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Blood Management

Section Editor: Marisa B. Marques

Determination of Perioperative Blood Loss:

Accuracy or Approximation?
A. Lopez-Picado, Pharm,*† A. Albinarrate, MD,†‡ and Borja Barrachina, MD†‡

BACKGROUND: Various different interventions can be used to reduce surgical blood loss;
however, there is no “gold standard” for accurately measuring the volume of perioperative blood
loss, and this makes it difficult to assess the efficacy of these interventions.
METHODS: We used data from a previous multicenter double-blind randomized clinical trial in
patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty in which we compared 2 regimens for administering
tranexamic acid versus placebo. We assessed direct measures (external blood loss) and indirect
estimates (using the formulas of Bourke, Gross, Mercuriali, and Camarasa and a new formula we
have developed) using analysis of variance to compare estimated volumes of blood loss among
the study groups. In addition, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Bland–Altman dia-
grams were used to compare the estimated volumes of blood loss obtained with each formula.
RESULTS: The mean estimated external blood loss was 909 ± 324 mL, and the mean esti-
mates of blood loss calculated using the formulas of Gross, Bourke and Smith, and Camarasa
were 1308 ± 555, 1091 ± 454, and 1641 ± 945 mL, respectively, whereas we obtained a value
of 1511 ± 919 mL with the new formula at day 2. In all cases, the results favored the use of
tranexamic acid (P < .0001). Comparing results of the new and other formulas, we found mod-
erate-to-low agreement (in terms of ICCs) except for that of Camarasa (ICC: 0.992). The limits
of agreement with the new formula ranged from −378 to 93 in the case of the comparison with
Camarasa’s formula and from −2226 to 959 for external blood loss, the difference depending
on the magnitude of the estimate to a large extent.
CONCLUSIONS: Formulas that take into account both anthropometric and laboratory parameters
are useful for evaluating the efficacy of interventions aiming to decrease blood loss but do not
ensure that the values obtained are sufficiently accurate for absolute measuring. (Anesth Analg

otal hip and knee replacement surgery are becom- loss during surgery. There appears to be some degree of
ing increasingly common in our setting and usu- consensus that measurements of external blood loss (quan-
ally require both autologous and homologous blood tification of blood volumes present in surgical drains and
transfusions1–7 as a result of the high level of blood loss.8–12 pads) do not provide an accurate indication of blood loss as
Numerous strategies for reducing perioperative surgi- a result of the significant volume of blood retained in tissues
cal blood loss have been proposed to reduce the number (occult blood) and difficulties in accurately quantifying the
of transfusions.13–15 Their use is based on the findings of exact volume of blood contained in dressings and drains.
various clinical trials and meta-analyses16–18 of the main Nevertheless, despite the aforementioned limitations, vari-
objective of which was often to compare the blood loss ous studies have used external blood loss as a primary or
measured. Surprisingly, these studies propose a wide range secondary end point.19–22
of measurement types and methods for determining this In an effort to find a more accurate measure, it has been
blood loss, ranging from direct quantification methods to proposed that formulas can be used to determine blood
complex formulas based on anthropometric data and labo- loss. The literature contains a seemingly endless number of
ratory parameters. formulas, and so far, none of them have achieved the status
The main reason for this situation is that there is currently of reference formula for this type of calculation. This means
no “gold standard” method for accurately measuring blood that the choice of formula may affect the results of a study
and, therefore, the conclusions and effect of these results on
From the *Araba Research Unit, Araba University Hospital, Vitoria-Gasteiz,
standard clinical practice.
Spain; †Bioaraba Research Institute, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; and ‡Department For this reason, the objective of this study was to assess
of Anaesthesia & Perioperative Care, Araba University Hospital, Vitoria- whether the results of a previous clinical trial23 are robust to
Gasteiz, Spain.
the use of alternative formulas and compare the estimates
Accepted for publication January 30, 2017.
obtained by different blood loss calculation methods.
Funding: None.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
To compare a set of different formulas found in the literature,
this article on the journal’s website ( we used data obtained during a previous multicenter pla-
Reprints will not be available from the authors. cebo-controlled double-blind, parallel-group randomized
Address correspondence to Borja Barrachina, MD, Servicio de Anestesiología clinical trial conducted by this research group,23 in which
y Reanimación, Hospital Universitario de Araba-Sede Txagorritxu, c/ Jose blood loss was evaluated in patients undergoing unilateral,
Atxotegui s/n, 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Address e-mail to borjabarra@ bicompartmental, primary, noncemented, posterolateral,
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society or anterolateral total hip replacement as a result of osteo-
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001992 arthritis. This study had 3 groups: a group that received a

