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good poor fog/snow violent



St Johns



AG AG Liverpool


Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
u u u +1 U-Boat

u r Luck of Splice the

the Irish Mainbrace
u Air Raid

Random Event Markers

Canadian Sector

Weather and Convoy Marker

Hedgehog and
Depth Charge Western Approaches


U-Boat Torpedo

Air Gap Iceberg

Mine Mine Event

Corvette Mat Tokens Map Based Tokens

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
+1 +1


+1 +1


+1 +1



Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

corvette command
September 41 November 42
4” Gun

Lookout Long
October 42

AA Gun Engineer

Depth Charge Patterns Close

Depth 1 2 3 4 5
Charges 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25



resolution table u-boat attack

Active factor modifier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Close Range +1 to U-Boat Skill
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Long Range + 1 to Convoy Skill
2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Attacked Convoy is Skill 1
3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

asdic detection
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 factor modifier
7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Close Range +1 to ASDIC Skill
8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Long Range + 1 to U-Boat Skill
9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Previously +3 to ASDIC Skill
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 detected
Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Random Event Table Corvette Command
Ver 3.2

When you reveal a counter with a “R” on the reverse then roll 1d20:

1. Luck of the Irish. You have won the ship’s sweepstake. This is obviously your luck day. You may
re-roll one die roll sometime during this convoy.

2. Men in the water!. You spot survivors clinging to a raft. If you stop to rescue them roll 1d20 on a 1
you are torpedoed by a U-Boat. See rules on U-Boat vs Corvette for attempts to spot the incoming
torpedoes. If foggy/snow or violent storm no attack takes place.

3. Oil slick sighted. Your lookout spots a trail of oil on the surface leading away from the convoy. Roll

Roll Area
1-3 Nothing
4-5 Straggler from a previous convoy
6 Chance to detect a U-Boat with
Evade Skill of 3 that has already
taken2 hits

4. MINE!! - Western Approaches only - You spot a mine at Long Range drifting towards the
convoy. You may use you AA guns to blow it up. Its Evade Skill is 4 at long range being a small target.
Take a shot at Long range. If you fail move the mine into Medium range and attempt to fire again. If
you fail to detonate the mine move it to Close range and fire again. Failure after this relies on the
manoeuvrability of the Corvette at Skill 4 to evade. Success means the mine is out of harms way of the
convoy. Failure means you have caught the mine and it has detonated.

Once you have established it hits roll 1d6:

Roll Damage
1-3 1d3 HULL Damage
4 1d3 HULL and 1 area damage
5 1d3 HULL and 2 areas damaged
6 1d3 HULL and 3 areas damaged

If the Corvette suffers 3 HULL damage it sinks

Contact Bearing…. Air gap & Canadian waters - Your ASDIC operator gets a contact roll 1d6:

Roll Area
1-3 Whale
4-5 Submerged wreckage
6 U-Boat (Draw top card from Deck)

5. Man Overboard! one of your crew from the following table is washed overboard:

Roll Area
1-2 Lookout
3 AA Gun
4-5 4” Gun
6 Depth Charges

For the remainder of the convoy treat this area as damaged treating all Tasks levels as 1 point harder.
Example - Depth Charge attack against an Evade 3 U-Boat is now an Evade 4 U-Boat.

6. Periscope Sighted - Convoy Commander reports that a ship in the centre of the convoy has spotted a
periscope. The Escort Commander orders you to investigate. Roll 1d6

Roll Area
1-3 Nothing
4-5 Mop Handle washed overboard
6 U-Boat (Draw top card from Deck)

7. ICEBERG! Canadian sector – Icebergs convoy must move sideways into another sector

Air Gap – Your lookout spots a group of survivors in a ship’s boat under sail. As you get nearer there a
six people huddled together but they fail to respond. When the boat is alongside it is clear that all the
occupants have been dead for some time. Their eyes have been pecked out by birds and their bodies are
mummified and blackened by the sun. No effect on Game other than Narrative

This mans a Genius. (Boffin Rescue) Western Approaches –. Escort Commander orders you to
search for the survivors of a crashed Coastal Command Avro Anson. Search difficulty is 3 versus your
Lookout Skill. You will get one chance at each range (Long range +1 to difficulty Close range +1 to
Lookout). Failure will delay new developments by one month. Success will bump you up the list for
new improvements by one month.

8. Catch up. (Re roll if Violent Storm in your Sector) You are signalled by the Escort Commander to
round up three stragglers who have fallen astern of the convoy. On your arrival you spot a U-Boat on
the surface firing at the nearest ship with his deck gun. It is just within range of your 4” gun. Open fire!
Each shell represents a single hit if your are successful. You have time to get off 2 shots at long range
before it submerges. You must then attempt to pick it up on ASDIC at Medium range.

9. Message from the Admiralty “There is a wolfpack immediately ahead of you divert now.” You may
reveal one counter in a sector adjacent to your current sector. If this reveals a U-Boat you may avoid
that sector. If it is clear you may move into that sector.

10. Air Raid!! The next time you are leaving or arriving into Liverpool you find it being bombed by
the Luftwaffe, place marker in the Random event box on the Corvette Mat as a reminder.
The Luftwaffe take this opportunity to attack the ships in your convoy. Roll 1d6 Aircraft for the attack.
Engage! Your Corvette is close enough to attack one of the attacking aircraft. Apply your AA Skill v
Aircraft Skill of 3. If successful paint a victory marker on the side of your mounting and remove 1
aircraft from the attack sequence. Then roll 1d6 per aircraft involved in the attack and a separate 1d6
of a different colour. If any of the d6 equal the number rolled on the different colour d6 then this is
treated as a successful bomb hit and a convoy ship lost.

11. Aircraft sighted. Western Approaches - A Focke Wulfe 200 Condor circles your convoy just out
of range of your guns. After 2 hours it breaks off and heads for home. But has it brought a Wolfpack to
your sector? You need to change course by 90 degrees immediately and move into a new sector.

