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(i) Candidate must write Q.No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(ii) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of the Answer Book
must be crossed.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Leave some blank space and draw two horizontal lines (=========) at the end of each

Note: Attempt only one question from each section.

Section – I
Q. No.01. How much successful has the Federal Board of Revenue been in promoting voluntary tax
compliance and to make the board a service oriented organization? Discuss with the support of facts and
figures. (25)

Q. No.02. Do you think that the Federal Board of Revenue has time and again introduced modern effective
tax administration methods, information technology system and policies? If yes, please the name the few
which has been introduced in recent years. (25)
Section – II
Q. No.03. Discuss the government expenditure pattern since 2015 and the merits and demerits of the
budget of Pakistan for the financial year 2021-2022. Suggest some reforms for the next
budget of Pakistan. (25)

Q. No.04. How can the economy of Pakistan get rid of the consistent fiscal deficit? Discuss the role of fiscal
deficit in the current account deficit in Pakistan. Please suggest pleasure achieve current account surplus
through fiscal policy. (25)
Section – III
Q. No.05. Discuss the salient feature of the system of Public Personnel Management of Pakistan and
critically examine the needs to evolve the Human Resource Management in Public Sector of Pakistan from
an administrative and operational role to a strategic one. (25)

Q. No.06. Discuss the Functions and Organizational Structure of Federal Government of Pakistan including
administrative relations between Federal Ministries and Federal Bodies such as Commissions, Authorities,
Boards and State Owned enterprises. (25)
Section – IV
Q. No.07. (a) Shortly explain all audit assertions related to the class of transactions (revenue and
expenses) and account balances (assets/liabilities/equities). (25)

(b) How does an internal control system help the management in the conduct of their business
affairs? Explain the five components of internal control.

Q. No.08: (a) Give hypothetical journal transactions that will have the following types of effects on the
elements of balance sheet equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity): (25)
(i) Increase in an asset and increase in a liability.
(ii) Decrease in an asset and decrease in a liability.
(iii) Increase in one asset and decrease in another asset.
(iv) Increase in an asset and increase in owner’s equity.
(v) Increase in one asset, decrease in another asset and increase in a liability.
(b) Explain the relationships among financial decisions, return, risk and the firm’s value.


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