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Teaching Physical

Sciences in FET
Only Study Guide for


of south africa
©2022 University of South Africa

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Developed by the Department of Science and Technology

Published by the
University of South Africa
Muckleneuk, Pretoria


Teaching Physical
Sciences in FET
Only Study Guide for

Department of Science and Technology
University of South Africa,

Lesson 1: The distinctive nature of physical sciences1

1.1 Introduction1
1.2 What is physical science? 2
1.2.1 Specific aims of physical sciences 2
1.2.2 What is the Nature of Science ( NOS)? 4
1.3 Africanisation of knowledge 8
1.4 Ubuntu principles and your subject 9
1.5 What is the purpose of physical sciences? 10
1.6 What is the scope of physical sciences? 11
1.7 Overview of topics 12

Lesson 2: Teaching and learning strategies in physical science15

2.1 Introduction15
2.2 Constructivist theory 16
2.3 Teaching strategies 17

Lesson 3: Lesson planning20

3.1 How can i teach physical sciences successfully? 20
3.2 Lesson planning 21
3.3 Physical sciences and everyday life 21
3.4 The integration of learning areas (transfer of training) 22
3.5 Teaching the scientific method 22
3.6 Types of lessons 22
3.6.1 The practical lesson 22
3.7 The demonstration lesson 24
3.8 The theoretical lesson, supported by activities 24
3.9 The problem-solving lesson (the practice lesson) 25
3.10 The laboratory assistant 25
3.11 Laboratory supplies/equipment 26
3.12 What does a “”cool”” lesson look like? 30
3.13 How do you get your learners to be venturesome? 30
3.14 Summary31

Lesson 4: Assessment32
4.1 What is assessment? 32
4.2 Why assess? 32
4.3 Types of assessment 33
4.3.1 Baseline assessment 33
4.3.2 Diagnostic assessment 33
4.3.3 Formative assessment 33
4.3.4 Summative assessment 33
4.3.5 Systematic assessment 34
4.3.6 Alternative assessment 34
iii TMS3729/1

4.4 What is the purpose of assessment? 34

4.5 How to choose an assessment method 34
4.6 Different assessment methods? 35
4.6.1 Self-assessment35
4.6.2 Peer-group assessment 35
4.6.3 Group assessment 35
4.7 How to collect assessment evidence 35
4.7.1 Observation-based assessment 36
4.7.2 Test-based assessment 36
4.7.3 Task-based assessment 36
4.8 Recording and reporting 36
4.8.1 Rating scales 36
4.8.2 Checklists37
4.8.3 Rubrics37
4.9 How to present an understandable report 41
4.10 Tests and examinations 41
4.11 Bloom’s taxonomy 41
4.12 Summary42

I nt r o d u c t i o n

Please access the below Electronic Reserves (e-reserves) as additional study
material for this module. E-reserves can be downloaded from the Library
catalogue. More information is available at:

Electronic Year Title Journal/ Volume Pages

reserves Publication
First Author
Toplis, R 2012 I do and I Eurasia 8 3–9
understand? Journal of
Practical work Mathemat-
and laboratory ics, Science &
use in United Technology
Kingdom Education
Kidman, G 2012 Australia at Eurasia 8 35–47
the crossroads: Journal of
A review of Mathemat-
school science ics, Science &
practical work Technology
Rupley, WH 2010 Building prior Literacy 49 99–112
knowledge Research and
and vocabulary Instruction
in science in
the intermedi-
ate grades:
Creating hooks
for learning
Gilbert, JK 1983 Concepts, mis- Studies in 10 61–98
conceptions Science
and alternative Education
in Science

v TMS3729/1

Lederman, 2013 Nature of International 1 138–147

NG science and sci- Journal of
entific inquiry Education in
as contexts for Mathematics,
the learning Science and
of science and Technology
of scientific
Meyer, H 2004 Novice and ex- Science 88 970–983
pert teachers – Education
Conceptions of
learners – Prior
Driver, R 1989 Students’ con- International 11 481–490
ceptions and Journal of
the learning of Science
science Education
Schmidt, HJ 1997 Students’ mis- Science 81 123–135
conceptions: Education
Looking for a
Abrahams, I 2013 The assess- Studies in 49 209–251
ment of practi- Science
cal work in Education
school science
Hofstein, A 2004 The labora- Science 88 28–54
tory in Science Education
for the twenty-
first century

L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s


1 The distinctive nature of physical sciences


At the end of this lesson unit, you should be able to answer the following criti-
cal questions:

• Explain the place, importance and worth of their subject;

• Explain their roles as teachers of their subject;
• Formulate and elucidate the content and concepts of their subject in understandable
• Describe different ways of presenting knowledge and facilitating learning in their
• Develop an understanding that the pedagogical knowledge (subject
methodology) combined and integrated with the subject knowledge and
contextual factors (such as varying classroom situations) can lead to better teaching
and learning.

The purpose of this unit is to give you guidance on how to work through the
outcomes of the Module. In this module, we endeavour to move away from
the traditional way of teaching Physical Science. We will concentrate on
understanding the basic concepts, which forms the foundation of the learning
of physical science.

It is important to clarify what it is about the nature of Physical Science that we

want our students to understand. We can begin by asking ourselves: What is
Physical Science? What makes physical science different from other subjects?
How does this influence your preparation of lessons and how do scientists
work? And: how can we relate what we know about science and scientists’
work to the achievement aims of the Nature of Science strand?

There are many activities in this study guide. We advise you to buy an exercise
book and to do the activities.

Before you read any further, we need you think about what Physical Science
means to you.
1 TMS3729/1

Ac tivit y 1.1
Write a short paragraph on your experiences as a learner in a Physical
Science class when you were at school. Write at least one good experience
and one bad experience.


Physical Sciences investigate physical and chemical phenomena. This is done
through scientific inquiry, application of scientific models, theories and laws in
order to explain and predict events in the physical environment. This subject
also deals with society’s need to understand how the physical environment
works in order to benefit from it and responsibly care for it. All scientific and
technological knowledge, including Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS), is
used to address challenges facing society. Indigenous knowledge is knowledge
that communities have held, used or are still using. This knowledge has helped
protect the environment for millennia. Some indigenous knowledge lends itself
to science, but those examples that do not lend themselves to science are still
knowledge, however. In the subject Physical Sciences challenges such as the
safe disposal of chemical waste, responsible utilisation of resources and the
environment, alternative energy sources are addressed.

1.2.1 Specific aims of physical sciences

The purpose of Physical Sciences is to equip learners with investigating skills
relating to physical and chemical phenomena, for example, lightning and
solubility. Examples of some of the skills that are relevant for the study of Physical
Sciences are classifying, communicating, measuring, designing an investigation,
drawing and evaluating conclusions, formulating models, hypothesising,
identifying and controlling variables, inferring, observing and comparing,
interpreting, predicting, problem solving and reflective skills.

Physical Sciences promotes knowledge and skills in scientific inquiry and

problem solving; the construction and application of scientific and technological
knowledge; an understanding of the nature of science and its relationships to
technology, society and the environment.

Physical Sciences prepare learners for future learning, specialist learning,

employment, citizenship, holistic development, socio-economic development,
and environmental management. Learners choosing Physical Sciences as a
subject in Grades 10–12, including those with barriers to learning, can have
improved access to: academic courses in Higher Education; professional career
paths related to applied science courses and vocational career paths. The
Physical Sciences plays an increasingly important role in the lives of all South
Africans owing to their influence on scientific and technological development,
which are necessary for the country’s economic growth and the social well-
being of its people.

L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s

Carefully look at the scenario below

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

3 TMS3729/1

Ac tivit y 1. 2
Write a paragraph to describe what you think each of the scenarios
represent. Do not rush through the activity. Write as much as you can
about the situation in each scenario.

1.2.2 What is the Nature of Science ( NOS)?

Read the following extract as adapted from Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013

Lederman, 1992, 20070 as quoted by (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013)

argue that “the phrase “nature of science” typically refers to the epistemology
of science, science as a way of knowing, or the values and beliefs inherent
to the development of scientific knowledge). Beyond these general charac-
terizations, no consensus presently exists among philosophers of science,
historians of science, scientists, and science educators on a specific definition
for NOS. This lack of consensus, however, should neither be disconcerting
nor surprising given the multifaceted nature and complexity of the scientific
endeavour.” Conceptions of NOS have changed throughout the development
of science and systematic thinking about science and are reflected in the ways
the scientific and science education communities have defined the phrase
“nature of science” during the past 100 years (e.g., AAAS, 1990, 1993; Califor-
nia Department of Education, 1990; Centre of Unified Science Education at
Ohio State University, 1974; Central Association for Science and Mathematics
Teachers, 1907; Klopfer & Watson, 1957; NSTA, 1982).

