Aliasing and Antialiasing

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What is aliasing? Explain the anti-aliasing techniques.

In computer graphics, the process by which smooth curves and other lines become
jagged because the resolution of the graphics device or file is not high enough to
represent a smooth curve.
In the line drawing algorithms, we have seen that all rasterized locations do not match
with the true line and we have to select the optimum raster locations to represent a
straight line. This problem is severe in low resolution screens. In such screens line
appears like a stair-step. This effect is known as aliasing.

The images displayed on the Computer monitor are composed of squares

classified as pixels with their particular color, which are uniquely calculated.
Individual pixels are modified beside one another at the stage when images
that are displayed have vertical or horizontal paths. Still, when to display a
curve or side to side image, these pixels must be configured point by point that
demonstrates their stinging outlines; this influence is termed as "jaggies."

“Anti-aliasing is a method for eliminating the aliasing effect used in computer

graphics. In a 2-dimensional object, the ambient occlusion impact is the existence of
sharp edges or 'jaggies' (an image rendered using pixels).”

We can remove aliasing with the help of the below-mentioned four techniques.

1. Pre-filtering or Area sampling Technique

2. Post-filtering or Supersampling Technique
3. Pixel phasing
4. Using High-resolution display
5. Pre-filtering or Area sampling Technique

Pixel frames are determined in the area sampling (Prefiltering) relative to each
its positions with the artifacts to be viewed. The pixel hue is determined based
on the variance between the objects in the image and the pixel field.

For Example - Let us assume that a line moves via two pixels. The pixel
encompassing a larger portion (90 percent) of line exhibits 90 percent intensity
if less area (10 percent) covering pixel screens 10-15 percent intensity. If the
pixel region coincides with various color regions, the pixel’s final color is
obtained as the area's average color variance.

This technique is also called pre-filtering since this process is conducted until
the rasterized image is generated. It's accomplished by using some primitive
graphics methodologies.
 Post-filtering or Supersampling Technique

In this technique, we increase the sample’s resolution by approaching the

image as if it was composed of a much more delicate surface, which decreases
the usable pixel size. But the size of the display appears the same. The
frequency of each subpixel is now measured, and the pixel value strength is
estimated from the maximum image pixels. This technique is also called post-
filtration, as this treatment is administered after the raster image is generated.

 Pixel phasing

It's a strategy for avoiding aliasing. Pixel coordinates are moved here to
approximate positions near the geometry of the object. Some systems make it
possible to change the size of specular pixels for intensity distribution, useful
in pixel phasing.

 Using High-resolution display

Essentially viewing artifacts at a more excellent resolution reduces the aliasing

impact in improving the sampling frequency. Using the high resolution of the
jaggies get so tiny that the human eye makes them recognizable. Therefore,
serrated areas get blended out, and smooth edges emerge.

For Example - In Apple devices, for instance, display devices, OLED displays
have higher screen resolution because the jaggies are produced so small that
for our eyes they are blurred and invisible.

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