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NAPLEX Practice Questions

IV Infusion- Student

1) If one 10 mL vial contains 0.05 g of diltiazem, how many milliliters should be

administered to provide a 25 mg dose of diltiazem? (RxPrep)

2) A patient is to receive acyclovir 5 mg/kg every 8 hours for an acute outbreak of herpes
zoster. What daily dose, in mg, should a 110-pound, 5’ 8” female receive? (RxPrep)
a. 320 mg
b. 1000 mg
c. 250 mg
d. 750 mg

3) A nurse is hanging a 4% lidocaine drip for a patient. If the dose ordered is 6 mg/min,
how many hours will a 250 mL bag last? Round to the nearest tenth. (RxPrep)

4) A patient is to receive acyclovir 5 mg/kg every 8 hours for an acute outbreak of herpes
zoster. What daily dose, in mg, should a 110-pound female receive? (RxPrep)
e. 320 mg
f. 1000 mg
g. 250 mg
h. 750 mg

5) A physician orders 15 units of regular insulin to be added to a liter of D5W to be given

over 10 hours. What is the infusion rate, in drops/minute, if the IV set delivers 15
drops/mL? (RxPrep)

6) The pharmacy has insulin vials containing 100 units of insulin/mL. A physician orders 15
units of regular insulin to be added to a liter of D5W to be given over 10 hours. How
many units of insulin will the patient receive each hour if the IV set delivers 15
drops/mL? Do not round the answer. (RxPrep)

7) Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent administered before and after organ

transplantation at a single dose of 15 mg/kg. How many milliliters of a 50-mL bottle
containing 100 mg of cyclosporine per milliliter would be administered in total to a 140-
lb kidney transplant patient? Round to a whole number.

8) A hospital pharmacist is asked to determine the dose of clindamycin for a 3-day-old

neonate weighing 3 lb 7 oz. In checking the literature, the pharmacist determines that
the dose is listed as follows:

o <1200 g: 10 mg/kg/day divided q12h

o <2000 g and 0 to 7 days old: 10 mg/kg/day divided q12h
o <2000 g and >7 days old: 15 mg/kg/day divided q8h
NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

o >2000 g and 0 to 7 days old: 15 mg/kg/day divided q8h

o >2000 g and >7 days old: 20 to 30 mg/kg/day divided q12h

Each divided dose is to be added to an intravenous infusion at the scheduled hour and infused
over a period of 20 minutes. How many milliliters of the IV bag injectable solution containing
600 mg/50 mL should be given for each divided dose? Round to the nearest hundredth.

9) Regimen: CMF
Cycle: 28 days
Cyclophosphamide, 100 mg/m2/day PO, D 1–14
Methotrexate, 40 mg/m2, IV, D 2,8
Fluorouracil, 600 mg/m2, IV, D 1,8
Calculate the total cycle dose for cyclophosphamide for a patient having a BSA of 1.5
m 2.

10) A three-agent dosage regimen, termed VAD, for the treatment of multiple myeloma
includes the following drugs taken over a 28-day cycle:
Vincristine 0.4 mg/day, CIVI, D 1–4
Doxorubicin 9 mg/m2/day, CIVI, D 1–4, 9-12, 17-20
Dexamethasone 40 mg/day, PO, D 1–4
Calculate the total quantity of Doxorubicin administered over the course of the treatment cycle
for a patient with a BSA of 1.65 m2.

11) Using table below as a reference: (BSA = 1.7)

a. calculate the quantities of doxorubicin in mg administered per treatment cycle to
a woman measuring 5 feet 4 inches in height and weighing 142 lb during the
“AC” protocol for breast cancer.
b. A variation of the “AC” protocol, referred to as “AC → T,” follows 4 cycles of the
AC protocol with paclitaxel (TAXOL), 175 mg/m2 by intravenous infusion once
every 14 to 21 days for 4 cycles. Calculate the total quantity of paclitaxel, in
milligrams, that the patient would receive during this treatment plan. Round to
the nearest 100 mg.
c. If an injection is available containing paclitaxel, 6 mg/mL, calculate the volume
required per cycle to treat the patient.Round to one decimal place.
Type of Day(s) of Administration per
Abbreviation Drug/Dose Route
Cancer Treatment Cyclec
methotrexate, 30 mg/m2
vinblastine, 3 mg/m2 IV days 1, 15, and 22
doxorubicin (Adriamycin),30 IV days 2, 15, and 22
Bladder MVAC
mg/m2 IV day 2
cisplatin, 70 mg/m IV day 2

