Booklet 1.2

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A Different Approach to



Booklet 1.2
- Life in Makkah
- Life in Madinah
- Importance of Prophet (PBUH)
Life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah
(Before Prophet Hood)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born on 20th April 570 AD. The date of birth according to
lunar calendar is disputed as there are claims of 8th, 9th and 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal. But renowned
scholar and author Allama Shibli Naumani prefers 9th Rabi-ul-Awwal. Bibi Amnah immediately
sent someone to inform his grandfather about his birth. Abdul Mutalib was overwhelmed; he
took the newborn to Kaabah to thank Allah (SWT) and named the baby ‘Muhammad’ (The
praised one). Thuwaibah the slave girl of Abu Lahab (Prophet’s uncle) rushed to her master
and informed him about his nephew’s birth. Abu Lahab burst with joy and freed Thuwaibah in
celebration of his nephew’s birth.

First his mother Amnah suckled him for 3 days followed by Thuwaibah who did this precious
task for few days.

With Halima Sadia:

According to general custom of Arabia, people living in towns would send their children to
remote areas under the care of Bedouin wet nurses. So they could enjoy pure food and
atmosphere and acquire pure Arabic Language. According to mentioned custom, professional
wet nurses used to visit cities twice a year. Soon after Prophet’s (PBUH) birth a contingent of
Banu Hawazin reached Makkah in search of suckling. Halima Sadia was also one of them, but
she got late because her donkey was old and lame. The moment she reached Makkah all the
children from noble and rich families were already taken and she was left with only option to
take an orphan kid named Muhammad. After consulting with her husband she decided that
it’s better to take orphan kid than going back with no suckling.

The moment they took Muhammad (PBUH), they were rained over by Allah’s blessings and
bounties. The donkey that was lame and old turned into a quick ride. Upon reaching home,
Harith went to check their old she camel that had already stopped giving milk, surprisingly he
found plenty of milk that was enough for whole household. Halima’s other children who could
not sleep because of illness and hunger, finally had the finest nap of their lives.

When Muhammad (PBUH) was 2 years old, Halima brought him to Amnah and requested her
to extend his custody as she had known that this kid is unusual. Fortune favored Halima;
Makkah was struck by an infectious disease. Therefore, Amnah allowed her to have him for a
longer time.

Halima had 3 children named Abdullah, Unaysa and Hazafah (known as Shaymah). Shaymah
would take special care of Muhammad (PBUH) and he would play with all of them. Once he
was playing with them, suddenly 2 men came and Split the chest of Muhammad (PBUH) and
took out his heart, they then extracted a clot of blood of it and said: “That was the part of
Satan in thee” then they washed it with Zamzam in a gold basin and placed it back. His foster
siblings informed Halima and Harith that Muhammad (PBUH) has been murdered. They rushed
to the point and found Muhammad (PBUH) alright and playing fine. Anas (RA) says: “I have
seen that mark that was left on his chest” According to different narrations Prophet stayed
with Halima for 4,5 or 6 years.

Back to Makkah:
Upon coming back to Makkah Amnah took him to Yathrib to visit Abdullah’s grave. While
coming back to Makkah, she fell ill and died at a place called Ibwa. Her servant Umm-e-Aymen
brought Muhammad (PBUH) back to Makkah and handed him over to his grandfather Abdul

Abdul Mutalib left no stone unturned in taking good care of his grandson. He loved him more
than his own children and never let feel that he is orphan. There was a special seat for Abdul
Mutalib kept under the shade of Kaabah in honor to his position as leader of Quraysh and
Makkah. No one was allowed to sit on it but Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would climb on it
while playing. Once someone tried to stop him in presence of Abdul Mutalib was present. He
responded: “Leave my grandson; I swear by Allah that this boy will hold a significant position”

Just after 2 years of this lovely relationship when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was eight years
old, Abdul Mutalib died at the age of 82. It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
followed his grandfather’s funeral barefoot and he was crying. Abdul Mutalib had 10 sons from
different wives but Prophet’s (PBUH) father Abdullah and Abu Talib were from same mother.
Therefore, Abu Talib was selected as next guardian of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Abu Talib realized the pain of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of losing loved ones; He took
special care of his emotional and other needs. Following the footsteps of his father, Abu Talib
also preferred him over his own children. Prophet (PBUH) also grew as mature and responsible
boy. According to some traditions, when He was the family facing financial crisis, He started
grazing sheep. Abu Hurairah narrates: The Prophet (saws) said, "Allah did not send any
Prophet but that they shepherded the sheep." His companions asked him, "Did you do the
same?" The Prophet (saws) replied, "Yes, I used to shepherd the sheep of the people of Mecca
for some Qirats." [Bukhari]

First Journey to Syria and Meeting with Bahira:

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 12 years old, Abu Talib planned to go to Syria with
trade merchandise. Initially he did not plan to take his nephew on journey, but when Prophet
(PBUH) insisted, he allowed Him to join. When they reached Busra and camped in front a
church, suddenly a Christian Monk named Bahira came out of church and approached Holy
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He recognized Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the signs of
Prophet Hood written in the Torah and the Gospel. He said: “This is the master of all humans.
God will send him with a message which will be mercy to all beings” Abu Talib asked how do
you know this? “All stones and Trees prostrated, which they never do except for a Prophet” He
replied. He then advised Abu Talib not to take him to Syria, so as to avoid any harm against
him. Abu Talib acted upon the advice.

The Sacrilegious Wars (Battle of Fujar):

The ‘sacrilegious wars’ is a series of 4 battles fought in Arab’s period of illiteracy. The 4th and
last was the bloodiest and most horrific one. It was fought between tribes of Quraysh and Qais
in sacred months when bloodshed was considered prohibited. That is why they named it
Battle of Fujar (The battle of Immorality). The commander of Quraysh was Abu Sufyan’s father
Harb bin Umayyah and contingent of Banu Hashim was led by Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle Zubair
bin Abdul Mutalib. Prophet was 15 or 20 years old (according to different narrations).
Therefore, his uncles urged him to participate and he agreed to some extent. He would collect
the arrows and pass them to his uncles but he didn’t kill anyone as this battle was based on
tribal and national pride. This battle ended on a truce. Though Prophet (PBUH) did not kill
anyone but he observed this bloodshed and violence that made him aware of human

The Treaty of Fudoul (The League of virtous):

After years of inhuman bloodshed, idiotic wars and baseless rivalries some sane men stepped
up and floated the idea of peace treaty. People were so depressed after the last battle in
which the no one even bothered to take care of sacred months. So, in the month of Zul-
Qaadah representatives of Banu Hashim, Zuhrah, and Taim gathered at Abdullah bin Jad’aan’s
place who was an elderly and respected man of Makkah. After discussion they formed a treaty
that ensured peace and stability, which would suppress violence, injustice and protection of
the rights of weak, poor and travelers. Prophet Says: “I was present in the house of `Abdullah
ibn Jad’aan when an alliance (The Treaty of Fudoul) was formed, and I would not love to have
in place of that alliance red camels. And if I were invited by it in Islam, I would answer it.”
Prophet’s (PBUH) presence at this auspicious event and company of wise peace-loving people
did leave long lasting impression on his personality.

Trading and Juorneys:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) adopted trading as his next profession, following the custom of
his ancestors. Yet He was different from all other previous and present traders because of his
truthfulness, keeping promises, honesty and matchless dedication. He travelled to Syria, Busra,
Yemen and Bahrain for this purpose and proved himself to be the best in town. Khadija, a rich
widow of Makkah got to know about His honesty and truthfulness. She offered Him twice of
market salary if He takes her trade merchandise to Syria. Prophet (PBUH) accepted it and
came back with immense profit. Khadija’s slave Myserah who accompanied Prophet (PBUH),
gave very positive feedback about his honesty, faith and good manners. Khadija was so
impressed that she decided to marry Him.

Marriage with Khadija:

She sent marriage proposal through her friend Nafisa, which was intimately accepted by
Prophet (PBUH). Khadija’s uncle Amr bin Asad and Abu Talib discussed the matter in details
and they agreed to go with it. Marriage ceremony was held at Khadija’s place in the presence
of all notables from both families. Nikah sermon was recited by Abu Talib and 500 Gold coins
were decided as Mehar. At the time of marriage Prophet (PBUH) was 25 and Khadija was 40
years old. All children of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were from Khadija except Ibrahim
(RA). They had 4 daughters Zainab, Ruqayya, Umm-e-Kulthoom and Fatimah and 2 sons
Abdullah (Also known as Tayib and Tahir) and Qasim.

Character and Reuptation:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has always been a man of character, morals and best social
attributes. With the help of Allah, He detached Himself from all evil practices like drinking
wine, attending idolatrous festivals and swearing by idols. He never worshiped idols; He never
ate anything sacrificed in the name of idols. People used to do naked tawaaf of Holy Ka’bah,
Prophet (PBUH) stayed away from this immoral act. He was so truthful and honest that people
would call him ‘The Truthful’ and ‘The Honest’ instead of his real name. People would believe
in him to an extent that they would keep their valuables with him for the purpose of

Reconstruction of Holy Kaabah and the Arbitration:

The old building of Holy Kaabah was not very tall, approximately equal to nine arm’s length.
Making it vulnerable for thieves and allowing flood water to get into that building and weaken
it. 5 years before the first Revelation, there was a great flood in Makkah that almost vanished
the building of Holy Kaabah. Quraysh decided to reconstruct it and demolished the old
building. They decided to use lawful and Halal money to be used for the construction of sacred
building. Waleed bin Mughirah arranged wooden pieces and other construction material along
with a Roman architect named ‘Baqum’. All clans of Quraysh participated in this sacred task
with full zeal and zest even Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also participated. When work
reached near completion, strife broke out among the clans of Quraysh on fixing of Black Stone.
All clans wanted to perform this honorable task which led to a potential bloody war. An elderly
and wise member of Quraysh Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah suggested that whoever enters the
sanctuary of Kaabah next morning, will be the arbitrator and his decision will be final. Next
morning the first person they found out worshiping in Holy Kaabah was Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). Everyone shouted: “Al-Amin (The Trustworthy) has come; we are content to abide by
His decision”. Prophet (PBUH) asked to spread a mantle on ground, placed the Black stone on
it. He then called a representative from each clan to hold the corners of mantle and lift it
towards proper position. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then fixed it with own hands and ended
the possibility of a bloody war with his wisdom and power of character.

Some years before the first revelation, Prophet (PBUH) got fed up of social evils and
immorality. He needed time to conceive a practical and effective course of action to contribute
towards ending the ill practices of his people. He started spending time in cave of Hira thinking
and pondering over the situation of Arab society and looking for answers to his questions.
‘Hira’ is a cave in the mount ‘Al-Noor’ situated 2 miles away from Makkah. He would provide
himself with barley porridge and water and spend days, sometimes weeks doing the
meditation and trying to connect with the universe. This privacy and meditation prepared him
to receive the message of Allah that later changed the course of history. Finally during a night
of Ramadan when he was 40 years of age he received the first revelation.

CAIE Questions
(a) Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first revelation. [10] [J/2010]
(a) Describe the main events in the Prophet’s life before he was granted prophet hood.
[10] [J/2016]
(a) Give an account of the Prophet’s life up to the time the revelations began. [10]
CIE Marking Scheme Requirements
 Candidates should write a detailed narrative elaborating on the points mentioned below.
 Birth, Year of Elephant.
 Parents, Amnah and Abdullah.
 Early upbringing by Halima Sadia, Shaq-e-Sadr.
 Back to Amnah, her death.
 Grandfather Abdul Muttalib as custodian and his death.
 In His uncle Abu Talib’s custody.
 First journey to Syria and Meeting with Bahira.
 Participation in Battle of Fujar
 Presence at the Treaty of Fudoul.
 Another journey to Syria as Khadija’s trade merchandise in charge.
 Marriage with Khadija.
 Arbitration in fixing of The Black Stone.
 Seclusion (Meditation at the Cave of Hira)
 The First Revelation.
 However, good answers will write a narrative, naming key figures, important events and sequence them
in the order in which they happened. with any relevant supporting quotations.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 2
 Birth, Year of Elephant. (571  Abu Talib’s custody.  Another journey to Syria as
AD)  First journey to Syria (When He Khadija’s trade merchandise in
 Parents, Amnah and Abdullah. was 12 YO) charge. (When He was 24 YO)
 Early upbringing by Halima  Meeting with Bahira and his  Marriage with Khadija. (He was
Sadia, Shaq-e-Sadr (Splitting of prediction about Prophet’s 25 & Khadija was 40)
chest) (PBUH) future.  Arbitration in fixing of The Black
 Back to Amnah, her death on  Participation in Battle of Fujar. Stone. (When He was 35 YO)
way back from Madinah at (When He was 15 YO)  Seclusion (Meditation at the
Ibwa. (When He was 6 YO)  Presence at the Treaty of Cave of Hira)
 Grandfather Abdul Muttalib as Fudoul.  The First Revelation. (When He
custodian and his death. (When was 40 YO)
He was 8 YO)
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in 570 AD. The exact date of birth is disputed but the most famous
opinion is 12th Rabi-ul-Awal. The year is called ‘The Year of Elephants’ as it was the same year in which
Abraha the king of Yemen attacked Makkah but was destroyed miraculously by tiny birds called Ababeel.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to a noble clan of Quraysh called Banu Hashim. His father Abdullah
died some months prior to his birth so he was born orphan. Amnah His mother suckled him for 3 days
followed by Thuwaibah a freed slave of Abu Lahab. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib named him
 Soon after his birth according to custom of Arabia he was sent to a remote area of Taif to a wet nurse
Halima Sadia. Halima Sadia who belonged to Banu Saad, experienced numerous blessings of Allah as soon
as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stepped in their lives such as solution of financial issues, good health of
their animals etc. The Incident of Shaq-e-Sadr also happened there when Prophet’s chest was split by
angels and his heart was washed with Zamzam. Jibrail said while removing a black clot of blood:
 “This was the part of Satan in you.”
Prophet stayed there for almost 5-6 years.
 While he was six, his mother took him to Yathrib to visit his father’s grave. Upon coming back when they
reached Ibwa, Amnah fell ill and died.
 Abdul Muttalib took him under his custody but he also died when Prophet was 8 years old. Abdul Muttalib
predicted about Him:
 “I swear by Allah that this boy will hold a significant position”
 Then Abu Talib his uncle became his custodian. When Prophet (PBUH) was 12, Abu Talib had to go to Syria
for some business purpose so he took Prophet Muhammad with him.
 On their way to Syria they stopped in front of a church in the city of Busra. A priest named Bahira was
amazed to meet Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Said:
 “This is the master of all humans. God will send him with a message which will be mercy to all beings”
Bahira advised Abu Talib not to take Prophet to Syria in order to protect him. Abu Talib sent him back to
 While Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 15 approximately, Battle of Fujar broke out. All clans of Quraysh
took part in battle so did Prophet’s (PBUH) uncles and they expected Him to participate. But Prophet
(PBUH) would just collect the arrows and pass them to his uncles. He did not participate directly.
 After useless bloodshed of decades finally some sane people floated the idea of a treaty that ensures
peace and stability. Arab Leaders gathered at Abdullah bin Jad’aan home and established Treaty of Fudoul.
Treaty of Fudoul was about protecting human rights and avoiding bloodshed.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got famous as The Truthful and Honest. Khadija a rich widow of Makkah when
got to know about Prophet (PBUH) she hired Him as in charge of her trade merchandise. Prophet (PBUH)
took Khadija’s goods to Syrian markets and earned huge profit. Myserah a slave of Khadija also
accompanied Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “I have never met an Honest and Truthful person like this guy.”
 Khadija was so impressed that she sent marriage proposal to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which was
accepted by him. At the time of marriage prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 25 and Khadija was 40. They
had 6 children 4 daughters and 2 sons. Marriage with Khadija freed Prophet (PBUH) from economical
 When Prophet was 35 Quraysh reconstructed the building of Kaabah that was destroyed by flood. A
dispute arose on fixing of black stone and situation got so worse that all clans started preparing for war.
Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah suggested that whoever enters Kaabah the very next day, will be the ultimate
judge and according to Allah’s will that appeared to be Prophet (PBUH). Prophet (PBUH) asked to spread a
mantle on ground, placed the Black stone on it. He then called a representative from each clan to hold the
corners of mantle and lift it towards proper position. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then fixed it with own
 Some years before the first revelation Prophet got fed up of social evils and started spending time in cave
of Hira thinking and pondering over the situation of Arab society and looking for answers to his questions.
Finally during a night of Ramadan when he was 40 years of he received the first revelation.

(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4] [J/2010]
 She just handed over all her wealth to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that freed Him from all financial
worries. Allah says:
 “And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient” [93:08]
 After financial help, she supported Him socially and allowed Him to spend time in seclusion that ultimately
 prepared Him for the first Revelation.
 When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got the first revelation, Khadija (RA) accepted Islam as the first ever
human being accepting the message of Allah. This was a great starter for Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
 When He was scared, she consoled him by talking about his matchless character and good deeds.
 When whole Makkah became his enemy and he could not find early success in His mission, Khadija always
uplifted her morale and showed her belief and trust in Him. Prophet Says:
 “She believed in me when everyone rejected me”

(b) ‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophet hood.’ Agree or
disagree, giving reasons for your answer. [4] [J/2016]
Answer (Agree)
 Prophet’s (PBUH) grandfather Abdul Muttalib gave him a unique name ‘Muhammad’ and allowed him to be
around when he would meet tribal leaders and delegates. Abdul Muttalib predicted about Prophet’s
significant position.
 Abu Talib took him to Syria that allowed him to explore new places and meet new people. Especially
people from other faiths like Bahira the Monk. This exposure broadened Prophet’s (PBUH) vision about
people and their behaviors.
 Abu Talib protected him from Quraysh’s persecution and other harmful evil plans.
 Khadija freed Him from financial worries and supported her socially so he could seclude in Cave of Hira and
get prepared to receive the Revelation.
Answer (Disagree)
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was guided by Allah (SWT) so he did not need any support from relatives and
family members.
 Angels coming and washing his heart reflects that Allah (SWT) was directly nurturing His soul without any
support from family members.
 That’s why He was born orphan and His father Abdullah died some months prior to His birth.
 Then mother died while He was only 6 and then Grandfather when He was 8 years old.
 This reflects that Allah (SWT) wanted him to be independent and self-sufficient.

Q (b) How Prophet’s life before the revelation did prepare him for the life to come/for his
life as Prophet? [04]
 Prophet was born orphan and later he saw his loved ones die in front of him. This made him patient and
 He learned a lot when he worked as shepherd and experienced the rough conditions and tough task of
taking care of animals.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) travelled to Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and Busra. He met different people, talked
to believers of other religions specially Bahira the monk, this socializing and exploring opened his mind and
gave him a clearer view of life.
 Finally his participation in battle of Fujar made him aware of cruelty and ruthless human behaviors. Later
His presence at Treaty of Fudoul gave Him hope that peace has always a chance.

Q (b) How Prophet’s (PBUH) early life does show the character of a thorough gentleman?

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a thorough gentleman even before getting the distinction of Prophet
 People would call him Al-Sadiq (The Truthful) as he never lied to anyone. Whole Makkah would keep their
belongings under his protection as he was the most trusted man in the valley of Makkah. Therefore He was
given another title of Al-Amin (Honest).
 Khadija got to know about him after listening to talk of town about his honesty and fair business dealings.
She hired him as in charge of her trade merchandise and sent him to Syria along with her slave named
Myserah. Myserah’s feedback was so positive about him that Khadija proposed him for marriage.
 He never touched vine, never worshiped idols, never ate anything sacrificed in the name of idols and stayed
away from all social evils.
(b) Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to his mission.
What lessons can Muslims learn from this today? [4] [N/2014]

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born orphan; He lost His mother when He was only 6 and grandfather when He was
only 8. But despite all this He never became dependent on others, He graze sheep and travelled for business
purposes and lived an independent life. This teaches Muslims the lesson of never giving up and importance of being
 Prophet (PBUH) was living in age of immorality; there was no value of truth and trust. Still Prophet (PBUH)
never cheated, never lied to anyone, He always remained truthful and honest. This teaches Muslims that
society should not affect our morals, if this whole world turns into a pit of dishonesty and immorality still
Muslims should be the leading example of excellent morals.

Life in Makkah
(After Revelation)
Q (a) Give an account of Prophet’s (PBUH) first experience of receiving the Revelation.
[10] [N/2004]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 A brief reference to seclusion.
 A Night of Ramadan when He was 40.
 The whole incident of being appearing and squeezing him and ordering him to read.
 Reference
 Sight of that being in immense original form.
 Khadija’s consolation.
 Meeting with Waraqah bin Naufil.
 His feedback.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Some Years before the first  In the ending Nights of  Upon coming back He saw the
revelation Prophet (PBUH) Ramadan, A figure appeared and angel in immense original form.
withdrew to the cave of Hira ordered him to “Read!”  Prophet (PBUH) got scared and
and spent time doing  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reached home shivering. He
meditation. Where He got the replied that He could not read asked Khadija (RA) to cover him
first Revelation. and write. The figure hugged and later told everything to her.
 This incident took place in 610 Him tightly.  Khadija consolation.
AD. When Prophet Muhammad  This happened 3 times.  She then took him to her cousin
(PBUH) was 40.  Then the figure recited to him Waraqa bin Naufil who was a
 Cave Hira is 2 miles away from Starting verses of Surah Alaq. rightful Christian and scholar of
Makkah in a Mountain called  Ref: [96:1-5] Bible.
Jabal-un-Noor.  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) felt  After listening to complete story
like the word of revelation were of Holy Prophet Muhammad
imprinted on his heart. (PBUH) he predicted
Muhammad’s (PBUH) Prophet
In his late forties Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) distanced himself from social evils that had captured Arabian
society. He would provide himself with barley Porridge and water and head towards mount Noor located 2
miles from Makkah and spend days sometimes weeks in a cave called Hira. He would ponder over the
situation of fellow human beings and try to connect with the universe to look for answers to questions
popping in His mind. This seclusion and privacy gave Him inner peace which ultimately prepared Him to
receive the first Revelation. 6 months before First Revelation he saw some dreams and later those dreams
appeared to be true.
During a night of Ramadan in 610 AD when he was 40 years old, his meditation was interrupted by a figure
that suddenly appeared in Cave of Hira and ordered him to ‘Read’. He replied that he can’t read as he is not
learned. In response to that, figure hugged him tightly and repeated the same instruction again. This
happened 3 times and third hug was so powerful that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) felt his bones to be
squeezed. Then figure recited these verses:
 Ref: “Read (Proclaim!) In the Name of your Lord Who created. Created man, out of a clot (of congealed
blood). Read (Proclaim), and your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the Pen, Taught man that
which he knew not.” [96:1-5]
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) felt like the words of revelation were imprinted on his heart. When he came out
of the cave, He saw Angel Gabriel on the horizon in his true gigantic form. He had covered all visible area from
top till bottom and from east to west. Prophet (PBUH) got scared and reached home shivering and trembling
from fear.
He came back to His wife Khadija (RA) and said:
 “Cover me, Cover me.”
Khadija (RA) covered him with a blanket but one blanket could not comfort him so he asked for another one.
After getting stable he told Khadija (RA) everything. Khadija consoled him by mentioning his good deeds and
nobility of his character.
 She said: “Allah will never disgrace you. You unite uterine relations; you bear the burden of weak; you help
the poor and needy, you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness.”
Later She took him to her cousin Waraqah bin Naufil who was a rightful Christian and scholar of Bible. After
listening to complete story of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he said that
 “This is ‘Namus’ (Angel) that Allah sent to Moses and Jesus. I wish I were younger so I could live upto the
time when your people would turn you out”
Waraqah predicted about the persecution and difficulties that Prophet (PBUH) and his followers were going to
face and he promised his support if he was alive. Unfortunately, Waraqah died few days later.

Q (a) Give a brief description of the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [N/2007]

Q (a) Outline the Prophet’s experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr. [10] [N/2014]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 (Cave Hira) Para 2 (Cave Thawr)
 Meditation at the Cave of Hira.  Consult Page No
 Cave Hira is 2 miles away from Makkah in a Mountain called Jabal-un-Noor.
 610 AD when He was 40 years old.
 In the ending Nights of Ramadan, A figure appeared and ordered him to “Read!”
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied that He could not read and write. The figure
hugged Him tightly.
 This happened 3 times.
 Then the figure recited to him Starting verses of Surah Alaq.
 Ref: [96:1-5]
 Words of revelation were imprinted on his heart.
 Sight of Gabriel in true gigantic form.
 Telling the whole story to Khadija.
 No other details of meeting with Waraqah etc.
 Consult previous question for detailed material.

Q (b) Explain the significance of these figures in the incident of first Revelation:
(i) Hazrat Khadija (RA) (ii) Waraqah bin Naufil (iii) Action Gabriel
(i) Hazrat Khadija (RA)
 Khadija’s (RA) support freed Him from financial worries that allowed Him to seclude in Cave of Hira which
ultimately prepared Him to receive the first Revelation.
 After the first Revelation when He reached home trembling of fear because of pressure of Revelation, She
comforted him by covering Him with blankets and listened to complete story patiently. She consoled Him
by saying:
 She said: “Allah will never disgrace you. You unite uterine relations; you bear the burden of weak; you
help the poor and needy, you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness.”
 Later she took Him to his cousin Waraqah bin Naufil who cleared all His confusions about the incident.
(ii) Waraqah bin Naufil
 Waraqah was a Christian scholar of Bible who had vast knowledge of Bible and signs of Final Prophet.
 Waraqah listened to complete story of the incident and analyzed the situation on the basis of his
knowledge. He said:
 “This is ‘Namus’ (Angel) that Allah sent to Moses and Jesus. I wish I were younger so I could live upto the
time when your people would turn you out”
 This cleared Prophet’s (PBUH) confusion and His fear got away.
 Waraqah further added that Prophet (PBUH) and his followers are going to face Quraysh’s persecution
which made him ready to deal with it.
 Waraqah promised his support which comforted Him and boosted His morale. Although, Waraqah died few
days later.
(iii) Angel Gabriel
 Gabriel performed his duty honestly and delivered the message of Allah to Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) the way he had been doing with all other Prophets.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not formally literate, but Gabriel’s miraculous squeezing made Him read
and memorize the verses of Holy Quran. Prophet (PBUH) says after receiving the first revelation:
 “I feel that those verses were imprinted on my heart”
 His appearance in His true gigantic form was another sign and miracle of Allah that proved the verses being
originally revealed through diving source.
(b) Explain the significance of Prophet’s (PBUH) experience in the cave of Hira for the
development of Islam. [4] [N/2007]
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got the chance to meditate and spend time in seclusion. This privacy
transformed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and ultimately prepared Him to receive the first Revelation.
 Quran a book that transformed the course of history, that has knowledge of past, present and future began
to reveal.
 Kaabah the center of oneness and whole Arab were filled with polytheism. This incident marked the change
from polytheism to monotheism.
 It was the beginning of God’s final guidance that absorbed all previous scriptures and ended the possibility
of any further Revelations.