According to Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013 many of the disagreements

about the definition or meaning of NOS that continue to exist among philosophers,
historians, and science educators are irrelevant to K-12 instruction. The issue
of the existence of an objective reality as compared to phenomenal realities
is a case in point. We argue that there is an acceptable level of generality
regarding NOS that is accessible to K-12 students and relevant to their daily
lives. Moreover, at this level, little disagreement exists among philosophers,
historians, and science educators. Among the characteristics of the scientific
enterprise corresponding to this level of generality are that scientific knowledge
is tentative (subject to change), empirically-based (based on and/or derived
from observations of the natural world), subjective (theory-laden), necessarily
involves human inference, imagination, and creativity (involves the invention
of explanations), and is socially and culturally embedded. Two additional
important aspects are the distinction between observations and inferences,
and the functions of, and relationships between scientific theories and laws.
Although many have opinions about the existence of subject matter specific
conceptions of NOS and SI, the single empirical study in the area (Schwartz &
Lederman, 2008) clearly shows that little disagreement exists across disciplines.
Again, the critical point is to realize that the focus of this attention is on K-12
students. What follows is a brief consideration of these characteristics of science
and scientific knowledge (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013)
L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s

First, students should be aware of the crucial distinction between observation

and inference. Observations are descriptive statements about natural phenomena
that are “directly” accessible to the senses (or extensions of the senses) and about
which several observers can reach consensus with relative ease. For example,
objects released above ground level tend to fall and hit the ground. By contrast,
inferences are statements about phenomena that are not “directly” accessible to
the senses. For example, objects tend to fall to the ground because of “gravity.”
The notion of gravity is inferential in the sense that it can only be accessed
and/or measured through its manifestations or effects. Examples of such effects
include the perturbations in predicted planetary orbits due to inter-planetary
“attractions,” and the bending of light coming from the stars as its rays pass
through the sun’s “gravitational” field (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Second, closely related to the distinction between observations and inferences

is the distinction between scientific laws and theories. Individuals often hold
a simplistic, hierarchical view of the relationship between theories and laws
whereby theories become laws depending on the availability of supporting
evidence. It follows from this notion that scientific laws have a higher status
than scientific theories. Both notions, however, are inappropriate because,
among other things, theories and laws are different kinds of knowledge and
one cannot develop or be transformed into the other. Laws are statements or
descriptions of the relationships among observable phenomena. Boyle’s law,
which relates the pressure of a gas to its volume at a constant temperature, is a
case in point. Theories, by contrast, are inferred explanations about observable
phenomena. The kinetic molecular theory, which explains Boyle’s law, is one
example. Moreover, theories are as legitimate a product of science as laws.
Scientists do not usually formulate theories in the hope that one day they
will acquire the status of “law.” Scientific theories, in their own right, serve
important roles, such as guiding investigations and generating new research
problems in addition to explaining relatively huge sets of seemingly unrelated
observations in more than one field of investigation. For example, the kinetic
molecular theory serves to explain phenomena that relate to changes in the
physical states of matter, others that relate to the rates of chemical reactions,
and still other phenomena that relate to heat and its transfer, to mention just
a few (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Third, even though scientific knowledge is, at least partially, based on and/or
derived from observations of the natural world (i.e., empirical), it nevertheless
involves human imagination and creativity. Science, contrary to common
belief, is not a totally lifeless, rational, and orderly activity. Science involves
the invention of explanations and this requires a great deal of creativity by
scientists. The “leap” from atomic spectral lines to Bohr’s model of the atom
with its elaborate orbits and energy levels is a case in point. This aspect of
science, coupled with its inferential nature, entails that scientific concepts, such
as atoms, black holes, and species, are functional theoretical models rather
than faithful copies of reality (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Fourth, scientific knowledge is subjective or theory-laden. Scientists’

theoretical commitments, beliefs, previous knowledge, training, experiences,
and expectations actually influence their work. All these background factors
form a mind-set that affects the problems scientists investigate and how they
5 TMS3729/1

conduct their investigations, what they observe (and do not observe), and
how they make sense of, or interpret their observations. It is this (sometimes
collective) individuality or mind-set that accounts for the role of subjectivity
in the production of scientific knowledge. It is noteworthy that, contrary
to common belief, science never starts with neutral observations (Chalmers,
1982). Observations (and investigations) are always motivated and guided by
and acquire meaning in reference to questions or problems. These questions
or problems, in turn, are derived from within certain theoretical perspectives.
(Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Fifth, science as a human enterprise is practiced in the context of a larger

culture and its practitioners (scientists) are the product of that culture. Science, it
follows, affects and is affected by the various elements and intellectual spheres
of the culture in which it is embedded. These elements include, but are not
limited to, social fabric, power structures, politics, socioeconomic factors,
philosophy, and religion. An example may help to illustrate how social and
cultural factors impact scientific knowledge. Telling the story of the evolution
of humans (Homo sapiens) over the course of the past seven million years is
central to the biosocial sciences. Scientists have formulated several elaborate
and differing story lines about this evolution. Until recently, the dominant story
was centred about “the man-hunter” and his crucial role in the evolution of
humans to the form we now know (Lovejoy, 1981). This scenario was consistent
with the white-male culture that dominated scientific circles up to the 1960s
and early 70s. As the feminist movement grew stronger and women were
able to claim recognition in the various scientific disciplines, the story about
hominid evolution started to change. One story that is more consistent with a
feminist approach is centred about “the female-gatherer” and her central role
in the evolution of humans (Hrdy, 1986). It is noteworthy that both story lines
are consistent with the available evidence.

Sixth, it follows from the previous discussions that scientific knowledge is never
absolute or certain. This knowledge, including “facts,” theories, and laws, is
tentative and subject to change. Scientific claims change as new evidence,
made possible through advances in theory and technology, is brought to bear
on existing theories or laws, or as old evidence is reinterpreted in the light of
new theoretical advances or shifts in the directions of established research
programs. It should be emphasized that tentativeness in science does not
only arise from the fact that scientific knowledge is inferential, creative, and
socially and culturally embedded. There are also compelling logical arguments
that lend credence to the notion of tentativeness in science. Indeed, contrary
to common belief, scientific hypotheses, theories, and laws can never be
absolutely “proven.” This holds irrespective of the amount of empirical evidence
gathered in the support of one of these ideas or the other (Popper, 1963,
1988). For example, to be “proven,” a certain scientific law should account for
every single instance of the phenomenon it purports to describe at all times.
It can logically be argued that one such future instance, of which we have no
knowledge whatsoever, may behave in a manner contrary to what the law
states. As such, the law can never acquire an absolutely “proven” status. This
equally holds in the case of hypotheses and theories (Lederman, Lederman,
& Antink 2013).
L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s

Finally, it is important to note that individuals often conflate NOS with science
processes (which is more consistent with scientific inquiry). Although these
aspects of science overlap and interact in important ways, it is nonetheless
important to distinguish the two. Scientific processes are activities related to
collecting and analysing data, and drawing conclusions (AAAS, 1990, 1993;
NRC, 1996). For example, observing and inferring are scientific processes. On
the other hand, NOS refers to the epistemological underpinnings of the activities
of science. As such, realizing that observations are necessarily theory-laden
and are constrained by our perceptual apparatus belongs within the realm of
NOS (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Professional development efforts designed for teachers must not conclude, as

they have in the past, with the development of adequate teacher understandings.
The research is quite clear that teachers’ understandings do not automatically
translate into classroom practice. Certainly, teachers must have an in-depth
understanding of what they are expected to teach. However, professional
development efforts must also emphasize how teachers can successfully
facilitate the development of students’ understandings of NOS (Lederman,
Lederman, & Antink 2013).

Observation and Inference

• There are differences between observations and the inferences made based
on observations.
• Based on the same data, and scientists’ prior experiences, different inferences
can be made, which lead to difference conclusions. Some of these are right
and some are wrong.
• Attempting to sort this out is what science is about!

Ac tivit y 1. 3
What do you understand by the way of knowing?

Ac tivit y 1.4
What is the difference between observation and inference. Write two
Illustrate the difference between observation and inference using an

Ac tivit y 1. 5
Explain the difference between theory and laws
Illustrate the difference between the theory and laws using an example

7 TMS3729/1

Ac tivit y 1.6
Explain what you understand by science as a human enterprise practiced
in the context culture. Your answer should be based on the African culture
supported by examples.

Ac tivit y 1.7
Explain the following aspects of the nature of Science and give examples
• Scientific knowledge is tentative.
• Scientific knowledge has basis in empirical evidence.
• There is a difference between data and evidence.
• Scientific laws and theories are separate kinds of scientific knowledge.
• Scientific knowledge is based upon observations and inferences.
• Scientific knowledge is heavily dependent upon theories.
• Scientific knowledge is created from human imagination and logical
• Scientific knowledge can be obtained by a variety of scientific methods.
• Scientific observations are inherently subjective based on interpretations.
• Science is a human endeavor influenced by society and culture.