Breast AC doxorubicin (Adriamycin), 60 IV day 1

NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

Type of Day(s) of Administration per

Abbreviation Drug/Dose Route
Cancer Treatment Cyclec
cyclophosphamide, 600
IV day 1

docetaxel, 75 mg/m2
cisplatin, 75 mg/m2 IV day 1
Esophagus DCF 5-fluorouracil, 750 IV day 1
mg/m2/day IV days 1–5

cyclophosphamide, 1000
mg/m2 IV day 1
Lung CAE doxorubicin, 45 mg/m2 IV day 1
etoposide, 100 mg/m2 IV days 1–3

etoposide, 120 mg/m2 IV days 1–3

Stomach ELF leucovorin, 150 mg/m2 IV days 1–3
5-fluorouracil, 500 mg/m2 IV days 1–3

12) The pharmacist has an order for heparin 25000 units in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 1,000
units/hour. The pharmacy has the following premixed heparin bags in stock: 25,000
units in 500 mL ½ NS, 10,000 units in 250 mL D5W, and 25,000 units in 250 mL D5W.
What should be infusion rate be set in mL/hour? (RxPrep)

13) A patient will receive 400 mg of a drug that has been put in a 250 mL IV bag. The rate of
drug administration is 375 mcg per minute. Calculate the flow rate in mL per hour.
Round to the nearest whole number. (RxPrep)

14) If 200 mg of drug are added to a 500 mL bag, what rate of flow, in milliliter per hour, will
deliver 500 mcg of drug per hour? Round to one decimal place. (RxPrep)
a. 1.25 mL/hr
b. 1250 mL/hr
c. 4.35 mL/hr
d. 4.25 mL/hr

15) An order is written for phenytoin IV. A loading dose of 15 mg/kg is to be infused at 0.5
mg/kg/min for a 33 lb child. The pharmacy has phenytoin injection solution 50 mg/mL in
NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

a 5 mL vial in sock. The pharmacist will put the dose into 50 mL NS. Over how many
minutes the dose should be administered? (RxPrep)

16) The 8:00 am medication scheduled for a patient included Tygacil dosed at 6 mg/kg. The
patient weighs 142 pounds. The nurse has Tygacil labeled 500 mg/50 mL NS. The dose
will be administered over 30 minutes. The IV tubing in the unit delivers 15 drops/mL.
What is the correct rate of flow in drops/min? Round to the nearest drop. (Rxrep)

17) A 68 kg patient is receiving a drug in standard concentration of 400 mg/250 mL of ½ NS

running at 15 mL/hr. calculate the dose in mcg/kg/min. round to the nearest hundredth.

18) JY is a 58 year old male hospitalized for a total knee replacement. He was given
unfractionated heparin and developed heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
Argatroban was ordered at a dose of 2 mcg/kg/min. The pharmacy mixes a
concentration of 100 mg argatroban in 250 mL D5W. JY weighs 187 lb. at what rate
(mL/hour) should the nurse infuse argatroban to provide the desired dose? Round to
the nearest whole number.(RxPrep)

19) An IV infusion contains 2 mL of a 1:1000 (w/v) solution of epinephrine and 250 mL of

D5W. At what flow rate in mL/min should the infusion be administered to provide 0.3
mcg/kg/min of epinephrine to an 80 kg patient? Round to the nearest whole number.

20) A physician has ordered 2 grams of cefotetan to be added to 100 mL NS for a 56 years
old female with an anaerobic infection. Using a reconstituted injection containing 154
mg/mL, how many mL should be added to prepare the order? Round to the nearest
whole number.

21) A patient is to receive Flagyl at a rate of 12.5 mg/min. the pharmacy has a 5 mL(100
mg/mL) Flagyl injection vial to be diluted in 100 mL of NS. How much drug in mg will the
patient receive over 20 minutes?

22) A patient is to receive 1.5 liter of NS running at 45 gtt/min using a 15 gtt/mL IV tubing
set. Calculate the total infusion time in hours. Round to the nearest tenth.

23) What will be the grams of each of dextrose and sodium chloride used to prepare 100 mL
bag of D51/2NS for IV infusion?
NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

24) Use the case provided to answer the following questions. At what rate (mL/hr) should
Mr. Smith’s diltiazem drip be set at on 03/11/2021 to provide the prescribed dose?

