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Thermomechanical Behavior of Saturated

Geosynthetic Clay Liners

Hossam M. Abuel-Naga1 and Abdelmalek Bouazza2
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess experimentally the volume change behavior of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) under elevated
temperatures. Such elevated temperatures can be generated in landfills as the result of biological decomposition of organic matter in municipal
solid waste. A modified consolidometer capable of handling temperatures up to 60°C was utilized for this purpose. A series of thermomechanical
consolidation tests were performed on two different GCLs at different elevated temperatures, varying from 20 to 60°C, and different vertical
stress levels (50, 100, and 150 kPa). The results show that the thermally induced volume change is stress dependent. A preliminary conceptual
explanation for this behavior is introduced and discussed in this study. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000799. © 2013 American
Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Landfills; Temperature effects; Soil consolidation; Hydraulic conductivity; Clay liners; Geosynthetics;
Thermal factors; Mechanical properties.
Author keywords: Geosynthetic clay liner (GCL); Landfill; Temperature; Consolidation; Hydraulic conductivity.

Introduction Heat generated in landfills, as the result of the biological de-

composition of waste, has been identified as a factor that can impact
Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are thin manufactured hydraulic the service life of liners, including geosynthetic clay liners (Rowe
barriers comprised of a layer of bentonite bonded to layers of geo- 2005; Southen and Rowe 2005). The available data indicate that
textiles and/or geomembranes. A typical GCL thickness varies landfill liner temperatures can be expected to reach up to 60°C
between 5 and 10 mm. The primary differences between GCLs are under normal landfill operations (Yesiller et al. 2005; Rowe 2005;
the mineralogy and form of bentonite (e.g., natural sodium versus Koerner and Koerner 2006; Bouazza et al. 2011). Even higher
sodium-activated calcium bentonite, powder versus granular forms, temperatures, up to 70°C, may occur at the base of landfills if there
etc.) used in the GCL, the type of geotextile (e.g., woven versus is a significant leachate mound within the landfill (Yoshida et al.
nonwoven geotextiles), the addition of a geomembrane, and the 1996). These results highlight the fact that GCLs, if used as part of
reinforcement methods. landfill barrier systems, may be subjected to high temperature
Over the past two decades, GCLs have become integral com- variations and thermal gradients that may impact their long-term
ponents of modern municipal solid waste landfill lining systems. hydro-mechanical performance. Therefore, an understanding of the
They are increasingly used as an alternative to compacted clays in coupled thermomechanical behavior of GCLs is required for ef-
cover and bottom lining systems of waste containment facilities fective and safe design of landfill liner systems.
because they often have very low hydraulic conductivity to water The objective of this study was to examine the effects of
(, 10 3 10210 m/s) and because of their relatively low cost and ease thermal loading on the volume change of GCLs. For this purpose,
of installation. As a result, they have been subjected to considerable a modified consolidometer capable of applying temperatures up
research, pertaining especially to their hydraulic and diffusion to 60°C was utilized to test two different GCLs. The metho-
properties, chemical compatibility, mechanical behavior, durability, dology, procedures, and analysis are presented with the aim of
and gas migration (Bouazza 2002; Bouazza et al. 2006, 2008; advancing our understanding of key variables and processes
Bouazza and Rahman 2007; McCartney et al. 2009; Gassner 2009; influencing the volume change behavior GCLs at elevated
Guyonnet et al. 2009; Abuel-Naga and Bouazza 2009, 2010; Gates temperatures.
et al. 2009; Benson et al. 2010a, b; Shackelford et al. 2010; Gates and
Bouazza 2010; Bouazza and Bowders 2010; Rowe et al. 2010;
Scalia and Benson 2011; Rayhani et al. 2011). Tested Material and Specimen Preparation

Two different types of GCLs, referred to as GCL 1 and GCL 2,

Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. were investigated in this study. Their properties are listed in
of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand (corre- Table 1. The moisture absorption test [DIN 18132; Deutsches
sponding author). E-mail: Institut Fur Normung E.V. (DIN) 1995] was used to assess in-
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash Univ., Melbourne, VIC directly the difference in the surface area between the bentonite
3800, Australia. E-mail:
component of GCL 1 and GCL 2. The moisture absorption test
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 30, 2011; approved on
June 22, 2012; published online on August 1, 2012. Discussion period open procedure requires the placement of 1 g of dried bentonite on
until September 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for in- a glass filter within a cylinder. The cylinder is funneled into
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and a graduated capillary tube filled with water. The bentonite absorbs
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 4, April 1, 2013. ©ASCE, the water through the filter, causing a reduction of the water
ISSN 1090-0241/2013/4-539–547/$25.00. level in the tube. The change in water volume after 24 h and the


