Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

30% of the Final Grade

A proposal is the blueprint of the details of the operational plan of a particular project or investigation that is being presented for
review and approval. It is a draft plan that contains substantial information – from the background of the proposed topic up to the
detailed work plan and estimated budgetary requirements.
Since a proposal is a plan, it indicates what will be done, why it will be done, how it will be done, where it will be done, to whom it
will be done, and what benefit accrues when it is done (Lewis, Philip V and Baker, 1978).
The proponent finds tremendous benefits in preparing a proposal. First, the proposal requires the researcher to put in writing the
tentative work plan in a methodical manner to achieve identified goals. Second, the proposal compels the researcher to survey
available literature related to the topic to get a better idea of what can be done and how the proposed topic and be approached more
extensively. Third, the proposal serves as a guide for the researcher to follow in the actual implementation of the project. Fourth, the
proposal obliges the researcher to follow deadlines, targets, and the estimated budget so that costs and work schedules are monitored.
Lastly, the proposal becomes the primary basis for the preparation of the research, thesis or dissertation.
Remember, most of the time, the research proposal is written in future tenses of the verb.

Components of the Proposal:

Research Proposal Guidelines.pdf Download Research Proposal Guidelines.pdf
Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework
Statement of the problem
Hypothesis (Optional)
Assumptions (Optional) . . . If there is no hypothesis
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Importance of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Literature Studies (Do not cite in Chapter I and Theoretical Framework unpublished studies especially those of the same institution)
Research Design
Sources of Data (from whom and from where?)
Instrumentation and Data Collection
a. Instrumentation
b. Data Collection
Tools for Data Analysis
REFERENCES (At least 10 references in the past 5 years, i.e. 2016 or LATER)
In APA FormatLinks to an external site.

Append the documents that you deem necessary as if you are actually seeking for support from another organization:

WORK PLAN AND FINANCIAL PLAN (this is just a sample)

Schedule of Activities

1. Construction of the

2. Finalization of the

3. Gathering of Data

Some activities
4. Editing & Encoding of may be
Data overlapping.
Feel free to
elaborate more
5. Computerization of on the activities
Data (Prepare a Gantt
Chart using this
6. Analysis of Data

7. Writing a Report Draft

8. Presentation of Draft

9. Finalization of Report*
10. Submission of Final

*Report is the Research Proposal

(Describe the main function of the proponent, editor, statistician, legwork, etc)
Budget (Approximated)

1. Total Budget
2. Financial Plan

Should you have any questions, please inform the Professor immediately. The final document will be checked in PlagScan, please
delete your manuscript checking (in case you use PlagScan before submitting to the Professor,.

Research Proposal
Research Proposal

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignificance of the Topic

15 pts 0 pts
Full Marks No Marks
15 pts
Research Proposal

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Objectives

10 to >0.0 pts 0 pts
Full Marks No Marks
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheoretical

20 pts 0 pts
Underpinnings/Review of LIterature Full Marks No Marks
20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy Design and

40 pts 0 pts
Methodology Full Marks No Marks
40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Skills and Format

15 pts 0 pts
Full Marks No Marks
15 pts

Total Points: 100

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