Lesson Plan

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Senior Highschool

Accountancy, Business and Management

I. Objectives/Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;
a. Identify what is a Manager
b. Distinguish the functions of a Manager
c. Identify the roles of a Manager
d. Distinguish the skills of a Manager

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Nature and Concept of Management

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Setting of Class Environment

B. Motivation
Open-Ended Question:
How can you identify a good Manager?

C. Lesson Proper
Discussion of the Lesson
Manager- someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people
so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
-person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group
of individuals, monitor their work, and taking corrective action
when necessary

Functions of a Manager
1. Directing/Leading-direct workers directly or supervisors who handle workers
2. Monitoring-manager must be familiar with the work of all his/her groups
3. Managing-manager must know how to manage the workers than to know
how to do their work
Roles of a Manager
1. Interpersonal Role-these are ones that involve people and other duties that
are symbolic in nature
2. Informational Role-includes monitoring and disseminating information
3. Decisional Role-manager makes decision or choices

Skills of a Manager
1. Tecnhical Skills-techniques tomperform their tasks with proficiency with
the use of expertise
2. Human Skills-enable managers in all levels to relate well with people

3. Conceptual Skills-enable managers to think of possible

solutions to solve complex problems

IV. Generalization/Evaluation
Short activity
Answer the following questions
1. Who is a Manager?
2. What are the different roles of a manager?
3. What are the 3 Mangerial Skills? Explain each.
4. What is the importance of a Manager in a company?
5. If you will be given a chance to choose, what do you want
to become in the future, is it to become a manager in a
company or to handle and to have your own business and why?

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