U-Boat supplies. Air Gap or Canadian Sector - You catch a Milch Cow on the surface resupplying a
U-Boat. The U Boat escapes but, in its haste to dive the Milch Cow leaves the transfer dinghy attached
giving away its position. This reduces its evade skill to 1. If you successfully sink the Milch Cow the
Wolfpack will have to terminate its mission early and you are free from Wolfpack attack for the
remainder of this convoy.

12. We Need Help! A straggler from a previous convoy is damaged and needs help to make repairs.
The size of the ship is 1d6+6 x 1,000t and if it is repaired this can be offset against your losses. Your
repair crew cannot cross to the stricken ship in a violent storm. The repair difficulty is 2 while they are
on board the straggler you cannot carry out repairs to your own ship.

13. Constant Endeavour. Western Approaches and Canadian waters only.. A patrolling
Sunderland is ready to attack the next U-Boat revealed (unless Fog/Snow). At the next U-Boat attack
and after a successful ASDIC roll, the patrolling Aircraft swoops in and conducts a skill 1 attack against
the U-Boat. The Corvette then attacks as well. If the U-Boat is sunk, the victory is shared. The Corvette
will receive a Bravo Zulu(Well Done) from the Admiralty.

Excellent Teamwork. Air Gap -. At your next U-Boat attack another escort is able to lend a hand in
attacking the U-Boat. Roll twice to make contact with ASDIC and after your Corvette attacks the other
escort attacks as well. If the U-Boat is sunk. The victory is shared by both escorts and a damned good
wardroom party is held once back at Port.

14. Splice the Mainbrace. After the next particularly violent storm, the C.O. promises a tot of rum to
the crew. At your next good weather sector, the rum issued is passed out. Apply a happy crew counter
to the ships mat. Exchange this counter for a re-roll of any one dice this convoy.

15. Coded Message. A stricken U-Boat has come up to periscope depth to attempt to send a critical
message. Draw a card for the U-Boat and attempt to spot via both Lookout and ASDIC/ Radar (if
available.) Because of its stricken nature both Lookout and ASDIC get +1 bonus for the initial spot.
Once detected it dives deeper, losing your Lookouts capability but ASDIC still retains the +1 bonus. If
Spotted continue the process until you either destroy the U-Boat or it escapes. It has no torpedoes and
will NOT summon a WOLFPACK. The U-Boat has 2 damage on it. If you get one more point of
damage on it, it surfaces and the crew abandon ship in life rafts and the stricken U-Boat is scuttled.
You help pickup the survivors who are transferred to another ship and remain as PoWs. You may claim
the victory in destroying a U-Boat.

16. Inspired manoeuvres. For the next Depth Charge attack add 2d6 dice to the depth charge attack.

17. Replenishment at Sea. One of the escorts has run low of fuel and must refuel from a tanker in the
convoy. Roll 1d6, this is the number of sectors the escort can stay with the convoy without refuelling.
This cannot take place in snow/fog or violent storms. If there has been no opportunity to refuel then the
escort must leave the convoy, which gains +1 U-Boat per Wolfpack.

18. Illness at Sea. A shipmate has become ill at Sea. Roll 1d20 on a #20 it is one of your Officers or
key personnel. Roll randomly between your keys positions. That crewman is transferred to the convoy
leader for emergency treatment. He may re-join your ship at the next Port. The replacement crewman
is skill level 1.

19. Snowflake. A ship in the convoy accidentally fires a snowflake flare. Roll 1d20 and on a roll of 1
on this attracts a nearby Wolfpack. 1d3 boats are attracted to your sector. (This is an additional
Wolfpack attack).

20. They have fired on us. The next time you encounter a U-Boat it attacks you with a torpedo at its
preferred attack range. Refer to the U-Boat versus Corvette firing sequence for the attack sequence.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021


Resolution Table

Convoy Size: Roll as follows for the number of ships in your convoy:

Year Convoy Size

1941 30 +2d20
1942 40 + 2d20
1943+ 50 + 2d20

Weather Forecast: Roll 1d20 for prevailing weather. (Oct to Mar +1, Jun-August -1)

Roll Weather
1-5 Good
6-10 Poor
11-15 Fog/Snow
16-20 Violent Storm

Detection of U-Boat:
To determine whether the U-Boat is on the surface or submerged. A U-Boat can roll for being surfaced
at medium or long range in ANY weather. A U-Boat will only roll for being on the surface at close
range in Fog/Snow weather conditions. Roll 2d6 on the following table:

2d6 Roll Surface/Submerged

2-3 Night U-boat is submerged
4-7 Night U-boat is on the surface
8-10 Day U-boat is submerged
11-12 Day U-boat is on the surface

Modifiers to spotting:

Factor Modifier
At night +3 to Sub skill
At Long +3 to Sub skill
At Medium +2 to Sub skill
At Close +1 to Lookout skill
Detected by Radar or HF/DF +2 to Lookout skill
Weather Poor +2 to Sub skill
Weather Fog/Snow +3 to Sub skill

Modifiers to Hit:

Factor Modifier
4” Gun at L +3 Sub skill
4” Gun at M +2 Sub skill
4” Gun at C No mods
AA Gun at M +3 Sub skill
AA Gun at C No mods

Ship Tonnage Losses:

When a ship is sunk either directly from U-Boat action or as a straggler in the Arrival at Port section
then use the following method to determine the tonnage lost.

To see the size of the ship destroyed, start with a base value of 6,000t then roll 1d6 (positive) multiplied
by 1,000 and add it to the base value to get the current tonnage total. Then roll a 1d6 (negative)
multiply the result by 1,000 and subtract from the current tonnage total.