Ac tivit y 1. 8
What makes Physical Science different from other subjects? (Nature of
How does this influence your preparation of the lessons?

Ac tivit y 1.9
What is your view of the nature of science in the South African teaching


This entails re-assertion of African identity and re-founding of knowledge on
African cultures and values. It is a recovery process predicated on ideas of
endogenous knowledge as ‘an internal product drawn from a given cultural
background, as opposed to another category of knowledge which would be
imported from elsewhere. ‘The process for translating the African identity
and vision in education is called Afrianisation’ (Seepe 2004, 40 as quoted by
Botha 2007) and ‘the African subject would be allowed to construct his or her
own identity’ (Williams 2000 on Makgoba), while it has also been recognised
that the notion of a unique South African educational identity ‘is beset with
difficulties’ (Viljoen 2005, as quoted by Botha 2007).
“It can reasonably be expected that the Africanising of syllabi and
curricula would be closely associated with the nature of a subject area,
therefore it would be wise to consider the problem separately per subject
area; therefore, per Faculty or even per Department.” (Botha, 2007

Ac tivit y 1.10
Looking at Physical Science as a subject. Do you think the subject Physical
Science can be Africanised. Write two paragraphs give examples.


IKS in your subject
Read extract below (Adapted from (Metz & Gaie 2010)
“What is it that a moral educator ought to teach and how ought he/
she to teach it? The default position among contemporary Western
pedagogical theorists is that the morally correct approach to ethical
teaching and learning involves appealing to the student’s rationality
and raising a cosmopolitan awareness of different value systems. When
dealing with morality in the classroom, Western values entail doing so
in a way that engages the student’s capacity for critical deliberation and
does not restrict the relevant perspectives to those of the student’s own
culture, leaving it up to the student which values she will adopt. Such
an approach is respectful of the student’s autonomy (Kantianism) and
promises to maximise the happiness of the student and those with whom
she interacts (utilitarianism)” (Metz & Gaie 2010)

Moral education in traditional African communities has typically been on the

opposite pole. Moral education among indigenous sub-Saharan societies has
usually been parochial, focused exclusively on imparting the norms of the
student’s culture, and moral educators have often used fear and indoctrination
to instil values, dissuading students from questioning the (often gendered) roles
being handed down (Pearce, 1990; Adeyemi & Adeyinka, 2003; Ikuenobe,
2006, pp. 135–255; also, Matemba, this issue, pp. 329–343 as quoted by
Metz & Gaie 2010 . The standard justification for these approaches is that
they are effective at obtaining the desired behaviour, viz., preserving culture
(in a non-literate society) and exhibiting virtue. “We maintain that Ubuntu/
Botho, as theoretically construed above, prescribes an approach that differs
from the characteristically Western and the traditionally African. Ubuntu/
Botho in the first instance entails that the goal of moral education should
be to develop the personhood of students, which means facilitating their
capacity to prize community. Since that, in turn, means giving some moral
weight to existing communal relationships, it would indeed be incumbent
on a moral educator not only to inform students of their duty not to radically
upset norms central to the community’s self-conception, but also to focus
9 TMS3729/1

on transmitting these values” (Metz & Gaie 2010). “However, it does not
follow that moral education is simply a matter of ensuring students mimic
the past, for three reasons. First, being concerned for the good of students
entails not utterly restricting their knowledge to that of a fairly circumscribed
culture, particularly in a globalised world in which even rural communities
have to engage with a wide array of foreign people, policies and institutions.
It is implausible to think a given culture at a particular moment is optimal,
or even adequate, for the welfare of all the people who participate in it.
So, the injunction to exhibit solidarity with others gives a moral educator
reason not to quash student doubt about the propriety of an existing way
of life. Second, in order to genuinely share a way of life, a moral educator
ought not to rely on threats and rote regurgitation. Truly sharing a way of
life means voluntarily participating in it, for part of what is valuable about
a loving or friendly relationship is the fact that people come together, and
stay together, of their own accord. Third, since becoming a person includes
caring about the quality of others’ lives, a moral educator needs to help
develop students’ capacity for sympathy and encourage them to engage in
mutual aid with themselves, their extended families and the broader society”
(Metz & Gaie 2010).

Ac tivit y 1.11
Write two paragraphs in which you explain how the Ubuntu principles can
be used in the teaching of physical science. Give examples.


There is hardly an aspect of the world we live in that is not influenced by the
physical sciences. Think of the houses in which we live, the food we eat, the
clothes we wear, medical diagnosis and treatment, computers and information
technologies. We can expect this influence to increase even further during
the 21st century.

When teaching Physical Sciences, you must contribute towards the holistic
development of your learners in the following ways (South Africa, Department
of Education 2003):
(1) Give learners the opportunity to apply scientific principles, so that their
understanding of the world in which they live will be evident.
(2) Stimulate their curiosity and interest in the natural and physical world in
which they live.
(3) Develop their insight into and respect for different scientific perspectives,
(4) and cultivate in them a sensitivity for the cultural beliefs, prejudices and
practices of society.
(5) Help them to develop the skills and values that will prepare them for
various situations in life.
L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s

(6) Emphasise that technological applications of the Physical Sciences should

be used responsibly towards social, human and economic development
in South Africa and globally.

Ac tivit y 1.12
Describe different ways of presenting knowledge and facilitating learning
of Physical Science in each of the above (1–5).
Discuss the role of the teacher in ensuring that (1–5 above) is achieved.


The teaching time for Physical Sciences is 4 hours per week, with 40 weeks
in total per grade. The time allocated for the teaching of the content, concepts
and skills includes the practical work. These are an integral part of the teaching
and learning process.



10 40 30 10
11 40 30 10
12 40 28 12

11 TMS3729/1


Topic Content
Grade 10 Introduction to vectors & scalars; Motion in one dimension
(reference frame, position, displacement and distance ,
average speed, average velocity, acceleration, instantaneous
velocity, instantaneous speed, description of motion in
words, diagrams, graphs and equations.)
Energy (gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy,
mechanical energy, conservation of mechanical energy (in
the absence of dissipative forces)) 30 hours
Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions (resultant of perpendicular
vectors, resolution of a vector into its parallel and
perpendicular components), Newton’s Laws and Application
of Newton’s Laws (Newton’s first, second and third laws
Mechanics and Newton’s law of universal gravitation, different kinds of
forces: weight, normal force, frictional force, applied (push,
pull), tension (strings or cables), force diagrams, free body
diagrams and application of Newton’s laws(equilibrium and
non-equilibrium)) 27 hours
Grade 12 Momentum and Impulse (momentum, Newton’s second
law expressed in terms of momentum, conservation of
momentum and elastic and inelastic collisions, Impulse),
Vertical projectile motion in one dimension (1D) (vertical
projectile motion represented in words, diagrams, equations
and graphs), Work, Energy & Power (work , work-energy
theorem, conservation of energy with non-conservative
forces present, power) 28 hours
Grade 10 Transverse pulses on a string or spring (pulse, amplitude
superposition of pulses), Transverse waves (wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, period, wave speed, Longitudinal
waves (on a spring, wavelength, frequency, amplitude,
period, wave speed, sound waves), Sound (pitch, loudness,
quality (tone), ultrasound), Electromagnetic radiation (dual
(particle/wave) nature of electromagnetic (EM) radiation,
Waves, nature of EM radiation, EM spectrum, nature of EM as particle
Sound & - energy of a photon related to frequency and wavelength)
Light 16 hours
Grade 11 Geometrical Optics (Refraction, Snell’s Law, Critical angles and
total internal reflection), 2D & 3D Wave fronts (Diffraction)
13 hours
Grade 12 Doppler Effect (either moving source or moving observer)
(with sound and ultrasound, with light – red shifts in the
universe.) 6 hours

L E SS O N 1: T h e d is t i n c t i ve n at u r e o f p hy si c a l s c i e n ce s

Topic Content
Grade 10 Magnetism (magnetic field of permanent magnets, poles
of permanent magnets, attraction and repulsion, magnetic
field lines, earth’s magnetic field, compass), Electrostatics
(two kinds of charge, force exerted by charges on each other
(descriptive), attraction between charged and uncharged
objects (polarisation), charge conservation, charge
quantization ),Electric circuits (emf, potential difference (pd),
Electricity & current, measurement of voltage (pd) and current, resistance,
Magnetism resistors in parallel) 14 hours
Grade 11 Electrostatics (Coulomb’s Law, Electric field), Electro-
magnetism (Magnetic field associated with current-carrying
wires, Faraday’s Law), Electric circuits (Energy, Power) 20 hours
Grade 12 Electric circuits (internal resistance and series-
parallel networks), Electrodynamics (electrical machines
(generators, motors), alternating current) 12 hours

