... .. . . . ..... . . 96 96 97 100
0 5 I 10 115 25 75
This subject was in good condi.tion up to the eighty-fifth
minute when blood was drawn from a vein. It will be Pulse .. .. . .... . . .. . 68 69 70 78 89 91 87 85
Systolic ......... . 102 .. .... ... . .. . . . ... 102 102 102 102
observed that during th e period of ascent the pulse rate Diastolic ...... ... . 68 ........ . . . , .. . ... 52 48 46 46
Pulse p ressure ... . . . 34 ...... .. . . .... ... . 50 54 56 56
accelerated and the alveolar carbon dioxide tension fell Alveolar o, ...... . 109 . . . . . . 35. 8 32. 0 31. 8 31. 9 32. 4
Thus the burden 'of compensation_ to decreasing oxygen Alveolar CO, ...... . 37 1. . . .. . 36. 6 32. 9 33. O' 31. 2 30.:l
Haemoglohin .... . . . 96 .. ... . 96 199 106 104
was at first borne by the circ ulation and respiration. The I
pulse rate reached its maximum four minutes after the 1 Fortieth minute.

r,o' (0


~A3o~er~R._ ~eo____"'·.'!_·
- ...

P/.f.r Tt>L I ('

/,#£MO (;LDLJ/N
- - -..-
- - _.,.----

- -' - -

%i~:-:w.:::;~.'.o:----(l)~-- ---::;z~o:------,3i
='ll~--- -47o~-- -5-=6-=--- - -.,~6-:------...,,7li..,i,---- 8...."- -
Fm.1.-N. E. F., J~ 7, 1918. Taken to 3~ mm. (18,000 feet) in 18 minutes in the low-pressure chamber and maintained at that level.
This case illustrates the interrelation of the pulse rate, respiration, and oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

In this case the systolic pressure remained constant tmggests a relationship between the haemoglobin and the
throughout while in the cases of N. E . F . and R. S .. S. it pulse rate. The increase in breathing is also a factor that
fell. The increase in pulse pressure, as in the case of. may have permitted a slowing of the heart rate.
R. S. S., is again definite and is determined wholly by a
fall in the diastolic pressure. The rate of blood flow K. 0 . N., April 30, 1919. -Barometric pressure, 380 mm.
reached its maximum at about the thirty-fifth minute Minute.
which was approximately the time of maximum pulse
10 15 55 75
rate. From this ti..rne the pulse rate fell gradually about 0 1-5-
Pulse .. '. ........... 89 94 102 98 95 92
9 per cent, while the pulse pressure remained high and Systolic ............ 122 1 120 116 116
increased slightly, with the result that the rate of blood Diastolic .... . . . .... 1~ [: : t : 64 58 56 54
Pulse pressure ..... 48 •..... 58 62 60 62
flow was presumably reduced. The respiration increased
early and then maintained a level until the fiftieth minute,

;J\_;~~1.;~ 1_:~ ;:1\.~ 1,;~1.~ J;~1.:~ 1_:~~

2 2
after which it increased gradually until the end of the
experiment. The ha, moglohin did not begin to increase Resp. v olume ........ 7 9 7 5
Hoomoglobin ......... ,1
until between the twenty-sixth and fortieth minutes. The
1 Twenty-seventh minute. ' Seventy-fourth minute .
pulse rate increased until the thirty-second minute. This 2 Fifty-second minut.e.

120 110
,,. ......,


____...,..,""'-,..__/',,,..., ..,.._..,,,..... ______ , ,..._.,,.. \

VOLVM t' PC: Q M tl/VTe.
/ '-....
°"" 4/lOM£T£R 380 '"' · "< ·
_,,,,-.-..-__...- ,..,,.. ....

.... __ - --
PllE./'. /' //lle

-- ---
-- __....._ ___ .

0 {5 20 2.5 JO 35 40 80 8 5
Fm. 2.-P. S. B., July 9, 1918. Taken to 380 = : (18,000 feet) in 18 minutes in the low-pressure chamber: Th \s case illustrates the inter-
play of compensatory factors, part:cularly the blood flow and the oxygen-carrying capac;t y.

In this case we determined the per-minute volume of the relationship between the increase in hremoglobin
breathing in liters and took the alveolar air occasionally and the retardation in the pulse rate. We believe that
to compare with the volume. The blood flow and ,respira- this group of.cases represent s the usual reaction when th e
tion each reached the maximum at once on arriving at 380 transition from normal oxygen tension t o low oxygen
millimeters. The pulse rate then held u ntil the thirty- is made gradually and at a moderately rapid rate.
fifth minute, wh en it fell slowly until the fall was 12 per
cent at the end. The respiratory volume fell slowly until (b) Maximum Pulse Rate Maintained with an Increase
the forty-second minute, after which it held at a volume in Hremoglobin.
slightly above the normal ventilation. The hremoglohin There were nine cases in this group, four of which are
was just beginning to concentrate at the twenty-Beventh presented here.
minute. It reached its maximum by the fifty-second
minute. In this case the circulatory and respiratory G. C. W., June 25 , 1918.- Barometric pressure, 380 mm.
mechanisms seemed to have been relieved somewh at by
the increase in hremoglobin. I Mint:te.

In Figure 2 the data for P. S. B ., July 7, 1918, has been

~l I~
plotted. Th e p ulse rate and diastolic pressure changes 0

indicate that the blood flow reached i ts maximum d uring -1--a-· _:__
the early part of the holding period, and also that to~ard Pulse.... . . . . .. .. .. .. f 60 62 64 70 78 78 78 821. .. ..
Syst31ic .. ........... 'J' OO . ....... 120 120 ll8 ll4 ... ..
the end it increased markedly. The decrease occurred Diastolic. . .. .. .. .. . .. 60 64 58 48 48 ... ..
Pulse pre3sure ....... ·. 40 .. . .. .. .. . . .. . 56 62 70 66 .... .
when the hremoglobin had increased. The respiration Alveolar 0 2 .. . . . . . . • .. 98. 5 .. . .. .. .. 36. 2 29. 7 30. 4 31. 8 . .. ..
was not benefited ·b y the increase in hremoglobin. The Alveolar co, .... .... . 37. 1 ......... , 29. 6 32. 7 32. 3 23.·1 .. .. ..... .
Hremoglobin ......... 98 .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. 100
remaining 21 cases in this group show in a similar manner
1454-30- -5 0
In this case first the pulse, then the systolic pressure, The rate. of blood flow undoubtedly increased markedly
and then the diastolic pressure each in turn aided in up to the thirty-fifth minute. The pulse rate rose early
naintaining an increased rate of blood flow. The subject to a first high point (100), then held on a plateau until the
appeared to be compensating satisfactorily, but his reac- thirty-ninth minute, after which it again accelerated until
tions seemed to be insufficient in that the circulatory and the forty-sixth minute, when it held more or less constant
respiratory reactions continued to increase even toward until the end. A slight lowering appeared at the ninety-
the end of the experiment. The. pulse rate was higher fifth minute. The respirati!)n increased during the ascent
after the seventieth minl).te than at any time before. The and attained its maximum .at the twenty-third minute.
respiration increased gradually but not so much as·in the It held this level · until the thirty-sixth minute, after
average case, until the forty-fifth minute, when a marked which the per-minute volume fell and maintained a new
ncrease in ventilation took place, iowering the carbon
1evel until the eighty-eighth minute. During the interval
dioxide from 31.2 millimeters to 22.4 millimeters. The ·
fact that the respiration increased markedly without from the thirty-sixth to the forty-second minutes, while the
affecting the pulse rate shows that the demand for oxygen respiration was being reduced the pulse rate rose. to its
was not sufficiently cared for. The increase in h:cemo- second high point (105). The hremoglobin showed con-
lobin was slight and not in evidence until the end. centration at the twenty-ninth minute. In this experi-
g ment the respiration seems to have been spared by the
W. C. W., July 16, 1918.-Barometric pressure, 380 mm. increase in hremoglobin. An interplay between circula-
tion and respiration was present during the middle period,
Minute. from the thirty-sixth to the forty-sixth minutes.

0 5 lG 15 25 25 55 75 N. E. B., May 6, 1919,-Barometric pressure 380 mm.

Pulse . . .. ·......... . 66 69 72 75 88 86 82 90
Systolic .. .. ... .. .. 104 ------ 106 104 102 104 104 102 0 5 10 15 25 35 55 75
Diastolic ...... . ·10 ------ --···· -····· 52 44 64 60 - - -- - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -
Pulse pressure . .. . 34 ----·-
------ --- --- .50 60 40 42 Pulse.............. .
Systolic . • •.... . ....
74 74 76 79 86 85 85 84
108 112 106 104
Diastolic .... .....•. 76 70 70 66
I M~ute. Pulse pressme ..... . 32 42 36 38
1- ~- -- - - c -- c ---c---c- .,-----,---
0 Minute.
- - - - -- 1 -- - --- ------ - - -- - - -- 18 8
Resp. volume... 6. 6 6. 2 6. 2 6. 9 6. 9 7. 6 7. 0 7. 4 6. 5 7. 1
Hremoglobin . . . 98 . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. 1 10'1 2 104 . .-. -. .-. -. . ,- : -0 1- :-4 1- :~-9 .1-6--01-:-.6- 1- 6~-: 1--:-.7
R_oo_p_._V_o-lu_m_e-.-. .-.-
Raemoglo bin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 108 • • • • . . 2 O ••.•..
1 Si,:ty-fourth minute. 2 Seventy-eighth minute .. 1 Forty.second minute. 2 Seventy-sixth minute.
The heart rate at the twentieth minu.te was 90. It then The pulse rate and blood flow reached the maximum
varied markedly for the next 40 minutes, but at. the together about the twenty-first minute. The per-minute
sixty-fifth minute it reached 90 once more, and showed a volume of breathing had increased, by the twenty-third
tendency to go higher, reaching 95 at times. The respira-
minute, to the volume which was maintained throughout
tion reached its maximum per minute volume at about
the holding period. The increase in haemoglobin did not
the thirty-sixth minute, and maintained it until the
fifty-fourth · minute, · after which it decreased slightly. favor either the circulation or respiration.
The h remoglobin had increased definitely by the sixty- We believe that some members of this group failed to
fourth minute. In this experiment, if the hremoglobin show an interplay between the haemoglobin, circulationr
exerted any sparing action it was shown in respiration. and respiration because they were too near their critica,
Compensation seemed to be somewhat inadequate. low oxygen limit. The compensations were just able to
meet the demand of the tissue for oxygen.
E. C. S., April 24, 1919.- Barometr,.ic pressure, 380 mm.
(c) Maximum Pulse Rate Maintained Without an In-
crease in Haemoglobin.
There were eight cases in this group. Several. of the
10 15 25 53 55 75 95 experiments will be discussed in the study of repeated
cases. It was to oe expected that a failure in compensa-

.. '. ... ~- .. 84 ·I 100 tion by one mechanism might cause the others to hold. a
:: :::::::::: iii62 I1,·.--·
Pulse . ............... . 6 98 108 105 102
128 134 126
Pulse pressure ....... . 46 .......... 1
................... ·····. 62
76 ......
constant level when they had responded sufficiently to
meet the demands of the body for oxygen. The following
case is typical of the group.
A. W. L., June 18, 1918.-Barometric pressure 380 mm.

11 25 33

Resp. volume . . . . . . . . 5. 8 7. 4 8.5 8.5 7.4 7.6 7.2 6.6


Hremoglobin....... . . 100 .... . 1108 ..... 2107 .... · ,'109 ·........ ..
I 56 81 88 99 ·

- -- -- --1--0___
Pulse..... . . . . . . . . . . 93

5_ ' ~

98 98 100
101 101

•1 Twenty-ninth minute. 2 Fifty-seventh minute.

Pulse pressure. . ....
i~i42 ::~~: ::~;~: ::~;;: i~ i;; \ 1iio v
a Seventy-<,eventh minute.
A. W. L., June 18, 1918 .- Barometric pre~su re 380 ·mm.- H. J. M., June 20, 1918.-Barometric pressure 380 mm.
Continued. I
I 15 I 25 I 35
Minute. 0 5 10 55 63

0 10 ' 15 25 I 45 55
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ ,___ __ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ !_ _ _ __
65 1 75 85
-- · --
I I I Pulse . . .............
Systolic . ... ........
80 83 89 93 100 ! 97 92 100
108 112 114 . . ....
Alveolar 0 2••••••••• • • 101. 3 54. 5 31. 3! 32. 0 29. 61 30 j l 30. l , 30. 5: 34. 0
Alveolar CO, ......... 42 7 40. 5 34. 8! 34 . 5 34 4 33. 4 34 4 33. 5j 30. 7
Diastolic ........ ...
Pulse pressure .....
44 ······1
······ 48
48 ......
66 ......

' Minut e.

The rate of blood flow appeared to have reached a !
maximum about the fifty-fifth minute and then main-
0 18 21 24 33
42 57 66
tained the new level. The respiration, also, after reaching
Resp. Volume .... ··] 5.4 1 5 6 1 6. 7
its maximum value at the twenty-fifth minute remained Haemoglobin .......
6. o 6. 3
No change.
6.3 5.81 6.6 I I
fairly constant urrtil about the eightieth minute when it
increased once more. There \Vas no evidence of interplay A definite fall in the pulse rate began at the forty-sixth
of compensatory mechanisms throughout this experiment. minute and lasted. until the fifty-sixth minute, after
which it gradually accelerated again. There is nothing
(d) Retardation in the Pulse Rate During the Holding
Period with no Increase in Haemoglobin. that accounts for this fall in pulse rate. The arterial
pressures were not taken often enough to make an inter-
There were four cases in this group and the data for pretation of the blood flow changes.
these is given below: V\le believe that our data accounts, in three out of four
of the cases, for the decrease in pulse rate that occurred
F. C. P., December 8, 1918.-Barometer 428 mm. during the holding period. The interplay in these cases
was between the respiratory and circulatory compensa-
Minute. tions to low oxygen.
Five men served as subjects from two to five tim"ls (:Jach .
Pulse ........ . .. ... _
... I n 72 74 78 . 80 77 1 78 1 75 74 The data in four cases are complete enough to make
Alveolar 0 2 •• ········ · 197._l .... . 58. 1 44.21. 44.6 . •... 38.6 49.3 38.6
Alveolar CO 2 • ........ 39.7 .... . 36.7 32.81 30.3 ····· 131.9 25 . 5 31.4 comparisons worth while.
W. H. G., May 24, 1918.-Barometric pressure 428 mm:
This experiment was conducted at a barometric pressure t Minute.
of 428 millimeters (15,000 feet ). The breathing as shown
by the alveolar carbon dioxide was variable. The carbon i o 25 35 55
dioxide tension was lowest at the twenty-fifth and fiftieth
minutes. The high alveolar oxygen tension at the fiftieth

- - - - - - - - - i-
Pulse. ···· . ······ · ··· · ··· · \ 76
- --1-- -

10 15

94 93 91 90
Sl_'stolic..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 102 102 102 104 104 100
minute was sufficient to account for the falling off in pulse
rate .
Diastolic... .. .......... . ..
Pulse press ure . . . ........ ·I 66 . . . . . . . . . . . .
34 . . . . . . . . . . . .

Minut e.
C. P. C., December 13, 1918.-Barometric pressure 428 mm.

o I 10 15 25 35 45 65

Alveolar o, .. ............. 19~- 8 72. 5 1 ?O. 8 i 45. 2 48 8 46. 7

__5_ 1~ . 1~ ~ l~ -4~ 58 Alveolar CO 2 •••••• • •••••• 3, .3 , 33. 0 30 4
Haemoglobin........ . .... 96 . . . . .. 103
31. 7
43. 7 1 28. 3
105 105

Pulse............ . .. 84
Ah-eolar o, .... .... 96.0 8488o 1 56940 1 41.986 . .. 95
. - 1-- 92 . 88
-- 48 4 W. H. G., J uly 10, 1918.-Barometric pressure, 380 mm.
Alveolar CO, .. . . ... 32. 2 22. 6 23 . 3 20 4 18. 7
I I Minut e.

The respiration increased throughout the entire period o I5 j 10 15 i 25 I 35 I 55 75 95

which probably accounts for the slowing of the pulse rate .
F . D., January 13, 1919, was subjected to a barometric Pulse........ 78 94
Systolic ... . . . . . . . . . . . 110 llO
pressure of 395 millimeters (17,000 feet) in an experiment Diastolic . . . . ... _. . .. . 70 64
Pulse pressure. . . . . . . . 40 44
which lasted 100 minutes. The haemoglobin did not
increase. The pulse rate accelerated from 72 to 99 by the Minute.
fifteenth minute. It held this rate for three minutes, was ,
90 at the twenty-fifth minute, and 78 at the seventieth o 6 12 21 27 I 39. 42 \ 60 75 I 102
minute, where it remained until the close of the experi- 1
ment. The respiration was not measured, but the observer Resµ. volume ... 5. 7
! I
6.6 1 6. 5
and the subject noticed that the subject's breathin g Haemo"lobin
~ ·· ·· °8
6. 3 6. 6 8.1 7.8 17.6
· · · · ·\ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I'
101 2
6. 8
6. 7
I 3 104
increased, and became labored at the twenty-fifth minute, 1-- - -,-F-o-r-t y--s-i'-x-t h- mrn
-'--_-_u- t-'-e-. - - - -,-N
- i_n_e_t)----fi-
__-u-te~.- - -
and remained so until the end. , Sixty-fifth minute.
In both experiments the blood flow, as showh by the that in each experiment the compensation was made at
pulse rate and the pulse pressura, reached its maximum first by the circulation and respiration, but later it was
immediately after the low barometric pressure was at- borne wholly by the respiration and haemoglobin, in that
tained. An increase in haemoglobin was·observed in each the pulse rat~ slowed to normal or subnormal.
experiment when the pulse rate began to i:etard . The A. F. H. served as,a subject four times and did not
respiration in the experiment in which the barometric tolerate the low oxygen tensions equally well each time .
pressure was 428 millimeters increased during the ascent, The data are summarized in the following protocols.
then maintained a level. In the experiment at 380 milli
meters the respiratory per-minute volume was increased A. F. H., July· 8, 1918.-Barometric pressure, 880 mm.
rom 5.7 to 8.1 liters during the ascent. It then decreased
slowly to 6.6 liters at the forty-second minute, after which Mfnute.
it remained constant. In the first experiment the in-
crease in haemoglobin spared the circulation: in the sec- 0 5 I 10 15 25 35 55 7b

ond both circulation and respiration shared the gain.

B. R. L. was taken twice to 380 millimeters. The Pulse ....... ...... . n n n' n 88 n
Systolic ........... .
results are tabulated· below. Diastoli c .......... . :~ ::::::::::::!::::::I~::::::::::: :66 I·····
..... 4
B . R . L., Aug. 5, 1918. Minute.


Pulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

85 85
10 15



55 ~
~:i;;,~J~J.·.:: 6iJ .~:: ..~: ..~: ..~: .. tiil .~:~.,.I~ .:
' 1
. • ~o
Systolic . ..•..... ..... ,104 102 100 102 .........• 92 98 102 1 Fortieth minute. 'Sixtieth minute. • Eighty-sixth minute.
tr~~e::::::: :I ~ ::::: ::::: ~6 ::::: ::::: ~ ~ ~
Alveolar 0, .......... 1107. 31····· 75. 01 44.1 142. 2 44.0 48.0 50.0 43.2 A ...F, H., July 15, 1918.-Barometric pressure, 880 mm.
Alveolar CO 2 .•••••••• 37.3 ..... 30.9, 27.4 29.6 25 0 22.91 19.8 23 4
Haemoglohin .... .. ... 107 ....... . . · · \· ·· . . .... . 1111 112 , 112 • 116 i' 1 Minute.
1 Forty-filth minute. • One hundredth minute.
i Sixtieth minute. • One hundred and forty-second minute.
0 5 10 15 25 35 55 75

B. R. L., 'Jfay 12, 1919.

Pulse .... . . ....... . 69 69 72 72 78 81 79 72

Systolic ........... .
Diastolic .......... .
Puls~ pressure ... . .
100 98 98
36 .. . ... ······· ..... .
1~ ::t\:~~~: 108

0 5 10 ~ 1~ 25 35 55 66 Minute.

e l M oo l 66 1n
Pulse .............. . . 85 88 86 88 88
~ 1~
94 94 86 82 1
Systolic . ... . ........ . 110 , ... ................. 110 ..... 112 ... . .
Diastolic ... .. . ...... . 70 ..... 70 ..... 68 .... .
o f ~ I IB n
Pulse pressure ... ...... 40 . . . . . 40 . . . . . 44 .... .
R es p.volunie . ....... 1 7.61 7.7 8.2 9.71 9·3t0.2 7.8 8.711 ;4115. 5}9.1
Haemoglobm .. .. ....,. 94 .. ..... . , .. .. . . . . 95 ... . .... 9o .. I 98
1 Fortiet h minute. ' .Seventy-eighth minute.
i u
_ _______ ____ !__
o I 5 ' 23 • w
A. F: H., July 80, 1918.-Barorrwtric pressure, 380 mm.
Alveolar o•. .. ... ... 1 104. 4 90.0 49.3 1 48.3 51.6 52.0
Alveolar ci"i,.... .... 39. 1 33.6 31.4 19.5 18.3 18.3 Minute.
Haemoglobin. . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . 1 106 ' 106 • 107 • 107

1 Twenty-fifth :minute. a Eighty-eighth minute. 0 5 10 15 35 55 65

2 Forty-third minute.. • Ninetieth minute.
Pulse ......... .. . ... 78 81 81 86 86 87 90 93
The two experiments, while separated by nine months, Systol~c ....... ..... 112 112 108 108 108 96
Diastolic ....... .. .. 68 62 70 72 62 58
were quite similar and unusual in several respects. In Pulse pressure ..... 44 50 38 36 I 46 38
both the pulse reached its maximum rate quickly and I
returned to normal or subnormal before the close bf the Respiration not taken.
Haemogiobi.n, no change.
experiment. The respiratory increase was more marked
than in the usual case, in that the carbon dioxide instead A. F. H. apparently tolerated a barometric ·pressure of
of falling to the average figure of 31 mil.lim,eters reached 380 millimeters better on July 8 than during the later
19.8 millimeters in the first and 18.3 millimeters in the exposures. During the first experiment the pulse reached
secon\i experiment. A good increase in ventilation oc- its maximum rate, 90, at the eighteenth minute. It
curred during the ascent, and it continued to increase for slowed at about the time the haemoglobin increased. The
some time after the barometric pressure was maintained at per-minute volume of breathing showed an early and
380 millimeters. The haemoglobin increased 8.4 per cent marked increase, which reached its maximum at th.e
in one and 8 per cent in the other. It should be noted twenty-fourth minute and held until the forty-second,
after which it returned to the pre-experimeptal volume . At 380 millimeters, in the experiments of June 12, 28,
The respiration especi~lly and the circulation slightly and July 31, the pulse after re.aching a maximum rate did
seemed to have been favored by the increase in haemo- not fall definitely . The pulse rate in each of the cases
globin toward the latter part of this experiment. showed fluctuations lasting from 5 to 10 minutes. In these
In the second experiment the demand for oxygen was the rate retarded at first and then accelerated to the
met by an entirely different compensatory reaction. The previous high level. The hoomoglobin increased during
pulse reached its maximum rate slowly, at the thirty-first the experiments of June 12 and 28 but did not spare either
minute, and then remained more or less constant·until the the respiration or the circulation. In both cases the res-
fifty-ninth minute, when it decreased almost to the pre- piration responded slowly, requiring 42 and 70 minutes to
-experimental. rate as the respiration increased . The res- ·reach the maximum . In the experiment of July 31 the
piration reached a first high point at the twenty-first respiration was not studied. The hoom~globin ,failed to
minute, which it held until the forty-second minute. It . show concentration. The pulse rate and the blood flow
then decreased for six minutes. At this time a great and reached their maxima shortly after 380 millimeters was
progressive increase in breathing ):>egan, which finally reached and then maintained that level for 56 minutes, or
changed the per-minute volume from 7.6 to 19.8 liters. uritil the end of the experiment. This subject was again
The;~ ffi.O_ciation of the pulse rate and the respiration was under observation at 3_80 millimeters about five months
conspicuous in this experiment. The part played by the later, December 27. His pulse at this time accelerated
haemoglobin is obscured by the respiratory response . from a rate of 69 at the beginning to 110 at the twenty-
In the third experiment, July 30, the respiration wag eighth minute, then quickly retarded to 100 arid from
not recorded. The hoomoglobin did ·not increase, and this point fell slightly toward the end of the experiment.
the pulse rate gradually accelerated from 78 to 93, through- The pulse showed the same fluctuations in rate as were
out the period of experimentation. This subject had made observed in the earlier experiments with this subject.
frequent ascents in the low-pressure chamber. He felt The hoomoglobin increased 8.8 per cent_. We are inclined
more uncomfortable this time than in any previous experi- to believe that a pressure of 380 millimeters was too low
ment. He noticed a blurring of vision which had never for this subject. At 428 millimeters his compensations
occm:red before. were adequate and gave opportunity ·for an increase in
On May 21 , 1918, this subject was taken to a barometric hoornoglobin to spare the other factors. At 380 milli-
pressure of 425 millimeters in 15 minutes, held there for meters slight movements caused a temporary upset in
4 minutes, taken down to 700 millimeters, held there for the balance of the compensatory factors .
about 5 minutes, then taken again to 425 millimeters and The data presented show clearly that on exposure to a
kept there for 30 minutes. In this experiment the res- decreasing barometric pressure the circulatory and · res-
piratory volume increased and decreased with the barom- piratory mechanisms are both stimulated to increased
eter. The pulse acceletated in the first ascent from 74 activity. Thus far we have been unable to determine
to 96, then dropped to 70 and accelerated to 82 in the which of these two mechanisms is most sensitive to the
second . The hoomoglobin increased from 94 to 98, change . In many men the heart responded by an accel-
4.3 per cent. eration in the rate of beat, and the per-minute volume of
These four experiments with A. F. H . show clearly that breathing increased at about the same time and at baro-
an individual does not necessarily use the three com- i:netric pressures that corresponded to relatively low
pensatory mechanisms in equal degree each time he altitudes (4;000 feet). Usually the first evidence of
encounters low-oxygen tension. It is evident that the response occurred at a higher altitude. Sometimes the
burden of compensation may be met · adequately in pulse rate accelerated before the breathing increased, and
several - ways. It appears a113o that the oom;::ensatory vice vetsa. The degree of response made by these two
changes at a particular pressure may be adequate on some mechanisms is shown to vary with 'individuals. Thus,
occasions and inadequate at other times. It is probable ,during the ascent to 380 millimeters, the pulse rate accel-
that A. F . H., if held a little longer at 380 millimeters, erated from 5 to 30 beats. The volume of breathing also
would have developed a tYJ?ical case, of altitude sickness. showed corresponding differences.
W. B . M. served as a subject five times. In the first' When a desired pressure was reached and maintained,
experiment he was taken to a barometric pressure of 425 these mechanisms continued to show differences. The
millimeters and in the others to 380 millimeters. At ventilation of the lungs in some men became maximal
425 millimeters the pulse accelerated from 63, reaching during the ascent, in others a few minutes after the arrival
its maximum rate, 80, seven minutes after 425 millimeters at the constant pressure, while in a few it increased slowly
was attained . It held that rate until the sixty-eighth throughout the entire period. The maximum ventila-
minu.te when it decreased to 76 and remained constant. tion was likewise maintained for a few minutes, a con-
The hoomoglobin gave_no evidence of concentration up sidei·able portion of the time, or for the entire period of
to the fifty-fifth minute, but from the fiftJ -fifth to the the constant pressure. Often after a period of maximal
seventy-fifth minutes it increased from 104 to 110 p er cent. breathing the per-minute ventilation of the lungs was
The alveolar air showed that the maximum ventilation somewhat reduced. In one experiment with A. F. H.
of the lungs was reached at the fifteenth minute, after it r!)turned to the pre-experiwental volume." The pulse
which it toqk a lower level which was maintained until rate and blood flow showed a similar variety of changes.
the end . The compensations were good in this experi- The hoomoglobin always increased slowly. In some
ment and the interplay of the compensatory f~ctors was men no increase could be detected, in others it increased
evident. as much as 10 per cent. In a few men the increase began

- - - - - - ----- -

'---=---':-- -+:----+- -<-- +---+--~>----+--~- I

' I I I 'I I I
T INJ: () $ fl1 fS Z IJ ZS :!14 :!IS 4 4 -IS •4 ,rs ~s 7" 7s 'JS
FIG. 3.-W. A. B ., May 31, 1918. Taken to 10 per cent oxygen (19,400 feet) in 21 minutes by the nitrogen dilution method. The interplay ol
blood Uow, respiration, and h ,emoglobin is shown. Compare with Figs. 1 and 2.

as early as 25 minutes, usually between the fortieth and tained. The h remoglobin changes were studied in seven
sixtieth minute, sometimes as late as th e seventy-fifth experiments. Three of these gave no increase in· hiemo-
minute. Usuall y the pulse rate decreased while the globin and also failed to show a falling off in puike °';ate
hremoglobin increased . Sometimes the pulse rate and the during the period of maintained constant percentage of
breathing decreased, and in a few instances only the oxygen. The cases in which an increased h remoglobin
breathing decreased as the hremoglobin concentrated . occurred are discussed below.
The data presented show that the early compensations
are ~ade exclusivel y by the circulatory ana respiratory G. B . H., May 28, 1918.- To 10per cent oxygenin20minutes.
mechanisms. Later the increase in red corpuscles and
h remoglobin shared the burden with the ·circulatory and Minute. .l.

respiratory mechanisms. When the early compensation ·, -

1·- 75
was adequate, as it appears to have been in most cases, 0 5
I 15 25 I 35 55
the increase in hremoglobin caused a falling off in the
I I 103 I 102

.·~\JI'~ 1JllJ
activity of either the circ ulation or the respiration, or Pulse . . ............ 88 oo 92 95 98 102
Systolic ............ 110 110 104
both. When the compensation was not adequate, the Diastolic ........... 70 62 54
increase in hremoglobin failed to relieve the other mech- Pulse pressure .... . . 40 48 50
Hremoglobin ....... 100 '100 2104
anisms to any extent.
That an individual may make equal use of the adaptiv .. 1 Seventieth minute.
mechanisms during several exposures to low barometrk 2 Eighty-second minute.
pressures is indicated b y the repeated experiments on
The respfration was reconled by means of a Fi t7.
W. I-I. G., B . R. L., and W. B. M. As illustrated in the
pneumograph. It showed a definite increase at the
fou~ experiments with A. F. I-I. t~e responses may d~ff~r eighteenth minute with a. progressive increase to the
durmg two ascents. These experiments show that 1t 1s thirt _ ·gh th minute and then a plateau until the forty-
. "bl d" . h y el '
rmfo~: ~ t°upre 1ct 71t exactness _just how a given I eighth minute. After this a definite falling off in respira-
m 1v1 ua '_¥1 react to ow oxygen durmg exposur~s from tion occurred. The pulse rate accelerated until the
30 to 120 mmutes.. The three f_act~rs of compensat10n are twentieth minute and then maintained a. more or Jess con-
capab1e of a vanety of combmat1ons._ The normal _i'e- stant level. The blood flow as judged from the pulse
sponse to low oxygen makes use of the cuculatory, respua- ressure reached its maximum about the thirty-fifth
tory and blood chan"es. p. . · ·
·' " mmute and then held. The mcrease m hremoglobm came
EXPERIMENTS AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE late. The dimini1tion in respiration began before the
WITH 10 PER CENT OXYGEN. concentration in hremoglobin was d etected. Hence the
evidence of an interplay of compensatory factors is
In this group of experiments the subjects breathed uncertain.
atmospheric air diluted with nitrogen. Starting with W. A. B. , gave an excellent response. His data have-
undiluted air the nitrogen was added gradually until the been plotted in Figure 3. The pulse rate reached its
proportion gave a mixture that gave 10 per cent oxygen at maximum about the twentieth minute, which was the
the end of 20 minutes. This percentage was then main- period of maximum blood flow as indicated by the pulse
pressure. The respiration, which was recorded by means We shall not enter here into a discussion of the mecha-
of a pneumograph, reached its m axi.mum at about the same nisms by which the changes observed in these expe°riments, the twenty-fifth minute, and held there until the are produced . We desire to point out how the reactions
thirty-eighth minute. After this the per-minute volume which we have been studying differ from those that occur
of breathing decreased somewhat. The h::emoglobin had in men residing at high altitudes. The acclimatization
begun to increase at the twenty-second minute. In this to oxygen want seen in men Jiving at high altitudes in-
case the concentration in h::emoglobin appears to be volves the same mechanisms that we find in the compensa-
definitely related to a diminution in respiration and a tion during a rapid lowering of oxygen tension and com-
decrease in pulse rate. paratively short exposures to low oxygen. Ordinarily on
ascending a mountain passively, by railway or automobile,
W 0. K., June S, 1918.-To 10 per cent oxygen in20 minutes. the respiratory response is the first to ·appear, beginning
during the ascent or almost immediately after the summit
is reached . It requires, however, several weeks for the

---------0~_:_ ~~1~~
Pulse .... ___ __. __ ..
Systolic .. _________ _
~ 86
respiration to increase to the volume that is normal for
the new altitude (5). The blood do es not show immediate·
ly the increase in h ::emoglobin and red corpuscles. Just
when these changes begin has not been determined , but
Diastolic ______ _____ 78 80 80 78 80 78 70 68 usually within 24 hours a marked increase in both can- be
Pulse pressure._____ 32 28 28 34 28 34 42 56
Hremoglobin .. . .... JOO - --· - - ------ 102 ' 106 2
108 observed. They require five or more weeks to reach their
greatest concentration. The pulse also does not ordinarily
' Thirty-ninth minute. acceletate immediately , but the rate increases slowly dur-
' Fiftieth minute.
ing a period of several days. The changes in the breath-
The respiration as shown by a pneumograph trncing was ing and in the blood are permanent in character and do
somewhat excessive at the start. It quieted later and not diminish during a protracted residence at the high
maintained a constant level until the forty-eighth minute altitude. The .changes in the pulse rate and in the rate
when it suddenly became labored. The dept:q at this of blood flow are of a less permanent character. With
time.,increased to three ti.mes its former value while the acclimatization the pulse rate returns somewhat toward
rate remained unchanged. There was no evidence of an the normal mte at sea level. It has been shown also
interplay of the compensatory factors in this experiment. that the longer the period of sojourn at a high altitude the
Ten per cent oxygen was too low for this subject, since he more enduring are the after effects when the subject
fainted at rtie fifty-first minute. In a low barometric again descends to a low altitude. The permanence of
pressure experiment, at 428 millimeters, his pulse main- these changes has been attributed to diminished alka-
tained its maximum rate throughout even t hough there linity of the blood, to permanent alteration in the excit-
was a progressive increase in lung ventilation. There was ing threshold of blood reaction for the kidneys, or to· other
no evidence of an interplay of factors in the experiment. changes of a more or less permanent character.
E. A. R. in an experiment similar to those just described The compensations which we have presented in this
gave a 5 per cent increase in h::emoglobin which b1;gan paper are quick to develop and temporary in character.
about the twentieth minute. The pulse rate accelerated They disappear at once, or at least quickly, when ordi-
from 68 to 78 in 32 minutes and then held. The respira- nary atmospheric pressure and oxygen tensions are re-
tion was not. recorded. Interplay between the h::emo- stored. That they were never quite sufficient at a baro-
globin and the circulation was lacking unless it be con- metric pressure of 380 millimeters was indicated by the
sidered that the early concentration of h ::emoglobin made fact that while cyanosis often improved when a low oxygen
it unnecessary for the pulse rate to increase as much as in level was maintained, it never disappeared entirely. Fur-
the other cases. In a low barometric pressure experi- thermore some men who appeared to be compensating
ment, 380 millimeters, this subject showed a greater in- well lost gradually in mental efficiency or become abnor-
crease in the pulse rate. It accelerated from 72 to 93 mally sleepy. It should also be noted that as experience
and later retarded to 86. His per-minute ventilation on mountains has demonstrated, if the experiments had
increased from 7.8 to 10 liters and then decreased as the been continued several hours longer, the majority of our
hremoglobin concentrated. subjects would have developed typical cases of altitude
We are of the opinion that these experiments were made sickness. Headache and fatigue were often observed as
at too low an oxygen percentage to obtain the optimum after effects.
response. Ten per cent oxygen, which was maintained The differences in the responses observed under these
during the holding period , is equivalent to an altitude of two different conditions of exposure to low oxygen depend
19,400 feet. Few men could remain long at such an alti- no doubt upon a suddenness with which the low barometric
tude and escape .altitude sickn ess. Under these circum- pressure and low oxygen percentage have been decreased
stances the response made b y W. A. B. gives striking con- and upon the exteJ?.t to which they were lowered. In
firmation to .the view that the effects of low barometric I very slow and moderate changes it is possible that no re-
pressure and low percentage of oxygen are due to the same sponse may be evoked. Possibly the respiratory center,
cause, namely, a low partial pressure of oxygen. It also l by virtue of greater sensitiveness may react so much to
proves that an interplay of the compensatory factors may the stimulus that the increase in respiration for a time
occur in men subjected to low percentages of oxygen. I cares adequately for the oxygen requirement of the body.
In the more rapid decrea1:1e w oxygen tension the respira- 3. During aR exposure of 30 to 145 minutes to low oxy-
tory and cardiac .centers and very 1ikely the vasomotor gen tension the percentage of hremoglobin usually in-
centers are stimulated at higher oxygen tensions and at creased in 20 minutes or more. When this occurred, and
about the same time. Consequently under the condi- when the compensation which had been made by the
tions of our experiments these two mechanisms served al- respiratory and circulatory systems was adequate, the cir-
most equally to care for the oxygen need·of the body. culation or the respiration, or both, decreased as the
hremoglobin increased . In several cases the sparing ac-
tion of the hremoglobin restored the pulse rate to nor-
l. During a period of gradual reduction in oxygen par- mal- that is, the preexperimental rate-and in one case
tial pressure at a rate approximately 5 millimeters per the respiration returned to normal.
minute the respiratory and cardiac centers are ordinarily 4. The interdependence of the three compensatory reac-
stimulated by about the same fall in the oxygen pressure. tions was shown also in a few cases in which an increase
In some subjects the first response · began at an oxygen in breathing, following a period of equilibrium in circula-
partial pressure.of 147 millimeters, in the majority between tion and respiration, resulted in a retardation in pulse rate
128 and 113 millimeters.· In some men the circulation and blood flow.
responded -before _the respiration, and in others the order 5. Several ·individuals compensated in the same µi'a'n-
was reversed. 'l'he compensations during the · period of . ner and in about equal degree in two or more experirrtents. ,
reduction, -which lasted 15 to 20 minutes, ,rnre made en- One man C'ompensated differently in each of four experi-
tirely by the circulation and respiration. ments.
2. The compensations during an exposure to a constant BIBLIOGRAPHY.
low oxygen tension were classified as follows: (a) 'I.'hose in
which the pulse, after maintaining a high rate for a while, 1. GREGG , LUTZ, and SCHNEIDER: American Journal of
r_e tarded slowly and the percentage of hremoglobin in- Physiology, 1919, 1 216 .
creased; (b) those in which the pulse after a primary rise 2. LuTz and SCHNEIDER: American Journal of Physiology,
maintained a constant rate while the hremoglobin in- 1919, l 228.
creased ; (c) those in which the pulse rate after the primary 3. LuTz and SCHNEIDER: American Journal of Physiology,
rise remained constant and in which the hremoglobin did 1919, 1 280. "
4 SCHNEIDER: Journal of the American Medical Associa-
not increase; (d) those in which the pulse rate .after a · tion, 1918. vol. 71, p. 1386.
primary rise retarded and the hremoglobin did not in- 5 _ DOUGLAS , HALDANE, HENDERSON , and SCHNEIDER
crease. The compensations were distributed among these Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
groups as follows: (a) 55 per cent; (b) 19 per cent; (c) 17 London , B. 1913, vol. 203, 185.
per cent; (d) 9 per cent. -By courtesy of American Journal of Physiology.
PART 11.