Q (a) Give an account of the way in which the Prophet started to preach Islam in the first
few years after he began to receive the revelation. [10] [J/2015]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Answers should focus on the Prophet’s deliverance of the message.
 Aftermath of first Revelation.
 Ref of Surah Mudathir.
 Secret Preaching for 3 years.
 Early converts and Abu Bakr’s contribution.
 Secret teaching and practice. Dar-e-Arqam. 40 converts.
 Order to Preach Family members. Banu Hashim at feast and their rude response.
 Declaration at mount Safa and start of persecution.
 Candidates should give details in their answer and need to avoid giving a narrative about the persecutions.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Aftermath of first Revelation.  Secret Teaching and Practice.  Allah’s order to start open
 Ref: [74:1-3]  House of Arqam (RA). preaching.
 Secret Preaching for 3 years.  Allah’s order to invite close  Ref: [15:94]
 Early Converts. relatives.  Declaration at Mount Safa.
 Contribution of Abu Bakr (RA)  Ref: [26:214]  Harsh response by Abu Lahab
 40 Converts.  The Feast. and Quraysh.
 Rude and negative response.  Start of Persecution & Prophet’s
 When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got the first Revelation, He was comforted by Khadija (RA) and His
confusion was cleared by Waraqah bin Naufil. After a brief suspension of Revelation, Prophet (PBUH) finally
got the verses of Surah Muddathir:
 Ref: “O you who covers himself, Arise and warn, And your Lord glorify” [74:1-3]
 As Makkah which was initially the center of Oneness was now a center of idolatry. Being protector and
guardian of their idols, Quraysh were so committed and authoritative in their approach. So Prophet (PBUH)
decided to start preaching in Secret.
 His wife Khadija (RA) embraced Islam the moment He shared the incident of first Revelation with her. His
old and closest friend Abu Bakr (RA) also accepted Islam. Ali (RA) was the first among young boys and Zaid
bin Haritha (RA) was the first ever convert among slaves.
 From the very first day Abu Bakr (RA) proved to be the most zealous and devoted preacher of Islam. Upon
his call leading and most prominent companions like Uthman bin Affan, Zubair bin Awwam, Abdul Rehman
bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqas and Talha bin Ubaidullah accepted Islam.
 These 8 were the first torch bearers of Islam and with their dedication and Prophet’s (PBUH) guidance and
support number of converts reached to 40.
 Prophet (PBUH) focused on preparing a group of great human beings with purified souls, who could later be
presented as role models. Prophet (PBUH) left no stone unturned in teaching them divine verses and
shaping their minds. They would meet secretly and share newly revealed verses and go to a mountain
valley when they wanted to pray.
 A companion named Arqam (RA) presented his home to be considered a meeting point or school where
new converts could gather and learn Islam.
 Finally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first Revelation about inviting his close relatives to Islam.
 Ref: “And warn, [O Muhammad], your closest kindred.” [26:214]
 In response to Allah’s orders Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arranged a feast with help of Ali (RA) and invited
his close relatives from Banu Hashim and Banu Abdul-Muttalib for a gathering. Prophet (PBUH) delivered a
short speech in which He announced His Prophethood and declared that no one is liable to be worshiped
except Allah.
 Audience’s response was so harsh and rude. Only Abu Talib assured his support but Abu Lahab intervened
and asked him to Stop Muhammad (PBUH) before others do. Abu Talib replied:
 “I swear by Allah to protect him as long as I am alive”
Ali (RA) had also accepted Islam but He also reassured his allegiance in front of whole clan.
 After some time Allah ordered him to start open preaching
 Ref: "Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists.” [15:94]
 In response to Allah’s command, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went up on Safa Mount and gathered
notables of Quraysh. Some say that they were 55 people from different clans of Quraysh. Prophet said:
 “If I were to tell you that there were some horsemen in the valley planning to raid you, will you believe
They all said: “Yes, we have only witnessed the truth from you.” Prophet (PBUH) then said:
 “I am a warner to you before a severe torment.”
Prophet then denounced their idols and asked to discard their men made belief of worshiping stone carved
 Quraysh responded aggressively even His own uncle Abu Lahab threw some pebbles on Him and said:
“Perish you all the day! Have you summoned us for such a thing?”
 This marks the beginning of inhuman persecution that kept going till the migration. Still Prophet (PBUH)
adopted the strategy of fearless open preaching and He would address their casual and social gatherings.
He would deliberately offer prayer in open and recite Quran verses loudly to make people listen. Though
this fearless and bold approach He was successful to preach the message of Islam in every corner of
Q (b) Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? [4]

 Makkah was the center of idolatry and Quraysh were the protectors and guardians of their stone carved
scripture. It would not have been a wise strategy to start attacking their belief in the beginning without
measuring their response.
 Prophet (PBUH) wanted to prepare a group of role models who could be presented in front of the world
when they would start open preaching for which He needed time.
 Early converts themselves needed time to absorb the new ideology and life style and discard their past.
 For all above mentioned reasons Allah did not allow him to start open preaching. He went up gradually
from secret preaching to inviting relatives and finally call at Safa Mount.
Opposition and Persecution
Q (a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself during his time in
Makkah after his call to Prophethood. [10] [J/2003] [J/2007] [N/2010] [N/2015]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Brief mention of Prophet’s declaration of Faith at Safa Mount and Quraysh’s response.
 Beginning of inhuman persecution.
 Events of persecution mentioning incident, names of figures involved in it.
 It should include Mocking, Torture and boycott.
 Tolerance and Patience of Holy Prophet in response to all that.
 References from Holy Quran and Hadith.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Declaration at Mount Safa. Verbal and Metal Torture Physical Torture & Social Boycott
 Quraysh’s rude and harsh  Prophet’s daughters divorced.  Initiators and key figures of
response.  Umme-Jameel(Abu Lahab’s wife) persecution.
 Start of Inhuman persecution.  He was called ‘Abtar’ on death of  Different incidents of torture
His sons. and Prophet's (PBUH) tolerance
 Verbal abuses. and steadfastness.
 Quran was declared a man-made  The Boycott.
book of poetry and ancient
 Bribe.
 After 3 years of secret preaching Allah ordered Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to start preaching openly.
 "Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists.” [15:94]
In response to Allah’s command, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went up on Safa Mount and gathered
notables of Quraysh and denounced their idols and asked to discard their men made belief of worshiping
stone carved scriptures.
 Quraysh responded aggressively even His own uncle Abu Lahab threw some pebbles on Him and said: “ruin
you all the day! Have you summoned us for such a thing?” Allah replied to Abu Lahab:
 “May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined and ruined is he.” [111:01]
 This marks the beginning of the most inhuman persecution.
 His uncle who celebrated His birth by freeing a slave turned into his worst enemy. Abu Lahab ordered his
sons Atbah and Utaybah to divorce Prophet’s (PBUH) daughters Ruqayyah and Umm-e-Kulthoom.
 His wife Umme-Jameel who was called ‘the carrier of firewood’ in the Holy Quran.
 “And his wife - the carrier of firewood.” [111:4]
Once she took some pebbles to throw on Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but she could not see Prophet
(PBUH). Instead she addressed Abu Bakr (RA):
 “We have disobeyed the dispraised one, rejected his call and alienated ourselves from his religion”
 On death of his all 3 sons, Abu Lahab and other members of Quraysh called him ‘Abtar’ (Nameless). Allah
replied to this nonsense in Surah Kauthar:
 “Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off” [108:03]
 When Quraysh saw that He affects the person whom He talks to, they started calling him a magician.
Whenever He would try to talk to any pilgrim or any outsider, a member of Quraysh would definitely
accompany Him and before He could speak to anyone, they would warn him about not talking to a
magician. They even propagated that He is ill and mentally unstable and referred to the condition of
Revelation as mental illness.
 They declared Quran as a man-made book of poetry and ancient stories. Some rich Makkans would invite
singers in exchange of handsome amount and arrange musical concerts in order to divert people from
listening to Quran.
 They even tried to bribe Him and offered Him countless gold and silver, finest girls to marry with and the
greatest kingdom, but He refused and said:
 “If you place sun on my right hand and moon on my left, even then I would not renounce my mission
until Allah fulfils it or destroy me in the process.”
 When Quraysh realized that verbal and mental torture was not enough to stop Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
from his mission, they started him torturing physically. Leading names who would lead this process of
persecution were Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, Aswad bin Yaghuth, Waleed bin Mughira, Umayyah bin Khalf,
Nadhr bin Harith, Uqbah bin Abu Mueet and Hakam bin Aas. Unfortunately all these were Prophet’s (PBUH)
neighbors, so whenever He would pass by they would throw garbage, womb of sheep and prepared pot of
food. In response to all this nonsense, Prophet (PBUH) would only say:
 “O Banu Abd Manaf! What kind of neighborly treatment in this?”
 Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was offering prayer in Kaabah. In response to challenge of his friends,
Uqbah bin Abu Mueet brought guts of camel and put it on the back of Prophet’s (PBUH) neck while He was
prostrating. He could not lift his head up until Fatimah (RA) came and removed it.
 On another occasion while He was offering prayer, a member of Quraysh strangled a piece of cloth around
His neck and tried to choke him to death, fortunately Abu Bakr (RA) intervened and saved His life. Umme-
Jameel would throw thorns and bushed on Prophet’s (PBUH) way.
 Quraysh could not cross certain limit because of tribal protection provided to Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) by Abu Talib. Quraysh tried to persuade to withdraw his protection for Muhammad (PBUH) so they
could deal with Him in their own way. But Abu Talib refused to listen to them and reassured his support
until his last breath.
 Quraysh then went for a final push and boycotted Banu Hashim. All Muslims and even some non-Muslim
members of Banu Hashim were made to leave their homes and live in a plot in outskirts of Makkah called
‘Shaib-e-Abu Talib’. No one was allowed to have any kind of relation with them; people were even stopped
from supplying them with food and other necessary items. Prophet (PBUH) along with His companions
spent the toughest 3 years of their life but remained steadfast. In response to this cruel behavior, inhuman
persecution and torture Prophet remained steadfast and never cursed his enemies collectively.
Q (b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims
today? [4] [J/2007] [N/2015]

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) remained steadfast and firm while facing Quraysh’s verbal, mental, physical
and social persecution. This gives Muslims a lesson of courage and staying true to the right cause.
 The way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dealt with all the propaganda, hate and mocking, gives Muslims an
excellent pattern of dealing with haters which is ignoring them and staying focused on your mission.
 The way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) rejected their bribe and other offers, teaches Muslims not to give
up on their mission for the sake of worldly riches.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never cursed his enemies or prayed for their collective destruction. He would
always pray after every incident of persecution:
 “O Allah! Forgive them for they are unaware of”
This is the greatest lesson for Muslims that they should not even hate their enemies and always think
about getting them on right track instead of their destruction.

Q (b) Why did the people fear the message that the Prophet had brought? [4] [N/2015]

Q (b) Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet’s message? [4] [N/2011]

 As caretakers and guardians of Holy Kaabah, Quraysh were spiritual and political leaders of Arab. Accepting
Prophet’s (PBUH) would eventually lead up to end of their superiority. This fear made them oppose the
message of Islam.
 Pilgrims would spend handsome amount and donate in the name of Kaabah and idols. Quraysh did not
want to lose this effortless income.
 They were comfortable with their old way of killing in the name of nation/tribe, drinking vine, adultery and
gambling. Accepting Islam meant abandoning their old way of living which was unacceptable for them.
 The final reason was the most idiotic and stereotypical one. They would claim that these idols have been
worshiped by their ancestors for ages, so abandoning the religion of their forefathers was not an option
for them.
Q (a) Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makkah. [10] [J/2003]
[J/2007] [J/2011] [N/2012] [J/2013]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Detailed narrative of the persecutions faced by the first Muslims.
 Name key figures involved in the persecution, and the names of the Muslims who were being persecuted.
 State that it included slaves and those without tribal protection.
 Type of difficulties they faced.
 Good answers will be able to present their narratives in a clear and comprehensive manner without
confusing details.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Plan of persecution.  Abu Bakr (RA)  Migration to Abyssinia.
 Quraysh tortured companions  Zunairah, Lubainah, Nahdia and  Boycott of Banu Hashim.
socially, emotionally, mentally, Umme-Ubair (RA)  Migration to Madinah.
physically, spiritually and  Mus’ab bin Umair (RA)
economically.  Uthman bin Affan (RA)
 Family of Ammar bin Yasir.  Khabbab bin Aratt (RA)
 Bilal Habshi.

 Islam was growing with every single passing day and Quraysh were unable to stop the inflow of people to
Islam. They held a meeting in which they decided to start a well-organized and systematic persecution so
they could compel new converts to renounce their faith. Their soft targets were slaves and people without
tribal protection. In order to not allow Muslims to hide behind tribal protection, each leader was
responsible of torturing and persecuting Muslims of his own tribe.
 They launched a massive pre-planned campaign and tortured companions socially, emotionally, mentally,
physically, spiritually and economically.
 Family of Ammar bin Yasir was one of the prominent companions who were targeted by Quraysh. Prophet
(PBUH) once passed by while they were being persecuted, He said:
 “O family of Yasir! Be patient, you will certainly find your place in paradise.”
Sumaiyya (RA) mother of Ammar (RA) was stabbed to death by Abu Jahal and became the first female
Muslim martyr of Islam. Later Yasir (RA) also died of extreme torture.
 Umayyah bin Khalf when got to know about his slave Bilal’s conversion to Islam, He started torturing him.
He would put a rope around his neck and ask street boys to drag him through the streets of Makkah. He
would beat bilal made him lie down on hot sand under scorching heat of sun and place a giant stone on his
chest. But Bilal would respond to all this by shouting ‘Ahad’ (Allah is One).
 Abu Bakr (RA) sustained brutal injuries while protecting Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and he got
fainted. His tribe wanted to take revenge if he would stop caring about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but he
refused their offer.
 Female slaves Zunairah, Nahdia, Lubaina and Umme-Ubais (RA) were subjected to brutal and inhuman
torture. Zunaira (RA) was hit on her eyes and head by Abu Jahal and was blinded.
 Mus’ab bin Umair who enjoyed luxurious life, was put on starvation and later exiled from his house by his
mother. His only crime was to embrace Islam.
 Uncle of Uthman bin Affan (RA) would wrap him in a mat of palm leaves and set fire under him.
 Khabbab bin Aratt (RA) slave of Umm Anmar was another soft target of this torture. He would be taken by
his hair and dragged, twisted by his neck and thrown into fire. Then they would drag him through the fire
and not stop until his back is burned.
 Abu Bakr (RA) being a wealthy trader helped some of and ease their life by buying and freeing them. Abu
Bakr invested handsome bucks when he bought Bilal, Amir bin Fuhairah, Lubainah, Nahdia and Umme-
Ubais (RA).
 After years of Persecution and torture, Allah (SWT) allowed Muslims to migrate:
 ‘…..For those who do good in this world is good and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed…” [39:10]
In 5th year of Prophet hood/615 AD First 16 and then 101 Muslims migrated to Abyssinia. Negus the king of
Abyssinia welcomed them and allowed them to stay there with full protection as long as they want.
Quraysh sent a delegation to ask their expulsion from Abyssinia by bribing and twisting the facts. Quraysh
tried to create misunderstanding between Muslims and Negus but Jafar bin Abu Talib cleared everything in
a great speech and recited verses of Surah Maryam which affected Negus and Quraysh were returned
 In 7th Year of Prophet hood Quraysh went for a final push and boycotted Banu Hashim. All Muslims and
even some non-Muslim members of Banu Hashim were dragged out of their homes and compelled to live
in a plot in outskirts of Makkah called ‘Shaib-e-Abu Talib’. No one was allowed to have any kind of relation
with them; people were even stopped from supplying them with food and other necessary items.
Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) remained steadfast and fought against the hunger, hate,
isolation and enmity of Quraysh courageously till the Boycott was ended after 3 years in 10 th year of
 Quraysh kept persecuting Muslims until Allah allowed them to migrate to Madinah.

Q (b) What lessons can Muslims learn from companions conduct during these years of
persecution? [04] [J/2007] [N/2010] [J/2011] [N/2012] [J/2013]

 Like Abu Bakr (RA) and other companions sustained extreme torture while protecting Prophet (PBUH)
teaches us how important it is to Love Prophet (PBUH).
 Like Sumaiyya and Yasir (RA) laid their lives and others faced extreme physical torture but did not renounce
their faith teaches Muslims that hardships should not change one’s direction even if it takes sacrificing
property and life.
 Mus’ab bin Umair, Uthman bin Affan (RA) and other had to leave their families. This teaches Muslims that
Faith comes before any other worldly relationship.
 Migration to Abyssinia and later to Madinah teaches Muslims that if they cannot practice their religion with
freedom they can migrate to some other place.
 Candidates can mention any group of persecuted people (Like Myanmar, Palestine, Kashmir or others) and
link their situations to companions persecution and derive them a lesson that patience and not giving up
leads to victory.
Q (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s interaction with the Quraysh while he lived
in Makka, before and after revelation. [10] [N/2011]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Prophet’s status in the community prior to Islam.
 Prophet was known as ‘Al-Amin’ (the trustworthy) and Al-Sadiq (the Truthful).
 Examples like Arbitration on fixing of black stone and trusting Him with their goods.
 It changed when Prophet (PBUH) started preaching them openly.
 Prophet Muhammad was rejected when he invited the Quraysh to Islam.
 He was taunted, mocked and openly humiliated by different members of the Quraysh.
 The best answers will include details of events before the period of revelation and after revelation.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2
Before the Revelation After the Revelation
 As a member of influential clan of Makkah.  Everything changed after the Revelation.
 As a hardworking shepherd.  Rejection by Own family members and Quraysh.
 As a fair and honest businessman.  He was taunted, mocked, humiliated and tortured
 Khadija and Myserah. by Quraysh.
 Arbitration in Blackstone dispute.  Makkans boycotted him and propagated that He is
 As a trusted person to keep valuables with. magician or mentally stable.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) family background was exceptional as Banu Hashim was a notable and famous tribe of
 When Prophet (PBUH) worked as shepherd, he would graze goats and sheep of Makkans with sheer hard
work with full dedication and made people love Him even more. He participated in battle of Fujar which
was matter of Quraysh’s tribal pride. Although He did not kill anyone but His presence on the battle field
earned Him respect of Quraysh.
 When He started trading and won Makkan’s hearts though his hard work, honesty and dedication. After
receiving the titles of The Truthful and Honest He became the most lovable and famous guy in Makkah.
 When he went to Syria as head of Khadija’s trading caravan, Myserah (Khadija’s slave) reported about his
matchless honesty and truthfulness. Khadija (RA) was so impressed that She sent him marriage proposal.
Getting married to Khadija (RA) the richest and influential lady of Makkah, made him more respected and
influential among Makkans.
 When Makkans decided to reconstruct Kaabah, a dispute arose about fixing of black stone and every clan
started preparation for war. Somehow, they agreed for arbitration but the problem was to find a neutral
arbitrator. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) despite being from Banu Hashim, who was also a party into the
dispute, was chosen for arbitration and everyone accepted his decision happily. On His selection as judge,
they responded:
 “Al-Amin (The Trustworthy) has come; we are content to abide by His decision”
 Makkans would Trust Him blindly to keep their valuables with him, which reflects the power of His
character and matchless ethics.
Note: Material for this part can be found in “Persecution faced by Holy Prophet (PBUH)”
Migration to Abyssinia
Q (a) Give an account of the migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia. [10] [J/2009]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Persecution of Muslims in Makkah.
 Persecution increased and Prophet (PBUH) allowed them to migrate.
 1st Batch included Uthman and Ruqayyah (RA)
 2nd Batch was led by Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA)
 Quraysh pursued them and bribed Negus’ ministers, Quraysh demanded their expulsion.
 Muslims and Quraysh in Negus’ court, Jafar’s speech and recitation of Surah Maryam.
 Excellent answers will give in-depth details of the story as it happened, name the Muslims who migrated, as
well as saying why these particular Muslims took part.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
nd th
 Reference of Persecution.  2 Batch (Shawwal, 5 Year of  Quraysh and Muslims in
 Increase in Persecution. Prophethood) courtroom of Negus.
 1st Batch. (Rajab, 5th Year of  Quraysh delegate to ask  Jafar’s speech and recitation of
Prophethood. Muslims’ expulsion. Surah Maryam.
 A rumor and return of some  Bribery and Manipulation.  Negus’ verdict.
 As soon as Prophet (PBUH) started open preaching and Quraysh got to know about handful of Muslims
embracing new faith, they launched a horrible campaign of torture, persecution and bloodshed.
 They held a meeting in which they decided a mechanism to compel new converts to renounce their faith.
Their soft targets were slaves and weak Muslims with no tribal protection. Growing inhuman persecution
turned Muslims’ lives into hell.
 Allah (SWT) allowed Muslims to migrate:
 “…For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed…” [39:10]
 In the month of Rajab, 5th Year of Prophethood, 12 men and 4 women left for Abyssinia. Some Notables
were Uthman bin Affan (RA) and his wife Ruqayya (RA) Abdul Rehman bin Auf (RA) Zubair bin Awwam
(RA) Umm-e-Salma (RA). They used 2 vessels, left from the port of Shu’aibah situated nearby Jeddah.
Quraysh sent some men to stop them but they had already left. As’hamah the king of Abyssinia (whose
title was Negus) was a very just ruler. He welcomed Muslims and allowed them to stay in Abyssinia as long
as they want.
 Some members of the first batch returned after rumor was spread that whole Makkah has embraced
Islam. But upon return they found out that news was untrue. Now situation got worse for them.
 In the same year Prophet (PBUH) allowed Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia once again. As people had
heard about nice treatment and justice of Negus, this time number rose to 101. 83 men and 19/18 women
migrated. Some notables were: Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA) and his wife Asma (RA) Umm-e-Habiba bint Abu
Sufyan (RA) Abdullah bin Masud (RA).
 Quraysh sent Amr bin Aas and Abdullah bin Abu Rabi’ah to ask their expulsion.
 They brought precious gifts to bribe the ministers and counselors of Negus. Quraysh claimed that some of
them are slaves and according to the tradition of Arab, they should be returned to their masters. They also
claimed that other Muslims should be expelled because they have abandoned the religion of forefathers.
Quraysh also claimed that their false Prophet has destroyed Makkans society by making blood relatives
fight and hate each other.
 In return, Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA) delivered a speech in which he gave a glimpse of period of period of
illiteracy and how Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings transformed believers into better human beings. He
destroyed all false claims of Quraysh. Quraysh then used another trick and asked Negus to inquire
Muslims’ belief about Jesus Christ in order to create misunderstanding between Muslims and Negus (who
was a Christian). Hazrat Jafar (RA) recited Surah Maryam and asserted Islamic belief about Jesus. Negus
 “Jesus was nothing more than what Jafar said about him”
Negus also said about Quranic verses that were recited in front of him:
 “These verses and Bible are rays of the same Light”
 Quraysh delegate had to return unsuccessful and Muslims were allowed to stay in Abyssinia with full
protection. They lived peacefully until they joined Muslims in Madinah.
Q (b) Why did the people of Makkah pursue Muslims? [04] [J/2009]

 This migration challenged Quraysh’s authority. Quraysh attempted to stop them but they could not get
 Quraysh could not see Muslims living in peace and protection.
 As guardians and caretakers of Makkah Quraysh had influence and respect across the Arab and effortless
earnings by pilgrims and other sources was cherry on top. They feared that Islam would spread further if
Muslims were given chance to live a peaceful and tension free life. That would eventually finish Quraysh’s
Spiritual, Political and Economic superiority over Arab.

Q (b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4] [J/2012]
Q (b) What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community?
[4] [N/2013]
 Muslims could flee Quraysh’s persecution that had hindered them from practicing their religion freely.
 Muslims got the chance to show case the power of Islamic morals and teachings in order to inspire
people of Abyssinia and spread Islam internationally.
 Just because of this migration Negus of Abyssinia accepted Islam.
 Muslims tested their diplomatic efforts as they halted Makkan’s effort when they requested Negus to
expel Muslims back to Makkah. This was a huge diplomatic victory of Islam and Muslims that helped him
further in their international relations.
Boycott of Banu Hashim
Q (a) Give a detailed account of Quraysh’s boycott of Banu Hashim. [10]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Islam of Umar and Hamza (RA)  Except Abu Lahab Banu  Incident of Mansoor bin Ikrimah.
gave new hope to Muslims. Hashim and Banu Abdul  Uprising against Boycott.
 Quraysh went for a final push Muttalib were expelled from  Hasham bin Amr and others.
when they could not stop their houses.  Termites ate the agreement.
Gradual Spread of Islam.  Shaib-e-Abu Talib.  End of Boycott (619 AD/ 10th
 Gathering of Quraysh Notables  Most Horrible 3 years. YOP).
and decision of Boycott.  Intensity of Boycott and
Height of Quraysh cruelty.
 Conversion of Hazrat Hamza and Umar (RA) gave new hope to Muslims and uplifted their morale because
they were bravest and very influential people of Makkah.
 When Quraysh could not stop the gradual spread of Islam even after mental and physical torture, they
went for a final push against Muslims.
 616 AD (7th Year of Prophethood) notables of Quraish belonging to all major clans of Quraish gathered and
decided to boycott Banu Hashim and their supporters socially and economically. The agreement was
written by Mansoor bin Ikramah and later a copy of agreement was hung inside Holy Kaabah in order to
legitimize this cruelty.

 All Muslims, whether they belonged to Banu Hashim or not and all members of Banu Hashim and Banu
Abdul Muttalib, whether they were Muslims or not, were expelled from their houses. Abu Lahab was the
only Hashemite who left Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and chose oppressors’ side.
 They all decided to stay at Shaib-e-Abi-Talib which was property of Abu Talib. It was located in a rocky
region in outskirts of Makkah.
 The boycott was so intense. No one was allowed to keep any type of relationship with Banu Hashim. No
one was allowed to do any type of Business with them.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions faced toughest days of their lives. Kids would cry because
of malnourishment and they had to eat grass and skins of animals. Saad bin Abi Waqas says:
 “during a night my foot touched a wet thing, I picked it up and ate without investigating what it is”
Abu Lahab would order all the traders to tell double price of everything if any member of Banu Hashim
comes to buy. Life was ruthless for believers and their only crime was to believe in one God.
 Finger of Mansoor bin Ikramah (Who wrote the agreement) got paralyzed. That was the 1 st sign that made
Quraysh rethink about their cruelty.
 Hasham bin Amr was the first one who started agitation against this cruel agreement. At first, he along
with Hakeem bin Hazaam started sending food to Banu Hashim secretly. Zuhair bin Umayyah (cousin of
Holy Prophet) joined them in this cause. They convinced Mu’im bin Adi, Abul-Bukhtari and Zam’aa bin
aswad to oppose this boycott. They raised their voice in next meeting of Quraysh notables, a lot of people
were touched by their notion.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was informed that that hanged agreement inside Kaabah has been eaten by
termites except Allah’s name has been spared. Abu Talib informed this to Quraysh, they agreed to end this
boycott if this was true and when they checked except word ‘Allah’ whole document was blank.
 Finally, in 619 AD (10th Year of Prophethood) this cruel boycott ended.
 Abu Talib along with his family members reached out Kaabah, held cover of Kaabah and prayed for wrath
of Allah upon all those who made their lives miserable.

Q (b) What lessons do Present Muslim communities learn from this Boycott? [04]

 A very important lesson of Boycott of Banu Hashim is that loyalty is a matter of character not relationship.
The way Prophet’s (PBUH) Uncle Abu Lahab sided with Quraysh and betrayed family should be an eye
opener for people.
 Muslims learn that difficulties come when your aim is high, but difficulties should not shake our will
power. The way Muslims remained steadfast throughout 3 years of Boycott, was exceptional.
 Hasham bin Amr and other Makkans who played their role to end this horrible boycott, teach Muslims a
lesson that people are basically good. One can find goodness as soon as He is honest and pure inside.
Visit to Ta’if
Q (a) Describe the events of the Prophet’s visit to Ta’if. [10] [N/2014]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Mention Persecution, low number of converts, Death of Abu Talib and Khadija and Quraysh’s arrogance.
 Prophet (PBUH) looking for other options to preach His message.
 Journey to Ta’if with Zaid bin Haritha.
 Meeting with influential leaders of Ta’if and their rejection.
 10 days stay and preaching in every corner of Ta’if.
 He was chased out by being pelted with stones till blood flowed down His legs. Zaid also got injured.
 Refuge in orchard of Utbah and Shaybah.
 Addas the slave of Utbah and Shaybah.
 Angels offered to destroy the town for him, but he forgave the people.

Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events) (Back to Makkah)
 Persecution and Opposition.  Journey to Ta’if.  Refuge at orchard of Utbah and
 Death of Abu Talib & Khadijah  Invitation to leaders of Thaqif Shaybah.
(RA) and Prophet (PBUH) losing and their rejection.  Addas.
tribal protection.  10 days stay and constant  Angel’s offer to destroy Ta’if.
 Decline in conversion to Islam & preaching.  His response.
Prophet’s (PBUH) attempt to  Bandits of Ta’if & Stone  Mut’im bin Adi’s protection.
find more sensible audience. pelting.
 Severe injuries and blood loss.

