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Vlora William

30 Lengkok Halia
10470, Georgetown, Penang
25 September 2023

Subject: Request for Permission to Sit for Finals - Medical Absence on 13 September

To Whom It May Concern,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health and spirits. I am writing to address a
critical matter regarding my academic situation and respectfully request your
understanding and support.

On 13 September 2023, I regrettably found myself unable to attend Madam Vigneswary's

English class due to a sudden and severe medical issue. I experienced debilitating
menstrual cramps that left me immobilized and confined to my home, making it
impossible for me to participate in any activities, including attending class. I deeply
regret any disruption my absence may have caused to the class.

In response to my absence, I promptly sought medical attention and obtained a medical

certificate from my healthcare provider on 14 September 2023. This certificate explicitly
confirms my condition and the necessity of my absence on 13 September 2023. Along
with this letter, I have attached photos of my medication and clinic visit on 14 September
2023 as additional supporting evidence.

I want to emphasize my unwavering commitment to my academic responsibilities and the

value I place on regular class attendance. Missing Madam Vigneswary's class was never
my intention, and I am genuinely dedicated to my studies. I am fully prepared to
compensate for the missed material, whether through additional assignments or by
putting in extra effort in my coursework.

With your permission, I kindly request the opportunity to sit for the finals for AJEL2013
Professional English on the scheduled date. I firmly believe that I can still demonstrate
my knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, despite this unforeseen setback.

I understand that exceptional circumstances like these require a compassionate and

flexible approach. If there are any specific requirements or tasks I need to fulfill to make
up for my absence, please inform me, and I will be more than willing to comply.
I am hopeful that my request will be considered with the empathy and fairness that I have
come to associate with Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and
Technology. I genuinely appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I eagerly await your response and
guidance on the next steps.


Vlora William

Photo of Medication and Clinic Visit on 14 September 2023

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