For example: Black 3 is +3,000t added to 6,000t =9,000t then White 5 is -5,000t. subtracted
from the tonnage value is now 4,000t

If you roll a double then apply the following for the loss of a vital ship:

Double Result
1 Ammunition ship 2d6 x 1000 in tonnage
2 Tanker 2d6 x 1000 in tonnage
3 Tanker 2d6 +1 x 1000 in tonnage
4 Tanker 2d6 +2 x 1000 in tonnage
5 Tanker 2d6 +3 x 1000 in tonnage
6 Rescue Ship 1,700t

Targeting the Corvette:

The torpedo is launched at the range of the U-Boat and the Corvette gets to make a Lookout and an
ASDIC Task roll.

LOOKOUT is (ACTIVE) vs skill 4 Torpedo (PASSIVE).

ASDIC is (ACTIVE) vs skill 3 Torpedo (PASSIVE).

Factor Modifier
Weather is good +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo at Close range exception in Fog/Snow +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo is at Close range – regardless of weather conditions +1 ASDIC Skill
Torpedo previously detected in other zones (cumulative) +1 Lookout/ASDIC Skill
Attack begins at Long range +1 Torpedo Skill
Weather is poor +1 Torpedo Skill
Fog/Snow and attack takes place at Close range immediately +1 Torpedo Skill

Factor Modifier
For every HULL point damaged on the Corvette +1 Torpedo Skill
Engineering on the Corvette is currently damaged. +1 Torpedo Skill
Per successful Lookout spotting of the incoming torpedo (Long, +1 Corvette Skill
Medium and Close range)

If the Corvette manoeuvres out of the way, then the torpedo travels right on by.

Once you have established the torpedo hits roll 1d6:

Roll Damage
1-3 1d3 HULL Damage
4 1d3 HULL and 1 area damage
5 1d3 HULL and 2 areas damaged
6 1d3 HULL and 3 areas damaged

Place markers on the HULL damage and then roll on the Ship Damage Table for each area hit.

If the Corvette suffers 3 HULL damage it sinks.

Corvette Action
Detection Phase:

After the U-Boat attack your Corvette then tries to determine the position of the U-Boat. This is done
by rolling your ASDIC skill vs the U-Boat’s evade skill on the Resolution table.

Factor Modifier
Close range +1 to Corvette
Long range + 1 to U-Boat
U-Boat previously detected for +3 to Corvette
consecutive attempts

For example: ASDIC skill of 1 against an Evade skill of 4 at Medium range must roll 7 or less
to detect the U-Boat.

Roll Activity
1-2 No further U-Boats
3 1 U-Boat
4-5 2 U-Boats
6 3 U-Boats

Ship Damage Table:

Roll 1d6 for damage location to your ship

d6 Roll Damaged Area

1 Lookout
2 ASDIC/HFDF/ RADAR (depending on time in campaign)*
3 AA Guns
4 4” Gun
5 Depth Charge (roll only 3 Depth Charge dice until repaired)**
6 Engineering

*If you use the optional rule of the crew then any damage to the ASDIC from the Ship Damage
table should be rolled as follows:
If you only have ASDIC no problem
If you have ASDIC and RADAR roll a 1D6 even result ASDIC odd result RADAR
If you have all three roll 1d6: 1-2 ASDIC 3-4 RADAR 5-6 HF/DF

**If you have Hedgehog fitted then the damage to the component is as follows:

Roll a 1D6 even result Depth Charges odd result Hedgehog

Roll 1d3 for repair difficulty. Any areas in need of repair have a +1 Task Harder counter on their area
until repairs can be completed.

Victory Conditions

After every convoy compare the total tonnage lost to 50,000 and score using the Convoy VP column

Tonnage Victory condition Convoy Yearly Victory Con-

VPs dition
Under 12,500 Should be Admiral of the Fleet 3+ 7+
12,500 – 24,999 Major Allied Victory 2 4-6
37,500 – 49,999 Minor Allied Victory 1 1-3
50,000 – 62,499 Stalemate 0 0
62,500 – 74,999 Minor German Victory -1 -1 - -3
75,000 – 87,499 Major German Victory -2 -4 - -6
87,500 – 100,000+ Utter Disaster -3+ -7+

Log the Convoy VPs and at the end of a year total up the VP and compare them to the Yearly Victory
Condition to achieve your campaign status.


Resolution Table 1 Convoy Size 1
Convoy Size 1 Corvette Detection Phase 4
Weather Forecast 1 Detection of U-Boat 1
Detection of U-Boat 1 Modifiers in Spotting 2
Modifiers in Spotting 2 Modifiers to Hit 2
Modifiers to Hit 2 Resolution Table 1
Ship Tonnage Losses 2 Ship Damage Table 4
Targeting the Corvette 3 Ship Tonnage Losses 2
Corvette Detection Phase 4 Targeting the Corvette 3
Wolfpack Table 4 Victory Conditions 5
Ship Damage Table 4 Weather Forecast 1
Victory Conditions 5 Wolfpack Table 4

COMMAND By Alan Eagle
Ver 5.8

It is May 1941 and the Battle of the Atlantic is reaching a critical point. The Royal Canadian Navy has
extended its convoy cover eastwards and the Royal Navy has pushed their cover west so that convoys
are now escorted the whole way across the Atlantic. For the purposes of gameplay only I have
combined these two forces and you command a single Flower Class Corvette all the way across the
Atlantic. Although the “Escort Gap” has been closed the “Air Gap” remains. The escorts are still
waiting for the arrival of shipborne radar and spotting surfaced U-Boats and keeping station on
convoys in the dark and poor visibility is still reliant on the lookouts. Ship to ship communications is
also via signal lamps and flags and occasionally by loud hailer. The game ends on 31st May 1943.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

You will need at least several six-sided dice, a ten-sided dice and a twenty-sided dice to play this game.


The Resolution Table is the heart of the game and most tasks will involve referring to it at some point.
To use the Resolution Table is an opposed task roll on 1d20. Each task has an ACTIVE element and a
PASSIVE element.

For example: A Corvette with an ASDIC Skill 2 attempting to detect a U-Boat with Evade 3
would read as the ASDIC skill becomes the ACTIVE and the EVADE becomes the PASSIVE.