 When Quraysh felt that they would lose their spiritual, political and economic superiority over Arab if they
accept Prophet’s (PBUH) message, they turned against Him. They targeted Him and his followers with
inhuman persecution and torture.
 Death of Abu Talib and Khadija in 10th year of Prophethood/619 AD left Prophet (PBUH) vulnerable to
Quraysh cruelty and evil plans.
 Quraysh’s arrogance was at its highest as they were not ready to listen to a single word from Holy Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). So, Prophet (PBUH) decided find better audience who could listen and accept His
 In Shawwal 10th year of Prophethood/May-June, 619 AD Prophet (PBUH) headed towards Ta’if a city 60
kilometers northeast of Makkah accompanied by His free slave Zaid bin Haritha (RA). Ta’if was home of a
very powerful and influential tribe of Arab called Thaqif.
 He approached the three brothers Abd Yalil, Mas’ud and Habib sons of Amr bin Umair Thaqfi, who were
the leaders and most influential people of valley. Contrary to Prophet’s (PBUH) expectations, their
response was not much different from Quraysh. Their replies were as follow:
 “He is tearing the cloths of Kaabah if Allah has sent you as a messenger”
 “Has not Allah found someone else to entrust him with His message?”
 “I swear by Allah that I will never speak to you…..”
 He then diverted His attention towards other people of Ta’if and spent 10 days in constant preaching but
unfortunately their response was even worse. He was rejected, mocked, abused and tortured by the
people of Ta’if.
 Bandits of Ta’if were instructed to hoot and pelt stones on him. They kept beating him until Prophet’s
(PBUH) shoes were filled by blood. Zaid (RA) also took some serious hits and wounds while trying to
protect Holy Prophet (PBUH). The ruthless crowd chased Him out of city, as He tries to sit down due to
weakness, they would immediately compel Him to stand and continue the pelting. He sustained serious
injuries; His blood flowed down His legs and filled His shoes.

 When Prophet (PBUH) and Zaid (RA) escaped the torture and stone pelting, they took refuge in an orchard
in outskirts of Ta’if. Prophet (PBUH) prayed with these emotional words:
 “O Allah! To you alone I complain of my weakness, my insufficient ability and my insignificance before
The orchard was owned by Utbah and Shaybah who were comparatively better human beings than
Quraysh’s other leadership. When they saw Prophet (PBUH) wounded and helpless, they sent their slave
Addas with a plate of grapes to offer Prophet (PBUH).
 Prophet Muhammad (BPUH) started eating with the name of Allah which touched Addas. Upon asking
Prophet (PBUH) got to know that he belongs to Nineveh the city of Younus (AS), Addas asked that how
does Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) know about Younus, Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “He is my brother. He was a Prophet and so am I”
In response to this Addas paid homage to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and kissed His head, hands and feet and
embraced Islam.
 Gabriel and the Angel of mountains came and asked to crush whole Ta’if between mountains. Prophet
(PBUH) turned down the offer and said:
 “No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children who will worship Allah alone”
 Upon coming back to Makkah Prophet (PBUH) requested Mut’im bin Adi to give Him protection. Mut’im
responded positively as he was one of the nicest people of Makkah. He brought Prophet (PBUH) to Haram
where He encircled Kaabah, kissed the Blackstone, offered prayer and went back to home. During this
whole time Mut’im and his sons who were armed to teeth were guarding Him from Quraysh.
Q (b) What do Muslims learn from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct in this event?
[04] [J/2005]

 He did not give up after Quraysh negative response instead he looked for other options and went Ta’if to
preach. Muslims learn the importance of persistence and dedication.
 The way he showed steadfastness in facing humiliation and beating from people to Ta’if teaches Muslims
to be tolerant and courageous while facing difficulties for the right cause.
 After being beaten and humiliated he forgave them and refused the option of revenge which teaches
Muslims the ultimate lesson of forgiveness and compassion.
 He demonstrated his confidence with his expectation that next generation of Ta’if will accept Islam which
teaches Muslims to have good expectations and pray for their enemies.
Israa and Mairaj
Q (a) Write an account of the Prophet’s (PBUH) Night Journey and Ascension [Isra
Wa Mai’raj]. [10] [J/2011] [N/2013]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Candidates should talk about the events of the night journey as they happened, and be able to provide an
in-depth narrative of the journey.
 They could talk about the Prophet being woken from his sleep and taken on al-Buraq from Makkah to
Jerusalem by the angel Jibril.
 They could mention all the things that he saw on his way, the questions that he asked Jibrail and the fact
that he led the prophets in prayer.
 They should also go on to mention that he was taken through the heavens and was finally in the presence
of his Lord.
 Answers should also mention that this all took place in one night, and what the people of Makka said when
he told them about his journey.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 (The Night Journey) Para 2 (Ascension) Para 3 (Response)
 A brief starter.  Ascension through 7 heavens  Quraysh mockery and taunting.
 27th Rajab, 11th Year of accompanied by Gabriel.  Abu Bakr ‘Al-Siddeeq’ (RA)
Prophethood.  Meeting with different  Test (The Caravan)
 Prophet’s (PBUH) journey from Prophets.  Quraysh’s arrogance.
Makkah to Jerusalem on Burraq.  7th Heaven, Ibrahim (AS), Bait-
 Places where He stopped and ul-Mamoor, Sidra-tul-
what He saw. Muntaha.
 Prophet (PBUH) led all prophets  Heaven and Hell.
in prayer.  Meeting with Allah.
 3 Cups.  Prayers.

 10 year of Prophethood was a disastrous year for Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as He lost his
beloved wife Khadija (RA) and His uncle Abu Talib. He attempted to preach outside Makkah and went to
Ta’if, but He was mocked and tortured mercilessly. To uplift His morale and console Him, Allah blessed
Him with Isra and Mairaj in 11th Year of Prophethood, 27th Rajab.
 Ref: “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa…”
 Prophet (PBUH) was woken up by Jibrail (AS) at Umm-e-Hani’s (RA) place and taken to Hateem, the same
incident that happened with him in his childhood happened again. His chest was split and heart was taken
out and fixed back after being washed by Zamzam.
 An animal called Buraq was brought that was larger than donkey and smaller than horse. It is written in
Bukhari about its speed:
 “The animal's step reached the farthest point within the reach of the animal's sight.”
 Gabriel guided Prophet (PBUH) to stop and offer prayer at 4 points:
Yathrib (Madinah) Gabriel mentioned that you will migrate to this place.
Sina (Where Allah talked to Musa AS)
Madyan (where Hazrat Shoaib AS was designated)
Bet-ul-Lahm (Birthplace of Jesus AS)
 Prophet (PBUH) saw some people in luxury, upon asking He was told by Gabriel that they are the ones who
strive hard in the way of Allah.
Then he saw some people in miserable condition, He was told that they are backbiters, Beneficiaries of
Interest, Characterless people and other sinners.
 He reached Jerusalem and led all Prophets in prayer. This confirmed his leadership and superiority over all
 Gabriel brought 3 cups full of Milk, Water and Vine. Prophet (PBUH) had to choose one, He chose milk.
Upon asking He was told that if you had chosen vine, your nation would go astray. If you had chosen water
your nation would be destroyed by disasters. Your choice milk is symbol of success and purity.
 This part of journey is called Isra (The Night Journey)

 Now this part of journey that starts from this point is called Mai’raj (Ascension)
 He used a Ladder or the Same Buraq for ascension. He was welcomed at all heavens by guardian angels.
Met with Adam (RA) on the lowest heaven, Yahya and Jesus (AS) on 2 nd heaven, Yusuf (AS) on 3rd, Idrees
(RA) on 4th, Haroon (AS) on 5th, Musa (AS) on 6th and Ibrahim (AS) on the 7th one. He visited Bait-ul-
Mamoor, Kaabah of Angels which is encompassed by 70 thousand angels on daily basis. Then He reached
Sidra-tul-Muntaha (The Lote Tree). This place marks the ending point of seventh heaven and no creation
can pass this point.
 Ref: “At the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary” [53:14]
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given a chance to have a glimpse of Paradise and Hell and Then to meet
Allah (SWT)
 Ref: “Then he approached and descended, and was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer. And he
revealed to His Servant what he revealed.” [53:8-10]
 He was given prayers as gift of Allah.
 He then descended back to Makkah. When he entered his room his bed was still warm and the hasp was
still moving.
 Quraish response was as expected. They laughed and mocked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
 Quraysh tried to manipulate Abu Bakr (RA) by approaching him before Prophet (PBUH) and playing with
his mind. But he disappointed them by believing in Prophet (PBUH) without any research or giving it a
single thought. Therefore, He was given the title of “Al-Siddeeq” (The Testifier of Truth)
 Prophet (PBUH) told them about their trade caravan that was stuck in between coming back from Syria
and prophet predicted its arrival date. And the caravan entered Makkah the same day Prophet (PBUH)
predicted. When Quraysh asked the caravan about if they lost anything in the way, they accepted it.
 Quraysh were spellbound but still they did not believe in Holy Prophet (PBUH) and called it magic.
Q (b) Explain the importance of this journey to the Prophet (PBUH) himself. [04] [J/2011]

 It was year of grief; Prophet (PBUH) had lost Khadija (RA) and Abu Talib who were his biggest supporters.
Allah assured His support and consoled Prophet (PBUH) through Isra and Mairaj.
 After spending 10 years there was no tangible outcome from Quraysh. Quraysh mocked him that Allah has
left him alone. Allah met Him in person which is a rare distinction and assured Him that Allah will never
leave Him alone.
 Mairaj gave him spiritual strength, meeting with Allah, receiving special gifts, observing Heaven and Hell
and above all getting confirmation of his leadership over all Prophets boosted his morale.
 The way his companions especially Abu Bakr (RA) responded and believed in Mai’raj without asking for
proofs, reflects the trust and belief of His companions which gave Him more strength.

Q (b) How did this journey help the Prophet in his mission? [4] [N/2013]

Structure of Answer
 Quraysh had been persecuting and opposing Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for a decade and were
not ready to accept His message. Isra and Mai’raj gave motivation to continue His mission despite
very limited outcome from Quraysh.
 During interval of Revelation, Quraysh mocked Him that Allah has left Him alone. Isra and Mai’raj
comforted Him and He got the reassurance that Allah will never leave Him alone.
 Observing heaven and hell and other scenarios made his mind clear about the Do’s and Don’ts for
his Ummah.
 Leading all Prophets in prayer, Special treatment and meeting Allah, gave him more confidence,
boosted His morale and He realized His great status among all other Prophets.
Pledges of Aqabah (Spread of Islam in Yathrib)
Q (a) Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of ‘Aqaba and the main
details in them. [10] [N/2012]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Good answers will be able to provide a detailed and concise narrative of events that occurred between the
Prophet and the people of Yathrib.
 Prophet’s unsuccessful attempt to spread Islam outside Makkah.
 Soon after the events of Ta’if He met six men in Makkah, who had come from Yathrib for the annual
pilgrimage. They became Muslim and returned to Madinah. They said they would go back and tell people
about the Prophet (PBUH).
 Following year with more people (12) who took an oath at ‘Aqaba in 621 which is known as the First Pledge
of ‘Aqaba. Musab bin Umair sent with them to teach them about Islam.
 The following year more people came to take the oath with the Prophet (70). They invited the Prophet to
come to Yathrib as their leader. The Prophet told Muslims to start migrating.
 The first pledge had details relating to worshipping one God, not stealing, committing adultery, killing their
children, not slandering or disobeying the Prophet.
 The second pledge was to listen to and obey the Prophet, to spend in plenty as well as scarcity, to enjoin
good and forbid evil, fear no one but Allah and defend the Prophet if he needs it.
 The best answers will be able to give details of the number of pledges, the number of Yathribites/Madinans
involved and the names of some key figures, the main details of what was in the pledges, and an indication
of the result of the pledges.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Starter & 1st Conversion) st
(1 Pledge of Aqabah) nd
(2 Pledge of Aqabah)
 A brief starter mentioning  1st Pledge of Aqabah (12th  2nd Pledge of Aqabah (13th
deaths of Abu Talib and Khadija YOP/621 AD). YOP/622 AD).
and incident of Ta’if and that  Participants.  Participants.
Prophet (PBUH) was disturbed.  Content.  12 In charges.
 Ayas bin Muaz (RA).  Preachers.  Their invitation to Prophet
 The conversion of 6 pilgrims of (PBUH).
Khazraj tribe and their promise  Permission of migration.
to spread Islam in Makkah. (11th
YOP/620 AD)
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was so disturbed after the death of Khadija (RA) and Abu Talib. His attempt to
preach people of Ta’if also went in vain. Quraysh’s arrogance was at its peak and conversion to Islam was
almost halted. Prophet (PBUH) was disturbed because of all this.
 But Allah listened to His prayers and A Madinians named Ayaas bin Muaz accepted Islam in a short meeting
with Holy Prophet (PBUH) and became the first Muslim of Madinah. Although he died after few days.
 In 11th year of Prophethood some pilgrims from Khazraj tribe of Yathrib visited Makkah. Prophet (PBUH) as
per his habit visited them and presented Islam. Upon realizing the truthfulness of Islam, they embraced it.
There were 6 people:
1) As’ad bin Zaraarah (RA) 2) Auf bin Harith (RA) 3) Rafay bin Malik (RA)
4) Qatbah bin Amir (RA) 5) Uqbah bin Amir (RA) 6) Jabir bin Abdullah (RA)
These people worked really hard and preached Prophet’s (PBUH) message with full dedication. And this
was their sheer hard work and dedication that resulted in Pledges of Aqabah.
 In 12th year of Prophethood / 621 AD 12 Madinians approached Prophet (PBUH) a place called ‘Aqabah’
near Mina.
 5 of them were same as previous year, Jabir bin Abdullah couldn’t come. others were:
1) Muaz bin Harith (RA) 2) Zakwaan bin Ab Qais (RA) 3) Ubaadah bin Samit (RA)
Yazeed bin Salabah (RA) 5) Abbas bin Ubadah (RA) 6) Malik bin Tehaan (RA)
7) Uwaim bin Saaedah (RA)
 This Pledge is called 1st Pledge of Aqabah. The basic content of this pledge was about worshipping one
God, not stealing, not committing adultery, not killing their children, not slandering or disobeying the
 Prophet (PBUH) sent Abdullah bin Umm-e-Maktoom (RA) and Mus’ab bin Umair (RA) with these people to
teach and spread Islam. They stayed at As’ad bin Zararah’s home. Because of their efforts, notables of tribe
Aus Usaid bin Hudhair and Saad bin Muaz also embraced Islam.
 In 13th year of Prophethood / 622 ADapprox. 75 Madinians led by Mus’ab bin Umar (RA) came and pledged
at Aqabah.
 Some Notables were:
Ubayy bin Ka’ab (RA), Ma’az bin Jabal (RA), Ubadah bin Samit (RA), Asma bint Amr (RA)
 This Pledge is called 2nd Pledge of Aqabah.
 Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “ I invite you towards Allah and Islam”
Then He recited some verses of Holy Quran.
 The basic content of this pledge was about to listen to and obey the Prophet, to spend in plenty as well as
scarcity, to enjoin good and forbid evil, fear no one but Allah and defend the Prophet if he needs it.
 Saad bin Zararah (RA) asked Ansar:
 “Do you know that you’re giving pledge about? It is a war against Arab and Non-Arabs, Humans and
Ansaar replied:
 “Yes! We are giving pledge about this”
 Prophet (PBUH) appointed 12 in charges among them who were responsible for spreading Islam among
their tribes and in Madinah generally. Gabriel would point out towards people and Prophet (PBUH) would
designate in charges.
1) As’ad bin Zararah. 2) Abdullah bin Rawaha. 3) Saad bin Rabee. 4) Rafay bin Malik.
5) Abdullah bin Amr. 6) Baraa bin Ma’roor. 7) Saad bin Ubaadah. 8) Munzir bin Amr.
9) Ubaadah bin Samit. 10) Usaid bin Huzair. 11) Saad bin Khasmah. 12) Rafa’ah bin Abdul Munzir.
 These in charges along with other Muslims worked really hard and almost converted major population of
Madinah to Islam. When they set up a strong foundation, they invited Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to
 Prophet (PBUH) allowed companions to migrate after Allah’s permission. He migrated few days later along
with Abu Bakr (RA).
Q (b) How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims?
[4] [N/2012] [J/2013]

 Pledges provided Muslim community a chance to live in peace and preach Islam with full throttle.
 Muslims spent 13 horrible years in Makkah facing Quraysh persecution and torture. Finally, migration gave
them chance to get rid of Quraysh’s inhuman behavior.
 Teachings in pledges provided basics of Islam that will always be relevant and effective for Muslims till the
day of judgement. For instance, the idea of not killing children, worshiping one God, love of Prophet
(PBUH) etc.

Q (b) Explain the importance of the Pledges of ‘Aqaba to the Prophet in the period
leading up to the migration. [4] N/2009]

 Prophet (PBUH) remained safe from Quraysh evil plans because tribal protection given to Him by Abu
Talib. But Abu Talib’s death left him vulnerable to Quraysh. Pledges of Aqabah were rays of hope for
Prophet (PBUH), as it gave him a potential new home where He could continue his mission.
 Quraysh had become so arrogant that they were not ready to listen to a single word of Holy Prophet
(PBUH). He attempted to preach and gain support from Ta’if, He met people at pilgrimage and different
fairs and finally he succeeded to get a positive response from Madinian Pilgrims.
 Prophet (PBUH) was not satisfied with the outcome of his 13 years struggle. But now He had a place where
He could build an ideal Islamic society and boost the conversion rate to Islam.

Q (a) Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet’s migration, the hijra.
[10] [N/2005]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 CIE allowed students to choose the starting point of this answer whether they want to talk about events
nearby to migration or they can briefly mention Persecution as well.
 For this answer an account should be given about the events before the prophet migrated to Madina, not
the actual journey or events of migration itself.
 Brief mention of persecution and inhuman behavior of Quraysh. (Not more than 2-3 lines)
 Death of Abu Talib and Khadija. (619 AD)
 Prophet’s (PBUH) attempt to preach at different fairs and Ta’if.
 Pledges of Aqabah year by year details.
 Companions’ migration.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) assassination plan by Quraysh.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) instructions for Ali (RA).
 Prophet’s (PBUH) migration with Abu Bakr (RA) after Allah’s permission.

Q (a) Trace the events that led up to the Prophet’s migration (Hijrah). [10] [N/2009]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Same as Previous except in this one.
 Except candidates will expand Persecution a bit and they will add Migration to Abyssinia. (Not more than
5-6 lines)
 Brief mention of Boycott of Banu Hashim. (Not more than 2 lines)

Q (a) Abu Talib died in 619. Describe the events following this that led to the Prophet’s
migration (Hijrah) to Madinah. [10] [J/2013]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Same as Previous except in this one. But in this one, candidates have a clear starting point which is Death
of Abu Talib in 619 AD. So they will not mention details of persecution, migration to Abyssinia and Boycott
of Banu Hashim.
Comparative marking scheme of previous 3 questions
Q (a) Describe the events Q (a) Trace the events that Q (a) Abu Talib died in 619.
that immediately led up to led up to the Prophet’s Describe the events following
the Prophet’s migration, the migration (Hijra). [10] this that led to the Prophet’s
hijra. [10] [N/2005] [N/2009] migration (hijra) to Madina.
[10] [J/2013]
Different Points
 Brief mention of persecution  Mention Persecution faced by  Death of Abu Talib and Prophet
and inhuman behavior of Prophet and Muslims soon Losing tribal protection. (619
Quraysh. (Not more than 2-3 after he started open AD)
lines) preaching. It was so intense
 Death of Abu Talib and Khadija. that they had to migration to
(619 AD) Abyssinia in order to flee from
persecution. (not more than 5-
6 lines)
 Brief mention of Boycott of
Banu Hashim. (not more than
2 lines)
 Death of Abu Talib and
Khadija. (619 AD)
Same Points
 Rise in Quraysh persecution.
 Prophet (PBUH) looking for other options to spread Islam.
 Attempt to Preach at Ta’if. (10 YOP)
 Pledges of Aqabah year by year events. (Do not go in full details)
 Plan of Prophet’s (PBUH) assassination.
 Prophet (PBUH) leaving Makkah along with Abu Bakr (RA).
 No events of actual journey should be mentioned.
Q (a) Write about the Prophet’s activities in spreading Islam outside Makka, before the
migration to Madina. [10] [N/2014]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 The two main events related to this are the visit to Ta’if and the Pledges of Aqaba. Candidates should write
about both events to reach higher levels.
 Increasing arrogance and denial of Quraysh made Prophet (PBUH) look for other options to preach Islam.
 He first went to Ta’if with Zaid bin Haritha (RA), meeting with leaders and ordinary people, 10 days stay.
 Their rude behavior, mocking and stone pelting. They both sustained serious injuries.
 They took refuge in an orchard.
 Allah’s offer to destroy Ta’if. Prophet’s (PBUH) dua for them.
 The Prophet’s (PBUH) attention towards Pilgrims.
 1st major conversion, 6 Madinians converted in 11th YOP/621 AD and promised to spread it.
 1st Pledge of Aqabah (full details), Preachers.
 2nd Pledge of Aqabah (full details).
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2
 Consult “Visit to Ta’if” for answer.  Consult “Pledges of Aqabah” for answer.
 Just Skip some details in order to compensate it for  Just Skip some details in order to compensate it
5 marks. for 5 marks.

Q (b) Choose one quality shown by the Prophet in these activities and explain how
Muslims today can learn from it. [4] [N/2014]

 People of Ta’if humiliated Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), mocked and tortured Him. They would pelt him
with stones and compelled him to flee the city. Blood flowed down both His legs and filled His shoes. Angel
of mountain offered Him to crush the whole city of Ta’if in between mountains. But He replied:
 “I have been sent as a mercy, not to curse people”
And He prayed for them. This inspires Muslims to learn the power of love and forgiveness. Muslims learn
that it is not necessary to fight violence with violence and bad deeds of someone should not affect our
inner goodness. Muslims are bound to respond to negativity with positivity and compassion.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) laid too much emphasis on character building, exemplary morals and rights of
people in both Pledges of Aqabah. As He asked participants to stay away from social evils and inspire other
with their exceptional character. Muslims realize the importance of character building and fulfilling the
rights of fellow beings. Islam motivates believers to be living example of teachings mentioned in Quran and
Sunnah. Muslims should understand that reciting few verses can never make you a good Muslim, cleansing
your inner self and letting go evil desires, do.
Migration to Yathrib
Q (a) Give an account of the Hijrah of the Prophet from Makkah to Madinah. [10]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 For this answer an account should be given about the events of the actual journey; only brief mention
should be made about events before the Prophet left Makka and his arrival in Madina.
 Quraysh meeting at Dar-ul-Nadwah.
 Final plan to assassinate Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and assassins reaching His door step.
 Leaving Ali (RA) as decoy and departure from Makkah with Abu Bakr (RA)
 Makkans announce bounty.
 All incidents at Cave of Thaur, role of Abdullah and Asma (Son and daughter of Abu Bakr)
 no-one inside
 On road to Makkah, Saraqah bin Malik.
 At Quba, construction of Taqwa Mosque, Friday at Bani Salim.
 Welcome at Madinah.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Departure) (At Cave Thawr) (On road to Yathrib)
 Quraysh meeting at Dar-ul-  Hiding at Cave Thawr.  Group of 4 people leaves for
Nadwah and plan to assassinate  Role of Abdullah and Asma. Yathrib.
Him.  A search party of Quraysh  Saraqah bin Malik.
 12 Assassins. reaches mouth of cave.  At Quba.
 Leaving Ali behind.  Miracle of spider and bird.  Construction of Taqwa Mosque.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) departure.  Return of Quraysh search  Friday prayer at Bani Salim.
 Quraysh announce bounty and parties.  Arrival at Madinah.
search operation.  Departure from Thawr.
 Prophet (PBUH) lost tribal security after death of Abu Talib which allowed Quraysh to lay their hands on
Him. They planned to get rid of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and called a council at their parliament ‘Dar-ul-
Nadwah’. They discussed three options of restraining or expelling from Makkah or assassinating Him.
 Ref: “And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you
or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners”
 To avoid the possible revenge of Banu Hashim, Quraysh appointed 12 assassins from 12 different clans of
Makkah. Because Banu Hashim could not fight 12 clans to seek Prophet’s (PBUH) revenge. Assassins
gathered outside His residence.
 Majority of Muslims had already migrated. As soon as Prophet (PBUH) got the permission of Allah He
instructed Ali (RA) to sleep on his bed and handover valuables of Makkans the next day and join him later.
 Prophet (PBUH) himself left Makkah with Abu Bakr (RA). When Prophet (PBUH) reached outskirts of
Makkah he turned towards the city and expressed his grief with these emotional words:
 “You are the most beloved city for me, if my people did not compel me, I would’ve never left you”
 Quraysh had announced a bounty of 100 camels for whoever brings Muhammad (PBUH) dead or alive.
Therefore, dozens of search parties of well equiped Makkans were in search of Prophet (PBUH) between
Makkah and Madinah.
 Prophet (PBUH) decided to remain under cover and stayed in the cave of Thawr for 3 days.

 Jabal Thawr (Mount Bull) is situated some miles away from Makkah.
 1st Abu Bakr (RA) entered the cave, cleaned it and filled all the holes by pieces of his clothes. Two holes
were left where he placed his foots. Then he called Prophet (PBUH) inside.
 Abu Bakr (RA) was bitten by a snake but he did not move to avoid disturbing Prophet (PBUH) who was
sleeping while placing His head on Abu Bakr’s (RA) thighs. When Prophet (PBUH) got to know about it He
miraculously cured the bitten area with his saliva.
 A search party reached at the entrance of Cave and Abu Bakr (RA) thought that now they will be caught.
 Prophet (PBUH) consoled him. This incident is quoted in Quran:
 “…when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us."
And Allah sent down his tranquility upon him…” [9:40]
Allah sent a spider to spin a web and birds who laid eggs at the entrance of cave that made it look like an
abandoned cave.
 Abdullah son of Abu Bakr (RA) would bring news of Makkah. Asma the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA) would
bring food for both of them. Amir bin Fuhayrah slave of Abu Bakr (RA) would graze goats and bring them
to cave so both could drink fresh milk.
 After 3 days when they got to know that search operation has almost stopped they came out and left for
 Prophet (PBUH) along with Abu Bakr (RA), his Slave Amir bin Fuhayrah and a guide named Abdullah ibn
Urayqit headed towards Yathrib. They chose circuitous route to Yathrib by way of Tihamah on the coast of
the Red Sea.
 Suraqa bin Malik a member of Quraysh chased Prophet’s (PBUH) caravan but as soon as he decided to
attack his horse sunk in sand. He then tried to shoot them with arrow but his hands got paralyzed. He
 “O Muhammad, pray for me so my horse could get out of this, I will surely give up”
Prophet (PBUH) prayed but as soon as he got out he attempted to attack and his horse was in sand once
again. This repeated 3 times and finally he was given promise (Protection) by Prophet (PBUH) and he left.
 Prophet (PBUH) reached Quba a neighborhood 3 miles away from Yathrib on 8th or 12th Rabi-ul-Awal
according to different historians.
 Ali (RA) also joined him. They constructed a Mosque.
 Ref: “…A mosque founded on righteousness from the first day…” [9:108]
 On Friday Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reached Bani Salim neighborhood and Offered Jummah. He
delivered a great sermon which was mostly about righteousness.
 Upon reaching Yathrib, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the warmest Welcome in the history of
Q (b) Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. [J/2008]

 After the death of Abu Talib in 619 AD, Prophet (PBUH) lost the tribal protection and became vulnerable
for Quraysh. Quraysh made a plan to assassinate Him and He thought it important to flee from Makkah in
order to save His life.
 Arrogance and denial of Quraysh reached to certain point where Prophet (PBUH) was not expecting
further conversions and acceptance of His message. So He looked for other options and got positive
response from people of Yathrib.
 Ansaar had guaranteed Him protection and leadership of Yathrib which would eventually lead to the
foundation of an Islamic society. He found it important to migrate in search of a place where Muslims
could practice and preach their religions in peace.
 Most importantly, Allah ordered Him to migrate from Makkah to Madinah.

Q (b) Why was this migration important for the Muslim community? [4] [J/2013]

 Persecution and torture of Muslims by Quraysh was on its worst. Muslims were mocked, beaten, isolated
and even killed by Quraysh and no one was willing to help the oppressed Muslim community. Migration
gave them a chance to flee from persecution and practice their religion with peace.
 In later years of Makkah, conversion to Islam was almost halted because of arrogant behavior of Quraysh
and Islam stopped expanding. Migration allowed Muslim community to expand as they could preach their
religion freely without any fear and chances of success also got better as Madinians were a better group of
audience as compared to Quraysh.
 Migration allowed Muslims to establish an Islamic state led by Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where
they could practice the teachings and law and present themselves as the role model for upcoming
generations of Muslims.
Q (a) Give a brief description of the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [N/2007]
Q (a) Outline Prophet’s experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr.
[10] [J/2010] [N/2014]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 (Cave Hira) Para 2 (Cave Thawr)
 Consult Page No  Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr hide in Cave Thawr to avoid search parties of
 Insect bite and Prophet’s miracle.
 Abdullah bin Abu Bakr (RA) bringing news from Makkah.
 Asma bint-e-Abu Bakr (RA) taking care of food.
 Abu Bakr’s (RA) slave Amir bin Fuhayrah would graze sheep all day and bring them
to cave so they can drink fresh milk.
 A search party of Quraysh reaches mouth of cave.
 Ref: [9:40]
 Miracle of spider and bird.
 Return of Quraysh search parties.
 Departure from Thawr.
 Consult “Migration to Madinah” for detailed material.

