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Suspend Resume Fixed Line



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About This Document....................................................................................................................3

1.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Business Process.....................................................................................................................5
1.2.1 Process Diagram......................................................................................................................................................5
1.2.2 Business Process Mapping to Feature Component............................................................................................6

1.3 Feature Components................................................................................................................7

1.3.1 FC.SusResFixed.001 Customer authentication...................................................................................................7
1.3.2 FC.SusResFixed.002 Suspend/Resume Display................................................................................................8
1.3.3 FC.SusResFixed.003 Suspension/Resumption Reason Selection.................................................................8
1.3.4 FC. SusResFixed.004 Fee Calculation (Optional)..............................................................................................9
1.3.5 FC. SusResFixed.005 Order Creation..................................................................................................................9
1.3.6 FC. SusResFixed.006 Payment (Optional)..........................................................................................................9
1.3.7 FC.SusResFixed.007 Order Execution.................................................................................................................9
1.3.8 FC. SusResFixed.008 Subscriber Suspension/Resumption...........................................................................10
1.3.9 FC. SusResFixed.009 Notification.......................................................................................................................10
1.3.10 FC. SusResFixed.010 Order Close...................................................................................................................10

1.4 Impact on the System.............................................................................................................10

1.5 Application Limitations..........................................................................................................10
1.6 GUI Prototype...........................................................................................................................11
1.6.1 GUI Flow..................................................................................................................................................................11
1.6.2 GUI Description.......................................................................................................................................................11

1.7 Reference...................................................................................................................................13

Issue ()
Suspend and Resume Fixed Line Subscriber 0 About This Document

About This Document

Change History
Date Ver Description Author
2018-06-11 0.1 Initial Version Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
2018-06-27 0.9 Updated as per business Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
team comments
2018-07-10 0.91 Updated for ticket 1952. Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
1.3.2 – pending outstanding
check. It will be error
message, not warning. Same
as mobile phase
1.1 – Channel information
1.6.2 – Suspend reason list
updated as per ticket 2014
2018-07-15 0.92 1.3.5 – Business rule Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
mentioned fro Visa expiry as
per review ticket 2133
2018-08-01 0.93 1.3.2 – Pending conflict order Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
list removed and reference to
order operation FRS added-
ticket 2280
2018-08-05 0.94 1.1 – Enterprise services, Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
domain, hosting, etc.
1.6.2 – Operator suspend &
Resume list updated
2018-08-06 1.0 1.3.2.Acess Control corrected Ajit Kumar Pal (Huawei)
for ticket 2288 and Version
changed for sigh-off

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Suspend and Resume Fixed Line Subscriber 0 About This Document

Assumption ID Description
AS.001 The entire GUI mentioned under “GUI Prototype” section in this
document is only for reference.

Term Description
BES Business Enabling System
FRS Function Requirement Specification
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CBS Convergent Billing Solution
AGENT Customer Service Representative
BE Business Entity
NE Network Element
PC Product Catalog
CC Customer Care
PIC Person In Charge
ACK Acknowledgement Slip

1.1 Definition
Feature.FM.FMC. ChgFLStatus

Description This feature enables operators to suspend/resume a

broadband subscriber based on either customer’s request,
e.g. travel or by operator decision, e.g. fraud.

Scenario  A customer contacts the carrier and requests

 An operator handle Suspension/Resumption due to fraud
Channels Retail shop, Call Center and any other channel where agent
can login CRM to create order.
Initial Operator Customer or CSR
Other Operators Carrier operator

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Prerequisites  To suspend, the subscriber should be in Active/Suspend

status. To resume, the subscribe should be in Suspend
 The CSR has permission to suspend/resume subscriber
Post-conditions If the broadband subscriber is suspended broadband service
cannot be used by the customer. If the subscriber is resumed,
then broadband service will be available for use