Grade 10 Revise matter and classification (materials; heterogeneous

and homogeneous mixtures; pure substances; names and
formulas; metals and non-metals; electrical and thermal
conductors and insulators; magnetic and nonmagnetic
materials). States of matter and the kinetic molecular theory.
Atomic structure (models of the atom; atomic mass and
diameter; protons, neutrons and electrons; isotopes; energy
quantization and electron configuration). Periodic table
(position of the elements; similarities in chemical properties in
groups, electron configuration in groups). Chemical bonding
(covalent bonding; ionic bonding; metallic bonding). Particles
substances are made of (atoms and compounds; molecular
substances and ionic substances). 14 hours
Matter &
Grade 11 Molecular structure (a chemical bond; molecular shape;
electronegativity and bond polarity; bond energy and bond
length). Intermolecular forces (chemical bonds revised; types
of intermolecular forces; states of matter; density; kinetic
energy; temperature; three phases of water (macroscopic
properties related to sub-microscopic structure)). Ideal gases
(motion and kinetic theory of gases; gas laws; relationship
between T and P) 24 hours
Grade 12 Optical phenomena and properties of materials (photo-
electric effect, emission and absorption spectra) 6. Organic
chemistry (functional groups; saturated and unsaturated
structures; isomers; naming and formulae; physical properties;
chemical reactions (substitution, addition and elimination).
Organic macromolecules (plastics and polymers) 16 hours
Grade 10 Hydrosphere 8 hours
Grade 11 Lithosphere (mining; energy resources) 8 hours
Grade 12 Chemical industry (fertilizer industry). 6 hours

13 TMS3729/1

Topic Content
Chemical Grade 10 Physical and chemical change (separation by physical means;
Change separation by chemical means; conservation of atoms
and mass; law of constant composition; conservation of
energy).Representing chemical change (balanced chemical
equations). Reactions in aqueous solution (ions in aqueous
solutions; ion interaction; electrolytes; conductivity;
precipitation; chemical reaction types) Stoichiometry (mole
concept). 24 hours
Grade 11 Stoichiometry (molar volume of gases; concentration; limiting
reagents; volume relationships in gaseous reactions) Energy
and chemical change (energy changes related to bond
energy; exothermic and endothermic reactions; activation
energy). Types of reactions (acid-base; redox reactions;
oxidation numbers 28 hours
Grade 12 Reaction rate (factors affecting rate; measuring rate;
mechanism of reaction and of catalysis). Chemical equilibrium
(factors affecting equilibrium; equilibrium constant;
application of equilibrium principles). Acids and bases
(reactions; titrations, pH, salt hydrolysis). Electrochemical
reactions (electrolytic and galvanic cells; relation of current
and potential to rate and equilibrium; standard electrode
potentials; oxidation and reduction half reaction and cell
reactions; oxidation numbers; application of redox reactions).
28 hours

L E SS O N 2: Te a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g s t r ate g i e s i n p hy si c a l s c i e n ce


Teaching and learning strategies in physical




We will know that qualifying student teachers are competent when they can:

• Highlight and critically appraise the similarities and differences between the
various teaching methods, learning strategies, and teaching media appropriate
to the teaching of their subject in different contexts;
• Choose the most applicable method(s) for the teaching and learning of different
aspects of their subject in different contexts;
• Choose, adapt or design the most applicable teaching media for teaching different
aspects of their subject in different contexts; and
• Select and use appropriate technology for teaching different aspects of their
subject in different contexts.

There is a lot of teaching strategies in use in the schools. Teachers often wonder
about the alternative teaching strategies that are more effective. The study
unit will look at a number of teaching and learning strategies in the science

Few would argue that traditional instructional strategies predominate in middle

and secondary school science classrooms. Teachers dispense knowledge
to passive student audiences, with textbooks alone constituting the science
curricula; students are rarely involved in direct experiences with scientific

We hope that, after you have worked through this unit, you will have realised
that combining the best of the old ideas with fresh ideas about teaching and
learning will enable you to become a better quality Physical Science teacher.

Ac tivit y 2.1
In your view what is a teaching strategy and what is the learning strategy?

15 TMS3729/1


Constructivism can be defined as that philosophical position which holds that
any so-called reality is, in the most immediate and concrete sense, the mental
construction of those who believe they have discovered and investigated it.
In other words, what is supposedly found is an invention whose inventor is
unaware of his act of invention and who considers it as something that exists
independently of him; the invention then becomes the basis of his world view
and actions (Watzlawick, 1984, as Quoted by Walter, 1992)

“The most salient feature of the constructivist perspective then is reflected in

Watzlawick’s definition. It is the notion that learners respond to their sensory
experiences by building or constructing in their minds, schemas or cognitive
structures which constitute the meaning and understanding of their world.
Individuals attempt to make sense of whatever situation or phenomenon
they encounter, and a consequence of this sense making process (a process
which takes place within the mind of these individuals) is the establishment
of structures in the mind” (Walter, 1992)

“Constructivism—the idea that a student constructs new knowledge based

largely on what that student already knows—is the dominant paradigm in
modern educational theories. The teacher’s role in the constructivist paradigm is
to create environments that help students undertake this construction accurately
and effectively. In order to do this, it helps the teacher to know (i) the content
and structure of the students’ existing knowledge and (ii) how the students
use this knowledge to construct new knowledge. There has been considerable
direct observational research on the difficulty’s students have with various
items of physics content; but to understand how students organize, access, and
use their existing knowledge, we need a finer-grained understanding of how
students think and respond. We need to know not just that students construct
their new knowledge based on what they know, we need some understanding
of how students construct new knowledge. To develop such an understanding,
we need to know at least some of the basic elements of fundamental cognitive
activities and how they are organized.” (Tuminaro and Redish, 2007).

Read the article by:

• Walter L. Saunders 1992 entitled “The Constructive Perspective: Implications
and teaching strategies for science” and
• Singh S and Yaduvanshi, S. 2015. Constructivism in Science Classroom:
Why and How.
• Tuminaro, J & Redish, E,F. 2007. Elements of a cognitive model of physics
problem solving: Epistemic games. Physical review Special topics – Physics
Education Research

You can also read ANY article about Constructivism.

Ac tivit y 2. 2
What do you understand by the following statements:
L E SS O N 2: Te a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g s t r ate g i e s i n p hy si c a l s c i e n ce

“Meaning is constructed by cognitive apparatus of the learner”

(Resnick, 1983 as quoted by Walter 1992).
“Meaning is not given to us in our encounters, but it is given by
us, constructed by us, each in our own way, according to how our
understanding is currently organized”. (Duckworth, 1987 as quoted
by Signh & Yaduvanshi, 2015).
a. Write two paragraphs
b. Design a classroom activity to illustrate your answer.

Ac tivit y 2. 3
Explain the difference between the traditional or verification lab and the
investigative or inquiry approach. Write two paragraphs supported by
relevant classroom examples.

Ac tivit y 2.4
What are the implications of the constructivist perspective for learning
in the science classroom? Write two pages. Provide examples to illustrate
your answer.
Discuss the role of the teacher and learners in a classroom when
constructivism is used as a strategy.


Questioning strategies. These involve instructional approaches where teachers
vary the timing. positioning. or cognitive levels of questions. Examples
include increasing wait time after asking questions. Adding pauses at
key student-response points. Using more high-cognitive-level questions.
Stopping films at key points and asking questions or posing comprehension
questions to students at the start of from seventeen student achievement
measures. the lesson or assignment. The average size foe questioning
strategies is +.
Inquiry strategies. These involve student-centred, inductive instruction that
is less step by step and teacher directed than traditional instruction.
This category includes strategies referred to as the inquiry or discovery
type. Examples include facilitated inquiry activities guided discoveries,
inductive laboratories or indirect instruction. One hundred and three
student achievement outcome measures yield a mean effect size of +.28
for this category.
Instructional media strategies. These involve instruction based on media,
such as showing films on a topic or using pictures photographs, or
diagrams. The category mean effect size is +.18 from thirty-three student
achievement measures.
17 TMS3729/1

Ac tivit y 2. 5
What is the effects of using various teaching strategies in the science
Critically discuss the following statements:
“Through inquiry, students develop or construct an understanding of
a concept for themselves, with the teacher facilitating the classroom
activities and discussion”
“When science teachers use strategies that require students to be
both physically and mentally engaged, they facilitate the active
construction of meaning”
(Write a page and half, use classroom examples).

Ac tivit y 2.6
Think about the teaching and learning strategies that you can use in the
science classroom to the teach the following topics and discuss the merits
and demerits of each.
• Newton’s First Law of Motion
• Principle of conservation of momentum.
• Doppler effect
Write at least four teaching strategies and four learning strategies.
Students bring prior naïve knowledge into a physics class. “Some
researchers describe student knowledge that does not align well with
the scientific knowledge we are trying to teach as “misconceptions,”
“alternative conceptions,” or “naïve theories.” (Tuminaro, & Redish, 2007).

