Gan Et Al 2018 Car Seats Facing Backward Is The Way Forward

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Case Report

2019, Vol. 21(1) 68–72

Car seats: Facing backward is the ! The Author(s) 2018

Article reuse guidelines:
way forward DOI: 10.1177/1460408618755811

Jo Han Gan, Caroline Davison, Nick Prince and Anami Gour

Road traffic accidents are one of the commonest causes of death in children. Child safety car seats have played a pivotal role
in reducing the mortality and morbidity associated with road traffic accidents. However, there have been some concerns
about the about the design of front facing car seats versus their rear facing counterparts. Legislation governing the use of
rear facing car seats is variable, with some Scandinavian countries recommending their use up to the age of four, while
others mandate their use only until one year of age. We present three case narratives of patients aged under 3 years who
sustained catastrophic injuries after being involved in a road traffic accident despite being placed in an appropriately sized
forward facing car seat. We reviewed the literature for evidence comparing the safety and efficacy of front versus rear facing
car seats. Accident registry and crash test results support the increased safety of rear facing child seats. Frontal sled test
have demonstrated that forward facing car seats expose children to much higher neck loads and chest displacement
resulting in higher injury scores. Epidemiological data from registries and observational studies support the experimental
data and demonstrate a clear injury-reducing effect of rear facing child seats compared to their forward facing counterpart.
We recommend keeping children in rear facing car seats until the age of four, which is common practice in Sweden.

Child car seat safety, paediatric intensive care, paediatric trauma

Introduction into a wall at an unknown speed. He was in cardiac

Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are the second common- arrest on scene and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
est cause of death in children after congenital malfor- (CPR) was commenced immediately and continued
mations.1 The mandatory use of child car seats has for 20 min until he recovered spontaneous circulation.
been shown to reduce mortality and serious injuries On arrival in the emergency department (ED), compu-
by up to 71%.2 Despite this clear evidence of efficacy, terised tomography (CT) scan revealed bilateral pneu-
there are concerns that front facing car seats are less mothoraces, a traumatic subarachnoid bleed, possible
safe compared to rear facing seats. Accident registries disruption of C1/2 and evidence of severe hypoxic brain
suggest that fatalities could have been avoided if rear injury. Bilateral chest drains were inserted, and he was
facing car seats were used in place of their front facing managed supportively in the paediatric intensive care
counterparts.3 We present a case series of three children unit (PICU). The following day, a magnetic resonance
in front facing restraints who suffered catastrophic inju- image (MRI) of his brain and spinal cord revealed
ries during motor vehicle accidents. The mechanism of extensive injury to the spinal cord parenchyma from
injury in relation to the position of the car seat is exam- the cervicomedullary junction to C5 (Figure 1). His
ined and literature comparing the relative efficacy of stay in PICU was complicated by aspiration pneumo-
front versus rear facing car seats is reviewed. nia, diabetes insipidus and pressure ulcers. He remained
in a minimally conscious state, ventilator dependent

Case reports Paediatric Intensive Care, St George’s Hospital, London, UK

Case one Corresponding author:
Anami Gour, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, First Floor, Lanesborough
A two-year-old boy was restrained in a forward facing Wing, St. George’s Hospital, London SW17 0QT, UK.
child seat in the rear of a car when it collided head-on Email:
Gan et al. 69

to a local hospital for stabilisation before being trans-

ferred to the major trauma centre. Initial imaging
revealed significant intracranial haemorrhage especially
around the fourth ventricle and brainstem with asso-
ciated hydrocephalus. There was also subluxation of
C1 on C2 with evidence of spinal cord damage. An
extra-ventricular drain was inserted and halo traction
applied. She spent 27 days in PICU, and remained ven-
tilator dependent until her eventual death from compli-
cations of her injuries.

