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Name: Joshua C.

My Last Foundation Day in Claver High
Foundation Day at Claver High
National High School was a day full
of excitement, joy, and memories. It
was a special day when we
celebrated the founding of our
school and the journey we had
taken together as students.
The day started with a colorful
parade around the school grounds.
Students marched proudly, waving flags,
and wearing our school colors. There were bands playing lively music, and
everyone cheered as we walked past teachers, parents, and guests. After the
parade, we gathered in the school gymnasium for a program filled with
performances and speeches. The school principal talked about the history of our
school and the importance of education. Students showcased their talents through
dances, songs, and skits. We laughed, we clapped, and we felt proud to be part of
such a vibrant school community.
One of the highlights of the day was the awarding ceremony. Students who
excelled in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities were recognized for
their hard work and dedication. It was inspiring to see our classmates receive
trophies and certificates for their achievements.
As the day came to a close, we shared a delicious meal together with our
classmates and teachers. We reminisced about our favorite moments in school
and promised to stay in touch even as we moved on to new adventures.
My last Foundation Day at Claver High
National High School was
bittersweet. It was a day filled with
laughter and tears as we said
goodbye to our school and looked
forward to the future. But no matter
where life takes us, we will always
cherish the memories we made on
this special day and the friendships
we formed at Claver High.
Name: Jefrey S. Cordita
My Last Foundation Day in Claver High
Foundation Day at Claver High
National High School is always a
special occasion filled with joy and
memories. This year marked my last
Foundation Day as a student, and it
was a day I will never forget. As I
walked into the school grounds that
morning, I felt a mix of excitement
and sadness. Excitement because
Foundation Day is always a fun-filled
event with lots of activities and
performances. Sadness because it
was my last one as a student, and I knew I would miss being part of such a vibrant
celebration in the future.
The day started with a flag-raising ceremony, where we sang the national anthem proudly. It
reminded me of the importance of unity and patriotism. Then, we gathered in the school
auditorium for a special assembly. Our principal gave an inspiring speech about the history of
our school and the significance of Foundation Day. It made me realize how fortunate I am to
be part of such a rich tradition.
Throughout the day, there were various competitions and games, from sports events to quiz
bees. I participated in a debate competition and felt a rush of adrenaline as I stood up to
speak in front of my classmates and teachers. Even though I was nervous, I enjoyed the
challenge and the opportunity to showcase my skills.
One of the highlights of the day was the cultural program in the afternoon. Students from
different grade levels performed traditional dances and songs representing our diverse
culture. It was a beautiful sight to see everyone coming together to celebrate our heritage.
As the day drew to a close, there
was a sense of nostalgia in the
air. I realized how much I would
miss moments like these – the
laughter, the camaraderie, and the
sense of belonging. But I also felt
grateful for the memories I had
made and the friendships I had
formed during my time at Claver
High National High School.
Name: Louie Jay T. Hitalia
My Last Foundation Day in Claver High
As I reminisce about my last Foundation
Day at Claver High National High
School, a flood of emotions overwhelms
me. It was a day filled with joy,
excitement, and a tinge of sadness as
we celebrated the history and
achievements of our beloved school.
The morning began with a buzz of
activity as students, teachers, and
staff gathered in the school grounds,
adorned in colorful uniforms and wearing bright
smiles. The air was filled with anticipation as we awaited the start of the festivities.
The ceremony kicked off with the singing of the national anthem, followed by speeches from
our school principal and guest speakers. They reminded us of the importance of education,
hard work, and unity in achieving our goals.
Next came the performances, showcasing the talents of my fellow classmates. From lively
dance numbers to melodious choir performances, each act brought the audience to their
feet, applauding and cheering with enthusiasm.
One of the highlights of the day was the awarding ceremony, where outstanding students
were recognized for their academic achievements, leadership skills, and contributions to the
school community. It was heartwarming to see my classmates being honored for their
dedication and perseverance.
As the day drew to a close, we gathered for a final group photo, capturing
the memories we shared on this special
day. Though it marked the end
of my journey at Claver High
National High School, it also
symbolized the beginning of a
new chapter in our lives.
Looking back, I am grateful for
the friendships I made, the
lessons I learned, and the
memories I will cherish forever.

Name: John Carl Gabayeron

My Last Foundation Day in Claver High
Last Foundation Day at Claver High National
High School was a memorable event filled with
joy and excitement. As a Grade 12 student, it
was a special occasion for me and my
classmates as we celebrated the founding of
our beloved school.
The day started early with everyone gathering
in the school grounds, adorned with colorful
decorations and banners celebrating the
school's history and achievements. There was
a buzz of anticipation in the air as students,
teachers, and staff prepared for the day's festivities.
The morning assembly was a highlight of the day, where we sang the national anthem and
recited the school pledge with pride. Our principal delivered a speech reminding us of the
importance of our school's foundation and the values it instills in us.
One of the most exciting parts of Foundation Day was the parade. Students from different
grade levels marched proudly, wearing their school uniforms and carrying banners
representing their classes. It was a sight to behold as we showcased our unity and school
spirit to the community.
After the parade, there were various activities and competitions held throughout the day.
There were sports events like relay races and tug-of-war, as well as academic contests like
spelling bees and quiz bees. Everyone participated eagerly, cheering for their classmates
and friends.
The highlight of the day was the cultural presentation, where students showcased their
talents in singing, dancing, and acting. It was amazing to see the creativity and talent of my
fellow students as they performed on stage, showcasing the rich culture and heritage of our
As the day came to a close, there was a sense of satisfaction and pride in what we had
accomplished. Foundation Day reminded us of the importance of unity, teamwork, and
dedication in achieving our goals. It was a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and fond
memories that I will cherish for years to come.

Name: Joshua C. Gabas

My Last Foundation Day in Claver High

As I walked into the school grounds on our last Foundation Day at Claver High National High
School, my heart was filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. This special day was a
time for us to come together as a school community to celebrate our history, achievements,
and the values that unite us.
The morning started with a lively assembly, where we gathered to sing the national anthem
and recite the school pledge. Our principal delivered an inspiring speech, reminding us of the
importance of education and the role we each play in shaping the future. We cheered as our
teachers were honored for their dedication and hard work, and we applauded the
achievements of our fellow students in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.
Throughout the day, there were various activities and performances that showcased the
talents of our school. From colorful cultural dances to energetic sports competitions, there
was something for everyone to enjoy. I felt proud to be a part of such a vibrant and diverse
community, where each individual was valued and celebrated for their unique contributions.
As the sun began to set and the festivities came to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of
sadness knowing that this would be my last Foundation Day at Claver High National High
School. However, I also felt grateful for the memories I had made and the friendships I had
formed during my time here.
Looking ahead, I know that I will carry the lessons and experiences from Claver High
National High School with me wherever I go. As I prepare to embark on the next chapter of
my life, I am confident that the foundation laid here will continue to guide me in my journey
towards success and fulfillment.
In conclusion, my last Foundation Day at Claver High National High School was a bittersweet
moment filled with joy, pride, and gratitude. It was a day to celebrate our past, embrace our
present, and look forward to a bright future ahead.

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