By EoWAIW C. SCHNEIDER, formerly m3,jor, Sanit!l.ry Corps, and BRENTON R. LUTZ, formerly first lieutenant, Sanitary

The-fact that the medullary centers of the brain in man The majority of researches have dealt in detail only with
are very sensitive to changes in available oxyi,e n became th-e late and more acute conditions ol the reactions to as-
apparent early in the re breathing and low-pressure experi- phyxia and anoxheinia. Gasser and Loevenhart(6), how-
ments conducted at the Medical Research Laboratory of ever, have determined the la.t ent periods for the action of
the Air Service, Mineola, N. Y. We(l) 1 have shoW-ll that decreased oxygen on rabbits, dogs, and cats by the admin-
the respiratory and cardiac centers are stimulated to in- istration of carbon monoxide_and sodium cyanide. The
creased activity in some men when the atmospheric oxygen latent periods calculated from the beginning of the admin-
tension is decreased from 159 to 137 Inillimeters Hgin about istration ranged tor the respiratory center between 4 and
four minutes. The respiratory response at first is an increase 14.5 seconds, averaging 6' or 7 seconds, and for the cardio-
in the depth but not in the rate of breathing. The cardiac inhibitory center between 15 and vO seronds,
response is shown by an acceleration in the pulse rate. In our experiment.'3 we have studied men and have con-
Because these responses developed before the organism fined our attention to the early effects on the heart rate and
appeared to come under stress from lack of oxygen we on the respiration of a reduced oxygen supply. We have-
became interested in attempting to deterinine how quickly also-studied the opposite condition in which either oxygen
and to what extent the breathing and the rate of heartbeat ·or normal air was given after the individual showed clearly
will respond to sudden changes in oxygen tension. the effects of oxygen want"and we have recorded the heart
In the past, ii,sphyxia and low oxygen effects have been rate and respiration under these conditions.
studied in animals in considerable detail. Paul Bert(2)
working with man and animals showed in 1878 that, when METHOD.
oxygen 1 was adininistered at a low barometric pressure The effects of anoxhemia and the restoration of normal
in a pneumatic cabinet, the pulse rate retarded soon oxygen tension on the pulse rate and respiration were
the inhalation of oxygen was begun. Traube(3) in 1863 studied by having men breathe pure nitrogen. Nitro-
investigated the action of asphyxia upon curarized rabbits. gen, saturated with water vapor at room temperature, was
The earlier experiments did not distinguish clearly supplied through Larsen's spirometer from a rubber bag
between the effects due to lack of oxygen and those due Containing about 80 liters. In a few cases the subjects
to the accumulation of carbon dioxide. The complete inspired directly from the bag and exhaled into the room.
separation of the two conditions by the use-of such gases The Larsen apparatus was used, however, because it gi;tve
as hydrogen, nitrogen, or carbon monoxide has proved an opportunity to measure the volume ot each breath.
that the initial effect of oxygen lack on the medullary Before the experiment the subject sat quietly with a
centers is clearly stimulating(4). Loevenhart has writ- mouthpiece in place but breathing through his nose.
ten, "The striking symptoms of asphyxia, however pro- Simultaneous records of the pulse and respiration rate
duced, are the following: .Increase in the rate and depth and amplitude were taken by means of a Mackenzie
of the respiration, rise of blood pressure, slowing of the polygraph to which a Fitz pneumograph was c,mnected .
pulse, cessation of respiration, general convulsions fol- After sufficient normal record had been secured, with the
lowed by paraly,Sis, marked and progressive fall in blood apparatus still recording, the nose clip was put on and the
pressure, death." Gasser and Loevenhart(6) found that spirometer opened at the same time so that the subject
decreased oxidation stimulates the medullary centers in began to breathe nitrogen without interrupting the
the following order: Respiratory, vasomotor and cardio- record. When the pulse and respiration became markedly
inhibitory, and that on further decrease in oxygen the increased and the subject began to appear ashy pale, the
centers become depressed and finally paralyzed in the pupils dilated, and unconsciousness impending, fhe nose
order named. I,,oevenhart has omitted from his list of clip was remov~d and the spirometer closed so that the
symptolll8 of asphyxia the acceleration of the heart which subject breathed atmospheric air without interrupting
has often been recorded . Lewis and Mathison(7) observe the pulse and respiratory record which was continued in
most cases until the normal was resumed . No cases of
that the heart accelerates within two or three Ininutes of
fainting occurred, but it was evident when the method
the onset of asphyxia.
was being tried out on ourselves that unconsciousness could
1 Number in parentheses refers to the bibliography at the end ol the come on without fainting, and few· of our sq.bjects were
article. taken to this· point.
From the continuous record the pulse was counted for and then of recording the interval that had elapsed up to
five-second periods throughout. The length of each this 5-second period as the length of the latent period.
respiration was measured in seconds and recorded as the The following are typical experiments with nitrogen in
rate per minute. The amplitude of each respiration was which the pulse rate is recorded in intervals of five seconds.
measured in millimeters. The volume ·of each breath of Before N. Nitrogen on. Nitrogen off. Time on.
nitrogen was read in deciliters from the dial of the respirom- J. D. 6,6,6, 7,6, 7 7,8,9,9,9,9,9,9 9,9, 7, 8,6,6,7,6 42ser.
eter. Unfortunately the return of the per-minute vol- W . .B. 6,7,6,6,6,6 6,7,8,7, 8,9,10, 11, 10 11 , 10,9,8, 7,8, 7, 6,6 45 sec.
C. L. 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 8 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 11, ll, ll 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 8 46 sec.
ume, when air was given, could not b e followed with
the apparatus, but the amplitude of each breath during The latent period for the stimulating effect of a decrease
this period was recorded. In the pulse studies in the low- in oxygen during the breathing of nitrogen ranged between
pressure chamber a continuous pulse tracing was taken 5 and 55 seconds. Approximately 44 per cent of all cases
with the polygraph covering the ·period before, during, gave a latent period of not more than 10 seconds, and 22
and after the taking of oxygen from the tube. In cases in per cent gave one of 15 seconds. Thus a total of approxi-
-which the effect of oxygen on respiration at low oxygen mately 66 per cent of all experiments showed a latent
tension was studied, the Larsen spirometer was used in period of 15 seconds or less.
the low pressure chamber, and at the desired moment The latent period determined for the opposite action,
oxygen was allowed to fill the spirometer. namely, an increase in oxygen percentage in which the
The excitability of the medullary centers to changes in pulse rate was retarded, ranged between 5 and 30 seconds.
the partial pressure of oxygen was determined in two ways, In about 45 per cent of all cases the latent period was 10
first by a reduction in available oxygen, and second by a seconds or less, and in 41 pet cent between 10 and 15
sudden increase in the-oxygen obtained by returning the seconds. A total of 86 per cent showed that the activity
subject quickly to atmospheric air or by the administration of the cardiac medullary center was diminished in 15
of pure oxygen. By the first method the centers were seconds or less by an increase of the oxygen in the respired
stimulated and by the second their activity was di- air.
minitihed. Experiments cond ucted with 10 men in the low press.ure
For the determination of the latent period the second chamber in which the subject was held at a barometric
method was found to give more uniform results than were pressure of 380 millimeters (18,000 feet) gave latent
obtained by decreasing the oxygen supply. The nitrogen periods similar to those obtained with nitrogen. The
experiments gave the best illustration of this difference. oxygen was administered in these cases through a rubber
Many of our subjects showed anxiety which was mani- tube held in the mouth. It was customary to give oxygen
fested in a high pulse rate and slightly increased breathing. until the pulse had returned to about the normal rate and
These conditions naturally masked the onset of the then to withdraw the oxygen for five minutes, or until the
stimulating action of the lowered oxygen tension. A pulse rate had l!,gain accelerated after which o,xygen was
. further cause for the variation in the length of the latent given once more. The following cases in which the pulse
period was found in the depth of breathing. In passing rate was recorded for intervals of five seconds are typical:
from the breathing of ordinary atmospheric air to pure Before O,. O,given.
nitrogen the depth of breathing was usually so shallow B. B. J. (1) 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 8,8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,7,6, 7, 6, 7
(2) 8,8,8,9,9, 9 8, 8, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7
that the amount of nitrogen that passed the dead space
B. R.L. (1) 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 9,9,8, 7,8, 7,8, 7, 7;7,8, 7
of the lungs was comparatively small. It frequently (2) 9, 9, 9, 9, 9;8 9, 9,8,8, 7, 7,8, 7,7,7, 7, 7
reguired two or three. breaths to alter profoundly the
alveolar oxygen. "\-Vhen the lungs were well filled with With one exception the 10 men reacted to the oxygen
nitrogen, the breathing became deep and rapid. Under administration by a slowing of the pulse rate which was
these circumstances-when oxygen was given or the subject definite within from 5 to 15 seconds. The exceptional
was returned to atmospheric air, the first breath because case in two trials gave a latent period of 45 seconds.
of its depth carried a large amount of .oxygen into the The total acceleration of the pulse rate in the nitrogen
alveoli, and smce the breathing was also more rapid, a experiments varied between 6 and 72 beats, although it
second large influx of oxygen quickly followed the first. was usually in the neighborhood of 30. The return to
normal when th e subject was restored to atmospheric air,
PULSE RATE. was made in from 10 to 15 seconds. It should be noted
that in the nitrogen experiments we did not, as a rule,
The pulse rate data for the nitrogen experiments have continue the breathing of nitrogen until the subject
been tabulated in Table I. In order that the pulse became unconscious. Jn the low pressure chamber the
counts for the entire period might be presented, we have return to normal spmetimes required two or three minutes
recorded the rate in one-second intervals. From the of oxygen .administration. In s.ome cases the rate became
polygraph tracings we have taken as our unit 5 second$ subnormal.
rather than 10 seconds. The latent period has been The above reactions of the heart to changes in oxygen
caiculated from the beginning of the administration of ,tension bring to mind the discussion of the mechanism by
nitrogen in the study of the effects of decrease in oxygen, which the observed changes are produced. Gasser and
and from the time the subject was returned to atmospheric Loevenhart(6) have pointed out that the views on the
air or given oxygen for the determination of the time of effect of decreased oxidation on the medullary center~
beneficial effects of oxygen. In each case the interpre- may be classified as ·tollows: (a) A decrease in oxidation
tation consisted of determining in which five seconds the can not cause stimulation; (b) decreased oxidation may
puls0 rate had definitely changed in the proper direction, . cause stimulation, but only indirectly by increasing the
stimulating effect of carbon dio4.ide, or by causing the oxygen percentages, occurs before the cardio-inhibitory
formation and acc·umulatibn of acid metabolic products; effects observed b y Gasser and Loevenhart and by Mathi-
and (c) decreased oxygen per se under proper conditions son. It is not the same acceleration that Gasser and
will stimulate _:;, ese centers. They support the third Loevenhart found after the depression of the inhibitory
view by proving that the responses of the respiratory and center. That it is a result of a stimulating action on the
the vaso constrictor centers occur too rapidly to be at- accelerator heart center seems to us the most satisfactory
tributed to the accumulation of acid products. Our own explanation. "\Ve have, however , no experimental proof
data on the acceleration and retardation of the h eart beat for this explanation.
give a reaction time that is also too short to lend support The beneficial or quieting effect of oxygen on the heart
to the acid theory or to the idea of accumulation of meta- rate has been observed by Benedict and .Higgins(l4) and
bolic products. by Parkinson(l 5). In normal individuals at sea level the
If it be admitted that the variations in oxygen in them- breathing of oxygen rich mixtures slowed the rate appre-
selves stimulate and d epress the medullary heart center ciably. Schneider and Sisco(l6) working on Pike's Peak
the question of what constitutes th e accelerator mechanism (14,110 feet) administered oxygen to si x subj ects and ob-
is still unsettled. It is well recognized that the h eart s(ll"ved a reduction in the pulse rate which varied between
may be accelerated in at least four different ways: (a) By 7.4 and 28 .8 per cent, while in Colorado Springs (6,000
a d ecrease in vagal tone , (b) by stimulation of the acceler- feet) the breathing of pure oxygen caused a slowing of
ator center, (c) by secretion of adrenin, (d) by an increase 2.5 to 8.8 per cent.
in the temperature of the blood(9) . That the low oxygen RESPIRATION.
effect is not the result of a decrease in vagal tone seems
The response of the respiratory m echanism to changes in
unlikely, since the first action of oxygen want is a stimu-
lating one. Mathison(8) found in animals in which the oxygen tension has been studied b y the same methods and
at the same time as the pulse-rate changes were und er ob-
vagi are intact that irregular slowing occurred frequently
during ii..sphyxia. This he attributed to the stimulation servation. The respiration was recorded by means of a
of the cardio-inhibitory center. Gasser and Loeven- pneumograph and a Mackenzie polygraph. In some cases
hart(6) also found, in animals under low oxygen produced we have also measured the volume of breathing by means
of the Larsen spirometer. From the polygraph tracing the
by the use of carbon monoxide or sodium cyanide, that
the latent period for the stimulation of the cardio-inhibi- height of the curve of each respiration has been measured
to determine a factor which would give relati ve data on the
tory center varied between 15 and 50 seconds. This
change in volume of each respiration. The rate of breath_
period , they find, is often obscured by the rapid onset of
ing has been determined by noting the tim e taken for each
the depressive effect of low oxygen on this center. The
reaction with which we have dealt in our experiments
A summary of the results obtained with nitrogen is
does not find a ready explanation in decreased vagal tone
given in Table II. In Table III the results of six experi_
because the response occurred before the cardio-inhibitory
ments are presented in d etail. In the nitrogen experi-
center would have been affected by oxygen want.
ments we dealt with opposite conditions, a reduction in oxy-
Since the first effect of low oxygen on the medullary
gen tension and an, increase in oxygen tension. In the
center is stimulating, it is natural to attribute to thE
presentation of the pulse-rate changes it was shown why
accelerator center the increase observed in exposure t c
the latent period as determined for the effects of decrease in
low oxygen of rebreathing and low barometric pressure.
oxygen would be longer than that for the effects of increase
Nolf and Plumier(lO) believe that in the dog they found
in oxygen. In addition to the influence of the depth
evidences of increased tonus in the accelerator cardiac
of breathing, the rate of blood flow may account for the
nerves during asphyxia. Mathison(ll), on the other
shorter latent period that ·uccurred when the subject was
hand , demonstrated that the acceleration which im-
returned to normal atmospheric air. During the -early
mediately preceded heart-block during asphyxia was not
stages of asphyxia, Mathison(ll) found in animals that
due to stimulation of the accelerator center. After sec-
the systolic output per beat gradually increased, reaching
tioning the upper part of the spinal cord to remove the
a maximum in about 30 seconds. Since the effects of the
influence of the accelerator center, he still obtained -ac-
oxygen changes are brought about through the action in the
celeration of the heart. That low oxygen may lead to
medullary centers the shorter latent period at the return
stimulation of the adrenals has been demonstrated by
to air or oxygen is explained in part by the increased blood
Kellaway(l2). He observed a dilatation of the pupils
during such an exposure. We have seen a dilatation of
When anoxhemia was produced b y breathing nitrogen,
the pupils of some of our subjects during the last part of the latent period for change in volume of breathing as esti-
the period while breathing nitrogen. Meek and Eyster(13) mated by the height of the respiratory curve ranged be-
have shown that the action of adrenin is twofold. It tween 4 and 35 seconds. The average was 14.5 seconds.
accelerates the heart by direct stimulation and inhibits it About 32 per cent of all cases h:ave a latent period of 10
reflexly through the vagus, the acceleration occurring first. seconds or less, while fo 29 per cent it was between 10 and
That an increase in temperature is not the cause of the 15 seconds. In the determinations of the volume of each
acceleration follows from the briefness of the nitrogen breath by t he Larsen spirometer the latent period ranged
experiments in which the acceleration was evident within between 4 and 25 seconds, averaging 12.4 seconds. In al-
5 to 15 seconds. most all cases the latent period as estimated by this met.hod
We believe that the acceleration which we have reported was slightly less than that determined by the height of the
in this paper and in our study of low pressures and low respiratory curves.
The volu.m e of breathing diminished quickly when the/ same manner and in about the same short time as Gasser
subject was restored to atmospheric air. The latent period and Loeve.nhart found in animals. The shortness of the
as determined by the height of the pneumograph curve . latent periods, both when oxygen is withdrawn and when
ranged between 3 and. 34 seconds, averaging 6.9 seconds. it is administered, suggest that the oxygen effects are.
A large nutnber, 89.3 per cent, had a latent period of 10 immediate and determined only by the time required for
seconds or less. This would indicate that the respiratory the blood to pass from the lungs to th'e .medullary centers.
center, with respect to the volume of each breath re- These data appear to lend support to the view that oxygen
sponds to oxygen changes slightly earlier than the cardiac llJl'<l;c,T certain ·<.,-onditions pe:r se determines .the condition
center. of activity of the respiratory and other medullary centers.
The rate of breathing is increased by anoxhemia when In this connection the observations of Lindhard(l7) are
the fall in oxygen has become marked. On administering interesting because he found that an excess of oxygen
nitrogen the latent period for the increase in tlie rate of diniinisheu ""l1he excitability of the respiratory center.
breathing ranged between .8 .a nd 80 seconds, averaging 35.5 Kaya and Starling(l8) made chloralized animals breathe
seconds. The normal rate of breathing ranged between 8 a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen and found that a diminu-
and 26 breaths per minute, and at the height of anoxhemia tion of the oxygen fro:iµ 20 to 14 per cent had, as a rule,
it ranged between 11 and 46 breaths. . The rate of breath- no effect on ili.e rhythm or depth of respiration, but that
ing decreased more rapidly when the anoxheniia was a1le- oxygen of 8 to 10 per cent increased the amplitude and
viated than it increased during the withdrawal of oxygen. rhythm of the respiratory movements. The short latent
The latent period for rate on the return to air ranged be- period that we obtained withnitrogenandinourrespiration
tween 3 and 31 seconds, averaging 9.5 seconds. The studies in the low-preBBure chamber and in rebreathing(l )
.respiratory stimulation due to low oxygen with respect to indicate either that a man is more sensitive to changes in
rate and depth passed away completely within from 10 to oxygen or that chloral alters the excitability of the respira-
53 seconds after returning to atmospheric air. tory center.
In a few cases which werl:l kept at 380 millimeters in the The quick responses made by the heart and the respira-
low-preBBure chamber we have determined the volume tion to changes in the oxygen tension of the respired air
change when oxygen was administered. The per minute make it appear that the oxygen has a direct influence on
volume of breathing was recorded in these experiments, the excitability of the medullary centers which control the
and the data are given in the table. It will be observed rate of heart beat and the breathing. Whether oxygen
that the per minute volume of breathing was much re- acts indirectly by increasing .and decreasing the stimulat-
duced even during-the first minute of oxygen administra- ing effects of carbon dioxide or whether oxygen itself, by
tion. A fall in rate was also present in four cases. the variations in partial preBSure or in the rate of oxidation,
is a stimulus to the medullary centers still remains ·a n
E . C.S . B.R.L. K.O. N.
unsettled q,uestion.
Min. Vol. Rate. Min. Vol. Rate. Min. Vol. Rate.
------ - - - -- --
16 11. 4 13 16 12.3 10 11.5 18 1. The cardiac and respiratory medullary centers in
17 11. 6 17 11.9 11 11 11.6 ..
18 11. 6 18 13.0 12 11.2 man respond quickly to changes in the pa,rtial pressure of
19 12. 8 19 13.3 12 13 11.5 16 oxygen. A decrease in oxygen stimulates while an in--
20 11.0 20 12. 7 14 11.6 ..
21 11. 9 21 13. 9 ' 12 15 11.1 crease in oxrgen inhibits the action of these centers.
22 11.6 14 22 15.1 ... 16 12. 2 is 2. The heart accelerated in from 5 to 55 seconds in re-
Oxygen on. Oxygen on. 17 11. 7 ..
~ f
18: i2
23 · 10. 9
11. 9
Oxygen on.
sponse to a decrease in oxygen. In 66 per cent of all cases
the acceleration began within 15 seconds or less. Admin-
26 4. 8 11 26 6,84 9 20 8. 74
istration of oxygen slowed the heart within 'from 5 to 30
~ g i2
8. 4
I 23
seconds. In 86 per cent of the cases the retardation ·began
24 9.06 within 15 seconds.
+5 8. 06 17
3. · Changes in the partial pressure of oxygen in the re-
spired air have a twofold action on the respiration; the
G.S. M. B.B. J. B.R.L. rhythm and the depth of breathing may be altered. In
a gradual and comparatively slow reduction in oxygen
Min. Vol. Rate. Min. Vol. j Rate. Min. Vol. I only the depth of breathing was usually increased. With
- - ~ - - -
I a sudden decrease in oxygen the depth of breathing was
14 11. 9 12 · 12 .. 15 11.9
15 9.51 · 13 11.5
11. 6 1 16 14.0 first increased ·and later the rate .
16 10. 1 14 12. 5 17 13.1
17 9. 75 15 9.18 18 15.8 4. The latent period for the increase in the d6pth of
12, 2
Oxygen on.
12 16
Oxygen on.
I 22
19 14. 1
Oxygen on.
20 8.4
breathing in anoxhemia ranged between 4 and 35 seconds,
·averaging 14.5.seconds. The latent period for the increarn
20 14. 0 18 9.51 21 5. 61
in breathing ranged between 8 and 80 seconds, averaging
21 13. 3 19 6.26 22 3.82
22 11. 3 n 20 8.28 15 23 3. 36 · 35.5 seconds.
23 12.3 21 9.06
24 10. 7 22 6.16 15 5. When the subject was retmned to atmospheric air,
25 10. 6 23 7.39
the latent period for reduction in the volume of breathing
varied between 3 and 24 seconds, averaging 6.9 seconds;
Our data obtained from a study of men indicate that the for the rate of breathing it varied between 3 and 31 seconds,
respiratory center responds to a decrease in oxygen in the averaging 9.5 seconds.
6. In all subj ects at a barometric pressure of 380 milli- 9. GASSER and MEEK : American Journal of Physiology,
meters (18, 000 feet) administration of oxygen reduced the 1914, XXXIV, p. 48.
volume of breathing, and in some cases the rate also was 10. NOLF and PLUMIER: Journal de Physiologie et de
Pathologie Generale, 1904, VI, p. 241.
decreased. 11. MATHISON : Journal of Physiology, 1910-11, XLI, p. 416
BIBLIOGRAPHY. 12. KELLAWAY : Journal of 'Physiology, 1919, LII, p.
1. LUTZ and SCHNEIDER : American Journal of Physiology. LXIII-V.
2. BERT: La Pression Baroriietrique, 1878. 13. MEEK and EYSTER: American Journal of Physiology,
3. TRAUBE: Allge. Med. Ctrblt., 1863, V. 1915, XXXVIII, p . 62.
4. MATHISON: American Journal of Physiology, 1911, 14. BENEDICT and HIGGINS: American Journal of Physiol-
XLII, p. 283. ogy, 1911, XXVIII, p . 25.
5. LoEVENHA.RT: The Archives of Internal Medicine, 15. PARKINSON: Journal of Physiology, 1912, XLIV, p. 54.
1915, XV, p. 1059. 16. SCHNEIDER and Sisco: American Journal of•PhysioJ.
6. GASSER and LOEVENHART: Journal of Pharmacology ogy, 1914, XXXIV, :p. 29.
and Experimental Therapeutics, 1913- 14- V, p. 239. 17. LINDHARD: Journal of Physiology, 1911, XLII, p. 337.
7. LEWIS and MATHISON: Heart, 1910-11, II, p. 47. 18. KAYA and STARLING: Journal of Physiology, 1909-10,
8. MATHISON: Heart, 1910-11, II, p. 54. XXXIX, p. 346 .
TABLE !.-Effects of breathing nitrogen on the pulse rate. Rates calculated from JO-second period13 on the sphygmogram.
[First black figure indicates time on, second black figure t ime off.J

No. 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 Time

130 on.


