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Compiled by Ayesha Younas

iii. Western Hold of Technology spreading its views faster and creating its
own opinion e.g. Issue of purdah; West interprets this as discrimination
against women.
5) Conclusion
i. The West has generally maintained a conspiracy of silence regarding
its medieval rejuvenation through Islamicization
ii. consequences of the denial; denigration of Islam in the eyes of Muslims
and non-Muslims; the identification of Islam and its culture with
ignorance and backwardness and of “modernity” and progress with
Western civilization

Topic 18: The Role of Islam in the Modern World

1) Introduction
a. Completion of Lord’s favor upon mankind; This day have I perfected
your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and
have chosen for you Islam as religion (5:4)
b. Islam encompasses not only belief but behavior as well; The most
perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are
those who are best to their wives. [Ibn-Hanbal, No. 7396]
2) Islam is a practical system of life
3) Islam effects a perfect balance between all areas of life and activity
a. Requirements of Body and Soul
b. Reason and Spirit
c. Individual and Community; “Is the reward for good [anything] but
good?” (Ar-Rahman 55: 60)
4) Independent existence of its own
a. As a social Philosophy as well as an economic System
b. May resemble capitalism or socialism, retains good characteristics of
them and free from their shortcomings
5) Balance between Capitalism and Socialism
a. Islam harmonizes the individual and the state
6) Salient features of Islamic Code of Life
a. Comprehensive laws and principles including whole of human
7) Existing state of affairs in contemporary world in shambles
a. Racial prejudices
b. Evils of Imperialism and tyranny
c. Evil Capitalist economy; gap between rich and poor
8) Definite Purpose stated in Islam
a. Not only a divine purpose to serve but shaped into perfect form; …
Who has created life and death so that He may try you which
of you are best in deeds… The Holy Quran 67:2
9) No Body-Soul conflict
a. Piety is not suppressing physical demands but fulfilling them in
acceptable ways so as to make life full and righteous.

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

10) Islam goes the middle way; The Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) said: "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. .
.Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will
reach your target (of paradise)." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8,
Hadith 470
11) Spiritualization of all the sectors of human life; “Wealth and children
are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds
are better to your Lord for rewards and better for [one’s] hope.” (Al-
Kahf 18:46)
12) Islam not opposed to science
a. Greatest respect for learning
b. Muslims humanized science and the spirit of God was breathed into it.
c. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Envy is permitted only in two cases: A
man whom Allah gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully,
and a man to whom Allah gives knowledge which he applies
and teaches it." [Al- Bukhari and Muslim].
13) Islamic political System
a. Different from theocracy and Western Democracy; State in islam is not
a hateful organization but a definite human organization.
b. Islam is a single reality which loses force and beauty if divided.
14) The role of observation and reasoning through history
a. Understanding of outward events is not the only thing required but the
study of the inner actors is also necessary to understand their aims
and objectives.
b. Holy Quran treats the events of the past not only to revive them but
make them meaningful for us
c. Explanation of behavior of hypocrites and jews at the change of qiblah;
The fools (pagans, hypocrites, and Jews) among the people will
say, “what has turned them (Muslims) from their Qiblah to
which they were used to face in prayer” Say, (O Muhammad
SAWW) “To Allah belong both, east and the west. He guides
whom He wills to a straight way.” 2:142
15) Conclusion

Topic 19: Muslim World and the Contemporary Challenges

1) Introduction
a. Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he
has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it
shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. (5:32)
2) Contemporary Challenges
a. Tarnishing of Muslim Image; Confound not truth with falsehood,
nor knowingly conceal the truth. Qur’an 2:42
b. Economic and Humanitarian Disasters

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

c. Linking Islam with Terrorism; Let there be no compulsion (or

coercion) in the religion (Islam). The right direction is distinctly
clear from error. (2:256)
d. Lack of Unity; “We made you to be a community of the middle
way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear
witness to the truth before all mankind.” (Qur’an, 2:143)
e. Improper Utilization of Resources
f. High Illiteracy Rates
g. Weak Democracies
h. Muslim Youth vulnerable to Extremist Ideas: Downfall is certain for
every form of extremism [Musnad Ahmed]
i. Little Influence in World Affairs
3) Restoration of Muslim Image
a. Lack of Peace and Stability; A perfect Muslim is one from whose
tongue and hands mankind is safe, and a true emigrant
[muhajir] is one who flees from what God has forbidden.
b. Protection of Ethnic Minorities; Truly God instructs me to be
humble and lowly and not proud and no one should oppress
c. Poverty Eradication
d. Investment in Human Resource Development; Truly, God is mild, and
is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what he does not
give to the harsh.
e. Encouraging Women in Nation-building
f. Avoid Dependency on outside powers
g. Increase interest in Scientific Knowledge
h. Strengthening the bridges of Cooperation with the West on equality
i. Increase Mutual Cooperation; “Do not be people without minds of
your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat
them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to
them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do
good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil.” (Al- Tirmidhi)
4) Conclusion

Topic 20: Rise of Extremism

1) Introduction
a. Islam is a religion of moderation. It opposes every form of Extremism.
b. ‘Thus, have We made of you an ummat justly balanced, that
you might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a
witness over yourselves’ (2:143)
c. O people! Save yourselves from excess in religion, because
earlier communities were destroyed […] due to excess in
religion’ [Ibn Majah]

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

d. ‘Adopt the path of moderation [and] you will reach your

e. Extremism may take different forms, but all of them entail crossing or
trespassing the acceptable boundaries, irrespective of whether this is
in matters of religion or in any other affair.
f. Closely linked with ones social and personal conditions and contexts of
those who articulate or uphold such understandings of their faith:
‘Your body also has rights over you. Your Lord also has rights
over you. Your guest also has rights over you. Your wife and
children also have rights over you. That is why you should
fulfill the rights of the Lord of the rights’ [Sahih Bukhari]
2) Basic Factors for Extremism in Matters of Religion
a. Exaggeration Egoism: literal interpretation of religious sources in order
to serve personal agendas to defame other sects for instance.
b. Minor Details As Foundational Pillars: narrow minded approach,
increased radicalism and intolerance
c. Ignoring the Spirit of Islam: neglecting higher aims of the Shariah;
Islam is an Easy religion [al-dino yusrun] ‘On no soul does
Allah place a burden greater than it can bear’(2:286)
d. Neglecting Principle of Gradualism: lead to deviation in numerous
Islamic missionary and revivalist movements such as the Taliban in
3) A Classical Example of Extremism in Religion: The Khawarij and Other Such
a. Political tendencies in which Islam was used as means to justify their
ideology and actions, in order to seek legitimacy for a range of social
b. Khawarij( Kharajites), the Mutzalities, the Qadriya etc., were extreme
and imbalanced in terms of ideology and interpretation of Islamic
c. The Khawarijs seem to be very pious but their ideological deviation
was an extreme i.e. they considered almost all other muslims as Kafirs
and even apostates, whose blood, they believed, to be shed.
d. Faulty method of reasoning.
4) A Contemporary Example of Extremism in Religion: Al-Qaida and Similar
Groups (ISIS)
a. The new ones and the previous groups share common ideological bent
and even methods of operation.
b. A literalist and narrow perception of the following verse; ‘If any do
fail to judge by (the Light of) what Allah has revealed, they are
(no better than) Unbelievers” (5:44)
c. Declaration of proponents of democracy as kafirs; Syed Qutb’s claim
that Muslims who supported democracy believed that God’s laws were
subordinate to those of their own countries. (Crazy man)
d. Sectarianism abounds unchallenged; each group branding other group
as irreligious, deviant or even as infidels.

Compiled by Ayesha Younas

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