Common factors
All three cases involved a frontal collision, where the
child was in the back seat of a vehicle, all restrained
Figure 1. MRI image showing cervical CSF collection appropriately in a forward facing car seat. There was
compressing the damaged spinal cord. no intrusion due to the impact that may have affected
the performance of the car seats. All car seats were still
properly affixed in the car after the collision.
and quadriplegic. Intensive care was withdrawn when it All three patients had significant cervical spine
was clear that there was no potential for recovery. injures in the absence of any abdominal injuries or
long bone fractures; all were found in cardiac arrest
at the scene, had traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
Case two and subsequent hypoxic ischaemic brain injury.
A two-year-old girl was the rear seat passenger restrained This consistent pattern of injury in children during
in a front facing child car seat when the car collided head- road traffic collisions leads us to be concerned that for-
on with another vehicle at a combined speed of 80 mph. ward facing child car seats expose the occupants to a
She was found to be in cardiac arrest and bystander CPR high risk of cervical spine and intracranial injuries in a
was commenced immediately. She regained spontaneous frontal collision which contributes to a significant rise in
circulation after intubation and bilateral thoracostomies mortality. Knowledge of paediatric anatomy and phys-
by the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) ique, physics and the most likely vector of force in a road
team with a total downtime of 20 min. In ED, CT scan traffic collision (frontal impact, forward travel of occu-
revealed a distraction injury at C5/6 with paravertebral pants) would support this as a logical hypothesis.
haematoma, plus a subarachnoid bleed associated
with hydrocephalus. Initially, an intracranial pressure
Mechanism of injury
(ICP) monitoring device was sited, and later, an extra-
ventricular drain due to persistently high ICP despite full In a properly fitted front facing car seat, the child is
active medical management. MRI two days later revealed secured by a 5-point harness which anchors a child’s
evidence of significant hypoxic ischaemic brain injury and shoulders and hips to the seat. This allows the rigid
spinal cord injury to the thoracic level with a cord haema- bony parts to take high impact loads without damaging
toma at C1 level. Her recovery was complicated by any internal organs. However, the head is not, and
intractable seizures and autonomic instability. She was cannot easily be, restrained. A child’s head is supported
discharged to a neuro rehabilitation unit eventually and by a relatively weak neck whose muscles are not devel-
is currently ventilator-dependent via tracheostomy with oped sufficiently to dampen violent head movement.
flaccid quadriplegia. Cervical vertebrae are mainly cartilaginous in the
infant. Articular facets, the contact areas between the
vertebrae, are shallow and are orientated more horizon-
Case three tally, therefore allowing subluxation at significantly
An 11-month-old girl was in the rear of a car restrained lower forces. Neck ligaments, as elsewhere in the
in a front facing child car seat when it collided with body, are weaker than in adults. The disproportionately
another vehicle travelling at a combined speed of large head compared to older children and adults
70 mph. At the scene, she was unresponsive, and CPR (Figure 2), weak cervical spine musculature and laxity,
was commenced by her father. She was initially brought may result in an uncontrolled cervical spine movements
70 Trauma 21(1)

Figure 2. Comparison of the relative size of head to body from infant to adulthood4 (Copyright: Association for the Advancement of
Automotive Medicineß AAAM 1998).

and compressive or distraction forces in certain impact particular is supported by the child seat and the neck
deceleration events. does not experience excessive flexion or extension.
In a frontal collision, there is a sudden deceleration This is demonstrated by frontal sled tests
at the point of impact: with the body anchored and the comparing rear and forward facing child restraints
head free, the neck experiences the entire magnitude of with 1–3-year-old dummies.5 Thirty-one frontal crash
the decelerating force. If neck motion exceeds tolerable tests with 12-month, 18-month, and 3-year-old dum-
limits, ligaments stretch or disrupt, resulting in disloca- mies restrained in both US and European rear facing
tion of vertebrae, and/or disruption of the spinal canal and forward facing seats were performed to measure
and cord. The younger the child, the lower the crash neck load and chest displacement. Chest displacement,
force required to cause spinal injury.4 upper neck tension and lower neck flexion moments
In addition to the physiological/anatomical nature were all substantially lower with both rear facing
of small children, the design of the car may contribute restraint types, compared to the forward facing
to the injuries sustained during a collision. Car manu- restraints. This resulted in significantly lower injury
facturers tend to respond to market forces generated measures for rear facing restraints, particularly the
by consumer information programmes: European European rear facing seats.5
New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) is a vol- A review of the US National Highway Traffic Safety
untary vehicle safety rating system which awards rat- Administration vehicle crash database from 1988 to
ings based on the performance of the vehicle in various 2003 revealed that children under the age of two
collision scenarios. Higher ratings have consistently years are 75% less likely to die or sustain serious
resulted in higher car sales. By stiffening the passenger injury when they are in a rear facing seat.6 This finding
chassis, a vehicle may improve its safety rating by redu- was particularly true for frontal impact collisions where
cing the risk of intrusion and injury to the passenger children in forward facing car seats were much more
but at the expense of higher deceleration forces.4 likely to be injured (OR ¼ 5.53, 95% CI: 3.74 to 8.18).
Unfortunately, the child in a front facing restraint is The odds of severe injury for forward facing infants
very vulnerable to the high deceleration forces acting <12 months of age were 1.79 times higher than for
on the unsupported head. rear facing infants. For children 12 to 23 months old,
the odds were 5.32 times higher.
A Swedish epidemiological study examined accident
Evidence: Rear vs. forward facing car seats
data involving Volvo cars to evaluate child safety with
Rear facing car seats keeps the head, neck and spine respect to age, size and impact situation.7 A total of
fully aligned. In a frontal collision, the crash forces are 3670 children, aged 0–15 years, were involved in car
distributed over all of these body areas. The head in crashes during 1987–2004. The injury-reducing effect
Gan et al. 71

