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Hello guys!

Today i gonna talk about one of my favorite things that a like to talk about, the
empire of brazil!

So, the empire of Brazil starts in 1822, with the proclamation of the independence, by Dom
Pedro First. And this happen because, the royal family lived in brazil for a time, and while this,
in portugal happen the “liberal revolution of the porto”, and this forced the emperor in the age,
Dom João sixteth, come back to portugal, but he leave dom pedro 1 in brazil, and Dom pedro 1
proclamete the indepence. The firts empire had some good things, like the imposition of the
four powers: the legislative, executive, judiciary, and the main one, the moderator, anyway, the
first empire was not so good, Dom Pedro have a lot of problemns, inclued a lost war, a lot of
people the hate Dom Pedro a lot, and all this thing make happen the “noite das garrafadas”,
when a lot of people invade a royal party and make a Big fight. Dom pedro 1 come back to
portugal, but leaving his son on Brasil, the Litlle Pedro 2

After this, Brasil pass to a period the we have no emperor, for about 9 years Brazil was
governeted by “Regentes”, a type of first minister. Don´t happen a lot of big things on this
period, but we can talk about one, the “revolta dos farrapos”, revolta dos farrapos was the
biggest civil war that happen on brazil, make a lot of deaths and during 10 years. The revolta
dos farrapos wanted the separation of the south of the Brazil. The regencial period ends when
the liberals make the heist of the majority and proclamet Dom Pedro 2 has emperor when he
had 14 years old

After this we go to the second empire, and in my opinion, the better goverment we ever had
on brazil. Dom Pedro 2 regin the Brazil from 1840 to 1889, almost fifty years!!! This is incrible,
because in all of this period a lot of good thing happen to brazil, brazil live fifity yaears of
economic, politic and social stability, a thind tha are impossible to happen on these days. When
Dom Pedro 2 was the emperor, brazil had a lot of inovations, like the railways, the devolpment
of the culture and the national identify, and the end of the slaves, our princess, princess isabell,
signed the aurea law, who ends the slavery. So, in the geral, the second empire was a period of
a lot of inovations, stability and progress. The worst thing tha happen in the empire was the
paraguay war, but there was no way to avoid it, because paraguay invade Brazil, and the
brazilias had to defend his selfs. The seccond empire ends when a terrible think happen, some
stupid military men staged a coup and proclaimed the republic, starting a period of instability,
which resulted in the corrupt country we have today.

Now, i gonna talk a little curiosity, in these days Brazil still has a royal family, and the boss of the
royal family, is the prince and royal highness Dom Bertrand, this guy here.

So, it is, bye!

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