Unesco Annual Report 2021 p21

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Joint Programme on Empowering Adolescent Girls

and Young Women through Education in Tanzania
The Joint Programme (JP) on Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education in
Tanzania was designed to mainstream gender in the education sector, responding to UNESCO´s global
priority on Gender Equality. Gender equality considerations were therefore fully integrated throughout
the implementation of the programme activities reaching, which reached more than 8,274 beneficiaries
directly and 12,708,700 indirectly.

Adolescent students’ access to guidance and counselling services at school level was further increased
in 2021. Currently, the number of students accessing the services through the Safe Space TUSEME clubs is
estimated at 6521 (2,297.00 boys and 4,224.00 girls from 112 clubs) in 60 schools from Kasulu, Sengerema,
Ngorongoro from Tanzania Mainland and Mkoani in Pemba. The JP strengthened systems that prevent
school-based violence especially against adolescent girls by conducting a refresher training to 193 teachers
(116 male and 77 female). In addition the members of the Safe Space Clubs from the 60 target schools were
trained. The refresher training focused on life skills including rights and responsibility of the clubs members,
access to guidance and counselling services at schools for safety, GBV and existing referral systems.

The national capacity to deliver training programmes on life skills and SRH education for in-service teachers
was increased during the reporting period. 300 (208 male and 92 female) in-service teachers in the three
target districts of Tanzania Mainland (Kasulu, Sengerema, Ngorongoro) strengthened their knowledge and
skills in the provision of quality life skills-based SRH, HIV and gender education at primary and secondary
basic education level. In turn, access to life skills and SRH education for in-school adolescent girls and boys
is expected to increase.

In addition, support was provided to the Zanzibar Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (ZMoEVT)
to translate the Teacher Training Manual on SRH, HIV, GBV and life skills for tutors and pre- and in- service
teachers from English to Kiswahili. It was designed to equip teachers with vital knowledge, skills and positive
attitude towards SRH, life skills and gender education. This was a continuation of UNESCO’S support to
the ZMoEVT after having integrated relevant concepts in the newly developed curriculum framework and
development of the guidelines for integrating life skills-based sexual & reproductive health, HIV and gender
based violence prevention education concept in relevant syllabi of basic education. This was followed by


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