Share Resources With Windows Server

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Manual Clarifications........................................................................................................ 3


Part 1: Share folders.......................................................................................................... 4

- Creation of the folders..................................................................................................... 4
- Local permissions............................................................................................................. 5
- Remote permissions.........................................................................................................7
- Testing.............................................................................................................................. 10

Part 2: Share printers...................................................................................................... 14

- Installation of NovaPDF (Optional)............................................................................... 14
- Configuration of the printer.......................................................................................... 15
- Testing.............................................................................................................................. 20

Manual Clarifications:
- This document is for the purpose of completing a practice of the subject
M4 for Ferreria educational center.

- In this activity / manual I will explain how to share different resources with
a Windows Server and Active Directory.

- Windows server and client are virtual machines created with VirtualBox,
so you will find related captures.

- Each point of the document refers to a point of activity.

- Windows 2022 Server with active directory configured.

- Windows Client inside the domain of the server.

(With the corresponding licenses in Real work environment)

- Have several organizational units created along with their groups and

Share folders:
To Share folders with our Windows server to our clients we will use the Active
Directory environment, since it is the best way to simulate a professional work

In our Windows server we will create a folder at the root of any of our disks. In
my case I will create it on hard drive C, since it is the only one I have.

(We can also create the folder inside another, but it may cause some problems.)

In my case I have called the folder “Professors”, in which I will assign both local
permissions and remote permissions for my Active Directory groups.

Inside the folder we will go to its properties and the “Security Section” > “Edit”.
Here we will add the groups which we want to have local access to the folder
along with the read & write permissions they need.

In my case I will add the groups Professors, Colaboradors and Direcció into the
local permissions. Professors will have read, write and modification permissions.

Col·laboradors only will have read permissions, and Direcció will have all of

Then, we will go to the “sharing section” to modify the remote permissions,
which are necessary to enter with our client. In this section you have to enter
into the “Advanced Sharing Section” and we will bring access again to our

The name of the resource I created is "ComartitProfessors". Here we will add

the groups added previously and configure their permissions to what we need.

Once we finish with the previous point, the folder will be ready. If we want to
create another one we will have to follow the same steps again.

(In my case I created another folder called SMX2, below this message are the
screenshots of the permissions)

To view shared resources we can use different tools, the simplest is within
Computer Management. We will have to go to “Carpetas compartidas > Recursos

We can also use the net share command.

Now we log in from different accounts with our client machine to do the
necessary checks.

(Our client machine must already be within the domain)

To begin, I will enter the user "ssecretaria" and check that it has the
permissions that I indicated previously.

We can see how the user can perfectly read and write the contents of the folder
without any restriction.

Now I will log in with the teacher account "pM4", with which we will check if it
can read, write and delete files to the “CompartitProfessor” remote folder.

I have deleted the "New Folder" folder and modified the file, which shows that it
works without problems.

Now I'm going to check if I can see files in the "SMX2" folder, since it has read
permissions, but not write permissions.

We can see how the permissions are working correctly.

We can also see how aalumne2 has access to view the files and folders of
compartitSMX2 but since he does not belong to the SMX2 group he cannot
change them.

But since aalumne3 belongs to the SMX2 group, he can view the folder and its
contents in addition to creating and editing other files.

Share printers:
To Share printers with our Windows server to our clients we will use the
NovaPDF environment, since it is the best way to emulate a virtual printer.

(This step is not necessary if you are in a real environment next to a physical printer.)

In our Windows server we will install NovaPDF, a software that can emulate a
printer to test the share options.

To check if the printer has been installed

correctly, we can go to “Inicio> Panel de
Control >Ver dispositivos e Impresoras”.

If there is, the installation was successful!

Now a good idea would be to change the printer name, because in a real
environment a business will have lots of printers, and if they have similar names,
it would be a problem.

To change it we will have to go to the “printer parameters > General” and change
the name.

(If it were a real printer, we must have to assign it an IP and install the corresponding
drivers from the manufacturer.)

Now we can try to print a test page from the server, which will ask us where to
save it since the printer is not real.

To share the printer we must go to its parameters > share. Here we will select
the “Share this printer” option and configure the necessary drivers.

If we try to search the printer with a client, we will see it.

To configure the printer permissions we must go to its properties > security

There we will assign the permissions that we want to each user, in my case I
have set the following permissions:

Direcció Professors


If we now enter the server's shared folder we can see the printer in the list.

(If it is a virtual printer and we try to add it from the printer menu, it will not work or
will give us an error, since it has no IP or interface.)

If it is the first time that we add a printer to the computer, depending on the
user's permissions, we must enter the domain administrator credentials.

Once it is done, if we go to the printer configuration we can see it.


With ssecretaria user:

With pM4 user:

With aalumne3 user:

I have managed to print with aalumne3 because it is not a real printer, since it
interacts with the user's own machine.


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