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

corresponding weight of water is recorded as a percentage of the a water tank, and a thermocontroller unit with an accuracy 60.1°C,
original weight of bentonite. The result of this test is defined by an as depicted in Fig. 1(a). The temperature of the GCL specimen
Enslin-Neff value (EN) as follows: undergoing consolidation is increased indirectly by heating the
water in the annular space between the outer ring of the oedometer
absorbed water weight at 24 h and the specimen ring. The thermocouple was placed in the
EN ¼  100 ð1Þ
Dry bentonite weight oedometer annulus space to avoid specimen disturbance and was
used for temperature measurements and to provide the feedback
The results of the moisture absorption test (DIN 18132) show that signal for the thermocontroller unit. The water tank was used to
EN values are similar for the bentonites from GCL 1 and GCL 2, as compensate for the evaporated water from the oedometer cell. A
listed in Table 1. Consequently, we can consider that their surface calibration test with two thermocouples placed in the oedometer
areas are roughly similar, as they absorbed similar amounts of annulus space and in the center of the test specimen showed that the
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water. time to attain the required temperature (i.e., the temperature of the
GCL specimens were cut from larger GCL sheets, using a sharp water being maintained in the annulus) at the center of the GCL
utility knife, to A4 size paper. A circular stainless steel cutting ring specimen undergoing consolidation was e20 min. Furthermore, the
with an inner diameter of 76 mm was used to cut the GCL speci- thermal gradient between the water being maintained in the annulus
mens. Each GCL specimen was placed between a cutting ring and space and the center of the test specimen was less than 1°C. The
plywood, which was used as a cutting base. The GCL was then average thermal vertical deformation of the oedometer based on three
placed on the platen of a compression machine for cutting. To heating/cooling cycles is shown in Fig. 1(b). Vertical deformation
achieve an effective cut, a force of e15e20 kN was applied. The was measured using a LVDT. These measurements were made where
cutting ring containing a GCL specimen was weighed to determine the top cap of the oedometer was directly placed over the saturated
the mass per unit area. The initial unhydrated GCL height was porous stone discs. The results show almost reversible expansion of
measured under an applied normal stress of e2 kPa using a high- the oedometer after having been subjected to heating/cooling cycles.
gauge vernier. The GCL was then gently pushed from the cutting The calibration results were used to correct the measured readings
ring directly into the consolidometer ring. A plastic disc with under nonisothermal conditions during actual tests.
a diameter slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the ring was
used to support the GCL during extraction from the cutting ring.
Care was taken not to lose any bentonite from the outer edge of the
GCL sample.

Test Apparatus

A conventional oedometer apparatus was modified to include a ring

heater attached to the outer oedometer ring, a K-type thermocouple,

Table 1. Properties of Tested Material

Property GCL 1 GCL 2
GCL mass per unit 5.0–5.5 6.0–6.4
area (kg/m2)
As-received GCL 8–9 5–6
thickness (mm)
Mineral composition 90% smectite, 88% smectite,
of bentonite 4% cristobalite, 7% anorthite,
3% quartz, 3% quartz,
3% Ca-albite 2% calcite
Atterberg limits LL 5 405% LL 5 540%
PI 5 351% PI 5 502%
Bentonite form Powder Granular
Density of the bentonite 940–1,175 1,567–1,757
layer (kg/m3)
Bentonite mass per unit 4.7 5.8
area (kg/m2)
Thickness of bentonite 4.0–5.0 3.3–3.7
layer (mm)
Cover geotextile type; Nonwoven Slit-film woven
mass per unit area (kg/m2) polypropylene; 0.27 geotextile; 0.15
Carrier geotextile; Nonwoven geotextile Nonwoven
mass per unit area (kg/m2) reinforced by a woven polypropylene
geotextile; 0.38 geotextile; 0.30
Bonding method Needle-punched Needle-punched
fibers, heat bonded fibers Fig. 1. Test apparatus: (a) modified consolidometer test apparatus
Swelling pressure (kPa) 175 101 (not to scale); (b) thermal vertical displacement of the modified
Enslin-Neff value (%) 715 715 consolidometer


