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Jméno / Name : Kurea Kibou (くれあ きぼう)

Věk / Age: 17-19 (unspecified for reasons)
Státní příslušnost / Nationality : Japanese
Origin : The character is my role in drama club audition
Činnost / Occupation : Military Sergant
Čas existence / Existation Time : Present time
Narozeniny / Birthday : June 12th
Popis / description :

Vzhled / Looks : Short tousled brown hair, one eye green, the other blue, a more
pronounced scar-shaped scar starting at the base of the nose and then spreading to the
sides to the beginning of the face, freckled cheeks, chain with identification tag on the neck,
larger khaki green shirt, beige vest with several sleeveless pockets, black military leggings
with camouflage sleeves, brown-black sandals.

Vlastnosti / Personality : The name Kure means liveliness, color, determination. Kurea is
determined, fearless, with a mite allergy and claustrophobia, which does nothing to help him
as a military officer. Otherwise lively, carefree, a bit loner,, but always willing to help.
Backstory :

Kurea Kibou was born into a family of a belt worker and a supermarket saleswoman. His
childhood was not happy. Two years after his birth, his parents divorced, his father started
drinking, and little Kurey's life went downhill. Kurea's mother did not go home from work at
all, she had to take overtime and sometimes slept at work. Kurea never found many friends,
his classmates ignored him and he was happy with that. He was always more secluded and
his activity was drawing. He drew cars, tanks, soldiers and sometimes world apocalypses.
Later War plans and proposals to save the world. When he was eleven, his mother found a
new boyfriend. The mother's friend was well funded and the mother and son moved into their
house in a "better part of town". A new life began for Kureu. The new father paid full
attention to him and adopted him as his son. He also bought him a lot of tanks and military
equipment in general. Also a large flipchart that occupied a quarter of the room. Mom began
to smile again. With the help of her friend, she got a new job in his company. Kurea was
lucky. Unfortunately, this happiness was supposed to last only 3 years. One day the parents
packed up and went to a company meeting. A carefree evening began for Kureu. He invited
two friends and planned an overnight stay. The parents were not to return until two days
later. After watching about 5 films, the boys fell asleep. In the morning, however, they were
not woken by the mothers of friends picking up their children, but by two police officers. The
bus heading for the company meeting crashed. On the way, the driver fell into a microsleep
and the bus crashed into a flood barrier standing by the road. None of the passengers
survived the accident. Kurea had since lived with his stepfather's relatives, who had inherited
the entire property, including the house, as the sole heirs. However, these relatives were not
interested in Kure, so the only starting solution was an orphanage. He didn't want Kure to do
that, so he ran away from home. He hid in the woods for another two months. He dug up his
makeshift little bunker and got all sorts of food. For the first time in his life, he tested the lives
of soldiers in trenches. A police investigation has begun. At that time, floods caused by the
eruption of a volcano engulfed Japan. Police interrupted the investigation after these major
floods, closed the case and concluded that Kure had not survived the floods. Kurea was still
hiding in his makeshift bunker at the time. It was flooded only to the knees and therefore
allowed Kure to survive the flood. After two years, Kurea decided to make his dream come
true. he lied about his age and joined the army under the name Chojo. But then came
another accident in his life. He and his colleagues crashed a military plane after a short
circuit in the system. One of the soldiers died in the accident, Kure suffered injuries to his
face and escaped with only the memory of a scar. However, he remains ready to protect his
home country in any situation. However, he does not intend to reveal his true identity yet.

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