of any child restraint systems was high overall. The high- Declaration of conflicting interests
est injury-reducing effect was found in rearward facing The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
child restraints for children up to four years of age, respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
offering an injury-reducing effect of 90% compared to article.
an unrestrained child. This is in contrast to booster seats
for 4–10 year olds which reduce the risk of injury by Funding
77%. A tendency of higher injury risk was found when The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
the growing child switches from one restraint to another, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
i.e. when the child is at the youngest age approved for
the restraint. It was worth noting that forward facing Ethical approval
child seats for ages 1–4 with integrated child harness Not applicable.
are very rare in Sweden as the official recommendation
is to keep children rear facing until four years old, and Informed consent
therefore not included in this study. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient
This finding has been confirmed by the reviewing the (Cases 1 and 2) for their anonymised information to be pub-
Swedish Fatal Accidents database.3 There were 17 fatal lished in this article. Consent for Case 3 was unavailable as
accidents involving children from 1999 to 2006. Six patient was deceased and parents were no longer contactable
cases were excluded as they were due to unrestrained despite attempts through multiple avenues; the Editor-in-
children and misidentified cases. Of the remaining 11 Chief is satisfied that the case is sufficiently anonymised to
fatalities, four were in a rear facing seat. Those who preclude identification.
died were due to excessive intrusion, fire and drowning
where the choice of child restrain would not have made Guarantor
a difference. On the other hand, of the six fatalities AG.
involving children in a front facing restraint, three
cases were deemed to have been survivable if the child Contributorship
was in a rear facing car seat. JHG wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors
Current UK legislation allows a front- or rear facing reviewed and edited the manuscript and approved the final
child seat to be placed in the front seat of the car if the version of the manuscript.
airbag is turned off. However, the risk of significant
injury is much higher if the child is in the front seat. Provenance
A matched cohort analysis found the risk of death for a Not commissioned, externally peer reviewed.
front passenger, compared with a rear passenger of the
same age, was increased most among children.8 For
rear seat passengers younger than 13 years compared
with front seat passengers of the same age the adjusted 1. Office of National Statistics. What do we die from?, http://
mortality risk ratio was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.64 to 0.79).–
Conclusion sty-what-do-we-die-from.html (accessed 1 July 2017).
2. Kahane CJ. An evaluation of child passenger safety: the
We have presented a case series of three paediatric effectiveness and benefits of safety seats. Washington,
trauma patients suffering catastrophic spinal cord inju- DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
ries in an otherwise properly restrained forward facing Technical Report. DOT HS 806 890, https://crashstats.
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car seats. Clinicians should have a high index of suspi- accident study of the performance of restraints used by
children aged three years and under.
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common practice in Sweden, where practical. and children in the adult world of automobile safety design.
Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 1998; 42: 93–113.
Acknowledgements 5. Sherwood CP and Crandall JR. Frontal sled tests compar-
We would like to thank Ms Rachel Neal, Data Manager, ing rear and forward facing child restraints with 1-3 year
PICU, St George’s Hospital for helping us accessing the old dummies. Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med 2007;
patient details. 51: 169–180.
72 Trauma 21(1)

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7. Jakobsson L, Isaksson-Hellman I and Lundell B. Safety DATA (accessed 1 July 2017).
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