Q (b) Explain the significance of Prophet’s (PBUH) experience in the cave of

Thawr. [4] [N/2007][N/2014]

 Prophet (PBUH) managed to save His life from Quraysh plan of assassination which is the biggest
significance of this event. As reaching Madinah safely, establishing Islamic society and preaching it further
must have been impossible if he had not stayed at Cave Thawr.
 The miracles of spider spinning a web and birds laying egg on mouth of cave to distract raiding party of
Quraysh, reaffirmed Allah’s support and protection for Prophet (PBUH) and Islam.
 The loyalty and dedication of Abu Bakr (RA) was exemplary throughout the journey, especially in Cave
Thawr where He preferred to be bitten and remaining silent to avoid disturbing Prophet (PBUH). Having
such loyal companions was another sign of Allah’s blessing for Prophet (PBUH).
 This incident has another very important and significant message for all of us that facing force with force is
not always necessary. Hiding, stepping back, staying under cover and retreating are also good moves in
order to survive.

First Year of Hijrah
Q (a) Write about the events of the first year following the Prophet’s arrival in Madinah.

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Good answers will be able to provide a detailed and concise narrative of events that occurred once the
Prophet arrived in Madinah, and not the events of his journey.
 Warm welcome given to Prophet (PBUH) when He reached Yathrib.
 Qaswa selected the plot for the construction of Mosque and Prophet’s (PBUH) stay.
 Construction of Mosque and its specifications.
 Method of Azaan.
 Yathrib was renamed Madinatun-Nabi later shortened as Madinah.
 Brotherhood.
 Charter of Madinah.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Welcome and immediate (Construction of Mosque (Brotherhood and Charter
incidents) and Method of Azaan) of Madinah)
 Welcome of Prophet (PBUH).  Piece of Land bought from 2  Brotherhood.
 Girls sang song. Sahal and Sohail.  Main stake holders of Madinah.
 Decision of Prophet’s stay.  Team work and Leadership of  Charter of Madinah.
 Role of Qaswa. Prophet (PBUH).
 Yathrib Renamed Madinah.  Specifications of Mosque.
 Method of Azaan.
 In the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal after 14 days stay at Quba, Prophet (PBUH) left for Madinah. Upon His
arrival, He was given the warmest Welcome by the people of Yathrib. Armed Youngsters from Prophet’s
(PBUH) maternal relatives Banu Najjar gave Him an awesome guard of honor. Whole city came out to see
a glimpse of their beloved guest.
 Girls kept singing this Song:
 “The full moon rose over us - From the valley of Wadaa”
 Everyone offered him to stay at their place but he replied:
 “Leave it (Qaswa the she-camel) on its way, for it is commanded (by Allah).”
 It went straight to the society of Bani-Najjaar and kneeled down in front of Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA) house.
So, Prophet (PBUH) was hosted by Abu Ayyub Ansari and he left no stone unturned in taking proper care
of His esteemed guest.
 Yathrib then renamed “The City of Prophet” (Madinat-un-Nabi) which was later shortened to Madinah.
 Qaswa also pointed out a piece of land by kneeling down, which was owned by two orphan kids Sahal and
Sohail. Prophet (PBUH) bought that piece of land for 10 Dinars and dedicated it for the construction of
Mosque. The amount was paid by Abu Bakr (RA).
 The Prophet (PBUH) laid down the foundation of this mosque during Rabi-ul-Awwal 1H. Prophet (PBUH)
Himself participated in the construction work and turned down companions’ offers to just stay back and
observe. He would recite this while carrying bricks and other construction material:
 “O Allah! No bliss is there but that of the hereafter, Forgive Emigrants and Helpers”
 Its dimensions were about 35×30 meters. The foundation was laid with stones and the walls were built of
unbaked bricks. Columns were made of trunks of palm trees and the roof was covered by branches of
palm trees. The simple yet graceful building had three doors.
 Then there was a debate that how people should be called for prayer, people gave different ideas of
ringing a huge bell or blowing the trumpet etc. but they all were inspired by other faiths so Prophet
(PBUH) did not approve them. At Night Umar Farooq (RA) and Abdullah bin Zaid (RA) had a dream in which
they saw an angel calling Azaan, Prophet was informed and he liked and approved it and appointed Bilal
(RA) as Moazzen.
 Emigrants were isolated and their economic conditions were miserable. So Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
established a brotherhood between Muhajireen (The Immigrants) and Ansaar (The Helpers) in order to
merge emigrants with locals of Madinah. 45 Emigrants and 45 locals were gathered at Hazrat Anas (RA)
home and they were declared brothers of each other. Ansaar took it so literally and left no stone unturned
to help their brothers. They shared their wealth, business, homes, agriculture lands and belongings. They
took it to an extent that when either of the two persons who had been declared borthers, passed away,
his property was inherited by his brother-in-faith. This practice continued until Allah revealed this verse
and regular rules of inheritance were applied:
 “But kindred by blood are nearer to one another regarding inheritance” [08:75]
 Most of Madinian population consisted of 2 tribes of polytheists named: Aus and Khazraj. They both
converted to Islam and became Ansaar. There were 3 tribes of Jews who were important stake holders of
Madinah i.e. Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nazir and Banu Quraizah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established a
treaty/charter with them which is called Charter/Treaty of Madinah (Meesaq-e-Madinah). This treaty
ruled out all the previous enmities and rivalries of pre-migration period and declared all the habitants of
Madinah as one nation that will defend Madinah together in case of any outer invasion. It ensured
freedom of expression, religion and economic for Jews. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was designated as
supreme authority and undisputed ruler of Madinah. Whichever party plots any conspiracy against other
or goes against any clause of charter would be dealt according to law and possibly expelled from the city
of Madinah.
Q (b) How the brotherhood between Ansaar (The Helpers) and Muhajireen (The
Emigrants) a good example for present Muslim communities?
[04] [N/2002][J/2013][N/2013]

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established brotherhood between Emigrants of Makkah and Locals of
Madinah (Aus and Khazraj) the Helpers.
 The way helpers considered Emigrants their brothers and equal to them teaches Muslims that there is no
Racism in Islam and Unity is the essence of Islam.
 The way Helpers shared their properties and wealth with Emigrants, teaches Muslims the nobility of
sharing their belonging with others.
 Muslims today should stay away from racial, national, sectarian and other differences and become on
 They should also learn to give up their worldly possessions for the sake of Allah.
 Candidates can give relative example that today Muslim countries are refusing to accept refugees from
other disturbed countries like Syria and Myanmar should learn from Ansaar and help refugees in order to
be a true Muslim.
Q (b) From the treaty with Jews, explain how Muslims can maintain their relations with
non-Muslims today. [04]
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established a treaty with Jews of Madinah named ‘Charter of Madinah’.
 It teaches that Muslims should establish equality based relationship with non-Muslims today.
 They should give them equal rights as well as religious, economical and social freedom as Prophet (PBUH)
promised all this for Jews of Madinah.
 Muslims can become their ally and ask for their assistance for a greater cause, like a clause of Charter
bounded Jews to defend Madinah along with Muslims.
 If they are in minority, they should never be persecuted or forcefully converted. Instead they should be
given right to practice their religion with peace same as Prophet did with Jews of Madinah.
Second Year of Hijrah
Important Events
 Permission of Jihad:
According to different scholars Allah revealed these verses in the month of Safar 2 nd A.H in which He
permitted Muslims to fight back those who fight them:
 “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged…”
 Change of Qibla:
According to the initial teachings of Islam, First Qibla of Islam was Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem. But Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) wanted it to be changed to Ka’bah of Masjid-Al-Haraam in Makkah. During His days in
Makkah, He would offer prayer while facing Al-Aqsa and Ka’bah but after migration He could face only one so
he preferred orders of Allah over His personal will. He kept praying the same way for 16 months and finally in
the month of Sha’ban 2nd A.H Allah (SWT) changed Qibla from Masjid-Al-Aqsa to Ka’bah of Masjid-Al-Haraam:
 “…So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram…” [2:144]
 Obligation of Fasting:
Muslims were obligated to fast once a year and that blessed day was Aashoora. In last week of Sha’ban 2 nd A.H
Allah revealed the verses about obligation of Fasting:
 “The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and
clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast
it…” [02:185]
Then Prophet (PBUH) instructed companions to Fast 29-30 days of Ramadan as mandatory and consider
Fasting of Aashoora as Sunnah.
 Battle of Badr:
This important battle was also fought in the same year. Refer to next question for details.
5. Practice of Eid Prayer and Obligation Sadaqa-tul-Fitr:
At the end of Ramadan 2nd A.H, instructions about offering Eid prayer in congregation and paying Sadaqa-tul-
Fitr were given by Allah. However, Eid prayer is Sunnah and Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is mandatory. Some scholars say
that these verses are about above mentioned practices:
 “He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself, and mentions the name of his Lord and prays.”
6. Obligation of Zakaat (Almsgiving):
Zakaat was also declared mandatory for Muslims in the same year as Allah revealed:
 “Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give Zakaat…” [02:277]
7. Expulsion of Banu Qainuqa:
After Muslims’ victory in Battle of Badr, Banu Qainuqa got much jealous and started planning something
against Muslims. A Muslim woman went to Jewish market to buy some stuff who was harassed and
humiliated by them. A Muslim man who suddenly reached the market and tried to stop the shopkeepers from
disgraceful act, one thing led to another and a Muslim and a Jew got killed. Prophet (PBUH) tried make Banu
Qainuqa reassure the treaty of Madinah and stop their aggression against Muslims, in answer to which Banu
Qainuqa said:
“We are not Quraysh, We will show you who we are when we will faceoff on the battlefield”
Prophet (PBUH) responded to this open aggression and laid siege around their forts and expelled them from
Madinah as soon as they surrendered after 15 days.
8. Marriage of Ali (RA) and Fatimah (RA):
Hazrat Ali (RA) sent proposal for Hazrat Fatimah (RA) which was accepted by Holy Prophet (PBUH). Ali (RA)
sold his armor for 125 Dirhams and the whole expense of marriage was compensated by this money. The
groom and bride were the greatest and the noblest people yet this ceremony was so simple without any show
off or exaggeration. It was the month of Zul-Hajj 2nd A.H.
Battle of Badr
Q (a) Write an account of the battle of Badr. [10] [N/2013]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Fought in 2 A.H/624 AD.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) plan to intercept the caravan of Abu Sufyan.
 Abu Sufyan’s communication with Makkans and Abu Jahal leaves with a huge army.
 The rain and Prophet’s (PBUH) prayers.
 3 on 3 duel.
 Descend of Angels and dust thrown by Prophet (PBUH).
 Quraysh’s defeat and their huge life losses.
 Candidates should elaborate on the points above to get to the higher levels, and better candidates should
be able to give the names of significant figures involved [Abu Bakr, ‘Ali, Abd ar-Rahman bin Awf, Bilal,
Hamza, Abu Jahl, etc.]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Causes/Background) (Events) (Results & Effects)
 Quraysh’s campaign to take  Prophet’s (PBUH) prayers.  Casualties.
Muslims under pressure.  The Rain and other signs of  Treatment with prisoners.
 War of influence & Economic victory.  Spoils of War.
blockade of Quraysh.  3 on 3 duel.  Change of Quraysh leadership.
 Incident of Nakhlah.  Descend of Angels and dust  Influential gains and losses.
 Caravan of Abu Sufyan. thrown by Prophet (PBUH).  Start of a series of wars
 The combat. between Muslims and Quraysh.
 Victory.

 When Quraysh could not assassinate Prophet (PBUH) and could not even stop Him from migrating to
Madinah, they decided to use their influence and pressurize Ansaar to expel Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims
from Madinah. Ansaar gave a befitting reply that they will protect Him until their last breath. Quraysh then
threatened them to block their entry in Kaabah and there was a harsh talk between Saad bin Muaz and
Abu Jahal. After few days, a raiding party of Quraysh led by Kurz bin Jabir (a Makkan leader) attacked
grazing area in outskirts of Madinah, killed the shepherds and snatched all the livestock.
 Prophet (PBUH) responded to Quraysh aggression and threats by widening His influence through treaties
and teaming up with Bedouin tribes. The jugular vein of Quraysh’s trade was a route from Makkah to Syria
via Madinah. To counter their aggression Prophet (PBUH) disturbed this trade route by sending small
raiding parties
 In the month of Rajab 2 A.H, Prophet (PBUH) sent a party of 12 people led by Abdullah bin Jahash to spy on
Quraysh with clear orders of not engaging or killing anyone. But they intercepted a caravan of Quraysh and
killed a Makkan named Amr bin Hadhrami and arrested other 2 named Uthman and Naufal. This triggered
Quraysh as all 3 were influential personalities of Makkah. This incident is called ‘The incident of Nakhlah’
which was one of the main reasons behind battle of Badr.
 Abu Sufyan bin Harb who by then had not embraced Islam, was leading a huge trade caravan and was
coming back from Syria. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) planned to intercept the caravan and left Madinah
with handful of people. Abu Sufyan sent a message seeking Help from Makkans against Muslims which
angered Quraysh to a great extent and they marched with 1000 well equipped soldiers led by Abu Jahal.
Abu Sufyan played an excellent move by taking an abandoned route and reached Makkah safely. He tried
to stop Abu Jahal but He refused to come back and reached Badr.
 The Battle of Badr was fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17th Ramadan 2 AH)
 “There has already been for you a Sign in the two armies that met (in combat): One was fighting in the
cause of Allah, the other resisting Allah” [3:13]
Prophet (PBUH) spent whole night in prayers and kept praying from Allah and seeking Allah’s help.
 “When you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, "Indeed, I will reinforce you with a
thousand from the angels, following one another.” [08:9]
 There were signs of victory for Muslims even before the battle as the whole army of Muslims experienced
few seconds of drowsiness which comforted them and took their depression away. Then it rained and
made the sandy ground firm and smooth. This made their movement easy and allowed them to store
water in ponds.
 “when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness [giving] security from Him and sent down upon you from
the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil [suggestions] of Satan and to make
steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby your feet.” [8:11]
 Next day 3 noble personalities and fierce warriors of Quraysh, Utbah, Shaybah and Waleed stepped
forward and asked for their equal warriors who could face them. First 3 Ansaar stepped forward but later
called back by Prophet (PBUH) upon Makkan’s demand of sending someone from Emigrants. Hamza, Ali
and Ubaidah bin Harith accepted Makkans’ challenge and killed all 3 of them. Only Ubaidah bin Harith
sustained serious injuries and was martyred.
 According to Allah’s promise, Angels physically participated in Battle of Badr. Another sign of Allah’s help
was when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) threw a handful of dust that miraculously disturbed Quraysh
soldiers and allowed Muslims to penetrate within their columns.
 “…And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw…” [08:17]
 Soon after deul, Quraysh launched fierce attack on Muslims which was courageously repelled by Muslims.
Umayyah bin Khalf was killed by Bilal Habshi (RA) and their leader Abu Jahal (RA) was also killed by two
Muslim kids Muaz and Muawwaz.
 Soon Quraysh gave up after losing their noble leaders and famous warriors one after another and started
running away from the battle field and Muslims started chasing and taking them as prisoners.
 “And already had Allah given you victory at [the battle of] Badr while you were few in number…”
 14 companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got martyred and 70 pagans were killed.
 While 70 Makkans were captured as prisoners. Prisoners were treated nicely and were allowed to go back
after payment of minor ransom and those who were literate, were given an opportunity to teach Muslim
children and this teaching will be considered as their ransom.
 Quraysh left behind a great amount of spoils of war. Being the first ever spoils of war in any conventional
battle, it led to a discussion between some groups of Muslims that who would own this fortune. Allah
reveled these verses of Surah Anfal:
 Ref: They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the bounties [of war]. Say, "The [decision concerning]
bounties is for Allah and the Messenger." [08:01]
Later it was equally distributed among soldiers as riders got double of on foot soldier.
 As the whole leadership of Quraysh got vanished in this battle which resulted in Abu Sufyan taking over
Makkah as the most influential leader and commander in chief.
 Humiliating defeat at Badr annihilated Quraysh’s influence and awe among neutral tribes of Arab who
were observing the war closely. This changed the balance of power in Arabian Peninsula and let so many
tribes establishing treaties with Muslims and coming out of Quraysh’s authority.
 This victory led to a series of war between Muslims and Quraish which was ended on conquest of Makkah.
Q (b) Can the Prophet’s conduct during this battle contain lessons for military
leaders today? Give reasons for your answer. [4] [N/2013]
 As Prophet (PBUH) was physically present on the battle field, military leaders should lead from the front.
This motivates soldiers to lay down their lives for the cause.
 The way Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave clear instructions about ethics of war before Battle of Badr, military
leaders should also take special care of ethics of war. They should not kill non-combatants, women and
children, elderly, disable, besides that mutilating bodies, cutting trees and any type of transgression must
be avoided.
 Prisoners must be treated nicely and they should be given chance to rectify their mistake the way Prophet
(PBUH) ordered His companions to be nice with prisoners and allowed them to leave after payment of
minor ransom or teaching Muslims children.
 Prophet (PBUH) spent whole night before the battle in prayers and asking Allah’s help which teaches
military leaders to rely on Allah’s support and seek His help in every stage of battle.
Q (b) What is the significance of Battle of Badr? [4]
 It was the first battle (on a bigger scale) and the most important battle of Islamic History. Quran declares it
‘The Day of distinguishing/criterion’
 “…if you have believed in Allah and in that which we sent down to Our Servant on the day of
criterion…” [08:41]
 It was literally a do or die situation for Muslims and the survival of Islam depended upon victory in Badr
which is why Prophet prayed to Allah that if this group falls, there will be no one to worship Allah. Allah
answered to His prayers and Muslims emerged as victorious power.
 Humiliating defeat at Badr annihilated Quraysh’s influence and awe among neutral tribes of Arab who
were observing the war closely. This changed the balance of power in Arabian Peninsula and let so many
tribes establishing treaties with Muslims and coming out of Quraysh’s authority.
 This victory enforced believers’ trust in Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) apostleship and strengthened their
faith. This also comforted Holy Prophet (PBUH) when He saw the valor and devotion of His companions
who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the right cause.
Battle of Uhad
Q (a) Give a detailed account of Battle of Uhad. [10]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Causes/Background) (Events) (Results & Effects)
 Revenge of Badr and to open  Archers and the pass.  Casualties.
blocked trade route.  Combat and initial victory.  Influential gains for Quraysh
 Abu Sufyan’s attempt to prove  Disobedience of Archers and and losses for Muslims.
himself. Ambush of Khalid bin Waleed.  Quraysh’s unsuccessful targets.
 Huge investments and Massive  Rumor of Prophet’s (PBUH)  Abu Sufyan’s hostility.
Army. (3000) martyrdom and Massacre of
 Defense plan of Madinah and Muslims.
betrayal of Hypocrites.  Reassembly, fresh attack and
Quraysh retreat to Makkah.

 Most members of Quraysh’s hierarchy were killed in Battle of Badr. The Humiliation of defeat and pain of
losing their noble leaders did not let them forget the defeat at Badr. The trade route which was their
survival tool was still not safe from Muslims raiding parties.
 Abu Sufyan being a new leader exploited the revenge of Badr and built the foundation of his leadership
over the corpses of slain Quraysh leadership.
 A group of Makkans led by Ikrimah (the son of Abu Jahal) went to Abu Sufyan and asked to prepare for the
revenge of Badr. Quraysh had realized that they need an immense force and huge amount of money to
prepare a well-equipped army in order to face Muslims in open ground. All the profit earned by Abu
Sufyan’s trading caravan of previous year was used for this preparation, besides that every member of
Quraysh contributed to this cause.
 “About Quraysh Preps: "Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the
way of Allah..." [8:36]
2 most famous poets of Arab Amr Jam’hi and Musafay were given task to motivate and manipulate people
to participate in this battle. Even women of Quraysh including Hindah wife of Abu Sufyan and daughter of
Utbah, Umm-e-Hakeem wife of Ikrimah and Fatima sister of Khalid bin Waleed also prepared to participate
in the battle. Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle Abbas who despite accepting Islam, had not migrated to Madinah,
sent a letter to Prophet (PBUH) and informed Him about Quraysh preparations.
 The Prophet (PBUH) was in favor of defending the city while staying in Madinah which would had a lot of
strategic benefits for Muslims. But the companions insisted on going out and fight, some of them were so
zealous because they could not participate in Badr for their reasons. The Prophet (PBUH) surrendered His
own opinion and marched to Uhad with 1000 soldiers.
 On his way to Uhad, three hundred hypocrites led by Abdullah ibn Ubayy deserted the army. He was also
in favor of staying inside Madinah so he used this as an excuse to dessert Muslims. Prophet (PBUH) was
only left with seven hundred soldiers against three thousand well equipped Quraish.
 "When two parties among you were about to lose courage, but Allah was their ally; and upon Allah the
believers should rely." [3:122]
 The Prophet (PBUH) observed the battle field upon reaching Uhad and deployed different people to
different positions. He placed 50 archers under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair to defend a pass that
would allow Quraysh to ambush through it, if left unguarded.
 The battle began with duels according to Arab’s traditions. Hamza and Ali (RA) killed their opponents.
These two along with Abu Dujaanah were so deadly in the general combat and annihilate the military
might of Quraysh. Allah fulfilled His promise and Quraysh could not face the roaring lions of Muslim army
and withdrew from the battlefield.
 When Muslims saw this retreat, they started collecting spoils of war without asking the Prophet (PBUH).
When the archers saw this, 40 of them left the pass and joined the other Muslims despite being stopped
by their leader. Khalid Bin Waleed the commander of Quraysh cavalry, when saw the opening without any
protection, He took his 200 cavalry men and ambushed from behind and charged through unaware
Muslims busy in collecting spoils of war. Muslims were not ready for this attack and it caused panic
everywhere. In this panic, Wahshi slave of Jubair bin Mut’im, got a chance and killed Hamza (RA), the uncle
of the Prophet (PBUH).
 The Prophet (PBUH) was also injured and lost his tooth. Mus’ab bin Umair (RA) got martyred he was so
much identical to Holy Prophet (PBUH) that someone spread a rumor that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
has been killed. This caused more mishap and depression among Muslim army resulting big number of
casualties on Muslim side. Prophet (PBUH) was left encircled by only eleven companions who shielded
them from Quraysh’s swords, arrows and spears. Prophet (PBUH) himself sustained serious injuries and
lost 2 teeth.
 However, instead of giving up Prophet (PBUH) started calling companions one after another and circulated
the news of His safety and instructed to reassemble. He took the army towards mount Uhad keeping it at
their back and launched a fresh attack which compelled Quraysh to flee from the battlefield once again.
 70 companions laid their lives and some bodies were also mutilated by Quraysh. While Quraysh’s
casualties were approximately 30+.
 This battle proved to be a morale booster for Quraysh as they very much achieved their lost prestige after
battle of Badr. While it affected Muslims image in Arab and affected their morale.
 Apparently, the Quraish won the battle but in reality, they could not achieve both of their targets. Neither
they killed the Prophet nor could they open the trade route. It meant that the next battle was inevitable.
So, Abu Sufyan challenged Prophet (PBUH) for another battle next year. When Quraysh fled from the
battlefield, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) held a gratitude ceremony and said:
 “Line up so that I offer thanks and praise to my Lord, the Great and the Almighty.”
 Muslims learnt some precious lessons that disobedience is second name of defeat and greed is a curse.
Q (b) What lessons can Muslims learn from Battle of Uhad? [04]
 Muslims learnt that disobedience leads to defeat as archers who were meant to protect the pass
according to Prophet’s (PBUH) instruction, left the pass and allowed Quraysh to ambush from behind that
resulted in massacre of Muslims.
 Muslims learnt that greed is a curse as those archers left the pass to collect spoils of war and contributed
in Muslims’ defeat.
 Those eleven companions who encircled Prophet (PBUH) and protected him teach us a lesson of matchless
bravery and courage.
 Last but not the least, the way Prophet (PBUH) handled the situation, led the Muslims and reassembled
them after initial defeat and made Quraysh flee the battlefield once again, teaches us the true meaning of
4th A.H
Q (b) Write a short account of expulsion of Banu Nadhir from Madinah. [05]

 Jews of Madinah had always been hostile despite they were given so much liberty and equal rights and
freedom to live peacefully in Madinah. Even after expulsion of Banu Qainuqa in 2 nd A.H, Banu Nadhir were
still in constant correspondence with Quraysh.
 Muslims of Madinah had to pay blood money of some people who were accidently killed by Amr bin
Umayyah (RA). Prophet (PBUH) accompanied by Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali (RA) visited Banu Nadhir to ask for
their share as according to charter of Madinah each tribe had to contribute in blood money. Jews asked
them to wait under the shadow of fortress and went inside to discuss the answer.
 They decided to kill Prophet (PBUH) and sent a man up the fort and drop a large millstone on His head.
After being warned by Allah, Prophet (PBUH) rushed back to Madinah and sent Muhammad bin Maslamah
to give an ultimatum to Banu Nadhir that they should evacuate Madinah within 10 days.
 Abdullah bin Ubayy chief of hypocrites assured them his support along with his 2000 devotees as well as
Banu Quraiza. On behalf of his manipulation, Banu Nadhir refused to abide by Prophet’s (PBUH)
instructions and decided to fight. Hayy bin Akhtab chief of Banu Nadhir replied to Prophet (PBUH):
 “We will not leave our houses, do whatever you like to do”
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mobilized His army and invaded the forts of Banu Nadhir. They restored to
their castle and mounted them, taking advantage of thick columns of palm trees. Muslims therefore cut
off some of their trees to end their strategic upper hand. Quran narrates this:
 “Whatever you have cut down of [their] palm trees or left standing on their trunks - it was by
permission of Allah…” [59:5]
 They surrendered after 15 days and were ordered to evacuate with immediate effect. They took all their
belongings even pegs and beams of ceilings and loaded their stuff on 600 camels and left Madinah. Some
of them settled in Syria while Hayy bin Akhtab along with other leaders and members settled in Khayber.
5th A.H
Battle of Trench (Confederates)
Q (a) Give an account of the battles of Khandaq (Trench) and Khyber. [10] [J/2012]

CIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Good answers will be able to give relevant details of both battles with dates and names of keys figures
involved, being careful to avoid general answers that could be attributed to any battle fought in the
Prophet’s lifetime.
 Took place in 627; Banu Nadir had broken their treaty agreements and planned to kill the Prophet.
 They planned an attack with the Makkans and gathered an army of 10000.
 Salman al-Farsi suggested the Muslims dig a trench to keep the army out.
 Hypocrites in Madinah joined the Makkans.
 The army could not get in and after a storm which prevented them from fighting.
 the siege ran into weeks and they eventually gave up
 There were only minor skirmishes.
 Banu Qurayza were punished for their treachery.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Causes/Background) (Events) (Results & Effects)
 The campaign of Banu Nadhir  The Trench.  Expulsion of Banu Quraizah.
against Muslims.  The confederates/groups.  Influential gains and losses.
 Massive combined Army. (The  Invasion of Quraysh and minor  Change in Prophet’s (PBUH)
confederates) skirmishes. policy.
 Defense plan of Madinah and  Banu Quraizah plan and Naeem
Suggestion of Salman Farsi. bin Masud.
 The storm and retreat.

 After getting exiled from Madinah in 4 A.H, Banu Nadhir leaders Salaam, Hayy bin Akhtab and Kanaanah
launched a provocative campaign against Muslims and visited every corner of Arabian deserts in order to
seek help against Muslims of Madinah.
 They visited Quraysh and shared their plan of crushing Muslims. Quraysh immediately ensured their full
support. Jews then approached Banu Saleem, Banu Ghatfaan, Banu Marrah, Ashja, Banu Asad and other
Bedouin tribes and were able to form an immense army consisting 10000 to 12000 warriors equipped with
best possible weapons and supplies.
 Prophet (PBUH) when got to know about this invasion plan he called a council meeting to discuss defense
plan for Madinah. Among all other suggestions, Prophet (PBUH) liked Salman Farsi’s (RA) suggestion of
digging a trench. Eastern, western and southern sides of Madinah were naturally protected from any
major invasion as there were thick gardens. Only northern side was a plain ground that could let Quraysh
army enter the city.

