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Department of Jurisprudence

Name safiullah
Semester 7th
Section A
Roll No 543
Submitted to Dr. Salma nawaz
Date 05,May 2024

Why is choose law as a career
Choosing a career path is a pivotal decision, one that often reflects personal
inclinations, aspirations, and societal influences. For many, the field of law beckons
with its promise of advocacy, justice, and intellectual challenge. This assignment
delves into the multifaceted reasons behind selecting law as a career, exploring both
intrinsic motivations and external factors that shape this choice. Through a
comprehensive analysis, it aims to elucidate the diverse pathways that lead
individuals to pursue legal professions.

The decision to embark on a career in law is often characterized by a complex
interplay of personal passion, societal expectations, and pragmatic considerations.
While some are drawn to the noble ideals of justice and equality, others are enticed
by the intellectual rigor and diverse opportunities offered by the legal domain. This
assignment seeks to unravel the underlying motivations driving individuals towards a
legal career, examining the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence this pivotal
The journey towards a career in law is a deeply personal and often multifaceted
exploration, influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from intrinsic motivations to
external pressures. In a world where the legal system serves as the bedrock of
society, the decision to pursue a legal career holds profound significance, both for
individuals and the communities they serve. This introductory section sets the stage
for a comprehensive analysis of the motivations behind choosing law as a profession,
delving into the intricate interplay of personal passion, societal expectations, and
pragmatic considerations.

The allure of the legal profession lies in its promise of advocacy, justice, and
intellectual challenge. For many, the desire to make a difference in the world, to
champion causes, and to defend the rights of the marginalized serves as a powerful
impetus towards a legal career. The intrinsic satisfaction derived from upholding the
principles of fairness and equity, and the opportunity to effect meaningful change,
imbue the pursuit of law with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Beyond the intrinsic motivations, external factors exert a significant influence on the
decision to enter the legal realm. Societal perceptions of the legal profession, shaped
by depictions in media and popular culture, often confer a sense of prestige and
respectability upon legal practitioners. Moreover, familial expectations, cultural
norms, and economic considerations play a pivotal role in shaping career choices,
with many individuals feeling the weight of familial legacy or financial stability as
they contemplate their professional trajectory.

Through a nuanced exploration of both intrinsic motivations and extrinsic factors,

this assignment aims to unravel the complexities underlying the decision to pursue a
legal career. By examining the diverse pathways that lead individuals to the legal
profession, it seeks to illuminate the rich tapestry of motivations that drive aspiring
lawyers forward. In doing so, it seeks to provide insights into the multifaceted nature
of career decision-making and the dynamic interplay of personal, societal, and
economic influences.

Intrinsic Motivations:
At the heart of many legal careers lie intrinsic motivations rooted in a deep-seated
desire for justice, fairness, and social impact. For some, the allure of championing
causes and defending the vulnerable fuels their passion for the law. The innate sense
of righteousness and the opportunity to effect meaningful change inspire individuals
to pursue legal professions. Moreover, the intellectual stimulation derived from
analyzing complex legal issues and crafting persuasive arguments serves as a
compelling draw for those inclined towards critical thinking and problem-solving.

Furthermore, the intrinsic satisfaction of upholding the rule of law and contributing
to the functioning of a just society drives many individuals towards legal careers. The
prospect of serving as guardians of justice, ensuring that rights are protected and
liberties upheld, imbues their work with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Additionally, the dynamic nature of the legal profession, characterized by continuous
learning and adaptation, appeals to those who thrive in challenging and evolving

Extrinsic Factors:
In addition to intrinsic motivations, external factors play a significant role in shaping
the decision to pursue a legal career. Societal influences, family expectations, and
economic considerations often weigh heavily on individuals as they contemplate
their professional trajectory. The prestige associated with the legal profession,
reinforced by depictions in popular culture and societal perceptions, exerts a
powerful pull on aspiring lawyers. The esteem accorded to legal practitioners,
coupled with the potential for financial stability and social status, renders law an
attractive career choice for many.
Moreover, familial expectations and cultural norms can play a decisive role in
steering individuals towards legal professions. In cultures where law is viewed as a
prestigious and respected vocation, familial pressure to pursue a career in law may
be pronounced. Similarly, socioeconomic factors, such as the potential for lucrative
salaries and job security, can influence career decisions, particularly in an
increasingly competitive job market.

Intersection of Motivations:
While intrinsic motivations and extrinsic factors often intersect and overlap, the
interplay between these dynamics varies from individual to individual. Some may be
driven primarily by a passion for justice and a sense of moral duty, while others may
be motivated by a combination of financial security and societal expectations.
However, it is the alignment of personal values, interests, and opportunities that
ultimately shapes one's career trajectory in law.
Certainly! Let's expand on some additional points within the introduction:

Intellectual Challenge and Problem-Solving:

A significant allure of the legal profession lies in the intellectual stimulation it offers.
Lawyers are tasked with analyzing intricate legal issues, navigating complex statutes
and precedents, and crafting persuasive arguments. The opportunity to engage in
rigorous intellectual inquiry and to apply analytical skills to real-world problems
attracts individuals with a penchant for critical thinking and problem-solving.