280 July 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 1

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
single 15-mg/kg dose of tranexamic acid before the start of transfused are not taken into account. It proposes
surgery, a second group that received two 10-mg/kg doses the use of Moore’s formula29 to calculate the total
(1 before surgery and the other 3 hours after the first dose), blood volume of the patient.
and a third group that received placebo. iii. Mercuriali30: this method uses the hematocrit val-
The clinical trial was approved by the appropriate insti- ues preoperatively and at 5 days postoperatively,
tutional review board, and written informed consent was assuming that the patient exhibits the lowest
obtained from all subjects, a legal surrogate, the parents, or hematocrit value on that day, and only estimates
legal guardians for minor subjects, or the requirement for the volume of red cells.31 It takes into account the
written informed consent was waived by the institutional volume of blood transfused but without distin-
review board. The study was registered at guishing between autologous and homologous
(NCT01199627; Principal Investigator: Borja Barrachina; blood. The total blood volume of the patient is
February 2013). estimated using Nadler’s formula.27
iv. Camarasa (2006)32: this formula also estimates blood
Description of the Determination of External loss on the basis of hematocrit using the preoperative
Blood Loss and Formulas Used value together with that at the time when perform-
External Blood Loss. The assessment of external blood ing the estimation. It also takes into consideration
loss was based on intraoperative blood loss and the the transfusions performed. In contrast to previous
volume of blood obtained from drains up to 48 hours after proposals, Camarasa et al32 differentiate between
completion of the intervention or until withdrawal thereof. autologous and homologous transfusions and those
To determine intraoperative blood loss, the volume drained from blood recovery systems. The total blood vol-
into aspiration systems and weight of gauzes used were ume of the patient is estimated using a simplified
calculated, subtracting the weight of the dry gauzes and version of the formula proposed by Moore29 consid-
volume of saline solution used for irrigation. ering only the weight and sex of the patient.

Formulas for Determining Blood Volume. To be able to Formulas Chosen for the Comparison in This Study. Because
perform this study, a literature review was performed the formula proposed by Camarasa et al32 takes into account
to identify different formulas that have been proposed. both the initial and final hematocrit values and the volume
Of these, the authors agreed to select for our study those of blood transfused (homologous, autologous, or recovered)
that seem to be used most frequently based on how many to estimate blood loss, we chose this formula as a reference
studies in which they had been used were retrieved in for comparison with each of the others.
the literature review (see Supplemental Digital Content, In addition, we performed comparisons with a modi-
Appendix, fied version of Camarasa’s proposal, namely, the same for-
All calculation formulas require an estimation of the total mula but calculating the total blood volume of the patient
blood volume of the patient. Hence, we briefly describe the using the method proposed by the ICSH. Our goal was to
different methods available for estimating an individual’s determine whether an a priori, and in the opinion of the
total blood volume and the overall calculation of the vol- authors of this study, a more accurate method for calculat-
ume of blood loss (which necessarily requires the use of 1 ing this volume had any effect on the results (here on this
of these methods): modified version of the formula is referred to as the “new
A. Estimation of total blood volume of the patient: formula”).
i. Moore’s formula24: the weight, build, and sex of To estimate the volume of blood loss, values were calcu-
the patient are taken into account when estimat- lated for during surgery and 2 and 4 days postoperatively.
ing total blood volume. This information was used to apply the 5 formulas described
ii. Nadler’s formula25: similarly, the weight, height, (namely, those of Bourke and Smith, Gross, Mercuriali,
and sex of the patient are used in the calculation. Camarasa, and the new formula proposed by our group). In
International Council for Standardization in addition, we calculated the external blood loss for each period.
Haematology26 (ICSH): this formula uses the
body surface area and sex of the patient in the Statistical Analysis
calculation. Quantitative variables were described using the mean and
B. Estimation of blood loss: standard deviation, whereas frequency, percentage, and
i. Bourke and Smith27: this proposal is a variation of 95% confidence interval were used for qualitative variables.
a previous proposal from Ward et al28 but avoids Parametric analysis of variance was used to compare the
the use of the Naperian logarithm, performing volumes obtained for each group.
the approximation using the product of 3 minus The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to
the mean hematocrit value. The total blood vol- assess the agreement between the different formulas stud-
ume of the patient is estimated using the formula ied. To facilitate interpretation of the data, values of 0.75
of Nadler et al.25 or higher were considered to be indicative of an excellent
ii. Gross29: starting from the formulas proposed pre- agreement, values between 0.4 and 0.75 were considered to
viously by Bourke and Smith30 and Ward,31 the be fair to good, and values lower than 0.4 to indicate poor
formula is simplified by estimating blood loss on agreement, as established by other authors.33 In addition,
the basis of the initial hematocrit, final hemato- the method proposed by Bland and Altman was used for
crit, and the mean of these 2 values. The volumes visual analysis of the data.