 The main trench that was dug by Prophet (PBUH) along with 3000 companions was approximately 3.5-
mile-long as it started from Harrah and stretched till Mount of Sala’. Despite severe shortage of Food
Prophet (PBUH) himself would participate in digging trench along with companions. Then people from
Quba and other neighborhoods of Madinah dug separate trenches for their own safety. This whole process
took 3 weeks and Madinah became safe from any invasion.
 As the immense army was a combination of different groups of different tribes, this battle is also called
Battle of Al-Ahzaab (The Groups/confederates). Sufyan bin Abd Shams, Uyayna, Harith, Masood and Talha
and Abu Sufyan were commanders of their respective contingents and Abu Sufyan was also declared as
Commander in chief of whole Army. This army reached Madinah on the last day of Shawwal, 5 AH (626
 Ref: “[Remember] when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when eyes shifted
[in fear]…” [33:10]
 But they were so surprised and confused to see the trench as this was whole new thing they ever
encountered. On the other hand, 3000 Muslims were ready to defend Madinah. Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) would designate group of companions on different points of trench in order to keep invaders from
crossing it by chance. One day 5 warriors from Quraysh Ikramah, Naufal, Dharraar, Hubairah and Amr bin
Abdood crossed the trench and challenged the Muslims. Amr bin Abdood was the bravest of them all.
Hazrat Ali (RA) killed him after a fierce encounter while he himself suffered a severe wound on his
forehead. Naufal fell in ditch and was also killed while other ran away.
 Banu Quraizah were approached by Quraysh to engage Muslims in internal war so they could get a chance
to cross the trench. Luckily their plan was foiled. Naeem bin Masood was member of Quraysh army he
approached Prophet (PBUH) and embraced Islam and took responsibility of creating misunderstanding
between invaders and leaking their plans.
 One night Quraysh were struck by a horrible sandstorm that destroyed their camps, spoiled their kitchen
system, scattered their livestock and above all destroyed their left-out morale.
 “O you, who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to [attack] you
and We sent upon them a wind and armies [of angels] you did not see….” [33:9]
Finally Quraysh decided to retreat on 23 Zul-Qa’da 5 AH (626 AD). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
 “Now we will attack them, they won’t” [Ghazwaat-un-Nabi]
 Note: Detailed account it given in case [10] marks question comes. If it is a combined
question like above mentioned one, squeeze the information according to CIE marking
scheme requirements.

Q (b) what lessons can Muslims learn from the battle of Trench? [04] [J/2012]

 Muslims learn the importance of council and being open for suggestion as Prophet (PBUH) listened to
everyone and applied the best suggestion of digging trench by Salman Farsi (RA).
 Muslims learn the importance of team work as how Muslims completed the immense task of digging 3.5
miles long trench within 3 weeks.
 Muslims learn the importance of perseverance and patience which was demonstrated by Muslims while
digging and guarding the trench. Cold weather and shortage of food could not shake their resolve of
fighting for the right cause.
 Muslims learn the true meaning of leadership from Prophet’s (PBUH) as how he participated in digging of
trench and later guarded the trench alongside his companions.
 Despite being in very small number Muslims defeated the huge combine army of 12000 which teaches
Muslims the importance of unity.

The Treaty of Hudaibiah

Q (a) Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaibiah and the main terms in
it. [10] [J/2016]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Prophet’s (PBUH) dream about offering Umrah in 628 AD.
 Preparations and march in state of ihram.
 Negotiations at Hudaibiah.
 Rumor about Uthman bin Affan and Pledge of Ridhwan.
 Sohail bin Amr and terms of treaty.
 Ali (RA) wrote the treaty.
 Banu Khuza’ah and Banu Bakr.
 Abu Jundal’s dispute.
 Dissatisfaction and anger of Muslims.
 Quran declared it clear Victory.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events, The Treaty) (Aftermath)
 Dream of Holy Prophet (PBUH).  Quraysh’s plan to stop Muslims.  Abu Jundal’s dispute.
 Preparations.  Muslims change route and  Dissatisfaction and Anger of
 March. reach Hudaibiah. Muslims.
 Zul-Hulaifah, wearing ihram  Quraysh’s unsuccessful attempt  Rituals of Umrah.
and marking animals. to attack.  Allah consoles Muslims.
 Negotiations, Uthman bin Affan,
 Pledge of Ridhwan.
 The Treaty.
 In 6 AH Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a dream about entering Masjid Al-Haraam and offering Umrah.
Allah discusses it:
 “Certainly has Allah showed to His Messenger the vision in truth. You will surely enter al-Masjid al-
Haram, if Allah wills….” [48:27]
 Fortunately, the month was Zul-Qa’dah. Arab used to consider it sacred month along with other 3 months.
No one would stop/harm anyone during these months and specially those going to visit house of Allah.
Companions started preparations enthusiastically as this was their first experience to visit house of Allah
along with Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 On 1st Zul-Qa’da, Monday Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left for Makkah along with 1400 companions and
his wife Umm-e-Salma (RA). They had covered swords just for self-defense as they had no intention of
fighting. Prophet (PBUH) took 70 camels to sacrifice in the name of Allah. Abdullah bin Umm-e-Maktoom
(RA) was given the charge of Madinah. Prophet (PBUH) reached Zul-Hulaifah and ordered all pilgrims to
wear ihram and mark their sacrificial animals.
 Quraysh when got to know about arrival of Muslims, they decided to stop them from entering Makkah and
started preparing a major army. Khalid bin Waleed was given 200 cavalry to stop Muslims outside Makkah
until the main army reaches. When Prophet (PBUH) got to know about this hostile behavior of Quraysh He
 “What happened to Quraysh, they are being war mongers” [Ibn-e-Hisham]
 As Prophet (PBUH) had no intention of bloodshed, he decided to change the route. A man from Banu
Aslam guided Muslims through a tough and abandoned rocky path that lead to Hudaibiah and then
Makkah. But Prophet’s (PBUH) camel Qaswa stopped at Hudaibiah. Muslims considered it a sign by Allah
and camped there.
 Quraysh sent 80 assassins to take Muslims by surprise. But they all got arrested by Muslims. Later they
were forgiven and allowed to go back by Prophet (PBUH). Allah (SWT) discusses it:
 “And it is He who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them within [the area of]
Makkah after He caused you to overcome them….” [48:24]
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent Uthman bin Affan as final negotiator of Muslims to ask permission for
Umrah. Quraysh tried to manipulate him and asked him to offer Umrah with Prophet (PBUH) and
companions. Uthman turned down their offer which angered Quraysh and they arrested Him. A rumor got
spread that Quraysh killed Uthman in response to which Prophet (PBUH) got furious as killing a negotiator
was not even allowed in period of ignorance. Prophet (PBUH) took pledge from all companions to fight
Quraysh till their last breath in order to avenge Usman’s blood. He used his left hand to take pledge from
his side. This event is discussed in Holy Quran:
 “Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad],
under the tree…” [48:18].
Later on Usman (RA) reached back to Muslim camp safe and sound.
 When Quraysh got to know about this pledge they got scared and agreed to sign a treaty. Sohail bin Amr
was sent by Quraish to decide and finalize the terms of treaty. While Ali (RA) was writing the terms, he
objected on some points as he asked to start it with “In your name, O Allah” instead of Full Tasmiah. He
also objected on “Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah” by saying that we don’t accept you as Prophet.
Prophet (PBUH) ordered it to edit it and write “Muhammad bin Abdullah”. The 4 main points of the treaty
are as follows:
 There will be no wars for 10 years.
 Muslims will go back this year. They will be allowed to perform Umrah next year.
 If a Muslim goes to Makkah will not be sent back to Madinah. But Muslims has to send back any Makkan
who seeks refuge in Madinah.
 All the individuals and tribes are free to ally themselves with Quraysh or Muslims. Same rules would apply
for them as well.
 Abu Jundal (RA) a Makkan Muslim managed to escape from Makkah and reached Muslims’ camp. Although
the treaty was not signed yet, Quraysh demanded return of Abu Jundal. Despite being very tough decision
Prophet (PBUH) ordered his return while he kept pleading. Prophet (PBUH) suggested him to have full faith
in Allah’s plan.
 Muslims were very angry and dissatisfied because of unjust terms of treaty and handing over Abu Jandal
(RA) to Quraysh. They were not ready to fulfil rituals of Umrah and go back. Especially Umar Farooq (RA)
was very angry and emotional at that moment. Quran declared it a clear victory:
 “Indeed, We have given you, a clear victory” [48:01]
 Hazrat Umm-e-Salma advised Prophet (PBUH) to perform rituals of sacrifice and head shave in middle of
Companions’ camps. The moment Prophet (PBUH) started doing it; every companion stood up and
followed his footsteps. Upon completing the rituals Muslims marched back towards Madinah and came
back next year to perform Umrah according to treaty.
Q (b) From this event, what can Muslims learn about the importance of keeping
their word? [4] [J/2016]
 While the agreement was being written a Makkan Muslim Abu Jundal reached Muslims’ camp and asked
for refuge. Quraysh demanded his return. Prophet (PBUH) despite being able to take advantage of doubt
and pressure of companions returned him to Makkans. Umar (RA) and other companions were so furious
about this unjust handover and cruel behavior of Quraysh with Abu Jundal, but Prophet (PBUH) kept His
 There was clause that Muslims won’t give refuge to Makkans who embrace Islam. Even after treaty
Prophet (PBUH) kept his word and some new converts from Makkah approached Madinah but they were
not allowed to live in Madinah. This reflects the importance of keeping words.

Q (b) Explain how was the Treaty of Hudaibiah a manifest victory for the Muslims. [04]

 Despite Muslims could not offer Umrah and had to accept unjust terms, Allah declared it a clear victory for
Muslims. He said:
 “Indeed, We have given you, a clear victory” [48:01]
 It was a clear victory because of below mentioned reason:
 Muslims were so defenseless and vulnerable since their migration to Madinah. Prophet (PBUH) Himself
and his companions would guard the city during nights. This treaty ended this insecurity and put hold on
Quraysh’s hostile ambitions.
 Prophet (PBUH) had been so busy in expeditions and wars one after another and He could not pay special
attention on preaching the message of Islam outside borders of Arabia. This treat allowed Him to spread
the message beyond the borders of Arab.
 This treaty increased interaction between Muslims and Quraysh and allowed Muslims to inspire Makkans
through their character and exemplary society. In result of this, a lot of Makkans accepted Islam including
Khalid bin Waleed and Amr bin Aas. It also boosted over all conversion rate to Islam which can be
understood by a simple example that Prophet (PBUH) was accompanied by 1400 companions in 6 th A.H
while there were 10000 companions with Him when He conquered Makkah in 8 th A.H.
7th Year of Hijrah
Letters to Emperors
 The Treaty of Hudaibiah ensured peace and safety for Muslims. Realizing the need of hour, Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) initiated a mission of preaching Islam internationally and wrote 9 letters to different
Emperors and invited them to accept Islam. This mission started in the last month of 6 AH and continued
till 8 AH.
Heraclius The Emperor of Rome:
After defeating Persia, Heraclius travelled on foot from Hims till Jerusalem. Prophet (PBUH) designated
Dahyah Kalbi (RA) to handover his letter to Heraclius. He handed over Prophet’s (PBUH) letter to Heraclius and
Delivered a speech about Islam. Heraclius kissed Prophet’s (PBUH) letter and paid utmost respect and asked a
day to think about it. By chance Abu Sufyan was there on a trade trip. Heraclius called him and asked about
Prophet (PBUH). Abu Sufyan asserted that Muhammad (PBUH) is the best among Quraysh. Heraclius wanted
to accept Islam but he couldn’t because he feared that if he accepts Islam, radical Christians wouldn’t let him
remain on throne.
Chosroes (Khosrow) The Emperor of Persia:
Abdullah bin Hazafah (RA) delivered this letter to Chosroes Parvaiz. He became so angry that he torn the letter
into pieces and sent 2 soldiers to arrest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When they reached Madinah, and met
Prophet (PBUH), Prophet (PBUH) told them:
 “My lord has killed yours.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted that his kingdom will be torn into pieces the way he torn apart the
letter. Later he was killed by his son Shair’oyah.
Negus The Emperor of Abyssinia:
Amr bin Umayyah (RA) delivered this letter to Negus. He paid utmost respect and accepted Islam immediately.
Replied with a letter full of praise and admiration along with precious gifts.
Maquqas The Emperor of Egypt:
Hazrat Hatib delivered this letter to Maquqas. He also respected Prophet’s (PBUH) message and messenger.
He also wanted to accept Islam but fear of losing kingship didn’t allow him to do so. He replied with a letter
full of praise and gratitude along with precious clothes, a mule named “Duldul” and 2 slave girls Mariah and
Munzir The Ruler of Bahrain:
Hazrat Alaa bin Hadhrami (RA) delivered this letter. He carefully read it, asked some question and converted
to Islam.
Jafar the Ruler of Amman:
Amr bin Aas delivered this letter. After a long session of questions and answers he accepted the message and
embraced Islam.
Hauzah The Ruler of Yamamah:
Saleet bin Amr (RA) delivered this letter. He followed all the customs, gave utmost respect to the messenger
of Prophet (PBUH) but at the end he asked for some special privileges. But his demand was rejected by Holy
Prophet (PBUH). And Hauzah did not accept Islam.
Haris Ghassani The Ruler of Damascus:
Shuja bin Wahab (RA) handed over this letter. Harish Ghassaani met Shuja (RA) after making him wait for days.
The moment he read the letter, he became so angry and planned to invade Madinah. He asked for Heraclius’s
help, but he refused. Haris changed his plan, listened to Shuja (RA) carefully but did not accept Islam.
Bazan The Ruler of Yemen:
Hazrat Muhajir bin Umayyah (RA) delivered this letter. Bazan embraced Islam.
Battle of Khyber
Q (a) Write about the main events of the battles of Khyber and Mau’tah. [10] [J/2014]
CIE Marking Scheme Requirements
 Fought in 7 Ah/628 AD against the Jews of Khyber.
 Jewish conspiracies.
 Preparations and attack.
 Forts of Khyber and Role of Ali (RA).
 Victory and conquest of Khyber.
 Jews’ request to stay in Khyber in return they would pay half of their produce to Muslims.
 Battle strengthened the Muslims and the Prophet’s leadership.

Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events and conquest) (Aftermath)
 Conspiracies of Jews,  Forts of Khyber.  Casualties.
Manipulation of Ghatfan and  Role of Ali (RA).  Jews’ request.
plan to invade Madinah  The combat and complete  Half produce of Khyber will go
 The Khyber. conquest. to Madinah.
 Muslims’ preparations and  Influential gains for Muslims.

 All 3 Jewish tribes broke the Charter of Madinah and were expelled one by one from the city of Prophet
(PBUH). They settled in Khyber and continued their campaign against Islam. Their role in Battle of Trench,
manipulating Ghatfan and other tribes against Islam and their long term planning of invading Madinah
compelled Prophet (PBUH) to take action against them.
 Khyber was a heavily fortified territory approx. 95 miles north of Madinah and was famous for its
 After Treaty of Hudaibiah when Quraysh’s threat was neutralized for the time being, Prophet (PBUH)
prepared to invade Khyber in 628 AD/7 A.H in the month of Muharram. He along with 1400 companions
and 200 cavalry marched towards Khyber. His wife Umm-e-Salma (RA) was with him. Muslims took Jews
by surprise and they had no option left except to lock themselves up in their forts.
 There were 8 famous forts distributed into 2 clusters.
Cluster 1 contained Fort Na’im, Fort Sa’ab bin Muaz, Fort Zubair, Fort Ubai and Fort Nizar.
Cluster 2 contained Fort Al-Qamus, Fort Watih and Fort Sulalim.
Muslim army besieged Khyber and started attacking and infiltrating their defense lines one after another.
 Hazrat Ali (RA) was given the banner and special instructions by Holy Prophet (PBUH). He led the attack
and infiltrated the first line of defense Fort Na’im. Jewish commander Marhab was killed by Ali (RA) while
Zubair (RA) killed Marhab’s brother Yasir.
 Jews abandoned Na’im fort and ran towards other forts. Habab bin Munzir (RA) captured Fort Sa’ab, Abu
Dujana (RA) captured Fort Ubai. Fort Zubair was captured by cutting their water supply line and forcing
them out to face Muslims. The walls of Fort Nizar were cracked by using catapults. Fort Qamus again was
captured under the command of Hazrat Ali (RA) he smashed an immense door that required a group of
people to be moved. Soon Jews surrendered the remaining forts and Muslims conquered the Khyber.
 93 Jews were killed in Battle of Khyber while 15 Muslims got martyred.
 After the battle was over they plead to let them have Khyber. Prophet (PBUH) accepted on a condition
that half harvest of Khyber will be given to Madinah on yearly basis as Jizyah (tax). Muslims got huge
amount of spoils of wars.
 Prophet (PBUH) married Safiyah (RA) the daughter of Hayy bin Akhtab chief of Banu Nadhir.
 After the conquest of Khyber, a Jewish woman called Zainab bint Al-Harith offered the Prophet (PBUH) a
roasted sheep she had poisoned. He took a mouthful, but it was not to his liking so he spat it out. After
investigation, the woman confessed that she had stuffed the food with poison alleging that if the eater
were a king, she would then rid herself of him, but should he be a Prophet, then he would be bound to
learn about it. The Prophet (PBUH) ordered her execution after a companion named Bishr bin Bara’ died of
that poison.
 Note: Detailed account it given in case [10] marks question comes. If it is a combined
question like above mentioned one, squeeze the information according to CIE marking
scheme requirements.

Q (b) What was the significance of Battle of Khyber? [04]

 All the previous battles were in self-defense but this time Prophet (PBUH) invaded a city and brought it
under Islamic rule. Battle of Khyber reflects the change in Prophet’s (PBUH) policy and start of expanding
Islamic state.
 Jews of Madinah never accepted superiority of Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims and broke the treaty of
Madinah within 4 years of its establishment. They did not change their behavior even after their expulsion
from Madinah and continued with their hostile approach against Muslims. It became necessary for
Muslims to neutralize their threat in order to focus on bigger tasks.
 Huge deal of spoils of war and half produced of Khyber promised by Jews, uplifted economy of Madinah
and Muslims got rid of financial crisis.
 Prophet (PBUH) got reassurance of His companions’ devotion through their performance in Battle of
Khyber and companions’ trust got deeper when they saw exemplary leadership and crisis management
skills of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
8th Year of Hijrah
Battle of Mau’tah
Q (a) Write about the main events of the battles of Khyber and Mau’tah. [10] [J/2014]
CIE Marking Scheme Requirements
 Fiercest Battle fought in 8 A.H/629 AD.
 Prophet’s messenger carrying His letter killed by Shurahbil governor of Balqa.
 Prophet (PBUH) thought it important to respond and mobilized an army of 3000.
 Announcement of 3 leaders one after another.
 Huge and well prepared army of Romans.
 Faceoff and Martyrdom of leaders.
 Khalid bin Waleed’s strategies and gradual retreat.
 Muslims could not avenge Harith’s murder but they proved they were a force to be reckoned with.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events) (Results/Effects)
 Murder of Prophet’s (PBUH)  Council at Ma’an.  Casualties.
message bearer by Governor of  Faceoff and martyrdom of  A strict message sent by
Balqa. Leaders. Muslims.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) plan to  Khalid bin Waleed’s valor,  Effect on Bedouin tribes.
avenge. strategy and organized retreat.  Starting point of war series
 Special instructions. between Byzantines and
 Muslim March towards Rome Muslims.
and Roman preparations.
 Prophet (PBUH) sent a letter to the ruler of Busra, Harith bin Umair Al-Azdi (RA) was carrying that letter
and he was intercepted and arrested on his way by Shurah’bil bin Amr, the governor of Balqa who was an
appointed governor by Heraclius, the Byzantine Emperor. Harith (RA) was tied and beheaded mercilessly.
 Since killing messengers and envoys was an awful crime even during the era of ignorance. Therefore,
Prophet (PBUH) decided to respond to this transgression and dispatched an army of 3000 soldiers under
the command of Zaid bin Harithah (RA).
 Firstly, Prophet (PBUH) instructed that if Zaid falls, Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA) will be the next commander
and Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA) would take over after Jafar (RA). If he also dies, Muslims were instructed
to choose a commander unanimously. Because of various nominated leaders, this battle is also called “The
Battle of Leaders” [Bukhari]. Secondly, Prophet (RA) recommended that before engaging in war with
Romans, invite them towards Islam. If they accept their message, no war will be followed. War will be the
last option if they do not accept their message. Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “Fight the disbelievers in the name of Allah, neither plunder nor conceal booty, kill no children or
woman, nor an ageing man or a hermit be killed; moreover neither trees should be cut down nor
homes demolished.” [Mukhtasar Seeratur-Rasul]
 In the month of Jamadil-Ula 8th A.H/629 AD Muslim army marched towards Roman border. On the other
hand Shurah’bil managed to gather a huge army from his Arab allies Lakham, Juzaam, Balqain, Bahra’ and
Bali. Heraclius also sent a big part of his forces to assist Shurahbil and according to some traditions;
number of combine army reaches 100 to 200 thousands.

 Upon reaching reached bordering town of ma’an, Muslims got to know about Roman preparation and
greater number of Roman forces. Muslim Army called a council meeting to discuss newly encountered
situation. Some of them thought that they should consult to Prophet (PBUH) and ask for assistance.
Abdullah bin Rawahah pursued Muslims to face the enemy with courage and valor, He delivered a zealous
speech in which he said:
 “We do not wish for victory, Our final destiny and desire is martyrdom”
 Muslim army faced enemy with full zeal and enthusiasm. Zaid (RA) got martyred and Jafar (RA) took the
command. He kept fighting even after his both hands were cut off. He kept holding the flag until he was
cut into two pieces by Roman warriors. Abdullah bin Rawahah then led the army and got martyred while
fighting bravely. Sabit bin Ahzam (RA) held the flag and handed it over to Khalid bin Waleed (RA).
 Khalid (RA) broke 9 swords while fighting the enemies at its best. As one of the best strategists, He
changed the whole scenario of battle field by deceiving enemy and launching unstoppable attacks from
every side. He shuffled the columns of army by bringing right wing to left and vice versa and bringing back
to front. Romans started thinking that fresh support has joined Muslim army. Khalid (RA) then ordered
Muslim army to retreat in a very organized and strategical manner. Romans thought that this is some kind
of strategy and as soon as they pursue Muslims in heart of Arabian Desert, they will be attacked by a
hidden force of Muslims. As a result, they did not pursue Muslims and Muslims withdrew from the battle
field with minor losses and reached Madinah.

 12 Muslims got martyred in this battle while Roman casualties were definitely much more than that.
 Muslims could not avenge Harith’s (RA) death but faced a gigantic army bravely and successfully reached
back Madinah. Whole Arab and Non-Arab tribes along with Byzantine Empire realized that Muslims are
the new emerging force of this region.
 Archenemies of Muslims were watching this encounter closely. Upon Muslims semi-victory and courage of
facing a gigantic army, several Bedouin tribes including Ghatfan, Fazarah, Ashja, Zibyan and some other
sent their delegates to affirm their allegiance to Muslims.
 Battle of Mau’tah marks the beginning of a bloody series of war between Romans and Muslims which
ended on complete fall of Byzantines in the era of 2nd caliph Umar Farooq (RA).
Conquest of Makkah
Q (a) Describe the events of the Conquest of Makka. [10] [J/2013]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Good answers should be able to narrate the story of the events of the Conquest of Makka, leading up to it
and immediately after, and give detailed information as well as name the key figures involved. Details and
accuracy will take candidates up the levels.
 Banu Bakr and Quraysh attack on Banu Khuza’ah.
 Dissolution of Treaty of Hudaibiah.
 Abu Sufyan visits Madinah to ask renewal of treaty.
 Muslims preparations and march.
 Strategies to avoid bloodshed.
 Minor skirmishes.
 Complete forgiveness and cleansing of Kaabah.
 Aftermath.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events) (Aftermath)
 A short reference to Treaty of  Preparations and march  Cleansing of Kaabah.
Hudaibiah. towards Makkah.  Prophet’s (PBUH) address to
 Slaughter of Banu Khuza’ah by  Prophet’s (PBUH) strategies to Quraysh.
Banu Bakr and Quraysh. avoid bloodshed.  Administrative measures by
 Prophet’s letter to Makkans  Minor skirmishes. Holy Prophet (PBUH).
and their response.  General Pardon.  Rapid conversion to Islam.
 Abu Sufyan’s efforts to restore  Treatment with enemies.
 A clause of Treaty of Hudaibiah allowed neutral tribes to join Muslims of Madinah or Quraysh of Makkah.
Banu Bakr joined Quraysh while Banu Khuza’ah joined Muslims. Treaty also mentioned that any
transgression against any ally will be considered as a crime to be dealt with fire and fury.
 Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza’ah had been enemies since pre-Islamic period but they lived in peace for few
years. Banu Bakr took the advantage of the situation and ambushed Banu Khuza’ah as they were not ready
for any aggression. Quraysh supported their ally with weapons and soldiers and slaughtered Banu
Khuza’ah mercilessly. Banu Khuza’ah sought refuge in Holy Kaabah but nothing could stop the rage of
Banu Bakr and Quraysh. They stormed the sacred Mosque and continued with the massacre of helpless
Banu Khuza’ah.
 40 riders from Banu Khuza’ah reached Madinah and informed Holy Prophet (PBUH) about this treachery
and bloodshed by Quraysh and Banu Bakr. This infuriated Prophet (PBUH) and He sent a message to
Quraysh giving them 3 options. Either they would pay blood money to the people of Banu Khuza’ah or
dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr. If they refuse to accept either of first two options, then dissolve
treaty of Hudaibiah and be ready for vengeance. Quraysh were so arrogant that they went for 3 rd option.
 Upon realizing the grave situation and horrible consequences, Quraysh sent Abu Sufyan to negotiate the
renewal of treaty. He visited Prophet (PBUH) but He did not respond positively. He then tried to involve,
Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, Fatima and his own daughter Umm-e-Habibah (RA) but all of them refused to help as
He was reaping what he sowed earlier. Abu Sufyan returned back to Makkah with no tangible proof of
renewal of treaty or any other confirmation.

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started his preparations and kept them secret in order to take Quraysh by
surprise. Muslim Army consisting ten thousand soldiers marched towards Makkah on 10th Ramadan, 8th
A.H/630 AD and reached Marr Az-Zahran. Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib who by then lived in Makkah, also
joined Muslims. Abu Sufyan along with Hakeem bin Hazam and Budail bin Warqa visited Muslims’ camp to
gather info but they were detained by Muslim guards. Abu Sufyan was spell bound to see Muslims’
strength and said to Abbas (RA):
 “Your nephew has become too powerful to withstand”
 Prophet (PBUH) then took some measures to avoid bloodshed and compel Quraysh to surrender the city
with resistance. He ordered every soldier to light their camp fires at a particular distance which illuminated
the desert around Makkah and casted fear in their hearts. When Prophet (PBUH) marched towards
Makkah on 17th Ramadan, He divided His army into 4 columns and storm the city from different directions
so Makkans would not have any chance to fight back and this would eventually save precious lives from
both sides.
 A group of stubborn Makkans under the command of Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, Safwan bin Umayyah and
Sohail bin Amr attacked the column of Khalid bin Waleed who tried his level best to avoid bloodshed. But
Quraysh compelled them to retaliate, which resulted in 12 casualties on Quraysh side while 2 Muslims got
martyred. The city was conquered without a major bloodshed and Prophet (PBUH) offered prayer of
 Prophet (PBUH) announced general pardon for Makkans by saying:
 “He who takes refuge in Abu Sufyan’s house is safe, whoever confines himself to his house, the
inmates therefore shall be in safety, and he who enters the sacred Mosque is also safe”
 Prophet (PBUH) set a matchless example of mercy and forgiveness. Except 9 worst criminals and
murderers who were executed, He forgave worst of His enemies. Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal who attacked
Khalid’s column, Wahshi who killed Hamza (RA) and Hindah who mutilated his body were pardoned.
Habbar who was responsible of attacking Zainab (RA) and Safwan bin Umayyah one of the worst enemies
of Islam were also forgiven.