90 ----78-
72 72 ······ ·
-- --78-
3 ..... - , 84 58
4_ --- -- 90 84 96 108 96 108 114 102 114 108 114 114 72 72
5 ..... . 90 84 90 90 90 102 102 96 102 108 114 114 120 108 96 90 87
6---- - -1 96 96 102
I 96 102 120 132 138 126 102 96 . . . . . . . .... . . . ··- · ·· · · ·-· ·· · 47

: : ~f:::::
7 ____ -- 78 84 78 72 78 78 90 90 102 108 108 90 64
- ----
89 -______ 96 96 102 102 102 ll4 120 126 132 108 102 96 46
78 72 72 72 90 102 126 126 114 90 90 72 42
10- .. . . . 102 108 114 114 126 126 132 132 126 114 108 108 102 102 102 ·· ·· -· · 39
11.. •. .. 84 84 96 84 96 102 114 ll4 114 102 96 96 90 ····· ·- ·· ··· · · · · · · · · · 57
12 .•.. • . 102 108 108 102 114 108 108 108 108 108 108 96 80 ······ · -- -· · · · ... .. .. 80
13 ...•. .
14 ..• .. .
15 . . . ...
108 ·· ···· · · ······
··· ····1 (()
16 ...•.. 90 90 84 90 ll4 108 108 114 114 108
· · · ·- ·· ···· ·· · 48
84 102 90 60
17 .... • . 84 78 78 84 84 84 96 102 120 108 90 84 ··· ·· ·· [ 46
18 ...... 72 72 72 66 72 66 72 72 78 84 84 90 90 84 · · ·· · · · • • • • • •• j 88
19 . . •. -- 66 72 66 72 72 66 66 78 84 84 96 96 96 84 --- --·· 83
20 . ... . . 90 102 96 96 90 108 114 120 108 104 ·- ---·· --- -· ··- · ···· ·· .. ..... ···
84 ··· ·
· · · · ·· · 38
21. •.... ··· · ·· ·· 96 90
96 114 126 --- --- -- 132 · ······- · · · ··· ·· . . .. .... ..... .. . . . . ... . .... .. · ·- ·· ·· · ··· ·· · 30
22 . •.... 102 108 120 138 138 ···· · · · · 126 .. ... . .
23 . . .•. . 90 90 96 102 108 108 102 102 108 114 .... iii;"
· -···
96 90 90 ... . ....
24 . • .... 90 96 102 108 114 114 108 108 120 114 102 90 90 84
25 ... . . . ·-······ 90 96 96 96 108 114 114 108 108 102
· · ···· - · · ···· · 59
84 84 · · · ··- · 63
26 . . • • . . 84 84 9.6 102 114 120 126 120 114 102 90 84 78 84 52
······ ·
27 .••...
28 • . ••••
l~O I·....... 114 102
96 ·· ·· · ·· ···· ·· ·
96 90 90 90
· · - · · ··

TABLE I I.-Effects of breathing nitrogen on respi7:ation . . The latent perio~ for the initial response in both rate and depth
when nitrogen is on and off are given.
R ate. Height. Volmue.

laten t Normal
Maxi- Off , latent
mum riod in secon s.
rs· Oil,
Off laten t pe- On ,
riod in seconrls. laten t
Deciliters per
p er
period min- per - -- - - - ormal Maxi-
period Nmm. mum period
in sec- ute. min- Begin. Com- in sec- mm. Com- m sec-. Begin. Maxi-
Begin . plete.
onds. ute. plete. onds. onds. mum.
1. ... ... • • . • . .. . . ..•.•. • • .. • • •. - ...
2 .•........... . .... • .... . .. • ·-···· ·
3 • ••••• • ••• • •• · -·······- · · ·· ··· · · ··
16 ~23 I··......
. . ~ . ~- . .
· · ··· ·· · 19

IB ~
4 5. 60
t: :} H.8
4 ••••••••••• . • . ••••.•.••••• • •. . •..• 26 16 Z7 7 7 4 22 5 7 6. 70 26.3
5 . . ... • . , • • •.. •. · • • •· • ·• · •· • · • ·· -·· 8 17 26 5 4 5 21 lg it 4 3. 90 8. 95
6.•••.••. •·••·••·•••••••·•·• • ••· • •• ·
7 ... . .... . .. . .............. .. ..... .
14 3 ~ ~: rJ
8 .•• . •. • • •• •• .••••• • •.•••.• • • .. - • ••
9 .•.•••••••••• . • •• . •• • · · •· • • •••·· · •
10 ... • . . .•...• . .• . ....... · -· · · · ·····
45 .
8 24
fr 1
~ ~::
3. 90
7. 84
11. •.•. •. ......•.....•..•.• . . .... • .. 27 12 17 . .. -- . - · · ·· · ···
35 5 10 .. -- . . . . .. .. . . . . 23 8. 40 13. 4
12 .•...•.•.•.• . .... • ...•.•.. . . . . : •. • 31 18 ;JO 6 11 15 4 13 3 11 15 4. 50 10. 8
13 ..• . • •. • . •.•.. . •••... •. ••• • .. . ... • 26 20 50 ····· ·· - ..... . .. 18 4 17 15 25 15 2. 80 7. 80
14 ••...•.••••• . .. _•. . .•. . ... . ....•.. 32 15 25 11 32 12 3 25 5 21 4 1. 12 12. 2
15 . • . ·· · · · ······-· · · · ·-···- ·· ·· · · · · · 41 18 21 .. . . . .. . . ...... . 9 4 28 5 10 9 6. 72 19. 1
16 ..... . ........ . ..... ........ . ..... . 48 18 Z7 · · ······ 7 4 30 .. . .. . ....... . -- 7 2. 24 22. 4
17 .•.•.. .. .....• . • . ..•... • .• . .. .. •.. 61 15 23 4 13 25 3 17 8 23 25 2. 24 7.84
i8 . . .. . ... . . . .. . . _. .. . .... . ........ . 80 26 38 ··-·· ·· · ·-··· - ·- 17 3 10 7 17 ···· · · · · . .. . ... . ---- · ···
19. •·•·• . ..... _. • ... ••. .... .• . .... _. 48 8 15 ·-·--··· · · ··· 25
· ·· 28 9 16 10 .. . .. -- ... . .... .. .... . . . •..•.. . .
20 . • ...•... • ......... . .... . • . ..... - . 48 9 11 12 6 12
25 13 37 9 20 12 30
10 18 25 2 ·'--·io"I 10 7 25
21 13 23 7 ····· · ·· 12 6 13
ti i:1111111:;1;i )\)\\iiiii\iiiiiiii! 25
15 ::::::::i 12 1

,! i 1t>

········ •••····· .......

· ······.
26 .. .. .• . . •• . . . . . . ..... • . •. . • ... . • . • 22 17 20 22 5 17
27 ..••. · • •· •· ·•· •• ·• · •• ·•· •• • •··· ... 47 18 25 3 10 5 16
28 • •• •• • • •• • •••• - • .•. ••• • •. . • •. •. •••
29 . .•• ... .••. •... . . . . • •. • . •... ... . . •
23 30
46 I 8
19 --·.m 10
5 I
26 · •· · ·•·· · ••··• •·
48 • • ••··• • •.• .. •••
. • . •. . . .
· •· ·· • ·•
30 .• • .. • ·•· •· . . • . · • · ·· • ••·•· • • · · • •• • 48 10 27 7 13 I 6 20 6, 53 · · ·····• · · ···•·· ....•. . .
TABLE lll.-Data for the respiratory response to the breath T ABLE III. - Data for the respiratory response to the breath-
ing of nitrogen as taken from the polygraph tracing ·anr.
the Larsen spirometer. · I ing of nitrogen as taken from the polygraph tracing and
the Larsen spirometer-Cont inued.
J.E. J.
I S. I.

of resp.
per Heigh t,
.m m .
I Nu mber Length, Rat~ per Height, Volume,

--3.-5- ,-
- 1-7-
- ~ - - - -1 I of resp. sec. mi,µ .
--- ----
mm. decil.

0 4
0 2. 5 24 5 ... .... ...
1 4.0 3 1.12
Nitrogen on.
2 4.0 1 4. 0 15 4 3. 36
15 3 2. 24 2
3 4.0 15 3.3 18 5 2. 80
4 I 3. 36 3 2. 6
4 4.0 1.5 3 I 5. 60
23 5 I. 68
5 4. 2 4 3.1 19 5 5.04
14 6 I 5.60 5 2. 8
6 4.2 14 9 i 21 5 3. 90
6. 72 6 3. 0 20
7 4. 0 15 9 6. 72 6 3. 90
10 i j
4. 2 7 3. 0 20 7 5.04
8 14 6. 72 8 3. 0 20
9 3. 8 16 12 7.84 6 5.60
10 3.8· 9 2. 8 21 6 4. 48
16 13 8. 96 10 2. 7
11 3. 6 17 13 22 6 3.36
7.84 11 2. 7 22
12 3. 8 16 16 11.2 6 6. 16
13 12 4. 2 14 7 5. or
3. 6 17 17 10:1
14 3. 2 13 2.5 24 8 4.12
19 18 10. 1 I
15 3.4 18 2. 5 24 9 5. 60
18 11. 2 15 2. 2 27
16 3.0 20 19 10 6.16
17 2. 6 23 20
·-··- ---- -
11. 2
16 2. 2 27 11 5. 04
18 17 2.2 27 11 6. 72
2.8 21 21 10.1
19 2. 4 18 2.5 24 11 5. 60
25 24 12. 2 19 2.2 27 12
Nitrogen off. 6. 72
20 2.4 20 2. 2 27 13 6. 72
25 23 --- --- ---- 21 2. 2 27 13 7.R4
21 2.4 25 25 ·-------- - 22 2. 1 28 I I
22 2. 4 25 19 15 6. 72
23 2.4
·· --- ---- · Nitrogen off.
25 12 ------- -·· 23 2. 2 27 17
-.. . - -- --- 24 2.2 27 14
--- -·-····
·--- -··-· -
26 3. 4 18 10
·····--· ·· 25 2.2 27 15 ---- ·-· -··
···---·· · · 26 2.4 25 15 · -· ··· ·· -·
--- ------- 27 2.8 21 15 -- -· -··- ··
29 3. 6 28 2. 8 21 12 --- --- ---·
17 5 29 2. 2 27
30 3.8 16 5
15 --········
31 4.0 30 2.2 27 11 ------·-· ·
15 5 31
32 4. 0 15
1. 8 38 5 ----· -····
5 -- - -- -·· ··1

W . B.
E . C. S.

' Length, Rate per Height
of resp.
Length, Rate per Height, Volume,
Voh1mP, sec. min. mm. decil.
of res p. sec. min. mm. decil.
- -- - -- - - -
I --- ---
0 4. 3 14 3 1----- --- --
I 0
Nitrogen on.
··- ----- -·
2. 80
3. 2
2. 7
Nitrogen on.
-- ---
2 4. 2 14 4 3. 90 3 3. 7 16 4 6. 16
I 4. 6
4. 5
4. 2
4. 48
4: 48
5 7.5 8 7 5.04 6 2.5 24 5 5.60
6 4.2 14 9 6.16 2. 8 21 7 4. 48
7 4.8 12 9 7.84 8 2.8 21 7 6. 16
8 4. 6 13 11 7. 84 9 2.8 21 7 6. 72
9 4.3 14 9 8. 40 10 2. 5 24 7 6. 72
10 4. 4 14 11 7: 84 .11 2. 6 23 7 7.27
11 4. 4 14 12 8. 40 12 2.5 24 7 6. 72
12 4.3 14 14 12.89 13 2.4 25 9 7.84
13 4. 3 14 14 11.20 14 2.3
15 I 3.8
3. 6 I 16
15. 68
14. 57
I 15 2. 2
Nitrogen off.
7. 84
Nitrogen off.
15 .
16 2.2 27 7 ..........!I
17 3.
2. 95 17 1 ---- -- ---- 17 2. 2 27 7
17 -- ---- ---- 18 2.1 29 7 --- -·· ·· ··
18 3.0 15 ---- --- --- 19 2.3 26 8 ---- ··· · -·
2. 9
-- -- -- ---- 20 2. 1 29 6 ··· ··-----
2. 7
I 7
· ··· · ·· · --
---- ----- -
I. 6
2. 6
·· ····--·-
···- ·· ·· -·
23 2. 4 25 I 4
·· ··· ·-·-·
........ .. 24 2.3
26 6 · · ······- -
24 3.0 ---- --- ---
I 3 25
2. 7
---······ ·
· ----··· ··
·· ···-····
2. 1
2. 2
----- -----
30 4.0 15 3
· ·· -····
..... ··
... ..
.... .. ... .
31 3.6 17
I 3
TABLE III. - Data for the respiratory response to the breath- TABLE III.-Data for the respiratory response to the breath-
ing of nitrogen as taken from the polygraph tracing and ing of nitrogen as taken from the polygraph tracing and
the Larsen spirometer-Continued. the Larsen spirometer-Continued. ·
C. l\f. L . K.O.N.

of resp.
Rate per
Height, II Volume, Number·
,:.,,''°j Ro<, "" H.,,M, M=o,

- - - --1-
mm. decil. of resp. sec. min. mm. decil.
- - - - - - -- -
0 2.6 23 5 . .... . ... . 0 3. 7 16 4 . . . . . •. . ..
Nitrogen on. itrogen on.
1 3.2 19 4 4.48 1
I 6 6. 72

'j "
2 2. 7 22 4 6.16 2 3. 66
3. 17
17 7 6. 16
3. 3
17 !
I 4
2. 9
15 14.0
6 3. 3 18 7 8.40 6 3.2 19 19 14.60
7 3.2 19 i 7 7.27 7 3. 9 15 20 26.30
19 I
8 3. 2 10 7. 84 8 3. 5 17 19 22.40
9 3.2 19 10 11. 20 9 3.2 19 19 16.80
10 :p 26 7 10.80 10 2. 9 21 20 24. 60
11 2.6 23 7 5.60 11 2. 2· 27 20 19.10
2. 7
2. 6
24 I
I 9
12 2.2 27
itrogen of
···· ·· ··· ·
2. 5
29 I
9 8.95 13 2. 5 24 I 22 ......... .
2.1 13 8.40 14 2.5 24 19 ------- ---
16 2. 0
Nitrogen off.
30 13 ·········-
2. 3
25 I
17 2. 0 ...... . .... . . ........-
18 2. 0 I 30
7 --------·-
19 2.5 24 9 ------
35 2. 7 22 9
1···: ......
3. 4
I 21
5 -----·····
2. 7
9 --- -------
23 3. 6 17
5 ··········
.. .......... I
24 3. 4 j 18 5 ------ ----I -By courtesy of American Journal of Physiology.
PART 12.




By Capt. l'ERC DOLMAN, Medical Corps.

When the eyes are alternately covered and uncovered I It was not until the Maddox rod screen test(2) had been
in the screen test, one eye is frequently seen to make a in use in this laboratory for several weeks that a means
greater excursion of redress than the other. Occasionally was recognized for making the desired measurements in
a careful observer during the parallax test notices that the a simple and accurate manner.
image jumps farther when the screen is moved in one Either eye in this test may be selected for light fixation,
direction than when it is moved iri the other. Such ob- the other being covered by the Maddox rod. The fixing
servations are common in the experience of ophthalmolo- · eye throµghout the test is kept in the natural primary
gists who employ these two excellent tests and some con- position, uninfluenced by any prism, screen, or other de-
fusion not infrequently arises in trying to select a prism vice . The Maddox rod before the other eye is covered by
that will neutralize both mo_vements, In the interest a screen which is removed for an instant and replaced,
of accurate procedure it is necessary to determine which allowing a brief view of the line of light. If the line does
of these two unequal eye movements indicates the true not pass through the spot of light, a rotary prism is placed
deviation of the visual axes. in front of the Maddox rod and rotated while other brief
It is evident from the technique of the screen test that exposures of the line are made until finally a degree of
the two unequal degrees of deviation d epend upon the prism is obtained that causes the line to pass through the
fact that the role of fixation is given to each eye in turn. light every time the screen is removed. This prism is the
The stimulus received by the retina of the eye fixing the measure of the deviation of one eye in relation to the other
test object determin es the direction of both visual axes which fixes the light. Itis obvious that a second measure-
when the other eye is screened . A study of the problem ment can be obtained i;'y selecting the opposite eye for
in hand , therefore, depends upon an investigation of the the role of light fixation.
effects of right and left eye fixation on the measurement This test has been made on both eyes of 100 observers,
of heterophoria. 50 of whom were aviators and medical officers connected
with the Air Service. The remaining 50 were patients
The screen test is not easily adapted for making the
in several New York ophthalmological clinics. The
measurements desired in this investigation. The tech-
apparatus used in the Medical Research Laboratory was a
nique advocated in this test is to place prisms of con- DeZeng phorometer-trial frame equipped with ·a pair
stantly increasing strength before one eye until the direc- of Maddox multiple rods and a pair of Risley rotary prisms.
tion of movement of the eye is observed to be reversed. The phorometer attachment of thi13i apparatus was not
From this amount of prism (2)(A) 1 is deducted and the used. In the clinics the tests were made with a trial case
result called the measurement of the original movement(!). multiple red rod, held in position by a trial frame, measure-
This procedure is practical for clinical use but is subject ments being made by trial case prisms or a portable rotary
to a possible error of one prism diopter(l), an amount too prism. The sighting or dominant eye of each observer
high for the purpose of this investigation where small was ascertained by having him locate a distant light
amounts of heterophoria must be exactly measured. through a hole in a large card held in both hands.
The parallax test gives an exceedingly exact result but,, In the first half of the appended table are grouped the
being sub.jective in character, its success depends upon the aviators and medical officers. The aviators were ·com-
ability of the observer to see the apparent movement of paratively free from refractive errors which might in-
the test object when the eyes are alternately screened. fluence the test. The medical officers were tested while
The fact that some observers are unable to see this move- wearing their refractive corrections. The second half
ment limits the l\pplication of the test. of the table contains the data concerning the clinical
Other tests for heterophoria in common use are not patients. The visual acuity recorded for this group is
readily available for this purpose because their technique not as high as for the first one. Those who wo:re glasses
is such that fixation of the test object by one or the other were tested with the glasses in place. The rest were free
from the suspicion of having more than a moderate amount
eye is not under the control of the examiner.
of refractive error. All individuals having a marked
1 Number in parentheses refers to the bibliograph y at the end of the inequality of vision of the two eyes were excluded from
11rticle. I both groups.
[Abbreviations: Esophoria, S; exophoria, X; right hyperphoria, RH; left hyperphoria, LH. Measurements are in prism dioptries J
Maddox rod Maddox rod
Visual acuity. measurements measurements
Sight- when light is Visual acuity.
Number. Age. Sex. fixed by- Sight- when light is
mg Number. Age. Sex. i ng fixed by-
eye. eye.
R.E. L. F,. R.E. L.E. R.E. L . E. R. E. L.E.

