Lecture 6

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Lecture 6: Community-Based Disaster

Risk Management (CBDRM)
PLAN 471: Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

Prepared by:
Meher Afjun Faria
Lecturer, DURP,BUET.

Dr. Ishrat Islam
Professor, DURP, BUET.


 Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) is a process in

which at-risk communities are actively engaged in the identification,
analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to
reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities (ADPC 2003).
 CBDRM is a participatory process.
 This means that people are at the heart of decision-making and
implementation of disaster risk management activities.
 CBDM by its very nature demands a decentralized bottoms-up approach
with intensive, micro interventions at the local panchayats, ward or village
level with the intention of generating confidence, awareness, knowledge,
partnership, and ownership for disaster management.
 The CBDRM process aims to enhance skills and capacities and to build


3 Aim of CBDRM: A Resilient Community

The aim of Community-based Disaster Risk Management

(CBDRM) is to create a resilient community with certain
capacities -
▪ the ability to absorb the shocks of hazard impact.
▪ the capacity to bounce back during and after disaster.
▪ the opportunity for change and adaptation following a disaster

4 Need for Community Involvement

 There is growing evidence to show the failures of top-down disaster management
approach to address specific local needs of vulnerable communities, ignore the
potential of local resources and capacities and may in some cases even increase
people’s vulnerability.
 The government alone cannot and will not be able to manage and handle all
types of disasters with its machinery without active participation by the people.
 The involvement of most vulnerable social groups is considered as paramount in
this process, while the support of the least vulnerable groups is necessary for
successful implementation and sustainability.
 The relevance of the community-based disaster management approach is
increasing due to changing patterns of disaster occurrence and loss.
 All communities and villages have some vitally important assets to deal with
disasters which can be utilized effectively to reduce risk.


5 CBDRM Process

6 CBDRM Process

 Selecting the Community-

▪ Aims to identify and select the vulnerable communities
▪ To make an informed judgment about where to work or which
community to choose, a set of criteria should be developed for the
selection process.
• Severity of community's exposure to risk (most vulnerable community)
• Number of people to benefit from DRM program
• Readiness of community to engage in DRM
• the availability and accessibility of the community
• Budget availability


7 CBDRM Process

 Selecting the Community-

8 CBDRM Process
 Rapport Building and Understanding of the Community
▪ This is basically building the relationship and trust with the local people.
▪ Understanding a community’s development and context including - the spatial
characteristics; social groups; the vulnerability of households and their livelihoods;
cultural arrangements; and economic activities.
▪ Outsiders can take a number of actions in order to build trust with community
• Living in the community
• Participating in daily life in the community, as well as community activities and
cultural events
• Listening to local people about their life, issues and problems
• Learning new skills from local people
• Performing local tasks


9 CBDRM Process

 Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA)

▪ This is a process to identify the risks that communities, villages,
communes face and how people overcome those risks.
▪ This process involves hazard assessment, vulnerability assessment and
capacity assessment, and analysis and prioritization of risks.
▪ The participatory disaster risk assessment will be conducted by the
local authorities with the involvement of local people, community
leaders and subject experts.

10 CBDRM Process

 Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA)


11 CBDRM Process

 Participatory Disaster Risk Management Planning

▪ Following PDRA, both government (in the form of local authorities)
and the selected community identify risk reduction measures that will
reduce vulnerabilities and enhance capacities.
▪ These risk reduction measures are then translated into a community
disaster risk management plan.
▪ The plan will include risk reduction and transfer measures, mitigation
measures, resource requirements, targets that should be reached,
technical assistance and building communities’ capabilities.

12 CBDRM Process

 Community-Managed Implementation
▪ The implementation of the plan should be done through the
community organization at community level with support from local
authorities and technical and research institutions.
▪ The implementation process will include various structural and non-
structural activities.
▪ The community-based organization would be responsible for overall
management of the disaster reduction activities.
▪ In case no community based organization exists, it is important to
identify, establish and train a organization.


13 CBDRM Process

Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)

▪ This involves the local community, development agencies, local
authorities and other stakeholders in measuring the progress made,
and identifying necessary follow-up actions.
▪ For successful participatory monitoring and evaluation, harmony
amongst all participating stakeholders is needed.

14 Actors in CBDRM
▪ every individual, family, organization, business and public
service within a community
▪ the community disaster risk management organization
(CDRMO) is the focal point

▪ government departments and agencies, NGOs, UN, private
sector and other outside agencies



Thank You, and

The End

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