July 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 1 281

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Determination of Perioperative Blood Loss

Ethical Considerations. The study was approved by the and the formula we propose (the new formula). In general,
Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Basque Country a fair to good correlation was observed in the case of the
and Navarra and by the Spanish Agency for Medicinal formulas of Gross and of Bourke and Smith (ICC = 0.593
Products and Medical Devices (AEMPS) and registered with and 0.472, respectively), whereas the correlation was poor
both EudraCT (EudraCT 2010-021497-11) and clinicaltrials. in the case of external blood loss (ICC = 0.313). In contrast,
gov (reference NCT01199627). the agreement was excellent between Camarasa’s formula
and the new formula (ICC = 0.992).
RESULTS The Bland–Altman diagram (Figure 1) shows that the
Analysis of the baseline characteristics of the patients limits of agreement between the new formula and the other
detected no statistically significant differences among the 3 formulas studied range from −634 to 420 mL. In the case of
groups for any of the variables studied. the values obtained with the new formula and Camarasa’s
formula, we found a relatively high level of agreement. The
Results of the Clinical Trial Using the Different level of agreement was lower for the formulas of Gross and
Formulas of Bourke and Smith with the notable pattern that there was
The Table shows the results of the study as a function of higher agreement the lower the volume of blood loss; that is,
the formula used. In the case of the formula we propose, when the volume of blood loss is low, the level of agreement
the estimated volumes of blood loss for day 2 after surgery between the formulas is high, but when the blood loss is high
were 1264 ± 684, 1188 ± 621, and 2066 ±1105 mL for the sin- (from approximately 1.5–2 l), the level of agreement is low.
Comparing estimates from the new formula and external
gle-dose, two-dose, and placebo groups, respectively, and
blood loss, we found a similar pattern. That is, the higher
those for 4 days after surgery were 1323 ± 691, 1415 ± 958,
the mean blood loss, the lower the level of agreement with
and 1576 ± 927 mL for the single-dose, two-dose, and pla-
greater differences between the means.
cebo groups, respectively.
Notably, the differences among the 3 groups (single-
Day 4. The Table and Figure 2 present the levels of agreement
dose, two-dose, and placebo groups) were statistically sig-
on day 4 after surgery for the formulas studied. The ICC
nificant regardless of the formula used for estimating blood shows a fair to good correlation in the case of Gross and of
loss, except in the case of Gross’s formula at 4 days after Bourke and Smith formulas (0.672 and 0.491, respectively)
surgery (P = .47). On the other hand, the mean volumes and an excellent correlation for our new formula (0.956).
of blood loss varied markedly depending on the formula These results can be found in Supplemental Digital Content,
selected, the estimate of blood loss for patients in the control Figures 1 and 2,, http://
group being 2215 ± 1136 and 2066 ± 1105 mL when using
Camarasa’s and the new formula, respectively, but only Figure 2 shows the Bland–Altman diagrams that, in
1309 ± 555 mL according to Gross’ formula. turn, show markedly varying differences in means, ranging
Differences in total blood volume calculated using the 3 from 188 mL of blood in the case of comparing the results
formulas considered were not significant. Specifically, with obtained using Camarasa’s formula and our new formula
Nadler’s formula, the values of total blood volume were cal- and −1042 mL comparing Mercuriali’s formula and the new
culated to be 4378 ± 732, 4512 ± 688, and 4377 ± 655 mL for formula.
the single-dose, two-dose, and placebo groups, respectively These figures show a similar pattern to that described
(P = .644). Using the ICSH formula, the values obtained were previously for the data corresponding to day 2 after surgery.
4381 ± 712, 4519 ± 678, and 4408 ± 614 mL for the single- We found a high level of agreement between the new for-
dose, two-dose, and placebo groups, respectively (P = .659). mula and Camarasa’s formula, whereas the agreement with
Finally, using Moore’s formula, the estimated total blood vol- Gross’ formula fell as the mean volumes obtained with the
umes were 4982 ± 1000, 5064 ± 854, and 4906 ± 904 mL for formulas increased.
the single-dose, two-dose, and placebo groups, respectively A similar pattern is observed for the level of agreement
(P = .766). between the new formula and that proposed by Bourke and
With regard to the intermeasurement correlations, a Smith. In this case, when the mean volumes obtained are
strong and statistically significant correlation was found low, there is a high level of agreement, but the difference
among the formulas (P < .0001 in all cases for the results at between the means obtained increases considerably for
day 2 after surgery and P < .05 for day 4 after surgery, except smaller volumes.
in the case of Gross’ formula). There was also a strong cor- Finally, with regard to the agreement with Mercuriali’s
relation between the estimate from Nadler’s formula and formula, as we have described previously for the other
that of the ICSH (ICC = 0.983, 95% confidence interval [CI], cases, we observed a clear pattern, namely, as the mean
0.975–0.988) and between Nadler’s and Moore’s formulas blood loss increases, the differences between the mean val-
(ICC = 0.913, 95% CI, 0.874–0.940). The correlation between ues obtained using the 2 formulas (Mercuriali and new for-
the estimates using the ICSH formula and that of Moore mula) also increase.
was also high (ICC = 0.863, 95% CI, 0.805–0.905).
Comparison of Blood Loss Estimates Obtained In light of the results of the present study, it can be said that
with the Different Formulas the choice method (1 of various formulas based on anthropo-
Day 2. The Table and Figure 1 present our evaluation of metric and laboratory parameters or an objective measure-
the agreement between the most commonly used formulas ment of blood loss) to estimate patient blood loss did not