In the case above the Corvette would require 9 or less to detect the U-Boat.

Due to unforeseen circumstances and damage, the various areas of the Corvette may suffer adverse ef-
fects at various times. When an area is damaged it receives a +1 Task Harder counter and may receive
multiples of these during the course of its action.

If a TASK roll is one step harder then you assign +1 level to the item you are rolling against.

In the example above, the ASDIC task (Skill 2) to detect a U-Boat (Skill 3) has become +1 Task
Harder to detect would mean a Skill 2 (ACTIVE) vs a Skill 4 (PASSIVE) roll, meaning an 8 or less to

If a TASK roll is one step easier then you assign +1 level to your own skill.

In the example above, the ASDIC task (Skill 2) to detect a U-Boat (Skill 3) has become 1 Task Easier
to detect would mean a Skill 3 (ACTIVE) vs a Skill 3 (PASSIVE) roll, meaning a 10 or less to succeed.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

Crew Skills: Roll 1d6 for each member of the crew that starts the campaign, RADAR, HF/DF and
Hedgehog enter the campaign at a later stage. If you roll a 6 they start with a skill of 2, otherwise they
begin with a skill of 1. Place a marker on each crew box to indicate this.

Depth Charges and Hedgehog: Place the Depth Charge marker near the Depth Charge patterns. You
have 25 available for the mission. Hedgehog, when available, have 15 salvoes.

Map Setup: Randomly place the relevant counters on the North Atlantic Map in the Canadian, in the
Air Gap and the Western Approaches Sectors. Leave the three port squares empty.

U-Boats: Take all the Type VII cards and only 2 random Type IX cards and shuffle the U-Boat deck
and place it face down near the Corvette mat.

Convoy: Draw a Convoy Card at random. Place the convoy counter on the appropriate starting port.
You can choose whether to start in Canada or Liverpool for your first convoy only.

HX Halifax
SC St John’s
ON/OB Liverpool
Convoy Size:

Roll as follows for the number of ships in your convoy:

Year Convoy Size

1941 30 +2d20
1942 40 + 2d20
1943+ 50 + 2d20

Assignment Orders: Draw an assignment orders card and this will tell you the channel you MUST
attempt to use when departing Liverpool or entering the Western Approaches.

Weather Forecast: Roll 1d20 for prevailing weather. (Oct to Mar +1, Jun-August -1)

Roll Weather
1-5 Good
6-10 Poor
11-15 Fog/Snow
16-20 Violent Storm

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

Movement: Convoy movement is 1 square.

Fast convoys can move orthogonally or diagonally. (Yellow Arrows)Slow convoys must zig-zag
moving orthogonally only (one sector forward, one sideways). (Red Arrows)

Convoy Speed:

Fast Convoys: Your convoy will take 1 day per box. 1½ days in Violent Storm conditions.

Slow Convoys: Your convoy will take1½ days per box. 2 days in Violent Storm conditions.

Weather: Every time you move into a new sector roll for any weather changes.

Roll 1 Black d6 and 1 White d6 and subtract the White result from the Black result.

Positive number = weather improves by one (e.g. storm becomes Fog/Snow or Poor becomes

Negative number = weather worsens by one (e.g. Good becomes Poor, Fog/Snow becomes
Storm). A zero result = no change.

Apply the resulting weather conditions:

Good: No Effect.

Poor: U-Boats can attack at Close or Medium range only.

Snow / Fog: U-Boats can attack at Close range only.

In Snow/Fog there is also a risk of collision for the Corvette: Roll 1d20:

1 = A collision between two ships in the convoy has occurred. Both ships become stragglers
and must be left behind. (See Arrival in Port section for straggler results)

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
20 = A collision has occurred between your Corvette and random ship in convoy. The convoy
ship becomes a straggler and is left behind, and your Corvette is damaged. Roll on the Ship
Damage Table (page 12).

If your ship is fitted with RADAR then you may re-roll the dice once only, the second result stands.

Violent Storms: Too rough for the U-Boats to attack the Convoy.

Mechanical Failure:

Upon entry into a new sector roll 1d20. On a result of a 1 you have a maintenance issue, in a violent
Storm then a mechanical issue occurs on a 1 or a 2. The number of damaged areas is equal to 1d3(d6/2
rounded up) rolls on the Ship Damage Table (page 12).

Reveal the Sector counter:

In each sector there are counters which represent activity during the convoy. They are broken down
into the following, and the amount of these is also dependent on where you are located, Western
Approaches should have only 1 Random event and 2 U-Boat events. Canadian Sector should have 1
Random and 1 U-Boat event. The Air Gap should have 1 Random and 6 U-Boat events. The Blank
counters in the Canadian and Western Approaches Sectors represent the fact that Coastal Command
aircraft and the Navy have been keeping the U-Boat activity to a minimum.

Blank = no event.

U = U-Boat attack (Unless violent storm in this sector).

R = Random Event (Roll 1d20 on the Random Table and apply that result).

U-Boat attack Sequence:

If a U-Boat attack takes place then draw the top U-Boat card from the deck.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
The Attack Range:

L/M/C = the U-Boat Commander is cautious and prefers to stand off and attack from Long range if
possible but will close the range to Medium range if the weather is Poor conditions, or to Close range
in Fog/Snow conditions. L/M will not attack from close range.

M/C = the U-Boat will attack from Medium range but will close if Fog/Snow weather conditions
requires it.

C = an audacious Commander would try and sneak into the heart of the convoy and attack using one
torpedo per target.

