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Page 3 of 50 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > Last Thread Tools 08-02-2006, 04:27 PM Display Modes #21


Yikes, oh well then. Thanks for the update Carbar.


Join Date: Jul 2001 Posts: 14,540

Originally Posted by carbar I got an email today from the British Neurological Research Trust and they state that there are no plans for a clinical trial on spinal cord injury and that there is not sufficient information to justify one. They may carry out a pilot safety study on OECs in fresh brachial plexus injuries next year, depending on accumulating sufficient data on these cells before they start. So, strike Raisman off the list it seems.

08-02-2006, 06:47 PM

#22 Quote:

Senior Member

Originally Posted by carbar I got an email today from the British Neurological Research Trust and they state that there are no plans for a clinical trial on spinal cord injury and that there is not sufficient information to justify one. They may carry out a pilot safety study on OECs in fresh brachial plexus injuries next year, depending on accumulating sufficient data on these cells before they start. So, strike Raisman off the list it seems.

Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Los Angeles, California Posts: 723

Carbar, I've been trying to follow Raisman's work for a while now (I've got a brachial plexus injury) and would be very interested to read that email. If you still have it, could you forward it my way please? Many thanks, I appreciate the post. Chris

08-02-2006, 07:18 PM


Senior Member

Hey everyone, I will double check when I'm in late this month but my spinal unit and consultants colleagues collaborate with Raisman/UCL and I'd be bold enough to say that the email authors are very wrong here __________________

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If a cure for chronic Spinal Cord Injury is important to you... please

click below to support the groundbreaking research of Dr Stephen Davies and his team at The University of Colorado
Join Date: Nov 2005 Posts: 1,899

''Humans must change our ways, and change them soon. Our behaviors, ethics and view of this world and universe must mature to become commensurate with the awesome discoveries and advances in our midst.'' Tom Burke, Harvard Medical School

08-02-2006, 09:40 PM

#24 Quote:

Senior Member

Originally Posted by Cherrylips Hey everyone, I will double check when I'm in late this month but my spinal unit and consultants colleagues collaborate with Raisman/UCL and I'd be bold enough to say that the email authors are very wrong here That would be great Cherrylips, and I pray you're right!!! I've had a hole in my gut all this afternoon, since I read this about Prof Raisman. Would love to know what exactly is going on with his work. Trials were supposed start around February of this year and then got bumped to autumn. If it's because they need guinea pigs, look over here... oink oink oink!!!

Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Los Angeles, California Posts: 723

08-03-2006, 05:58 AM

#25 Quote:

Senior Member

Originally Posted by Cherrylips Hey everyone, I will double check when I'm in late this month but my spinal unit and consultants colleagues collaborate with Raisman/UCL and I'd be bold enough to say that the email authors are very wrong here It is certainly possible that there is an 'official' line that gets given out, and an 'unofficial' one. The email I received was not from a researcher, but from the person who heads fundraising for Raisman's research. I don't know exactly how things work, but I would have thought that if trials were anticipated he would be in the frontline raising the necessary funds. These were his words on the subject of trials: "I think you may have been somewhat misinformed about our work under Professor Raisman. We have no plans for a clinical trial on spinal cord injury and do not consider that there is yet sufficient information to justify one. This has always been our (declared) position. We may carry out a pilot safety study on olfactory ensheathing cells in fresh brachial plexus injuries next year, though this is dependent on our accumulating sufficient data on these cells before we start. This preparatory study is to test the safety of these cells and procedures."

Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: France Posts: 2,417

Will leave it to you Cherrylips to dig deeper! __________________ Think Tall!
Last edited by carbar; 08-03-2006 at 06:13 AM.