 First of all, Prophet (PBUH) took the kays of Holy Kaabah from Uthman bin Talha and cleansed Kaabah
from 360 idols including the biggest one ‘Habal’ and images:
 “Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed, is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart”
He dispatched some other contingents to vanish the idols from the vicinity of Makkah. Uzza, Suwa, Manat
and Lat which were considered the symbols of polytheism, were destroyed.
 Prophet (PBUH) addressed Quraysh and assured them of His merciful behavior and good treatment. Most
of the Quraysh pledged allegiance to Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There was an interesting
conversation between Prophet and Quraysh. At first Prophet (PBUH) asked:
 “O people of Quraysh! What treatment do you expect from me?”
They replied:
 “O noble brother and son of noble brother! We expect nothing but goodness from you”
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “I speak to you in the same words as Yusuf (RA) spoke unto His brothers, No reproach on you this day
[12:92] go your way, for you are freed ones”
 Prophet (PBUH) took some necessary administrative measures, dispatched some platoons, extablished
treaties with surrounding tribes to ensure security of Makkah and headed back to Madinah after 19 days
stay, leaving behind Muaz bin Jabal (RA) to teach new converts about Islam.

Q (b) Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims
to learn from? [4] [J/2013]
 Prophet (PBUH) did not show pride equal to grain of sand. Even when He entered Makkah as a conqueror
He had lowered his gaze so all the culprits could not feel guilty upon making eye contact with him.
 He demonstrated matchless forgiveness and compassion. He forgave Hind, Abu Sufyan, Wahshi who killed
his beloved uncle Hamza (RA), Habbar who attacked Zainab (RA), Safwan bin Umayyah etc. This teaches
Muslims that courage it to forgive your enemies.
 He cleansed Kaabah from idols and images as the first task after conquest. This indicates the importance
of oneness and staying away from shirk.
 He ordered to execute some criminals and murderers which reflects the importance of justice and policy
of no compromise over law and order.
Battle of Hunain
Q (a) Give a detailed account of Battle of Hunain. [10]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events) (Aftermath)
 General response of Arab after  Some Muslims’ pride.  Battle of Autas.
conquest of Makkah.  Enemy’s battle plan.  Siege of Ta’if.
 Pride of Hawazin and Thaqif.  Initial defeat.  Spoils of war and prisoners.
 Preparation under the  Prophet’s (PBUH) courage.  Return of Prisoners and spoils.
command of Malik and  Reassembly and Victory.  Sheema (RA).
guidance of Dareed.
 Muslims’ preparations.
 Numerous Arab tribes maintained their neutral status and waited for the final result of scuffle between
Muslims of Madinah and Mighty Quraysh. But as soon as Muslim conquered Makkah and Quraysh faced a
clear defeat, most of the neutral tribes rushed to accept Islam or at least pledged allegiance to Prophet
 Hawazin and Thaqif were the second most powerful tribes of Arab after Quraysh. Even Quraysh used to
give them due respect and accept their noble status among all other habitants of Arab. Conquest of
Makkah ignited the fire of jealousy and fear among Hawazin and Thaqif and going against the mainstream
they planned to attack Muslims in order to retain their old position among Arab.
 They chose Malik bin Auf a thirty year old zealous soldier as their commander and 100 year old famous
poet and war veteran Dareed bin Simmah also accompanied them as guide. They even brought their
women and children so they could not even think about fleeing from battle field.
 When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got to know about their preparation he sent Abdullah (R.A) as a spy to
confirm their advancement he came back and informed that they have reached Hunain. Prophet (PBUH)
also ordered to prepare an army of 12000 men. 10000 were same who came from Madinah and 2000
were people of Makkah some of them were newly converts and a lot of them were non-Muslims. Prophet
(PBUH) appointed Attab bin Asid (RA) as governor of Makkah and Marched towards Hunain.
 As this was the biggest ever force of Muslims in any battle, some Muslims uttered words of pride and ego:
 “We cannot be defeated today”
Prophet (PBUH) did not like this statement.
 Hawazin and Thaqif had already reached the battlefield and according to the battle plan suggested by
Dareed, they deployed their archers in mini caves, behind trees and bushes and wherever they could hide.
There was a narrow path in between a series of mountains that were captured by Hawazin and Thaqif
archers. Archers were given instructions to attack Muslims with arrows and hurl stones, as soon as the first
attack troubles them, Heavy cavalry that was on standby was supposed to crush the front portion of
Muslim army.
 They worked according to their plan and early in the morning when Muslim army entered the narrow
path, their archers brought the rain of arrows and stones. Taking advantage of a bit dark horizon, they
successfully troubled the Muslim men with their exceptional archery. After some moments, heavily
armored cavalry of Hawazin and Thaqif thrashed the front part of Muslim Army and they started fleeing
from battle field.
 “Allah has already given you victory in many regions and [even] on the day of Hunayn, when your great
number pleased you, but it did not avail you at all, and the earth was confining for you with its
vastness; then you turned back, fleeing.” [9:25]
 Even prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was left surrounded by handful of Companions. But he kept fighting and
didn’t even move an inch from his place. He would recite these verses:
 “Truly saying, I am the Prophet; I am the son of Abdul Muttalib”
He dismounted from his ride and ordered Hazrat Abbas (R.A) to call the Helpers and Emigrants. Muslim
Army was reassembled and gathered again. Muslims fought with courage and valor and defeated the
 Ref: “Then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and sent down
soldier angels whom you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense
of the disbelievers.” [9:26]
 A fraction of fleeing army of Hawazin and Thaqif, decided to reassemble at Autas. A group of Muslims
soldiers led by Abu Amir (RA) was dispatched to Autas that dispersed the enemy after a minor clash.
 Because Malik ibn Auf had brought the families, flocks and wealth of the Hawazin and Thaqif, Muslims
were able to capture huge deal of spoils. 6,000 were taken prisoners, 24,000 camels, 40000 goats/sheep
and 4000 ounce of Silver was captured by Muslims. As Prophet (PBUH) had to pursue them till Ta’if, He
appointed to Masud bin Amr (RA) to gather spoils of war at Ji’ranah and wait for Prophet’s (PBUH) return.
 Prophet (PBUH) marched towards Ta’if but they locked themselves in strong forts and did not let Muslims
come close to the walls. Muslims used catapults to shell the walls of forts to storm the city but they could
not succeed. After unsuccessful efforts of 10-12 days, Prophet (PBUH) decided to lift the siege, He ordered
retreat to Makkah and prayed:
 “O Allah! Guide Thaqif and bring them to us as Muslims”
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not distribute the spoils among Muslims because he was waiting for
Hawazin and Thaqif if they want them back. After 10 days, He distributed spoils among Muslims. Then a
delegation of Hawazin came and requested for the return of spoils and prisoners. Prophet (PBUH)
requested companions to let all prisoners go and All 6000 prisoners were freed.
 Among prisoners there was foster-sister of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) named Sheema (RA). Prophet
(PBUH) spread out his cloak so she can sit and offered her to stay with him but she asked to be sent back
to Ta’if to her family.

Q (b) Explain the significance of Battle of Hunain. [04]

 The most important lesson Muslims learnt from the battle of Hunain was that Allah (SWT) does not like
pride and Ego. Muslims should always rely on Allah’s support instead of numbers and resources.
 Muslims confiscated a huge deal of spoils of war that included camels, goats, sheep, weapons, gold and
silver. This helped them improve their financial condition.
 Prisoners were given proper accommodation and food that reflects the Islamic standards of treating
prisoners. Then the delegation of Hawazin came and requested to free the prisoners, Prophet (PBUH) and
all companions freed them. This matchless behavior impressed Hawazin and their allies that most of them
embraced Islam.
 This was the last battle of Muslims inside Arab during the life time of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which crushed
all hostile forces against Islam.
9th Year of Hijrah
Expedition of Tabuk
Q (a) Write an account of main events of Tabuk Expedition. [10]
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Background) (Events) (Aftermath)
 Grim relations between  Generous Donations.  Dispersal of Roman army
Muslims and Byzantines.  Open campaign of Hypocrites. dented their influence.
 Potential uprisings in Occupied  March.  Last expedition of Holy Prophet
Arab areas.  Dispersal of Byzantine Army. (PBUH)
 Anonymous letter about  Destruction of Masjid-e-Ziraar
Prophet’s demise and famine in and firm response to
Arab and Roman preparations Hypocrites.
to attack Muslims.
 Muslim Preparations.

 The relations between Muslims and Byzantines were strained after Battle of Mau’tah. A small Muslims
army entering the borders of the great Byzantine empire and giving tough time to their gigantic army and
going back safely with minor casualties, was a horrible nightmare for Romans.
 Defeat at Mau’tah dented Romans’ authority and paved way for a possible uprising in Arab areas that
were occupied and ruled by Byzantines. Heraclius, the Roman Emperor was waiting for a right time to
strike back on Muslims to gain his lost prestige.
 Famous Muslims historian Al-Tibrani writes that Byzantines received an anonymous letter from Arab
 “Muhammad has died and Arabs are dying of drought and hunger, there will never be a better chance
to attack Madinah and finish Islam.”
 Emperor Heraclius ordered to prepare an army and he got ready to launch a massive and disastrous attack
on Madinah. Ghassan who were the rulers of Syria appointed by Heraclius, managed to prepare an army
of 40 thousand warriors including soldiers of Jizaam and Lakhm.
 A Syrian tribe would visit Madinah to sell olive oil; they leaked the news of roman preparations to attack
Madinah. Prophet (PBUH) realized the need of hour and called Muslims for Jihad.
 It was the month of September, and the weather in Hijaz was exceedingly hot. Furthermore, a protracted
drought threatened the province with conditions of semi-famine. Hypocrites of Madinah refused to take
part in this expedition physically or financially and also tried to dissuade Muslims not to take part in this
expedition. They declared it a suicide mission as Muslims will have to face disciplined and battle tested
Army of Byzantine unlike Battle of Mau’tah which was fought against uncivilized ill-trained dessert tribes.
They manipulated some Muslims by casting fear in their hearts about their farms/palm trees getting
destroyed in their absence.
 Nevertheless, many Muslims responded to the appeal of the Prophet, and took up arms to defend the
faith. When a head-count was taken, there were found to be 30,000 volunteers. It was the largest force
ever assembled in Arabia until then. The financial issues were solved by the immense support from
companions. Hazrat Abu Bakr brought all of his property, which amounted to four thousand dirhams.
 The Prophet said, “O Abu Bakr! What did you leave to your family?” He said, “I left God and His
Messenger to them.”
Hazrat Umar brought half of his belongings. Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Abdurrahman bin Awf also
participated with huge quantities.
 When they reached Tabuk they found out that Roman Army had already dispersed. Then came the news
that the Romans had withdrawn from the border towns. They had decided not to encroach on Muslim
land. The Prophet could see any reason to pursue them into their own territory as his goal had already
been achieved. He stayed at Tabuk for about two weeks and then travelled back to Madinah.

 Tabuk was the last expedition attended by Holy Prophet (PBUH). It was one of the most important
expeditions of his life.
 The way Roman Army dispersed before the arrival of Muslim army it had a great impact on different tribes
of Arab. As they realized the strength of Muslims and entered into alliance with Muslims.
 Muslims gained serious political benefits from this expedition. Chief of Ailah named Yahnah and leaders of
Azruh and Jarba’ approached Holy Prophet (PBUH) and pledged their allegiance to Muslims and agreed to
give Jizyah. These alliances set grounds for Muslims to expand their power inside and outside of Arab.
 Upon coming back from Tabuk, in response to Hypocrites open aggression against Islam, Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) demolished the Masjid e Ziraar which was built by hypocrites and they used to gather
there for planning and plotting the conspiracies against Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims.
 “And those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division
among the believers…” [09:107]
Abdullah bin Ubayy the Chief of Hypocrites also died after some days of Tabuk.

Q (b) Explain the significance of Expedition of Tabuk. [04]

 This was the last expedition of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as He did not participate in any other
expedition after Tabuk.
 This was the first time that a super power and the biggest empire tried to engage Muslims directly. This
was a test of Muslims’ courage in which they proved themselves to be really good at it.
 Despite financial crisis, drought and propaganda campaign of Hypocrites, Muslims responded to call of
Prophet (PBUH) and helped Him succeed in one the biggest test of His life. This strengthened the
relationship between Prophet (PBUH) and His companions and left a legacy for upcoming generations of
 Despite being a disastrous and unchallengeable force, Byzantines could not face Muslims and dispersed
before arrival of Muslims army. This dented their influence and uplifted morale of Muslims and proved
them to be the next super power.
 Most importantly, aggressive march of Muslims and Roman dispersal made many leaders from different
border tribes/towns to pledge their support to Islam and be the supporter of Islamic empire. This
strengthened Islamic empire and set the grounds for their upcoming conquests.
Final Year of Prophet’s Life
Q (a) Describe the events of the final year of Prophet’s (PBUH) life. [10][N/2013]

Para 1 Para 2 Para 3

(Farewell Pilgrimage) (Farewell Sermon) (Sad Demise)
 Obligation of Hajj and Abu Bakr  Rights of women.  Army of Usamah bin Zaid.
as Hajj deputy in 9th A.H.  Rights of slaves.  Fell ill in the end of Safar 11th
 Prophet’s (PBUH) plan to  Eradication of racial prejudice. AH and Shifted to Ayesha’s
perform Hajj.  Importance of Peace. place.
 Preparations and performance.  Interest was declared  Asked Abu Bakr (RA) to lead
forbidden. prayers.
 2 Survival tools: Quran and  Passed away on 12th Rabi-ul-
Sunnah. Awwal/ June 632 AD.
 Emphasis on pillars of Islam.  Companions’ response.
 Hajj became mandatory in 9 A.H.
 “to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way”
As Prophet (PBUH) was busy with one after other deputations, Abu Bakr (RA) was sent as Deputy of Hajj
along with 300 companions to perform the Pilgrimage (Hajj).
 When Prophet (PBUH) successfully responded to all the delegates, established a strong Islamic empire,
dispatched rulers and preachers to every corner of Arab, He sensed that this might be the completion of
His mission and it’s time to meet His creator. He declared his intention to perform Pilgrimage so He could
meet and address the masses for the final time and take their testimony that He has successfully
communicated the message of Allah.
 In response to Prophet’s (PBUH) call, groups of people from every corners of Arab started reaching
Madinah and camped outside the city. He along with 9 Wives (RA) , His daughter Fatima (RA), other
relatives and approximately 120 thousand companions left Madinah on 25th Zul-Qa’dah 10th A.H/632 AD
and reached Zul-Hulaifah. Stayed there for a night and next day He bathed for Ihram, Ayesha (RA) applied
perfume on His body and head and He put on His clothing for Ihram. And everyone started reciting
 ‘Here I am O Allah, (in response to your call), here I am. Here I am, you have no partner, here I am.
Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.’
 9 Zul-Hajj after Performing all rituals of Hajj he delivered a great sermon at plain of Arafat which is called
The Last/Farewell Sermon of Holy Prophet (PBUH)

 He started with:
 “O people! Listen to what I say. I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place after year”
 He emphasized on Rights of Women:
 “O; People you have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. Treat your wives with
kindness; verily you have taken them on the security of Allah and Made Them Lawful to you.”
 He also emphasized on Rights of Slaves:
 “And feed your slaves as you feed yourselves and clothe them as you clothe yourselves”
 He Negated Racial Prejudice:
 “An Arab has no superiority over a Non-Arab and nor a Non-Arab over Arab, neither the white over
black and nor the black over the white. You all are from Adam and Adam is created out of clay.”
 Importance of Peace was highlighted through these words:
 “Your blood, your property and your honor are as sacred as this day, this month and this city”
 He declared usury (interest) forbidden.
 He mentioned that He is leaving 2 things if Ummah holds fast to them, they won’t go astray. 1) Book of
Allah 2) Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH).
 He Emphasized on Pillars of Islam and instructed people to take care all of them laying special emphasis on
 Prophet (PBUH) asked from audience:
 “You will be asked about me, what are you going to say?”
They replied: “We will bear witness that You have conveyed the Message and fulfilled your mission”
Prophet repeated this thrice:
 “O Allah! Bear witness”
 Allah (SWT) declared the completion of Islam:
 “…This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have
approved for you Islam as religion…” [05:03]

 He led a funeral Prayer in Al-Baqi and while coming back to home, He had a headache and His
temperature rose high. After seeking permission from other wives He shifted to Ayesha’s (RA) apartment
and kept leading Muslims in Prayer despite being ill for almost 10-11 days.
 He asked Abu Bakr (RA) to lead prayers during his last days. He came to mosque supported by Ali (RA) and
Abbas (RA) was happy to see Muslims offering prayer behind Abu Bakr (RA). He addressed his companions
for the final time and said:
 “Allah has given his servant 2 choices, this world and Hereafter but his servant chose the latter”
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) Passed away on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 11th A.H/Monday 20th June, 632 AD.
 All companions got so much emotional and some of them including Umar (RA) couldn’t believe it. Abu
Bakr (RA) delivered a speech and controlled the situation. He said:
 “Whoever used to worship Muhammad (PBUH) let them know that he has passed away and whoever
worshiped the Lord of Muhammad (PBUH), He is Eternal.”

Q (b) Explain how any two teachings given in the Prophet’s Farewell Sermon can
help Muslim communities today. [4] [N/2013]
 Teachings of Farewell Sermon regarding women rights can solve the women abuse that is so
common in Male Dominant societies. Women are not given their inheritance and other basic rights,
they are persecuted and oppressed, and they are deprived of decision making. Farewell Sermon
teaches Muslims Communities to take special care of Women rights.
 Teachings of Farewell Sermon Regarding Racial Prejudice can solve racial, national, linguistic and
regional conflicts in today’s world. People in general and Muslims in particular have suffered huge
losses because of racial, sectarian and other extreme disputes. If present Muslim communities
adopt teachings of farewell sermon, they can get rid of these diseases.
 Prophet (PBUH) declared that usury (interest) is forbidden in Islam. Today’s world has been
destroyed after testing communism and capitalism as economic systems. Muslim communities
should become role model by applying interest free economic systems in which rich and poor both
will have equal chances of living their lives.
 Candidates can derive other lessons from other points of Farewell sermon.
Q (a) Outline the changes in the Prophet's relations with the Jewish tribes and the
‘hypocrites' in Medina in the years between 622 and 632. [12] [J/2004]
Q (a) Write about the Prophet’s (PBUH) interaction with non-Muslims in Madinah.
[10] [J/2013]

Relations with Jews of Madinah

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements
 Brief History and Background of Arab Jews.
 Status quo of Madinah.
 Initial response of Jews upon Prophet’s (PBUH) arrival to Madinah.
 Charter of Madinah.
 Their conspiracies and expulsion from Madinah.
 Battle of Khyber.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(History and Intro) (Initial response & Charter (Conspiracies, Expulsion and
of Madinah) Invasion of Khyber)
 Migration of Syrian Jews to  Some conversions to Islam.  Expulsion of Banu Qainuqa (2 A.H)
Arab & Establishment of  Jealousy and hidden  Ka’ab bin Ashraf (3 A.H)
Strongholds. opposition.  Expulsion of Banu Nadhir (4 A.H)
 Status quo of Madinah.  Charter of Madinah.  Banu Nadhir’s campaign and Battle of
 Jewish superiority and  Their efforts to destabilize Trench (5 A.H)
manipulation. Madinah.  Expulsion of Banu Quraizah (5 A.H)
 Invasion of Khyber (7 A.H)
 Jews used to rule the region of Syria but they had always been target of Byzantine and Assyrian
persecution. Finally, they decided to migrate to Arabian Peninsula in 2nd century AD and established
strongholds in Arab.
 A big number of Jews inhabited Yathrib (Madinah) and started penetrating the culture, religion and politics
of the city. They were mainly 3 tribes named Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nadhir and Banu Quraizah. Banu
Qainuqa were the bravest, highly skilled in art of war and used to have loads of quality weapons. Banu
Qainuqa were goldsmiths in particular and in general all 3 Jewish tribes were rich bankers. They
dominated the other inhabitants of Madinah through their religious intellect, economic stability and
cultural diversity. Usury, loans on cruel conditions and confiscating property of vulnerable and poor people
was their common practice:
 Ref: “And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the
people's wealth unjustly…” [04:161]
 Banu Nadhir used to consider themselves superior to other two as they had devised a rule that Banu
Nadhir would pay half blood money if they kill anyone from other tribes but others have to pay the full.
Banu Qainuqa were allies with Khazraj while Banu Quraizah allied with Aus and made sure that these 2
tribes keep fighting with each other. Aus and Khazraj used to be the original inhabitants of Yathrib
(Madinah) but Battle of Buath fought between Aus and Khazraj crushed their power and Jews emerged as
the new rulers of Yathrib (Madinah).

 As soon as Prophet (PBUH) reached Madinah, Jewish scholars gathered at Bait-ul-Madraas (The Jewish
School of Madinah) and decided to test Prophet (PBUH) on the basis of information given in torah. The
first to visit Him was Yasir bin Akhtab, brother of Hayy bin Akhtab (the chief of Banu Nadhir), he listened to
Prophet (PBUH) and went back to his people in awe and said:
 “Listen to me! Surely He is the Prophet we have been waiting for, embrace His message”
But unfortunately Hayy bin Akhtab who was the chief and more influential than Yasir, opposed him and
persuaded his people to do so. Other prominent Scholars like Abdullah bin Salaam, Zaid bin Sa’nah and
Maimoon bin Yamin also met Him and embraced Islam.
 But general response of Jews remained hostile to Islam and Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the
main reason behind this hostility was jealousy. Prophet (PBUH) took over Madinah and ended influence of
Jews in every field which ultimately made them start their hidden destructive campaign against Islam.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tried His level best to be accommodating and supportive towards Jews and
established the Charter of Madinah with them. Charter of Madinah merged Jews with all other
communities of Madinah and allowed them to join the mainstream of Holy City. Jews were ensured equal
rights, religious, social and economic freedom, freedom of speech and honor to fight alongside other
communities in defense of Madinah if attacked. Charter of Madinah was a blessing for Jews of Madinah
and a golden chance for them to prove their loyalty and earn their place in Madinah as free and equal
citizen of the city.
 Unfortunately, Jews did not avail this opportunity and started a hidden campaign against Islam and
Muslims. When Allah (SWT) ordered Muslims to change their Qiblah from Masjid Al-Aqsa to Masjid Al-
Haram, they made a fuss over it. They assured polytheists that their belief is better than Muslims’
 Ref: “… and (they) say about the disbelievers, "These are better guided than the believers as to the
way" [04:51]
They also established contact with Quraysh, which was clear violation of Charter of Madinah but Prophet
(PBUH) digested it for the greater cause.
 Soon after the battle of Badr, Banu Qainuqa breached the covenant and launched a provocative campaign
against Muslims so aggressively. It is reported that an Ansari woman visited their market and some men
from Banu Qainuqa harassed her and tried to assault her sexually. Suddenly, a Muslim man approached
and a scuffle broke between them in which a Jew and that Muslim guy got killed. When Prophet (PBUH)
inquired about the incident, they threatened Muslims by saying:
 “Do not deceive yourself after victory over Quraysh; we will give you the taste of true war once you
face us on the battlefield.”
In response to this open declaration of war and breach of covenant, Prophet (PBUH) laid siege to forts of
Banu Quraizah in the month of Shawwal 2nd A.H. They surrendered after 15 days and were expelled from
Madinah to Syria; they were 700 people according to a tradition.
 Ka’ab bin Ashraf an influential Jew was the biggest enemy of Islam and Muslims. He went to Makkah and
mourned over the slain leaders of Quraysh and assured them that He will help them seek revenge. He was
a famous poet and used to propagate against Islam using the power of his poetry. Once He invited Prophet
(PBUH) to his fort and conspired to kill Him, fortunately his plan was foiled. In the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal
of 3rd A.H, he was assassinated by Muhammad bin Muslimah (RA) as the punishment of his never ending
list of heinous crimes.
 A clause in treaty of Madinah bounded all groups of Madinah to contribute in blood money if any
Madinian kills someone. Prophet (PBUH) paid a visit to Banu Nadhir’s society regarding the above
mentioned matter. Banu Nadhir were so wicked that they conspired to avail this opportunity to murder
Holy Prophet (PBUH) by throwing a large millstone on His head. Allah revealed their evil Plan to Prophet
(PBUH) and He reached back to Madinah safely. Chief of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubayy assured them his
support along with his 2 thousand men and Banu Quraizah, But he could not prevent them as they were
also expelled from Madinah after 2 weeks siege in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal 4th A.H. they settled in
Khyber and continued with their hostile behavior against Islam.
 Banu Nadhir launched a propaganda campaign against Muslims of Madinah and spread false stories about
Muslims’ cruelty and oppression against Jews of Madinah. Twenty chiefs of Banu Nadhir led by Hayy bin
Akhtab visited Makkah and other tribes to persuade them to attack Madinah. It was their efforts that
made invasion of Madinah by confederates possible.
 During the siege of Madinah by confederates in 5th A.H, Hayy bin Akhtab approached the only Jewish tribe
in Madinah and persuaded them to attack Muslims from behind and allow confederates to enter Madinah.
Banu Quraizah agreed to breach the charter of Madinah and attacked Muslims’ families in Madinah,
Prophet (PBUH) sent a contingent to hold them until He got free from confederates. Soon after the
intruders retreated, Prophet (PBUH) laid siege which lasted for a month, they surrendered on a condition
that their decision will be taken by their former ally, Saad bin Muaz. Saad gave verdict according to their
own book Torah and ordered to execute their fighting men and enslave women and children.
 In 7th A.H, Jews of Khyber manipulated a neutral tribe Ghatfan and planned to invade Madinah. In
response to their dangerous plan, Prophet (PBUH) invaded Khyber along with 1400 companions and
conquered the city after intense fighting. Jews pleaded to let them have Khyber, Prophet (PBUH) accepted
this on a condition that half produce of Khyber will be given to Madinah (as tax).
 Ina nutshell, Prophet (PBUH) tried His level best to allow Jews to live with peace and harmony and gave
them due respect, assured them religious, social and economic liberty but they breached the covenant
one by one and met their fate.