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table.   Results of the Study as a Function of the Formula Used (Day +2 and +4 After Surgery) and Evaluation of Concordance Among Them
Day +2 After Intervention New Formula
Difference in the SD of the Limits of Agreement
Estimation Method Group Estimated Blood Loss (mL) P Value ICC (95% CI) Means Difference (95% CI)
Gross’ formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 1092 ± 472 <.001 0.593 (0.454–0.704) 222 1228 −2184 (−2588; −1780)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 1150 ± 396
Placebo group (n = 36) 1669 ± 592 2628 (2224; 3032)
Total (n = 106) 1309 ± 555

July 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 1

Bourke and Smith’s formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 928 ± 408 <.001 0.472 (0.310–0.608) 420 744 −1039 (−1284; −794)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 982 ± 343
Placebo group (n = 36) 1356 ± 480 1879 (1634; 2124)
Total (n = 106) 1091 ± 454
Camarasa’s formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 1377 ± 689 <.001 0.992 (0.988–0.994) −142 120 −378 (−417; −338);
Two-dose group (n = 35) 1308 ± 641
Placebo group (n = 36) 2215 ± 1136 93 (54; 133)
Total (n = 106) 1641 ± 945
External blood loss Single-dose group (n = 35) 897 ± 335 .070 0.313 (0.123–0.481) −634 813 −2226 (−2505; −1948)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 822 ± 223 959 (680; 1237)
Placebo group (n = 36) 1003 ± 375
Total (n = 106) 909 ± 324
Day +4 After Intervention
Estimation Method
Gross’ formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 1155 ± 538 .47 0.672 (0.552–0.765) 188 1293 −2346 (−2776; −1917)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 1402 ± 975
Placebo group (n = 35) 1599 ± 647 2722 (2292; 3152)
Total (n = 105) 1388 ± 760
Bourke and Smith’s formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 984 ± 483 .032 0.491 (0.331–0.623) 456 766 −1044 (−1298; −791)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 1068 ± 571
Placebo group (n = 35) 1308 ± 526 1957 (1703; 2210)
Total (n = 105) 1120 ± 541
Camarasa’s formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 1438 ± 689 .017 0.956 (0.936–0.970) 182 300 −406 (−506; −307)
Two-dose group (n = 36) 1648 ± 1323
Placebo group (n = 36) 2142 ± 1027 771 (672; 870)
Total (n = 107) 1746 ± 1080
Mercuriali’s formula Single-dose group (n = 35) 465 ± 207 .001 0.511 (0.355–0.640) −1042 677 −2369 (−2593; −2145)
Two-dose group (n = 35) 458 ± 245
Placebo group (n = 35) 680 ± 329 286 (62; 510)
Total (n = 105) 534 ± 282
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; SD, standard deviation.
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Determination of Perioperative Blood Loss