Detection of U-Boat:

To determine whether the U-Boat is on the surface or submerged. A U-Boat can roll for being surfaced
at medium or long range in ANY weather. A U-Boat will only roll for being on the surface at close
range in Fog/Snow weather conditions. Roll 2d6 on the following table:

2d6 Roll Surface/Submerged

2-3 Night U-boat is submerged
4-7 Night U-boat is on the surface
8-10 Day U-boat is submerged
11-12 Day U-boat is on the surface

Engaging a U-Boat on the Surface:

Prior to the U-Boat firing we see if the U-Boat is on the surface and if the Corvette gets to spot and fire
against it first. If the U-Boat is on the surface then a Lookout gets a task 4 difficulty roll to spot with
the modifiers below.

If a ship is equipped with RADAR / HF/DF roll for each one for an initial chance to detect before
rolling for the lookout.

RADAR becomes available from September 1941 and HF/DF is available from November 1942.
These are the effective start dates but may be prolonged by adding plus 1 month for each/any vital
ship(s) lost.

The ASDIC, RADAR and HF/DF skills are listed on the Corvette play sheet. Detection of the U-Boat
on the surface is a roll against RADAR and HF/DF vs the Evade skill of the U-boat, if successful, this
adds +2 to your Lookout chance to detect roll.

Detected by Radar and HF/DF to give a bonus to Lookout’s spotting.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Modifiers to spotting:

Factor Modifier
At night +3 to U-Boat skill
At Long +3 to U-Boat skill
At Medium +2 to U-Boat skill
At Close +1 to Lookout skill
Detected by Radar or HF/DF +2 to Lookout skill
Weather Poor +2 to U-Boat skill
Weather Fog/Snow +3 to U-Boat skill

If the U-Boat is detected then activity passes over to the Ships guns:

4” Guns may engage at L/M/C for 2 shots

AA Guns may engage at M/C for 3 shots

Modifiers to Hit:

Factor Modifier
4” Gun at L +3 U-Boat skill
4” Gun at M +2 U-Boat skill
4” Gun at C No mods
AA Gun at M +3 U-Boat skill
AA Gun at C No mods

If you fire the guns, regardless of hit or miss, the U-Boat will crash dive and will then evade beyond
long range before re-entering for its attacks but this time it remains submerged and will get to attack as
per normal.

For any potential hits from the guns roll to see if there is any damage:

4" gun gets to roll 1 dice (D10* or D6*) and 3 normal dice for hits
AA gun gets to roll 1 dice (D10* or D6*) and 2 normal dice for hits

*If your Gunnery skill is less than or equal to the U-Boat’s evade skill, then Roll 1d10 and the requisite
number of d6.

*If your Gunnery skill is greater than the U-Boat’s evade skill roll 1d6 (use a different colour) and the
requisite number of d6.

Score one hit for each d6 that matches your d10 or d6 roll.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
The U-Boat Attack Sequence:

Once the U-Boat is undetected it will launch an attack from its specified range. Take the U-Boats
attack value (ACTIVE) and roll against the convoy skill of 1 (2 if at long range) (PASSIVE) on the
Resolution table. The U-Boat gets an Attack skill +1 if close range.

For example: U-Boat with an attack skill of 5 at Medium range must roll 14 or less to
successfully hit.

A successful dice roll means that a ship in the convoy has been lost; the ship has been sunk outright,
abandoned to its fate or it has become a straggler which may have been sunk later by the WOLFPACK
(see arrival in port).

Ship Tonnage Losses:

When a ship is sunk either directly from U-Boat action or as a straggler in the Arrival at Port section
then use the following method to determine the tonnage lost.

To see the size of the ship destroyed, start with a base value of 6,000t then roll 1d6 (positive) multiplied
by 1,000 and add it to the base value to get the current tonnage total. Then roll a 1d6 (negative)
multiply the result by 1,000 and subtract from the current tonnage total.

For example: Black 3 is +3,000t added to 6,000t =9,000t then White 5 is -5,000t. subtracted
from the tonnage value is now 4,000t

If you roll a double then apply the following for the loss of a vital ship:

Double Result
1 Ammunition ship 2d6 x 1000 in tonnage
2 Tanker 2d6 x 1000 in tonnage
3 Tanker 2d6 +1 x 1000 in tonnage
4 Tanker 2d6 +2 x 1000 in tonnage
5 Tanker 2d6 +3 x 1000 in tonnage
6 Rescue Ship 1,700t

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Torpedo Attacks versus the Corvette:

When a U-Boat initiates a torpedo attack roll 1d20 and on a 1 they target the Corvette instead.

Targeting the Corvette:

The torpedo is launched at the range of the U-Boat and the Corvette gets to make a Lookout and an
ASDIC Task roll.

LOOKOUT is (ACTIVE) vs skill 4 Torpedo (PASSIVE).

ASDIC is (ACTIVE) vs skill 3 Torpedo (PASSIVE).

Factor Modifier
Weather is good +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo at Close range exception in Fog/Snow +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo is at Close range – regardless of weather conditions +1 ASDIC Skill
Torpedo previously detected in other zones (cumulative) +1 Lookout/ASDIC Skill
Attack begins at Long range +1 Torpedo Skill
Weather is poor +1 Torpedo Skill
Fog/Snow and attack takes place at Close range immediately +1 Torpedo Skill

Move the Torpedo 1 x range closer to the Corvette and repeat the Lookout process.

If the Torpedo gets to Close range then it may potentially hit the Corvette after the final Lookout roll.
Roll a skill 4 Torpedo (PASSIVE) vs a skill 4 (ACTIVE)Corvette due to its manoeuvrability to see if it

Factor Modifier
For every HULL point damaged on the Corvette +1 Torpedo Skill
Engineering on the Corvette is currently damaged. +1 Torpedo Skill
Per successful Lookout spotting of the incoming torpedo (Long, +1 Corvette Skill
Medium and Close range)

If the Corvette manoeuvres out of the way, then the torpedo travels right on by.

Once you have established the torpedo hits roll 1d6:

Roll Damage
1-3 1d3 HULL Damage
4 1d3 HULL and 1 area damage
5 1d3 HULL and 2 areas damaged
6 1d3 HULL and 3 areas damaged

Place markers on the HULL damage and then roll on the Ship Damage Table for each area hit.