1. .........
2 . . ······· ·
3 ... . ......
.~1g~: 83
... do . . 82
52 . . . ·······
53 • . . •......
54 •. . .......
.~1g.t .
Left .. .
I Slf
4 . . ··· · ···· M 20/15+4 20/15+5 .. . do .. 82 St
X3 55 • . · •··· · ·· 34 F 20/20+4 20/20+3 Right. {817 89!
5 .......... 24 M 20/20+3 20/20+3 ... do.· { LH2
X4 LH2 LHl
LH! 56 • . •· ··· · · · 36 F 20/20+2 20/20+ 1 . .. d o .. 81 81
6 . . · ···· ·· · 22 M 20/15 20/15 Left . . . Sl t 82 57 . . .. .... . . 20 F 20/20
52 M 20/15+3 20/20 . . . d o .. X7 X5
7. ··· ······· 20/15+3 Right. 82 81 58 .. · ···· · ·· 14 M 20/15 20/15 . . . d o .. X2 Ortho.
8 .......... 22 M 20/15 20/20+2 Left ... {Sl }ortho. 59 .. . ·· · ···· 16 M 20/20 20/20+3 . .. d o .. X2 X2
9 .......... 24 M 20/1.5 20/15, Either X2 Xl 60 . . ········ 10 F 20/20 20/20 .. . do .. {86 }84
10 ..........
11. .........
Right. 83
·Left. .. 82
61. ......... 16 F 20/30 20/30 Left ... X27
12 . . .. ...... 62 . . . ······· 16 M 20/20+2 20/15 Either 81 83
22 M 20/15 20/ 15 . .. do .. Xl SI 63 .. . ....... 10 M 20/20
13 ...... . . .. 25 M 20/20+4 Right. Ortho. Ortho.
20/20 20/20 Right. 81 Ortho. 64 . . . ····· .. 9 M 20/20+2 20/20+4 ... do .. 81
14 .......... 21 M 20/15 20/15 Left ... Slt Do.
Sl t 65 .. ········ 19 M 20/20+4 20/15 ... do .. 82 St
15 .. . ....... 23 M 20/15 20/15 Right. Ortho. Ortho. 66 . ....... . . 16 M 20/20+ 1
16 ..... • • . .. 29 M 20/20+1 ... do .. X3 Xt
20/15 20/15 ... do .. X9 X5 67 .. .. .... . . 11 M 20/20 20/20+4 ... d o . . X3
17 .......... 36 M 20/15 20/15 ... do .. Ortho. Ortho. , 68 .. ·· ····· · X I!
18 ...... .... 8 M 20/30+5 20/20 Left ... XIO XS
27 M 2Q/15 20/15 ... do .. 84 82 4& F 20/30 20/30
69 .. . · · ·· · ·· Right. Slt Ortho.
19 ... . ...... 30 M 20/15 20/20+6 Left .. . {Sl 82 70 .. · ··· • ··· 13 .M 20/20 20/20 ... do .. 82 81
LHt LH2 X4
20 ..... . •... 25 M 20/20 20/20 ... do .. 84 82! 71. ....... . . 16 M 20/20+2 20/20+1 Left ..• {X2z
21. ......... 21 LH! LH!
22 ..... : ....
23 .. ····· ·· ·
Left .. . St
Ortho. 72 . .........
Do. 73 . .........
F 1 20/20+
20/20 1 20/30+4
Right. 84
Left . .. X3
Sit 74 ....... . .. 11 M 20/20+2 20/20+2 Right. X2 Ortho
24 .... . .. . ..
25 . . ........
26 .... . .....
... do . . 84
75 ... . ... . . .
76 ... ·······
Left ..• SU
Right. X2
l 77 . .. ······ · M 1 20115 20/20+5 Left Ortho S2z
27 ....... . .. 27 M ' 20/15 20/15 d 1{84 82 78 .. ········ 10 F 20/20 20/30+4 Either Do. Ortho
. . . o .. RH! RHt 9 M 20/20 1
28 .... ... . .. 26 M
79 .. . · · ····· 20/20+2 , Left ... 82 83
20/15 20/15 ... do . . Sit S! 80 ... · ··· ··· 14 F 20/30+4 20/20 ... do . .. 84
29 .. ···· ···· 23 M 20/15 20/15 Le ft .. . St 82 83
81. . . .... ... 49 F 20/30 20/30+2 Right. XS! X7
30 .. . . ····· 25 M 20/20+5 20/20+4
.~1g.t: ~
St 82 ... ······· 13 M 20/20+4 20/15 Left . .". ~
31. ....... .. 23 M 20/20+6 20/20+6 St 16 M 20/30+ 4 X3
83. · · ······ · 20/30+4 Either 5 X3
32 ...... ....
33 .... ... . ..
34 ........ ..
Left ... St
.. . do . . XI
84 ....... . ..
85 •.. . . ... . .
Right ·. {]Ortho
[. .. do •• . S2
35 .... .... ..
36 .... . . . ...
37 ........ . .
.~~~.t .. 82
.. . do . . X2
... do .. 83
86 . . · ·· · ····
87 .. ········
20/20+ 1
I Either {X7
Left ... 85
38 ... ······ · 26 M 20/20 20/30+5 Left ... Ortho. Ortho. 50 M 20/20
39 ...... . .. . 26 M 20/15 20/15 Right. X4
88 . . . ······· 20/20+ 1 1· . .do ... X3 X5
X2! 89 .....• . ... 18 M 20/30+5 20/30+5 Either X2 X2
0 . ......... 25 M 20/15 20/15 .. . do .. {Sl
}s 1
90 ..........
91. . . .......
Right. 83
. . . do ... 810,
4 I. ......... 88
33 M 20/15 20/15 .. . do .. 81
42 .... . ..... 28 M 20/15 20/15 .. . do . _ X3
Xt 92 .. . ....... 40 M; 20/20+2 20/15 f .. . do . . .{Xt
43 .... · • ··· . 21 M 20/15 20/20+4 .. . do .. 84 83 93 .. . . ······· 35 M 20/15 20/20+5 I Left . . . S! S2
44 . . .... ... 25 M 20/ 15 20/15 ... do .. 85 82 94. . ........ 14 F 20/15 20/20+3 ' . . . do ... 82 S4
45 .......... 24 M 20/15 20/15 Either 81 S2t 95 . . ....... , 13 M 20720 20/20+2 1. .. d o ... 81 82!
46 .......... 27 M 20/20+6 20/20+6 Right. Slt 81 96 . . . · ·-· · ·· 20 M 20/15 20/15 , Right. 81} Ortho
7 .. ·· · ····· 24 M 20/20+7 20/20+7 ... do .. X3! XH X2
97 .......... 13 M 20/20 20/20+2 ... do ... {X3

8 .. ···· · ·· · 25 M 20/15 20/15 ... do. . 81! Slf RHl RH!
9 .......... 30 M 20/15 20/15 Left ..• { Ortho. ?2 98 .......... M 20/20+2 20/20 Left .. . Ortho Ortho
Hl 99 ... •. .. . .. 15
18 F 20/20 20/20+2 I Either x2, Xlt
50 ... ······• 22 M 20/15 20/15 Right. 81! 81! 100 ....... . . 31 F 20/20+4 20/20+3 . . . do ... X3 X3}
51. ..... . .. . 30 F 20/20+1 20/20 Left . .• 88 88
1 II ''
The test for the sighting eye demonstrates that 61 ob- fixes the light. Of th e 26 left-eyed observers, 19 exhibit
servers (61 per cent) use the right eye, 30 (30 per cent) the the greater amount of error when the left eye fixes th e
left and 9 (9 per cent) sight with either the right or left light. The table indicates that when the sighting eye is
eye without showing a decided preference for either. used to fix the light.during the test, the greater amount of
Attention is called to the fact that 81 per cent of these heterophoria is exhibited by 66 per cent of the observers,
observers give two different measurements of the same the lesser amoant by 7 per cent and the same amount by
type of heterophoria as a result of :fixation of the ligh t by 17 per cent.
each eye in turn. This percentage is very much higher Further analysis of the data does not help determine
than experience with the screen test has i ndicated. whether the greater or lesser amount of error represents
The data concerning the amount of esoph9ria, exophoria the true condition of th e eyes. If the purpose of the hetero-
and hyperphoria measured when each eye is used to fix phoria. test is to measure the maximum error, then the
the light, may be rearranged for the purpose of studying greater amount revealed by giving the sighting eye the role
several different phases of the subject of heterophoria. of fixation indicates a practical method of performing the
This report, however, is concerned only with the relation test. This will give the greater amount of error in 66 per
of th e sighting eye to the measurement of heterophoria. cent of the tests and be accurate in 17 per cent more where
Out of 61 right-eyed observers, 47 exhibit the greater the same amount of error is recorded for each eyll. It is
amount of some form of heterophoria when the right eye possi ble then in 83 per cent of the tests for heterophoria
1454-30- -6 0
made by the Maddox rod-screen method to measure the nearer the trial case. The role of light fixation should be
maximum error by having the sighting eye fix the light. given to the eye that is used habitually for sightin in the
In criticism of these percentages it should be stated th a tordinary visual acts of life.
the measurements obtained in testing some of the observers
are not free from the influence of small refractive errors. BIBLIOGRAPHY.
It was not possible in this series to refract every observer 1. FucHs-DuANE. Text-book of Ophthalmology. Sixth
as a preliminary to the test. The influence of slight turn- Edition, p. 767.
ing movements of the head is not entirely eliminated from 2. DuANE, ALEXANDER. The Practical Application and
the findings although head movements were guarded the Relative Value of thf,l Tests Used in Examining
against as much as possible without actually fixing the the Eye Muscles. Annals of Ophthalmology, April,
head. 1905, p. 304.
The hundred observers reported here are not enough to 3. DOLMAN, PERc. The Maddox Rod Screen Test.
bring this problem to a definite solution. Meanwhile, Archives of Ophthalmology. September, 1919.
pending the reporting of further tests, no mistake will be 4. DOLMAN, PERC. A Consideration of Some Testa for De-
made if the Maddox rod is always placed before the non- termining the Sighting Eye.
sighting eye instead of before the one that happens to be - By courtesy of American Journal of Ophthalmology.
PART 13.



By Capt. PERC DouIAN, Medical Corps .

There is considerable literature devoted to the subject : test each observer for his sighting eye. Experiments were
of the sighting eye, but references to specific test.s for deter- I made with various tests and a conclusion reached that the
mining which eye is habitually used for sighting are diffi- possible influence of either hand would be greatly reduced
cult to find. This is probably explained by the fact that · by holding the first test object in both hands. A rn by 20
the act of sighting or aligning two objects is such a common I centimeter card with a 3-centimeter round hole in the
ex_rerience in life that tests may easily be borrowed from I center was employed instead of the customary pencil or
tms ~ource. Few of these tests, however, meet the exact ' poioter. The use of such a card compels the selection of
reqmreme1~ts of rese~rch _work. . . one or the other eye for sigliting through the hole, thus
. The possible coordmat10n between t~e s1ght~g eye ~nd eliminating a certain percentage of negative results which
nght or lef~ handedness must be considered m s~lectm_g are. obtained when the first and second test objects are
a test.. .Senous attempts have. been made to e3tabhsh. this a 11gne . d wi·th some porn
· t b et ween th e t wo eyes.
association between the dommant eye and the domman t "'h t t . f d b h · th b th
· · f h f h · ·
h an d m spite o t e act t at no anatomica1 re 1at10n can e h b .1 e es is per orme y avmg e o server grasp e
d Of h d · h b0 h h d d · · I 1
demonstrated. Until our knowledge on the subject is in- s ort e~ s · t e c~r wit . ~ an s an raise its_ ow Y
creased by scientific experiment, the possible influence of at arm s ~ength while_ lookmg mtently at a spot of hght G
either hand should be eliminated from the adopted proce- meters distant .. He is mstructed to _keep both eyes open
<lure. Tests made by pointing with either forefinger or with and locate the !1ght throu~h the ~ole ~ the card. The eye
a pencil held in either hand or by sighting through a ring selected for this purpose is the s1ghtmg eye.
held in either hand are open to criticism :or this reason. This test has been made repeatedly on the same ob5erv-
In another form of test the observer approaches a sta- ers with intervals of several days between trials. The eye
tionai:y object such as a vertical rod and aligns it with that was selected the first time-, whether the right or left,
another object located some distance away. This proce- was invariably selected at the later tests.
dure is free from the-influence of either hand but it fre- The apparatus required for the test just described is both
quently happens that, in walking toward the first object, simple and convenient. It does not permit the selection
the nonsighting eye is carried in line with the two test of a sighting point situated between the two eyes but forces
objects by a mere accident of head position. Such a test is the use of one or the other eye for th<y act of sighting. The
unnecessarily inconvenient in addition to being unreliable. possible influence of the right or left hand on the test is
During a recent investigation of the influence of fixation greatly lessened by having the card held in both hands.
on the measurement of heterophoria, 1 it was necessary to The results obtained with it are consistent in repeated
1 Dolman, Pere. The Relation of the Sighting Eye to the Measure- trials with the same individual.
ment of Heterophoria. - B y courtesy of American Journal of Ophthalmology.
PART 14.




By Capt. PERC DoLMAN, Medical Corps.

During the course of a series of experiments made for the Inspection of Maddox multiple red rods.
purpose of investigating the accuracy of the Maddox rod
test, it was discovered that the line of light often appears Amount
No. of prism
nea.rer than the light which is located 6 meters away. Character of line. deflecting
The statements of a number of observers have repeatedly line.
verified this fact.
When the line is in sharp focus, it is seen as a bright 1 Good ... . . ..........• . ........ ...... . •.•.... ... •... One-half.
2 Indistinct .. . ..... . ... . . ... .... ...... ............. . Do.
bmid of light, of uniform density, with sharp, clean-cut 3 Good ... .. .. . .................................... . None.
4 Indistinct ....................... .. .. ... ... . . ..... . One-half.
edges. Such a line appears to be located at the same 5 Good ........ .. .. ........... . . ...... ..... .. ... • . ... None.
distance as the light. When the line is not in focus, it 6 Indistinct . .. .... . ........ .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. . One-half.
7 ....• do ..... .. . ................................... . One.
is seen as a wider band, of unequal brightness, with hazy, 8 Good .................... . .. ........ ... ........ . . . None.
9 .•.•• do . ......... .. . ... ... .. . .. ..... .... .. . .... .. . . One-half.
irregular edges. The general effect is that of indistinct. 10 Indistinct ....... ....... ... . ........... .... . .... .. . None.
11 ....• do . .......... . ... . . . .. ...... . . . . . .... ........ . Do.
ness. The line then appearn to be located often only 12 Good ........................................ ·· ... . One-half.
a few feet from the eye. 13 Indistinct .. .. ..... ....... .................... .. .. . Do.
14 . . •• • do .............................. . ... . ........ , None.
The influence on the Maddox rod test of this false 15 ..... do .... . ............. . ... . . .. .... ...... ...... . . One.
localization of the line is in favor of the measurement of an 16 Good ......... . ........ .. .. . ............. . ....... . One-half.
17 .• ..• do ............ . ........... ....... ... . ........ . None.
excessive amount of esophoria. 1 The appearance of the 18 Indistinct ......... .. ..... . ...................... . . One-half.
19 Good .... .................... .. ......... .. ........ . None.
line of light, therefore, has a direct bearing on the accuracy 20 .•••• do ... . . ... ..... ... . . .. . . ... ..... . ............ . Do.
of the test.
The same indistinct appearance of the line may be It will be seen bv reference to the table that 10 multiple
caused by certain optical defects in the Maddox rod. An red rods (50 per c;nt) formed a line of light defective in
examination of the several rods which were being used character and apt for this reason to give an inaccurate
at the time, disclosed such a high percentage of defects result in the test. Eleven rods (55 per cent) contain an
that a special investigation was begun to determine the amount of prism ranging from one-half to one prism diopter.
optical qualities of other Maddox rods in general use. Six rods (30 per cent) were found to be free from all defects.
The results ol that investigation form a part of this report. Ten single clear glass. rods were inspected and all but
Twen~y multiple red rods were ex~ined. ~ome of one found to form a line of light of acceptable character.
them were in use in the laboratory, others were found in The one exception formed an indistinct line, variable in
nearby clinics, and a few were obtained from dealer's width .and of unequal density . No priRm deflecting the
stock. The defects found in these rods are of two types, line was found in any of these single rods.
· involving (1) the character of the line of light, and (2) An inquiry into the manufacture of multiple red rods
the presence of prism acting to deflect the line of light was made for the purpose of learning why the product
from its true position. shows such a high percentage of defects. The varioua
The prism is readily det11cted by holding the rod before steps in the process are so little known outside the trade
one eye so that a horizontal line of light is seen while the that the facts are briefly presented here.
other eye ·1ooks at the light. The position of the line in Multiple red rods are manufactured from "ruby cane"
relation to the light is observed. Then the rod is rotated which is supplied by the glass factory in strips 18 to 24
through 180 degrees just as a cylinder is rotated in the inches long, seven-eighths of an inch wide, and about one-
trial frame. The line is again horizontal and, if no. prism fourth of an inch thick. The strips are made by a process
is prtisent, will be in exactly the same position in relation of drawing and pressing which forms the well-known corru-
to the light as at the first observation. gations on one side and leaves the other flat. Red-pot
The following table summarizes the data obtained from glass is not used in making "ruby cane" beeause the
an inspection of these rods. No prism, less in amount variable thickness of the glass due to the corrugations
than one-half prism diepter, is recorded. would givB a line of light of uneven red color. The glass
1 Dolman, Pere, The Maddox Rod Screen Test. Archives of Opthal- ·
factory has solved the problem by making "ruby cane" of
mology, September, 1919. clear glass which is flashed on the corrugated side. By
this process the corrugations are covered with a thin film The accuracv of the Maddox rod test is affected by the
of red glass which gives the line of light a nearly uniform prism only when its base is so located that the line of
red color. light is deflected at a right angle to its direction.
Pieces cut from the strips are optically ground and pol- The manufacture of multiple red rods involves several
ished on the flat side and edged to size before being highly technical processes and the finished product is
mounted . The corrugated side of the rod can not be probably as good as can be expected. It should be pos-
po!-ished ?r finished in ~ny w~y without remov~ng the sible to suppl y them free from any prism but the removal
thi_u flashmg from t~e hig~ pomts, thu~ destroymg the of optical defects from the corrugated surface is a problem
unif~rm color ?f the hue ~flight. For tlus reason, _all sur- , that will not be easily solved. Some of the responsibility
face ~mperfect10ns, res ultmg from the_ crude clrawmg and for the condition exposed in this report may be shifted to
J:'.ressmg proce~ses are allowed to rem~n on the c?1-rugated the popular demand for a colored multiple rod. The test
side of the fimsh ecl Maddox rod. It is to these imperfec- . · d
ti. ons ch"iefl v th
. a t th e d e fec ti" ve ch arac t er of th e 1inc
. of Ii" ht can be accurately made with a. clear
. . glaRs multiple
. rod .an
is clue. • " ~ colo_red glass may be used w1th 1 t if a colored line of light
The prism that is found in so many rods of this type is is desired.
a result of imperfect workmanship during the proceEs of Clear glass multiple rods are being manufactured from
finishing the flat side. The pieces of "ruby cane" are optical glass blanks, \\ith the corrugations cut by a lap
mow;i.ted with hot"pitch, corrugated surface downward, on instead of being shaped by pressing and drawing. These
a stock or holder and then ground and polished on the rods are free from prism and form a line of light that can
flat side. If the corrugated side is not mounted in proper not be criticized. They offer th e best solution of the
contact with the stock, the rod when finished will contain problem under discussion.
some prism.
PART 15.