Ac tivit y 2.7
Critically discuss the following concepts:
• Misconceptions,
• Alternative conceptions, or
• Naïve theories
Think about the teaching strategies that you can use correct
“misconceptions,” “alternative conceptions,” or “naïve theories.”
Discuss any three teaching strategies that you need to use for successful
teaching of Physical Science are suggested. These strategies are informed
by constructivism and sociocultural perspectives.
They are as follows:
• Build new knowledge from prior knowledge.
• Provide opportunities to communicate about Physical Science.
• Create opportunities for reflective thought.
L E SS O N 2: Te a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g s t r ate g i e s i n p hy si c a l s c i e n ce

• Engage students in productive struggle

• Encourage multiple approaches.
• Treat errors as opportunities for learning.
• Scaffold new content.
• Honour diversity.
• Create a classroom environment for doing Physical Science

Ac tivit y 2. 8
Discuss each of the strategies in a paragraph of about five points each.
Inquiry Based Science Teaching
Inquiry has served as a major theme in science education since the post­
Sputnik science education reform that began in the late 1950s (DeBoer
1991 as quoted by Chiappetta & Adams, 2004). The term inquiry has
been used to form curriculum goals, de­sign instructional strategies, and
assess learning. The term also de­scribes what scientists do (Chiappetta
& Adams, 2004).
Inquiry has been used to promote activity-oriented learning that reflects
scientific investigation, specifically the observation, experimentation, and
reasoning used by scientists.
Most science educators would agree that at least five reasons exist for
utilizing inquiry-base science instruction in the classroom. Inquiry-based
science instruction should promote: (Chiappetta & Adams, 2004).
• Understanding of fundamental facts, concepts, principles, laws, and
• Development of skills that enhance the acquisition of knowledge and
understanding of natural phenomena;
• Cultivation of the disposition to find answers to questions and to
question the truthfulness of statements about the natural world;
• Formation of positive attitudes toward science; and Acquisition of
understanding about the nature of science.

Ac tivit y 2.9
Discuss each of the five reasons in a paragraph of about five points each.

19 TMS3729/1


3 Lesson planning


We will know that qualifying student teachers are competent when they can:
• Use the criteria for good formulation of learning intentions correctly and
demonstrate competence in the formulation of such learning intentions;
• Apply appropriate learning strategies, teaching methods and teaching media in
their planning of teaching;
• Apply the subject content of the curriculum, relevant pedagogical knowledge and
contextual realities to plan and present lessons in their subject;
• Teach lessons and facilitate learning;
• Reflect on their teaching and improve, change or adapt their practice;
• Identify their remaining learning needs and work on how to acquire them while
taking full responsibility for their actions, decision making and use of resources.


There are various ways of teaching Physical Sciences successfully. The methods
you use will depend on a number of factors, such as:
• your goals
• your interests
• your training
• the enthusiasm and intelligence of your learners
• your ability to arouse the interest of the class

The methods you ultimately use will be those that suit your personality, interests
and abilities. It is important to feel comfortable with the methods you use. The
methods used successfully by one teacher may be totally impractical for another.

Successful and experienced teachers do, however, agree on some basic

principles when it comes to choosing a method:
• Practical work and first-hand experience are indispensable for learners.
• Learners must be encouraged to convey their ideas in clear, scientific
• The learners should be motivated and keen.
L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

In most schools Physical Sciences is presented by means of a combination

of a class and laboratory method. The more theoretic parts are dealt with by
way of lectures, discussion and oral and written questions. Where possible,
the teacher s discussions are supported by demonstrations (experiments) or
practical work.


It is important to have a specific goal for each lesson. You should know what
you want the learners to achieve. At the end of the lesson, you should be
satisfied that they have indeed achieved it.

Your lessons should be planned thoroughly and in detail, even if you later find
that you have to deviate from your initial plan. For instance, all apparatus and
diagrams should be prepared before the learners arrive at your class.

During each lesson you have to bear in mind what prior knowledge the learners
have. You should not lose sight of your goal, or your planning as to how to
achieve it. You can measure your success after the lesson, by the extent to
which you could awaken your learners interest and encourage them to do
meaningful activities. You must ensure that you stick to the point and avoid
lengthy digressions. Some learners (fortunately the minority) make a point
of disrupting the lesson in a peaceful fashion by asking irrelevant questions.
Tactfully avoid these questions. I invite such learners to come and discuss the
question with me during break or after school. (As expected, they usually do
not turn up.)

Thoughtless repetitions of definitions, principles and formulas–without

understanding the real meaning–conflict with the essence of outcomes-
based education. Understanding develops over time. Learners will only
understand a principle fully after repeatedly applying it, and not because of
verbal repetition. Learners learn by doing, and only master something by doing
it. (This principle applies to practical work in particular.)

The average learner is more comfortable with concrete, rather than abstract
ideas, because most people think in terms of things or objects. Abstract laws and
principles should, however, continuously be linked to real apparatus, findings
and procedures by making use of models or diagrams. Models and diagrams
should never be overloaded with information. They then become confusing
and difficult to understand. They should be designed in such a manner that
they demonstrate/ explain the issue at hand clearly.


The architects of Physical Sciences at school meant for us to produce a
scientifically thinking generation. This generation must know that natural
science could serve humankind by meeting its needs, evaluating prejudices,
and making scientifically oriented decisions about the world we live in possible.
21 TMS3729/1


Studying a specific subject is only of value to us in other fields of study if
there is common ground. It is important for you as teacher to always be aware
of such overlaps with other learning areas. You should mention these to the
learners, so that that which they learn will become part of their world, and
not remain book-learning only.


Ac tivit y 3.1
Explain what is meant by the following: Write two paragraphs each.
a. Observation
b. Trial and error
c. Verifying deductions


It is important to vary your presentation in order to keep the learners interested.

3.6.1 The practical lesson

Ac tivit y 3. 2
As you probably remember from your own school career, a practical lesson
can be a winning recipe for chaos.
Write down your fears about practical lessons.
In my experience of practical lessons, learners think it is a period in which
to play or, in the case of Chemistry, add chemicals together in an unbridled
fashion in the hope of creating a bomb.
Make absolutely sure that your learners have the necessary prior knowledge
to complete the practical successfully. This will ensure that they are positive
about the following practicals.
It should be evident that you should be even better prepared for such a
lesson than for a theoretical lesson. Your chances to succeed are good if
you keep to the following guidelines:
• Divide the learners into groups. There should not be more than four
learners to a group.
• You can use any of the three scientific methods of investigation
mentioned in
• Just make sure to decide beforehand what you aim to achieve with
the practical (what your goal is) and work purposefully.
• Make sure that your learners are thoroughly prepared as to what is
expected of them during the practical.
• Include self-assessment and group assessment in your assessment.
L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

• Give a specific time in which the practical must be completed.

• See to it that each group has its own group leader (chosen by the group).
• Each group should decide on an equal distribution of the work amongst
the learners.
• Make sure that the learners understand the task/assignment well.
• Make sure that the learners know in what format you expect to get
back the results of the practical.
Ideally, a group consist of four learners, because then they cannot hide
behind each other. Learners with different interests and different levels of
motivation and concentration work well together in groups, because they
encourage each other, and the joint result is usually of a higher standard.

Ac tivit y 3. 3
The first practical lesson you want to do with your grade 10 learners is a
demonstration of Ohm s law.

Plan the practical, bearing in mind

• the availability of apparatus

• the size of the groups
• the different activities that must take place in a group
• the prior knowledge of the learners about the operation of the apparatus
(remember, ammeters and voltmeters are expensive

This practical may be preceded by a number of simple demonstration

experiments to pique the interest of the learners.

You may, for instance, explain the flow of electrons by asking learners who
have dental fillings to let a piece of foil touch a filling and then explain what
they have experienced.

Electricity current can be explained by attaching two electrodes to a lemon

and connecting it serially with a torch bulb. Let the learners explain why the
bulb lights up.

If I am not certain of the amount of prior knowledge the learners have, I

give them an assignment to complete before the practical. One may include
questions like the following in such an assignment:

• How is an ammeter connected in a circuit?

• How is a voltmeter connected in a circuit?
• What is a resistor and what is it used for?
• What is a rheostat and what is it used for?
• Which readings should be taken in the course of the experiment?
• What should the circuit that you have built for the experiment look like?
23 TMS3729/1


You should have experienced practical lessons as well as demonstration
lessons in your own school career or, if you are already teaching, in your own
teaching career.

Evaluate and compare the two methods (practical and demonstration lessons)
with regard to their effectiveness, the maintenance of discipline, success in
reaching the original goal, assessment, learner involvement, stimulating learners
to solve problems, etc.