If the Corvette suffers 3 HULL damage it sinks.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Corvette Action:

Detection Phase:

After the U-Boat attack your Corvette then tries to determine the position of the U-Boat. This is done
by rolling your ASDIC skill vs the U-Boat’s evade skill on the Resolution table.

Factor Modifier
Close range +1 to Corvette
Long range + 1 to U-Boat
U-Boat previously detected for +3 to Corvette
consecutive attempts

For example: ASDIC skill of 1 against an Evade skill of 4 at Medium range must roll 7 or less
to detect the U-Boat.

If the U-Boat is not detected and has NOT been subject to a Depth Charge attack then the U-Boat may
make another attack, then repeat the detection phase.

If the U-Boat is successfully detected, then either move the submarine counter one range band closer to
the Corvette or if it is in Close range commence Depth Charge attacks.

If you have damaged Engineering a U-Boat can evade 2 zones if not detected ie close to long, due to
the Corvettes inability in maintaining speed/manoeuvrability.

If the U-Boat is at Close range and has been detected, then your Corvette commences its Depth Charge
attack. Your ASDIC contact is now “broken” and you need to roll your detection again using the
ASDIC skill plus any modifiers. If you are successful, you have detected the U-Boat and may drop
another Depth Charge pattern. If you fail, the U-Boat moves to Medium range and you must try to
detect again. If the U-Boat survives then it will attempt to evade and get out of the engagement zone.

At Medium and Long ranges, each successful attempt to detect the U-Boat will move the U-Boat a
range band closer and you get +3 to maintain the detection on each consecutive attempt until you get
the U-Boat back into Close range. If the ASDIC operator detects the U-Boat in Close range then
commence Depth Charge attacks again.

If the ASDIC operator fails to detect the U-Boat, it moves one range band further away whilst evading
the Corvette. If you fail to detect at Long range, the U-Boat evades out of the engagement zone and
will either attack the convoy again from its designated range (the one listed on the card and weather
factors) or attempt to call in the WOLFPACK.

The U-Boat can attack the convoy a maximum of 3 or 4 times dependent upon the U-Boat type, after
which it will withdraw, to reload and effect repairs and will try to contact the rest of the WOLFPACK
by rolling 1d6 on the WOLFPACK Table below with a DRM of -1 for each point of damage it has
sustained. If any U-Boats appear then resolve each attack independently but do NOT summon the
WOLFPACK for these U-Boats if they escape or leave the engagement area.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Roll Activity
1-2 No further U-Boats
3 1 U-Boat
4-5 2 U-Boats
6 3 U-Boats

Depth Charge attack:

When you have detected the U-Boat and it is in Close range then you commence the Depth Charge

If your Depth Charge skill is less than or equal to the U-Boat’s evade skill, then Roll 1d10 and 4d6.

If your Depth Charge skill is greater than the U-Boat’s evade skill roll 1d6 (use a different colour) and

Score one hit for each d6 that matches your d10 or d6 roll.

If all 4d6 are hits, the submarine floats to the surface and crew abandon ship. This counts as a
confirmed kill. For which your Commanding Officer will receive a Distinguished Service Cross.

If you wish to attempt the recovery of an Enigma machine and code books choose one of your officers
to lead a boarding party. Roll a d20: on a roll of 20 you have successfully captured an Enigma machine
and code books. Your Commanding Officer is recommended for a Victoria Cross, but due to secrecy
concerns, is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by the King himself. On a roll of 1 the U-Boat
sinks taking your Officer and boarding party with it (the lost Officer’s station is now at +1 Task

If you score 3 hits in one pattern, the U-Boat is badly damaged leaking oil and will attempt to escape. It
can’t make any further attacks or summon a WOLFPACK. This will be counted as a “probable” kill.
Your Commanding Officer will be awarded a Mentioned in Despatches.

If you score 1 or 2 hits, or 3 hits accumulated over more than one pattern then the U-Boat will attempt
to escape and will not attack again but will try to summon the rest of the WOLFPACK. If it does
escape roll on the WOLFPACK Table.

After your attack you must start the spot and detect cycle again from the beginning with the
U-Boat at Close range due to the fact that the disturbed waters by the Depth charges disrupt the
detection capability of ASDIC. If you succeed, then you may Depth Charge the U-Boat. If you fail, the
U-Boat increases the range. If the U-Boat goes beyond Long range then it has successfully evaded and
may re-engage the convoy if it has any attacks remaining. Place the U-Boat according to the attack
range on its card modified by any weather in play.

Once the U-Boat has taken an accumulation of 4 or more hits it is out of the game and is credited as a
“possible” kill. No award is given but there is a damned good party in the Wardroom once in Port.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Engineering and Repairs:

The Engineers may make one attempt at any ONE repair in each sector. Repairs are rolled for prior to
you exiting the current sector. If the Engineers are already engaged on another repair, then the function
of any damaged component has its task value raised by +1 per damage counter (Task Harder counter)
on the area. A successful engineering attempt will remove 1 Task Harder counter from the damaged
area. An area with more than one Task Harder counters would therefore be repaired over several

The repair difficulty for each damaged area is 1d3 PASSIVE versus Engineers Skill Level ACTIVE on
the Resolution Table.

Ship Damage Table:

Roll 1d6 for damage location to your ship

d6 Roll Damaged Area

1 Lookout
2 ASDIC/HFDF/ RADAR (depending on time in campaign)*
3 AA Guns
4 4” Gun
5 Depth Charge (roll only 3 Depth Charge dice until repaired)**
6 Engineering

*If you use the optional rule of the crew then any damage to the ASDIC from the Ship Damage
table should be rolled as follows:

If you only have ASDIC no problem

If you have ASDIC and RADAR roll a 1D6 even result ASDIC odd result RADAR
If you have all three roll 1d6: 1-2 ASDIC 3-4 RADAR 5-6 HF/DF

**If you have Hedgehog fitted then the damage to the component is as follows:

Roll a 1D6 even result Depth Charges odd result Hedgehog

Roll 1d3 for repair difficulty. Any areas in need of repair have a +1 Task Harder counter on their area
until repairs can be completed.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Arrival at Port:

For each ship lost in the convoy there is a small chance that some vital supplies were lost with it. This
will delay the roll out of the next piece of improved equipment (Ship based RADAR, HF/DF, etc.) so
when you finally arrive at your destination roll 1d20 and if your roll exceeds the number of ships sunk
there is no delay to the technological advances to RADAR, HF/DF, etc.