By Capt. HARVEY J. HoWARD, Medical <Jorps.

Of all the eye test.'3 performed by a number of exammers, viewpoint an apparatus should be so constructed that it
the one producing results subject to the greatest variation will automaticall y require a standard position in respect
is the test for the near point of accommodation. These to the subject before a test can be accomplished. In the
discrepancies may be caused by any one or more of several first plac , it should not be required to be h eld in position
different factors: by the examiner; it should either be set in a head rest or
1. Difference 1n the size of the test objects. held firm ly in a fixed position by the subject. By such
2. Difference in the speed of approach of the test object. an arrangement several of the disturbing factors alread y
3. Difference in the illumination and legibility of the mentioned would be eliminated. But as long as the test
test letters. is applied subjectively, just so long will results still be
4. Difference in th e place of contact and the angle of inaccurate and incomparable wh en dealing with candi-
the measuring rule . dates required· to pass a high standard. When dealing
5. Difference in the position from which the reading is with office patiilnts, the problem is an entirely different
c_omputed. one. From them the examiner expects the full est co-
6. Difference in the instructions to the subject. operation and generally receives it. Unde'r such cir-
7. Difference in the personal equation oi the examiners. cumstances th e ·a pproximation method , referred to below '.
8. Difference in tlie personal equation of the subject, should give consistent results if t-h e other disturbing factors
e. g., the motive of the examination. are eliminated.
In the examination of applicants for the United States If it is necessary to make the test objective, then letters
Aviation Service a test for the near point of accommodation or figures must b e used . Furth ermore, the test card must
has been made in every case. A comparison of the data, first be h eld so close to the eye that the letters are unrecog-
however, must convince one of the utter unreliability of nizable, and then carried slowl y away until th ey first
the figures recorded. In the first place, the test was made become legible. This is called the recession or obj ective
subjectively, i.e., the applicant was required to indicate, method . Unless the subject has learned the letters prior
while the test card was approaching his eye, the first blurr- to the t est, it must obviously be considereq an objective
ing of a letter. When we recall that the applicants were result the moment he reads them correc tly . The usual
all endeavoring to make as good a showing as possible, it method of examination is to bring the test card slowl y
is easy to understand why many of the findings were toward the eye and require the sub;ect to state when th e
absurdly small. Of all the factors referred to above as test object shows its first blurring. This is called th e
the cause of the great variation in the results obtained by approach or approximation method , and gi ves subjective
medical examiners, the personal equation of the applicant results. This brings up the question as to the comparison
is probably the most important. At the same time it is between results obtained by approximation and re<'ession
quite likely that all the other factors operated as well. methods.
If the Air Medical Service is offered no alternative but The approximation method calls for th e location on th,·
to disregard the data on accommodation already recorded , diopter mev.s uring ·rul e of the first ·blurring .of a letter cir
it is also placed in the undeniable position either of dis- object. Jf the card is gradually brought further in , th e
continuing further test.'3 or of devising a test which will letter_s fin ally become illegible. The result accepted quite
give more consistent results. The importance of a good generall y by this subjective metho'd is not the point of the
first illegibility but the point of the first blurring noticed.
power of accommodation on the part of a flyer is so gener-
The recession method requires the card to b e held close
ally accepted that it seems unworthy to drop the matter
to the eye at the beginning and carried slowly away until
summarily. The other alternative then must be accepted.
the letters become legibl~ The position on the rule
Our problem therefore is to devili<l a test which will where this first legibilit:,- occurs is not the same as the
both compel the adoption of a uniform method and pro- point of illegibility by the approximation method . But as
duce objective results. The apparatus used at present a matter of fact, attest ed b y a number of experiments, th e
consists of a. Prince rule and a card of small letters or the point on the rule indicating th e first legibility by the reces-
Duane disk. Tests with this apparently should give very sion method is the-same or practicall y the same point as that
consistent anli eomparable results if carried out by one indicating the first blurring by the approximation method.
careful examiner under the same conditions. The appa- The difference in the t -,;-o y-as found to b e astonishingl y
ratus is simple and inexpensive . Perhaps its chief fau lt small, in some individuals less than 1 millimetu of actual
is that, in being so simple, it lends itself readily to very L,' _.u ement. Witn th ese results before us our problem
different and careless m ethods of use. From an ideal is made .-asier.

Fl(j 1
Fm. !.-View of the hood in cross section from above.

\\\ ~
~ '/

Fu:; Z
:Fm. 2.-View of the hood from behind as the subject sees it.

The only other requirement is that the letters will be so section is set the measuring rule. This bulge is so form ed
arranged or manipulated that their order can not pre'lliously that when the mask is adjusted to the face, and the rule
b e ·learned. To meet all the requirements indicated is held in a horizontal position in respect to the vertical
above, an apparatus to b e d escribed below was designed . position of the head , it fits snugly against the malar bone
The apparatus consists of four essential parts: which forms the lower anterior part of the orbit.
1. A hood ·with an observation aperature for one eye. 2. The measuring rule (figs. 3, 4, and 5) is made of
2. A rule attached" to the hood , measured oft in milli- wood and is 2.5 centimeters wide- and a little more than
met ers and diopters. 50 centimeters long. One end is set into the hood (fig. 2)
3. A t est object carrier. so that its median line is exactly beneath the center of the
4. A set of test letters and t est objects. aperture. The left side of the rule -(fig. 3) is marked off
The following is a description of the essential parts in in centimeters and millimeters. Zero on this scale is
detail : 17 .5 millime ters from the end of the rule where it butts
1. The hood (figs. 1 and 2) js a combination of two against the malar bone. From a series of measurements
three-quarter face masks. The cut-out in the left half is on a number of individuals it was found that the average
for the nose when th e right eye is looking at the t est distance from the malar bone, at a point directly below
objects through the circular opening; the cut--0ut in the the pupil of the eye to a perpendicular line drawn tangent
right half is for-the nose when the left eye is looking through to the conea, was 6 millimeters. Inasmuch as all measure-
the circular opening in the center of the hood . The hood Iments of accommodation should be made from the anterior
is made of aluminum and of sufficient size for the largest focus, which is 11.5 millimeters in front of the cornea.
face: In front of the aperature is a slot for holding lenses. Zero on the scale must be located 17.5 millimeters in
Figure 1 represents the shape of the hood as one looks at front of the facial end of the rule.
it from above. Figure 2 represents the shape and appear- The right side of the rule (fig. 3) is marked off in diopters
ance of the hood looked at from behind , i.e., as th e subject and fifths of dioptere so that the-decimal system may b e
views it prior to adjusting it to his face . From these used . Extending the length of the rule (except for the
figures it is noticed that there is a bulging of the mask in first 4 or 5 centimeters of the facial end ) on its upper
the middle section below the circular opening. Into this surface and located in a median line is a rack composed
a~ ~- -- -
T t

~ ~ ~'-
...... ...... ~
...... .......' - - ~ ~- ~
O"_ j Fl" 3

~,-·~J •••••. • · ·~}' ·"

- ::___ ~
·:~ 1:'ft~ <
fS-!:¥!1111.u.i.i111111 • ......... ~ --· -· . ~
~ ~ '.!'

Flq 4

f"', It· u
1'I'''' 00
. 111

:. : ·. ,::
~\I) ~ ,ii1,,./

FIC. 5
1 I----...;
.- .::J.

11,. ---, "" _j_

Noi·e : -
A, 0 C,t. D front Windows 4 , 5"1m,
FI G 7
.Secf-,on aa E": E. ' F f\e.o r W,ridow.s 6x5 mm
oJt., ,de D1omder vf Cog Wheel 4!i ,t1 m~
Ovt.,1d• D1ametc::r of 1J, U,,~ 4J.6 mm

FIG ..3.-The rule divided into millimeters and diopters. FIG. 4.- The rule showing handle and rack. FIG. 5.-Cross section of the rule. FIG. 6.~Test object carrier show-
ing drum which carries the test letters. FIG. 7.-Accessory test object carrier.
of metal cogs about 3 millimeters high. Attached to the
E. A B C D F lower side of the rule 4 or 5 centimeters from the facial
D D E E end is a handle. In place of the handle there may be
X X Ill substituted a steel rod which can be fastened to a table
"' clamp in case it is found desirable to make the apparatuJ3
0 0 3 3 stationar} as a'head rest.
R R Ill Ill 3. The test object carrier (Fig. 6) consists of a box of
light metal containing a metal barrel which rotates about
M M Ill Ill
a central axis. The barrel is divided into two equal parts,
B B 3 3 left and right, by a circular rack of cogs, which coincide
with those of the rule. Attached to t he box beneath is a
L L Ill Ill
flat holder to be grasped by the thumb and forefinger. By
p p
this means the box may be propelled back and forth along
V V the rule and the barrel made to rotate. The box may be
propelled either by the subject or by the examinl;lr. In
s 5
the front partition of the box at its horizontal center are
two small double windows lettered A, B, C, and D, in fig-
ure 6. By the addition of a metal slide only one of these
windows may be open at one ti:rp.e. In the back partition
D D 1 of the box are also two windows. As the barrel rotates,
letters or other test objects appear in succession b efore
these windows. The windows in front permit test objects
p p to be vtewed by the subject when he looks through the
X )( aperture tn the hood. The windows behind are made for
the examiner, who sees letters or test objects in the same
0 0
series as the subject sees them. Figure 7 represents an
E E ordinary test object carrier which may be used when the
figure 6 carrier is not required . A Duane accommodation
disk or any card of small test letters may be carried in this
M M holder and the UJ3ual subjective test applied. The slot for
carrying the t est card should be flush with the front edge
(] s s 3 of the carrier, so that the reading on the diopter scale may
X 6 B Pl be facilitated.
4. The test letters and test objects are represented dia-
0 V V
E grammatically in figure 8. The test objects are engraved
~ L L Ill on heavy white cardboard in two sizes. B and C, which
~'J y y
Pl appear before windows B and C, figure 6, are 0.8 milli-
meters high, and A and D, which appear before windows
g 0 0 E A and D, are 1.2 millimeters high. The actual length of

' Ill
)( X the card is 140 millimeters. In each row there are 40
letters or objects which recur every 3.5 millimeters.
d R. R Rows E and F, which are only diagrammatically shown
A T T in the figure, i,,re made as large as possible. They
appear to the examiner at the windows E and F
' of the bux. The opportunity is given to use either
A. letters or the conventional E . The primary object
.l of the letters thus arraJJ.ged is to employ them as an
objective test. The test carrier therefore must be started
Q as close to the eye as possible and pushed slowly away until
H the subject is first able to read a letter or distinguish cor-
rectly the position of an E . The examiner who stands so
d that he can see the objects appearing at one of the windows
X in the back of the b_ox, is able to verify the statements of
the subject because the letters or objects which each
0 of them sees occur in the same series. To the subject the
:3 test objects go up behind the window, while to the exami-
ner the test objects come down. If more than one reading
}::j is desired, the t est carrier may be pulled off the rule and
w set back again in a different position, so that at the same
distances from the subject's eye different letters will
FI Cj. 8
FIG. 8.-Diagrammatic representation of the test letters and test objects.
appear from those previously seen.
-By courtesy of Archives of Ophthalmology.
PART 16.



By J apt. HARVEY J . How ARD , Medical Corps.

Stereoscopic pictures of figures viewed through a stereo- suggestions in formulating the final plans for the
scope produce an illusion of solidity or depth which instrument. 3
simulates one of our most common visual experieRces,
viz , true depth perception. The effect produced is DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT.
merely an illusion, because, in reality, the two pictures are Figure 1 represents a photograph of the completed
in the same reference plane ; i. e., there is no difference instrument. Roughly it is about 9 inches high, 6 inches
in distance . The phenomena of depth and depth differ- wide, and 5 inches deep.
ence are produced by employing the principle of the Figure 2 shows the hood and the box containing the four
binocular parallax. Objects are made to appear rela- test objects which are small wires tightly drawn and
tively nearer or farther awa;y from the observer simply enameled black. The pair of wires on each side in the
by varying the lateral separation between identical objects completed instrument are 1.375 millimeters apart, which
or points in the two pictures. For instance, let us select gives them an angular separation from the center of
two pairs of identical points in the two pictures. If we the lens of exactly 1 centrad. This angle was decided
find the lateral separation between one pair is 63 milli- upon because in experiments with an apparatus at 6
meters and between the other pair 64 millimeters the meters and another at 100 meters, the centrad separation
point represented by the fusion of the two more widely of the test objects had always been use.d. From this
separated points will appear farther away than the point standpoint, therefore, the results of all three forms of/
represented by the fusion of the two less widely sepa- apparatus should be comparable. The lenses (fig. 3) are
rated points. as carefully made and adjusted as are those in a pair of
Whilew:orkingupon thesubjectofjudgmentofdistance 2 field binoculars. Each lens has a focal length of 137.5
with an apparatus employed at a distance of 6 meters, one millimeters.
of my coworkers, Capt. Percy W. Cobb, suggested that I At the right side of the instrument is a micrometer screw
adopt the same form of test objects in a hand stereoscopic which has a lateral movement of exactly 0.5 millimeter
instrument of precision for the purpose of producing any for each revolution. Attached to the axis of the screw is
degree of depth illusion desired. In the 6-meter appa- a drum with its peripheral surface marked off into 100
ratus two black rods, with a light surface background, were equal parts. Each division on this scale represents a
viewed through the -window of a box, the purpose being to lateral shift of the screw of 0.005 milfuneter. Attached
learn the smallest depth difference discernible by different to the axis of the screw there is also a double turnmg knob,
individuals. The binocular parallax was found to be Fixed in a horizontal position at right angles to the drum
the essential factor in the resultant determinations. The is a metal plate marked off into a 0.5-millimeter scale.
respective depth judgment ability of individuals was Within the box (fig. 6) the micrometer screw butts firmly
reckoned according to their minimal binocular paral- against the long end of a lever. With a leverage of five
lactic angles, which were computed from interpupillary to one, the short end is attached to a bar which holds in
distances and depth difference thresholds. position the right-hand wire. To take up all slack and
In the hand stereoscopic instrument suggested there lost motion a spring is fixed, one end to the ·movable bar
would be two pairs of vertical lines or objects to be fused. and the other end to a position inside the instrument.
To produce a sense of depth the only other essential would The other three wires are maintained independently of
be to effect a different lateral separation l;>etween the pairs the fourth and in fixed positions. The effect of the five
of fused objects; i. e., the binocular parallax would be to one 'ieverage is to reduce the lateral movement trans-
applied directly and not indirectly as is the case with mitted through the micrometer screw to the right-hand
the nonfused objects of the 6-meter apparatus. · wire to one-fifth that of the screw. One division therefore
In addition to Capt. Cobb, I am indebted to Mr. Max on the micrometer scale represents a lateral movement of
Poser of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. for valuable that wire of 0.001 millimeter or one micron.

An instrument of precision for measuring stereopsis. I• Authority to mak~ according to specifications granted February,
"A test for the Judgment of Distance," Trans. Am. Ophth. Sreiety, · 1919, to the Bausch& Lomb Optical Co., by the Supply Department,
1919. Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, Long Island, N. Y.

Fir. . !.-Photograph of the compl eted insu ument.

Attached t.o th e hottom of the meta l stereoscopic box stantaneo us Yiew of the ,Yires, "·hich effect was found to be
is a base plate oi metal upon ;which the box can be tilted so valuable in the experiments of the 6-meter apparatus.
and fix ed by a set screw in any position from 90° to 180° .
ln t he upper edge of the base plate is set an opaque milk MATHEMATI CAL PRINCIPLES INVOLVED !N THE
glass to giYe an indirect lllliform light background for the USE OF THE INSTRUMENT.
wires aboY e it. Let p=interpupi llar? Jicitance of lenses;
Behind the lenses is a shutter which is attached to a and m=t he binocular parallax produced by turning t he
wire leYer protruding through the upper right-hand side of micrometer scre,r:
the box. By manipulating the wire lever the examiner and d=the focal length of the lenses, or the distance to thP,
or the subject himself is able to produce practically an in apparently nearer wire:

i - I

l'ig. 3 Fig. 2


BA~Soc:!:.L~-~N~.CR 16458
Fig. 6 Fig. 5 Fig. 4 OR. av
~-Ii 11

Fms. Z-6.- Mechanical drawings of the instrument.

p p m p-m
then n=a:-a=- d-
D d
or - = -.--
p p-m
But p=64 mm. And d=l37.5 mm.
If m=2.4 millimeters (the parallax of a binocular paral-
actic angle of 1 °), then by substitution
FIG. 7.-Diagrammatic representation ol the binocular parallax.
and D=the imaginary distance to the apparently farther D 64-2.4 =142.85
Angle 1-angle 2=angle 3, the binocular parallactic angle. and D-d=l42.85-137 .5=5.35 millimeters.
For any small angle, like angles 1, 2, and 3, the tangent When m=0.04 millimeter (the parallax of. a binocular
and the angle in radians are practically equal with negli- parallactk angle of l') then by a similar method of com-
gible error. putation D-d=0.084 millimeter.
Then tap. angle 3=r (angle in radians). When m=0.01 millimeters (the parallax of a binocular
m parallactic angle of 15") then D-d=0.0215.
But tan angle 3=d When m=0.001 millimeter (the parallax of a binocular
m parallactic angle of 1.5") then D-d=0.00215 ~illimeter.
then r=d
or m=rd. CONCLUSION.
If for example we let the binocular parallactic angle The test is made by requiring the subject to set the
(3)=1 ° then 1° in radians=0.01746 (which is an established wires into what he thinks is the same reference plane;
mathematical equation). If also d=l37.5 millimeters, the i. e., equidistant from his eyes. After a number of such
focal length of the lens, then m=rd=0.01746Xl37.5=2.4 trials the average error 1epresents his binocular parallactic
millimeters. If 2.4 millimeters therefore represents the
angle threshold. This threshold is computed in seconds
binocular parallax when we know the focal distance of the
by adding 50 per cent to the reading on the scale repre-
lens to be 137 .5 millimeters and the binocular parallactic
angle to be 1 °, we can readily tabulate binocular parallac- senting his average error. For example, if the scaJe read-
tic measurements representing any number of binocular ing is 10 divisions from the zero mark, th~n his minimal
parallactic angles desired, as binocular parallactic angle is 15". With such an instru-
ment it is possible to classify individuals according to
1° = 2.4 mm. their respective degree of sterropsis. With those who
l' = 0.04 mm. have the ability of fusing stereoscopic objects ; e. g.,
l"= 0.00066 mm. nearly all those having binocular single vision, thfa classi-
1.5" = 0.001 mm.
fication should represent their respective ability to judge
But it was planned that one division on the st.ereomi distance. This instrument should offer a far more satis-
crometer scale would represent a lateral movement of the factory test of stereoscopic vision than the ordinary hand
right-hand wire of 0.001 millimeter. Therefore each divi- stereoscope which has been used almost universally in
sion on the scale also represents a binocular parallactic testing candidates for aviation service.
angle of 1.5". The instrument perhaps offers a more direct application
When the distance to the apparently nearer wire and in testing and classifying candidates for the naval and
the binocular parallax from the reading on the scale are artillery services, where according to recent communica-
known, then the formula r= may be applied directly, e.g. tions the men may be required t o use stereoscopic range
finders. During the war it was k]J.own that the Central
m=0.001 mm. then by substitution Powers used stereoscopic range finders almost exclu-
r= .001 =0.00000727 sively. The Entente Powers, on the other hand, used
137.5 various forms of coincidence range finders, but toward
But 0.00000727 radian=l.5". the end of the war the United States authorized the
If again we desire to know the apparent depth differ- manufacturn in this country of a number of stereoscopic
ence (D-d) represented by any binocular parallactic range finders. The comparative results with the two
measurement which is read off directly in microns from forms of range finders will depend very largely upon the
the micrometer scale the results are computed as follows: selection of the men using them . By means of the
stereomicrometer it should be possible to select only those
Tan angle 1=£ who possess the highest degree of stereopsis or judgment
of distance. This group should show such a remarkable
Tan angle 2=·a ability with the stereoscopic range finde1 that its use may
eventually be adopted in plac·e of the ordinary coinci-
Tan angle 3=}} dence type.
PART 17.




B y HARVEY J. HoWARD , captain, Medical Corps.