A demonstration lesson can be very successful, if you pay special attention

to its presentation.

I am sure you will agree that learners may easily lose interest during this type of
lesson. The main reason for this is, of course, that not everyone can necessarily
see well when the demonstration is done. You can try the following tips if you
experience similar problems:
• Ensure that your apparatus is large enough, so that everyone can see.
• Do the experiment before the learners arrive, so that you can be sure that
it works.
• Let some of your learners be laboratory assistants who can help you (see
later on in this lesson unit).
• Call smaller groups of learners to the demonstration bench and demonstrate
the experiment to each group in turn.
• Walk through the class, demonstrating to learners at their seats.
• Use the overhead projector. Chemistry experiments where a change of
colour occurs, for example acid-base titrations, can be demonstrated very
well in this manner. Magnetic fields can also be demonstrated effectively
using iron filings and a magnet.
• Hold the learner’s attention by asking stimulating questions during the
demonstration. You may even repeat the demonstration if you wish to
emphasise a certain aspect.
• Engage the learners who are less involved by giving them small tasks.
• Most learners will then feel important and will instantly want to become
• Never lose sight of the purpose of the demonstration.
• Make sure that you have achieved your objective by the end of the period.
• Test the learners understanding by giving them a written assignment
(assessment) to complete about the demonstration.


Some Physical Sciences teachers resort to using only this method, because it
is the line of least resistance. You will soon have bored, unmotivated learners.
They will take the subject because they have to, not because they want to.
You will find that they drag themselves to your class, not run to it. (Yes, I am
scolding you now: it is your fault!) You are killing a stunning subject.

Your lessons should be learner-oriented. The teacher is now only a guide on

the side.
L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

Never lose sight of the five different strategies we discussed in the previous
lesson unit.
• issue-based learning
• investigation-based learning
• problem-based learning
• problem solving
• active learning

Theoretical lessons also have a definite place in outcomes-based education.

However, you have no excuse for making it a boring lesson. If you implement
the strategies mentioned above, your theoretical lesson will be an adventure
for your learners.


Now that we have discussed all of these interesting types of lessons, the time
has come to return to reality.

Learners do not learn immediately, but through repetition. Understanding often

does not come in a flash, but over a longer period of time. Not all learners
will manage the same thing at the same moment.

Lifelong learning is the buzzword in outcomes-based education. Ideally, that

which a learner has learnt in school should still be of value to him/her in his/
her adult life. In other words, the skills learners acquire in school, should be
lifelong skills.

The principles of Physical Sciences are at times very abstract. For this reason,
especially, they should be reinforced in problem-solving lessons. This is the
only manner in which most learners eventually master the work. The old
adage unknown, unloved is really true. If the learner is actively busy with the
so-called difficult concepts, he/ she will in time gain the self-confidence to
tackle the more difficult problems.


Very few schools can still afford the luxury of a laboratory assistant. This should,
however, not discourage you to present as many practical’s and demonstration
lessons as possible.

Learners can be used very effectively as laboratory assistants and they are
usually very enthusiastic. At the same time, they learn skills in the laboratory
that they would otherwise not have learnt

Ac tivit y 3.4
I hope I have convinced you of the value of learner laboratory assistants.
Well- trained assistants can make your task a lot easier.
25 TMS3729/1

You decide to make use of learner assistants. Plan and discuss the entire
process from recruiting learners as assistants, until they are fully trained.
You may use the following guidelines:
• How will you go about recruiting learner assistants?
• What criteria will you use when selecting learner assistants?
• Which skills will you teach them?
• What will a learner assistant s duty sheet look like?
• Are you going to reward the learner assistants?
• How will you exercise control over the learner assistants?
• What possibilities of promotion do you intend building into your

The tasks given to a learner assistant will differ from grade to grade. Learners
may, however, not work with chemicals without close supervision. It is therefore
important to make sure that they do not have access to your supplies store if
you cannot be present.

Never underestimate learner’s creativity. They can also help with the planning of
unconventional experiments to explain certain principles, like finding different
methods to demonstrate static electricity.

Tasks given to learner assistants at the school where I work, include the
• helping during stocktaking
• preparing practical’s
• preparing solutions for Chemistry
• creating workstations and setting out apparatus
• assisting during practical’s, for instance replenishing chemicals when
• clearing up and putting away apparatus directly after practical’s
• distributing apparatus to classrooms
• keeping a supplies register
• keeping the stores neat
• labelling supplies
• repairing apparatus if possible
• keeping the issuing register (a register of all apparatus that is issued
and received back)

Learner assistants could, for example, stay an hour after school (voluntarily) on
a rotation basis, in order to do the necessary work. Some of the more senior
learners can train juniors each year. The learners can be rewarded with a
badge or colours/honorary colours at merit ceremonies.


Buying and managing equipment is always a big challenge. Non-consumable
equipment is very expensive and can easily be lost if not looked after well. Be
sure to sign for the receipt of equipment. When returning these to the issuing
L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

officer (which may be a laboratory assistant, learner assistant or a colleague),

this should also be recorded.

Consumables such as magnesium tape, sodium, potassium and lithium are

wonderful and very dangerous toys for learners. Take care that these never
get into the wrong hands. It undoubtedly has legal consequences if a learner
gets hurt in the laboratory and negligence on the part of the teacher can be
proven. Therefore, the golden rule is:

Supplies/equipment should never be left in a laboratory. Arrange for it to be

returned immediately when you no longer need it.
Basic equipment that the school is likely to have include:
(1) A trolley track and trolleys
(2) Timers
(3) Mass pieces Measuring rods A scale
(4) Power sources/batteries
(5) Pulleys
(1) Wave tank
(2) Spiral metal springs
(3) Ray boxes Stroboscopes Oscilloscope Tuning-forks Signal generator
Concave lenses Convex lenses Triangular prisms
(4) Rectangular prisms
(1) Ammeters
(2) Voltmeters
(3) Galvanometers
(4) Electroscope
(5) Van de Graaff generator
(6) Magnets
(7) Power source/batteries (cells) Connecting wire
(8) Light bulbs
(1) Various metals
(1) Chemicals such as bases, alkalis, salts, alkali metals, halides, etc.
What to do if you are teaching at a school where there are no laboratories or
You have just been faced with one of the biggest challenges in teaching.
27 TMS3729/1

What are you going to do to solve this problem? (IMPORTANT: Not to do

practical’s may not be one of your considerations.

You will be surprised at the number of scientific principles you can explain
using cheap alternatives.

There are also various institutions, such as universities, engineering companies,

SASOL, etc whom you could ask for help. If you can specify what you need
and give reasons for your request, you will find help somewhere.

In the meantime, I suggest that you collect your own alternative equipment
to do practical’s. John Scott wrote an excellent book, Everyday science: real-
life activities, in which he describes numerous alternative experiments which
should fascinate you and your learners.

Let us look at examples of alternative equipment:

Newtons First Law: Use a cigarette box and two marbles. Pull the box with
the marbles across a table and stop the box suddenly. The marbles keep on

Newton s Second Law: Place a marble and a soccer ball on a table. Fillip each
away with your finger. The smaller mass of the marble causes it to move much
faster than the soccer ball.

Newton s Third Law: Make your own private jet! Inflate a balloon and drop
it. The air escaping from the balloon (action) makes the balloon propel in the
opposite direction (reaction).

L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

Acceleration: Build different inclines with a piece of wood and bricks. Let a
toy car go down them. The steeper the incline, the greater the final velocity.
Using the same incline, a heavier toy car will not go down as fast as a light one.

Air pressure: Fill a glass with water and put a piece of paper on top of the
glass. Turn over the glass–the water does not flow out!

Adhesive and cohesive forces: Particles of chalk stick together because of

cohesive forces. When writing on the board, the adhesive forces between
the board and the chalk are stronger than the cohesive forces; therefore, the
chalk sticks to the board.

Surface tension: Carefully fill a glass with water. The water rises above the rim
of the glass–a beautiful example of surface tension.

Electroscope: Build an electroscope using a glass bottle with a cardboard

stopper. Push a long nail through it. Attach a metal hook to the end of the nail
and hang a double aluminium strip from it.

29 TMS3729/1

Galvanometer: Build a galvanometer with a cardboard cylinder (a roll of toilet

paper). Wind 200 to 300 coils of isolated copper wire around the cylinder.
Leave about 5 cm of wire free at each end. Attach a crocodile clamp to each
free end (remember to remove the isolation of the wire before making the
connection). Place a compass in the centre of the one open end of the cylinder.
Keep the coils in position with sellotape. You can now register electric current
with the aid of the galvanometer.


It is such a pleasure if learners look forward to Physical Sciences.

I have, in previous lesson units, referred to the value of an enthusiastic teacher.