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

The lateral thermal expansion of the stainless steel oedometer
ring could affect the accuracy of the one dimension test condition
and consequently the thermally induced volume change mea-
surements. To evaluate the error induced by this process, a constant
volume assumption was used where the diametrical expansion can
be related to an equivalent vertical deformation change, as follows:
¼ 22 ¼ 22ae DT ð2Þ
ho do
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where DhðDTÞ 5 vertical deformation of test specimen as a result of

the change in oedometer ring diameter DdðDTÞ at temperature
change DT; ho and do 5 height of test specimen and oedometer ring Fig. 2. Experimental program
diameter at room temperature (do 5 75 mm), respectively; and ae 5
diametrical thermal expansion coefficient of the oedometer ring.
Abuel-Naga et al. (2006) reported that for a stainless steel ring,
ae 5 1:637 3 1025 °C21 . finishing the mechanical consolidation stage. Vertical deformation
According to Burghignoli et al. (1995), the thermally induced readings were recorded during the heating and cooling phase. To
volumetric strain error generated by the lateral thermal deflections confirm the observed volume change behavior under the elevated
of an oedometer cell during heating, Dɛ T , can be calculated by taking temperatures, duplicate GCL specimens of each GCL type (GCL 1,
into account the effect of the thermal expansion of clay particles, as GCL 2) were tested.
  Test Results and Discussion
ðDhðDTÞ=ho Þ 2 as DT
Dɛ T ¼ ð3Þ
1 þ as DT
The heave of GCL specimens (GCL 1, GCL 2) during the hydration
process under 50 kPa vertical stress is shown in Fig. 3. The
where as 5 coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion of clay
observed slight difference in the heave behavior of the two identical
particles (as 5 3:5 3 1025 °C21 , from Campanella and Mitchell
specimens of each GCL type (GCL 1, GCL 2) can be attributed to the
1968). Substituting the vertical strain induced by the thermal ex-
possible difference in the density and initial moisture content of the
pansion of the oedometer ring, determined using Eq. (2), into Eq. (3)
bentonite component. The results show that GCL 2 had a higher
(for typical values relevant to this study: DT 5 40°C) yields
swelling capacity than GCL 1. The average heave strains of GCL 1
Dɛ T 5 29:02 3 1025 , which is very insignificant and therefore can
and GCL 2 specimens are 12.5 and 29.3%, respectively. Because
be neglected. A similar conclusion was reported by Towhata et al.
the bentonite clay mineralogy of GCL 1 and GCL 2 are almost
(1995) and Romero et al. (2003) for their nonisothermal oedometric
similar, as listed in Table 1, the difference in their swelling capacity
consolidation tests.
can be attributed to the difference in density among the bentonite layers,
as GCL 2 has a higher initial density, as listed in Table 1. However, it
should also be mentioned that any possible difference in the density
Experimental Program of the needle-punched fibers could affect the swelling capacity of
GCLs (Petrov et al. 1997; Lake and Rowe 2000; Fratalocchi 2005).
The experimental program involved measuring the thermally in- Typical results for thermal consolidation corrected for the tem-
duced volume change of 75-mm-diameter GCL specimens at dif- perature effect on the testing apparatus are shown in Fig. 4. The ob-
ferent vertical pressures (50, 100, and 150 kPa) under changing served initial expansion behavior could be attributed to the thermal
temperatures (20 to 60 to 20°C). An incremental, drained heating/ expansion of the apparatus that controls the early time results, as the
cooling approach was adopted (Towhata et al. 1993; Delage et al. thermally induced volume change of the test apparatus parts (metal)
2000; Abuel-Naga et al. 2006). This approach involves raising/ reaches thermal equilibrium faster than the GCL specimen.
decreasing the temperature incrementally (10°C) once the volume Fig. 5 shows the thickness changes of the tested GCL specimens
change is stabilized. It is to be noted that this study only investigates under the conduced thermomechanical consolidation path. The
the thermomechanical behavior of water (deaired) saturated GCLs. results indicate that two identical specimens from each GCL type
However, it should be mentioned that the effect of temperature on used in this study (GCL 1, GCL 2) have similar thickness change
the behavior of GCLs in contact with leachate could be different as it modes (expansion or contraction) but different thickness change
involves a chemo-thermomechanical (CTM) multicoupled process. magnitudes under the imposed thermomechanical consolidation
The experimental testing program for GCL 1 and GCL 2 is path. The differences in thickness change magnitudes could be
depicted in Fig. 2. After installing the dry GCL specimen in the related to the manufacture quality control of the GCL (mass per area,
oedometer ring, a vertical stress of 50 kPa was applied to it, and its density in needle punching, etc.). Fig. 6 depicts the thermally
vertical displacement was monitored until it stabilized. Then, the induced volumetric strains of GCL 1 and GCL 2 specimens, re-
GCL specimen was hydrated under 50-kPa vertical stress by filling spectively, under different vertical stress levels. Fig. 6(a) indicates
the annular space between the oedometer outer and inner ring with that GCL 1 specimens undergo irreversible thermally induced
distilled deaired water. The hydration heave of the GCL specimen volumetric contraction upon subjection to a heating/cooling cycle
was observed until equilibrium was achieved, i.e., when the change (20 to 60 to 20°C). Generally, during each heating increment,
in heave was less than 0.005 mm over a 24-h period. At the end of the specimen was observed to contract more with increasing
the hydration stage, the GCL specimen was subjected to the des- temperature. Further, additional contractile strain was observed
ignated vertical consolidation pressures and temperatures, as shown during cooling. Moreover, the magnitude of the irreversible
in Fig. 2. The heating phase of a GCL specimen was started after thermally induced volumetric contraction strain, upon subjection