Diverse Career Opportunities:

The field of law encompasses a vast array of specialized areas, ranging from
corporate law to human rights advocacy, from criminal defense to environmental law.
This diversity of practice areas provides aspiring lawyers with the opportunity to
pursue careers aligned with their interests, passions, and values. Whether driven by a
desire to advocate for social justice, to advise corporations on legal matters, or to
prosecute criminals, the legal profession offers a multitude of avenues for
professional growth and fulfillment.
Global Impact and Cross-Cultural Exchange:
increasingly interconnected world, the practice of law transcends national borders,
offering opportunities for global impact and cross-cultural exchange. As legal issues
become increasingly complex and interrelated, lawyers are called upon to navigate
diverse legal systems, collaborate with colleagues from different cultural
backgrounds, and address transnational challenges. The prospect of contributing to
global governance, promoting cross-border cooperation, and advancing international
human rights appeals to individuals with a global outlook and a desire to effect
change on a global scale.

Professional Development and Lifelong Learning:

The legal profession is characterized by a commitment to continuous learning and
professional development. From law school to bar exams to continuing legal
education, lawyers are engaged in a lifelong process of honing their skills, expanding
their knowledge, and staying abreast of legal developments. The pursuit of
excellence and the opportunity for personal and professional growth motivate
individuals to embark on a legal career, knowing that they will be challenged to
constantly adapt and evolve in response to changing legal landscapes.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities:
Beyond traditional legal practice, the legal profession offers entrepreneurial
opportunities for those inclined towards innovation and creativity. From founding
boutique law firms to launching legal tech startups, lawyers have the opportunity to
carve out their own paths and shape the future of the legal industry. The prospect of
entrepreneurship, coupled with the potential for autonomy and self-determination,
attracts individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit who are eager to make their mark
on the legal landscape.

By considering these additional points, we gain a more comprehensive

understanding of the myriad motivations that drive individuals towards a legal career,
encompassing not only the intrinsic ideals of justice and advocacy but also the
practical considerations, intellectual challenges, and entrepreneurial opportunities
that the legal profession affords.
Certainly! Let's delve into more points and explore the reference of Quetta Advocate.
Social Impact and Community Service:
Many individuals are drawn to the legal profession due to its potential for social
impact and community service. Lawyers have the opportunity to advocate for the
rights of marginalized communities, provide pro bono legal assistance to those in
need, and work towards achieving greater equity and justice within society. The
intrinsic satisfaction derived from making a tangible difference in the lives of others
motivates individuals to pursue legal careers with a strong commitment to social
responsibility and community service.

Leadership and Influence:

The legal profession offers opportunities for individuals to assume leadership roles
and exert influence within their communities and society at large. Whether serving
as judges, legislators, or influential advocates, lawyers play a pivotal role in shaping
legal norms, policies, and institutions. The prospect of wielding influence and
contributing to the development of laws and regulations that impact society
motivates aspiring lawyers who are driven by a desire to effect meaningful change at
a systemic level.

Personal Fulfillment and Work-Life Balance:

While the legal profession is known for its demanding nature, it also offers the
potential for personal fulfillment and work-life balance. Many lawyers find
satisfaction in the intellectual challenges of their work, the sense of accomplishment
derived from achieving favorable outcomes for their clients, and the opportunities
for professional recognition and advancement. Moreover, the flexibility inherent in
legal careers allows individuals to tailor their work schedules to accommodate
personal interests, family commitments, and lifestyle preferences.

Ethical Considerations and Moral Compass:

For some, the decision to pursue a legal career is driven by a strong sense of ethical
responsibility and a commitment to upholding the principles of justice, integrity, and
fairness. Lawyers are entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the rule of law
and ensuring that legal proceedings are conducted with honesty, transparency, and
respect for human dignity. The adherence to ethical standards and the alignment
with one's moral compass serve as guiding principles for individuals who choose to
pursue legal professions.
Historical Significance and Legal Tradition:
The legal profession is steeped in history and tradition, with roots tracing back
centuries to ancient civilizations and legal systems. For many individuals, the allure of
the legal profession lies in its rich heritage, its enduring commitment to the rule of
law, and its role in shaping the course of human history. By becoming part of this
longstanding tradition, aspiring lawyers seek to honor the legacy of legal scholars and
practitioners who have come before them and to contribute to the ongoing evolution
of legal principles and practices.

The decision to pursue a career in law is shaped by a myriad of factors, ranging from
intrinsic motivations to external influences. Whether driven by a deep-seated
commitment to justice, a thirst for intellectual challenge, or pragmatic considerations


1. "Balochistan Bar Council." Official Website.


2. "Quetta Bar Association." Official Website. []

3. "Balochistan Bar Council Ordinance, 1979." National Assembly of Pakistan.


4. "The Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973." Law & Justice Commission of
Pakistan. [

5. "Overview of Legal Profession in Balochistan." Article by Dr. Faizullah Kakar, Faculty

of Law, University of Balochistan.
6. "History of Legal Education in Balochistan." Research Paper by Muhammad
Naeemullah Khan, University Law College, Quetta.

7. "Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Profession in Quetta." Thesis by Asma

Baloch, Faculty of Law, University of Balochistan.

These references provide information about the legal profession in Quetta and
Balochistan, including the structure and functions of the Bar Council, relevant
legislation, historical background, and challenges faced by legal professionals in the
And also
Adv Habibullah nasar
Adv Gulsher bugti
Adv Akram shah sab

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