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08-03-2006, 06:05 AM

#26 The email from Neuraxo that we all have

Thank you for your interest in the development of our products and technologies. Based on the convincing results of our pre-clinical studies (animal model) of Cordaneurin we are very close now to enter clinical trials in human. Due to safety considerations only acute injuries can currently be tested within these first studies. Acute means up to 72 hours respectively 3 days post injury. Last year fortunately we were able to attract investors securing the financing of these studies. The market launch is estimated to be in 2008. In a second future clinical project named CordaChron we want to modify our drug to be suitable also for chronically injured persons. This year we will start with the pre-clinical development of CordaChron, clinical studies in human will start in 2007 at the earliest.

Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2001 Location: SPAIN Posts: 761

We would like to recommend all chronically injured patients to safe or achieve a good general condition of the palsied muscles through rehabilitation procedures, possibly functional electro stimulation and / or passive (if possible active) exercises in close collaboration with your doctor. This would be a great advantage with respect to the use of our CordaChron in future therapies.

__________________ 2013

08-03-2006, 06:36 AM


Senior Member

Carbar Thanks for the post, it answers my question... I had never read that Raisman was preparing trials on SCI, even though the Brachial Plexus Injury re-implantation trials that he is involved with does deal with the Spinal Cord (coaxing axons out of it and into grafted/re-implanted peripheral nerves). I'm very curious as to the actual dates for this trial?

Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Los Angeles, California Posts: 723


Originally Posted by carbar It is certainly possible that there is an 'official' line that gets given out, and an 'unofficial' one. The email I received was not from a researcher, but from the person who heads fundraising for Raisman's research. I don't know exactly how things work, but I would have thought that if trials were anticipated he would be in the frontline raising the necessary funds. These were his words on the subject of trials: "I think you may have been somewhat misinformed about our work under Professor Raisman. We have no plans for a clinical trial on spinal cord injury and do not consider that there is yet sufficient information to justify one. This has always been our (declared) position. We may carry out a pilot safety study on olfactory ensheathing cells in fresh brachial plexus injuries next year, though this is dependent on our accumulating sufficient data on these cells before we start. This preparatory study is to test the safety of these cells and procedures."

Will leave it to you Cherrylips to dig deeper!

08-03-2006, 08:57 AM

#28 Wroclaw Poland

Senior Member

On the subject of OECs, what does anyone know about the supposed trials taking place later this year at a clinic in Wroclaw, Poland? I tried writing to Dr Tabakov early in July but haven't heard anything back. __________________ Think Tall!

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Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: France Posts: 2,417

08-04-2006, 10:14 AM

#29 Quote:

Corinne Jeanmaire
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2003 Location: EINDHOVEN - THE NETHERLANDS Posts: 215

Originally Posted by Schmeky There are some clinical trials starting and there are some that have already started. Please help me update this list. These are the ones that are supposed to start-up in 2007. Those groups already in the treatment phase are not included (Lima, Novosibirsk, Huang [fetal olfactory cells], Cells4Health, etc.) since these are not clinical trials, but active treatments. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Kierstad, USA, hESC, acute only Huang Hongyun, China, combination therapy, chronics Wise Young, China, combination therapy, acutes and chronics Darwin Prockop, USA, adult stem cells, acute only Borgens, USA, electromagnetic fields/inosine Raisman, UK, OEC

Please help me update this list. Groups such as Neuraxo-Biotec (cordaneurin [acutes] and chordachron [chronics]), Novartis (Nogo), Aventis (HP184) and others need to be listed but I know little about the current status of these trials. Schmecky, you may remember that I made an overview of the trials some months ago (see i collected some update info in the meantime and pasted it into my previous report but need to make it readable; i will also need to add up any new info that might be given by all of you in this thread; will post the doc soonest under this thread; Regarding Raisman, yes, it was clear already that the trials are not on SCI but that SCI might be a next step in case of good results of the first trials; It might be good to put it as a 'sticky' and to allow people to change the document and update whenever they have new info; We'll see; Corinne __________________ Register at ! Blog:

08-05-2006, 06:56 PM


Dean Trinh
Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2006 Posts: 1

Is there a website that I can find details about Dr. Young's SCI trial in China? Can Americans particapate in it? If yes, is there a registration process in place? If you reply to this post, please email me as well. Thanks.

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