Patient Profile
Age 67 sex M Race Caucasian height 5’10” weight 192 lb
Allergies NKDA

1/15/2021 Diltiazem (100mg/100mL) 5 mg/hr
1/15/2021 Diovan 160 mg daily
03/11/2021 Diltiazem 20 mg bolus IVP x 1
03/11/2021 Diltiazem (100mg/100mL) 10 mg/hr
03/11/2021 D51/2NS 50 mL/hr

25) Use the case in question #20 to answer the following question: premixed bags of
D51/2NS (1 L) are available on the floor. Mr. Smith’s infusion is started at 1300 on the
day it was ordered. On what date and time will the premixed bag run out? (RxPrep)
a. 03/11 at 100
b. 03/11 at 1300
c. 03/11 at 2000
d. 03/12 at 1300
e. 03/12 at 900

26) MH is a 72-year-old male patient hospitalized with decompensated heart failure and
fever. Cultures are positive for aspergillosis. MH weighs 110 kg and will receive 0.25
mg/kg per day of amphotericin B (reconstituted and diluted to 0.1 mg/mL) by IV
infusion. How many mL of amphotericin solution is required to deliver the daily dose?
a. 2750 mL
b. 0.25 mL
c. 27.5 mL
d. 275 mL

27) An order is written for 10 mL of a 10% calcium chloride injection and 10 mL of

multivitamin injection (MVI) to be added to 500 mL of D5W. The infusion is to be
administered over 6 hours. The IV set delivers 15 drops/mL. What should be the rate of
flow in drops/min to deliver this infusion? Round to the nearest whole number. (RxPrep)
NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

28) A patient is to receive Keppra at a rate of 5 mg/min. The pharmacy has a 5 mL, Keppra
vial (100 mg/mL), which will be diluted in 100 mL of NS. What is the Keppra infusion
rate, in mL/min? Do not include the volume of the 5 mL additive.

29) The pharmacist has an order for heparin 25,000 units in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 1,000
units/hour. How many hours will it take to infuse the entire bag? (RxPrep)

30) A patient is to receive 600,000 units of penicillin G potassium in 100 mL D5W. a vial of
penicillin G potassium 1,000,000 units is available. The manufacturer states that when
4.6 mL of diluent is added, a 200,000units/mL solution will result. How many mL of
reconstituted solution should be withdrawn And added to the bag of D5W. (RxPrep)

31) A Heparin infusion at 18 units/kg/hr. The patient weighs 130 lbs. You have 500 ml bag of
Heparin that reads 25000 units /500 ml. You start the infusion at 2: 00 pm. What time
will the infusion be complete?

32) RS is a 45 years old male, 5’5”, 168 pounds, hospitalized with a diabetic foot infection.
The pharmacist prepared a 500 mL bag of D5W containing 1 gram of vancomycin to be
infused over 4 hours using a 20 drops/mL IV tubing set. How many mg of vancomycin
will the patient receive each minute? Round to the nearest tenth. (RxPrep)

33) Dobutamine is being administered at a rate of 20 mcg/kg/min to a 154 lbs patient. If

10ml 10 % dobutamine is placed in 490 ml of NS and the IV drip set is calibrated to
provide 30 drops/L how many drops per minute is administered to the patient? Round
to the nearest hundredth. (RxPrep)

34) A 64 years old female patient (Height = 5’8”, weight 73.1 kg) with leukemia is being
treated with daunorubicin 30 mg/m2 IV once daily on day 1,2, and 3 of a one-week
a) What is each dose? Round to a whole number
b) What is the total dose per cycle? Round to a whole number
c) What is the maximum number of cycles that can be administered if he has
already received 429 mg in his lifetime?
The maximum lifetime dose of daunorubicin is 550 mg/m2.

35) A hospital pharmacist receives a medication order calling for 10 mEq of calcium to be
added to a 500-mL bag of normal saline solution. The intravenous fluid is to be
administered at a rate of 0.5 mEq of calcium per hour. The pharmacist has available 10-
mL vials of a 10% injection of calcium chloride dihydrate. calcium chloride dihydrate MW
= 147
NAPLEX Practice Questions
IV Infusion- Student

a. How many milliliters of this injection should be added to the bag of IV fluid to
make the desired product?
b. If the nurse administering the IV fluid uses an intravenous set that delivers 12
drops/mL, how many drops per minute should be delivered to provide the
desired dose? Round to a whole number.

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