1.2 Business Process

1.2.1 Process Diagram

1.2.2 Business Process Mapping to Feature Component

Process Flow
Actor (Lane
# Milestone Activity Steps FC ID
1 Request Service Customer
Identify Customer
Identify customer
2 Needs Agent
3 Customer Provide Customer Info Customer
4 Authentication Capture Customer Info Agent

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5 BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.001
Apply for
6 Agent
7 BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.002
Select Service Select
8 Suspend/Resume Agent
9 BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.003
Reason Selection
Fee calculation
10 BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.004
Calculation Business (Optional)
11 Fee Check Business Fee Agent
12 Confirm Business Fee Customer
13 Confirm Order Customer
14 Place Order Place Order Agent
15 Order Creation BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.005
16 Pay order Customer
17 Pay Order Pay order Agent
18 Payment (Optional) BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.006
19 Order Execution BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.007
20 Suspend Service Matrix/eMatri
Fulfill Order x
22 Suspension/Resumptio BES-CBS FC.SusResFixed.008
23 Notification BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.009
24 Receive Notification Customer
Close Order
25 Order close BES-CRM FC.SusResFixed.010
26 Confirm Order Close Agent

1.3 Feature Components

1.3.1 FC.SusResFixed.001 Customer authentication
Business Rules

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Suspension will be allowed even if customer is blacklisted

Resumption will not be allowed if customer is blacklisted.
Business Handling
After the customer authentication is passed, system will automatically open the page for
suspend/resume. Also, CRM provides separate button for suspend and resume from customer
360 degree page.
For details, Refer to << FRS - 360 Degree View for Fixed Line Customer>>
For Detail Refer to Customer Authentication of << FRS - 360 Degree View for Fixed Line

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1.3.2 FC.SusResFixed.002 Suspend/Resume Display

Business Rules
 Check subscriber status in following cases:
For Suspend business request, the subscriber status is Active, Suspended.
For Resume business request, the subscriber status is suspended.
 Subscriber does not have any pending orders that have conflict with the
Suspend/Resume business. This validation is to avoid data inconsistency.
Order statuses except Terminated, Cancelled and Completed statuses are considered
as pending order. Refer to Order Operation FRS for all the order status
Any pending orders conflict with suspend/resume need to be Completed, Cancelled or
Terminated to create a new suspend/resume order.
For list of conflicting pending order, refer to the excel sheet in Order Operation FRS.

 The CSR will receive a error prompt when submitting the request in either of the
following cases(same as mobile phase):
The default account of the subscriber has an outstanding fee.
Business Handling
CRM displays the GUI where Suspend/Resume business can be performed.
The reason code for suspend/resume service is displayed
Access Control:
Like mobile phase implementation, if a subscriber is suspended with reason “Illegal Bypass”,
then it can be resumed by the illegal bypass fighting team member only with same reason
only. If any other team member, CRM will show error message.

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Refer to 1.6.2 Suspend and Resume Page GUI.

1.3.3 FC.SusResFixed.003 Suspension/Resumption Reason

Business Rules
Following are business rules for fixed line broadband subscriber. The difference with mobile phase will
be analyzed if any impact on mobile phase, else keep mobile phase for fixed line quick win phase
Fixed Data phase Rules:

 Suspended subscriber by operator request can't suspension again with operation type customer
request - Not same as mobile phase
 Suspended subscriber by operator request can't resume by customer request - Same as mobile
 Suspended subscriber by customer request can initiate suspension by customer request (ex: for a
longer period) – Not supported in mobile phase to extend suspend duration. However, the
requirment can be met by not selecting resume date when suspend subscriber. So, subscriber
will be suspended for ever with applicable suspension rental and customer can resume anytime
 Suspended subscriber by customer request can initiate resume by customer request – Same as
mobile phase
If a subscriber is suspended by both operator and customer, then need to create 2 orders, one using
operator request and another using customer request to resume the subscriber
Business Handling
Following Operation types are provided,
 Customer Requests Resume
 Customer Request Suspend
 Operator Requests Resume
 Operator Requests Suspend
The list of reason for each of these operation types are provided in GUI table description. Also,
these will be part of CRD.