Combine this with a child-centred, stimulating and creative presentation and
you have a winning recipe!

Never forget to market Physical Sciences. Your learners are your clients. Accept
the challenge.


By nature, some learners have more pluck than others.

The challenge is yours to motivate those learners who have little or no courage
to take that leap.

I believe that the following activities encourage learners to be daring:

• a Science club
• taking part in competitions
• outings
• Physical Sciences expos

Ac tivit y 3. 5
Teaching can never be boring. You have hardly conquered one challenge
or the next crops up!
Choose two of the above-mentioned activities and plan in detail how you
would use each to get your learners to be venturesome?
Encouraging learners to be more daring/venturesome is an ongoing
activity which will never be completed. There will always be learners who
need guidance in this regard.
L E SS O N 3: L e ss o n p l a n n i n g

You will not have time during the first year of your teaching career to pay
attention to all of the activities discussed here
(Or the many others you can think of). Tackle the one or two you wish
to concentrate on whole-heartedly. Remember: enthusiasm breeds
enthusiasm. If you are daring, your learners will follow!)

This lesson unit dealt mostly with lesson planning.

The type of lessons were discussed in detail. The role of the laboratory assistant
or learner assistants was also discussed, as was the handling of laboratory
equipment/supplies. Suggestions were made on how to supplement shortages
of laboratory equipment.

We also discussed how to get learners to be more venturesome. Learners who

lack courage are most likely to flourish under the outcomes-based education
system, because they will be functioning in smaller groups. Independent work
and helping.

31 TMS3729/1


4 Assessment


We will know that qualifying student teachers are competent when they can:
• Apply assessment principles to design assessments;
• Use learning intentions and assessment criteria to design assessments; instruments
that can be used to assess learners effectively and objectively;
• Apply the requirements for assessment in the curriculum to design appropriate
assessments for the school environment;
• Apply the requirements for assessment in the curriculum to design assessments
at appropriate cognitive levels;
• Make assessment decisions from scenarios/case studies/practical examples.
• Give useful/meaningful feedback on formative assessments to improve learning;
• Record assessments in accordance with curriculum requirements using scenarios/
case studies/practical examples; and
• Reflect on assessments and improve/change/adapt where needed.


Assessment is a critical element of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS)
Grades 10–12. It is a process during which information is gathered to serve
as evidence of a learner s progress and performance.

Such information can be obtained continuously by making use of various

methods. You as teacher should keep a proper record of the results, so that
you can refer to them in future.


Before assessing learners, you must be sure why you are doing it. If you
understand the purpose of assessment, you will choose the correct method of
assessment. This, in turn, will ensure that the decisions and conclusions that
are based on assessment will be fair, and also suitable for the specific purpose.

Learners are assessed to monitor progress, to determine whether remediation

is necessary, to further learning and, finally, to promote the learner to the next
L E SS O N 4 : A ss e ssm e nt

Assessment provides the learner with information about his/her own progress.
Assessment helps indicate whether the learning outcomes have been achieved
through teaching. If the assessment indicates that too little progress was made,
teaching and learning should be adjusted accordingly.


There are various types of assessment. In this lesson unit we shall only discuss
the following six:
• baseline assessment
• diagnostic assessment
• formative assessment
• summative assessment
• systematic assessment
• alternative assessment

4.3.1 Baseline assessment

This type of assessment is usually done at the beginning of a grade, phase
or learning experience. Learners prior knowledge of a specific topic can be
determined in this manner. It is useful when you are developing learning
activities and learning programmes.

4.3.2 Diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment is exactly what the term implies. Diagnostic assessment
is useful to determine what support must be given to a learner. It may be
necessary to refer the learner for professional help or remediation. (If you think
a learner needs professional help, report it to your school.

Any assessment can be used for diagnostic purposes, in other words, to

determine what is causing a learning barrier.

Diagnostic assessment will also help you to adjust the learning programme if
necessary, or to plan other supportive strategies.

4.3.3 Formative assessment

Formative assessment serves to monitor and support the learning and teaching
process. It is used to inform educators and learners about their progress and
thus improve teaching and learning.

4.3.4 Summative assessment

Summative assessment gives an overall impression of the learner’s progress at
a particular point in time, for example at the end of a learning activity, term,
semester or year.

Summative assessment must be planned in such a way that a variety of

assessment strategies are used to test the learners progress.
33 TMS3729/1

4.3.5 Systematic assessment

Systematic assessment is an external monitoring of the education system which
is done by comparing learners performance with national indicators of learner
performance. It involves the regular monitoring of learning achievements by
means of nationally or provincially defined measuring instruments. This form of
assessment makes it possible to collect and compare information on learner’s
performance, so that it can be used as an aid during curriculum development,
as well as for the assessment of teaching and learning. At the General Education
and Training level, systematic assessment will be done at the exit levels of the
respective phases, namely grade 3, grade 6 and grade 9.

4.3.6 Alternative assessment

The purpose of alternative assessment methods is to minimise the impact of a
learner s special needs on assessment performance. The aim is to accommodate
the functional differences of learners that arise from special educational needs.

Nowadays all schools have to provide for learners with impairments, whether
it be a physical, hearing, visual or any other impairment. These learners
cannot always be assessed in the same manner as their classmates. Alternative
assessment, depending on the learner s impairment, will be necessary.


Assessment should:

• be understood by the learner and the general public

• be focused
• be integrated with teaching and learning
• be based on the criteria set by the assessment standards
• make provision for extensive opportunities for learners
• be fair
• be flexible
• use a variety of instruments
• use a variety of methods

It is extremely important that assessment must be reliable. You cannot use only
one assessment method, because you will then not get a complete picture of
the learner. Therefore, it is essential that the evaluation of learner’s progress
should be based on more than one assessment method. This is the principle
of continuous assessment.

Continuous assessment means that learners will do a variety of assessment

activities at different times during the course of the year. These activities may
include tests, examinations, projects and assignments. You may, of course,
also use other activities. The activities should then be included in a portfolio.
L E SS O N 4 : A ss e ssm e nt


When assessing, you should always bear the relevant learning outcome in mind.

Learning outcome 1: Skills

Learning outcome 2: Knowledge
Learning outcome 3: Values and attitudes

In order to decide what type of activity will best meet the assessment needs,
ask yourself the following questions:

• What understanding, knowledge, skill or value has to be assessed?

• What should the learner know?
• At which level should the learners performance be?
• What kind of knowledge is being assessed–reasoning skills, memory or
learning process?


4.6.1 Self-assessment
All learning outcomes and assessment standards should be transparent. The
learners should know what is expected of them. They can play an important
role by assessing their work themselves, before you as teacher do the final
assessment. A learner may identify his/her own shortcomings and improve
on them.

We know from experience that learners are much more critical about themselves
than we are. This method may be a lot more effective than one might imagine.

4.6.2 Peer-group assessment

This type of assessment has a lot of advantages for the learners whose work
is being assessed, as well as for the learners who are doing the assessment.
They become familiar with the assessment criteria and empower themselves
to assess their own work and their peers work.

Just as critical as learners are about themselves, they are about each other’s
work. In this manner they encourage each other to produce a better quality
of work.

4.6.3 Group assessment

The skill to work effectively together with others in a group is one of the critical
outcomes. When doing group assessment, you should look for indications that
the learners can work together well in a group, can help each other, can divide
the work, and can combine individual contributions into a meaningful whole.

In group assessment the process, as well as the final product are assessed. You
can naturally also evaluate social skills, time management, the management
of resources, and group dynamics.
35 TMS3729/1


There are various ways of collecting evidence. Let us discuss a few of them:

4.7.1 Observation-based assessment

This assessment method is not very structured. You can compile a record of
different kinds of evidence for different learners at different times.

This type of assessment is often reserved for tasks where learners have
to communicate with each other or work together towards a common goal. A
suitable measuring instrument should be chosen for this type of assessment.
The disadvantage is that it may be time-consuming.

4.7.2 Test-based assessment

This assessment method is more structured. It allows you to collect the same
evidence for all the learners, in the same manner and in the same period of
time. The evidence obtained is supported by a specific mark, for example
65%. If used correctly, this type of assessment (tests and examinations) may
provide good evidence of a learner s knowledge, understanding, insight and
ability to apply acquired knowledge to new situations.

4.7.3 Task-based assessment

The purpose of task-based or performance-based assessment is to evaluate
if learners can apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in new
situations outside the classroom.

This type of assessment is also used to see if learners can apply that which
they have learnt in theory, in practice. Can the learners do an experiment in
practice, using their theoretical knowledge?

Tasks can be assessed with the aid of rubrics and checklists.


Keeping records and reporting involves combining data accumulated over a
certain period of time. This data must be analysed logically and presented in
an accurate and understandable manner.

