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Video Script:

A trailer for a fictional film

A trailer for a horror movie with a monster going after the protagonist


Opening scene:
Screen fades from black as a creepy song plays in the background, the scene shows a
video of a basement door opening as it cuts to a black screen saying “Kacvinsky Studio
Presents”, with a low pitch voice reading it. then cuts to clips of pieces of a skeleton scattered
across a map as it cuts to a video of each piece. It then cuts to multiple short video shots of the
arm moving in stop motion through a series of black screens with shutter sound effects for each

Second Scene:
A news person gives an announcement about multiple claims of manikins and things
similar being lost or stolen, he says “Many people in carrboro have reported their manikins
going missing, we claim that this could be due to a thief but they claim otherwise.

Third scene:
It cuts back to the head of the skeleton peeking beyond a cliff, then its left arm, then its
second, Finally cutting to a shot of the three pieces being gone.

Fourth scene:
It cuts to someone being dragged across grass by an arm connected by tape with a jump
cut implemented.

Fifth scene:
It cuts to a boy being kidnapped in a basement with the door visibly open by the whole of
the skeleton in question, cutting from a shot facing the boy to a shot facing his opposite side
with the skeleton only appearing in some of the shots to give the skeleton a supernatural aura,
Then cutting to the door being slammed shut with cuts showing it from the inside then the

SIxth scene:
It shows a scene of two people talking on a couch to each other with cuts switching from
person A to person B everytime one of them speaks through two camera angles. The script
reads: Person A: “You know where that halloween decoration went?, I was planning on using it
for something but I couldn’t find it”, *Cuts to person B* Person B: “No yeah I checked where it
usually is but-” Person B is cut off by an audio clip of the boy leaving as a third camera angle
shows both of them leaving the house through a door to check on what’s going on. With some
jump cuts happening. It then cuts to an outside shot of the parents going to the basement also
with some jump cuts. But when they open the door, they see nothing shown by two shots
showing the basement from the outside and the inside.

Seventh scene:
It shows the skeleton walking up a driveway shown by stop motion from jump cuts. With
black screens replacing the jump cuts.

Eighth scene:
It shows someone getting pulled by the skeleton arm by their face.

Ninth and final scene:

It cuts to a drawn out black scene with the title of the movie showing with a low pitch
voice reading it and EMS sounds fading in and out.

Video script directions:

Scene 1:
A song audio clip fades in with the first video clip with audio of the door opening
separate from the video itself. It then fades to black with text fading in with it. It immediately cuts
to multiple scenes of random skeleton parts that are cut out by black in between with the script.
It fades to black again for the second scene.

Scene 2:
A video clip fades from black of an actor talking (probably me) talking with
headphones on that will be used for the audio of this clip in front of a wall that’s green screened
out and replaced with a background of a new broadcast room. It then cuts to black again for the
third scene.

Scene 3:
A video clip cuts from black made by a crew member (me) recording three videos
separated by black screens of the multiple limbs of the skeleton added in for each video clip. It
then fades to black again.

Scene 4:
A short video clip cuts from black and shows an actor being dragged (me) by a
crewmember (probably a family member) with their hand on mine and the skeleton's hand on
my wrist. It then immediately cuts back to black.

Scene 5:
It cuts back from black and shows an actor (me) in a basement by himself,
occasionally being replaced with a separate scene of the boy with the skeleton in the room.
There are audio clips of the actor screaming through the duct tape recorded by me separately
from the video clip. It then cuts back to the scene of the actor with a skeleton in the room with a
crewmember (a family member) shutting the basement door all the way with a cut to a separate
scene showing the outside of the basement with the door being slammed shut but with a crew
member (A family member) shutting it. The sound effect for the door being shut will be recorded
separately from the video clip. Before cutting to the sixth scene by cutting to black with an L cut.

Scene 6:
It cuts from black to two actors having a conversation on a couch (me and a
family member), constantly cutting to the one who is talking. It then switches to a scene with
recorded screaming audio and both actors exiting the couch and leaving the house with jump
cuts. After, It switches to a scene of the actors walking down to the garage with jump cuts before
a final jumpcut to the two actors opening the door and seeing nothing shown from two shots of
them opening the door from the inside and the outside.

Scene 7:
The skeleton is replaced by a crew member (me), many times along a driveway
in positions that give a stop motion effect. With small video clips of the skeleton separated by
black clips.

Scene 8:
A crewmember (a family member) drags an actor (me) along a floor with the
camera positioned above the actor with the actor holding the arm of the skeleton above their

Scene 9:
It cuts to a drawn out black scene with the title of the movie showing with a low
pitch voice reading it and an EMS audio clip fading in and out.

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