Since aviation became a science the term " judgment of Research Laboratory for the purpose of finding out, first,
distance," or, as some will call it, "stereoscopic vision," what the factors are that make men individually different
has come to have a new bearing. It takes such a slight in their ability to judge distance, and, second, to devise an
error in judgment, especially in landing a plane, in order apparatus which would eliminate all irrelevant factors
to produce disaster that the subject quite naturally has and test only the factor or factors which represent the
aroused serious attention. To learn to fly is like learning individual.
to walk. It is a new expei-ience and i t takes time to adapt In a previous report 1 it was shown that the representa-
one.self to new requirements. But unlike learning to tive personal factor which is important from the stand-
walk, one fall may end it all. For this reason and others point of aviation requirements is the binocular parallax.
anything that may be done to properly choose those who It was shown by the use of an app:i,ratus which required
can meet the requirements and to eliminate those who are tests to be made at 6 meters that it was possible to examine
physically unable to meet them is worth while. In other the binocular parallactic ability alone and to classify men
words, it must be regarded as a select game, not open to according to their skill with this factor. In that paper it
alL This is even more true when we are called upon to was stated what seemed to constitute normal findings.
deal with flying from the military standpoint. In order to supplement the experiments done with the
There has been a doubt in the minds of some, which 6-meter apparatus, it was suggested that an outdoor test
has extended into cocksure opinions on the part of others, be devised for use at 100 meters or more. In order to
that certain tests applied to applicants for flying service make the outdoor test comparable to the conventional
are unnecessary From the outset, then, any attempt to indoor test it had to meet the following requirements :
exclude men from the opportunity of learning to fly is A void shadows, reflections, and linear perspective; also
looked upon in some quarters as an "outrage." the test objects must maintain approxin1ately ' the same
Confidence in oneself is a good trait, but it may lead to visual angle irrespective of the difference in their distances
an overestimation of one's ability. For instance, if a man from the observer. In this way the binocular parallax
has always been defective in certain ocular functions, he could be tested and the subjects thus examined be graded
has not had the opportunity to develop that conscious according to the resultant binocular parallactic angles.
understanding of what an individual with perfect ocular
functions in comparison with himself can do. Therefore, APPARATUS EMPLOYED.
he may be firmly convinced that h e is "as good. as the The apparatus finally decided upon consisted of the
next man. " It is a common experience to find an appli- following parts:
cant trying to argue with and wheedle the examiner into (1) A set of four circular disks or semaphores painted
" letting him by, " when , e. g., he can not read 20/20 or I
white and each attached to a wooden dowel of small
can not show good stereopsis. For these reasons and diameter. The semaphores ranged from 12 to 13.3 centi-
meters in width. In order to render the dowels invisible
others it is well for the examiner first to be sure he is right
and then go ahead. He should have real convictions why they were painted brown to match the color of an outdoor
certain men should be excll!ded from flying and he should field.
have faith that the test he applies actually performs what (2) Tripods to hold in an upright p osition a piece of
it calls for. galvanized iron piping with a bore just large enough to
If we a.s examiners are convinced that any test fails to
receive a dowel.
measure up to the purpose for which it was intended, it (3) A board screen 1 meter high and 2 meters wide tc:
behooves us to check it up with other tests or to discard be set upright a short distance in front of the semaphore,
it if something better is found. in order to cut off all view of the tripods and avoid lineal
THE PROBLEM. The apparatus was set up using two semaphores at a
In view of a somewhat widespread criticism of the hand time, the nearer one being exactly 100 meters from an
stereoscope as a test for the judgment of distance, it was 1 "A Test for the Judgment of Distance," Trans. American Ophthal.
suggested that research be undertaken at the Medical Society, 1919.
I (94)
observer and the other, which was a trifle larger in dia- interpupillary distance; d=the distance BO to the near
meter, at a greater distance away. The lateral separa- object, and D=the distance BO' to the far object. Also
tion of the two semaphores was 1 meter, i. e., the angle let angle l=angle AOB, angle 2=angle AO'B, and angle
ef separation from the position of the observer was 1 3=angle OAO'.
centrad. This was the same as the angle between the According to figure 2, which furnishes a diagrammatic
rods in the 6-meter test. Figure 3 represents a set-up representation of the two distances D and d, the _depth
of the apparatus with the sunlight shining upon the sema- diff1prence is D-d or t.. Also angle 1 minus angle 2 equals
phores in line with the intended observation. angle 3, which is the binocular parallactic angle repre-
sented by the depth difference D - d.
For small angles like angles 1, 2, and 3, the sine, the
tangent, and the angle in radians may be considered equal
with negligible error.
But the tan of angle l=f

and the tan ·of angle 2 =£-

If we let r=angle 3 in radians,
p p D-d
FIG. 1.-Truerepresentation of two objects O and 0' atunequaldistances then r=a:-n=p Dd ·
from the eyes A and B. Therefore, when p=0 .060 meter, d=lOO meters and
p= interpupillary distance A B.
d= distance to near object. D=l03 meters, by substitution.
D= distance to far object. 3
D-d= difference in distance or the depth difference. r=.060 lOO XlOS .00001747 which represents the bin-
Angle 1-angle 2=angle of the binocular parallax. ocular parallactic angle in radians. In order to convert
radians to degrees of arc we must multiply radians by
, and then this result by 3600 to reduce the result in
One operator and one assistant were required to test 71'

each observer. The latter was required to stand at the degrees to seconds. Therefore, 0.00001747 radian=3.60",
100 meter station with his back to the apparatus. The which happens to be the binocular parallactic angle of
operator adjusted the semaphores and gave the signal observer No. 2, as recorded in Table II.
"ready" to his assistant who was standing beside the On the basis of the above formula the binocular paral-
observer. The latter upon receiving the message turned lactic angles were computed for various interpupillary
around, focused Iris eyes upon a spot near the bottom of distances and for depth differences ranging from 1 to 12
the board screen and then suddenly lifted his gaze to meters. Table I , therefore, contains all the possible
observe the rods. In this way he was able to secure a parallactic angles of the 10 men of this series.
sudden impression which was found. to be so important
in the 6-meter test. He was also urged to keep as still as
possible while making an observation.
The observer was required to state which semaphore
was nearer to him, the right or the left. His judgments
were taken first at the 6-meter depth-difference station,
then at the 5, 4·, 3, 2t 2, lt and 1 meter stations, or until
it became apparent by the proportion of wrong judgments
that he was merely guessing. With a few exceptions
20 judgments were taken at each station. FIG. 2.-Diagra=atic representation of Fig. 1.
It was accepted that an observer's threshhold had been D-d= ~. the depth difference.
passed when he failed at any station to make less than 75 Angle 1-angle 2=angle 3, the binocularparallactic angle.
per cent of his judgments correct. Seven of the ten sub-
jects had already' been tried with the 6-meter indoor METHOD OF ELIMINATING THE RETINAL IMAGE
apparatus, so a comparison of the results of the two
methods is possible. It is stated earlier in the paper that the test objects
Before proceeding with the discussion of the results ob- should maintain approximately the same visual angle
tained it may be well to consider the elements entering irrespective of the difference in their distances from the
into the binocular parallax. observer. This was necessary in order to rule out the
size of the retinal image as a possible factor in aiding
PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN THE BINOCULAR judgment. I stated "approximately the same" beca)lSe
.it is not required that they maintain exactly the same
Figure 1 represents an observer viewing two objects, 0 11 angle in order to appear the same size.
and' O', at unequal distances from him. If O' be 'b rought There were four semaphores available, two of which
into a line with O a,nd one eye B as in figure 2, the re- were used at a time. One was 12 centimeters, one 12.3
sultant diagram will give a more graphic idea of ,t he angles centimeters, one 12.6 cent1meters, and the other 13.3
and distances involved . In this figure let p=A B, the centimeters in diameter. The 12-centimeter semaphore

FIG. 3.-A CIOSll-UP view of the apparatus.

was always set at the 100-meter distance from the observer. of 4.125 . Table IV is a computation showing the diameter
The other semaphores were used at the more remote sta- or a semaphore required to maintain a visual angle of
tions, i. e., 101, 102, 103 meters, etc. As a matter of fact 4.J:25' at a distance also ranging from 100 to 112 meters.
another 12-centimeter semaphore would have sufficed, be- r
cause if one of that size had been placed at the 105-meter SOME THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS.
station, for example, the difference in size of the visual
angles at 100 and 105 meters, respectively, would have In a previous report mentioned elsewhere in this paper
been less than the minimal visual angle that is perceptible. the results of experiments with an apparatus at 6 metern
In this instance it would have been 11.8", which is less were recorded. While examining men for the purpose of
than the minimal visual angle threshold I found in any of finding and establishing a normal binocular parallactic
10 men, a record of whom has already been reported. angle, a number were found whose tl)reshold angles were
Among these 10 I found one _whose l.iast visual angle lees than 2.0". The smallest angle found was 1.80",
perceptible was 13;211, while the average of the 10 was over which represented an interpupillary distance of 63 milli-
15.5". However, in order to avoid any possible error I meters and a depth difference of 5 millimeters when the
used the larger semapho'res for the longer distances and nearer object was 6 meters away and the lateral separation
therefore reduced the difference in visual angle to 4.6" at of the two objects was l centrad.
the mast. Inasmuch as one writer, Eaton, 2 has made the statement
In Table III has been recorded the size of the visual that our "fusion sense," or the sense of depth or solidity
-angle subtended by a 12-centimeter semaphore when. it afforded by binocular vision "can not play any part at
. from 100 to 112 meters from an observer • At a
dIStance of 100 meters the semaphore subtends an angle
I ·
• "Factors lil stereoscopic vision and In the visual estimation of dis-
tance," Brit. 1our. of Ophtl' v u1. ur, No. 2, 1919, p. 63. ·
distances greater than 120 yards," it will be interesting .to distance? It must be that distance at W:e.ich his visual
find out what the observer with a binocular parallactic axes make an angle equal to his minimal binocular paral-
angle of l.8 11 should theoretically be able to do at different lactic angle. Then angle 2=0 with its vortex at infinity.
distances. For instance, what would b e the least depth Therefore,
difference perceptible when the near-object is not 6 meters, angle l=angle 3=~ radian.
but 100 meters away, and also l kilometer, 2 kilometers,
etc. , away. .k ewise
L 1. . t h e rormu
. 1a ""=P D - d whi ch 1s
Del, · the reduced
If the parallactic angle remains constant while the
distance increases, the depth difference varies approxi- form of r= -7r15 , becomes
mately as the square of the di stance to the first object.
This, however, is true only when the dep th difference is r=~ when D equals infinity. Then by substitution
relatively small . For a distance to the first object of 100 63
0.00000874= o:~ or
meters there is an error of only 1 centimeter. But for
distances over 100 meters this approximate method of 0.063
d --0.00000874 7,~-108 ( meters )·
computation produces an error which increases greatly
with the increase of distance. To be exact, the depth In brief, the distance at which the nearer object must
difference increases as the product of the two distances, theoretically be, for this .individual to perceive it as
i.e. , according to the formula already referred to nearer than one at infinite distance, is 7,208 meters; i. e.,
D- d his depth. perception theoretically is limited to this dis-
r=p-- Dd , where, if rand p are constant, tance. Beyond that, angle 1 itself is less than his minimal
D-d binocular parallactic angle of 1.8011 •
Del must also be constant. Therefore, in the case of this
For observer No. 1, in Table II, whose minimal binocu-
observer, lar parallactic angle is 3.37(1, the binocular parallax, as a
D-el 0.005 ( h h h d. . positive factor, is limited to a much shorter distance. For
Del = 6 _OOOX 6 . 005 w en t .e s orter IBtance 1s 6 him the equation would read thus :
Likewise, if the shorter distance el=lOO meters, we have 0.067
d= _ 4,100 (meters).
0 00001634
D-100 0. 005
D-d Ten Air Service officers were examined by this out-
But for the formula r=p- IR: previously employed, we
door apparatus. The examinations took considerable
can find the value of D (and therefore also of D-d) when time and required great care to always maintain the
the other factors are known, as they are in this case. operation of but the one factor, the binocular parallax.
Then r Dd=pD -pd or The assistant proveu to be of great value in aiding the
D (p-rd)=pd or operator to secure a uniform h eight and illumination of
pd the semaphores before the signal was given to the observer.
D= P-rd Photometric readings with a Maclleth apparatus were
Therefore, when D=lOO meters, p=0.063 meters, and taken before and after several of the ex periments. The
r=0.00000874 radians (1.8011 ), by substitution average of three readings taken at the beginning of one
0. 063 X l00 test at 11 a . m . showed the illumination on a horizontal
D=0.063 - (0.00000874 X l00) lOl.4 plane to be 5,500 foot-candles and on a vertical 4,800. At
12 noon, when the experiment was finished , an average of
three readings showed a horizontal illumination of 6,300
D-d=lOl.4-100=1.4 (meters)
foot-candles and a vertical of 7,300. At 2.30 p. m. that
Similarly, results may be obtained when d=l,000, same· day the horizontal readings showed 4,200 foot-candles
2,000 meters, etc., and the ability of the observer in and the vertical 9,980. And at 3.30 p . m, the horizontal
question may be tabulated as follows: readings averaged 2,030 and the vertical 6,500 foot-candles.
The vertical readings were taken parallel to the line of
Inter- Binocular Distance Depth. sight when viewing the semaphores. The illumination
pupillary parallac- to first distance during the other experiments compared very favorably
distance. tic angle. object. required.
with the two examples above, so the results of the tests are
Meters. .
Meters. Meters . all comparable from the standpoint of good visibility.
1. 80 16 0. 005 By consulting Table II, it is noted that observer No. 1
..063 1.80 100 1.4
.063 1. 80 1,000 161. 6 had a d epth-difference threshold of 2.5 meters, which
.063 1. 80 2,000 768. 0 represents a binocular parallactic angle of 3.37//. His
.063 1. 80 3,000 2, 138.0
.063 1. 80 4,000 4,989.0 vision was 20/10- in each eye. He had perfect muscle
.063 1. 80 5,000 11,321.0
. 063 1. 80 6, 000 29,795. 0 balance and his interpupillary distance was 67 milli-
. 063 1.80 7,000 235,308. 0
I meters, which was the widest of the 10 men examined .
The next two men, whose depth-difference thresholds
Again, for- this same individual, what must be the dis- were 3 · meters each, and whose binocular parallactic
tance of the first object when the more remote is at infinite angles were 3.6011 and 3.73'1, respectively, also had excel-
1454-30- -7 0
lent visual acuity and perfect muscle balance. The other CONCLUSIONS.
seven subjects, with exception, showed slight muscle
1. The binocular parallax, even when acting alone, is
imbalance, but very good visual acuity. Their thresholds
varied from 4 to 6 meters· and their mID.ll)'.lal parallactic capable of great depth-perceiving power.
angle1:1 from 3.8811 to ·7.5311 • The average threshold for 2. The binocular parallactic · angle is computed from
the 10 was 4.15 meters and the average binocular paral- the depth differences 9f objects looked at, and from one's
lactic angle was 5.1911 • i,nterpupillary distance. The minimal binocular parallac-
Seven of the observers had previously been examini:id tic angle varies greatly with individuals and seems to
with the 6-meter apparatus. A comparison of tlie results have a physical basis. From data collected it seems to be
as recorded in Table II show a very consistent uniformity dependent Upon visual acuity, visual S)(Illmetry; and
with the exception of the last case. The average minimal musde balance to a large extent.
binocular parallactic angle obtained by the indoor test 3. Subjects examined with the 100-meter ap_paratus
was 5.9311 as against the 5.1911 obtained by the outdoor showed binocular parallactic angles ranging from 3.3711 to
method. Ten cases are admittedly too small a number 7.5311, with an average of 5.1911 •
from which to make very positive deductions or to try to 4. The findings with the outdoor test coincide very
establish the normal limit of the binocular parallax, but closely with those of the 6-meter indoor test, but do not
in view of the opportunity for comparison with the more warrant its substitution for the latter.
convenient 6-meter test, it seemed worth while to record 5. The si~e of the visual angle or the retinal image has
the results, especially since they corroborated quite faith- nothing to do with the binocular parallactic angle. It is
fully the findings of the other test and gave support to the wrong, therefore, to associate the visual angle with bi-
principles upon which the latter test was based. nocular discrimination of distance. The visual. angle
It should also be of interest to learn the results of an threshold is often stated as being about one minute,
examination made ,vith observer No. 8 the day following whereas the binocular parallactic angle threshold has been
his first trial. On the second day there was low visibility
found to be as small as 1.8011 •
on account of a moderately heavy fog and a cloudy sky.
6. Our '.'fusion sense,'' or our binocular depth per-
His depth-difference threshold the first day was 5 meters,
ceiving abilit y, theoretically is ·of value up to a distance of
while ·o n the second day it was 11 meters. That is, his
binocular parallactic angle was 12.6711 , or more than twice several thousand meters. Practically it is less, because
that of the preceding day. we are limited by our visual acuity.

TABLE !.-Binocular parallax in seconds of arc.

(Depth differences when the shorter distance is 1()0 meters; e.g., 1 meter represents the second object at 1()1 meters.)

Interpupillary dis-
tance in milli- 1 1/i 2 2! 3 4 5 6 11 12

59 ... ... . .. . ... ...•..

60 ....•. .••••••.• ... .
1. 21
1. 23
1. 80
1. 83
4. 76
5. 80
12. 'Z1
I 13.04
62. ·•··· · ····· · ·····. l.'ZI 1.81! 2.51 3.12 3. 73 4. 92 6.09 7.24 12. 67 13. 70
64.5 .•............ . ... 1. 32 1. 97 2.61 3.25 3.88 5.12 6.34 7.53 13.18 14.26
65.5 .............. . . .. 1.34 2.00 2.65 2.30 3.94 5.20 6.43 7.64 13.39 14.48
67 .... • ... . . .. ... • . .. 1.37 2.04 2.71 3.37 4.26 5.32 6.58 7.82 13. 70 14. 81
TABLE IL-Judgment of distance in terms of the binocular parallactic angle.
(One semaphore at 100 meters with screen in front; the second semaphore at 101, 102 meters, etc.)

Percentage of correct judgment at the following Comparison between

depth dist ances (meters)- results of-
Muscle N.P. N . P . pupil- 100 Test me- 6 Test
No. Name. Age. Vision. bal- Ac- Conv. lary me- bino- ters
ters bino-
ance. com. dis- cular depth cular
tance. 1 ll, 2 2i 3 4 5 6 differ- r,aral- differ- para!-
ence actic ence lactic
thres- angle thres- angle
of. hold. of.
I hold.

Me- lime-
" ters.
------ ...." ..
1 J . H·....... . 30 R. 20/10- ... . Orth .. 130 80 67 48 60 76 80 75 100 3.37
L. 20/10- . . .. · · ··- · ---··· 2!
2 H . T . . ...... 33 R. 20/15 . . . ... Orth . . 150 90 60 40 60 80 80 100 100 3.60
L. 20/15 . •.... ··· ···· ····· · 3 10 3.44
3 H.L.L . . ... 31 R.
20/10- .. ..
20/10 . . . ...
Orth .. 125 96 62 58 --- --- 47 65 85 95 100 . .. .. . 3 2. 73 10 3.55
4 P.W.C ..... 46 R. 20/15 .. . ... Exo t . 325 100 64:5 40 60 70 ····· · 90 80 90 100 3 3.88 10 3. 69
L. 20/15 . ... .. L. H. i
5 P . D . . ..... . 43 R.
20/10 . . . . . . ,
20/10 .. .. . .
Exo 2. 185 55 65. 5 50 55 45 . ..... 70 90 90 100 4 5.20 ······ ---- --
6 H.J . H . .. . . 39 R. 20/10- . : .. Esoi . . 145 70 59 50 60 58 ------ 60 64 80 100 5 5. 80 15 5.06
1 L. 20/10- . . ..
7 N. B . L . . . .. 26 R. 20/15 .. .. .. Exo!,.I 130 88 62 50 ...... 60 50 40 65 80 100 5 6. 09 20 7. 08
L. '2/J/15 ..... .
8 C.R ...... .. 46 R.
20/15 . .. ...
20/15+ .. ..
Orth .. 275 55 62 60 80 40 ·--- ·- 60 70 90 100 5 6.09 ······ ... ...
9 B.L. W .... 56 R. 20/15+ .. .. E so4 .. 310 75 67 50 ---· -- 70 56 25 65 90 100 5 6.58 20 7.65
L. 20/15+ .. ..
10 F.W. H . . .. 28 R. '2/J/15 . ..... Exol. 135 67 64.5 --- --- . . .. . . 60 ..... . 35 55 70 95 6 7.53 30 11. 0
L. 20/15 .... . .
- -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Average. 37.8 0 . U .,20/15+ . Orth .. 191 77.6 63.4 50. 7 63. 7 55 61.4 62. 5 74 89 99.4 4.15 5.19 16.4 5. 93


iations in the ameter of sema-
visual angle sub- phore required to
tended by a 12 maintain a vis-
cm. semaphore ual angle of
at di.fferent dis- 4. 125 minutes at
tances. the following dis-
Size of
Distance Angle in
in meters. meters.

