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1. A nurse is providing care to several clients on the geriatric medical unit.

nurse reviews each client's diagnostic and assessment findings. Which result would
lead the nurse to investigate further?
A) An 81-year-old woman's glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is low.
B) A 78-year-old male's stomach pH is increased.
C) A 71-year-old male client's echocardiogram reveals slight left ventricular
D) A 78-year-old man has recently developed urinary incontinence.

2. A nurse is providing care to a 66-year-old man who has undergone a digital-

rectal exam (DRE) during a visit to his primary health care provider. The exam
revealed that the client's prostate has become enlarged since his last DRE. Based
on this information, which condition would be most likely
A) Prostate cancer
B) A risk of malignancy that should be followed up
C) A normal age-related change unlikely to have consequences
D) A urinary tract infection

A 67 year old male client comes to the clinic for an evaluation. When obtaining the client's history, a
report of which finding would the nurse most likely identify as a common age-related issue?

A. High urinary
B. Fruity urine odor
C. Stress incontinence
D. Frequent urination
A gerontological nurse is caring for older clients in an acute care facility. The clients are
receiving various medications as part of their treatment plan. When administering the
medications to these clients, the nurse integrates information about changes in
pharmacokinetics in this client population, identifying which factor as most important?
a. Changes in gastrointestinal (GI) motility increase the absorption time for many drugs.
b. Drug distribution is unpredictable due to the metabolic and body-composition factors
c. Preexisting chronic conditions complicate the drugs' distribution and metabolism.

d. Decreased renal and liver function contributes to an increased half-life for many drugs.

When administering a proton pump inhibitor to a patient to a patient with GERD, the nurse notes that
the patient has great difficulty swallowing the enteric coated pill. What should the nurse do when
administering this medication to the patient in the future?
Crush the pill and mix with applesauce
b. Split the pill in two parts and give each separately
c. Reposition the client and provide more fluid when giving the pill
d. Provide an herbal alternative that also reduces stomach acid productions

During the admission interview, the nurse learns that an older client frequently
experiences constipation. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?
A) "I'll make sure that a laxative is ordered for you while you're here in the hospital."
B) "Many older adults find that increasing their activity level and taking a mild laxative daily
provides relief."
C) "Constipation is usually a sign of a more serious health problem, so I'll pass that information
on to your physician."
D) "There are measures that I can teach you such as changing your diet and increasing
the amount of fluids you drink."

The nurse learns that an older patient uses antacids after every meal to treat chronic
"indigestion." For which health problems should the nurse assess in this patient?
A) Urinary incontinence or retention
B) Coagulation disorders and anemia
C) Hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis
D) Electrolyte imbalances and cardiac problems

The nurse is teaching an 87-year-old client who is relatively inactive about avoiding constipation. Which
fluid and diet choice should the nurse include in the teaching?

d. Increasing intake of fruit juices

The nurse discusses dental health with an 81-year-old client. which of the following
statements, when made by the client is identified as true?
A) "Everyone loses their teeth, it's natural."
B) "I can't get any cavities any more, only young people get them."
C) "Fluoride treatments might help strengthen the enamel on my teeth."
D) "There is no treatment for my bad teeth and poor appetite."

A nurse is assisting an older adult client to create a menu. Which food selection by
the client would lead the nurse to develop a teaching plan for the client ?

A. 2% milk
B. tuna steak
C. fried chicken
D. squash
The nurse discusses dental health with an aging client. Which of the following
physiological changes should the nurse interpret as a potential pathological process
rather than a normal age-related change?
A) Retraction of the gum's pulp
B) Diminished saliva
C) Hardened brittle tooth enamel
D) Periodontal disease causing tooth loss

At a health promotion class at a senior's center, a 67-year-old client asks the nurse,
"What can be done to help manage my spouse's diverticular disease?" What is the
nurse's most appropriate response to this client's query?
A) "Try to encourage your spouse to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day."
B) "You and your spouse might want to try eating 4 or 5 small meals rather than 3 larger
ones each day."
C) "I'd encourage you and your spouse to integrate more exercise into your daily
D) "Try to increase the amount of fiber that you include in the meals you cook."

A 77-year-old post-surgical patient has been complaining of abdominal pain throughout

the nurse's shift. In addition, the patient has a temperature of 101.5°F (38.5°C) and has
had small, frequent, loose bowel movements four times since the morning. Which of the
following health problems would the nurse suspect?
A) Fecal impaction
B) Colon cancer
C) Appendicitis
D) Biliary tract disease

A 70-year-old patient with lung cancer is receiving transdermal doses of a narcotic analgesic.
Which of the following nursing interventions can minimize any gastrointestinal (GI) issues?
A) Monitor the patient's respirations
B) Monitor the drug's sedative effects
C) Start at the lowest dosage of medication
D) Start the patient on a bowel regimen

After complaining about severe depression following the death of a daughter, a 77-year-old
client is prescribed an antidepressant. Recently, the client was diagnosed with an oral fungal
infection. What should the nurse suggest to the client?
A) Sip water to promote saliva
B) Stop taking the antidepressant
C) Explore complementary therapies
D) Eat yogurt to combat the risk of fungus
During a physical exam, the nurse notes that the patient has a smooth red tongue. Which of the
following diagnostic tests is an expected follow-up?
A) Biopsy any lesions.
B) Scrape the tongue for syphilis.
C) Screen for lead poisoning.
D) nutrition screening.

