Bahan Bahasa Inggris

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1. Part A : Arizona (A) Has a very dry climate.

It is believed that by 2010 immunotherapy have succeeded in curing

Venomous snakes with poison glands in which modified teeth serious illnesses. a number of
connected to the venom is secreted stored. Part B : Have seharusnya has
Part B : With jadi Have
15. Part A: The giraffe survives in part because it (B) Can reach the vegetation in
2. Part A :One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning (C) the high branches of trees where other animals have not grazed.
To Repeat it. According to some scientists, the earth losing pollutants. its outer
Representative democracy seemed evolveSimultaneously the eighteenth atmosphere because o
and nineteenth centuries in Britain, Europe, and the United States Part B : the earth losing seharusnya the earth is losing
Part B : Seemed evolve seharusnya seemed to evolve
16. Part A: Hydrogen peroxide (B) Is Used as a bleaching agent because it
3. Part A : Strauss finished (D) Writing two of his published compositions effectively whitens a variety of fibers and surfaces
before his tenth birthday If a rash occurs within twenty-four hours after taking a new medication ,
Representative democracy seemed evolve simultaneously the eighteenth the treatment should discontinued
and nineteenth centuries in Britain, Europe, and the United States Part B : Should discontinued seharusnya should be discontinued
Part B : stopped to smoke seharusnya stopped smoking
17. Part A : Since the Earth's crust is much thicker under the continents,
4. Part A: Many modern architects insist on (D) Using materials native to the equipment would have to be capable of drilling through 100,000 feet of
region that will blend into the rock to investigate the mantle (A) Beneath them.
During Jackson's administration, those who permit did not approve of According to Amazon legends, men were forced t o do all of the
common people in the White House were the president's insistence that household tasks for the womenwarriors who governed and protected
they be shocked by invited into the mansion. the cities for they
Part B : permitt common people seharusnya permitting common people Part B: For they seharusnya for them

5. Part A : before the angles and the saxons (C) Came to england, the iberians 18. Part A: Charlie Chaplin was a comedian (A) Who was best known for his
had lived there work in silent movies.
When Columbus seen the New World, he thought that he had Indies by way Absolute zero, the temperature at whom and thus, the lowest all
of a Western route substances have zero thermal energy possible temperatures, is
Part B : when colombus seen seharusnya when colombus saw unattainable in practice
Part B : at whom seharusnya at which
6. Part A : If water is heated to 212 degrees f. (A) It will boil and escape as
steam 19. Part A : A desert receives less than twenty-five (C) Centimeters of rainfall
If a live sponge is broken original one every year.
Part B : Would turn into seharusnya will turn into In 1950 it was naively predicted that eight or ten computer would be
sufficient to all of the scientific and business needs in the United States
7. Part A: If services are increased, taxes (A) Will probably go up Part B : naively seharusnya naively
If you don't register before the last day of regular registration, you paying a
late fee 20. Part A : (C) Water boils at 212 degrees F. and freezes at 32 degrees.
Part B : You paying seharusnya you’ll pay The religion attempts to clarify superhuman power . mankind's
relationship with a
8. Part A : football teams don’t play in thr super bowl championship (A) Unless Part B : To religion seharusnya to religion
They Win either the national or the american conference
Usually boys cannot become Boy Scouts unless completed the fifth rade. 21. Part A : It is generally believed that an M.B.A. degree is good preparation for
Part B : Unless completed seharusnya unless they have completed a career in (B) Bussiness.
A s pace is the last frontier for man to conquer
9. Part A : Less moderate members of congress are insisting that changes in Part B : for man seharusnya humanity
the social security sysrem (D) Be made.
Many space . architects prefer that a dome is used to roof buildings that 22. Part A: Fire-resistant materials are used to retard (C) Damage to the
need to conserve floor passanger cabin of modem aircraft in case of accidents.
Part B : A dome is used seharusnya a dome be used. A progress has been made toward findin g a cure for AIDS
Part B : A progress seharusnya progress
10. Part A : It is necessary (B) To plan the approaches to a bridge, the road
design, and the alignment in such a way as to best accommodate the 23. Part A : Hybrids have one more (B) Ear of corn per plant than the other
expected traffic flow over and under it. varieties.
It is essential that vitamins are normal growth to occur. supplied either by A few tiles on Skylab were space. the only equipments that failed to
foods or by supplementary tablets for perform well in outer
Part B : : are jadi be Part B : equipments seharusnya equipment.

11. Part A : In the morril Act, Congress granted federal lands to the states (B) 24. Part A : (C) Planting trees is a custom that many people engage in to
To establish agricultural and mechanical arts colleges. celebrate Arbor Day
Papyrus was used for to make not only paper but also sails, baskets, and Spell correct ly is easy with the aid of a number of word processing .
clothing programs for personal computers
Part B : For to make seharusnya to make. Part B : spell correctly seharusnya spelling correctly

12. Part A : In the stringed instruments, the tobes (C) To produced by playing a 25. Part A : (B) That Birds migrate long distances is well documented.
bow across a set of strings that may be made of wire or gut. That it is the moon influences only one kind of tide is not generally
Work is often measure in units called foot pounds. known
Part B : measure seharusnya measured. Part B : that is it the moon seharusnya that the moon