100: 0 4.125 100.0 12. 00

101. 0 4.084 101. 0 12.12
101. 5 4.064 101.5 12.18
102.0 4.044 102.0 12.24
102.5 4.024 102.5 12. 30
103.0 4.005 103.0 12. 36
104.0 3. 966 104.0 12.48
10.5.0 3.928 105.0 12.60
106.0 3.891 106.0 12. 72
107.0 3.854 107.0 12. 84
108.0 3.820 108.0 12.96
109.0 3. 748 109.0 13.08
110.0 3. 750 110.0 13. 20
111.0 3. 716 111.0 13.32
112.0 3.683 112.0 13.44

-By cou rtesy of American Journal of Ophthalmology.

PART 18.



By Capt. G. B . 0BEAR, -head of Department of Physics and Engineering.


For many years the physiological and other effects of During the early days of the Medical Research Labora-
reduced atmospheric pressure, and consequently, low tory when it was situated in the American University at
oxygn tension upon the animal mechanism havl;l been Washington. the need was felt for some apparatuswhich
under investigation. would simulate high-altitude conditions and lend itself
Before 1914 the progress in air navigation bad been so to greater variety of application thap. the Henderson re-
great that the war found the airpla1fe sufficiently p erfected breathing apparatus already in use . Plans were there-
as to be of great use to the combatants. Coincidentally fore set in motion to obtain a suitable chamber from which
with the suddenly increased importance of the airplane the air could be pumped in order to reduce the atmos-
came the call for increased study of th e effects of high pheric pressure and also the oxygen tension. Dr. Yandell
altitude on the flying man . Henderson first suggested the plan. He and his col-
,A.-fuong those who have prosecuted investigations in leagues took the matter in hand and in due course of time
this general field of study, mention should be first made of the chamber arrived at Ha:,;elhurst Field , Mineola, the
PaJl Bert of France. Probably Bert was the :first in- new station of the laboratory.
vestigator to study the physiological effects of reduced The chamber was designed to accommodate several
atmospheric pressure upon living animals and human persons. It is la1:ge enough to pennit the use of such
beings. He began his work in 1878 and continued it testing apparatus as reaction time apyaratus, the Barany
until his lamented death about a year ago. At first Bert chair, and others.
made use of bell jars and experimented with mice. In structure, the chamber is a circular cylinder of steel
Later he constructed a small chamber and carried on one-half inch in thickness. The top and bottom are con-
numerous investigations upon human beings. 1 vex outward. (See fig. 1). The lateral wall is of one
A small chamber which will accommodate two men has piece with riveted seam. The to_p and bottom are
been built by Siebe and Gorman of England. II.sing this 1·iveted to the lateral wall. All the seams are calked .
chamber in the Lister Institute Haldane, Priestley, and The construction is siinilar to that of ,a boiler. The in-
others have made many investigations on the physiological side diameter is i feet 11 inch es and the height along
effects of low oxygen tension(2) . the central vertical axis is 8 feet 9 inches. Riveted
Lindhard of Sweden has constructed a chamber of his to the inside of the wall and lying in two parallel hori-
own design in ,vhich he has lived for a period of two zontal planes are two L bealilS for rein orcement. Later
-weeks (3). developments have proved that this precaution was un-
During the war the Medical Research Laboratory of necessary. The chamber wall contains three circular
Hazelhurst Field was represented in France by a group windows whose diameters are 6 inches each, placed at
of investigators under the command of Col. W. H . Wilmer, 0·0° around the wall. These windows are all the same
M. C. This group took with it the smaller of two cham,bers distance above the floor. The entrance to the chamber
which had been constructed in America. The termination is 3 feet wide and 5 feet 4 inches high. Near 1he top of
of the war prevented extended use of this chamber. Ox- . the wooden door are two rectangular windows 13 inch es
ford University purchased it and under the direction of by 5 inches. The -glass in all the windows is 1 inch thick.
Dr. Dreyer high-altitude inveatigations are being made. When the chamber is in operation a rubber gasket fitted
The first low-pressure chamber used in the Medical Re- into a channel extending completel y around the entrance
search Laboratory was at the time of its installation the makes an air-tight seal between the door and chamber.
largest one of its kind in the world. This chamber was The chamber is supported by three legs riveted to the
put in operation in February, 1918. By the use of this wall at places 120° apart. These legs rest on concrete
chamber extensive investigation has been pursued on the pedesfals. The chamber bas a grating floor made of wood.
physiological effects of high-altitude conditions. In the This floor is divided into sections in order that a part may
early winter of 1918 a larger and more elaborate chamber be removed m case of necessity. The headroom in the
was installed. A description of these two chambers is chamber when the floor is in plac€ is 7 feet 4 inches.
the object of this note. The evacuation of the chamber is effected by the use of
a Nash hydrotmbine pump, belt conuected to a 10-horsc-
• Number in parentbP.sis refers to the bibliography at the .end of the power Western Electric motor. The pump is connected
artic!P. . by a 3-inch pipe to a port in the top of the chamber. At

1:,,;_ .-,.

this. point" in the pipe line a check valve prevents ai1 The electric-moto r contrnl and the oxygen-supply control
frnm being drawn back into the chamber. At a place in valves arc also at the hand of the operator. The oxygen
the line conYenient to the hand of the operator is a regu I supply is furnished from large steel cylinders containing
lating vahe. Jn this line also a large muffler is installed . oxygen gas und er a pressure of about 150 atmosph eres.
to dimini~h th e noise of exhaust. Still fur ther to lessen The gas passes [rnm the cylinder throu1!11 a reducing Ya.Ive,
the sound effects the chamber is lined with hair felt l} ; and thence through suitable piping to a fitting fixed in
in ches in thich1css. Another 3-inch pipe enters a port , the top of th e chamber. Passi ng thrnugh this fitting the
in the bottom of the chamber. By this means it is possible ' gas flows to a battery of stop cocks. Rubber tubes for th e
to ventilate the chamber and to Yary the air pressure. , use of those in the chamber depend from these. Those
In this line a valn, for the regulation of the amount of air I who are conducting the experiment use the supply of
entering the chamber is placed conveniently at the hand : oxygen furnished by this equipment, since it is necessary
of the operator. A third line of 3-inch pipe form s .a by- : that they maintain their normal physiological condition.
pass arnund the chamb er and allows the continuous In extremely rare . cases, however, it is administered to
operation of t he pump while the vacuum remains at any , the individual under observation. A valve which com-
given value. For the proper operation of the pump, a , municates directly with the outside air is placed inside
continuous supply of water is necessary . This is obtained I the chamber for us~ in case anything should happen to
through a one-half-inch pipe. In this pipe line a valve the ventilating valve on the outside of the chamber.
which controls the supply of water is within reach of the Fixed to the wall of the chamber and near the operator
operator, who sits so that he may have a view of the inside I is- a. mercury manometer. The scale of this manometer
of the chamber through the round window seen in figure 1. I is graduated in thousands of feet and also in centimeters

1454-:30--8 0
of mercury. During operation, this manometer shows This chamber is of the same general form as the other and
at a glance the altitude which is being simulated in the weighs about 6 tons. It is cylindrical with saucer-shaped
chamber. Inside another similar manometer enables top and bottom riveted to the lateral wall of the chamber.
those- conducting the experiment to ascertain the altitude. This lateral wall is made of two pieces of one-half inch steel
Placed over the door is a gauge which also indicates the lap jointed. All the joints are riveted and calked. Upon
degree of vacuum in the chamber. In order that the oper- the top of the chamber is fixed a dome 1 foot in diameter
atc1r may communicate with those conducting the experi- and 3 feet high. When this dome is properly filled, it acts
ment, a telephone system has been installed. The wires as a muffler to subdue the noise of the exhaust. At the
of this system pass into the chamber through a tube which lowest point of the bottom is an opening to which a drain
is hermetically sealed. Electric wires enter the chamber pipe is attached. In this pipe a check valve prevents
through an air-tight tube and offer facilities for lighting drainage and air from entering the chamber. The inside di-
and other aide. ameter of the chamber is 9 feet, and the maximum height
The operation of the chamber is very simple. As soon from top to base is 9 feet 9 inches . When the floor is
as everything is arranged for the experiment the officer in in place, there is a head room of about 8 feet 5 inches.
charge gives a signal and the door is closed . The operator The free head room is diminished somewhat by the con-
starts the motor and immediatilY turns on the water for nection for the oxygen supply. There are three circular
the pump. At first the exhaust and ventilation valves glass windows situated in the lateral wall of the chamber
are open. As he gradually closes the ventilation valve at 90° from each other. Two have their centers 4 feet 3
more air is drawn out than goes in, and a reduction of inches from the floor, the other, which is the operator's
pressure is realized . With proper manipulation of this window, is 5 feet 6 inches above the floor. These windows
valve, he governs 1lhe rate of diminution of preBSUfe inside are 1.0 inches in diameter. The entrance to the chamber is
the chamber. With careful operation of this ventilation 5 feet 6 inches high and 30 inches wide. It is closed by a
valve it is possible to maintain a given altitude for one- hinged door of one-ll.alf inch steel. A rµbber gasket makes
half hour or more at a time. A rate of ascent of 1,000 feet an air-t,i.ght joint between door and entrance. The door
pee minute has been found to offer ·no discomfort to those contains two windows. The upper window is of the shape
in the chamber. After a little practice the operator can seen in figure 2, the larger dimension being 19 inches and
easily bring about this condition with the help of the the shorter 10 inches. All the glass windows are 1 inch
mercury manometer and a clock. The descent from any thick. In the lower part of the door is an aluminum win-
altitude is accomplished by reversing the primary opera- dow used for X-ray work. The dimensions of this window
tions and opening the ventilation valve gradually enough are 14! by 17 inches. In the lateral wall there are 12
to produce a fall of 1,000 feet per minute. A fall of much openings, 8 of which admit I-inch pipes, the others, l}-inch
over 2,000 feet per minute is liable to cause unpleasant pipes. Two of the latter openings are used for the brine
sensations in the ear. pipes. Of those remaining, one is for the recording ther-
At one time there was a strong contention, which still mometer No. 6, figure 2, one for the manometer No. 4, one
exists to some extent, that the potent factor in bringing for the telephone No. 5, and another is an open pipe con-
about physiological changes at high altitudes was the nectingthemanometerinside the chamber with the outside
reduction of barometric pressure and not oxygen want. air which is at normal pressure. All but two of those re-
Much investigation with the chamber has pointed strongly maining have hermetically sealed into them groups of wires
to the fact that low oxygen tension consequent to high which permit of electrical connections of various sorts.
altitudes is the really important factor. Studies carried The other two are left blank and are closed with iron caps,
out on blood pressure, heart action, and reaction time are to be used for purposes which may arise later. On the top
connected with the research on tolerance of low oxygen. of the chamber are four similarly fitted pipes placed at 90°
The chamber has been•of use in studies with the Barany from each other, One of these is used for the oxygen sup-
chair and the excited phenomenon .of nystagmus. Im- ply tube No. 3. This tube term;inates inside the chamber
portant studies in alveolar air have also been accom- in a pipe, bent into a circular form, to which are attached
plished (4). several stopcocks with rubber tubing. This pipe is
mounted upon a wooden frame fastened to the inside top
of the chamber. To this frame are also attached 8 lamp
The ·vacuum chamber which has just been described sockets properly wired. Into some of them lamps are
met with such success that plans for a larger and more placed for the illumination of the chamber. The others
elaborate one were put into effect, resulting in the con- serve various electrical purposes. The leading-in wires for
struction and installation of a chamber with a refrigeration this electrical supply come through one of the pipes pro-
attachment. It has always been recognized that the jecting into the top of the chamber. Still another of these
three great factors in the physiology of aviation are high pipes is connected to an emergency valve, inside the
altitude, low temperature, and wind. From the outset chamber, which serves the same purpose as that in the small
of the work done at the Medical Research Laboratory, the chamber. Into the ftrurth pipe severnl wires are sealed l-
importance of these factors has been appreciated. It was which may be used for electrical connections.
therefore decided to put into service a chamber which In figure 2, No. 8 is the suction pipe w4ich connects
would combine the altitude and low-temperature factors. the chamber directly to 'a Nash hydroturbine pump. In
this pipe are two valves. Near the entrance of the pipe by three parallel glass plates sealed into the window ports.
into the dome mufiier a check valve prevents aii from space contains a vessel carrying a hygroscopic
being drawn back into the chamber. Near the hand of medium. As a :finishing _coat, all the cork work on the
the operator is a regulating valve. Pipe No. 7 is the• chamber is covered with one-half inch of cement painted
ventilation pipe with a regulating valve conveniently battleship gray. The ventilation pipe, No. 7, Figure 2,
placed . This pipe is connected to the tank No. · 15, is covered with a 3-in::h corkinsulation. The two brine
figure 6. The other end of this pipe terminates at the pipes, No. 12, Figure 3, are covered with 2 inches of cork.
inside of the chamber near the top in a circular pipe All pipes or ·electrical conduits are painted according to
extending around the chamber Holes· are bored in the the accepted code with a few necessar) variations for more
under side of this pipe through which the ventilation air complete identification. By observing the color of the
passes'. No. 9 is the water supply for the pump. In pipe it is possible to learn its function.
addition to the above. there is a by-pass which is operated The refrigeration room adjoins the low-pressure chamber
at the third valve in the row. Pipe No . 10 terminates just room. Besides the pump and motor for use with the
above the ceiling of the laboratory and is connected with chamber, and the compressed air unit, this room contains
No . 7 through a butterfly valve. In pipe :No. 7 there is a complete refrigeration outfit of an accepted type. The
another butterfly valve through which the air passes before apparatus is the 3-ton carbon dioxide safety system of the
it reaches the rl\gulating valve mentioned above. These American Carbonic Machinery Co. In the system installed
two butterfly vaTves are rigidly connected by a rod and in the laboratory two refrigerants are used; expanding
are eo arranged that when one is opening- the-- other is carbon dioxide is the primary and calcium chloride brine
closing. By this means it is posaible to mix warm air the secondary refrigeran_t. The chamber itself is cooled
coming from the ceiling with the cold air coming from the ·by the brine.
refrigeration apparatus, in varying quantities, to give the In Figure 6; No. 16, is the compressor, No. 17 the con-
entering ventilation air a considerab4, range of tempera- denser, in front of which, near the floor, is the "liquid
ture. The operator can control all these processes from container. No. 15 is the air cooler and No. 14 the brine
his station just in front of the circular window, seen in cooling tank. No. 18 is the pump which forces the brine
figure 2. All the valve controls, motor control, water around the system. In the upper left-hand corner is the
control, oxygen control. and the telephone are within easy gauge board, on which are indicators giving the suction ,
reach. The recording thermometer giving the tempera- discharge, and stuffing-box pressures.
ture inside the chamber as a continuous 24-hour record is The production of low temperature in the low-pressure
also conveniently near. The mercury manometer scale, chamber is effected in the following manner: Taking some
which shows at a glance the altitude simulated in the epoch during the cycle of operations, we may assume that
chamber, is clearly in view. Through the window the the gas, after having done useful work, is just entering the
operator has an unrestricted view of the inside of the compressor. Here the gas is compressed, becoming heated
chamber. in the process. It then passes into the condenser, which
The chamber is so insulated as to be protected from two consists of a system of coaxial tubes, through one of which
factors, shock nd heat. Four legs at intervals of 90°· are
cooling water flows. The gas is liquefied and collects in
riveted to the bottom of the chamber. Thes_e legs rest the liquid container shown near the floor. From the
upon an annular concrete foundation, but are separated container the carbon dioxide passes through the pipe
from the foundation itself by a layer of cork. The foun- shown on the surface of No. 15 to an expansion valve,
dation is ins1ilated from the concrete floor of the laboratory concealed from view. The expanding gas passing through
by a 2-inch sand joint. The laboratory floor is separated this valve enters a coaxial system of piping immersed in a
from ' the refrigeration room floor by another 2-inch sand tank containing calcium-chloride brine. In this particular
joint. The partition between the laboratory and refrig- coaxial system of piping the brine circulates and becomes
eration room is lined with a sound-proof material. A cooled by contact with the t11bes containing the carbon
channel about 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide, covered by dioxide. During its expansion the carbon dioxide takes
iron plates, extends tangentially from the chamber up heat from the brine. This chilled brine collects in the
foundation into the refrigeration room. The near end of brine storage tank No. -14 and :is used as the secondary
this channel, the cover of which is shown in Figure 3, circulating refrigerant. Under the action of the pump,
connects with the inner space of the annular foundation. No. 18, the brine is forced into two different coils of pipe
All the pipes leading from the chamber to the refrigeration connected in parallel. · One of the these coils is in tank No.
15. Here the ventilation air from out of doors enters
room pass along this channel, which is filled with granu-
through a duct. The air, restricted by baffle plates during
lated cork to insulate the pipes from external effects.
its passage, flows over the coils containing the circulating
The space under the chamber is likewise filled with brine, becomes chilled, passes out through a 3-inch pipe
insulating cork material. The chamber itself is covered in the channel, and enters the chamber through pipe
with 9 inches of cork. This depth is made up ·of cork No. 7, Figure 2. In this pipe there are two thermometers,
sheets 1 inch thick, 3 feet long, and 1 foot wide, so. arranged one at the air exit in tank No. 15 and the other just above the joints of one layer are covered by the next. The the regulating valve, as seen in Figure 2. This second
door of the chamber is also covered with the same depth thermometer gives the resultant temperature of the venti-
of cork. To prevent the glass windows from becoming lating air. There are two thermometers placed in the
frosted by deposits of moisture from the outside air, they brine line, so as to give the temperature of the incoming
are protected by dead air spaces. These spaces are formed and outgoing brine.
Another portion of the brine is carried by means of insu- Through a tube in the wall of th e chamber electrical con-
lated pipes, running in the channel, to coils of tubing nection is made between a timing device inside and the
located inside the low predaure chamber. Pipes No. 12, generating apparatus out in the laboratory. This arrange-
figure 3, are the brine pipes. The coils in the chamber ·ment enables the X-ray operator in the chamber to have
are shaped to conform to the inner surface of the chamber con trol of the exposures.
and are placed close to it. These coils and the circular Aside from th e considerable a mount of work done on
termination of the ventilation pipe are h oused by tin radiography of the h eart by members of the Cardio-vascular
sheeting to harness the incoming air. This causes the Department, use has been made of this chamber for an
ventilating air to pass downward under the floor, come extended piece of research by a member of th e Psychology
up through the grating floor and pass _out· through the Department. In virtue of circumstances, the physiolo-
central exit in the top of- the chamber. During its down· gists have done th e larger part of their work in the smaller
ward path, the air comes in cont3ct with the cold pipes chamber. Now that the .large chamber has been rein-
containing the circulating brine. By this means the stalled in its new station on Mitchel Field, it will very
air in the chamber is additionally coo'ied . It i.i there- soon be in active operation again.
fore possible to attain a temperature of between -25° C. It would be very difficult to give proper credit to all
and - 30° C. who took part in the development of th e two chambers
A special feature of this chamber enables investigators herein described, yet a'mong others the name of Mr. Pierce
to study th e effects of high _altitude on th e heart by means deserves mention. E. H . 0. has earned my gratitude for
of the Roentgen ray. To this end the door of the chamber, valuable help in_the preparation of this note.
as above stated, is eq uipped with an aluminum window
one-half inch in thickne~s. (See fig. 4.) This window is BIBLIOGRAPHY.
bolted in place between rubber gaskets in a manner (~) BERT: La Pression Barometrique.
similar to that in which th e glass windows are secured. (2) BOYCOTT, DAMANT and HALDANE, Journal of Hygiene,
Just inside the chamber and in line with the window, is 1908, vol. 8, p. 377.
placed the chair sh own in Figure 5. The subj ect sits in (3) K . A. H"ASSELBACH and J. LINDHARDT, Biochemische
this chair with his back to the window. In front and close Z-eitscnrift, about vol. 67, 1914.
to his chest is the cassette containing a sensitive photo· (4) LUTZ, SCHNEIDER, American Journal of Physiology,
graphic plate, the cassette heing h eld in place by th e vol. L, No. 3, Dec., 1919.
holder seen in figure 5. In figure 4 the X-ray tube GREGG, LUTZ, SCHNEIDER, ibid.
(Coolidge) is shown"in the position for taking a radiograph.

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