Jump Methodology Online

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Online Methodology for Jump Levels

Research and Planning Department

Fall 2022

Talk About It
1. Teach the new words according to the methodology.

2. Share the relevant page and let students talk about it. Pose questions based on the hints given

on each lesson.

3. Play the audio for the dialog.

4. Clarify the social language used in the dialog.

5. Play the audio for each question.

6. Have individual students turn on their microphones and answer.


7. Let the students have pair-work on what they have heard and answered. Breakout Rooms can

be used here. Monitor their work.

8. Ask pairs to turn on their webcams have a role-play.

9. Assign a role-play for the following session.

Teach the grammatical structures/points used in Talk About It and Learn pages based on the
aims, drills, and tasks suggested for each lesson in the Teacher’s Manual Hints.


a. Focus on the target structure presented in Talk About It and Learn pages.

b. Using the tasks is optional in the relevant session, but the tasks have to be used as a revision in
the following session.

1. Teach the new words according to the methodology.

2. Share and read part A examples.

3. Play the audio to each question in part A.

4. Have individuals turn on their microphones and respond.

5. Share the relevant page and play the audio for part B examples.

6. Have students turn on their microphones (and webcams in possible) and do a chain drill based
on the examples.

Practice In Class
1. Share the relevant page and give the necessary instructions on the first exercise.

2. Give the students enough time to do it. Breakout Rooms can be used. Monitor their work.

3. Have students turn on their microphones and give you individual responses.

4. Move on to the next exercise(s) and follow the same steps.

Practice At Home
1. Share the relevant page and give the necessary instructions.
2. Do samples and clarify the new words when necessary.
3. Teach and explain the hints given on the Writing Practice.
4. Correct their answers through individual responses the following session.

Read Together
1. Share the relevant page and teach the new words according to the methodology.

2. Posing questions, have the students turn on their microphones and talk about the picture.

3. Play the audio of the story. (Jump Up 3)/ Read the story to them. (Jump Up 4)

4. Ask general comprehension questions. Have individuals turn on their microphones and

5. Read the story and give explanations when necessary.

6. Ask some students to turn on their microphones and read parts of the passage.

7. Give the students time to do part A exercises.

8. Correct their answers through individual responses.

9. Assign Parts B and C to be done at home. Also assign questions (at least 5 items) to be made

together with the story enunciation.

How to Check Read Together


1. Share the relevant page. Ask a couple of students to turn on their microphones (and webcams,
if possible) and read the reading.


2. Act as a model. Start asking questions which have to be answered by the same student and

motivate the students to turn on their microphones and take the lead, reading out the questions

they wrote at home.

3. Correct parts B and C exercises through individual responses.

Have Fun-Sing
A. Have Fun
1. Share the relevant page and teach the new words according to the methodology.

2. Posing questions, have the students turn on their microphones and talk about the pictures.

3. Give the necessary instructions based on each activity.

4. Breakout Rooms can be used here. Monitor their work.

B. Sing

1. Having shared the relevant page, clarify the new words by presenting the object or
sharing a picture or providing a simple definition, uttering the word and individual spot
2. Let the students listen to the song as they watch the video or look at the lines.
3. Pause and let individuals repeat as they listen to the audio and look at the lines.
4. Let individuals turn on their microphones and sing along as they listen to the song or
Karaoke and look at the lines.
5. Give them time to do the relevant exercise(s). (Lessons 5,10)

6. Correct their answers through individual responses.

Write A Dictation
You can tell the students to:

A. Write a specific number of words with a specific beginning or ending combinations, e. g. sh


____or ____ at.

B. Write synonyms or antonyms for the dictated words.


C. Rewrite sentences using proper punctuation.

D. Find the misspelled words.

E. Do a puzzle.

F. Sort the words alphabetically.

G. Change the first or last letter of a specific word and write as many words as they can, e.g.

had, bad, dad, mad

H. Find words within word, such as tomato: Tom, to, mat

I. Circle the odd word among a number of words regarding differences in class, rhyme, number
of syllables, etc.

J. Change the words into plural, -ing form, contracted form, past, etc.

K. Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

L. Unscramble the letters and find the word.

M. Join the separated syllables and find the word.

e.g. ex mor cise exercise

to er row tomorrow
N. Write a simple definition for the dictated word.

O. Finish the dictated phrase by adding other elements, like How much is ___________

P. Expand a sentence by adding adjectives or adverbs, for example:

The dog is eating. The big dog is eating fast.

Q. Make a sentence with the given word(s).

R. Identify a specific word, like a noun or a verb in a sentence.

S. Complete a short story having blanks through picture aids.

T. Choose a confusing or non-confusing words to complete a sentence.


Example: I went (two, to, too) the shop.

Other suggestions: they’re, their/its, it’s.


1. Clarify the new words by presenting the object or sharing a picture or providing a simple
definition, uttering the word and individual spot checks.
2. Let the students watch and listen to the whole episode.
3. Share some very general comprehension questions. Have individuals turn on their
microphones and answer.
4. Let them watch it again and pause whenever needed, asking detailed questions.
5. Share the relevant page and give them time to do the relevant exercise(s).
6. Correct their answers through individual responses.

Review One and Two

1. Hand out the Reviews.

2. Give the necessary instructions.

3. Give them time to do the exercises.

4. Collect the papers. Check them in class as they watch the film.

5. Hand them out and talk about the answers through individual responses.

6. Collect the Reviews and hand them to the office.

Fun Games to Use

1. Show and Tell

2. Find and Tell the Difference: Share a picture and have students find and talk about the



3. Opposite Reading: Have students read a passage or a story, but using 100% opposite


4. Correct My Mistake: Read a part of a passage or a story aloud but deliberately change

some parts. Have students correct you.

5. Categorizing can be a fun way to improve vocabulary.


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