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

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Fig. 4. Typical thermal consolidation test results; GCL 1 (1) specimen

engineering properties of the bentonite and geotextile components

of the GCL as well as on the composite structure configuration, in
particular, the properties of the reinforcement fibers (Petrov et al.
1997; Fratalocchi 2005). However, under a constant vertical stress, it
can be assumed that subjecting the GCL to a heating/cooling cycle
will induce a very small and insignificant change in the thickness
of the GCL geotextile layers. Therefore, the thermally induced
thickness change of the hydrated GCL is assumed to be attributed
mainly to a change in the thickness of the GCL bentonite layer.
At volume equilibrium, the GCL bentonite layer is subjected to
a net stress (snet ), which is the resultant of three stress components,
namely, the applied vertical stress (sv ), the swelling pressure of
the bentonite (Pbent
s ), and the mobilized restricted pressure induced by
the reinforcing fibers of GCL (sf ), as depicted in Fig. 7. However, it
should be mentioned that the role of the reinforcing fibers (sf ) will
Fig. 3. Swelling behavior of tested GCL specimens under 50-kPa not be active if the applied vertical stress is greater than the swelling
vertical stress, where Ho and Hf are the initial and final thickness of pressure of bentonite. Therefore, the thermally induced volume
GCL specimen, respectively: (a) GCL 1; (b) GCL 2 change of GCL under constant applied vertical stress (sv ) could
be conceptually explained by considering the temperature effects on
sf and Pbent
s . Thus, during heating, if the net stress (snet ) increases,
the GCL will contract, and if it decreases, the GCL will expand.
to a heating/cooling cycle, increases as the vertical stress level To the authors’ knowledge, no direct published information is
increases. available regarding the temperature effect on the engineering
The test results of GCL 2 under vertical stresses of 100 and 150 properties of the reinforcing fibers of GCLs. However, based on the
kPa are shown in Fig. 6(b). The results look similar to the observed experimental results reported by Thomas (2002), it could be in-
behavior of GCL 1 specimens shown in Fig. 6(a). The specimens directly concluded that the fibers would expand irreversibly under
show irreversible thermally induced volumetric contraction upon heating conditions. Furthermore, similar conclusions can also be
subjection to a heating/cooling cycle. However, under 50 kPa obtained from the concept of the stepped isothermal method used to
vertical stress, the GCL 2 specimens show irreversible thermal test the creep behavior of geotextiles using time-temperature su-
volumetric expansion, as illustrated in Fig. 6(b). Based on the perposition methods (Zornberg et al. 2004). Therefore, if sf is
results shown in Fig. 6, it can be concluded that the magnitude and active, it will decrease irreversibly as the temperature increases.
mode (expansion/contraction) of the thermally induced volume Several studies have shown that the swelling pressure of different
change of GCL is dependent on the level of stress applied. clays decreases as temperature increases (Karnland et al. 1994;
Lingnau et al. 1996; Romero et al. 2003; Villar and Lloret 2004;
Villar et al. 2010). This behavior was explained in light of the
Conceptual Explanation for the Temperature Effect
thermally induced lattice contraction caused by dehydration of the
on Volume Change Behavior of GCL
interlamellar space (Pusch et al. 1990). This contraction can lead to
Thermomechanical models that are able to reproduce most of the irreversible aggregation of particles that may decrease the specific
observed volume change behavior of saturated clays at increased surface area and consequently irreversibly reduce the swelling
temperatures have been developed by several researchers (Hueckel capacity (Al-Homoud et al. 1995).
and Borsetto 1990; Cui et al. 2000; Laloui and Cekerevac 2003; Therefore, in summary, the proposed explanation for the ob-
Abuel-Naga et al. 2007); however, these models cannot be used for served thermally induced volume change behavior of GCLs
GCLs, as they do not incorporate the influences of layered geo- reported in this study is based on two hypotheses. First, the bentonite
materials. The volume change behavior of GCLs depends on the swelling pressure (Pbent
s ) has an irreversible temperature-dependent