Figure 1. Bland–Altman plots for the different formulas compared with the new formula on day +2 after surgery.

affect the clinical conclusions derived from a previous study parameters.36,37 The agreement between the estimates of
data.23 However, using Gross’ formula, we did not observe blood loss based on laboratory parameters and the objective
significant differences between the treatment groups and quantification of blood loss in the surgical field (drains and
placebo at 2 days after surgery. This may be because the for- gauzes) is also very low. The problem of underestimation of
mula does not take into account transfusions that may have blood loss resulting from the quantity of occult blood accu-
been performed. Similarly, the total blood volumes of the mulated in the patient’s soft tissue is well known,11 because
patients estimated using each of the methods proposed did it is the difficulty in quantifying blood in gauzes and drains
not differ significantly, suggesting that the choice of how in a real-life operating room setting. In this regard, several
to obtain this parameter, which is required for all formulas very interesting proposals have been put forward concern-
for calculating blood loss, does not have a marked effect on ing validated systems for estimated the quantity of blood
overall differences in the result. accumulated in surgical gauzes involving photographing
However, the calculated total blood loss does differ and digitalizing the resulting photos.38
depending on the method used, and in some cases, the dif- On the other hand, we must also be aware that a neces-
ferences are sufficiently large that they could affect clinical sary premise for using any of the hematocrit-based formulas
decisions based on a patient’s calculated blood loss with a selected is that the patient is normovolemic, or at least that the
very low level of agreement obtained between the method patient’s blood volume is similar at the start and end of the cal-
chosen as a reference for comparison (new formula) and the culation period. This premise is likely to be true on day 4 after
others. surgery, but probably invalidates the use of these formulas in
The current lack of an estimation method that is con- the intraoperative and immediate postoperative periods given
sidered sufficiently accurate to be a gold standard has led that volume replacement may be insufficient or excessive.39
to the development of various different methods for esti- Although goal-directed therapy based on advanced hemody-
mating blood loss including visual estimation, gravimetric namic parameters in a perioperative setting has been shown to
methods, photometry,34,35 and formulas based on laboratory decrease morbidity/mortality in high-risk patients,40 it tends to

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots for the different formulas compared with the new formula on day +4 after surgery.

indicate whether the hemodynamic status of the patient can be In conclusion, although there is currently no refer-
optimized using fluid therapy and/or vasoactive drugs rather ence method for quantifying perioperative blood loss,
than the patient’s volemic status. On the other hand, devices the use of formulas that take into account anthropometric
for measuring bioimpedance are now available and seem to be and laboratory parameters may be valid for research, for
a promising tool for assessing intravascular volume.41 instance, for evaluating the efficacy of drugs in decreas-
In the present study, we have considered the formula ing blood loss. Nonetheless, despite attempts to optimize
proposed by Camarasa et al,32 which takes into account the the formulas, the values they provide may not be suf-
hematocrit values for patients at the start and end of the ficiently accurate. Therefore, there is a need to develop
calculation period as well as any volumes of homologous, techniques that allow a more accurate quantification of
autologous, or recovered blood transfused. Second, we have blood loss. E
also modified this formula by replacing the estimated blood
loss for the patient calculated using the Moore method29
with that proposed by the ICSH, because this allows all Name: A. Lopez-Picado, Pharm.
the patient’s anthropometric data (body surface area, sex) Contribution: This author helped design and conduct the study,
to be included in the calculation. We believe that this may analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
increase the accuracy of the calculation, in particular mak- Name: A. Albinarrate, MD.
ing it more reliable in the case of obese patients. Contribution: This author helped conduct the study, analyze the
data, and write the manuscript.
Third, we have included in our analysis the most widely
Name: Borja Barrachina, MD.
used formulas for estimating perioperative blood loss Contribution: This author helped design and conduct the study
found in the literature. Nevertheless, we recognize that sev- and write the manuscript.
eral others have not been included.42 This manuscript was handled by: Marisa B. Marques, MD.
Another limitation of this study is the population. None
of the formulas studied use age as a variable, and they do not
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