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Introduction to Statistics
Statistics is the discipline that is concerned with collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.

There are two types of statistics

1. Descriptive Statistics
2. Inferential Statistics

i) Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics uses graphical and numerical summaries to give us a picture of a list or Series of numbers.

In other words, it is used to simply describe the sample we are concerned with and it forms the base for every
quantitative analysis.
It is used in the first instance, to get the feel of the data with the help of summary and simple graphical analysis.
Secondly, it is used in the statical tests which helps us to take quantitative decisions.
Third, it is used to indicate any error which is associated with the result or the graphical output.
It provides us with a powerful summary which will help us to compare it with other values or features within the

Mean, Median, Mode and all graphical visualization are your Descriptive stats.
Eg: Batting avg of a batsman, which is equal to the number of runs made divided by the total number of balls faced.

Just with the help of descriptive stats of a few features alone, we cannot conclude inferences regarding any hypothesis we have
made about the data.
And hence there is a need for a complex form of statistics or Inferential statistics which will helps us to draw inferences from the

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