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Instagram is an ideal platform to share this campaign.

Instagram is a visual platform, and the spectacular

imagery you have been using in your campaign posters will easily appeal to users. Instagram users are
more interactive with images and videos, making it easier to capture their eyes and minds that Baku’s
beauty and attraction. Opportunity to reach potential tourists, investors, and cultural patrons from all
over the world is appealing. With Instagram's advertising platform, you can precisely target
demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your campaign reaches the most relevant audience.

The target audience are the international tourists seeking to explore and travel to countries and cities
they have never been to. The market objectives : Increase tourist arrivals by promoting city’s unique
attractions, diverse culture and welcoming hospitality; Sustainable tourism development in preserving
natural resources, cultural exchange protection and benefiting local communities; Enhance destination
reputation by positioning Baku with captivating experience, distinct identity and unforgettable trip.

Philharmonic Garden: The slogan’s color is Fiery Red is associated with passion, energy, and
vitality; it evokes a sense of excitement and vibrancy, mirroring the lush greenery and lively ambiance of
the Philharmonic Garden. The most colors used in that poster are blazing orange and tap shoe (black).
Blazing Orange represents the vibrant colors of the flowers in the Philharmonic Garden, adding warmth
and energy to the scene. Tap Shoe (Black) provides contrast and depth, emphasizing the pathways and
structures within the garden.

Baku Boulevard: Its slogan is Capri. is a refreshing and calming color often associated with
water and relaxation. Highlighting the slogan in turquoise capri, it reflects the clean waters of the
Caspian Sea and the vibrant atmosphere of Baku Boulevard. The color used for sky is azure blue, the sea
is blue heaven. Azure Blue represents the clear skies above Baku Boulevard, conveying a sense of
tranquility and openness. Skydiver reflects the deep blue tones of the Caspian Sea, evoking a feeling of
expansiveness and serenity.
Towers: The highlighted slogan’s color is Classic Green. It symbolizes growth, prosperity, and
innovation. By highlighting the slogan, it represents the city's modernity and sustainability as well as the
landscaping surrounding the Flame Towers. The use of green creates a harmonious connection with
nature and conveys a message of progress and vitality. The color of the sky is allure while the towers’ is
blue heaven. Blue Heaven symbolizes the sleek and modern design of the Flame Towers, creating a
contrast against the surrounding landscape. Allure captures the softness of the sky, enhancing the visual
impact of the towers against the backdrop of the city.

Heydar Aliyev Center: The slogan’s color is Blazing Yellow. Blazing Yellow is often associated with
creativity, optimism, and enlightenment. By highlighting the slogan in yellow, it reflects the innovative
design and cultural significance of the Heydar Aliyev Centre. The vibrant hue adds warmth and energy to
the campaign, symbolizing the city's forward-thinking approach to architecture and the arts. The color of
the sky is high tide and the building’s shade is bright white. High Tide is adding depth and drama to the
scene. Bright White highlights the sleek and futuristic architecture of the building.

The Philharmonic Garden was selected to showcase Baku's serene and natural side. Image captures the
lush greenery, peaceful atmosphere, and scenic beauty of the Philharmonic Garden, inviting viewers to
experience a moment of relaxation and connection with nature amidst their exploration of Baku.

Baku Boulevard was chosen to highlight the city's vibrant waterfront promenade and iconic views of the
Caspian Sea. It highlights Baku Boulevard's lively atmosphere, recreational options, and scenic
waterfront views, showcasing the city's dynamic energy and appeal to adventurous international

The Heydar Aliyev Centre was selected for its iconic architecture and cultural significance as a symbol of
modernity and innovation in Baku. The image highlights the Heydar Aliyev Centre's futuristic design,
sweeping curves, and striking silhouette, showcasing Baku's architectural excellence and cultural
expression, captivating international tourists.

The Flame Towers were chosen to symbolize Baku's skyline and urban development. The image captures
the iconic silhouette, illuminated facades, and towering presence of the Flame Towers against the
cityscape, symbolizing Baku's modernity, ambition, and global aspirations that attract international
tourists and business travelers alike.

The font used is “Cardo”. The reasons -elegance and sophistication – the font is based on a serif; as a
result, cardo has a classical glamor complexity that offers an elegant, formal sign while preserving a
familiar look. The elegant letterforms and subtle inclines lend a timeless feel to your presidential
campaign documents, while the neon background adds a modern touch, signaling balance and fairness .
Cardo's design draws inspiration from ancient manuscripts, reflecting a deep respect for tradition and
cultural heritage. This appreciation for history and authenticity resonates with foreign tourists, aligning
perfectly with the rich cultural offerings of Baku and enhancing their experience of independence.

The slogan "Charming" succinctly encapsulates the captivating allure and irresistible appeal of
Baku, making it instantly memorable and inviting to international tourists.

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