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Ashmita Rambirich

Grade 11E

LIFE SAB01 Task001

Table of Contents

QUESTION 1..........................................................................................................................................3
Part 1.................................................................................................................................................3
Part 2.................................................................................................................................................4
QUESTION 2..........................................................................................................................................6
2.1 My Quote for 2024 is…................................................................................................................6
2.2 The song that will motivate me in 2024 is….................................................................................6
2.3 Smart Goals.................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Choose ONE of the goals listed above and create a strategy plan that will assist you to achieve
this goal in 2024. List at least three actions you will implement to achieve your goal.......................7
2.5 List your Strengths.......................................................................................................................7
2.6 List your Limiters..........................................................................................................................7
2.7 In a short paragraph of 150 words, discuss what you have discovered about yourself and how
you will overcome any obstacles that will limit you from achieving your goals in 2024. Identify who
you will approach to assist you in overcoming the challenges or obstacles you may face.................8
QUESTION 3..........................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Draw up a petition to request sport and recreation facilities in your area. The facilities should
accommodate people who are physically challenged. Use the correct format of a petition.............9
3.2 Give well-structured reasons why you need sport and recreation facilities...............................10
3.3 Suggest how the facilities should be adapted to be inclusive, that is, to accommodate
physically challenged people...........................................................................................................10
3.4 Indicate to whom you will hand the petition.............................................................................10
3.5 Sign the petition and collect at least three other signatures for your petition..........................11
3.6 Say how sport contributes to nation-building............................................................................11


Part 1

Part 2


2.1 My Quote for 2024 is…

“Believe in yourself and don’t give up”

2.2 The song that will motivate me in 2024 is…
”Fight Song”

2.3 Smart Goals

Personal: Be on time for school every morning

S: wake up at 06h45 every morning, an hour before my first class

M: recording my wake-up time
A: set my alarm for 06h30 and snooze intervals for 5 mins, so l will still wake up by
R: if I wake up on time I will have enough time to have my breakfast
T: 2 weeks

Physical: be fit and exercise more often

S: exercise on the treadmill for 30 minutes per day

M: record exercise time in my journal
A: diarise treadmill time for 5pm every day and stick to it
R: if I manage my time, I will be able to exercise every day
T: 1 week

Academic: improve my Maths Lit marks

S: improve my marks by 10%

M: monitoring my quiz and term marks
A: spending an hour every day on maths
R: if I spend more time on maths I will improve my marks

T: end of term 3

Spiritual: be more in touch with my religion

S: listen to religious songs every day
M: have a list of songs and tick them off
A: create a list of religious songs for each day of the week
R: if I manage my time I can make time to listen to religious songs
T: 1 month

2.4 Choose ONE of the goals listed above and create a strategy plan that will assist
you to achieve this goal in 2024. List at least three actions you will implement to
achieve your goal

1. Set aside 1 hour every day for Maths Lit
2. Practice Maths Lit every day
3. Get help from teacher/tutor

2.5 List your Strengths:

I don’t give up

2.6 List your Limiters:

Time management

2.7 In a short paragraph of 150 words, discuss what you have discovered about
yourself and how you will overcome any obstacles that will limit you from achieving
your goals in 2024. Identify who you will approach to assist you in overcoming the
challenges or obstacles you may face

I realised I need to be better at time management. I spend too long on one task and
don’t get to do other things. If I don’t do this, I will not be able to achieve any of my goals
as they require me to make time for them. I will create a schedule of tasks and stick to
them. I will also use a clock to monitor my time for each task. One of the main reasons I
don’t get to complete a task, is distractions. I will make it a point to keep my phone aside
when I’m busy with a task to avoid the urge of going onto social media or checking my
WhatsApp messages. I will also do research on time management on the different ways
of managing time effectively. I will also ask help from my parents and point out my
mistakes and help me be more disciplined.


3.1 Draw up a petition to request sport and recreation facilities in your area. The
facilities should accommodate people who are physically challenged. Use the correct
format of a petition.

3.2 Give well-structured reasons why you need sport and recreation facilities

1. Nation building - it brings people together from different races, religions and

2. Work-Life balance – people have a place to go, away from work and family

3. Physical Health – helps the community keep fit. People will tend to exercise when
they have a place where they can meet with friends

4. Curb crime and drugs - It can provide a place where people/kids can go instead
getting involved in crime and drugs

5. Jobs - it can help with the unemployment in the community by creating new jobs

6. It brings the community closer- people will get to know each other and will be
there for one another in times of need.

7. Safety – it is a safe place where kids can play, keeping them off the street

8. People can learn new skills and lean form one another

3.3 Suggest how the facilities should be adapted to be inclusive, that is, to
accommodate physically challenged people.

1. Have dedicated parking bays that’s close to the entrance

2. Special pathways/walkways and ramps with no obstacles
3. Widened doorways to allow for wheelchairs
4. Facilities like the kitchen need to take into account the needs of physically
challenged people
5. Have dedicated toilets for the physically challenged.

3.4 Indicate to whom you will hand the petition

Community leader or ward councillor

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3.5 Sign the petition and collect at least three other signatures for your petition

3.6 Say how sport contributes to nation-building

It brings people of different races, gender and cultural background together, supporting
one team.

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