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Beneficiary Management is a module on eBiz+ through which customer can maintain beneficiaries in the

system. Using this module not only beneficiary can be managed but also payment templates can be
created through which customer can execute transactions.

To create beneficiary or view existing beneficiary, user needs to click on Beneficiary Management from
the left menu. To search existing beneficiaries, select the desired product & click on Search. Existing
beneficiaries can be edited from this screen. To create new beneficiary, click on ‘Add New’.
Beneficiaries can be created product wise.

Select Product using LOV. Fill all the mandatory fields highlighted in red. For each product, mandatory
fields are different. If user wants to create beneficiary for “IFT”, select MBL TO MBL TRANSFER from
LOV, enter account number & click on Fetch to get Account Title.
Beneficiary Bulk Upload

To create beneficiaries in bulk, download the excel format from BM Bulk Upload tab. Fill out the excel
file format and click on Browse to select the file, enter Pin code & click upload. All beneficiaries in the
file will appear on screen, click Submit to proceed.

Incomplete beneficiary’s information saved in system can be reset from Beneficiary Management Bulk
Upload Status.
Payment Template

Existing beneficiaries can be added in payment templates. These can be added through file upload or
manually through create template interface. To create payment template, click payment template from
the left menu. All existing payment templates can be searched using this interface. To create new
template, click AddNew.

Templates can be created product wise. Select the product from LOV, all beneficiaries created for the
relevant product will appear on this interface. Check the beneficiaries you want to add in template &
tick Active/InActive check box. Enter Template Name, Pin Code & Click Submit.
Payment Using Template

Payments can be made using the templates. User needs to click Payment Templates and select Payment
Using Template. Product wise payments can be made using this option. User needs to select product
from LOV at the top and then click on Create Payment.

Debit Account needs to be selected from the LOV at the top. Amount & Reference number needs to be
selected. Enter the Pin Code and click Proceed Data. If response is successful, click Submit for
transactions to appear on next user’s screen.

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