AUMeatNews Mar 2016 2

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Better biogas recovery PROCESSING Rinse and chill fora better carcase result The meat quality benefits of vascular rinsing have become a technical and financial reality for an increasing number of beef processors and in the near future, for lamb and pork. vascular rinsing technology called Rinse & Chill* has been under development by US based MPSC Inc. for jore than 25 years and has been operational in Australian beef processing facilities for more than15 years, with more than five million beef bodies processed ‘The technology remaves an estimated 50% more residual blood from the carease, while dropping ntemaltemperatures ‘as much as 5°C and cptimizing pH response. John Mariewe, ‘Managing Director of MPSC Austalia says the company has ‘worked closely with is cents to refine product quality and consistency but also to adapt and integrate the Rinse & Chill® system to modern process floor design and chain speeds. Benefits include Tower bacterial counts, improved quality and economic attibutes. ‘One outstanding henefit of Rinse & Chills its capacity to Improve meat colour. A beef carease destined to have an AUSMEAT color of 56 will score 34 after vascular rinsing. A beef boxy that would sore AUSMEAT 3 will score 2 alter rinsing, Shear force trials run by Michigan State University found rinsed cascases were significantly more tender. While prime 28 | Australian Moat News { March 20%6 cattle showed improvement, cows showed much greater improvement in tenderness. The trials also showed the improvement in tenderness was realised sooner after processing, The rinsed carcases where significantly more tender than the control group at 14 days aging. At 28 days, both groups hael impeovee but the control group were sill less tender than the rinsed group was at 14 days. ‘The colour improvement is particularly valuable in grass fed cattle that are naturally more variable and susceptible t0 seasonal variation, A small across-the-board improvernent in tendemess can be the critical difference in magginal cuts such as rump. Better Yields Processons and boning room operators report beef from Rinse & Chill” easier to bone, increasing yield by as much as 2% and improving worker safer): Improved yield results from less carcase damage during hide removal and less crim required due to bloodstains in te neck area. Boning room trials show saleable meat yields can improve up to 1%, depending on operator skills, due to ease of cutting Late tarde: customers tear ib cotowred meet ‘and easier knife strokes. Ulimat the bone, due 10 the greater tenderness ofthe meat. less meat remaining on Customers report rinsing makes hide removal easier and results in ess damage so the carcase, specifically in the ‘sticky spots’ in the rump/hip bone ares. This is attributed to changes in the nanure of the hide-carease interface caused by the rinsing solution. Less force results in less alsborne ‘contamination and a cleaner carcase ‘One published. the carcass (0=180.) US processors universally cite lower bacteria in carcass and offals resulting from their use of Rinse I. The vechnology is believed to lower carcase bact ‘counts because a laver of the mildly antimicrobial solution remains on the earcassafter the hide pull, causing mechanical incerference with bact ly cites a 99.39% reduction in coliforms on attachment, Recucing the carease temperature quickly helps, 100. ‘The displacement of blood with chilled sinsing solution fitates carcase cooling from within ‘external chilling. Data from three abattoirs on hundreds of "al in the eaely 20005 nd_compliments animals from the USDA Commercial ‘ideally controlling the dectine pil and temperature: The cons demanding more Rinse & Chill™ is coms MSA grading and will population ol Binge & Chill™ immediately reduces iscle temperature in the carcass and itremoves residual blood. The carcass, boned-out primals, trimmings and mince are more resillent 10 spoilage bacteria and pathogens, resulting in better hygiene and shelf life. -inse & Chill” affords slaughter and boning efficiencies so that production yields increase. Beef - Lamb — Goat 61 3.9311.0032. * Web: March 2016 | Australian Meat News | 29 ai HSS continued from page 29 showed the: $034.1 in the US. average moisture gan from the technology tobe us s compliant with retained moisture regulations “The Rinse & Chill” process is Halal approved. Hardwicks, Kyneton Victoria Hardiwicks have used Rinse & Chill for more than a decade. General Manager Luke Hardwick says it all about what his cevstomers want, Harlhwicks process about 3000, 180-230 ke mainly locally grown, grass fed yearling bodies per week Our carcase trade customers value body shape, fat cover, Tight fat colour and light coloured pink meat,” Luke ssid “Autumn is our most diffeult time in terms of meat quality and Rinse & Chill® makes a real difference to the quality we cean offer, “Our sales team don’t lke to sel ifthe Rinse working,” Luke said, emphasising the real and obvious difference in the procluct. The Process Vascular rinsing isthe process of removing the residual blood from a carcase immeciately ater conventional stunning and bleeding. An automatic rinsing station is incorporated in the chain where & specialy designed catheter is ingortad into the carotio ariary. The rnsing solution is pumped through the ‘vascular system for about throe minutes (fr beet) “The catheter is then removed and the carcase continues along the chain as normal ‘The rinsing chilled solution is roughly 99% water ‘and 1-2% salts and sugars ~sinilar rates 2s found In blood. It is important to understand that the ‘ustrates metabolise completely, which is how pH drops, leeving no detectable rescues. One version of thase substrates is certiied organic and can be sed for organic product. ‘The rinsing sclution is prepared in a secured, sanitary ‘mixing room using dary-type equipment. Potable water is purified, ftered, chilled and than mixed with the rinsing substrates and continuously UV sterilised, (On the kil ler, ar-automated process control system weighs each body and caloultes the volume of rinse required. Appropriate HACOP and sanitery procedures are folowed for equipment and operators: for each catheter insertion and removal Ringe & Chi? carcases do not noad electrical stimulation, 20 | Australlan Meat News | March 2016 Hardwicks have supply during autumn and winter cate on gpain to assist with quality and Working with Customers John Marlette describes the development of Rinse & Chill Tras benefited! from continuous RED improvements. The ‘obvious benefits ofcolour, tendernessand ye improversent have been: known for a long ime, but our understanding of how to ensure geting the most consistent, optimum results through better engineering has really leapt forward during the past several years “We have been and continue 10 be motivated by our customers" enthusiasm ‘Al Rinse & Chill® systems are custom integrated with a client's existing kill floor configuration, Rinse & Chill™ is a tool, and lke any’ tool, successful integration requires proper engineering and operational disciplines," John said. New engineering advances from MPSC are addressing higher speed processing enviranments, Small stock systems ‘currently can handle up to 13 bodies per minute Rinse & Chil system typieally requires one to ewo and a half additional labour units to operate. Sheep Meat In recent years MPSC has beef developing Rinse & Chill® «eelinclogy for sheep processing John said MPSC has been fortunate 1 have the opportunity ro work closely with experienced sheep processine engineer Harry Schulz, “We needed Harry's detailed underseanding of sheep processing to sist us while at the same time Harry's fenhusiasm for Rinse & Chill has helped us realise its full potential Jon said. Trials by Melbourne based Cedar Meats have revealed Rinse '& Chill has a positive impact on the colour of sheep meat. Comparisons of rinsed and un-rinsed earcases from uniform rruns of sheep found the rinsed carcases had a lightet ancl brighter colour, Boning Room Manager Ashley Taubsch described the rinsed carcases as “fantastic”, He said they looked much better and were easier to bone MPSC plan fo commission their first fullscale sheep processing facility in mid 2016, The process line will have & Chain speed of 13 bodies per minute.“We have been working with beef and bison in the US for more than a «lecade. We have learned alot, and are now ina position to apply all that sve know to small stock," John Marlette sai. I

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