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Suspended fixed line subscriber can be suspended again for other suspend reasons.
Refer to section 1.6.2 Suspend and Resume Page for GUI.

1.3.4 FC. SusResFixed.004 Fee Calculation (Optional)

Business Rules:
Suspend order business fee is configurable and applicable for customer requested suspend
Business Fee is not applicable for operator request.
Business handling and GUI:
Refer to mobile phase implementation

1.3.5 FC. SusResFixed.005 Order Creation

Business Rules
For register customer, the subscriber does not have any pending orders that have conflict with
the business currently processed.
Unlike mobile phase, if the customer identity is Passport and Visa expiration date is reached,
CRM should not create order to suspend the broadband service.
Business Handling
When agent submits the request order, system automatically creates the order and the order
is pending for payment.

1.3.6 FC. SusResFixed.006 Payment (Optional)

This function is same as mobile phase implementation to accept order level payment as
applicable suspend/resume order.

1.3.7 FC.SusResFixed.007 Order Execution

Business Handling
System will execute the order after conditions ready such as payment completion.
CRM sends the order to legacy Matrix/eMatrx for fulfillment in Network elements as necessary
and synchronizes the information to CBS.
System supports to integrate with Matrix for suspend/resume.

1.3.8 FC. SusResFixed.008 Subscriber Suspension/Resumption

Business Handling
After the order is executed, CRM synchronizes the subscriber status and the reason info to
CBS, and accordingly, CBS will update the subscriber status internally.

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1.3.9 FC. SusResFixed.009 Notification

Business Rules
Notification templates should be pre-configured.
Business Handling
After the business order is processed, CRM will send the notification message to end user to
inform the user the business is completed. The notification template should include:
- Customer name
- Business name
- Business type
If customer specified automatic resume after a period, suspend order notification should include
this information about resume date.
Refer to << CRD>> for detail

1.3.10 FC. SusResFixed.010 Order Close

Business Handling
After the order is completed, CRM will internally archive all the order data.

1.4 Impact on the System


1.5 Application Limitations


1.6 GUI Prototype

1.6.1 GUI Flow

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1.6.2 GUI Description

Figure 1-1 Customer Authentication

Refer to the FRS –360-Degree View for Fixed Line Customer

Figure 1-2 Suspend and Resume page

Table 1-1 Elements on the Suspend and Resume page

Eleme Type Description Validation Action Action Remarks
nt Rule Descri
Operat Drop Drop-down list box for
ion - selecting the suspension or
Type down resumption type. Values for
list Suspend are,
box Customer Request Suspend
Operator Request Suspend
Values for Resume are,
Custmer Request Resume
Operator Request Resume
Suspe Drop Drop-down list box for
nsion/ - selecting the suspension or
Resum down resumption reason. It’s
ption list configurable, refer to CRD for
Reaso box the list of values: Below are
n examples:
For Customer Requested
Suspend, the values are



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Eleme Type Description Validation Action Action Remarks

nt Rule Descri

For Operator Requested
Suspend the values are,


Illegal Use

Under Investigation

Automatic Dunning-Non

Manual Dunning-Non

Black Listed Mobile

Black Listed Data

Black Listed Voice

For customer requested
resume, values are,

Customer Request

For operator requested
resume, values are,


Non-Illegal Use

Under Investigation

Automatic Dunning / Non

Manual Dunning / Non

Removal-Black Listed

Removal-Black Listed Data

Removal-Black Listed Voice

Resum Radi Choose when the service Optional
e o should be resumed. Only for
Operat butto  In days customer
ion n request
 Resume Date:
Remar Text Text box for entering the Optional
ks box suspension or resumption Length: 256
reason or any other content characters
that must be detailed.

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1.7 Reference

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