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SESSION 202301

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Personal Information

Name :

Student’s Reg. No :

I.C No :

Telephone No :

E-mail :

Course Programme:

Part Marks Marks Marks

I. Rules and Regulations (25 marks)
II. Current Development and Issues (25 marks)
III. My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)
IV. Reflections (20 marks)

Performance Evaluation
Throughout the practical session, the performance of all the students who enroll in the co-
curriculum course will be evaluated through marks and graded. However, the grades will not
contribute to the GPA and CGPA.
Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following:
i. Attendance 20%
ii. Log Book 20%
iii. Involvement 10%
iv. Achievement 10%
v. Technical skills 40%

1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the
reasons stated below will be considered absent with a remark:
a. Medical Certificate (MC)
b. Represent TAR University College for external events (RC)
c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member (DC)
d. Leave of absence approved by Faculty
e. Skip letter approved by Deputy Director of DSA or Branch Campus Head

2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present:
a. Personal matters (PTPTN submission)

Course Content/ Lesson Plan

Lesson 1 Introduction of Rules & Regulations.

Introduction to Ball Handling

Lesson 2 Introduction to Ball Control

Lesson 3 Introduction to Passing & Receiving

Lesson 4 Introduction to Dribbling

Lesson 5 Introduction to Game Simulation

Lesson 6 Introduction to Shooting & Goalkeeping

Lesson 7 Introduction to Set Piece

Lesson 8 Introduction to Individual & Team Play

Lesson 9 Individual Skills Test 1

Lesson 10 Individual Skills Test 2

Lesson 11 Introduction to individual duties, responsibilities and game practise for

Co-Curricular Day Activities

Lesson 12 Co-Curricular Day

I) Rules and Regulations (25 marks)

To abstract the important rules and regulations of futsal in point form.

(180 - 200 words)

II) Current Development and Issues in Gym Workout (25 marks)

Choose an article on any current issue (6 months to date) regarding futsal. Discuss and
write your personal opinion regarding the issue in 180 – 200 words & attach the issue.
(newspaper / webpage screenshot in PDF)

(180 - 200 words)

III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: Co-cu number:

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

Total Duration

Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)
III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: Co-cu number:

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

Total Duration

Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)
III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: Co-cu number:

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

Total Duration

Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)
IV) Reflections (20 marks)

What did we learn from this course? (10 marks)

What should we do to further develop my soft skills and technical skills? (10 marks)

Comments : (by staff)

( )

Marking Rubrics

Competency Level
1 2 3 4 5
Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Attendance and
Practice* Attend 10 Attend 11 Attend 12 Attend 13 Attend all
(*Must fulfill sessions sessions sessions sessions sessions of
80% class class
*MC more than
2 times ask to (60) (70) (80) (90) (100)
Sometimes Sometimes a A satisfactory A strong group A true team
chooses not to satisfactory group member member who member who
participate and group member who does most consistently contributes a lot
does not who does what of what is does what is of effort, and
Involvement complete is required. required. required. Other encourages and
(10%) assigned tasks. group members supports the
can count on efforts of others
this person. in the group.

(10 – 20) (21 – 40) (41 – 60) (61 – 80) (81 – 100)
Achievement in Reach 2nd
Present for the Participated in Semi-finalists Champion and
Tournament round or
Co-Curriculum competition of the runner-up of the
–Co- Quarterfinalists
day competition competition
Curriculum of competition
(40) (50) ( 70-80) (90 -100)
(10%) (60)
Log Book The report does The report The report The report The report
Report not refer to the explains some explains most explains all of explains all the
(20%) purpose of the of the purpose of the purpose the key purpose key purpose of
For late submission, practice. Some of the practice of the practice. of the practice. the practice and
there will be a
reduction of absolute points are not but miss key All points are All points are point out less
marks from the mark’s present, nor are purposes. Most present, but are present, in obvious one as
score submitted:
•Late 1 to 3 days after they together or points are either not order, and well. All points
deadline of in order present, but together or in together are present, in
submission: minus 10
they are order order, and
•Late 4 to 7 days after together or in together
deadline of order
submission: minus 20
•Late more than 7 days (10 – 20) (21 – 40) (41 – 60) (61 – 80) (81 – 100)
after deadline of
submission: 0 marks
Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class
Skills Test 1
(10-20) (21-40) (41-60) (61-80) (81-100)

Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class
Skills Test 2
(10-20) (21-40) (41-60) (61-80) (81-100)
*Attendance below 80% (present less than 12 times) fail the co-curriculum program.

**Co-Curriculum day is compulsory for all students of the class.


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