For any Stragglers noted during the convoy, roll 1d6 for each straggler and on a 6 they survive the
journey and enter the port safely at a later stage. For those stragglers sunk, roll as per the Ship Tonnage
Losses (Page 8) section and add it to your convoy losses.

Turnaround time: is 1d6 days in port plus 1 extra day per every damaged component/HULL point.

New Convoy Assignment:

Once you have completed a convoy you draw the next card in the deck and begin your next convoy
from your current position. If the deck runs out, reshuffle the cards. If you are located in either of the
Canadian Port areas and the convoy is to set sail from the other area, then it is assumed you have
travelled to and will set sail from the convoy start location as per your card draw.

Increasing Crew Skills:

After every third convoy is safely in port, it is time to reflect and learn from your experience. For every
skill that has been successfully used during the previous 3 convoys, subtract the current skill level from
6 now attempt to roll that number or less on 1d6, if you are successful that skill is increased by one
level until you reach the maximum skill of 6. Automatic spots due to random events do not count as a
successful use of a skill.

For example: Your current skill level for Engineer is 1 you need to roll 5 or lower on your 1d6

The exception is the Depth Charge skill. Only if you score a Confirmed, Probable or Possible sinking
you will have the opportunity to attempt to increase your Depth Charge skill. (Hedgehog, operational
from October 1942 falls under the Depth Charge Skill).

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Victory Conditions

After every convoy compare the total tonnage lost to 50,000 and score using the Convoy VP column

Tonnage Victory condition Convoy Yearly Victory Con-

VPs dition
Under 24,999 Should be Admiral of the Fleet 3+ 7+
25,000 – 37,499 Major Allied Victory 2 4-6
37,500 – 49,999 Minor Allied Victory 1 1-3
50,000 – 62,499 Stalemate 0 0
62,500 – 74,999 Minor German Victory -1 -1 - -3
75,000 – 87,499 Major German Victory -2 -4 - -6
87,500 – 100,000+ Utter Disaster -3+ -7+

Log the Convoy VPs and at the end of a year total up the VP and compare them to the Yearly Victory
Condition to achieve your campaign status.

June 1942 / May 1943 the following new rules come into play
June 42.

U-boats have BOLD & Sieglinde side tank decoys. Roll 1d3 when attacking and on a result of 3 the U-
boat has +1 to Evade when submerged.

November 42

HF/DF becomes available and as with radar +/- months for vital ships lost (and Boffin rescue)
determines when your ship is fitted with this new technology.

On a successful Electronics Warfare roll (EW includes ASDIC/Hydrophone/HF/DF) if the U-Boat is on

the surface (see Attack rules), you get a bonus to spotting for the Lookout which will then lead to a
possible attack with the 4” gun or AA Guns.

Hedgehog - rolled as depth charge skill but as they only exploded if they hit then 1 hit is a "probable"
and 2 hits are a "confirmed". If you miss the U-Boat then detection by ASDIC does not revert to
standard +1 for close range after a depth charge attack but +4 as there is no loss of contact. You may
then attack with a pattern of depth charges.

March 43

Falke G7esTIV homing torpedo used against escorts +2 to U-Boat attack skill.

May 43

FOXER torpedo decoy available to escorts negates +2 for the Falke G7esTIV homing torpedo.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

RADAR and HF/DF Crew Skills:

With the onset of the RADAR and the HF/DF new operators were required to man and utilise the
equipment so they get a skill as per all the other sections on the Corvette as per the main rules. After
every third convoy if the HF/DF or RADAR has previously used its skill successfully, which then led
to a Lookout successfully spotting a U-Boat, then they subtract the current skill level from 6 and
attempt to roll that number or less on 1d6, if you are successful that skill is increased by one level until
you reach the maximum skill of 6. Automatic spots due to random events do not count as a successful
use of a skill.

If you use the optional rule of the crew then any damage to the ASDIC from the Ship Damage table on
Page 12 should be rolled as follows:

If you only have ASDIC no problem

If you have ASDIC and RADAR roll a 1D6 even result ASDIC odd result RADAR
If you have all three roll 1d6: 1-2 ASDIC 3-4 RADAR 5-6 HF/DF

Time of Contact:

For the following months, these are the times of darkness

January to March Night Hours are 20:00 – 07:00hrs

April to September Night Hours are 22;00 – 05:00hrs
October to December Night Hours are 20:00 – 07:00hrs

Roll 2d6 on the table below:

1 2 3 4 5 6
1-2 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00
3 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00
4 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
5-6 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

For the minutes if you wish to do that roll 1d6-1 (0-5 (representing 0- 50 minutes))

Then roll 1d10 with 10 representing zero (representing the minutes 0-9)

To determine whether the U-Boat is on the surface or submerged. A U-Boat can roll for being surfaced
at medium or long range in ANY weather. A U-Boat will only roll for being on the surface at close
range in Fog/Snow weather conditions. Roll 1d6 on the following table:

Day Hours of Submerged/Surface

1-5 1-2 U-Boat is Submerged
6 3-6 U-Boat is on the Surface.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
For example: It is July 1941 and for the time we roll a 2 and a 5 which means it is 0400 which
is hours of darkness for those months. For the minutes we roll a 2-1 =1 (10 minutes) plus 1d10
roll of 4 added to the 10 means the time is 0414hrs. So we now know the time and for the initial
sighting/attack we roll 1d6 getting a 6 which means the U-Boat is on the surface.

