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Subscription Form “Internet Version”

Purchase Order N°
Issued on
1. Customer Information
• Company’s name
• Contact person

Vous êtes une Entreprise You are an individual/

• Trade Register craftsman/woman
• Tax ID • Identity/
• Tax Item Craftsman Card N°

• Taxation address
• City Country
g ie
• Username Email address
e r
• Contact Email address Site web
• Phone number Fax number mobile
Tout changement intervenant dans les indications ci-dessus doit être signalé.
u r
2. Subscription : c te
• Foreign company or enterprise with representation in Algeria or a liaison office and owning CEDAC

d u
(foreign account in convertible Dinar)/ INR (international account for nonresident).

e s
• Algerian company or enterprise.
• Foreign company or enterprise (payment in Euro).
'o f
s d
2.1 Current year Formula+ 2 years of archive
e l
(12 months) 29.750.00 DZD Tax Included/ 600 €

s a
Semi-annual (6 months) 14.875.00 DZD Tax Included/ 300 €
Mailing * : French English

t i n
l le
* Mailing is free
B u The subscription beginning date

2.2 Archive Formula (2005 in current year-3)

Quarterly fee/ Year: 5.950.00 DZD Tax Included/ 50€
Year(s) to consult

Archive subscription beginning date

+213 23 31 86 12/13/14 abo@baosem.com Sarl BAOSEM, 125 Bois des cars III
+213 667 17 99 47 www.baosem.com Dély Brahim - Algiers
+213 660 77 21 35
3. Method of payment
Algerian company or enterprise Foreign company or enterprise
Check payable to Sarl BAOSEM SWIFT OUR Option : BEA Chéraga Ville Agency
Transfer to DZD account: BEA Chéraga Ville Agency SWIFT B E X A D Z A L 0 0 4
Bank ID: 002 00004 040 046 0086/44

4. File to provide NB: All fees related to the commissions of charges

• A copy of the trade register and tax identification card of a conversion in currency, (transfer or swift)
for the companies, and a copy of identity card or craftsman card are at the exclusive charge of the customer.
for individuals or craftsmen;
• The present form filled in, signed and stamped;
• The payment voucher (check or bank transfer).
The password shall be sent to you as soon as your complete file is received and checked

�ctivity �eld
Mailin� �lert
�accordin� to
N° Headings (03 choices
yo�r trade
01 �nstallations and e�uipment for petrochemical and gas industry and related services

02 �nstallations and e�uipment for electrical and electronic production and related services
03 �ines and �uarries
r g
04 �e� and rene�a�le energies
n e
05 �ndustrial safety
06 �cientific and la�oratory e�uipment
07 ��uipment for road and maritime transport and handling
08 Aviation
te u
09 Telecommunications and ���T
10 �u�lic �or� and e�uipment
11 �uilding, civil engineering all trades
d u
e s
��uipment and installation for �uids storage and transfer and related services
13 Asset management and maintenance
f fr
14 �ompanies� services and consulting
15 �nsurances and financial services
s d
16 ��uipment for catering, hotels and communities
e l
�lectronic, computing, o�ce and multimedia e�uipment
18 �urnishing and o�ce furniture
s a
19 �nvironment and green area
20 �uman health
21 �ood industry
t i
l le
�ndustrial consuma�le, spare parts and small e�uipment
B u
��ce, computing and multimedia consuma�le
24 �otel and catering services
25 �port, leisure and social services
26 �ompany communication
27 ��uipment maintenance
28 �u��contracting
29 �lothing and textiles
30 Active termination and privati�ation ����
31 Auction sale
32 �ther

+213 23 31 86 12/13/14 abo@baosem.com Sarl BAOSEM, 125 Bois des cars III
+213 667 17 99 47 www.baosem.com Dély Brahim - Algiers
+213 660 77 21 35

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