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

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Fig. 5. GCL thickness change under dry loading, hydration, and mechanical and thermal consolidation

behavior: it decreases as the temperature increases. Second, the a reversible expansion volume change, ɛ ev , will also be generated as
mobilized restricted pressure (sf ) induced by the GCL bonding the result of mineral thermal expansion behavior, as shown in Fig. 8(a)
fibers also has an irreversible temperature-dependent behavior; it on the right-hand side. The magnitude of the irreversible, thermally
also decreases as the temperature increases. induced volume change is a function of the applied vertical stress, as it
The proposed conceptual explanation decomposes the thermally controls the value of Pbent bent
s , and the rate of Ps changes with tem-
induced volumetric strain, ɛ v , into two components, namely: a re- perature (Villar et al. 2010).
versible component of strain, ɛ ev , and an irreversible component of
strain, ɛ pv . The reversible component can be explained in terms of the Case 2: sv < P bent
mineral thermal expansion phenomena (Hueckel and Borsetto 1990;
Cui et al. 2000; Laloui and Cekerevac 2003; Abuel-Naga et al. 2007), Under this condition, sf is active. Therefore, upon heating, in addition
whereas the irreversible component can be attributed to the tem- to mineral thermal reversible expansion behavior, both sf and Pbents will
perature effect on both sf , and Pbent
s . In the following sections, two main
decrease, and an irreversible volume change could be expected. In fact,
stress cases that control the thermally induced volume change behavior under this condition, the magnitude and the mode (expansion/
of GCLs will be explained; then, the observed experimental results of contraction) of the thermally induced volume change could be con-
GCL 1 and GCL 2 will be discussed in light of these two main stress cases. trolled by the relation between the rate at which sf and Pbent
s change with
temperature. Therefore, three subcases can be considered, as follows:
∂Ps bent  ∂sf 
Case 1: sv > P bent Case 2a:    5  
∂T   ∂T 
Under this condition, sf is not active. Therefore, as the temperature In this case,Pthe temperature effect on sf and Pbent s is equal. Con-
increases from To to T1 under constant sv , Pbent
s will decrease and sequently, s stays constant until sf becomes equal to zero at
snet will increase, as depicted in Fig. 8(a) on the left-hand side. T 5 Tf , as shown in Fig. 8(b) on the left-hand side. Within this
Consequently, an irreversible contraction volume change, ɛ pv , will be temperature range (To to Tf ), only reversible expansion volume
induced, as shown in Fig. 8(a) on the right-hand side. Moreover, change as the result of mineral thermal expansion behavior is


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

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Fig. 6. Thermally induced volumetric strain under different vertical stress levels: (a) GCL 1; (b) GCL 2

Fig. 7. GCL stress system


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

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Fig. 8. Qualitative conceptual explanation for temperature effect on GCL volume change: (a) Case 1; (b) Cases 2a and 2c; (c) Case 2b

∂Ps bent  ∂sf 
expected, as shown in Fig. 8(b) on the right-hand side. Beyond this 
Case 2b:   <  
temperature range, sf will not be active, and snet will increase as the ∂T   ∂T 
result of the decrease in Pbent
s as temperature increases, as depicted in In this case, because the temperature has more of an effect on sf than
Fig. 8(b) on the left-hand side. Consequently, an irreversible contraction s , snet will decrease, as shown in Fig. 8(c) on the left-hand
on Pbent
volume change can occur, as shown in Fig. 8(b) on the right-hand side. side. Therefore, under a heating path, an irreversible expansion


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2013.139:539-547.