Q (b) Suggest reasons why his relations with the Jewish tribes changed. [4][J/2004]

 Prophet (PBUH) gave Jews of Madinah respect, dignity and equal rights. He established Charter of
Madinah and assured them Religious, Social and Economic Freedom.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) arrival in Madinah ended their Religious and Political superiority which ignited the fire of
jealousy in their hearts. Although, some of their rightful and renowned scholars met and embraced Islam
but their majority remained distanced from Islam.
 They established contacts with Quraysh and started plotting conspiracies against Muslims.
 Their renowned leader Ka’ab bin Ashraf went to Makkah after battle of Badr and ignited the fire of
revenge and assured his support to Quraysh.
 Banu Qainuqa harassed and assaulted a Muslim woman and later declared open war when asked for
compensation. Banu Nadhir plotted to murder Prophet (PBUH) while Banu Quraizah breached the
covenant by siding with confederated in battle of Trench. They attacked Muslims’ women and children
while they were busy defending trench.
 Even after getting expelled from Madinah, their hostile behavior did not change and they continued with
their treacherous approach and planned to invade Madinah with assistance of Banu Ghatfan. Fortunately,
they never succeeded in their evil plan. A woman from Khyber poisoned Holy Prophet (PBUH) and some of
his companions by feeding them poison stuffed sheep. Fortunately, Prophet (PBUH) did not eat any of it
but a companion died in this attempt.
Relations with Hypocrites
CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements
 Abdullah bin Ubayy’s desire to become chief of Madinah.
 Abdullah’s campaign against Muslims after Prophet (PBUH) took over as chief of Madinah.
 Contacts with Quraysh and Jews of Madinah.
 Their conspiracies during battles like Uhud, Trench, Bani Mustaliq and Tabuk.
 Incident of slander (ifk)
 Masjid e Dhirar.
 Aggressive policy against them.
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
(Intro) (Initial Years) (Final Years)
 Introduction.  Deserting Muslims in Battle of  Their campaign during expedition of
 Abdullah bin Ubayy’s Uhud. Tabuk.
unfulfilled mission to  Battle of Banu Mustaliq.  Demolition of Masjid e Dhirar.
become chief of Madinah.  Incident of Slander (ifk).  Funeral of Abdullah bin Ubayy.
 Regular group of  Battle of Trench.  Change of Policy against Hypocrites.
Hypocrites and their  List of Hypocrites and Huzaifa bin
coordination with Quraysh. Yamaan (RA).
 Abdullah’s attempts to
support Jewish
 Hypocrisy refers to the difference between beliefs and practices. Majority of Madinian belonging to Aus
and Khazraj embraced Islam but there was a small group of people who developed hostility and evil
intentions against Islam. They chose to show friendliness and support towards Islam but remain enemies
of Islam and Muslims at bottom of their hearts. This group remained so ungrateful and arrogant that they
never spared a chance to destabilize Islam and plot conspiracies against Muslims. Allah says about
 “Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day;" but they do not
(really) believe.” [02:08]
 Aus and Khazraj had been fighting with each other for ages and the main reason behind this useless war
was manipulation of Jews of Madinah. Battle of Buath crushed Aus and Khazraj boht and the have had
enough of bloodshed and life losses. They wanted to end this enmity by electing a common leader and
Abdullah bin Ubayy was the most favorable option for said designation, who was also supported by Banu
Qainuqa. But Prophet (PBUH) taking over Madinah as chief and undisputed leader, made Abdullah’s
efforts go in vain and he became a staunch enemy of Prophet (PBUH) and Islam.
 Abdullah bin Uayy started inviting different people with common grudge and evil intentions and
established a strong group of hypocrites with a single mission to destroy Islam. He established contacts
with Quraysh and assured them his unconditional support against Islam whenever they need his
 When Prophet (PBUH) decided to punish Banu Qainuqa for assaulting and harassing a Muslim women and
declaration of war against Islam, Abdullah requested Prophet (PBUH) to be lenient with them. When Banu
Nadhir locked themselves in their forts after plotting to kill Prophet (PBUH), Abdullah was the one who
assured them support of 2 thousand hypocrites of Madinah and Banu Quraizah. Quran discusses it:
 “Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers who have disbelieved
among the People of the Scripture, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not
obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you." But Allah testifies
that they are liars.” [59:11]
 In 3 A.H when Prophet (PBUH) left with a group of 1000 soldiers to face the mighty army of Quraysh
consisting 3 thousand soldiers, Abdullah bin Ubayy deserted Muslims and left with his 300 hypocrites. He
made some lame excuses that Prophet (PBUH) rejected his opinion about defense plan, therefore he has
full right to desert Muslims.
 In 5th A.H when Muslims were coming back after Battle of Banu Mustaliq, an exchange of harsh words took
place between an Emigrant and a Halper. They both called for help and mentioned their race and national
identity which led to a possible armed scuffle. Prophet (PBUH) reached the spot, calmed down both
groups and scolded them for igniting racial and national sentiments, He said:
 “Leave it (Racial and National pride) as this is a stinky thing”
Abdullah bin Ubayy who was accompanying Muslims in greed of booty, tried to take advantage of this
situation and manipulated Helpers (Ansar) by saying that you have let them rule you. Then he said loudly:
 “I swear to God! Honorable ones will expel the dishonorable”
Companions protested on this ruthless behavior of Abdullah, But Prophet (PBUH) did not take any
immediate action against him.
 While journeying back from the said battle, Ayesha (RA) went to attend the call of nature. She got late in
finding her lost necklace and when she reached the camp, Army had already marched and Safwan bin
Muattal (RA) brought her back to Prophet (PBUH). Abdullah bin Ubayy and other hypocrites made a fuss
over it and launched a propaganda campaign against Ayesha (RA) targeting her character and dignity.
Their campaign was so strong that even some companions also got convinced which caused immense pain
and discomfort to Holy Prophet (PBUH). But soon Allah revealed verses of Surah Noor and testified the
nobility of Ayesha’s (RA) character.
 In 5th A.H during battle of trench they again proved to be the enemies of Islam and Muslims. They
participated in digging f trench reluctantly and keep making lame excuses to flee from the battlefield. They
even tried to scare the people of Madinah from horrific invasion of Confederates and possible massacre of
Madinians once they enter the city.
 “Already Allah knows the hinderers among you and those [hypocrites] who say to their brothers,
"Come to us," and do not go to battle, except for a few.” [33:18]
According to some traditions they tried to establish contacts with confederates assuring them their
support once they enter Madinah.
 In 9th A.H Prophet (PBUH) got to know about a possible roman invasion so He started preparation to
march to Roman borders. Firstly, hypocrites refused to participate in this expedition physically or
financially. Secondly, they launched a campaign to jeopardize the Muslim preparations. They tried to scare
Muslims by picturing Byzantine army’s horrific image and by mentioning the difficulties of journey in that
hot weather that too in condition of semi-famine. Prophet (PBUH) did not respond to this aggressive and
ruthless behavior as He was busy with more important task but He decided to teach them a lesson as soon
as He comes back.
 Hypocrites had established a mosque in outskirts of Madinah and named it Masjid Al-Dhirar. They used it
as council room to plan conspiracies against Islam and Muslims.
 “And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief
and division among the believers…” [09:107]
They invited Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to offer prayer in their mosque, Allah hindered Him to do
 “Do not stand [for prayer] within it…” [09:108]
Upon coming back from Tabuk Prophet (PBUH) sent Malik bin Dakh’sham and Ma’an bin Adi to destroy
Masjid Al-Dhirar.
 Even after his dark past and heinous crimes against Islam, Muslims, Prophet (PBUH) and his family,
Prophet (PBUH) fulfilled the desire of Abdullah bin Ubayy’s son, Abdullah who had accepted Islam and
offered funeral prayer of Abdullah bin Ubayy. Even He gave his cloak to shroud Abdullah in it.
 Allah (SWT) ordered Prophet (PBUH) to change the policy against hypocrites and it was time to reply them
in their own language. Allah (SWT) stopped Prophet (PBUH) from attending funeral or praying for any
 “And do not pray [the funeral prayer, O Muhammad], over any of them who has died - ever - or stand
at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly
disobedient.” [09:84]
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) was given a list of hypocrites, so whenever a person would die after that, People
would wait for Holy Prophet (PBUH). His absence from funeral would mark him as a hypocrite. Before their
demise Prophet (PBUH) gave this list to a companion Huzaifah bin Yamaan, which is why he was given the
title of ‘Confidant of Holy Prophet’.
The Distinctive Qualities of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Q (a) Give examples from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) that reflect His attitude
towards the below mentioned:

 Wives [05]  Children [05]  Companions [05]

 Business Partners [05]  Slaves [05]  Poor/downtrodden [05]
 Enemies [05]   Animals [05]
[N/2001] [J/2003] [J/2004] [J/2006] [N/2009]
 Women in general and Wives in particular were treated as objects and they have no rights. There was no
limit of number of wives a man could have, even marrying two sisters at the same time was allowed. They
had no rights of inheritance and they were not allowed to demand their expenses from their husbands
even their dower (Mehar) was also paid to their fathers.
 Islam uplifted their position and declared them equal to husbands. Allah says:
 “They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them…” [02:187]

 “…And women shall have rights similar to what is expected of them, according to what is equitable…”
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) laid special emphasis on rights of women during the most important speech
of His life; the Farewell sermon. Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “Fear Allah concerning women! Verily you have taken them on the security of Allah…” [Muslim]
 Prophet (PBUH) did not only emphasize on rights of wives through His speech, But He set excellent
examples of good behavior with Mothers of Faithful. Prophet (PBUH) had 11 wives and 2 slaves, but none
of them ever complained about Prophet’s (PBUH) inappropriate behavior towards them.
 The words uttered by Hazrat Khadija (RA) when she consoled Prophet (PBUH) after first revelation reflect
the trust and affection of His wife which ultimately gives us hint about nobility of His character.
 “Allah will never disgrace you, You unite uterine relations; you bear the burden of weak; you help the
poor and the needy, you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness”
 In a narration recorded by Bukhari, Ayesha (RA) narrates that Holy Prophet (PBUH) took her to watch the
Abyssinians demonstrating their skills with spears. Prophet (PBUH) made me stand at the back of Him and
I kept enjoying the games for a long time. Though, Prophet (PBUH) was not so much interested in that
demonstration but He also kept watching until I had enough of it and we returned.
 After getting married with Safiya (RA) and having the marriage banquet, they left for Madinah. Prophet
(PBUH) spread His cloak on the back of camel as cushion for His newly wed wife and then He sat beside his
camel and put his knee for Safiya (RA) to put her foot on, in order to ride (on the camel).
 Prophet (PBUH) would even tackle light disputes of their wives with patience and love. Once He saw that
Safiya (RA) was disturbed, upon asking she told Him that Ayesha (RA) and Hafsa (RA) said that we are
better than you as we have double relations with Holy Prophet (PBUH) (referring to being from Quraysh),
Prophet (PBUH) consoled Safiya (RA) that you are daughter of Prophet Haroon, Niece of Prophet Musa and
Wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) no one can match your designation.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived up to His title ‘Blessing for the Worlds’ and loved all human beings
unconditionally. He would treat children with love, mercy and affection; He never scolded any children or
talked to them in harsh tone.
 Prophet (PBUH) had 7 children; 4 daughters and 3 sons, He loved them equally without any discrimination
between sons and daughters. All of His 3 sons died at infancy which grieved Him so much and He was
reported to be seemed so upset and depressed over death of His sons. He took special care of His
daughters, focused on their excellent upbringing, teaching morals and character building.
 Prophet (PBUH) was so close to His grandchildren and would play with them all the time. Sons of Hazrat
Fatima (RA) Hassan (RA) and Hussain (RA) would climb on His back during prostration and He would
prolong the prostration to not interrupt their enjoyment. Umamah (RA) daughter of Zainab (RA) was so
close to Holy Prophet (PBUH), Prophet (PBUH) would carry her while offering prayer because she would
not take break in her enjoyment even for prayer. Once Muslims secured a precious necklace in spoils of
war that belonged to wife of a tribal leader. Prophet (PBUH) announced that I would give this to whom I
love the most and called for Umamah (RA) and gifted it to her.
 Whenever Prophet (PBUH) would come back from journeys, children would gather around His ride and He
would lift up some of them on His ride. It is reported that Prophet (PBUH) would initiate saying Salam to
children in order to give them respect and teach them importance of Salam. Prophet (PBUH) would give
the best fruit from fresh harvest to youngest children.
 When Prophet (PBUH) entered Madinah after completing the migration, young girls from Ansar gathered
and sang welcome songs from Him, Prophet (PBUH) stopped and said:
 “O girls! Do you love me?” They all said “Yes!”
 “I also love you all” Prophet (PBUH) replied.
 Once Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) were passing by streets of Madinah greeting people on the day of
Eid, Abu Bakr (RA) tried to stop a group of young girls singing songs and making noise, Prophet (PBUH) said
to Abu Bakr (RA):
 “Let them do it, Its Eid today”
 Prophet (PBUH) would joke with children, once Prophet (PBUH) visited a young boy named Abu Umair
(RA), he was depressed upon death of his pet bird named ‘Nughair’. Prophet (PBUH) cheered him up by
asking a question in form of poetry:
 “O Abu Umair, What Happened to Nughair?”
Prophet would joke with daughter of Khalid bin Saeed (RA) who was born in Abyssinia, Prophet (PBUH)
often talk to her in Abyssinian language on a lighter and she seemed to enjoy it.
 And this overwhelming love was not bound to Muslims only; Prophet (PBUH) would treat all children the
same way. It was clear direction of Holy Prophet (PBUH) that no children should be harmed in any battle.
During a battle some children from enemy side got killed mistakenly by Muslims which infuriated Holy
Prophet (PBUH). Someone said they were just children of polytheists. Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “Children of polytheists are better than you. Beware! Never kill children, for no child is born but upon
Fitrah (Nature of Islam)”
 This was Prophet’s love, trust and confidence in His companions that earned them the title ‘Best of
People’. Allah also gave them a certificate:
 “Allah being pleased with them and they with Him. That is for whoever has feared his Lord.” [98:08]
Prophet (PBUH) needed to prepare a group of role models that was not possible without special attention,
training and respect.
 The most important thing that Prophet (PBUH) preached to His companions through His actions was
equality. Prophet (PBUH) never acted as a commanding leader who just orders and considers it done.
Prophet (PBUH) always led from the front on every occasion, Despite His life was in danger, He made sure
that all companions evacuate from Madinah, He migrated in the end. Prophet (PBUH) participated in
construction of mosque both Quba and Prophet’s (PBUH) mosque in Madinah, He carried bricks and other
construction material. He led from the front on every battlefield and never let companions feel that they
are fighting alone.
 Prophet (PBUH) put trust in His companions and always valued their suggestions and actions. He trusted
Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA) about Emigrants’ safety and Jafar (RA) fought their case in Negus’ courtroom and
destroyed false allegations of Quraysh, Prophet (PBUH) trusted Mus’ab bin Umair and Abdullah bin Umm-
e-Maktoom (RA) with a great task of accompanying Ansaar after first Pledge of Aqabah and instructed
them to spread Islam in Madinah, He trusted Ali (RA) with a great task of handing over of Quraysh
belongings before His migration to Madinah. Prophet (PBUH) Abu Bakr (RA) with His life during migration.
Whenever He would go for a journey or battle, He would appoint any companion as His vicegerent in
Madinah. This reflects that Prophet (PBUH) trusted His companions in matters of great importance and
this training prepared them to cope with upcoming challenges.
 Prophet (PBUH) always adopted the democratic approach and allowed every individual to share their
opinion, object on decisions and give feedback. Prophet (PBUH) asked for companions’ suggestions before
battle of Bard, about spoils of war, before battle of Uhud, battle of Trench, issue of wheel and on other
numerous occasions. Umar bin Khattab (RA) was so bold and aggressive about giving his input and it is
reported that His 16 or 17 advance suggestions were same as Allah’s instructions that revealed later.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) love and attachment with His companions was matchless. He decided to take revenge of
Uthman bin Affan when a rumor was spread about his murder and took pledge from Muslims which is
called the Pledge of Ridhwan. Prophet (PBUH) was so depressed over martyrdom of 70 companions in
battle of Uhud in particular and on demise of every companion in general. Prophet (PBUH) offered funeral
prayer of chief of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubayy and gave his cloak to shroud him in it just because his son
Abdullah (RA) who was a devoted companion asked to do it; this reflects His love and attachment to His
Business Partners
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) held extraordinary character and matchless morals even before being
bestowed with Prophethood. Makkans named Him Al-Sadiq (The Truthful) and Al-Amin (The Honest)
because of His excellent characteristics. Prophet (PBUH) started to get famous among Makkans when He
started working as shepherd; He worked hard with commitment, devotion and honesty that earned Him
Makkans’ respect.
 Later when He started to work as businessman, He broke all the stereotypes of dishonesty, fake promises
and deceit. Prophet (PBUH) travelled to Syria, Bahrain, Yemen and Busra and earned the reputation of
Most Honest and noble tradesman of Makkah. Khadija a rich woman of Makkah hired Him as trade
merchandise in charge and send Him to Syria along with her slave Myserah. Prophet (PBUH) earned her
loads of profit and met the expectations of Khadija. Her slave Myserah gave feedback about Him:
 “I have never met more honest person than Muhammad in my life”
Khadija (RA) was so impressed that she proposed to marry Him.
 Prophet (PBUH) always promoted honesty and leniency in business transactions through His words and
actions. He said:
 “May Allah show kindness to a man of gentle dealings when he sells, when he buys and when he
demands his money back”
He also stated:
 “The one who cheats is not among us”
 Once a Jew behaved very rough with Holy Prophet (PBUH) while demanding his money back, He tried to
choke Holy Prophet (PBUH) with his cloak. Companions rushed to defend Holy Prophet (PBUH) but he
stopped them from attacking him and ordered his money to be returned while saying:
 “Leave him alone, he was just asking for his money”
 Slavery was an old ritual of Arab and their social and personal lives depended upon slaves. That’s why
Allah (SWT) did not finish the concept of slavery with a single executive but trained the devotees to be
lenient and loving towards them and eventually finish this concept.
 Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “They (slaves) are your brothers, feed them what you eat yourself, clothe them what you wear
 Slaves felt disrespect whenever the word ‘slave’ is used for them. Prophet (PBUH) realized this and
instructed masters not to call them as ‘O my slave’ but rather they should call ‘O my children’.
 Prophet (PBUH) realized the pain and sufferings of slaves who accepted Islam and were target of
persecution and torture by their masters. Prophet (PBUH) instructed Abu Bakr (RA) to buy and free them
in order to ease their sufferings and upon His instructions Abu Bakr (RA) bought and freed numerous
 Prophet (PBUH) appointed Bilal Habashi who was a freed black slave as Moazzin (Summoner) at Mosque
of Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah, which was the 2nd Highest Designation in any mosque after imam (Prayer
 Prophet (PBUH) usually freed slaves but they would prefer to live with Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
because of his love and affection towards them. For instance Zaid bin Haritha (RA) was a freed slave of
Holy Prophet (PBUH), his father came to take him back knowing that he is free now as he belonged to a
noble tribe. Zaid (RA) refused to go with his father and preferred to stay with Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Prophet (PBUH) appointed him to lead a Muslim army once and gave him other important responsibilities.
He even loved Zaid’s (RA) son Usama bin Zaid (RA) so much that when Prophet (PBUH) entered Makkah at
the time of conquest, Usama (RA) accompanied Prophet (PBUH) on His ride. Prophet (PBUH) dispatched an
army to Roman border before His demise which included Umar and Abu Bakr (RA) as soldiers and the army
was led by Usama bin Zaid (RA).
 Once someone asked Prophet (PBUH) that how many times he should forgive slaves upon their mistakes?
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “70 times daily”
 One of the final instructions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) before His sad demise was:
 “Beware Allah in the matter of slaves”
 This was Prophet’s (PBUH) own actions, His training and all of the above orders of Allah (SWT) that slaves
who were treated like animals were now an equal part of society and people starting giving them equal
rights. The concept of slavery almost got vanished few decades after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) demise
during the era of rightly guided caliphs.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) always preached equality and demolished all the differences of poor and rich.
The first ones to accept Islam were poor and downtrodden people of society, Quraysh would mock their
attires and make fun of their miseries. Quran narrates this:
 “Is it these whom Allah has favored among us?” [06:53]
But Prophet (PBUH) would always take pride in those poor people who were the first torch bearers of
Islam and never allow anyone to disgrace or humiliate them.
 Prophet (PBUH) always instructed His companions and family members to be nice with poor and help
them according to their capacity. He once instructed Ayesha (RA):
 “O Ayesha! Never return any poor from your doorstep, (do help) be it with even a piece of date. O
Ayesha! Love poor and keep them close to yourself, Allah will keep you closer to Him.”
 Prophet (PBUH) gave glad tidings to poor and announced great rewards for them. It is narrated that once
Prophet (PBUH) entered Mosque of Prophet and saw a group of poor emigrants so He joined them and
gave them a glad tiding:
 “Poor Emigrants will enter paradise forty years before the rich”
The narrator Abdullah bin Amr (RA) says that I wish I was one of them.
 Prophet (PBUH) always treated poor equally and gave them proper respect and attention. Once there was
a poor old woman who lived in suburb of Madinah, during her final days Prophet (PBUH) expressed His will
to lead her funeral prayer. She died late at night while Prophet (PBUH) was sleeping, so companions did
not inform Him and buried her after offering funeral prayer without Prophet (PBUH). Next morning when
Prophet (PBUH) got to know about her demise, He got up and gathered companions at her grave and
offered funeral once again.
 Prophet (PBUH) always motivated to adopt orphans and take good care of them. He once said:
 "Anyone who treats well an orphan girl or boy under his care, he and I shall be like these two in
Paradise", Putting two of his finger together.” [Bukhari]
Prophet (PBUH) stated at some other point:
 "The best house among the Muslims is a house in which there is an orphan who is treated well. And
the worst house among the Muslims is a house in which there is an orphan who is treated badly."

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was ‘Mercy for the Worlds’ and He lived up to this title through His words
and actions. Prophet (PBUH) never considered anyone as His personal enemy and He never took revenge
from anyone just because of any personal grudge. His enemies humiliated Him, mocked Him, targeted His
daughters and wives, planned to assassinate Him several times and attempted to isolate Him but He
remained a symbol of forgiveness and mercy.
 Allah (SWT) also teaches this great lesson of not letting evil actions of others affect what we are and what
we believe. No matter how ignorant or wicked our opponents are, we should always be nice and just
towards them.
 “…and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to
righteousness…” [05:08]
 People of Ta’if did not only reject Prophet’s (PBUH) message but they humiliated Him, abused Him and
tortured inhumanly. But when Angel of mountains asked Him to crush them between mountains, He
turned down the offer of revenge and prayed for them by saying:
 “No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children who will worship Allah alone, and will worship none
beside Him”
In 8th A.H when Ta’if was besieged, a companion asked Holy Prophet (PBUH) to curse people of Ta’if as
Muslims suffered huge losses while fighting them at Hunain, Prophet (PBUH) refused to do so instead He
prayed for them and said:
 “O Allah! Guide Thaqif and bring them to us as Muslims”
 In lust of 100 camel bounty set by Quraysh upon arrest or murder of Holy Prophet (PBUH) a guy named
Saraqah bin Jah’sham pursued Holy Prophet (PBUH) and attempted to attack Him with his spear but his
horse sunk in sand and he pleaded forgiveness. Prophet (PBUH) did not only forgive him but gave him a
written protection letter.
 After sustaining serious injuries and losing his teeth in Quraysh’s attacks, Prophet (PBUH) prayed for them
while blood was flowing from His wounds:
 “O Allah! Forgive Quraysh, for they do not know”
 In 3rd A.H Quraysh sent Umair bin Wahab to Madinah and instructed him to assassinate Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Umair reached Madinah with a poisoned sword but somehow his cover was blown before he
could fulfil his evil desire. Prophet (PBUH) did not allow anyone to harm him and made him sit and speak
truth, after listening to his story Prophet (PBUH) decided not to take revenge from him. He got so inspired
and spellbound that He accepted Islam and became an enthusiastic preacher in Makkah.
 The greatest example of extraordinary treatment with enemies is conquest of Makkah when Prophet
(PBUH) could take revenge from Quraysh who tortured Him and his companions, who compelled Him to
migrate from a city where He spent 53 years of His life, who planned to assassinate Him several times,
who did not allow Muslims to live with peace in Madinah, who broke the peace treaty by slaughtering
allies of Muslims, He could take revenge from Wahshi who killed His uncle Hamza (RA) and Hinda who
mutilated His body. But He chose to forgive all of them.
 Prophet (PBUH) offered funeral prayer of chief of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubayy and gave his cloak to
shroud him in it. The guy was one of the greatest enemies of Islam and Muslims; he was the main master
mind behind the incident of slander when Ayesha (RA) was targeted by false propaganda of hypocrites,
but Prophet (PBUH) decided to be nice with Him.

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the title of ‘Mercy for Worlds’ and He lived up to this title through
His speech and actions. Animals being less expressive and not having communication skills like humans
were special recipient of His mercy. Prophet (PBUH) set great and special standards about treatment of
 First of all He abolished all cruel treatments and stupid rituals regarding animals. He stopped people from
cutting pieces of meat from living animals, cutting their tails and other organs, making animals fight, using
animals as target practice and giving them excessive workload.
 Prophet (PBUH) trained His companions to love animals and never ever harm them. Prophet (PBUH) would
rarely curse anyone but once He saw a donkey whose face was burned which infuriated Him and He said:
 “May Allah’s curse be upon who burned its face”
 Prophet (PBUH) narrates a story:
 “A woman was tormented because of a cat which she had confined until it died and she had to get into
Hell. She did not allow it either to eat or drink as it was confined, nor did she free it so that it might eat
the insects of the earth”
 Prophet (PBUH) was specially attracted to cats as He declared the food sampled by cats clean and Halal
and said:
 “It (cat) is one of those who go around amongst us”
Prophet (PBUH) reported to have a pet cat “Muezza” it is reported that once the call to prayers was heard,
Muezza was asleep on one of the sleeves of the Prophet’s (PBUH) robes. The Prophet (PBUH) wanted to
wear the robe to go to prayers. Rather than disturbing Muezza, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cut off the
sleeve of His robe to leave Muezza sleeping in peace.
Ayesha (RA) narrates that:
 “saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) performing ablution from the water left over by the cat”
 Once Prophet (PBUH) visited an orchard owned by a helper of Madinah where He saw a very weak and
ailing camel that came nearby Prophet (PBUH) and started screaming as it was complaining about his
master while crying. Prophet (PBUH) gave it some pats to comfort it and instructed its owner:
 “Fear Allah and never mistreat animals”
 Prophet (PBUH) trained Muslims not to kill animals for fun even He restricted useless animal killings during
wars. He demonstrated correct method of sacrificing animals for the sake of food but He instructed not to
give extra pain and suffering to animals while sacrificing them. His instruction included using sharp knives
and not slaughtering animals in front of other animals.

Relations with Non-Muslims

Q (a) Describe two events from the life of the Prophet that illustrate the
way he treated Non-Muslims. [10] [J/2006][N/2009]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Candidates can choose any 2 events from Prophet’s (PBUH) life.
 The event should be written followed by some reasons of Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct.
 Students can choose from a wide range of events, for instance:
 Prophet’s (PBUH) response to persecution during Makki life.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) response to ruthless behavior of people of Ta’if.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct with Jews of Madinah.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct at the conquest of Makkah.
 (Or any other)
Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 General response of Prophet  Incident No 1.  Incident No 2.
(PBUH) to aggression of

 General Response of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to aggression of enemies:
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the title of ‘Mercy for Worlds’ and He lived up to this title through
His speech and actions. His extraordinary behavior, love and mercy were not bound with Muslims, He
always preached to hate the sin not the sinners. He always tried to have constructive and healthy
relationship with Non-Muslims and never responded to their aggression and wicked behavior in same
manner. When Muslims were a minority and were persecuted, Prophet (PBUH) never allowed anyone to
retaliate and always tried to deal with mocking, opposition, torture, boycott and hate with ignoring, not
seeking revenge and invocations of guidance.
 Event 1 – Prophet’s (PBUH) response to Makkans’ persecution:
 Prophet (PBUH) used to be the dearest human being in Makkah before the announcement of His
Prophethood and Quraysh loved and respected Him to great extent. As soon as He announced His
Prophethood and denied their false gods and started preaching the true religion of Islam, they became His
worst enemies.
 They started with verbal abuses; Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle Abu Lahab was the one who misbehaved with
Prophet (PBUH) right after the declaration at Safa Mountain by saying: “May destruction be upon you, did
you gather us for this (nonsense)?” Prophet (PBUH) did not respond to this ruthless behavior and he
remained silent.
 The 2nd level of persecution was a shameful campaign of propaganda against Prophet (PBUH) in which
they would mock Him, call Him with bad names, label Quran as book of Magic and stories of ancient
people, they even called Him mentally unstable. Later when they found that Prophet (PBUH) affects
whoever He talks to, they started calling him a magician. Prophet (PBUH) dealt with all this non-sense and
shameful propaganda with patience and steadfastness and remained focus and committed to His mission.
 Quraysh started torturing Him physically, they would lay thorns and bushes on the way of Holy Prophet
(PBUH), some would throw garbage on Him, Uqba put a camel intestine on His neck while he was in
prostration, numerous times they hit Him, tried to choke him and even planned to assassinate Him, but
Prophet (PBUH) responded to all this with prayers of their guidance and forgiveness.
 They went on to another level of targeting His family, Abu Lahab ordered his sons to divorce Prophet’s
(PBUH) daughters, they boycotted Banu Hashim for 3 years, Habbar bin Aswad attacked Zainab (RA) in her
pregnancy which caused miscarriage. Prophet (PBUH) never held any grudges about all these incidents and
later on when He got chances to take revenge He never took it.
 Event 2 – Prophet’s (PBUH) response to ruthless behavior of People of Ta’if:
 in 10th Year of Prophethood/619 AD Prophet (PBUH) visited Ta’if and approached the three brothers Abd
Yalil, Mas’ud and Habib sons of Amr bin Umair Thaqfi, who were the leaders and most influential people of
valley. Contrary to Prophet’s (PBUH) expectations, their response was not much different from Quraysh.
Their replies were as follow:
 “He is tearing the cloths of Kaabah if Allah has sent you as a messenger”
 “Has not Allah found someone else to entrust him with His message?”
 “I swear by Allah that I will never speak to you…..”
Prophet (PBUH) did not respond to this ruthless and disgusting response to a simple and logical offer, He
just got out of their place and diverted His attention to ordinary people of Ta’if.
 But the response of ordinary people of Ta’if was not so different, during His 10 days stay at Ta’if He was
rejected, mocked, abused and tortured by the people of Ta’if. Bandits of Ta’if were instructed to hoot and
pelt stones on him. They kept beating him until Prophet’s (PBUH) shoes were filled by blood. Zaid (RA) also
took some serious hits and wounds while trying to protect Holy Prophet (PBUH). The ruthless crowd
chased Him out of city, as He tries to sit down due to weakness, they would immediately compel Him to
stand and continue the pelting. He sustained serious injuries; His blood flowed down His legs and filled His
shoes. Gabriel and the Angel of mountains came and asked to crush whole Ta’if between mountains.
Prophet (PBUH) turned down the offer and said:
 “No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children who will worship Allah alone”
 Later during siege of Ta’if in 8th A.H a companion asked Prophet (PBUH) to curse them because Muslims
lost precious lives while fighting them in Battle of Hunain, Autas and now in Siege of Ta’if. Prophet (PBUH)
refused to do so and said:
 “O Allah! Guide Thaqif and bring them to us as Muslims”
This is one of the greatest examples of dealing people from other faith with forgiveness, harmony and
 Event 3 – Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct with Jews of Madinah:
 Jews of Madinah were a strong part of status quo in Yathrib before Islam. Being rich bankers, they would
lent money to Aws & Khazraj and manipulate them against each other. Finally, when battle of Buath
crushed the power of both Aws and Khazraj and Jews became the biggest and most powerful stakeholder
of Yathrib.
 Prophet (PBUH) arrival in Yathrib, changing its name to ‘Madina-tun-Nabi’, uniting Aws and Khazraj with
additional power of Emigrants ended the superiority of Jews. Prophet (PBUH) realized through His
analytical skills that they can create problem for Muslims but Prophet (PBUH) decided to give them
respect, honor and equal rights. Prophet (PBUH) established The Charter of Madinah in which He ensured
them religious, economic and social freedom, equal rights and security. Prophet (PBUH) would meet them
with respect and tried to mingle with them, He would even stand up for their funerals passing by.
 Banu Qainuqa broke the treaty the very next year of its establishment and declared open war against
Muslims. They harassed and assaulted a Muslim woman which led to killing of a Jew and a Muslim, upon
asking for compensation and reaffirmation of treaty they threatened Muslims. Prophet (PBUH) did not go
to any extreme level, did not kill anyone, He just decided to expel them from Madinah. In 4 th A.H another
tribe Banu Nadhir plotted to murder Holy Prophet (PBUH) but Prophet did not take revenge by killing or
enslaving any of them, they were also expelled but their expulsion was so different because they were
allowed to take whatever they wanted and it is reported that they even took beams of ceilings with them.
 In 7th A.H after the conquest of Khyber, Jews requested to let them have Khyber in return of half
production, Prophet (PBUH) agreed on their terms despite the fact that city was conquered after days of
bloody fight and struggle.
 Prophet (PBUH) tried His level best to give Jews proper respect, freedom and space in Madinah, but
unfortunately they could not digest this mercy and broke the treaty one after another. But Prophet’s
(PBUH) response was so lenient and less aggressive as compared to their wrongdoings.
 Event 4 – Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct at the conquest of Makkah:
 Quraysh of Makkah had a long list of heinous crimes against Islam, Muslims and Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). Their 10 years long persecution timeline, 8 years long campaign of attacking Muslims in Madinah
almost every year, Breaching the treaty of Hudaibiah and slaughtering Banu Khuza’ah the ally of Muslims
and challenging Muslims to do whatever they can. Finally, Prophet (PBUH) decided to invade Madinah and
conquered the city without any unusual resistance.
 There gathered the group of criminals, Wahshi who killed Hamza (RA), Hinda who mutilated his body, Abu
Sufyan who led almost every battle against Muslims, Safwan bin Umayya and Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal two of
the biggest enemies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and others. There could have been a river of blood
and piles of dead bodies with a single blink of Prophet’s (PBUH) eye but He decided not to take revenge
and announced general pardon for Makkans by saying:
 “He who takes refuge in Abu Sufyan’s house is safe, whoever confines himself to his house, the
inmates therefore shall be in safety, and he who enters the sacred Mosque is also safe”
 Prophet (PBUH) addressed Quraysh and assured them of His merciful behavior and good treatment. Most
of the Quraysh pledged allegiance to Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There was an interesting
conversation between Prophet and Quraysh. At first Prophet (PBUH) asked:
 “O people of Quraysh! What treatment do you expect from me?”
They replied:
 “O noble brother and son of noble brother! We expect nothing but goodness from you”
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “I speak to you in the same words as Yusuf (RA) spoke unto His brothers, No reproach on you this day
[12:92] go your way, for you are freed ones”
 Through this matchless demonstration of mercy, forgiveness and self-control, Prophet (PBUH) once again
proved to be the best role model for humanity.

