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The Italian word "baccarat" means "zero" in English. Since the French "baccarat" means the same, even today there are many debates pertaining to the
origin of the game and each country wants to claim it as theirs.
And here is one of these versions: the game was first invented by an Italian gambler Felix Falguierein in the middle ages and first was played with a deck
of Tarot cards.
They say that the game " ...was based on an old Etruscan ritual of the nine gods, who prayed to a blonde virgin on their tiptoes waiting for her to throw a
nine-sided die. The result of the die decided her fate. If an eight or a nine was thrown, she would become the priestess; if she threw a six or seven, she
would be banned from any further religious activities; if she threw any number less than six, she would walk into the sea."
Throughout the centuries, and in all the centuries in which it was introduced, baccarat was known as a game for aristocrats. The high betting requirements
and the secluded baccarat rooms meant that, while many people enjoyed watching James Bond play baccarat in the movies, few people actually played
the game themselves.

Aim of the game

The objective of the game is simple – get a total of nine or a total closest to nine. Whoever gets the total closest to nine wins.

Baccarat bets and payouts

There are three types of bets:
• Player
• Banker
• Tie


*If player placed the bet on Player or Banker but the result of the round was TIE – bets are returned.
Card placement

Baccarat drawing rules

If either the Player or the Banker have a total of 8 or 9 on the first two cards no further cards are drawn. The resulting hand is called a “Natural” and the
hand is over.
• When dealing initial cards on Baccarat GPs are allowed to say both - "for the Bank" or "for the Banker"

1. Three combinations when the game is over with 4 cards:

1) When the Player’s or the Banker’s first 2 cards total is 8 or 9 points in total (Natural)
2) When Player has 6 and the Banker has 7 or vice versa.
3) When Tie with 6, 7, 8 or 9.

2. Extra card for the Player

3. Extra card for the Bank

4. Player first two cards 6 or 7 = Bank 0 till 5 ( ALWAYS EXTRA )

Side bets on Baccarat

Bet type Example Payout Comment

Player Pair 11:1 A side wager which wins if the first two
cards dealt to the Player constitute a pair.

Banker Pair 11:1 A side wager which wins if the first two
cards dealt to the Banker constitute a pair.

Either Pair 1. 5:1 Pays if initial cards dealt to Player or

Banker are: (Player believes that he/she
will receive any pair or cards with same
suit in the game on P or B hand)
• equal in value;
• have same suit;
Bet type Example Payout Comment


*Players may place a wager on Player Pair, Banker Pair or both.

Perfect Pairs
Baccarat Perfect Pairs means a side wager, which wins if the first two cards dealt to the Player or the Banker are:
Bet type Example Payout Comment

Perfect 25:1 Pays 25 to 1 if two identical cards (in terms of

Pair value and suit) are dealt as the first two cards on
any hand.
on any

2X Perfect 200:1 Pays 200 to 1 if two identical cards (in terms of

Pair value, and suit) are dealt as the first two cards on
both hands
on both

Banker Bonus
Bet type Example Payo Comment

Banker wins 1:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand form a Natural
with a and have a higher point count than that of the
Natural cards dealt to the Player.

Non-natural 30:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 9 Natural and have a point count nine (9) greater
than that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.

Non-natural 10:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 8 Natural and have a point count eight (8) greater
than that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.

Non-natural 6:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 7 Natural and have a point count seven (7) greater
than that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.

Non-natural 4:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 6 Natural and have a point count six (6) greater than
that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.

Non-natural 2:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 5 Natural and have a point count five (5) greater
than that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.

Non-natural 1:1 The cards dealt to the Banker hand do not form a
win by 4 Natural and have a point count four (4) greater
than that of the cards dealt to the Player hand.
Bet type Example Payo Comment

Player Bonus
Player Bonus

Player wins 1:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand form a
with Natural and have a higher point count than
a Natural that of the cards dealt to the Banker.

Non-natural 30:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 9 form a Natural and have a point count nine
(9) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
( Banker hand.

Non-natural 10:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 8 form a Natural and have a point count eight
(8) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
Banker hand.

Non-natural 6:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 7 form a Natural and have a point count seven
(7) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
Banker hand.

Non-natural 4:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 6 form a Natural and have a point count six
(6) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
Banker hand.

Non-natural 2:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 5 form a Natural and have a point count five
(5) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
Banker hand.
Bet type Example Payo Comment

Non-natural 1:1 The cards dealt to the Player hand do not

win by 4 form a Natural and have a point count four
(4) greater than that of the cards dealt to the
Banker hand.

Natural Tie Push The cards dealt to the Player hand and the
Banker hand both form a Natural and have
8,9 only the same point count.

Tie All The point count of the cards dealt to

Drago the Player hand and the cards dealt to
n the Banker hand do not form a natural
Bonus and have the same point count.
s lose.

Opening/Closing Procedure

On table opening, Game Presenter arrives to the table 5 minutes in advance. When Service Support Specialist switched on the system, scans ID
card and introduces him/herself.

If any players show up, Game Presenter explains, that the cards change procedure will follow and apologizes for inconvenience.

When Shuffler comes, Game Presenter's further actions are:

1. Prepare the shoe as unshuffled:
a. Place any cards left till cutting card and all cards from holder into the shoe behind the pusher;
b. Scan the cutting card;
c. Orient the shoe on the right side of the table with the back towards the front edge;
2. Once Shuffler finished shuffling the new cards, take shuffled (ready) shoe from shuffle table and place it in it is position near the scanner;
3. Put the unshuffled (not ready) shoe on the shuffle table;
4. Continue with burning card procedure and start a new game if needed;
5. Shuffler may change seconds set of cards and makes shuffle on shuffle table again.

NB! If there is no shuffler at the table opening Game Presenter should press "TALK" and wait for SSS instructions.

Table Closing

• When the operating hours for the table are over, the message in chat will appear informing players about it;
• Game Presenter announces the same information as he sees in the message;
• Service Support Specialist will proceed with closing the system;
• Game Presenter can leave the table only after Service Support Specialist’s permission.


(With 1 shoe)

• 1st round-riffle;
• 2nd round- riffle;
• 3rd round –riffle-strip-riffle;
• In the end of the shuffle cut 1 decks from your side.
(With 2 shoes)

• Chemmy shuffle 40 sec. - 1 minute;

• Change the shoes.

Chemmy shuffle accident (flipped cards)

• 3+ cards flipped face-up during the chemmy shuffle;
• GP has to press the 'MISTAKE' button;
• As soon as the 'MISTAKE' button is pressed, GP has to flip all the cards face down;
• GP has to restart the chemmy shuffle procedure from the beginning.

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