13. Part A : (A) it is believed that giant ape man, our biggest and probably 26. Part A : (A) The music of Country-Western singers may be related to old
one of our first human ancestors, was just about the size of a male gorilla. English ballads.
That it is believed that most mountain ranges-the Himalayas, the Andes, Philosophy of the ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly
and the Sierra Nevadas. of the earthquakes in the world occur near the writing of Western civilization
youngest Part B : Philosophy seharusnya the philosophy
Part B : That t is believed that seharusnya it is believed that.
27. Part A : At Woolworth's first five-and-ten-cent store, (D) no item costs more
14. Part A : BY the middle of the twenty-first century, the computer (D) Will than a dime
have become a necessity in every home. Some religions have none deity but are philosophies that function instead of
religions 40. Part A : It is generally true that the lower the stock market falls, (C) the
Part B : none deity seharusnya no deity higger the price of gold rises
The higher the solar activity, the intense the auroras or polar light displays
28. Part A : (C) most fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy in the skies near the Earth's geomagnetic poles.
Almost the plants known to us are made up of a great many cells , Part B : Climate like England seharusnya Climate like England
specialized to perform different tasks.
Part B : Almost the plant seharusnya most of the plants 41. Part A : One's fingerprints are (A) different from t h o s e o f any other
29. Part A : (C) Automobile insurance is cheaper for students who maintain Perhaps the colonists were looking for a climate like England, when they
a (B) average because they are a betterrisk than average or below-average decided to settle the North American continent instead of the South
students. American continent.
Sex's education is instituted to help the student understand the process Part B : Continent seharusnya Continent’s
of maturation; to eliminate anxieties related to development, to learn
values, and to prevent disease 42. Part A : (B) Besides a mayor, many city governments employ a city
Part B : Sex’s education seharusnya sex education manager
To receive a degree from an American university, one must take many
courses beside those in one's major field.
30. Part A : The evolution of vertebrates suggests development from a very Part B : Beside seharusnya Besides
simple heart in fish to a (A) four-chambers heart in man.
The MX is a four-stages rocket with an 8000-mile range, larger than that of 43. Part A : Part A (C). Because of the time and area involved in the cultivation
the Minuteman. of a forest, trees need more careful planning than any other crop does.
Part B : four-stages seharusnya four-stage Many roads and railroads were built in the 1880s because of the
industrial cities needed a network to link them with sources of supply.
31. Part A : Oil paints are (A) so versatile and durable that they have become Part B : Because of seharusnya Because
the most popular painter's colors.
By the mid-nineteenth century, land was such expensive in large cities 44. Part A : Amniocentesis can be used not only to diagnose fetal disorders .
that (D). but also to determine the sex of the unborn child with 95 percent
architects began to conserve space by designing skyscrapers accuracy.
Part B : such expensive seharusnya so expensive The deadbolt is the best lock for entry doors because it is not only
inexpensive but ins tallation is easy.
32. Part A : Although we often use "speed" and "velocity" interchangeably, Part B : Installation seharusnya but also easy to install
in a technical sense, "speed" is not Always (B) the same as "velocity."
When two products are basically the same as , advertising can influence 45. Part A :Bacterial spores germinate and sprout (B). when they
the public's choice. encounter favorable conditions of temperature and food supply.
Part B : the same as seharusnya the same In most states insurance agents must pass an examination to be
licensed when they will complete their training.
33. Part A : Although they are smaller, chipmunks are (C) Like most other Part B : will complete seharusnya they complate their training
ground squirrels.
The first living structures to appear on Earth thousands of years ago 46. Part A : Recently, there have been several outbreaks of disease
were alike viruses like Legionnaire's syndrome, and doctors don't know (D). what the
Part B : Alike seharusnya like cause is
In Ground Control Approach, the air traffic controller informs the pilot
34. Part A : Modern blimps like the famous Goodyear blimps ( A) differ from how far is the plane from the touchdown point.
the first ones in that they are filled with helium instead of hydrogen Part B : is the plane seharusnya the plane is from the touchdown point
Crocodiles different from alligators in that they have pointed snouts and
long lower teeth that stick out when their mouths are closed. 47. Part A : Not until the Triassic Period (B). Did the first primitive
Part B : different from seharusnya differ from mammals develop
Only rarely wins the same major league baseball team the World Series
35. Part A : After the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, the United States had two years a row.
(C) twice as much land as it had previously owned. Part B : wins the same major league baseball team seharusnya only rarly
With American prices for sugar at three times as much the world price, does the same major league baseball team win the world series two
manufacturers are beginning to use fructose blended with pure sugar, years in a row
or sucrose.
Part B : three time as much seharusnya three time as much as 48. Part A :Penguins, the most highly specialized of all aquatic birds,
may live (C) for twenty years.
36. Part A : In the Great Smoky Mountains, one can see (A) more than 150 Because national statistics on crime have only been kept for possible to
different kinds of trees. make judgments about crime during 1930, it is not the early years of the
Pele scored more as 1280 goals during his career, gaining a reputation nation.
as the best soccer player of all time. Part B : for 1930 seharusnya since 1930
Part B : more as seharusnya more than
49. Part A : (C) As a Whole the Gulf Stream is warmer than the ocean water
37. Part A : It has been estimated that (C) the largest one hundred thousand surrounding it.
men participated in the gold rush of 1898 Part B : as whole seharus as a whole
It is generally accepted that the common cold is strains of viruses that
caused by maybe present in the air at all times. as much as forty 50. Part A: Of all the sities in Texas, (B) San Antonio is probably the most
Part B : as much as forty seharusnya as many as forty picturesque
Thunder that is audible from distances as far away as ten miles
38. Part A : The blue whale is (C) The largest known animal, reaching a length of Par B: Thas tidak di gunakan
more than one hundred feet
The more Theorem. important theorem of all in plane geometry is the
Part B : more important seharusnya most important

39. Part A : (C) the best apples are grown in Washington State.
Because a felony is more bad than a misdemeanor, the punishment is
more severe, and often includes a jail sentence as well as a fine.
Part B : : more bad seharusnya worse

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