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Justfile Cheat Sheet

by linux_china via

Simple justfile just command line Recipe with parameters (cont)

#!/usr/bin/env just --justfile # run recipe > commit MESSAGE *FLAGS:

# hello is recipe's name $ just hello param1 ​ git commit {{FLAGS}} -m "{{MESSAGE}}"
hello: # list recipes in alphab​etical order
​ echo "​Hello World!​" $ just --list Recipe with env variable for command
$ just --summary
# recipe param as env variable
default Recipe # Show full inform​ation about recipe
with $ sign
just --show test
default: lint build test hello $name:
# select recipes to run intera​ctively
# default recipe to display help ​ ​ echo $name
$ just --choose
# shell completion
default: Recipe Depend​encies - Before, After &
just --comp​letions zsh
​ ​@just --list Around

# if no default recipe, first GitHub Actions # execution sequence: a -> b ->

recipe will be default c -> d
- uses: extractions/setup-
b: a && c d
Aliases # execute recipe 'a' around
​ ​with:
alias t := test b:
​ ​ ​ ​jus​t-v​ersion: 0.10.5
alias c := check ​ echo 'B start!'
​ just a
IDE integr​ation
Settings ​ echo 'B end!'
VS Code: https:​//m​ark​etp​lac​e.v​isu​als​tud​‐
# depend with params by
set shell := ["zsh", "-cu"] io.c​om​/it​ems​?it​emN​ame​=sk​ell​ock.just
set dotenv​-load := true
JetBrains: https:​//p​lug​​tbr​ain​s.c​om/​plu​‐
default: (build "​mai​n")
serv: gin​/18​658​-just
build target:
​ ​ echo "​$DA​TAB​ASE​_AD​‐
​ ​@echo 'Building
DRESS from .env" Recipe with parameters
set positi​ona​l-a​rgu​ments :=
filter PATTERN:
​ ​ echo {{PATTERN}} Command annotate: quiet(@), suppre​ss(-),
# param with default value invert(!)
​ echo $0
email addres​s='​mas​ter​@ex​‐
​ echo $1 hello:
​ @ echo "​command will not be
​ ​ echo {{address}}
Strings - escape with Double​-quoted echoed​"
# param with expression
​ - echo "​ignore none-zero
string-with-tab := "\t" test triple​=(a​rch() + "​-un​‐
exit status and contin​ue"
string​-wi​th-​newline := "​\n" kno​wn-​unk​now​n"):
escapes := '\t\n​\r\"\\' ​ ./test {{triple}}
​ echo "​command will not be
# this string will evaluate to # variadic param: '+' aceept one
`foo\n​bar\n` or more values
# Invert command exit status by
x := ''' backup +FILES:
! - shell feature
​ foo ​ scp {{FILES}} me@exa​mpl​‐
​ bar
​ # if command succee​ds(exit
''' # variadic param with *: zero or
status is 0), exit just
more values
​ ! git branch | grep '*

By linux_china Published 22nd December, 2021. Sponsored by Last updated 21st February, 2022. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
Page 1 of 2. Yours!
Justfile Cheat Sheet
by linux_china via

Recipe with other Languages backtick - capture output from evaluation Attention

bash-test: JAVA_HOME := `jbang jdk home 11` # Each command line is executed
​ ​ ​ ​#!/​usr​/bi​n/env bash # backtick code block by a new shell.
​ ​ ​ set -euxo pipefail stuff := ``` # If a command line failed, just
​ ​ ​ ​hel​lo='Yo' ​ ​ ​foo​="he​llo​" will exit, \
​ ​ ​ echo "​$hello from bash!" ​ ​ echo $foo "​wor​ld" # and subsequent command lines
``` will not be executed.
Private Recipes - name starts with _ done BRANCH​=`git rev-parse -- change​-wo​rki​ng-dir:

test: _test-helper abbr​ev-ref HEAD`: ​ ​ cd bar && pwd

​ ./b​in/test ​ git checkout master ​ ​ # multi-line construct -

# ommited from 'just --list' sloc: escape newline with slash

_test-​helper: ​ ​ ​ ​@echo "`wc -l *.c` lines ​ ​ if true; then \

​ ./b​in/​sup​er-​sec​ret​-te​‐ of code" ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ echo 'True!'; \

st-​hel​per​-stuff # backtick works anywhere: ​ ​ fi

string​/va​ria​ble​/params # justfile is case insens​itive:
Recipes as shell alias Justfile, JUSTFILE etc
Just functions # justfile could be hidden:
for recipe in `just -f
hello name: '.just​file'
~/.justfile --summary`; do
​ ​ echo {{os()}} # Call recipe from sub dir:
​ ​alias $recip​e="just -f
​ ​ echo {{uppercase(name)}} `~/app​1/t​arg​et>$ just build`
~/.jus​tfile -d. $recip​e"
done # function categories
* System Inform​ation
Variable and Substi​tution * Enviro​nment Variables
* Justfile and Justfile
version := "0.2.7"
tardir := "​awe​som​esa​uce​-" +
* String Manipu​lation
* Path Manipu​lation
tarball := tardir + ".ta​r.g​z"
# String contact: (key + "​:" +
​ ​ echo {{version}}
# set/ov​erride variables from
Condit​ional expres​sions: if, loop and while
just command line
$ just --set version 1.1.0 # regular expression match
fo := if "​hi" =~ 'h.+' { "​‐
Enviro​nment variable for commands mat​ch" } else { "​mis​mat​ch" }
export RUST_BACKTRACE := "1"
​ ​ if true; then echo 'True!';
​ ​ ​ # will print a stack
​ ​ for file in `ls .`; do echo
trace if it crashes
$file; done
​ ​ ​ ​cargo test
​ ​ ​while `serve​r-i​s-d​ead`;
do ping -c 1 server; done
foo bar:
​ echo {{ if bar == "​bar​" {
"​hel​lo" } else { "​bye​" } }}

By linux_china Published 22nd December, 2021. Sponsored by Last updated 21st February, 2022. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
Page 2 of 2. Yours!

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