The Growth of US Imperialism 3

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US Civilization Mr. N.


Third Year / Grs. 1,4 and 7 April 2020


1. The US-Spanish War (1898) and the American Expansion in the Caribbean:

1.1. The factors that encouraged the US to get embroiled in a confrontation with Spain
1.1.1. Sensational or “Yellow” Journalism`s coverage of Spanish “atrocities” and
“war crimes” (especially William Randolph Hearst`s New York Journal and
Joseph Pulitzer`s New York World)
1.1.2. The Spanish Ambassador to the US`s Letter to his government and his
insulot to US President McKinley as being “weak and a bidder for the
admiration of the crowd”
1.1.3. The blowing off of the US battleship, The Maine in Havana and the death of
260 American marines.

1.2.The case of Cuba:

1.2.1. The Teller Amendment (1898) and the US pledge not to annex Cuba after
the war
1.2.2. The Platt Amendment (1901) and the turning of the Cuba into and
“American Protectorate” by controlling its foreign policy, obligating it to
sell or lease the US naval bases and also giving the US the right to intervene
on Cuban territory at any moment.

1.3.The case of the Philippine Islands:

1.3.1. The Organic Act (1902): the US military rule over the Philippines through a
US-appointed governor and a Commission.
1.3.2. The Jones Act (1916): the loosening of the US grip over Filipinos who were
given the right to elect a lower house then an upper house and finally a
president before becoming totally free from US control.

1.4.The case of Puerto Rico:

1.4.1. The Foraker Act (1900): The US military control over the Puerto Rican
through a US-appointed governor and a Commission
1.4.2. The Jones Act (1917): The US loosening of its grip by giving the Puerto
Ricans the right to elect a lower then an upper house, before sealing the
fate of their territory. Puerto Rico was turned into a self-governing
commonwealth under the US protection all in controlling themselves their
legislature and their finances. Puerto Ricans were given the unrestricted
right to immigrate to the US. In addition, the Puerto Rican exports enjoyed
a special status in the US tariff system

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