volume change, in addition to the reversible expansion volume (2) the applied vertical pressure, and (3) the restricted swelling
change, as the result of mineral thermal expansion behavior can pressure induced by the GCL bonding fibers. The conceptual
occur, as shown in Fig. 8(c) on the right-hand side. framework was found to provide a reasonable interpretation of the
    thermally induced volume change of GCLs measured experimen-
∂Ps bent  ∂sf 
Case 2c:   >   tally in a temperature-controlled oedometer. Although the basis
∂T   ∂T  of the conceptual framework is supported by experimental ob-
Because sf is mobilized by Pbent
s , and the temperature has more effect servations for bentonite clays, additional experimental evidence is
s , the change in sf as temperature increases will be equal to
on Pbent required to confirm the validity of the proposed concept and to
the change in Pbent
s as temperature increases. Therefore, this case is develop a quantitative model.
similar to Case 2a, as shown in Fig. 8(b).
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Behavior of GCL 1 and GCL 2 Acknowledgments

Upon hydrating the GCL specimens under sv 5 50 kPa vertical
The current study was financially supported by a large grant from
stress, sf will be activated as the GCL specimens swell. At the
the Australian Research Council. Our sincere appreciation is ex-
hydration equilibrium, the value of sf will be equal to the diff-
tended to the council. The anonymous reviewers made many con-
erence between Pbent s and sv ; therefore, Pbent
s . sv . However, it
structive comments and valuable suggestions. These comments
should be mentioned that the value Pbents at this condition is less than
and efforts associated with the review are greatly appreciated by
the GCL swelling pressure under the constant volume condition
the authors.
listed in Table 1. As Pbents . sv , subjecting this hydrated GCL
specimens to a heating/cooling cycle should generate a thermally
induced volume change pattern similar to one of the subcases of References
Case 2. In fact, the thermally induced volume change results of
GCL 1 and GCL 2 under sv 5 50 kPa, as shown in Fig. 6, confirm
Abuel-Naga, H. M., Bergado, D. T., Bouazza, A., and Ramana, G. V. (2007).
the validity of this explanation, as the results of GCL 1 follows Case “Volume change behavior of saturated clays under drained heating
2a, whereas the results of GCL 2 follows Case 2b. The difference conditions: Experimental results and constitutive modeling.” Can.
between Cases 2a and 2b can be attributed to the difference in the Geotech. J., 44(8), 942–956.
reduction rate of Pbents and sf as the temperature increases, as Abuel-Naga, H. M., Bergado, D. T., Grino, L., Rujivipat, P., and Thet, Y.
explained earlier. (2006). “Experimental evaluation of engineering behavior of soft
After subjecting the GCL specimens under sv 5 50 kPa to Bangkok clay under elevated temperature.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron.
a heating/cooling cycle, the value of Pbent s decreases irreversibly. Eng., 132(7), 902–910.
However, upon increasing the vertical stress from 50 to 100 kPa at Abuel-Naga, H. M., and Bouazza, A. (2009). “Numerical characterization
ambient temperature, in accord with the experimental program of advective gas flow through GM\GCL composite liners having
a circular defect in the geomembrane.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.,
shown in Fig. 2, the value of Pbent
s will increase as the bentonite dry
135(11), 1661–1672.
density increases. Nevertheless, the new value of Pbents is expected to Abuel-Naga, H. M., and Bouazza, A. (2010). “A novel laboratory technique
be less than the applied vertical stress (sv 5 100 kPa). Therefore, as to determine the water retention curve of geosynthetic clay liners.”
s , sv , the thermally induced volume change behavior of the Geosynth. Int., 17(5), 313–322.
GCL specimens should follow the pattern of Case 1, in which ir- Al-Homoud, A. S., Basma, A. A., Husein, M. A. I., and Al Bashabsheh,
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(Fig. 6), support this explanation. Benson, C. H., Haken Oren, A., and Gates, W. P. (2010a). “Hydraulic
Defined by the thermomechanical path shown in Fig. 2, at the conductivity of two geosynthetic clay liners permeated with a hyper-
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(sv 5 150 kPa). Therefore, the thermally induced volume change Bouazza, A. (2002). “Geosynthetic clay liners.” Geotextiles Geomem-
pattern of Case 1 again is expected. The experimental results of branes, 20(1), 3–17.
GCL 1 and GCL 2, under sv 5 150 kPa, shown in Fig. 6, also Bouazza, A., and Bowders, J. J. (2010). Geosynthetic clay liners for waste
support this explanation. The observed difference in the magni- containment facilities, CRC Press/Balkema, Leiden, Netherlands.
tude of the irreversible contraction thermally induced volume, at Bouazza, A., Nahlawi, H., and Alyward, M. (2011). “In situ temperature
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