Revised Map 1942/43

From June 1942 the map only has one Air Gap sector at the top with 2 Canadian and 1 Royal Navy
counters substituted for the 3 removed Air Gap counters (see image below). Place the 2 extra Canadian
and 1 Royal Navy tokens into the appropriate counter stacks and remove 3 BLANK Air Gap tokens.

Two Player Variant:

Each player escorts the same convoy and may add together their ASDIC and HF/DF skills when
attacking the same U-boat. When attacked by a Wolfpack each player rolls separately for the number
of U-boats attacking their section of the convoy.

For example: Player A rolls two U-boats Player B rolls 1. Both players take U-boat cards from
the pack to represent the attacks on their part of the convoy. Once Player B has dealt with the
U-boat on their side of the convoy they are now free to give Player A assistance with the second
U-boat. Historically one escort would maintain ASDIC contact with the U-boat while the other
Escort carried out a depth charge attack.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
Quick play single convoy:
If you have limited time and want to play a one off convoy then roll six D6. You can then choose which
ones to allocate to your six skill sections. 6 = a skill of 3, 5 or 4 = a skill of 2 and 3,2,1 = a skill of 1.
Choose your convoy date and direction.
Victory conditions
Less than 20,000 Victory
21,000 to 30,000 You did your duty
Above 31,000 Significant loss

Corvette Command
Conceived by Alan Eagle
Development: Brett Grimmond and Tony Dodds
Graphic Design: Tony Dodds

Playtesters: Brett Grimmond, Tony Dodds, Al Grant, Paul Chard, Nigel Warbis
Vassal module constructed by Lee Smith tested by Christopher Schall

For further information, how to play videos and discussion join the Corvette Command dedicated
Facebook group

Eternal Father, strong to save,

Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty ocean deep,
Its own appointed limits keep;
O hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea.

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021
U-Boat Attack Sequence
Place U-Boat in Attack

U-Boat makes its


Corvette Attempts


Move U-Boat 1 Range No Is U-Boat
at Close

Commence Depth
END Charge Attack
U-Boat No Check Wolfpack
Yes U-Boat 3+
remain damage

Corvette Attempts

Yes evaded
Long Detected

U-Boat evades 1 No Yes

range further away

Is U-Boat No Move U-Boat 1 Range

at Close

U-Boat escaped detection from
previous Attack sequence by
passing beyond Long Range
and is NOT a member of a
Wolfpack previously called in

U-Boat No


U-Boat crippled and No U-Boat

less than
probably Sunk
3 damage

-1 modifier per hit for
Wolfpack roll

Roll 1d6 for Wolfpack

1-2 = No further U-Boats

3 = 1 U-Boat
4 -5 = 2 U-Boats
6 = 3 U-Boats .

No Wolfpack

Return to Attack Sequence for
each individual U-Boat from
the Wolfpack. But do NOT call
in another Wolfpack if they

Name your ship

Roll 1D6 for each skil1 (#1-#5 skill starts at 1 #6 skill starts at 2)

Set up Atlantic Map

Draw Convoy card. For first convoy choose whether you start in Liverpool or Canada

Roll convoy size.

Draw a card for Assignment Orders.

Roll 1D20 for weather

Move convoy 1 sector

Determine weather in new sector using positive and negative dice

Apply weather conditions

Roll for mechanical breakdown

Reveal underside of Sector counter

Apply result
Blank =no event (move to new sector)
U= U boat attack (except in violent storm)
R= Random event (roll 1D20 and apply result)

Resolve U boat detection and attack

Resolve ASDIC Detection and Depth Charge attacks if appropriate

If U boat escapes detection undamaged it can attack again up to its maximum

Resolve Wolfpack summons, attacks and Escort response

Roll for repairs

Move to new sector

When convoy reaches port complete any outstanding repairs

Roll 1D20 if result exceeds number of convoy ships sunk there is no delay in the roll out of new technology

After every third convoy roll 1D6 for experience increases for skills used successfully. Depth Charge experience
roll is only attempted if Confirmed, Probable or Possible kill is achieved.

Draw new convoy card for return

corvette command
radar and hf/df detection
factor modifier
At night +3 to Sub skill
At Long +3 to Sub skill
At Medium +2 to Sub skill
At Close +1 to Lookout skill
Detected by Radar or HF/DF +3 to Lookout skill
Weather Poor +2 to Sub skill
Weather Fog/Snow +3 to Sub skill

4” and aa Gun attack

factor modifier
4” Gun at L +3 Sub skill
4” Gun at M +2 Sub skill
4” Gun at C No mods
AA Gun at M +3 Sub skill
AA Gun at C No mods

lookout and asdic roll for torpedo vs corvette

factor modifier
Weather is good +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo at Close range exception in Fog/Snow +1 Lookout Skill
Torpedo is at Close range – regardless of weather conditions +1 ASDIC Skill
Torpedo previously detected in other zones (cumulative) +1 Lookout/ASDIC Skill
Attack begins at Long range +1 Torpedo Skill
Weather is poor +1 Torpedo Skill
Fog/Snow and attack takes place at Close range immediately +1 Torpedo Skill

corvette evasive manoeuvres vs torpedo

factor modifier
For every HULL point damaged on the Corvette +1 Torpedo Skill
Engineering on the Corvette is currently damaged. +1 Torpedo Skill
Per successful Lookout spotting of the incoming torpedo +1 Corvette Skill
(Long, Medium and Close range)

asdic detection u-boat attack

factor modifier factor modifier
Close Range +1 to ASDIC Skill Close Range +1 to U-Boat Skill
Long Range + 1 to U-Boat Skill Long Range + 1 to Convoy Skill
Previously +3 to ASDIC Skill Attacked Convoy is Skill 1

Copyright Alan Eagle 2021

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