There are various ways of keeping records. It is often difficult to distinguish

between the recording method and the method used to evaluate learners

The following are examples of different types of recording instruments:

• rating scales
• checklists
• rubrics
L E SS O N 4 : A ss e ssm e nt

4.8.1 Rating scales

A rating scale is any system where a symbol (such as A or B), or a mark (such
as 5/10 or 50%) is linked to a certain performance. One can, for instance, use
the following scale:
A Outstanding performance
B Good performance
C Satisfactory performance
D Certain aspects require attention
E Unsatisfactory performance–remediation recommended

If performance is linked to a mark, the following guidelines can be used:

80–100% Outstanding performance
70–79% Good performance
60–69% Satisfactory performance
50–59% Certain aspects require attention
40–49% Unsatisfactory performance–remediation recommended

Explaining the rating scale is very important, as it gives the learner an idea of
what he/she has achieved, as well as of the instances in which, and the reasons
why he/she has not achieved the learning outcomes.

These rating scales were used in the traditional marking methods, but without
the explanatory details. It was difficult to form an idea of the learner s strong
and weak points in terms of the outcomes that he/she was supposed to achieve.

In the traditional methods the emphasis was on recalling and reproducing

knowledge. Unfortunately, this method can easily lead to the attenuation of the
curriculum and to rote learning. Little opportunity is then offered to exercise
higher-order thought patterns.

4.8.2 Checklists
Checklists consist of discrete statements that describe the expected performance
in a specific task. If a learner meets a specific criterion (statement) on the
checklist, it is ticked off.

All the criteria that are ticked off give an indication of the learner s performance.
Similarly, the statements that have not been ticked off give the learner an
indication of his/her weak points and what he/she still has to attend to.

This type of recording is very useful for peer-group assessment or group


4.8.3 Rubrics
A rubric is a specific set of criteria which indicates the expected outcomes to
both the teacher and the learner.

These criteria should be clear guidelines describing both abilities and values.
A rubric is a combination of a rating scale and a description of standards.
37 TMS3729/1

As facilitator, you may initially be sceptical about rubrics, because you might
feel that they are subjective. They may however be a very good aid if applied
correctly. The opposite is also true–if used incorrectly, they may be disastrous.

Why would you want to use a rubric?

• A rubric sets standards.
• A rubric puts expectations into words. The learner is informed about what
is expected of him/her. In a heterogeneous group, it is important that the
rubric is compiled in such a manner that the minimum requirement is also
• It helps learners to assume responsibility for their own learning process.
• It helps keep the learning process transparent. All parties involved, including
the parents, have insight in the level of knowledge that has to be mastered.

It is essential that you as teacher must know exactly what is required for each
criterion included in the rubric.

Rubrics may be:

• holistic, providing a global picture of the standard required
• analytical, providing a clear picture of the ultimate goal
• a combination of both of the above

When compiling a rubric, you must ask yourself the following questions (quoted
from the NCS, South Africa, Department of Education 2003):
• Which outcomes are being targeted?
• Which Assessment Standards are targeted by the task?
• What kind of evidence should be collected?
• Which are the different parts of the performance that will be assessed?
• Which different assessment instruments best suit each part of the task (such
as the process and the product)?
• What knowledge should be evident?
• What skills should be applied, or actions taken?
• What opportunities for expressing person opinions, values or attitudes arise
in the task and which of these should be assessed and how?
• Should one rubric target all the Learning Outcomes and Assessment
• Standards of the task or does the task need several rubrics?
• How many rubrics are, in fact needed for the task?

It is of critical importance that you as teacher should discuss the rubric or rubrics
with the learners before they tackle the required task. The rubric makes it clear
what learning and performance will be required. Ultimately, it is a powerful
instrument for self-assessment.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Works individually only.
L E SS O N 4 : A ss e ssm e nt

2 Works in a group but does not cooperate fully.

3 Works effectively with others, without panicking.
4 Works effectively and systematically with others; maintains calm and
harmonious approach.

Does practical work and assists others without reading up or asking for written
or verbal instructions; in other words, well prepared. Knows exactly what to do.

1 Poor.
2 Incomplete and disorganised.
3 Complete and systematic.
4 Excellent; easy to understand; covers whole memo.

3. ACTIONS (skills)
0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Identifies and chooses suitable items for specific instruction.
2 Sets up apparatus according to written instructions.
3 Uses all apparatus without additional verbal instructions.
4 Follows written instructions and does all experiments in a methodical and
organised manner, taking safety precautions into consideration.

1 Uses apparatus correctly.
2 Takes correct pressure and volume readings.
3 Takes correct unit readings.
4 Can correct mistakes if readings seem to be wrong.

5. RECORDING (results)
1 Writes readings down. (table)
2 Writes readings in a table.
3 Adds headings to table.
4 Indicates units.

1 Draws only one graph.
2 Draws both graphs.
3 Indicates units on both axes (both graphs).
4 Uses scale correctly (both graphs).

1 pv k
2 p 1/V
3 Notes that T is constant.
4 Indicates that it is a closed system.


39 TMS3729/1

0 Does not make any attempt.

1 Works individually only.
2 Works in a group but does not cooperate fully.
3 Works effectively with others, without panicking.
4 Works effectively and systematically with others; maintains calm and
harmonious approach. Does practical work and assists others without
reading up or asking for written or verbal instructions; in other words, well
prepared. Knows exactly what to do.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Poor.
2 Incomplete and disorganised.
3 Complete and systematic.
4 Excellent; easy to understand; covers whole memo.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Identifies and chooses suitable items for specific practical instruction.
2 Sets up apparatus according to written instructions for practical work.
3 Can use all apparatus without additional verbal instructions.
4 Follows written instructions and does all experiments in a methodical and
organised manner, taking safety precautions into consideration.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Builds circuit.
2 Changes potential difference with rheostat.
3 Takes ammeter and voltmeter readings.
4 Uses units for ammeter and volt-meter readings.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Writes down readings.
2 Writes readings in a table
3 Adds headings to table.
4 Indicates units.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Draws labelled axes for a graph.
2 Uses a scale for the graph.
3 Plots points on graph and draws best possible straight line.
4 Determines gradient of graph.

0 Does not make any attempt.
1 Mentions that V is directly proportional to I.
2 Mentions that R is constant.
L E SS O N 4 : A ss e ssm e nt

3 Determines R with the gradient of the graph.

4 Gives reasons for mistakes, for example on graph.


The National Curriculum Statement Grades 10–12 provides a six-point scale
for the processing of performance. It is easy to interpret.

This is what it looks like:

Rating code Description of competence Marks %

6 Outstanding 80–100

5 Meritorious 60–79
4 Satisfactory 50–59
3 Adequate 40–49
2 Partial 30–39
1 Inadequate 0–29


We have already mentioned that tests and examinations also have a role to
play in assessment. All three learning outcomes can be evaluated in tests and

The degree of difficulty of any paper must be determined using certain criteria.
This ensures that the paper is in fact set according to a certain standard.

Bloom’s Taxonomy is generally used as a guideline for determining standards.

Bloom divides questions into four categories, according the degree of difficulty.
• Knowledge: Approximately 15–20% of the paper
• Understanding: Approximately 35–40% of the paper
• Application: Approximately 30–35% of the paper
• Insight: Approximately 10–15% of the paper


Indicates units. Examples

1. Knowledge Recollection of information Gives definitions
2. Understanding Lowest level of under- standing: Does a calculation if everything
has basic understanding, necessary is given; the right
but does not understand its formula must be chosen and
application substituted

41 TMS3729/1

Indicates units. Examples

3. Application Applies knowledge to new Does a calculation using two
situations; reasons from the formulas to get the expected
known to the unknown, from answer
the abstract to the concrete
and vice versa
4. Analysis Sorts information; divides Has to use given information
complicated problems into (e.g. from a graph) and process
more simple parts it to get the required answer
5. Synthesis Combines simple parts to form Uses given information to
a more complex concept draw another graph, from
which new information can
be obtained
6. Evaluation Makes value judgements An entirely unknown situation
is given; the learner displays
insight into the situation and
analyses it to conclude

In this lesson unit we have attempted to explain what is meant by assessment,
why it is necessary, and what types of assessment there are.

We have guided you in choosing the correct assessment method. You were
shown different methods to keep records and the value of each of these
methods was discussed.

In order to overcome the hesitancy/scepticism associated with rubrics, we

have included two examples. These rubrics have been tested in practice and
work well.

We have shown you how to set a well-balanced paper. Such a paper

should include difficult, as well as easy questions. We have also

included Bloom's Taxonomy for you, with examples, to facilitate the
task of setting papers for you.

When you have worked through this study guide and made it your own, you
can call yourself a TEACHER!! Congratulations with this milestone you have
reached in your life. It is an unbelievably fulfilling career.

Carry the following quotation from Christa McAuliffe with you: I touch the
future, I teach.


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