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Task 1:
LISTEN THIS TEXT BY THE LINK: Are you following your dreams? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

Task 2:
Write in detail what you learned from the text “Are you following your dreams?”.
From the text "Are you following your dreams?" we learn about the journeys of two
individuals, Daisy and Herman, who dared to pursue their childhood dreams against the
backdrop of societal norms and expectations. Here's what we glean from their stories:
Childhood Dreams vs. Adult Realities: Neil and Beth reminisce about their childhood dreams,
highlighting a common experience where as children, we often harbour grand aspirations
for our future selves. However, as we transition into adulthood, these dreams can get
overshadowed by the practicalities of life such as jobs, money, and responsibilities.
Following Dreams Despite Challenges: Daisy and Herman serve as inspirations by choosing
to pursue their dreams despite the challenges they faced. Daisy found herself in Riverside, a
community where resources are shared equally among its members, challenging
conventional societal structures. Similarly, Herman and his family embarked on a global
adventure with minimal funds, defying the notion that such dreams are unrealistic. The
Power of Shared Resources: Daisy's story underscores the belief in the power of communal
living and shared resources. Despite facing scepticism from outsiders who label Riverside as
communist or outlandish, Daisy and her community members continue to believe in the
advantages of collective living. Personal Transformation Through Pursuing Dreams:
Herman's journey highlights the transformative power of pursuing one's dreams. Through
his travels and interactions with diverse cultures and people, Herman evolves into a more
humble individual, valuing the richness of human experiences over material conquests. Life
Regrets and the Importance of Following Dreams: The discussion about Bronnie Ware's
book, "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying," emphasises the significance of following one's
dreams. Not doing so ranks as the top regret among individuals nearing the end of their
lives, reinforcing the idea that embracing one's dreams is essential for a fulfilling life.
Vocabulary Enrichment: The text also introduces various vocabulary words such as utopia,
struggle, outlandish, conquer, humble, and a grain of sand, enhancing language
comprehension and learning. Overall, "Are you following your dreams?" serves as a
reminder of the importance of daring to chase our aspirations, despite the obstacles we may
encounter along the way. It encourages readers to reflect on their own dreams and consider
taking steps towards realising them, ultimately living a life with fewer regrets.

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