A nurse s teaching an older adult client who has been recently diagnosed with a GERD. The nurse
determines that the teaching was successful when the client identifies which action as helping to
minimize the discomfort.

A. Increasing fiber intake

The nurse teaches a 65-yesr-old client with a chronic constipation problem. In reviewing
her dietary habits, the nurse finds that the client's diet is low in fiber. Which of the
following points should the nurse prioritize when teaching about increasing fiber intake?

D.Add fiber gradually to minimize symptoms of gas or bloating

The history of a 70-year-old female indicates that she has been taking laxatives daily for
years. Which of following complaints may be a result of this laxative abuse?


A nurse is conducting a class for a group of older adult women about Kegel exercises and the
situations in which they would be effective. After teaching the group, the nurse determines that
the teaching was successful when the group identifies that these exercises would be effective
for which condition?

A) Stress incontinence
B) Glomerulonephritis
C) Functional incontinence
D) Overflow incontinence

A nurse is providing care to a 75-year-old female client who is experiencing urinary

incontinence. Assessment reveals that the client is not fully emptying her bladder with each
voiding, which contributes to urinary incontinence. Which intervention would the nurse most
likely implement to promote the client's ability to empty her bladder?

A) Increasing the client's intake of coffee and tea

B) Massaging the bladder area with each voiding
C) Running warm water over the client's hands prior to voiding
D) Having the client stand upright to void
A gerontological nurse practitioner is assessing a 65-year-old client. The client has a history of
anemia along with intermittent bloody urine. The client denies any abdominal or flank pain,
cloudy urine, or dysuria. Based on these findings, which condition would the nurse practitioner

A) Glomerulonephritis
B) Renal calculi
C) Bladder cancer
D) Urinary tract infection

During the assessment of an 80-year-old client who has recently been admitted to the long-term
care facility, the resident mentions to the nurse about ongoing problems with
urinary frequency. The client's history and physical examination are unremarkable. The nurse
identifies this complaint as a normal age-related change. Which change would be most likely?

A) Neurogenic deterioration of bladder control

B) Cognitive changes inhibiting the micturition urge
C) Hypertrophy of the bladder muscle and thickening of the bladder
D) Decreased

The nurse visits an 81-year-old man with a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease who lives at
home with his wife, who is his primary caregiver. Recently, the man has begun to be incontinent
of urine, a development that his wife states accompanied a decline in his cognition. The nurse
documents this finding as which type of incontinence?

A) Urgency
B) Functional
C) Overflow
D) Stress

A gerontological nurse is providing care to several older adult clients. On which client's plan of
care would the nurse most likely include teaching of Kegel exercises?

A) A 60-year-old female who has a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

B) A 73-year-old man who has been diagnosed with benign prostatic hypertrophy
C) A 70-year-old woman experiencing urgency incontinence from a urinary tract
D) A 67-year-old female client living with stress incontinence since having her

A 75-year-old client has presented to the emergency department with recent fatigue,
nausea, and vomiting. The client's temperature is 101.8 °F orally and urinalysis indicates
proteinuria and slight hematuria. Based on these findings, which condition would the
nurse most likely suspect?
A) Glomerulonephritis
B) Renal calculi
C) Bladder cancer
D) Urinary tract infection

74-year-old woman who is in the hospital for rehabilitation following hip replacement has been
experiencing incontinence since admission. Which intervention would the nurse most likely
implement to facilitate the restoration of the client's bladder function?
Select all that apply.
A) Determine and assess the woman's recent voiding pattern.
B) Request an order for an indwelling catheter from the client's health care provider.
C) Teach the client how to meet hydration needs while still limiting fluid intake.
D) Offer to assist the client to the commode every 2 hours while awake.
E) Assess the client for contributing factors such as constipation.`

A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a 90-year-old client about ways to minimize urinary
retention. The nurse discusses measures such as ensuring good fluid intake, massaging the
bladder area, and running water while voiding. The nurse institutes this
teaching as a means to prevent which condition?

A) Urinary incontinence
B) Urinary tract infections
C) Constipation
D) Bladder cancer

The nurse interviews a 65-year-old client with the onset of nocturia. Assessment reveals that the
client gets up two times and sometimes three times a night to void. Which change would the
nurse most likely contribute to this phenomenon?

A) Hypertrophy of the bladder muscle interferes when the client is standing for long periods.
B) Improved kidney circulation occurs when the client assumes a lying position for a few
C) The bladder's ability to expand is decreased, thereby reducing the bladder's overall
D) The nocturia that the client is experiencing is directly related to the early development of

An 85-year-old client with limited mobility is incontinent of urine. An expected outcome identified
on the plan of care is that the client will maintain skin integrity. Which intervention would the
nurse most likely implement?
A) Assess the client for wetness every 2 hours.
B) Complete ultrasound bladder scans after each void to measure residual urine
C) Ensure the client remains free of urine odor.
D) Obtain an order for the insertion of an indwelling catheter.

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