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Personal Statement

My name is Anayeli S Chavez-Fuentes. I am a daughter of two immigrant parents with an

ambition to help others and leave a positive impact in other peoples life. I have a passion for

working with farm animals as well as helping out people. Thanks to experiences and different

opportunities I have encountered throughout my lifetime I now have the goal of pursuing my

dream job of becoming a veterinarian.

I was raised by both my parents under the same rooftop along with four other siblings. Life for

me with my four other siblings has given me so much to who I am today and who I want to be

now and in the future. I can’t claim to have lived the most perfect life or come from a picture

perfect family but I can definitely say that I am proud of every single family member for what we

have accomplished and plan to pursue. My parents are Mexican citizens but collided into love

here in the US States of America . My dad is from Michoacan , Mexico and my mother is from

the state of Jalisco, Mexico. Both states have different cultures and I am lucky enough to be

able to represent and inheritage the best of both states as their second youngest daughter.

I was born and raised in the city of Merced, California, where I attended school from T-k all up to

high school and plan on continuing my education in Merced Community College. As the second

youngest child with three older siblings I luckily struggled less starting school because thankfully

I was bilingual at such a young age since my parents taught me Spanish and my siblings would

teach me English. In my opinion, I was a very bright child with a huge imagination and

compassion. I was always such a leader when it came to planning on playing a game or

creating an activity with friends and family since little. I believe I still have the same skill now as
a young adult and many more characteristic skills that help me be the ambitious, compassionate

person that I am today.

Plenty of my favorite memories come from my childhood in which I remember always being the

social butterfly from the neighborhood. Growing up I have many memories where I was a

creative child and to this day I find myself in situations where I use my imagination and solve

other issues. The most recent project I participated in was the FCCLA - Repurpose and

Redesign. In that competitive project I was required to use a lot of my leadership skills and

creativity. I decided to repurpose an old nightstand and redesign it to become a toddlers reading


The most challenging part of the project was towards the end when I realized the chair was

going to be uncomfortable for toddlers when resting because the chair had no back support. My

nieces were my testers and the moment they tested the chair out without a backrest they were

honest and said they disliked the chair. It was challenging to solve the issue in such a short

notice but I looked around the backyard and at the moment I found a piece of styrofoam and I

took measurements and used the styrofoam to be the backrest. I knew it wasn’t the best but I

had already brainstormed a better solution and decided to upgrade the chair for competition at

the state level and used a very thin piece of wood and polyfoam as the back rest to replace the

styrofoam. The judges loved the idea but to me the most successful part was knowing my

nieces favorited the chair and went from completely ignoring and disliking the chair to never

leaving it alone.

Thanks to my testers who are my nieces and future nephews I am completely motivated to

become a great veterinarian and idol for them to pursue and become whoever they desire to

become in life. My goal now is to become a veterinarian but it all started as a dream that little

me never thought would ever be close to reality. I plan on taking two years of community college
and sign up for a vet program to learn more hands on. I plan on pursuing my dream career and

that would require me to transfer to a four year university. I plan on completing my dream and

living happily ever after surrounded by all different types of farm animals and pets with family

and friends.

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