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Diet plan

Early morning (5:30am)

•250-300ml glass of normal water with 3tspns honey & 3 dates

Breakfast (8:00am)
-Option-1 :
•5 boiled white eggs + 30gm sprouts + Smoothie [ Milk 1/2 cup(150ml) , 1 banana , 5gm
almonds , 5gm cashews , 5gm walnuts, 5gm figs, 5gm raisins ]

-Options-2 :
•3 eggs omelette + 2 slices of brown breads + 30gm sprouts + Smoothie [ Milk 1/2 cup(150ml) ,
1 banana , 5gm almonds , 5gm cashews , 5gm walnuts, 5gm figs, 5gm raisins ]

Mid-day (12:00pm)
-Optional : (Anyone each day )
•300ml orange juice + 30gm protein bar
•300ml pineapple juice + 20gm protein bar

•300gm chicken + 250gm white rice + salad [Cucumber , capsicum, carrot, onion] + 50gm curd

•300gm fish + 250gm white rice + salad [Cucumber , capsicum, carrot, onion] + 50gm curd

•250gm Red meat + 300gm white rice + salad [Cucumber , capsicum, carrot, onion] + 50gm

Snacks (4:00pm)
•200ml Avocado juice
•50gm Yogurt + 50gm sweet corn + 50gm basil seeds (soaked)
•300ml beetroot juice
•70% dark chocolate {1-2 bites}
•500gm watermelon
•300ml buttermilk

Pre-workout (5:00pm)
•Black coffee with An apple

Vit-C +zinc
Post-workout (7:00pm)
Protein shake

Dinner (8:30pm)
•Chicken Salad [ 200gm chicken, 10gm carrots, 10gm beetroot, 10gm capsicum, 10gm
cabbage, 10gm peas, 10gm onions, 10gm cucumber, 10gm broccoli, 3-4 olives + salt + black
pepper] + 2 slices of brown breads

•100gm Red meat with 30gm wheat paratha (added desi ghee) + 10gm vegetable soup

•100gm paneer curry [Added 10gm tomatoes, 5gm onions, 10gm peas ] + 1 Jawar roti of 30gm +
10gm veg soup

Important note :
•Minimum water 4 litres per day
•6-7 hours sleep
•Prepare your own fresh fruit juice at home

Uses :
•Use limited salt in your food
•Use olive oil / extra virgin coconut oil
•Use black pepper for better results

•Avoid sugar
•Avoid Maida, pasta, Maggi, Noddles, burgers, Pizza, Cheese or any bakery items •Avoid Junk
Food, Street Foods, Spicy Foods, Oily Foods & Left over food
•Avoid soft , cold or any packs drinks.

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