Q (b) How can these examples help Muslims today in their relationships with non-
Muslims? [4]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirement

 Candidates should show some reflection on the two situations they have described in part (a) and relate
them to their own personal relationships with non-Muslims, or the relationship of Muslims in general with
 They could talk about the moral significance of the prophet’s actions and this should be used to highlight
Muslim conduct today.
 A clear parallel should be drawn between the Prophet’s example and situations today, and specific
examples given.

 The way Holy Prophet (PBUH) considered Jews as equal citizen and stakeholder of Madinah and protected
their religious, social and political rights, inspires Muslims to do the same. Muslims should never persecute
minorities; they should take care of their rights and accept them as respected human beings and equal
citizen of their countries.
 The way Holy Prophet (PBUH) forgave all His enemies at the time of conquest of Makkah and did not take
revenge from worst of criminals, teach Muslims 2 very important lessons of life. Firstly, Muslims learn that
true meaning of courage and bravery is to forgive and taking revenge indicates weak and insecure
personality. Secondly, Muslims should always forgive their enemies in order to make them realize and
inspire from peaceful teachings of Islam.
Qualities/Model of Excellence
Q (a) Outline four of the Prophet's personal qualities that make him a model for Muslims to
follow. [N/2006]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirement

 Look for four of the Prophet's qualities that can be a model for Muslims.
 Do not go for qualities unique to the Prophet, e.g. that he is a blessing for humankind.
 Points to be covered:
 Identification of the quality.
 Examples of how it was shown in the Prophet's life.
 Possible supporting quotations from the Hadith, Qur'an and remarks of his Companions.
Answer Structure
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4
 Identification of quality.  Identification of quality.  Identification of quality.  Identification of quality.
 Example from  Example from  Example from Prophet’s  Example from Prophet’s
Prophet’s (PBUH) life. Prophet’s (PBUH) life. (PBUH) life. (PBUH) life.
 Supporting Quotations.  Supporting Quotations.  Supporting Quotations.  Supporting Quotations.
 Consistency and Commitment:
 Prophet’s (PBUH) personality was a shining combination of extraordinary qualities and great morals but
the most important quality that beautified other qualities and His character was His consistency and
 Prophet (PBUH) adopted some great habits and customized Hi personality on the basis of those great
habits. Once Prophet (PBUH) would start doing something then He would never abandon it and remain
committed to it no matter what circumstances and situation He would face. The term ‘Sunnah’ highlights
some of Prophet’s (PBUH) great qualities and actions that He adopted and remained committed to them
throughout His life.
 Prophet (PBUH) devised a time table for doing everything such as offering prayer, invocations, nap,
meetings, spending time with family, teaching and other state related matters. Hazrat Ayesha (RA) states:
 “Prophet (PBUH) would never leave late night Nafil prayer, He would offer while sitting if He was not
well” [Abu Dawood]
She also says that:
 “Whenever Prophet (PBUH) would do anything, He would do it constantly”
Statement of Prophet (PBUH) wife Ayesha (RA) defines His nature of being consistent and devoted to
 Prophet (PBUH) says:
 “The best of deeds are the regular ones” [Abu Dawood]
 Jarir bin Abdullah (RA) reports that Prophet (PBUH) had a habit of passing smile to everyone he met and
whenever I met Him He always met me with smiling face.
 Honesty and Truthfulness:
 All the people in Makkah appreciated and recognized his honesty and truthfulness and used to call him Al-
Sadiq, (The Truthful) and Al-Amin – (The trustworthy).
 Khadija (RA) the richest woman of Makkah hired Him when she got to know about His honesty and
truthfulness and sent Him to Syria as in charge of her trade merchandise. Her slave Myserah accompanied
him in the journey and his feedback about Prophet’s (PBUH) character, dignity and honesty inspired
Khadija so much that she proposed to marry Him.
 When Prophet (PBUH) sent a letter to Roman emperor Abu Sufyan was also present in the city. He was
called by the emperor to inquire about Prophet’s (PBUH) character and what he said about Prophet
(PBUH) was a huge evidence of Prophet’s nobility and excellence. He replied to every question and
testified that Muhammad (PBUH) is the most noble, truthful, honest and great man.
 When he started preaching Islam publicly for the first time and asked. “O Quraish! If I say that an army is
advancing on you from behind the mountain, would you believe me?” They all unanimously said: “Yes,
because we have never heard you tell a lie.”
 He practiced these qualities all through his life, no matter what the circumstances were and this was
acknowledged by all, even those who were hell-bent to eliminate him one-way or the other.
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannat. A man persists in
speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a truthful. Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to
the Fire (Hell), and a person persists on telling lies until he is enrolled as a liar.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)
 Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “Remember, there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy; there is no place for him in religion who
cares not for his pledged word or promise.”
 He also said:
 “He who cheats is not of us. Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell.”
 Hospitality:
 Among all other great qualities of Holy Prophet (PBUH) that can inspire Muslims to be better human
beings, His hospitality was also matchless and surprising sometimes.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) own houses were not big enough to accommodate number of guests so He would allow
them to stay in Mosque and He would take care of their comfort and food by Himself. Sometimes Prophet
(PBUH) would spend all resources in service of His guests that nothing would be left for His family and they
had to sleep without having anything to eat.
 A group of students called As’haab-e-Suffah who used to live in an empty plot beside Mosque of Prophet
(PBUH) had dedicated their lives to learn Islam and abandoned jobs/business. Prophet (PBUH) would take
special care of this group of students and instruct other companions to do so. Prophet (PBUH) would invite
10 companions from the said group at His place and provide them with food and drink. Abu Hurairah (RA)
narrates that once he was starving and could not even stand up because of malnourishment; Prophet
(PBUH) took me to His home and provided me with milk. Prophet (PBUH) had a bowl that needed 4 people
to carry it, Prophet (PBUH) would fill it food and invite companions of Suffah on feast.
 Miqdad (RA) narrates that Holy Prophet (PBUH) saw me and 2 other companions starving so He gave us
three goats so we can milk them and drink it.
 Prophet (PBUH) would serve people without any exception of Muslim or Non-Muslim. When delegates
from Abyssinia and Najran visited Madinah, Prophet (PBUH) accommodated them in Mosque and took
special care of their comfort and food etc. Once a non-believer became Prophet’s (PBUH) guest, Prophet
(PBUH) welcomed him and provided him with goat milk. He was so hungry that he kept asking for one
after another cup, Prophet (PBUH) did not say no and kept milking his goats. The guy drank milk of seven
goats and Prophet (PBUH) did not say a word.
 Redeeming promises and honoring covenants:
 Keeping words, protecting vows and honoring promises have great importance in Islam. Allah (SWT) says:
 “And fulfill the covenant, for the covenant shall be questioned about.” (17:34)
Prophet (PBUH) being the guide and role model for humanity, acted upon this and demonstrated
 When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wrote a letter to Heraclius, the Caesar of the Byzantine Empire, inviting
him to embrace Islam, the Roman Emperor checked up the credentials of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from
Abu Sufyan who happened to be in Palestine at the given point of time. What a tribute it is to the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) that even his worst enemy confirmed to Heraclius that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had
never broken his promise and that all over he was reputed to be a trustworthy and truthful person.
 It certainly speaks of the perfection of character when we visualize the Holy Prophet (PBUH) returning Abu
Jundal, a Muslim from Makkah, who escaped prison and managed to reach the place where the Treaty of
Hudaibiah was being written, to the enemies saying:
 “O Abu Jundal! Be patient, we cannot break the treaty. Allah will soon find a way for you.”
 The same he did when he did not allow Huzaifa bin Yaman (RA) and Abu Asl (RA) to participate in the
Battle of Badr because they had pledged to the Makkans that they would not fight on the side of the
Muslims while seeking release from them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “For everyone who breaks his covenant, there will be a flag on the Day of Judgment, and it will be said:
`This is (proof of) betrayal by so and so.” [Muslim]
He also said:
 “Allah Almighty said: “I will contend against three (types of) people on the Day of Judgment: A person
who has made a covenant in My Name and then has broken it……..” [Al-Bukhari]
 While talking about characteristics of hypocrites, Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “Whoever possesses these four characteristics is a hypocrite; and anyone who possesses one of them
in fact possesses a trait of hypocrisy until he gives it up: When he is entrusted (with something), he
proves dishonest…. When he makes a covenant, he breaks it….”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
 Forgiveness:
 Islam teaches it’s devotees to be forgiving and merciful towards Allah’s creation. Allah says:
 “Let them forgive and Passover (the offence). Do you not desire that Allah should forgive you?”
 “Repel evil with that which is best.”(23:96)
 A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge from anyone, so much so that
he forgave even his bitterest enemies. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the title of ‘Mercy for the
Worlds’ and Prophet (PBUH) lived up to this title throughout His life.
 When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was mocked, abused and tortured by the people of Ta’if, Gabriel and the
Angel of mountains visited Him and asked to crush whole Ta’if between mountains. Prophet (PBUH)
turned down the offer of revenge and said:
 “No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children who will worship Allah alone”
 In the Battle of Uhud, after sustaining serious injuries and losing his teeth in Quraysh’s attacks, some of His
Companions asked him to curse the enemies, but He said that He was not sent to curse but to invite
people to the path of Allah. He prayed for His enemies while blood was flowing from His wounds:
 “O Allah! Forgive Quraysh, for they do not know”
 When he conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to ruthless torture,
humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long years, he pardoned everyone by granting
general amnesty to all. There was an interesting conversation between Prophet and Quraysh. At first
Prophet (PBUH) asked:
 “O people of Quraysh! What treatment do you expect from me?”
They replied:
 “O noble brother and son of noble brother! We expect nothing but goodness from you”
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
 “I speak to you in the same words as Yusuf (RA) spoke unto His brothers, No reproach on you this day
[12:92] go your way, for you are freed ones”
Only a man of his sterling personality could have forgiven Wahshi, who killed Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of
Uhud or Hinda, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had torn out and chewed Hazrat Hamza’s liver.
 Whenever he dealt with any situation, he always kept in view the commands of Allah who says:
 “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish.” [7:199]

Q (b) Choosing two of these qualities, give one example in each case to show how
Muslims can put them into practice in their own lives. [04] [N/2006]

 Note: Candidates can choose any two qualities and talk about how Muslims can put them into action by
giving relative examples.
 Consistency and leading a disciplined life is very important and vital to be a successful personality.
Following the footsteps of Holy Prophet (PBUH), Muslims should also be productive, consistent and
committed to things that matter. The way people spend so much time using social media and other
gadgets and forget their responsibilities and duties is a huge social problem. Following Prophet’s (PBUH)
Sunnah and being productive and consistent can help cope with this social dilemma.
 People over all and youth in particular have become so restless, hyper and angry, which is leading to
another huge social illness. People can be seen fighting with each other over tiny things, cutting
relationships over tiny issues and even killing over nominal and pathetic matters. Prophet’s (PBUH) habit
of forgiving others’ offences and not seeking revenge can be very helpful for people to restore the peace
and solitude of society. Ignoring the opposition and remaining focused on mission, forgiving enemies and
not holding grudges are the some golden habits of Prophet (PBUH) that can be very practical and handy in
solving present issues.
Miracles/Distinctive Qualities
Q (a) Briefly describe four actions or qualities of Prophet (PBUH) that would make clear
to the people who lived with him that he was the Messenger of Allah. [10] [N/2008]

CAIE Marking Scheme Requirements

 Mention any four specific qualities of Holy Prophet (PBUH) that distinguished Him from ordinary people.
 So it’s not enough to say that ‘He was loving’ but candidates should show the quality of His love superior
to love of other ordinary people.
 Examples: His forgiveness demonstrated at conquest of Makkah, His periodic receiving of revelation and
His Night Journey.
 Candidates are supposed to identify, describe and present supporting quotations from Holy Quran and
Hadith in order to gain good marks.
 Seal of Prophethood:
 Among other signs that proved His Prophethood, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a seal of Prophethood.
It was an area of raised skin, the size of a pigeon’s egg, between the shoulders of the Prophet (PBUH) and
was surrounded by moles and on it were some hair.
 This feature of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was even mentioned in previous Holy Books as Bahira the
monk of Busra, recognized Prophet (PBUH) by looking at the Seal of Prophethood which was visible even
in early age of Prophet (PBUH).
 Salman (RA) the Persian who changed 3 religions and finally met Prophet (PBUH) on recommendation and
guidance of a priest in Ammuriyah, Syria. The priest had told him about 3 signs to recognize Prophet
(PBUH) as true Prophet, one of them was the seal of Prophet. Salman narrates:
 “I tried to look at Prophet’s (PBUH) back to spot the seal mentioned by my old mentor, upon noticing
that I was trying to spot it, Prophet (PBUH) let His cloak drop and I looked at the Seal and recognized it
and embraced Islam”
 Jabir bin Samurah (RA) narrates:
 “I saw the Seal by his shoulder, like a pigeon’s egg, resembling his body” i.e., its colour was like the rest
of his body.
 These incidents describe that Seal of Prophethood was a unique physical feature of Holy Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) that made clear to the people who lived with Him that He was the messenger of Allah.
 The Night Journey and Ascension (Israa and Mairaj):
 In 10th Year of Prophethood/620 AD, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was disturbed after back to back
disappointing incidents and deaths of His uncle Abu Talib and Wife Khadija. Quraysh were utilizing this
opportunity to mock Him and spread doubts about His apostleship. But Allah (SWT) blessed Him with The
Night Journey (Israa) and Mairaj (Ascension).
 Prophet (PBUH) rode on a mule sized animal called Burraaq and reached all the way to Masjid Al-Aqsa, led
all Prophets in prayer, met different Prophets on every heaven, visited Bait-ul-Mamoor (The Kaabah of
Angels) and reached Sidra-tul-Muntaha. Gabriel who had been accompanying Him till now asked Him to go
further alone. Prophet (PBUH) saw Paradise and Hell and Met Allah (SWT). He then descended back to
Makkah and when he entered his room his bed was still warm and the hasp was still moving.
 Allah narrates this event in Holy Quran:
 “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose
surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”
 Although, Quraysh mocked and rejected the story when He presented it in front of them but He left them
spellbound by narrating accurate detail of Jerusalem and predicting the arrival of a trade caravan which He
saw on the way.
 Later when He shared the details of incident and experiences and glimpses of paradise and hell, made
people believe that He was a true Prophet. Abu Bakr (RA) happened to believe in it in front whole wicked
squad of Quraysh which earned him the title of Al-Siddique (The Testifier of Truth).
 Revelations and Divine Guidance:
 Another clear and vital sign of Prophet’s (PBUH) apostleship was divine revelation and His constant
communication with Allah (SWT). From the day He received the first revelation in 610 AD, Allah (SWT) kept
guiding Him and communicating with Him for 23 years constantly. Allah would send Angel Gabriel in
Human form mostly and original form rarely or Allah would communicate with Prophet (PBUH) through
direct inspiration. Allah says:
 “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” [15:09]
 Firstly, this revelation became a clear sign for people to distinguish Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as
before the revelation He was an Ummi (not formally literate) and right after receiving the revelation
Prophet (PBUH) came up with a grammatical and literary miracle. The divine verses were exceptional and
the Arabic language and grammar used in it were extraordinary, which pretty much shocked some people.
According to the tradition of Arab, great speakers and poets used to hang their pieces of writing on walls
of Kaabah in order to challenge whole Arab to come up with a better one. Ali (RA) wrote Surah Al-Kauthar
– the shortest Surah of Holy Quran and hanged it on wall of Kaabah, as expected, it remained hung for
years and no one could come up with something better or even equal to it. This made a lot of people think
about Quran being a great miracle and Prophet (PBUH) as true apostle of Allah.
 Secondly, Revelation provided timely guidance according to different situations and issues faced by
Muslims. For instance, Issue of marrying the divorced wife of adopted son, issue of spoils of war after
Battle of Badr, issue of dry Ablution (Tayammum) when Ayesha (RA) lost her necklace, Allah (SWT)
immediately revealed the divine guidelines and solved potential crisis every time. This made people
believe that Prophet (PBUH) is definitely unique from others and guided by Allah (SWT).
 Thirdly, Revelation also provided information about events yet to happen. For instance, Roman victory
Persians when Quraysh made a bet with Abu Bakr (RA), Parchment of Boycott of Banu Hashim eaten by
termites, plan of Quraysh to assassinate Prophet (PBUH), glad tiding of victory in Badr and identification of
spots where Quraysh leadership got killed, Banu Nadhir’s plan to assassinate Him, a Jewish woman named
Zainab’s attempt to poison Him, Allah revealed about all these events before they happened. This became
a clear sign for people who lived with Him that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was unique and distinguished.
 The Greatest Human Being:
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a long list of miracles, He cured incurable diseases, He split moon just by
pointing at it, He collected some pebbles and pebbles kept reciting Kalmah and the list goes on. But the
greatest miracle of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was that He was the greatest and the most complete
Human being. He earned this title through His fascinating words, great character and morals and
matchless actions.
 An ordinary or even a great human being would even respond with aggression after being treated the way
people of Ta’if treated Prophet (PBUH). They mocked Him, Abused Him, pelted Him with stones that blood
flowing from His body and legs filled His shoes. But when Gabriel and the Angel of mountains visited Him
and asked to crush whole Ta’if between mountains. Prophet (PBUH) turned down the offer of revenge and
 “No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children who will worship Allah alone”
 When he conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to ruthless torture,
humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long years. Anyone could have ordered to
slaughter every living being in the city. He pardoned everyone, including Wahshi who killed His beloved
uncle, Hinda who mutilated his body and chewed his lever, son of His bitterest enemy Ikrimah bin Abu
Jahal, Abu Sufyan who always led wars against Muslims, people with only ambition of destroying Islam and
Muslims, He pardoned all of them. He said:
 “I speak to you in the same words as Yusuf (RA) spoke unto His brothers, No reproach on you this day
[12:92] go your way, for you are freed ones”
 These are few examples; Prophet’s (PBUH) life is filled with such examples that prove Him to be the
greatest Human being with matchless mercy, extraordinary temperament, magical personality, great
intellect and vision, excellent morals and beautiful soul. It is believed that this is Prophet’s (PBUH) greatest
miracle that made people love him, dedicate their lives for Him and believe in Him.

Q (b) Explain what Muslims mean by the title “Seal of the Prophets”. [04] [N/2008]

 This is a unique title given to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Allah (SWT) in Holy Quran.
 “Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last
of the prophets…” [33:40]
 This title means that chain of Prophets which was started from Adam (AS) comprising approximately 124
thousand Prophets has ended on Holy Prophet (PBUH) and there will be no Prophet after Him.
 The way a wax seal indicated the finishing of a letter and closes it, same way Prophet (PBUH) has closed
the chapter of Prophethood and there is no possibility of further Prophets.
 This also indicates that Prophet (PBUH) is a Prophet for all times and places unlike previous Prophets who
were designated to a specific area or nation. Prophet’s (PBUH) message is universal and His teachings will
last till the day of judgement.
Relations with other states
Q (a) Describe two events from Prophet’s (PBUH) life that illustrates His relations with
other states. [10]

Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 General introduction of Islamic  Example No 1.  Example No 2.
fundamentals about
maintaining relations with
other states.

 Islam is a code of conduct having a set of principles that are guidance for humanity till the day of
judgement. As Quran carries teachings regarding social, economic and psychological needs of humans, it
also sets some rules about maintaining relations with other states and powers. Prophet’s (PBUH) life is full
of lessons regarding every field of life including political doctrine. Prophet (PBUH) proved to be a great
statesman between the years 622 and 632 AD when He successfully established and maintained the state
of Madinah. Prophet (PBUH) faced different circumstances but remained committed to rules given by
Allah (SWT), some examples are mentioned below.
 Co-Existence and Peace:
 After being targeted to inhuman persecution and brutal torture of Quraysh for 13 long years, Prophet
(PBUH) and His companions migrated to Madinah and established a strong Islamic state with the help of
Ansaar. Finally, Muslims got their home, a safe heaven, a head quarter which can be used to strengthen
and spread Islam and a shield from their enemies.
 Madinah’s location was so important strategically and Prophet (PBUH) could have taken advantage of it.
Quraysh’s economy relied on their trade with Syria and their trading caravan had to pass by Madinah,
Prophet (PBUH) despite having strength and power, never initiated any aggression and never intercepted
or looted their caravan for a long period of time.
 Prophet (PBUH) adopted the policy of co-existence and gave Quraysh a chance to move forward and tried
to remain focused on the establishment of Islamic society and spreading the message of Islam. Quraysh
tried to sabotage peace by threatening Muslims and trying to manipulate Jews and hypocrites of Madinah.
Quraysh wrote a letter to Abdullah bin Ubayy:
 “You have given refuge to our (run-away) people, by God, you must murder them or exile them from
Madinah or else we will attack and kill you all…”
Prophet (PBUH) did not respond to this aggression, He just talked to Abdullah and tried to recall him the
treaty of Madinah. Later when Saad bin Muaz visited Makkah to perform pilgrimage, Abu Jahal tried to kill
him and threatened to stop people of Madinah from entering Kaabah, but Prophet (PBUH) ignored this as
well. Quraysh used their influence and manipulated the people of Bahrain, Yemen, Ta’if and others
whenever they visited Makkah for pilgrimage and made them enemies of Islam and Muslims. Prophet
(PBUH) and companions would stay awake all night and guard the city of Madinah because constant
threats from Quraysh but never responded to this aggression in the same manner. Prophet (PBUH) kept
bearing this hostility of Quraysh for a complete year just for the sake of peace and stability in the region.
 Resistance and Defensive Battles:
 When Quraysh realized that their yearlong campaign had no effect on Muslims, they changed their policy
and decided to vanish Islam and Muslims by engaging in Physical battles. They started attacking the
grazing area outside Madinah; they would kill the innocent unarmed shepherds and take away the
 Allah (SWT) permitted Muslims to respond to their aggression:
 “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged…”
Prophet (PBUH) launched a campaign of active resistance to counter the threat of Quraysh by intercepting
their caravans. Sometimes Prophet (PBUH) Himself led the campaigns or send platoons to fulfill the task,
most important ones were ‘Saif-ul-Bahr’ led by Hamza (RA) and another campaign led by Abdullah bin
Jahash. Prophet (PBUH) never ordered them to loot any trading caravan or kill anyone or even initiate the
battle, they were just ordered to make their presence and cast fear among trading caravans of Quraysh
which have negative impact on Quraysh’s economy.
 Makkans then became full aggressive and attacked Madinah thrice, Battle of Badr (2 nd A.H), Battle of Uhud
(3rd A.H) and in 5th A.H they invaded Madinah with the greatest army and besieged Madinah for weeks.
Prophet (PBUH) and His companions remained steadfast and fought gallantly and protected the state of
Madinah with Allah’s help.
 Establishing and Honoring Treaties:
 Prophet (PBUH) always made sure that if establishing treaty can prevent a major war and eradicate the
possibility of bloodshed, He would always go for it, even sometimes He had to accept unfavorable terms
but He accepted for the sake of peace and stability in regions and later honored those terms.
 A great example of this can be Treaty of Hudaibiah, when Prophet (PBUH) dreamt about entering Makkah
and performing Umrah, He left with 1400 devotees and reached Hudaibiah. Quraysh responded with their
trademark aggression and did not let Muslims enter Makkah which was their basic right. Prophet (PBUH)
send different people to negotiate and persuade Quraysh by making them understand that Muslims are
here only to perform Umrah. Prophet’s (PBUH) envoy Uthman bin Affan was arrested by Quraysh and a
rumor was spread that He was martyred by Quraysh; Prophet (PBUH) decided to avenge Uthman’s
martyrdom and took pledge from 1400 companions under a tree. Quran narrates it:
 “Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad],
under the tree…” [48:18]
Quraysh then agreed to ink a treaty but terms dictated by Quraysh were so unjust and illogical. Treaty
bounded Muslims to return to Madinah without performing Umrah, Treaty bounded Muslims to return
any Makkan who seeks refuge in Madinah but it allowed Makkans to give refuge to anyone from Madinah
who goes to Makkah. Prophet (PBUH) agreed to these terms just looking at the brighter side to prevent
bloodshed and have peace and stability for 10 years.
 Abu Jundal (RA) a Makkan Muslim managed to escape from Makkah and reached Muslims’ camp. Although
the treaty was not signed yet, Quraysh demanded return of Abu Jundal. Despite being very tough decision
Prophet (PBUH) ordered his return while he kept pleading. Prophet (PBUH) suggested him to have full faith
in Allah’s plan. Prophet (PBUH) could have taken advantage of the situation by claiming that treaty will be
effective after it is inked, but He honored His words and ordered return of Abu Jundal (RA).

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