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Project Guidelines – Advance B

Part 1 – Written project – 50%

1. Findan academic article. (Research).
The length of the text must be between 25-30 paragraphs.
2. Get approval from your lecturer
3. Skim, scan, read intensively and write a summary.
4. The project should have:
Chapter # 1. — TADS

(Title - Author - Date - Source) of the article.

On the bottom of the page, please write: submitted by: (your name/s), date

Chapter # 2 — Content Summary - 30% - The content summary must begin with a topic
sentence (The article is about... or the text presents...) and it must end with a closing sentence
or paragraph (Finally... or In conclusion....) The summary should include the main ideas and
supporting details of the text presented in a coherent way.
Chapters # 3-4 - Rationale and Personal Reflection. —20% - each student writes a short
paragraph, explaining why he/she chose the article, what he/she learned from it and his/her
personal opinion.

Part 2 - Oral presentation —50%

Your oral presentation should include a power point presentation as a teaching tool.
• Explanation of the article in point form
• Photos, a short video (optional)
• Anything else to make your presentation interesting
• Each student should speak and present his/her part (not read) for about 2 minutes.

The project can be done in groups. (4 students in a group).

Due date: lessons 9 & 10

Good Luck

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